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About Spiritual Warfare, Future Of The World, New Ritual Schedule

Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thanks for this post.

It sort of answered what I was thinking about just now, although it was in different words.

I seem to be having a hard time focussing on whats important as of late, spreading myself too thin with accepting more than that I can carry, with the result of being tired.. and spending too much time on things that are not as important.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the above, Id be glad to hear them.
I should quit running around in circles about this.

I was like this as well, I think you just need a daily routine, and stick to it. That‘s all^^

I just tell you whenever I do anything spiritual, try to motivate you and you just try to go along with it?

*extends his fist with thumbs up, while smiling*

I will carry you down my path, partner! >:D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember video of a guy back in 2014 (cant find it anymore cause youtube removed it) who claimed to have worked in underground base with reptilians and greys inside. He basically stated that they want to take over the planet by 2024 and are basically making army of grey clones down there in case something goes wrong and they need to personally take fight above ground. I thought the guy was nuts at that time.

It was interesting to hear his experience though. He basically said that you had to have no thoughts in your head (Im guessing he meant something like void meditation) to avoid them detecting you nearby. He also said you could stun them by pointing mirror at them when they were facing you and tried to use their psychic abilities on you.

While this sounds a little nuts, things like this are not far from the factual truth. Others who have worked in underground bases or for the Gov have said similar things. A person by the name Green [jewish] if I recall, has also revealed a lot of this. Because they know it can't be hidden forever.

These things are to some numbers, already here, on the planet. They simply don't operate as openly yet. Not sure about the mirror thing, but they can definitely sense human thoughts on a distance because of the human mindwaves. People with whom they had the misfortune to meet physically, they dominated them with sheer telepathic power. They did not speak to them.

As about the chronological order of 2024 and how they may want to do some form of invasion or attempted takeover, this is not far from the facts observed either. In Area 51 it's well known they had greys in there, physically so.

Maybe this guy was a psychic and these were impressions he was getting psychic. Many people who are THAT psychic, tend to go insane, because these aliens are proficient in breaking the human mind.

I've read similar things before any they happened to have tidbits of facts. While the details can never be "proven" and the people will always be deemed insane, that doesn't mean there are no facts at all into these stories.

The guy in question was just an engineer who "disappeared" month with whole family after giving that testimony. There was also story of a Dulce security guy that was perverted by some new ager but contained some interesting info like using tech to swap soul from one body to another and use of electromagnetism to create "natural" light underground and some other tech that was used to trap people that were using astral projection to spy underground base.
I'm not reading much this stuff nowdays though because there is always a photo of some grey in there and then I get these annoying persistant mental images of greys after seeing those photos.
Nice to hear about another ritual schedule coming up. I’m looking forward to the new rituals as well.

We keep fighting until our work is done. For ourselves, for the future of Satan’s Earth, for the common man. We protect it all and mold the world as Satan meant for it to be.

Hail Satan!
MiniMe3388 said:
A really beautiful sermon.
Never give up.

Haha finally someone who understands me!

I smiled reading this >:D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember video of a guy back in 2014 (cant find it anymore cause youtube removed it) who claimed to have worked in underground base with reptilians and greys inside. He basically stated that they want to take over the planet by 2024 and are basically making army of grey clones down there in case something goes wrong and they need to personally take fight above ground. I thought the guy was nuts at that time.

It was interesting to hear his experience though. He basically said that you had to have no thoughts in your head (Im guessing he meant something like void meditation) to avoid them detecting you nearby. He also said you could stun them by pointing mirror at them when they were facing you and tried to use their psychic abilities on you.

While this sounds a little nuts, things like this are not far from the factual truth. Others who have worked in underground bases or for the Gov have said similar things. A person by the name Green [jewish] if I recall, has also revealed a lot of this. Because they know it can't be hidden forever.

These things are to some numbers, already here, on the planet. They simply don't operate as openly yet. Not sure about the mirror thing, but they can definitely sense human thoughts on a distance because of the human mindwaves. People with whom they had the misfortune to meet physically, they dominated them with sheer telepathic power. They did not speak to them.

As about the chronological order of 2024 and how they may want to do some form of invasion or attempted takeover, this is not far from the facts observed either. In Area 51 it's well known they had greys in there, physically so.

Maybe this guy was a psychic and these were impressions he was getting psychic. Many people who are THAT psychic, tend to go insane, because these aliens are proficient in breaking the human mind.

I've read similar things before any they happened to have tidbits of facts. While the details can never be "proven" and the people will always be deemed insane, that doesn't mean there are no facts at all into these stories.

Apparently it is now in the open that technology has reached a level where the "fabrics of reality" can be manipulated. The American government recently let out a patent (perhaps old technology of theirs) for '"ufo" fusion energy and reality bending tech' so now private citizens will be able to build with this advanced technology and sell it or whatever to the public.

I was watching this physicist that goes by AlienScientist admit that one of the popular rumors among these type of scientists is that the government reversed engineered alien tech decades ago and this foundation he's part of is aware (or at the least he is) of the Nazi advance science and even about the Thule and Vril Society though i haven't heard him go much into the latter. I highly doubt he's a SS since he smeared Hitler and the Nazis for "going after jews" instead of focusing in the advanced tech.

I finally recently watched the movie "men who stare at goats". There was a main post here about it I recommend those who haven't read it to read it.

Seems everything is finally coming out in the open not just by the enemy trying to control it and saying half truths but it looks like the general populace are getting serious and looking into the power of the mind and what the Hell is exactly going on with the advanced tech our governments has and how. There's no way people will just be like "oh ok cool so we totally just had power within ourselves haha. Totally no reason to look into why we never figured this out." Then there's those who will push to know if we really did reverse engineer alien tech.

I figure the enemy knows it'll be inside the soul of humanity to quickly look into this for not just the future of but the past and will want answers. No not want. Demand. Our job is to make sure the enemy can't defend themselves again. Not this time. This time they'll have no spiritual defense.

One if my points being also how all this is mainstream now that more and more of society's public "intellectuals", so to say, are speaking about this all. That being said it is blatant that it's just around the corner that's something is happening. Whether in a year or two or 5 but it'll be soon.
Its a SHOCKING reality!
I feel like i have not done enough
Everytime i read your posts i get a rude awakening that scares the living shit out of me

I need to take all this more seriously!

Thank you Hp Cobra
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thanks for this post.

It sort of answered what I was thinking about just now, although it was in different words.

I seem to be having a hard time focussing on whats important as of late, spreading myself too thin with accepting more than that I can carry, with the result of being tired.. and spending too much time on things that are not as important.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the above, Id be glad to hear them.
I should quit running around in circles about this.

Set your priorities, a target / a goal
Once you have set your priorities everything else becomes secondary matters

Make a plan how you will get there, then follow your plan and do your best to achieve that goal and don't let anyone or anything distract you

Regardless what you want, keep in mind ... for us as SS nothing is impossible
Where there's a will there's a way.
BlackJackal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:

The guy in question was just an engineer who "disappeared" month with whole family after giving that testimony. There was also story of a Dulce security guy that was perverted by some new ager but contained some interesting info like using tech to swap soul from one body to another and use of electromagnetism to create "natural" light underground and some other tech that was used to trap people that were using astral projection to spy underground base....

I've read copiously of many of these things, for years. Before it was "mainstream". What is unfortunate, is that a lot of these people, and our Gov's also, don't appear to have a "choice". They brutalize them into doing what they want and it's either or.

I've read of testimonies where people KNOW this is all wrong, and that we are going down the wrong road, but there is not a lot of resistance for them to not do it. People that end up in these positions can be really afraid and/or unable to act against these species. Just overpowered.

They bully us collectively. They don't allow any choice to nobody.
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
i have been doing nothing but cleaning, returning curses, obliterating saturn and freeing the soul. Next working will be for my anger problem that ties into the base chakra. sadly though this is also in my chart.i really dont think its a good idea to try to raise the serpent with repressed and uncontrolled anger issues.
I think it's a misconeption that you raise the kundalini. It's more like you create the environment for the kundalini to raise itself.

So that being said, you are doing good progress. ;)

Thanks, yeah thats pretty much what I meant
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
i have been doing nothing but cleaning, returning curses, obliterating saturn and freeing the soul. Next working will be for my anger problem that ties into the base chakra. sadly though this is also in my chart.i really dont think its a good idea to try to raise the serpent with repressed and uncontrolled anger issues.
I think it's a misconeption that you raise the kundalini. It's more like you create the environment for the kundalini to raise itself.

So that being said, you are doing good progress. ;)

I wont even get into " I have a risen Kundalini meme". But it will always be 1000 times better to get into this fully if you really consider the Gods as your friends ( like the Yezidis) or anything that sort of puts you in that direction. Without them honestly we all would be lost greatly, even advancing certain areas of the mind can cause problems while adjusting or getting to having power over it. Why would anyone go through this everyday? Friend/love/whatever your driving force is. I do t write this as a 100 percent true statement but there are many " stores" selling kundalini with a 15 minute yoga workout and LSD stamps in many places in the world; many of which have extensive reading and knowledge about these and the way the War is goi g it is very easy to quit this site and go away to another while still being " spiritual" . So a driving force to stay should be ever present or should be a very important part of embarking on this journey to a greater life.
I for example dream about how it will be when they are back, cutoff reality and just enjoy that time. That is a very strong reason to even attempt to be immortal. With so many people dying and with our loved ones dying in the future, " immortality" can seem bleak even. This image or a strong why can be a very good motivating force and can help one stay strong. Again I write this in response to an attack I had last year and have been thinking about what this religion means for me. It got clearer as we approached the end of 2020 that most people were losing braincells and becoming erratic while we got better; same energy levels with the enemy or maybe even they got better or worse; Idk, idc. Now think about what this means for most of the people of the world . Cobra if anything has been saying true statements and getting backlashed for it endlessly. This was from the - those that dont meditate over time will suffer ( something along this line) ; ( while I would often ask myself about what would happen to those that dont meditate etc).

I apologize if I wrote lots of things that werent meant for this exact response of yours . I am getting reallg short on time; rather having severe mismanagement in time so I will try to respond better or make new topics where suited.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thanks for this post.

It sort of answered what I was thinking about just now, although it was in different words.

I seem to be having a hard time focussing on whats important as of late, spreading myself too thin with accepting more than that I can carry, with the result of being tired.. and spending too much time on things that are not as important.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with the above, Id be glad to hear them.
I should quit running around in circles about this.

Depends on what part of life you are talking about - physical, mental, spiritual or if I am brave enough, online.
Having routines do work well, 40 day manual can help in this.
Wake up, while on bed you can clean, build and void followed by breathing exercises or yoga, anything you fancy. Jump up on the treadmill or cycle or even on foot and get in a good 30-40 mins workout.
What I noticed was multi tasking is shit. Focus on a task till it is not complete; the quality will be a million times better while completing quicker. Certain tasks though are time bound low productivity tasks, you can use this time for other activies. Like time spent on commute can be used to just made a steong white gold on your pineal for 5-10 minutes or anything of that sort; mantras for me; in the area I live caused lots of attacks when done in open so I cant really be sure on this. Now distractions can be cut down or just lowered in most cases. For example music can be heard while working out as opposed to sitting and being fully focused on it. It this is work realted then there is really not much I can say here as I may not be qualified to answer it precisely. Cut down work if you are way too tired. It is stupid working really long as for me personally it involved cutting most people out of my life and just getting work done while missing out on networking. Aiming for perfection in everything can also be a nerve wreching process so just get tasks completed as be proud of yourself. I would be like hearing an autistic kid if I had to explain how many times I repeat "SS/Army/Strong" in my mind just to get most of my tasks done. lol, it does pay off though in the long term.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I had a nightmare this morning and I couldn't finish the RTR because I was going to puke.

That’s really weird as a had a dream this morning of people getting sick and puking it was somethjng highly contagious ther were lots of people in the dream was alil confusing not sure if it’s just my mind
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember video of a guy back in 2014 (cant find it anymore cause youtube removed it) who claimed to have worked in underground base with reptilians and greys inside. He basically stated that they want to take over the planet by 2024 and are basically making army of grey clones down there in case something goes wrong and they need to personally take fight above ground. I thought the guy was nuts at that time.

It was interesting to hear his experience though. He basically said that you had to have no thoughts in your head (Im guessing he meant something like void meditation) to avoid them detecting you nearby. He also said you could stun them by pointing mirror at them when they were facing you and tried to use their psychic abilities on you.

But are these entities able to even conquer the planet at the current level?(I'm aware it's the spiritual warfare that makes them think twice)

Is their psychic levels so powerful they can stop every human opponent coming at them?

I recall reading on bibliotechaplyades(I know, I know) but I recall some military base had a grey escape and they chased it with an Abram's tank and the alien stopped, turned around, waved it's hand and disintegrated the tank with mental kaballah. I don't believe the story as I find it hard to believe this alien is so extraordinary powerful he can just vaporize things with it's mind. Sounds almost like some anime shit going on. But I tell you the shit said sometimes is like "Is it real? or is that just new age mumbo jumbo bullshit tall tales?

Are they in large enough numbers or is their numbers just a skeleton crew to hold the fort down until some sort of below ground and above ground invasion. I know in many parts of the World as we dig ever deeper we find shit and scary shit around underground. Like this place in Carpathian(Romania) mountains whereby they heard loud scary sounds and left the place.

Also have you ever spoken to the Gods about them(Grey/Reptilians)? when it comes to their military strength or what's gonna happen when our side arrives?

I assume the enemy isn't gonna go quietly but rather kicking and screaming.

If you can't or don't want to answer my questions that is fine. If you feel like making a sermon or something talking about it not sure how much you have on your hands, that's cool too.

I've always been curious for a while now how much the enemy E.T. physically pose a threat at the current levels. Surely the empire of Draco isn't gonna come in with a mass invasion and have situation exposed. I recall there's also that whole "We come in peace" crap that's done. Like LuciferianLiberationFront(LLF), they come in spreading the gospel of krast and all the xtians walk into their ships and good bye xtians literally forever cause it's gonna be a massacre.

Anyways are they a threat that is credible enough currently?

If you see it through a military mindset, when your enemy is in your territory and as they march through your territory during an active war, they have to leave behind Garrisons in important locations to guard them from any kind of rebellion or a possible airborne attack.

Here, the territory is of Satan and his Daemons and the enemy is the reptilians. Our star system and many other systems are currently occupied and HPS Maxine stated that Satan and the Gods will be here in around 10-20 years. Therefore it is possible that this means it will take them 10-20 years to reach here during their retake of the lost sectors of our Galaxy from the enemy. But then they also assure us that if the Reptilians plan to fuck up our world, they would take care of that and won't let that happen. This means, the Gods have some kind of special forces ready for action.

The military strategy of leaving behind garrisons is pretty common and universal, so I don't think I am wrong here.
What I am saying is, there is probably a Enemy Garrison somewhere in our Star System and this place is not the frontline of the war that is going on. A garrisons can be big or small and has limited numbers and very few reinforcements because most of the reinforcements are sent towards the frontline. The frontline is somewhere else. Which means there is only a Garrison here. Looking at how enemy behaves here, the Garrison here in our star system seems small or can be a medium sized, but who knows.

If our Star System was a frontline, it would be in chaos right now. Although, it was a frontline some thousands of years ago during which Phaeton and Mars were destroyed. Our star system can obviously become a frontline again if the enemy is doing more retreating than fighting.

As I said, the strategy of leaving behind garrisons is pretty common and universal, which is why one of the race near our star system have taken back their planet, probably because the reptilian/grey Garrison was very small and became ineffective. These reptilians and greys are beings, who can killed. They have some level of psychic powers but they can be killed, they are not bulletproof [only if they wear an Armour of some kind]. They want to take away Guns from common people for this reason as well because our guns can kill or at least hurt them if they ever try to instill fear through an 'alien' invasion type of thing.

These enemy beings are actually afraid of us because we really are like a sleeping Dragon and they want to keep us asleep until they implement a type of control over it. Now that the Dragon may wake up or will wake up, they are trying to 'Chain' this Dragon or destroy/injure this Dragon called Humans.

They are so afraid that they don't let us rise up to their level of power for a fair fight while they preach equality at the same time, how ironic :lol:
They keep us on the lower level and themselves on the higher, so that we always lose the fight. How is this a equal? They clearly are afraid but smart enough to know that they have to keep us below them to win the fight.

But one thing is sure, they understand Nature better than the NPCs they have created on Earth who 24x7 bark "Equality!", I won't underestimate beings who can create NPC out of a Intelligent Conscious Being.

More Final RTR!!!!

Hail Satan and the Daemons!
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.

hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BlackJackal said:
I remember video of a guy back in 2014 (cant find it anymore cause youtube removed it) who claimed to have worked in underground base with reptilians and greys inside. He basically stated that they want to take over the planet by 2024 and are basically making army of grey clones down there in case something goes wrong and they need to personally take fight above ground. I thought the guy was nuts at that time.

It was interesting to hear his experience though. He basically said that you had to have no thoughts in your head (Im guessing he meant something like void meditation) to avoid them detecting you nearby. He also said you could stun them by pointing mirror at them when they were facing you and tried to use their psychic abilities on you.

While this sounds a little nuts, things like this are not far from the factual truth. Others who have worked in underground bases or for the Gov have said similar things. A person by the name Green [jewish] if I recall, has also revealed a lot of this. Because they know it can't be hidden forever.

These things are to some numbers, already here, on the planet. They simply don't operate as openly yet. Not sure about the mirror thing, but they can definitely sense human thoughts on a distance because of the human mindwaves. People with whom they had the misfortune to meet physically, they dominated them with sheer telepathic power. They did not speak to them.

As about the chronological order of 2024 and how they may want to do some form of invasion or attempted takeover, this is not far from the facts observed either. In Area 51 it's well known they had greys in there, physically so.

Maybe this guy was a psychic and these were impressions he was getting psychic. Many people who are THAT psychic, tend to go insane, because these aliens are proficient in breaking the human mind.

I've read similar things before any they happened to have tidbits of facts. While the details can never be "proven" and the people will always be deemed insane, that doesn't mean there are no facts at all into these stories.

Apparently it is now in the open that technology has reached a level where the "fabrics of reality" can be manipulated. The American government recently let out a patent (perhaps old technology of theirs) for '"ufo" fusion energy and reality bending tech' so now private citizens will be able to build with this advanced technology and sell it or whatever to the public.

I was watching this physicist that goes by AlienScientist admit that one of the popular rumors among these type of scientists is that the government reversed engineered alien tech decades ago and this foundation he's part of is aware (or at the least he is) of the Nazi advance science and even about the Thule and Vril Society though i haven't heard him go much into the latter. I highly doubt he's a SS since he smeared Hitler and the Nazis for "going after jews" instead of focusing in the advanced tech.

I finally recently watched the movie "men who stare at goats". There was a main post here about it I recommend those who haven't read it to read it.

Seems everything is finally coming out in the open not just by the enemy trying to control it and saying half truths but it looks like the general populace are getting serious and looking into the power of the mind and what the Hell is exactly going on with the advanced tech our governments has and how. There's no way people will just be like "oh ok cool so we totally just had power within ourselves haha. Totally no reason to look into why we never figured this out." Then there's those who will push to know if we really did reverse engineer alien tech.

I figure the enemy knows it'll be inside the soul of humanity to quickly look into this for not just the future of but the past and will want answers. No not want. Demand. Our job is to make sure the enemy can't defend themselves again. Not this time. This time they'll have no spiritual defense.

One if my points being also how all this is mainstream now that more and more of society's public "intellectuals", so to say, are speaking about this all. That being said it is blatant that it's just around the corner that's something is happening. Whether in a year or two or 5 but it'll be soon.
Nikois666 said:
If you see it through a military mindset, when your enemy is in your territory and as they march through your territory during an active war, they have to leave behind Garrisons in important locations to guard them from any kind of rebellion or a possible airborne attack.

Here, the territory is of Satan and his Daemons and the enemy is the reptilians. Our star system and many other systems are currently occupied and HPS Maxine stated that Satan and the Gods will be here in around 10-20 years. Therefore it is possible that this means it will take them 10-20 years to reach here during their retake of the lost sectors of our Galaxy from the enemy. But then they also assure us that if the Reptilians plan to fuck up our world, they would take care of that and won't let that happen. This means, the Gods have some kind of special forces ready for action.

The military strategy of leaving behind garrisons is pretty common and universal, so I don't think I am wrong here.
What I am saying is, there is probably a Enemy Garrison somewhere in our Star System and this place is not the frontline of the war that is going on. A garrisons can be big or small and has limited numbers and very few reinforcements because most of the reinforcements are sent towards the frontline. The frontline is somewhere else. Which means there is only a Garrison here. Looking at how enemy behaves here, the Garrison here in our star system seems small or can be a medium sized, but who knows.

If our Star System was a frontline, it would be in chaos right now. Although, it was a frontline some thousands of years ago during which Phaeton and Mars were destroyed. Our star system can obviously become a frontline again if the enemy is doing more retreating than fighting.

As I said, the strategy of leaving behind garrisons is pretty common and universal, which is why one of the race near our star system have taken back their planet, probably because the reptilian/grey Garrison was very small and became ineffective. These reptilians and greys are beings, who can killed. They have some level of psychic powers but they can be killed, they are not bulletproof [only if they wear an Armour of some kind]. They want to take away Guns from common people for this reason as well because our guns can kill or at least hurt them if they ever try to instill fear through an 'alien' invasion type of thing.

These enemy beings are actually afraid of us because we really are like a sleeping Dragon and they want to keep us asleep until they implement a type of control over it. Now that the Dragon may wake up or will wake up, they are trying to 'Chain' this Dragon or destroy/injure this Dragon called Humans.

They are so afraid that they don't let us rise up to their level of power for a fair fight while they preach equality at the same time, how ironic :lol:
They keep us on the lower level and themselves on the higher, so that we always lose the fight. How is this a equal? They clearly are afraid but smart enough to know that they have to keep us below them to win the fight.

But one thing is sure, they understand Nature better than the NPCs they have created on Earth who 24x7 bark "Equality!", I won't underestimate beings who can create NPC out of a Intelligent Conscious Being.

More Final RTR!!!!

Hail Satan and the Daemons!
Their garrison must be pretty small, but the issue lies with how quickly they can clone their drones, or if they have any significant elements on other moons ( Mimas, Europa) or other planets, if indeed they surface around 2024. Not to mention their air capabilities. I know nothing about their land capabilities, but I doubt they would fight us on foot unless they have exosuits or AI. After all, you don't fight fair if you want to win a war.

I'm not sure as to the nature of the enemy military element here. Are they a logistics element? An engineer element? I think their combat elements would all be at the frontlines, especially now.

Great observation by the way.
I just hope that our gentile militaries manage to acquire some of their alien tech to use it against them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.

hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While this sounds a little nuts, things like this are not far from the factual truth. Others who have worked in underground bases or for the Gov have said similar things. A person by the name Green [jewish] if I recall, has also revealed a lot of this. Because they know it can't be hidden forever.

These things are to some numbers, already here, on the planet. They simply don't operate as openly yet. Not sure about the mirror thing, but they can definitely sense human thoughts on a distance because of the human mindwaves. People with whom they had the misfortune to meet physically, they dominated them with sheer telepathic power. They did not speak to them.

As about the chronological order of 2024 and how they may want to do some form of invasion or attempted takeover, this is not far from the facts observed either. In Area 51 it's well known they had greys in there, physically so.

Maybe this guy was a psychic and these were impressions he was getting psychic. Many people who are THAT psychic, tend to go insane, because these aliens are proficient in breaking the human mind.

I've read similar things before any they happened to have tidbits of facts. While the details can never be "proven" and the people will always be deemed insane, that doesn't mean there are no facts at all into these stories.

Apparently it is now in the open that technology has reached a level where the "fabrics of reality" can be manipulated. The American government recently let out a patent (perhaps old technology of theirs) for '"ufo" fusion energy and reality bending tech' so now private citizens will be able to build with this advanced technology and sell it or whatever to the public.

I was watching this physicist that goes by AlienScientist admit that one of the popular rumors among these type of scientists is that the government reversed engineered alien tech decades ago and this foundation he's part of is aware (or at the least he is) of the Nazi advance science and even about the Thule and Vril Society though i haven't heard him go much into the latter. I highly doubt he's a SS since he smeared Hitler and the Nazis for "going after jews" instead of focusing in the advanced tech.

I finally recently watched the movie "men who stare at goats". There was a main post here about it I recommend those who haven't read it to read it.

Seems everything is finally coming out in the open not just by the enemy trying to control it and saying half truths but it looks like the general populace are getting serious and looking into the power of the mind and what the Hell is exactly going on with the advanced tech our governments has and how. There's no way people will just be like "oh ok cool so we totally just had power within ourselves haha. Totally no reason to look into why we never figured this out." Then there's those who will push to know if we really did reverse engineer alien tech.

I figure the enemy knows it'll be inside the soul of humanity to quickly look into this for not just the future of but the past and will want answers. No not want. Demand. Our job is to make sure the enemy can't defend themselves again. Not this time. This time they'll have no spiritual defense.

One if my points being also how all this is mainstream now that more and more of society's public "intellectuals", so to say, are speaking about this all. That being said it is blatant that it's just around the corner that's something is happening. Whether in a year or two or 5 but it'll be soon.

I have not looked into much but thank you bringing it up and reminding me about it! I'm not surprised they were able to get it functional by that time. Especially with the help of spiritual power that today's decent scientists are finally finding out again that is very true.

I don't even know where to begin to explain how vast and so amazing all this knowledge is and that's just with the limited I know from someone in my level at the moment. (Not super advanced yet but I have advanced ). Then again I would have take an educated guess and guess that there's no need to explain to you lol.

I always loved science but never have I thought science could be this not just incredible but beautiful especially now that I better understand the true purpose of humanity and our potential. Its to the point I have new anger against the enemy for stealing all this from us. I made sure to use that anger tho at the appropriate time.

I'll do what I can once I look into and learn more about The Bell and gonna start showing this around on the net. Asap. Others should too as I have seen other posts bringing up or implying they're in some of the same places I'm at on the internet.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While this sounds a little nuts, things like this are not far from the factual truth. Others who have worked in underground bases or for the Gov have said similar things. A person by the name Green [jewish] if I recall, has also revealed a lot of this. Because they know it can't be hidden forever.

These things are to some numbers, already here, on the planet. They simply don't operate as openly yet. Not sure about the mirror thing, but they can definitely sense human thoughts on a distance because of the human mindwaves. People with whom they had the misfortune to meet physically, they dominated them with sheer telepathic power. They did not speak to them.

As about the chronological order of 2024 and how they may want to do some form of invasion or attempted takeover, this is not far from the facts observed either. In Area 51 it's well known they had greys in there, physically so.

Maybe this guy was a psychic and these were impressions he was getting psychic. Many people who are THAT psychic, tend to go insane, because these aliens are proficient in breaking the human mind.

I've read similar things before any they happened to have tidbits of facts. While the details can never be "proven" and the people will always be deemed insane, that doesn't mean there are no facts at all into these stories.

Apparently it is now in the open that technology has reached a level where the "fabrics of reality" can be manipulated. The American government recently let out a patent (perhaps old technology of theirs) for '"ufo" fusion energy and reality bending tech' so now private citizens will be able to build with this advanced technology and sell it or whatever to the public.

I was watching this physicist that goes by AlienScientist admit that one of the popular rumors among these type of scientists is that the government reversed engineered alien tech decades ago and this foundation he's part of is aware (or at the least he is) of the Nazi advance science and even about the Thule and Vril Society though i haven't heard him go much into the latter. I highly doubt he's a SS since he smeared Hitler and the Nazis for "going after jews" instead of focusing in the advanced tech.

I finally recently watched the movie "men who stare at goats". There was a main post here about it I recommend those who haven't read it to read it.

Seems everything is finally coming out in the open not just by the enemy trying to control it and saying half truths but it looks like the general populace are getting serious and looking into the power of the mind and what the Hell is exactly going on with the advanced tech our governments has and how. There's no way people will just be like "oh ok cool so we totally just had power within ourselves haha. Totally no reason to look into why we never figured this out." Then there's those who will push to know if we really did reverse engineer alien tech.

I figure the enemy knows it'll be inside the soul of humanity to quickly look into this for not just the future of but the past and will want answers. No not want. Demand. Our job is to make sure the enemy can't defend themselves again. Not this time. This time they'll have no spiritual defense.

One if my points being also how all this is mainstream now that more and more of society's public "intellectuals", so to say, are speaking about this all. That being said it is blatant that it's just around the corner that's something is happening. Whether in a year or two or 5 but it'll be soon.

I have gotten an excessive emphasis on 4-5 years from the Gods in communication, and I’m unable to determine what this means in exact terms so I can’t say it has any correlation to this or what it’s specifically related to. But this is definitely interesting. It was told that in 4-5 years there are going to be drastic changes, and at the time I figured this was a personal thing. But I’m suspecting that many of the things I received during times of higher astral clarity that they may be related to matters as a whole and not as personally related as previously thought. Still to be determined.
I have been feeling like astral energies have been in sort of like stagnation and time delay sort of mode with Mercury being retrograde in Aquarius and Saturn adding to the energies of the retrograde since Saturn is also in Aquarius. Also very watery depressive energy time of year as well.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.
The americans took this technology. Probably from Operation Paperclip when many of the smartest German scientists came to america to work for Nasa and other government programs.

I don't know if the americans took the original one, or if they took the scientists who built it and made them build another one. But American military did have this in the 1960s and they did test it and get it to fly. This object crashed in the forest in Kecksburg Pennsylvania near a bunch of hiking trails, and it was witnessed by many regular people. Military officers immediately came in to see if the thing was damaged, then brought in a truck and took it away. More witnesses saw it on the truck on the road, they were in such a rush that they didn't cover it with anything. Military guys also interviewed all the witnesses  for several hours using that trick that police use sometimes to give people false memories and make them admit to things that they never did. To make the people believe a fake version of what happened, and forget what really happened. But all of the witnesses described the exact same object. Bell shaped, metal, and with some kind of foreign writing around it.

I think this is one of the shows that I saw about it.

I saw a few documentaries about this when I was young. And the way that it was described matches the way that Joseph Farrell describes the Nazi Bell in his book. There is a PDF of this book in here.       https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w  
Therealbornoffire666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I had a nightmare this morning and I couldn't finish the RTR because I was going to puke.

That’s really weird as a had a dream this morning of people getting sick and puking it was somethjng highly contagious ther were lots of people in the dream was alil confusing not sure if it’s just my mind
I was going to puke when i was saying KH during the RTR. And I often have nightmares a few days before we start our schedules which should be exactly when the enemy strikes with their shitty rituals.
Luxsigil said:
How tf do you post a new topic on this

You CAN'T make a new post in the Important Articles thread. You CAN make a post in the Joy of Satan main threads though. There's a button on top to click that says "new topic".
Luxsigil said:
How tf do you post a new topic on this

The bigger T.F. that should be asked is. HOW do you not know how to navigate a forum and post on the appropriate section?(does it take THAT much effort to use the scroll wheel on your mouse to go downwards and read the site?)

If you got this far and knew to create an account maybe you would have realized we have a announcement section and as well as sub-sections signifying stuff like General or other stuff.

Also if you believe we are a forums only organization.


And IF your concerned with the National Socialist(Nazi) aspect of our organization just settle down relax and study it. Because it's not in any way, shape, or form bad unlike how mainstream judenthumped goyim act like.
I have been following a man named Clif High. He invented predictive linguistics back in the 90's. He would put out reports etc. He had a high success rate at prediction. Allot of his reports went way out over 10 years. This year is called the year of woo. There's a high probability that the gov't will finally leak that aliens are real this summer which will cause humanity to rethink everything. The big lie will finally end. They do this because of great financial problems . This would be great news for JOS members and very bad news for organized religion .
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
My fiance has started her Satanic path, I believe it is owed to our collective effort to elevate consciousness as a whole.

She was not interested in practicing until a couple weeks ago but all of a sudden she woke up and told me she wants to start Yoga every morning or night with me !

She has two children that I love as my own and we are also slowly integrating Pagan lifestyle.


Wonderful. Wait about 40 days in with her Yoga schedule and she will be certain she has been doing the best decision of her life.

Stay motivated, stay strong. Beautiful news.

My brother has actually proved to be somewhat open in the recent months and even claims to meditate. he actually has had dreams where he has heard Demons names and apparently came to him. One evening, i was doing RTRS and right after the rituals i get a text from him talking about some "crazy dream" he just woke up from that moment where he claimed to be visited by a Demon named "uphir" I made a thread about this awhile back https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43453&p=187683&hilit=uphir#p187683, ofcourse this turned out to be an enemy entity and he was freaked out when i found its info saying he never heard the name before. i told him it happened because the enemy was pissed at me for the RTRS. I told him, that wasnt a Demon ofcourse, as Demons don't do that, that i have percieved Abraxas, who i feel close to, coming to me in dreams and was never like that. He told me later a bout some detail in the dream about someone mentioning one waking up with scratches and saying this happend to him as a kid. i told him if it happens again we could do a banishing ritual. I then Asked Abraxas to protect him. When i came back from someplace in december he told me about some other dreams he had back in october, about a tall silhouette in the dark...he felt pressure and said the man had a deep voice...he said he imediately thought of The Demon i felt close to..he then said to my brother in the dream " dont look at my face". then in the distance my brother hears the name "Abraxas". then apon waking up he says he Hears Azazels name. i know i mentioned some of the Gods to him before....but especially because of the first dream he had along with other things im not sure its a coincidence. this thing with recieving messages in dreams also seems to run in our family both our parents and we have it as well.

there was another where he dreamt of the cat telling him he needed to go to the vet. i heeded the warning and turned out to be right to do so.

one day i took him on the site here recently and was showing him things about the human soul and chakras. then i took him out to clean his aura. suddenly a white dog comes out of nowhere and peers around the corner at us, frozen in place watching. the next day we take him to the airport to catch his flight...we see that same kind of white dog there and my dad just randomly says 'take that dog with you" as a joke. funnily enough to day we were driving back some where and i see that same white dog again in someones car from the first time, and it was at the same time my dad was on the phone with my brother. Dogs are popular familiars and iknow Anubis is close to dogs so i got the feeling someone was watching over him, besides me asking Abraxas to protect him, which i really thing happened, as the entity from before never came back. He is interested in alot of aspects in the ancient practices, and i have tried proposing him to dedicate. I have even shown him how to detach someone from his aura which has worked for him. i am hoping he comes around soon but he still has alot of xtian programming.
idk how to say this but i was being attacked and remembered hearing cats in my astral and a cat walk up to me while i looked in my head and I was petting than some other stuff happened that i dont wanna talk about. I did stated that i wanted to see a demon as a cat before i saw it seeing that your name says shadowcat in a way makes me feel odd because after reading that your brother heard something about a kid waking scratched as a kid gave me the craziest goosdbumps because when I was a kid I woke up with scratches on my arm and remember before waking having a dream about a invisible entity scratching me. I dont wanna make this long but reading your post made me remember that im a big dreamer as well and how i connected with my mom, dad , and even cousins in my dreams. Im shocked asf right now with all that. Gods bless you bro
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.
The americans took this technology. Probably from Operation Paperclip when many of the smartest German scientists came to america to work for Nasa and other government programs.

I don't know if the americans took the original one, or if they took the scientists who built it and made them build another one. But American military did have this in the 1960s and they did test it and get it to fly. This object crashed in the forest in Kecksburg Pennsylvania near a bunch of hiking trails, and it was witnessed by many regular people. Military officers immediately came in to see if the thing was damaged, then brought in a truck and took it away. More witnesses saw it on the truck on the road, they were in such a rush that they didn't cover it with anything. Military guys also interviewed all the witnesses  for several hours using that trick that police use sometimes to give people false memories and make them admit to things that they never did. To make the people believe a fake version of what happened, and forget what really happened. But all of the witnesses described the exact same object. Bell shaped, metal, and with some kind of foreign writing around it.

I think this is one of the shows that I saw about it.

I saw a few documentaries about this when I was young. And the way that it was described matches the way that Joseph Farrell describes the Nazi Bell in his book. There is a PDF of this book in here.       https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w  

From what I gathered years ago, this is used for travelling through dimensions and through the aether.

I also have read before, the United States military does have a technology which is like an etheric portal, allowing people to go through excessive distances through materialization. This was made fun of in some shows, if I am not mistaken, Simpsons or Rick and Morty. This one looked like a gate, which also had the same inscriptions which supposedly related to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

While this may be an overkill, I don't doubt this is scientifically possible. Maybe not currently perfected, but definitely possible.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.
The americans took this technology. Probably from Operation Paperclip when many of the smartest German scientists came to america to work for Nasa and other government programs.

I don't know if the americans took the original one, or if they took the scientists who built it and made them build another one. But American military did have this in the 1960s and they did test it and get it to fly. This object crashed in the forest in Kecksburg Pennsylvania near a bunch of hiking trails, and it was witnessed by many regular people. Military officers immediately came in to see if the thing was damaged, then brought in a truck and took it away. More witnesses saw it on the truck on the road, they were in such a rush that they didn't cover it with anything. Military guys also interviewed all the witnesses  for several hours using that trick that police use sometimes to give people false memories and make them admit to things that they never did. To make the people believe a fake version of what happened, and forget what really happened. But all of the witnesses described the exact same object. Bell shaped, metal, and with some kind of foreign writing around it.

I think this is one of the shows that I saw about it.

I saw a few documentaries about this when I was young. And the way that it was described matches the way that Joseph Farrell describes the Nazi Bell in his book. There is a PDF of this book in here.       https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w  

From what I gathered years ago, this is used for travelling through dimensions and through the aether.

I also have read before, the United States military does have a technology which is like an etheric portal, allowing people to go through excessive distances through materialization. This was made fun of in some shows, if I am not mistaken, Simpsons or Rick and Morty. This one looked like a gate, which also had the same inscriptions which supposedly related to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

While this may be an overkill, I don't doubt this is scientifically possible. Maybe not currently perfected, but definitely possible.
I didn't believe in this stuff, but if you have the doubt that it could exist, well fuck if I now have that doubt too. Lol
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Have you looked into "The Bell" that the National Socialist scientists created? This technology was very true. The claim goes it was already operational by the end of WW2. These are only on the surface. Ancient peoples understood many of these laws.
The americans took this technology. Probably from Operation Paperclip when many of the smartest German scientists came to america to work for Nasa and other government programs.

I don't know if the americans took the original one, or if they took the scientists who built it and made them build another one. But American military did have this in the 1960s and they did test it and get it to fly. This object crashed in the forest in Kecksburg Pennsylvania near a bunch of hiking trails, and it was witnessed by many regular people. Military officers immediately came in to see if the thing was damaged, then brought in a truck and took it away. More witnesses saw it on the truck on the road, they were in such a rush that they didn't cover it with anything. Military guys also interviewed all the witnesses  for several hours using that trick that police use sometimes to give people false memories and make them admit to things that they never did. To make the people believe a fake version of what happened, and forget what really happened. But all of the witnesses described the exact same object. Bell shaped, metal, and with some kind of foreign writing around it.

I think this is one of the shows that I saw about it.

I saw a few documentaries about this when I was young. And the way that it was described matches the way that Joseph Farrell describes the Nazi Bell in his book. There is a PDF of this book in here.       https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w  

From what I gathered years ago, this is used for travelling through dimensions and through the aether.

I also have read before, the United States military does have a technology which is like an etheric portal, allowing people to go through excessive distances through materialization. This was made fun of in some shows, if I am not mistaken, Simpsons or Rick and Morty. This one looked like a gate, which also had the same inscriptions which supposedly related to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

While this may be an overkill, I don't doubt this is scientifically possible. Maybe not currently perfected, but definitely possible.

Huh that explains the runic markings on the "bell shaped" ship that crashed in America. I was wondering why it had runes on it and thought maybe that Nazis were in there it just didn't make sense with what happened after the crash. Like the military knew about the whole situation since they moved so quickly to grab the ship and this was before advanced of radar we have now. I also thought a drone maybe. Now I feel like the runes/hieroglyphics are necessary and I have a general understanding of why.
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wonderful. Wait about 40 days in with her Yoga schedule and she will be certain she has been doing the best decision of her life.

Stay motivated, stay strong. Beautiful news.

My brother has actually proved to be somewhat open in the recent months and even claims to meditate. he actually has had dreams where he has heard Demons names and apparently came to him. One evening, i was doing RTRS and right after the rituals i get a text from him talking about some "crazy dream" he just woke up from that moment where he claimed to be visited by a Demon named "uphir" I made a thread about this awhile back https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43453&p=187683&hilit=uphir#p187683, ofcourse this turned out to be an enemy entity and he was freaked out when i found its info saying he never heard the name before. i told him it happened because the enemy was pissed at me for the RTRS. I told him, that wasnt a Demon ofcourse, as Demons don't do that, that i have percieved Abraxas, who i feel close to, coming to me in dreams and was never like that. He told me later a bout some detail in the dream about someone mentioning one waking up with scratches and saying this happend to him as a kid. i told him if it happens again we could do a banishing ritual. I then Asked Abraxas to protect him. When i came back from someplace in december he told me about some other dreams he had back in october, about a tall silhouette in the dark...he felt pressure and said the man had a deep voice...he said he imediately thought of The Demon i felt close to..he then said to my brother in the dream " dont look at my face". then in the distance my brother hears the name "Abraxas". then apon waking up he says he Hears Azazels name. i know i mentioned some of the Gods to him before....but especially because of the first dream he had along with other things im not sure its a coincidence. this thing with recieving messages in dreams also seems to run in our family both our parents and we have it as well.

there was another where he dreamt of the cat telling him he needed to go to the vet. i heeded the warning and turned out to be right to do so.

one day i took him on the site here recently and was showing him things about the human soul and chakras. then i took him out to clean his aura. suddenly a white dog comes out of nowhere and peers around the corner at us, frozen in place watching. the next day we take him to the airport to catch his flight...we see that same kind of white dog there and my dad just randomly says 'take that dog with you" as a joke. funnily enough to day we were driving back some where and i see that same white dog again in someones car from the first time, and it was at the same time my dad was on the phone with my brother. Dogs are popular familiars and iknow Anubis is close to dogs so i got the feeling someone was watching over him, besides me asking Abraxas to protect him, which i really thing happened, as the entity from before never came back. He is interested in alot of aspects in the ancient practices, and i have tried proposing him to dedicate. I have even shown him how to detach someone from his aura which has worked for him. i am hoping he comes around soon but he still has alot of xtian programming.
idk how to say this but i was being attacked and remembered hearing cats in my astral and a cat walk up to me while i looked in my head and I was petting than some other stuff happened that i dont wanna talk about. I did stated that i wanted to see a demon as a cat before i saw it seeing that your name says shadowcat in a way makes me feel odd because after reading that your brother heard something about a kid waking scratched as a kid gave me the craziest goosdbumps because when I was a kid I woke up with scratches on my arm and remember before waking having a dream about a invisible entity scratching me. I dont wanna make this long but reading your post made me remember that im a big dreamer as well and how i connected with my mom, dad , and even cousins in my dreams. Im shocked asf right now with all that. Gods bless you bro

If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
Aquarius said:
I didn't believe in this stuff, but if you have the doubt that it could exist, well fuck if I now have that doubt too. Lol
As fas as I know there are no limits in the universe. Simply natural laws, and that's that. So that being said I think there is inconceivably lot for humanity to discover.
Speaking about the "Spiritual Technologies" well ACTUAL Spiri-tech with free energy or low power requirement.

It seems to me like IF the Gods KNEW Germany was gonna fail to win. I'm guessing Satan and the Gods wanted to scare the bejesus out of the enemy and make sure they don't manifest anything. I'm sure for all the failure to win, non the less it created scenarios that caused the enemy to majorly panic and be defeated elsewhere or in key areas.

But these spiritual technologies seemingly it seems like "What was the point of giving it to us?" IF it was just gonna be censored and hidden by the World's military. I'm aware some might state that it's technology to make sure they(humans) are scared and go "WTF these Nordics are in an insane level of development". And make sure the greys and reptilians don't cause fear among the humans.

But it seems like "Nothing but hidden bullshit is being done with this technology". I'm sick and tired of seeing people waste their time flying 8-10 hours+ just to cross over the U.S. or Europe or whatever. And funny enough the whole teleportation thing is a meme joke in anime/cartoons. For example I watched Venture Brothers a while back sometime in early 2020. And the guy from the OSI wanted to capture and hide Dr.Venture's teleporters cause Monarch stole it and he states the perfect State-Crony Capitalist dupe statement "IF he produces those things there goes Fedex and all the deliveries then even grandma can just get things teleported to her house".

Honestly it seems like life is just one big joke. I know some of these spiritual technologies are deadly as hell like Tesla's pocket Earthquake maker. Or Tesla's Tunguska device. Or some scalar X/Y/Zed inferometric grating like advanced calculatory weapon system.

I know the Spiritual god weapons are FAR more deadly than even a thermonuclear.

But for fucks sake it seems like we have to live in this World slowly being murdered by noxious emissions and all this harmful substances.

I recall Tim Pool in two or three recent videos mentioning the Replicator(3D Printer/Materializer) from (((Star Trek))). And it's like "Yeah where IS those replicators?". I'd like a G.M.I.G.(God-like Military-Industrial Grade)(Vrill-ya) quality version. I'd like the Empire of Orion edition. I can't believe things like broccoli having a maximum level threshold of rat feces whereby IF you gather broccoli and the rat feces is controlled you don't need to throw it away it is human-safe.

I tell you sometimes I wonder what the hell is up with humans believing that this is life and the only life. With what I know and it sounds paranoia and crazy but sometimes I'm like I cannot believe this food I'm eating. WTF am I putting in my body!

Like Hippocratus said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food".

IF you can print anything especially with the GMIG equipment and RAI(Restricted Artifical Intelligence) the Gods have. Then imagine producing the perfect say smartphone. For example I bought a smartphone a few years ago and it's utter garbage. It's not slow or anything but the way to open it up is awful. So I decided to buy a new one. Well it's hard that such an old phone is still sold new.

But it be nice to have this replicator either rebuild a perfect cherry picked lower power, higher performance human smartphone. OR if the Gods were around and we are on their networks and systems. Have the perfect GMIG smartphone maybe get one that I like, like the phone I want. OR have one of the Gods use spiritual technologies and their own spirituality detect the perfect smartphone for me and tell me this smartphone will handle your duties for 40,000 years after 40,000 years come back and we will copy all the personal data of your phone. Make a new phone and upgrade your phone to a smartphone that is so perfect and viable for you even as a 40ish thousand year old God it'll shock your very core in extreme development.

In other words as a mere mortal I don't need a GIGA smartphone just a badass perfect smartphone for my development. Later on either before the time 40,000 years or at that time change to one that is perfect for the next generation of usage.

I know the Gods love technology and hunt down technology from other civilizations. But sometimes I wonder if the Gods have found the ultimate final evolution of certain technological objects. Like for example smartphones aren't gonna evolve any further the "Slate Form Factor" is the ultimate. We are merely ironing in the minute changes like bigger screen or under the glass camera or whatever. But that is it if we see a Nordic with a Smartphone we know what it is. Or a tablet or whatever.

Excuse the whole sci-fi/sci-fan rant I stated above. But I'm getting sick and tired of just having limited technologies or having to buy a smartphone knowing it cost resources. I'm not sure if the Gods mine resources and build things atomically and molecularly perfect. OR they have gone past mining objects only mine to gather new resources that they don't have on the periodic table. And just Print/Materialize/Replicate with some printer.

WTB videos of the Gods World so we can see what the future holds for us humans.
Gear88 said:
Speaking about the "Spiritual Technologies" well ACTUAL Spiri-tech with free energy or low power requirement.

It seems to me like IF the Gods KNEW Germany was gonna fail to win. I'm guessing Satan and the Gods wanted to scare the bejesus out of the enemy and make sure they don't manifest anything. I'm sure for all the failure to win, non the less it created scenarios that caused the enemy to majorly panic and be defeated elsewhere or in key areas.

But these spiritual technologies seemingly it seems like "What was the point of giving it to us?" IF it was just gonna be censored and hidden by the World's military. I'm aware some might state that it's technology to make sure they(humans) are scared and go "WTF these Nordics are in an insane level of development". And make sure the greys and reptilians don't cause fear among the humans.

But it seems like "Nothing but hidden bullshit is being done with this technology". I'm sick and tired of seeing people waste their time flying 8-10 hours+ just to cross over the U.S. or Europe or whatever. And funny enough the whole teleportation thing is a meme joke in anime/cartoons. For example I watched Venture Brothers a while back sometime in early 2020. And the guy from the OSI wanted to capture and hide Dr.Venture's teleporters cause Monarch stole it and he states the perfect State-Crony Capitalist dupe statement "IF he produces those things there goes Fedex and all the deliveries then even grandma can just get things teleported to her house".

Honestly it seems like life is just one big joke. I know some of these spiritual technologies are deadly as hell like Tesla's pocket Earthquake maker. Or Tesla's Tunguska device. Or some scalar X/Y/Zed inferometric grating like advanced calculatory weapon system.

I know the Spiritual god weapons are FAR more deadly than even a thermonuclear.

But for fucks sake it seems like we have to live in this World slowly being murdered by noxious emissions and all this harmful substances.

I recall Tim Pool in two or three recent videos mentioning the Replicator(3D Printer/Materializer) from (((Star Trek))). And it's like "Yeah where IS those replicators?". I'd like a G.M.I.G.(God-like Military-Industrial Grade)(Vrill-ya) quality version. I'd like the Empire of Orion edition. I can't believe things like broccoli having a maximum level threshold of rat feces whereby IF you gather broccoli and the rat feces is controlled you don't need to throw it away it is human-safe.

I tell you sometimes I wonder what the hell is up with humans believing that this is life and the only life. With what I know and it sounds paranoia and crazy but sometimes I'm like I cannot believe this food I'm eating. WTF am I putting in my body!

Like Hippocratus said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food".

IF you can print anything especially with the GMIG equipment and RAI(Restricted Artifical Intelligence) the Gods have. Then imagine producing the perfect say smartphone. For example I bought a smartphone a few years ago and it's utter garbage. It's not slow or anything but the way to open it up is awful. So I decided to buy a new one. Well it's hard that such an old phone is still sold new.

But it be nice to have this replicator either rebuild a perfect cherry picked lower power, higher performance human smartphone. OR if the Gods were around and we are on their networks and systems. Have the perfect GMIG smartphone maybe get one that I like, like the phone I want. OR have one of the Gods use spiritual technologies and their own spirituality detect the perfect smartphone for me and tell me this smartphone will handle your duties for 40,000 years after 40,000 years come back and we will copy all the personal data of your phone. Make a new phone and upgrade your phone to a smartphone that is so perfect and viable for you even as a 40ish thousand year old God it'll shock your very core in extreme development.

In other words as a mere mortal I don't need a GIGA smartphone just a badass perfect smartphone for my development. Later on either before the time 40,000 years or at that time change to one that is perfect for the next generation of usage.

I know the Gods love technology and hunt down technology from other civilizations. But sometimes I wonder if the Gods have found the ultimate final evolution of certain technological objects. Like for example smartphones aren't gonna evolve any further the "Slate Form Factor" is the ultimate. We are merely ironing in the minute changes like bigger screen or under the glass camera or whatever. But that is it if we see a Nordic with a Smartphone we know what it is. Or a tablet or whatever.

Excuse the whole sci-fi/sci-fan rant I stated above. But I'm getting sick and tired of just having limited technologies or having to buy a smartphone knowing it cost resources. I'm not sure if the Gods mine resources and build things atomically and molecularly perfect. OR they have gone past mining objects only mine to gather new resources that they don't have on the periodic table. And just Print/Materialize/Replicate with some printer.

WTB videos of the Gods World so we can see what the future holds for us humans.
is a replicator even possible :| :| :| :|
Crystallized Mushroom said:
is a replicator even possible :| :| :| :|

I would assume concerning specific inquiries into science. And certain things we've created it seems to me like it's not simply a thought experiment but rather it's quite possible.

NOT at our level i.e. Humanity even IF certain things seem magickal. One of the biggest problem humanity has is we aren't spiritual or using spirituality sciences rather even our own science is a farce to a degree, not fake but rather convoluted. For example we know how to make microprocessors. We know that if we apply a current to a transistor it makes it work. What we don't know 100% is the science behind certain things or in this case a microprocessor.

All that we know out of human ignorance is IF you build A, add B, and finish to equal C. Then it works but some people are curious and want to know the deep lower if not outright low level stuff.

So for example I mentioned this before we know how to build motorcycles, have basic to advanced science from automotive technologies. But even IF we have basic physics understood. To certain scientists and researches we really don't know how a motorcycle even stays up. It's like airplanes there are many scientists that will state we build an airplane and it flies. We just don't know the exacts 100% final information on how airplanes FLY, it's mind boggling to think. We've been experimenting in modern times with flying crafts for over a 100 years and yet we still don't even know how a airplane fully works.

I'm assuming YES replicator/materializer/printer whatever you want to call it exists and is working somewhere in the Universal empires out in outer space. We just don't have the technology nor especially the spirituality on making it work. At least if we wish to develop technology based on OUR side and not the enemies side. Not that it's bad or automatically evil but like HP.Cobra said "They might be more advanced than humans but not the most advanced that's our Gods".

So in essence I'll simply leave it as it seems we are moving towards those levels of technology. If not soon than at some point further ahead.
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
My brother has actually proved to be somewhat open in the recent months and even claims to meditate. he actually has had dreams where he has heard Demons names and apparently came to him. One evening, i was doing RTRS and right after the rituals i get a text from him talking about some "crazy dream" he just woke up from that moment where he claimed to be visited by a Demon named "uphir" I made a thread about this awhile back https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43453&p=187683&hilit=uphir#p187683, ofcourse this turned out to be an enemy entity and he was freaked out when i found its info saying he never heard the name before. i told him it happened because the enemy was pissed at me for the RTRS. I told him, that wasnt a Demon ofcourse, as Demons don't do that, that i have percieved Abraxas, who i feel close to, coming to me in dreams and was never like that. He told me later a bout some detail in the dream about someone mentioning one waking up with scratches and saying this happend to him as a kid. i told him if it happens again we could do a banishing ritual. I then Asked Abraxas to protect him. When i came back from someplace in december he told me about some other dreams he had back in october, about a tall silhouette in the dark...he felt pressure and said the man had a deep voice...he said he imediately thought of The Demon i felt close to..he then said to my brother in the dream " dont look at my face". then in the distance my brother hears the name "Abraxas". then apon waking up he says he Hears Azazels name. i know i mentioned some of the Gods to him before....but especially because of the first dream he had along with other things im not sure its a coincidence. this thing with recieving messages in dreams also seems to run in our family both our parents and we have it as well.

there was another where he dreamt of the cat telling him he needed to go to the vet. i heeded the warning and turned out to be right to do so.

one day i took him on the site here recently and was showing him things about the human soul and chakras. then i took him out to clean his aura. suddenly a white dog comes out of nowhere and peers around the corner at us, frozen in place watching. the next day we take him to the airport to catch his flight...we see that same kind of white dog there and my dad just randomly says 'take that dog with you" as a joke. funnily enough to day we were driving back some where and i see that same white dog again in someones car from the first time, and it was at the same time my dad was on the phone with my brother. Dogs are popular familiars and iknow Anubis is close to dogs so i got the feeling someone was watching over him, besides me asking Abraxas to protect him, which i really thing happened, as the entity from before never came back. He is interested in alot of aspects in the ancient practices, and i have tried proposing him to dedicate. I have even shown him how to detach someone from his aura which has worked for him. i am hoping he comes around soon but he still has alot of xtian programming.
idk how to say this but i was being attacked and remembered hearing cats in my astral and a cat walk up to me while i looked in my head and I was petting than some other stuff happened that i dont wanna talk about. I did stated that i wanted to see a demon as a cat before i saw it seeing that your name says shadowcat in a way makes me feel odd because after reading that your brother heard something about a kid waking scratched as a kid gave me the craziest goosdbumps because when I was a kid I woke up with scratches on my arm and remember before waking having a dream about a invisible entity scratching me. I dont wanna make this long but reading your post made me remember that im a big dreamer as well and how i connected with my mom, dad , and even cousins in my dreams. Im shocked asf right now with all that. Gods bless you bro

If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
How do you pronounce uphir is it like up here? Because if it is i heard that many time back in the day thinking someone was saying up here either i would look up and something would start fucking with me. Unless it was something else but if its not then now I know to not listen to " hey up here type bs. Fuck that uphir prick
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
My brother has actually proved to be somewhat open in the recent months and even claims to meditate. he actually has had dreams where he has heard Demons names and apparently came to him. One evening, i was doing RTRS and right after the rituals i get a text from him talking about some "crazy dream" he just woke up from that moment where he claimed to be visited by a Demon named "uphir" I made a thread about this awhile back https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43453&p=187683&hilit=uphir#p187683, ofcourse this turned out to be an enemy entity and he was freaked out when i found its info saying he never heard the name before. i told him it happened because the enemy was pissed at me for the RTRS. I told him, that wasnt a Demon ofcourse, as Demons don't do that, that i have percieved Abraxas, who i feel close to, coming to me in dreams and was never like that. He told me later a bout some detail in the dream about someone mentioning one waking up with scratches and saying this happend to him as a kid. i told him if it happens again we could do a banishing ritual. I then Asked Abraxas to protect him. When i came back from someplace in december he told me about some other dreams he had back in october, about a tall silhouette in the dark...he felt pressure and said the man had a deep voice...he said he imediately thought of The Demon i felt close to..he then said to my brother in the dream " dont look at my face". then in the distance my brother hears the name "Abraxas". then apon waking up he says he Hears Azazels name. i know i mentioned some of the Gods to him before....but especially because of the first dream he had along with other things im not sure its a coincidence. this thing with recieving messages in dreams also seems to run in our family both our parents and we have it as well.

there was another where he dreamt of the cat telling him he needed to go to the vet. i heeded the warning and turned out to be right to do so.

one day i took him on the site here recently and was showing him things about the human soul and chakras. then i took him out to clean his aura. suddenly a white dog comes out of nowhere and peers around the corner at us, frozen in place watching. the next day we take him to the airport to catch his flight...we see that same kind of white dog there and my dad just randomly says 'take that dog with you" as a joke. funnily enough to day we were driving back some where and i see that same white dog again in someones car from the first time, and it was at the same time my dad was on the phone with my brother. Dogs are popular familiars and iknow Anubis is close to dogs so i got the feeling someone was watching over him, besides me asking Abraxas to protect him, which i really thing happened, as the entity from before never came back. He is interested in alot of aspects in the ancient practices, and i have tried proposing him to dedicate. I have even shown him how to detach someone from his aura which has worked for him. i am hoping he comes around soon but he still has alot of xtian programming.
idk how to say this but i was being attacked and remembered hearing cats in my astral and a cat walk up to me while i looked in my head and I was petting than some other stuff happened that i dont wanna talk about. I did stated that i wanted to see a demon as a cat before i saw it seeing that your name says shadowcat in a way makes me feel odd because after reading that your brother heard something about a kid waking scratched as a kid gave me the craziest goosdbumps because when I was a kid I woke up with scratches on my arm and remember before waking having a dream about a invisible entity scratching me. I dont wanna make this long but reading your post made me remember that im a big dreamer as well and how i connected with my mom, dad , and even cousins in my dreams. Im shocked asf right now with all that. Gods bless you bro

If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
idk how to say this but i was being attacked and remembered hearing cats in my astral and a cat walk up to me while i looked in my head and I was petting than some other stuff happened that i dont wanna talk about. I did stated that i wanted to see a demon as a cat before i saw it seeing that your name says shadowcat in a way makes me feel odd because after reading that your brother heard something about a kid waking scratched as a kid gave me the craziest goosdbumps because when I was a kid I woke up with scratches on my arm and remember before waking having a dream about a invisible entity scratching me. I dont wanna make this long but reading your post made me remember that im a big dreamer as well and how i connected with my mom, dad , and even cousins in my dreams. Im shocked asf right now with all that. Gods bless you bro

If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Close yourself off to xtians outside of your family. If you have to work or go to school with them avoid topics like religion and politics like the plague. Keep conversation to a minimum or only for a task or exchange of information at your school or workplace. If they try to start opening up to you and approach you with church shit or other just decline. If they start asking annoying questions just say, its none of your business or , my beliefs are private. If you want to talk we can but about work/school. You don't have to sympathize with them at all. They don't at all with us. Xtians are infact downright hostile towards us. Close yourself off to them and don't trust them beyond a superficial level as described above.

As for family members ofcourse you don't have to hate them. Just don't let them drag you to church or other things related if you can avoid it. If you are a minor do not mention your beliefs to anyone. They will give you trouble and try to convert or punish you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
