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About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Often-times it's the case our parents in general and parents as a category are not up to the obligations of being such. Before I try to explain the case of why this is so [not to influence you, but you give you a perspective] we have to understand that in our culture nobody is taught how to be a parent.

Now this makes sense it self, that one needs to know how to be something before one is something. But when it comes to parenthood, most people aren't taught anything, and many are people who carry a lot of garbage but become parents anyway. This can have an effect which we know and expect, which is to become a bad parent to one's children.

Spiritual Satanists have numerous things in their life in their overwhelming majority that makes them mature. This maturity can come through a lot of events, some of which are very unpleasant. Needless to say to arrive in the island of healing and to understand this, one might have underwent great pain beforehand. I am no stranger to this myself and indeed I can testify for what it means to be taken care of the Gods when you are wounded.

Human beings due to cases of inner instability or lack of understanding, do not understand how to live life, let alone alone how to be parents. The Ancient Greek philosophers went into great extents to explain what this lack of knowledge means and how it affects us.

Things that we consider for granted, are not for granted. Many people who are in the age of become parents [let's face it, even if you are 14, you can become a parent technically] but one can be very far from being responsible enough to take other lives on them.

Yet, parents still, mature or not, have given you life a life which might not be perfect or even filled with obstacles, and for this we have to be thankful to an extent. The Gods are there with their knowledge to help us heal and put things in perspective. Of course, the feeling of thankfulness is commonly covered by feelings of pain resentment, abandonment or misery, which people so liberally throw on other people.

Often-times it's also the case that we find ourselves as mature and caring souls on the receiving end of this negligence. The world isn't perfect and your parent's aren't either. Parents also are not spiritual "perfect" mediums and they deserve respect, while there are levels to being a parent and being completely absent.

Some parents also are also so bad and neglient, that they don't deserve you. This is not something simple to judge and you ought not allow foolishness in this judgement. But yes, this is part of life too, unfortunately.

In the current state of understanding, one will understand later in life that even if parents were there to provide for you, they did well. Certain parents can do greatly in their task, but children can also be harsh judges based on emotional needs.

Some people also have wonderful parents towards whom they are not casting proper judgement, and this is understood later as one becomes a parent themselves, most of the time. So if your parents are great, do them some justice. Yes, they can't know many things, but at least they are doing a proper purpose, which is to grow you.

Understanding of this arrives as time goes. The mother or father that showed you love and cared for you, might be understood only when you yourself actually saw what it takes to raise kids. One ought not allow ungreatfulness to take over your mind, but here is one more thing that you ought defend yourself from: Extreme toxicity.

There are certain "parents" who can behave worse than an enemy to someone, and this can come from factors not related to evil, but rampant ignorance. Or just flat out evil.

There are literally some people in this world who only give birth to others in the idea of enslaving them, and enslavement here is literal, it's not about getting up and having to go to school in time, or telling you to do your homework, we are talking about real enslavement which you can see in documentaries online that have to do with a lifestyle of slavery.

These people, one might actually have to go back and settle accounts with them. But these are truly evil examples, not everyday examples. Even in these examples, you can hang in there and eventually win, so don't give up.

I wouldn't like to elaborate on stories I have heard here, there is a difference between a parent not allowing you 40 hours of playing Playstation 5 and spoiling you, and another who rapes and beats you in eventful feats of domestic violence.

Many people actually have decent parents that they seek to "Crucify" just because of immaturity related to one's age and needs. Try to not be one of these always ungreatful people in your life, it's very wrong.

In this case, you have to defend yourself from this by building up a powerful identity. This identity will fulfil you and reward you over time, but eventually the question of what happens with one's parents might come in your face.

Overall here I cannot tell you what you ought do with your life, besides a few general ethical rules. For one, when I really understood the level of ignorance of some people, it came to me as a normal situation to excuse certain people in my life for their mistakes, because I understood them for being less mature souls, or learners.

The people who might be your parents now, can be on the soul age be way younger than you. This can create huge gaps in what you understand and expect based on what they understand and expect. Things that are a given for you, might be things they never thought about. Certain astrological aspects also, or life mistakes, might impede them from doing what they should.

Ignorance isn't always people's fault. What I mean by this, is that we don't live in a world where people are given 2 year seminars before having kids. So one doesn't know what they ought do with that.

Even parents reading this, might benefit from actually reading or learning how to raise kids. Even then, when you do your work perfectly, as certain knowledge is missing, you might be confused on what went wrong with your kids, or what went right. So things are up to chance a little bit.

To speed forward here is my advice for those of you who are lucky to be dedicated. Compared to those who walk this earth without any paradigm and support, you have the JoS, and on top of this, you have the Gods and the Father Satan are perfect figures of taking care of you in the emotional aspects of your being. The Goddesses and the Gods can show you and guide you into repair of anything that you need in your soul, but you must let them.

First and foremost, damage must be understood of existing, and then the journey towards healing will begin. The power the Gods teach is not a false power based on deprivation and fear, but a power coming from the deeper recess of your own soul. Everything you need to heal is already inside you, but maybe due to circumstances, it will take a while to understand this.

The Gods can lead you.

If you open up to them, they will heal you and take pointless ignorance and resentment away, one step at a time, and if you are serious and insistent, you will become a new and healed being through your association with them. There are obvious reasons on why regular people can't fill in these roles compared to the Gods, and reasons have to do with both wisdom and experience.

As a general rule, when you are a teenager especially, parents can be protective of you or caring, a care which is defined by their own standards and what they know. This can feel suffocating at this point and you might want to escape by creating clashes. When we are young we cannot always understand this type of reasoning, but one or two decades later it will become clearer to you.

So try to get into their mind on why they do what they do; for example, if one watches TV, Satan is this sort of monster that leads people to decay [enemy perception, a lie] therefore our parents wanted to protect us from this. They therefore will go to appropriate measures. Any "decent" parent won't want you to become a pariah or a danger to this world.

Your parents won't always see what you see about life, and they always won't see what you do. One has to learn this to be true as part of being "your own person" and an individual that is growing and developing a stronger and better self.

About careless parents, there are people who simply give up to their kids. In our world that is very common, and if you are in this category, it can take a while to understand. What is important to understand is that you are NOT responsible for this, but that in almost all cases, it's unresolved issues and problems in the minds of your parents. The earlier one understands that one is not responsible, the better - you will heal faster. The gaps incumbent there can be filled with the Gods.

Lastly, we have situations where fate or other problems have impeded your parents from doing their work. Well meaning parents, might have become deceased, life might have hit them, or unforeseen events might have knocked on their door. They are well meaning, but they aren't Gods.

So life might have hit them, a hit that might have left you too without certain things you could have. In this case, one must understand life and show some sympathy on them, but then again I am only here to relate things and not to tell you what your judgement should be.

My only comment here is to try to be just. I'll also relate further information based on the teachings of Ancient Philosophers of the Sanatana Dharma on this, to help us all, whether children or parents ourselves.

Family has a very high level in Spiritual Satanism, and we ought try to return to our roots. Your first link to your roots, whatever these might be, is these two people that gave you life, and made you who you are.

Then, our focus is and should be to look at the future: on how we can be way better and set a higher example, that will give inspiration to other people as we go. This makes the people behind us both healed and proud for our endeavours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My only comment here is to try to be just. I'll also relate further information based on the teachings of Ancient Philosophers of the Sanatana Dharma / Our Ancients on this, to help us all, whether children or parents ourselves.

Family has a very high level in Spiritual Satanism, and we ought try to return to our roots. Your first link to your roots, whatever these might be, is these two people that gave you life, and made you who you are.

Then, our focus is and should be to look at the future: on how we can be way better and set a higher example, that will give inspiration to other people as we go. This makes the people behind us both healed and proud for our endeavours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was very deep and raised up some emotions in me. I'm not a parent but I know being one isn't always easy. I wish I could have done more for my parents for the time I had them in my life. I know they always told me I did enough but I still feel they deserved more. They weren't perfect but they loved me and kept me safe and made me strong.

They were brainwashed by xanity but they meant well. I've had regrets that have kept me up at night hurting over things I could have done or said better as their child but we all did our best. In the end I've had to forgive myself too for the things I said and did that hurt them also.

Sometimes we argued, we didn't agree over some things. My dad and me were too much alike and we clashed and we had heated debates even, but he tried his best. We still loved each other and as I've grown older I have forgiven them for their faults and learned to understand them. I wish they were still here physically to see how much I've grown, how much I've matured. Even though I can't go back in time to fix mistakes, I can make them proud of who I am now. They will at least know this and be proud that they raised me right.

Thank you for this post HP.
Of all the things society demands people get certificates training and licences for not one of these includes having to be certified for parenthood.

The family unit is the backbone of society, with the mother and father being the first woman and man, the first people ever that we see in our lives. They way they act towards you and treat you (or not) has tremendous impact on how you will treat others, how you will conduct yourself in society, your values, and how much you value yourself and even how you will view the opposite sex to an extent.

So many ignorant people who are thoroughly unfit to have children do so. They either are too poor to give them what they need,too impatient to deal with them so they beat them senseless, neglect them for video games, or in worse case scenarios there are children sexually abused and even murdered by their own families.

I was waiting on the last part of some training for work today while I read the most disgusting story that gave me the most violent urges that would invoke someone's worst nightmares. The story popped up in my mail feed as an ad as a question asking people what the most awful thing they dealt with as nurses or ER personnel. One woman responded with an instance where a 9 months old baby was raped to death. The mother had gone out for groceries and left her daughter with her boyfriend. The POS that deserves to have his intestines ripped out sodomized and raped her daughter, and when she returned she found her baby bloody and convulsing. She died of the trauma in the ER.

The nurses had evidence of this ofcourse after examining her trying to save her life...the mother went mad with grief with the whole staff trying to stop their coworkers and the mother from attacking the boyfriend that even went with her to the ER. He got life in prison. I hope he is ass raped on the daily begging for death.

Ask me again why people should have a licence to have children! But no Marxist excrement will call you literally Hitler for this and annuda shoah because apparently bringing something as sacred as another soul into the world is an entitlement for everyone, and one these people may do with whatever they wish... DISGUSTING.

Children need not only the basics but also emotional and mental stability as well as intellectual stimulation. The way I'm screened to work at ***?? Screening someone to have children should be twice as strict. Cry me a river snowflakes. But if you do drugs, have a history of mental problems, are dirt poor, intellectually deficient or in other words literally retarded, have a history of violent tendencies or a criminal record, unless these things are corrected FOR GOOD you have no business having children EVER. You will ruin their life or at least damage them significantly.

Don't be selfish with your false entitled right to bring a sacred life into the world with out the tools to care for it. Yet these same types of people will call childless people selfish for not wanting to care for a child that they know they CAN'T. So many people do this on an impulse emotional decision as well without considering all consequences that will occur due to their present state of existence.

Look at all the broken homes and broken people. People with mental and emotional problems because parents don't know how to be parents ..because THEIR parents don't know how to be parents. Because people on many basic levels don't care to nurture or be present for each other as it is.

And operating on low levels of spirituality because of enemy shit is the heart of it all. Because of this no condition at best is going to ever be ideal obviously. But the line HAS to be drawn to start out with and proactive steps have to be taken to work towards something better. or broken people are going to keep making more broken people. RTRs are a must.

If there is anything the degeneracy of this world hits the hardest, it's the children. Fight for them and make this a place for them to decently live in.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are literally some people in this world who only give birth to others in the idea of enslaving them, and enslavement here is literal, it's not about getting up and having to go to school in time, or telling you to do your homework, we are talking about real enslavement which you can see in documentaries online that have to do with a lifestyle of slavery.
It amazes yet does not surprise me that you post this as it relates to my current situation and constant struggle with my mother. The reason I have been inactive in forums was to deal with deep mental healing and trying to heal her and at the same time defending from incessant mental and psychological attack from her.
I know that she gave me a tragic childhood and hold no resentment toward her as our teachings here opened my eyes to the andropod that she is.
I used to fear that my father fell for an unrealized jewess and that I am part kike, but I realized that was an irrational worry as my soul is powerful and beautiful and no kike can curse torah and RTR without suffering so. My soul is Satanic and proud with the smiles of the Gods and my ancestors upon me.
I performed some workings on my mother and she one day, completely out of character, broke down in tears apologizing for the horrors she put me through in what little childhood I had. I explained that I understood she had no instructions on parenthood as you mentioned in your post, and that my hatred for her has dissolved and that I never stopped loving her through it all.
I was never physically raped, but mentally and psychologically it is a whole different story. She does not seem capable of turning it off to this day. I stay isolated from her for the most part and love her from afar. I actually thanked her for the life she gave me as it conditioned my mind for the harshness of reality and taught me how not to be as my oldest life memories are from when I was three.
I can still remember how much pain my child self felt daily which drove me into a life of mental escape and addiction through a majority of my young adult life. I explained to her that if not for what I went through I wouldn't be as joyous as I am today. In all honesty I most likely would have never wound up here with my SS family and on this path with Satan and the Gods.
I have JOS and Satan most exalted to thank for giving me the ability to deal with the psyche and tendencies within myself and I love the life I have.
Thank you HP.
Your post spoke to my heart.
Hail Satan!!!!
Ignorance isn't always people's fault. What I mean by this, is that we don't live in a world where people are given 2 year seminars before having kids. So one doesn't know what they ought do with that.

I've had to work on this for many years as I did hold a little resentment to my father, and he is honestly the greatest father one could have, and given his circumstances there have been times were because of emotion I was to harsh on him. Like you said, ignorance is not always peoples fault.

it's not his fault he did not know how to handle my mother, and it's not his fault he let his love for her let her get away with many things he should not have, but in the end he got custody of me and it's also not his fault for being dealt that hand and he did the best he could of done, he gave me much emotional support and truly listened to me and came to our side when I brought forth the information of Satan and the Demons, he saw the truth which speaks absolute monuments to his person and character, the Gods have led us to help heal each other and work together to better each other in a beautiful way.

I found ways to discipline myself through martial arts as this was my lacking, his love spoiled me a lot. but he didn't know better. although maybe too much this side was much needed compared to the other option, as he took the role of emotional support instead of masculine support which was for the best who knows what kind of person I would be without him. my love for him was probably the reason in my early life drugs did not destroy me.

no one knows what could have been and it's pointless to dwell on it, what is important to dwell on is his extreme love for me and the Gods and this is the most beautiful thing even though I have had to go through many issues and tribulations because of the life I had and how I was raised, it is not his fault, I still found my way to better myself through the Knowledge of the Gods and it's absolutely amazing that I get to share this with my father.

Thank you for sharing this I needed to read this. I've said things in the past that shouldn't have been said, He deserves better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel very obligated to reply to this but don’t know what to say….
SapphireDragon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My only comment here is to try to be just. I'll also relate further information based on the teachings of Ancient Philosophers of the Sanatana Dharma / Our Ancients on this, to help us all, whether children or parents ourselves.

Family has a very high level in Spiritual Satanism, and we ought try to return to our roots. Your first link to your roots, whatever these might be, is these two people that gave you life, and made you who you are.

Then, our focus is and should be to look at the future: on how we can be way better and set a higher example, that will give inspiration to other people as we go. This makes the people behind us both healed and proud for our endeavours.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was very deep and raised up some emotions in me. I'm not a parent but I know being one isn't always easy. I wish I could have done more for my parents for the time I had them in my life. I know they always told me I did enough but I still feel they deserved more. They weren't perfect but they loved me and kept me safe and made me strong.

They were brainwashed by xanity but they meant well. I've had regrets that have kept me up at night hurting over things I could have done or said better as their child but we all did our best. In the end I've had to forgive myself too for the things I said and did that hurt them also.

Sometimes we argued, we didn't agree over some things. My dad and me were too much alike and we clashed and we had heated debates even, but he tried his best. We still loved each other and as I've grown older I have forgiven them for their faults and learned to understand them. I wish they were still here physically to see how much I've grown, how much I've matured. Even though I can't go back in time to fix mistakes, I can make them proud of who I am now. They will at least know this and be proud that they raised me right.

Thank you for this post HP.
Same. I miss my parents alot. I wasn't appreciative of them, and they weren't always very appreciative of each other. I lacked the awareness to understand that despite their faults, they were only doing the best they could in the circumstances they had, and despite all the problems, they shouldered the burden anyway. I definitely wasn't a joy to raise, either. I said and did regrettable things out of ignorance and selfishness, I never really made their struggle worthwhile. I wish I could see them again, and hope they are still out there somewhere, and safe. I hope I can make it up to them somehow, some day. Despite having numerous relatives, they were really all I had for family. They were all I had.
I definitely held resentment against my parents and family members, even society in general. I could always see the greener grass, what could have been. When I became an SS, at first this only compounded my frustration and anger, and I fell further away from Civility and Society, yes, I became judgemental upon everyone, even if it could have been positive, there was always something negative that I would consider. I grew closer to everyone through my study and service, but I grew further from them because I choose to see all of their negatives.

So, I did shut others out, and even to this day, I sadly am not very interested in having friends. When I made mistakes and I felt betrayed, it was the same pain from childhood of not having my parents.

However, just today we had the most wonderful family event, we are blessed and growing no matter the poisons of the enemy. We did have Health, and wealth, intelligence, beauty, freedom, positive interactions, ALWAYS. But these were in the ways that were allowed in our time. Now we have new tools and developments as a family, and we do not fail to use these to build up our family further.

Spiritual Satanism resides within the hearts of All men, it is there, it was partially dormant, but family might very well be the only reason we have survived and defeated our weaknesses and our enemies.
In addition to my previous reply, this is why the enemy has the endless programming of "love,love,love" they are attempting to highjack our Family Values and apply them towards "multiculturalism, Veganism, Communism, Acceptanceism"

Yes, we can have unconditional love, while also giving "Tough love". And whatever is against the family unit, should rightfully so be considered a foreign poison, and we must justly and swiftly take the necessary actions to protect our families.

We did come from our parents, and we should follow in their path, when we do this with Wisdom and Strength, then we have received everything we need from our Parents. Seek your independence, but retain your Civility, because Family, Community, Society, did allow you to exist, and this is your purpose.
existentialcrisis said:
they were really all I had for family.They were all I had.

You're making them proud by being who you are now. It's important to forgive yourself for the things you did out of youthful ignorance. By being a part of Jos we're paving a better future for generations to come, it's a way to pay back our parents for all they did for us because one day they will reincarnate back into this world. And it will be a better world than the one they left.

I know we are spread out all over the world but we are your family too. You will always have us and Father Satan and the Gods. Being here in this community, we at least all have each other. Take care, and keep on being the strong person your parents raised, Make yourself proud of your accomplishments and know that you are also making your parents and the Gods proud as well by advancing and participating in spiritual warfare efforts.

Hail Satan!
Thank you for this post, very helpful.
I want to share my story whit you I have been more or less one hour reflecting about this, my family, my community and everything where I have grown.

I'm responsible for everything I do and my actions I learned to take responsibility for my decisions and not blame other for what I chose but in my case my father was a drunk, also addicted to cigarettes all his life, my mother also always smoke since I remember, until I have 7 or 8 years we were 4 brothers in home but then they got separated because of domestic violence, my mother always victimised herself about this and creating a image for us that our father was the "devil" in the worst meaning of the word, he was fucked up but somehow she chose him to be his husband.(im not saying that she should take abuse and don't leave him because of this) what I want to say is that my mother was abused by my father because he was violent whit her and jealous, but she still have been a toxic mother in my opinion unconsciously because she love us for sure but as HPhoodedcobra say on the post nobody teach them how to be mothers or fathers.

I fell I have been neglected many things in my growing and my younger sister even more because she was younger I think its even worst for her, I remember that while on our childhood I was a little bit abusive whit my sister sometimes violent whit her physical and psychological, I regret a lot have been like this but today I understand we were just taking our father's for example, unconsciously.

All my brothers smoke I have stopped recently because it discust me the ideia of smoking cancer and bullshit to relieve a little anxiety[its more than just a little some people get totally crazy whitout nicotine) and also because Meditation is changing my mind, the problem is on the mind So to solve the problem by the root you have to work your mind. What I want to say whit all this is that I love them but sometimes I cannot forgive them even if all this happens because they were ignorant sometimes I just want to leave and never see them again[my father is dead him i will never see for sure on this life), but then when I'm calm it pass and I fell no more anger.

it's very important to clean the mind but understand that I'm not guilty for them neglected me, they could have done more with the little they know about being parents, my mother could have take more care of herself and sometimes she blame us for this but its not true she could have make an effort to quit addiction but she never try at all. I dont want to blame her for nothing because i think she get damaged with all that happens whit my father and emotionally she never fully recovered from this.

Family is important in satanism but if they are toxic for you the best is to leave and make a new family, not in terms of blood but maybe ideological I don't know. I try a lot of things to help, i go work here, there, almost kill myself for getting a shitty payment in different works and i have fail many times i gave her a little money but what she needed was to be more intelligent and have more self love always praying to crhist and bullshit and lived all her life like a victim, weak. i realise i love them but I want to forget all this and leave them forever even if they need me i just can't when I most was in need I was totally alone and I fell like I should do them the same I really don't want to give a fuck about them because I fell they abandoned me when I was more in need of love, I never see them loving each other I just realise true love outside of my home because of example In my home i got none. Unfortunately in a way My parents are the perfect example of everything I don't want to be.

Hail satan.
I am Grateful to my Parent in Every way. I am showing this Gratitude by slowly Guiding my Mom through meditation. My Dad is a little bit tough to handle, But with time all will get Better.
My Mom way about 16 when she conceived me. And had me by the following year. And still had to finish high school. So I was raised by my Grandparents too as well, while she worked on getting her graduation certificate. Plus she had a part time job working in a clothing store as a cleark. She was the best of moms and the worst of moms! She didn't abuse me or anything! As far as spanking is concerned everybody in my generation got their butt spanked for getting into Mischief or for lying.
Or just for being stupid! I know my mother tried to be patient with me growing up and I was loud and I was hyperactive during my grade school years and always got into trouble with the teachers at school because I was a mouth! And because I simply like to get up and wander around and talk to other children. I am surprised I even had a chance to learn anything! I didn't have very good grades and I know the teachers were always complaining about me to my mother! Always talking about my behavior! And wanted to know what my problems were and wanted her to take me in for diagnosis to see what problems I had? They couldn't even figure out what was wrong with me they couldn't even find a label that would fit me at the time! But my mom did the very best she could to be patient with me and I know that I was not the easiest child to deal with and I was not the easiest student in school to put up with! I was loud and I was boisterous and defiant! I was somebody that did not like rules and I questioned Authority a lot! And was sent to the principal's office just for asking questions! Or just simply voice of my opinions is a little kid that was not a good thing at the time! My mother thought it was funny! And try to convince the teachers that there was nothing wrong with me but the only thing my mom could do was try to communicate with me in other ways! Trying to be a friend and for any communicate with me! In different levels through ART and music my mom is a very creative woman she loved music and she loves science!
Unfortunately she was a busy body! And had to work and she did everything she could to support me and my siblings! If she didn't make enough money working one job she would definitely be out there trying to work for another one! And sometimes she would even have her parents help her with the house payments and the expenses. And she would come home mean and ornery once in awhile and say things that weren't cool! And sometimes she would strike at us without even a word or a warning! And it didn't take much to suck my little brother off he would be on his knees and crying at the top of his lungs. As a baby.. he had no idea what was going on! And as for me I felt like it wasn't fair because I had nobody to play with me or interact with me! But when it come down to it she would make up for it in a big way! By taking a shopping throughout the weekend or doing something fun like going fishing or camping! My mother being a single parent at the best she could! My only problem was growing up as a child is the fact that I could never talk to her or communicate with her! When it comes to higher intelligence! She didn't think that it was right for a kid! To know things she figured the kids were supposed to be like little kids and go to school and pay attention to what was taught in school according to the government when it come to scholastics! And it made me angry that I couldn't share my interest with her and let her know where I was going and what I was interested in! I guess I can blame it on my grandmother who was brought up lds! Who had very little patience for my mother and her brother as children back in the '50s and the '60s! Were children were only meant to be seen and not heard! With the stupid Christian values being shoved down everybody's throat regardless! My grandmother was very abusive and was always punishing my mother when she was little and always used to build on her all the time and I remember my mom telling me that and how much it hurt me! She didn't want to be that kind of person so she tried to refrain from that kind of abuse or that sort of punishment! And when I got out of line! We got into an argument and the fighting was loud and big! She would often send me to my room just to get my head together! Allowing me time to think about things! Whatever I did or whatever I said that got me into trouble or whatever was wrong? And then she would come in and sit down and talk to me about it and then I had the chance to explain things and let her know what was going on and why I did what I did as a kid expressing my anger! And letting her know Point straight that I was tired of being ignored and I was tired of being put down! And sometimes a kid has to do what a kid has to do to get to his parents even if it resorts to a punishment! I recall a moment when she was at her worst! Is when I was in my high school years she saw me with the boyfriend sitting on the couch! And told the guy to go home without even talking to me or even asking what was going on she just seen a guy sitting on the couch and jumped to the wrong conclusion and because I had the nerve to stick up for him and told him that he could stay she got mad and kicked the garbage can across the room and had garbage and spaghetti and spaghetti sauce all over the living room and by that time the guy got scared and laughed! And then her and I got into a wrestling match in the middle of the living room over the fact that I had a boyfriend! And then I had to clean up the mess that she made! Instead of her taking the time to clean it up! She would take it out on me that way! It seemed like she was pretty cool and calm during my younger years as a little kid in school but by the time I hit my teens all fucking hell broke loose! We got into an argument damn near everyday! She hated my clothes she hated the way I dressed as a teenager always bitched and complained about my friends and my music! And hated the fact that I was putting on makeup! And always complained about the type of guys that I was interested in! But wasn't one thing laugh out loud it was another thing! And all through High School I was angry! And trying to stay focused on school and trying to get my grades! I had struggles all through school because of her and the way she used to treat me as a teenager! She had very little patience for me is a teenager. And a lot of the things she said to me I will never forget! And a lot of the things that she did to me stealing my clothes without asking me? If she could borrow anything she would never give it back I would have to sneak into her room to steal it back! If it wasn't bad enough she would bitch and complain about what I had and then she had the nerve to go in and steal whatever I had in my bedroom! Instead of buying her own shit! And she was pretty aware of what I had because a lot of the stuff I had she there gave me for Christmas or for a birthday! Or I would go shopping with friends! And bring home clothes that I like and those were the clothes that she would always go after! Even though she hated me wearing the clothes because she was jealous! I didn't know if she hated me or not!? I know that my brother went through it and I'll tell you something watching my brother going through that teenage anger was not cool! He was a skater and he was in the video games! And she was always worried about him breaking bones and ending up in the hospital until one day he actually come home with a broken wrist! And had to go to the clinic and yes he did break a lot of Bones skating on his skateboard! And just when I thought I had it bad he was the one that had it the worst! Because of the type of friends that he had and the things that they did for their entertainment! Not to mention the fact he was into death metal and black metal and she didn't like the type of music he was into! She was always complaining about him day and night..and I could tell he resented it! She wouldn't even let me be myself at the time when I was a teenager and now she was doing the same thing to him! And yes I remember numbers of times I lashed out at her and got angry and threw things at her from across the room! And then she started doing the same thing to him! He got so mad at her ones that he picked up a $3,000 dollar Kirby vacuum cleaner and threw it at her! Took off and left and slammed the door! All because he wanted to go out and go camping with his friends laugh out loud he was a senior in high school at the time and he just wanted to go out and have fun with this friends! He yelled at her and told her that he hated her and that he's not coming back home! And she told him to go fuck himself! I don't think the guy got home until about 3:00 in the morning! And there was a sharp knock on the door! And there was a police officer out there standing with my brother! I guess wherever they were at? They got into a fight! And was kicked out of a store! For shoplifting! And I remember my mother was up all night with him talking to him and trying to figure out what his problem was when he had the chance to tell her and express his anger! It was shocking to me to see her cry and accepting the word of Truth on how he felt! And then I come out and told her about the situation I went through and how I felt about her at the time! And how unfair it was! Hearing from both of us and what it was like dealing with her as teenagers! I guess it took her back away? Going into detail explaining things here and there recalling the year and the moment and the date of whatever? Happened whatever was done or said! I know it's too late for apologies! But as time moves on you have to let go of the silly emotions and learn to embrace yourself as is! Which was something that I had to learn to face and something that I had to learn to do as a young adult, it took my brother a long time to be able to forgive himself! And to be able to forgive my mom! And even my brother and I had our problems between each other because of her! And because of the situation we were in growing up. My brother and I have bad blood between each other! Either because he's jealous of me? And I don't know why in the hell he would be jealous of me? Laugh out loud the guy had everything! He was allowed to date anybody he wanted? And he was allowed to have a driver's license at the age of 16! And he did very well in school and was well-rounded when it comes to education! Because my mother was there to help him and encouraged him! And she tried to be that way with me! But at that time I was aggravated with her and kept pushing her away! I literally had to sneak out of the house just to hang out with girlfriends and I couldn't date the guys that I wanted? She tried to set me up with guys that were Christian and guys that were not of my type! And I had to go up and tell them where to go and how to get there and let them know that I was not interested in them! And it aggravated my mother! To think that I would reject her idea of a boyfriend for me! And for the fact that she tried to pull that on me! I will never forgive her for that! And even when it comes to hanging out with girlfriends she was always sticking her nose where it didn't belong asking me questions that wasn't necessary! She always thought I was secretive and always trying to hide things from her! Will laugh out loud that was the way she was with me! And my brother had to be that way too just to protect what was in his room and to protect his freedom! I had to do the same thing sticking up for what is right and what is rightfully mine! Especially when it comes to protecting my clothes knowing what I bought and how much money I spent! And at least I had the money to pay for what I had and if I didn't have enough I would just simply put it back! I didn't overspend and I was not one of these teenagers that would still somebody's credit card and blow it out! We weren't even allowed to do such a thing back in the days I know some teenagers did and it wasn't funny! My brother and I were always honest and would tell her what was going on! And if we did anything wrong we would at least admit it and talk about it! Even if she was not in the best of moods! It seemed to me the older she got the more ornery and the more obnoxious she become. I guess in some way she felt like a failure and thought she was losing us! She was afraid of letting us be who we are! She was afraid that she was going to lose us! Just because we wanted to be our own individual selves! I guess it's because my grandmother wouldn't let her be herself!? Whatever the situation was I could relate it to Christianity and the enemy! But it's interesting how parents raise their children each and every one of them are unique and different and have their own ways and their ability of clicking in with their children and communicating with them! Some of them support you and back you up and listen to you and allow you your time and your space to learn and study whatever you want! Or other parents fight and quarrel with every decision you make? And always look for an excuse to start a fight or get into an argument over just about anything! And always put you to shame just because you're interested in something! And the sad part about it is there's a lot of intelligent kids out there that are in their grade school years! My brother was really good with math! And chemistry and he was also a wonderful artist! And I specialized in art music and cooking! And then of course there was sports! My family was all about sports! But wasn't dance classes it was either baseball! Gymnastics or basketball. So Sports and staying in fit was no big deal in my family but when it come to school work and sitting down and studying and reading and taking the time to do things right! My mother was a strickler with that and wanted us to do our best and she expected us to have good grades and Ace a spelling test! She was always pushing us to get out there and learn and it didn't matter what it was! I'm not ashamed to admit that! And I know that my brother and I both had our struggles even the things that we were good at! Such as math and chemistry. I was always there to help him if he needed it.
Sometimes I felt like I did a better job! It being a mom when it come down to helping my brother where she would just get aggravated and leave at least we have this sense enough to sit down and read and figure things out! Even if we did have struggles I would even have that moment where I would blink out and forget what I was doing you remember the answers to a test and all of a sudden you would forget the drop of a hat when you knew very well that they were there in the back of your head somewhere! My brother was the same way! My mom didn't even give us the credit for that! She thought that we were cheating or something and would call the school board and ask the teachers all kinds of questions! And then to find out that we were actually doing things ourselves you would think a parent would be proud of Their Own children? You would think that they would be out there celebrating complimenting you and letting you know how proud they are of you! Or my mother acted like she was scared to death! Just because we were showing independence! And being self-reliant! Some parents are proud of that and want that of their children! Some parents are fucking frightened of it! And afraid of losing their children in this big world! My brother told her that she better get used to it because he is becoming a man and that he's going to go out and get a job and eventually he's going to have his own place and get married and it actually happened! And she had to learn to get off of her high horse and deal with it! And even when it come down to it letting her know little by little that I am not going to be tied down and I'm not going to be a shut-in! That I'm going to go out and live my own life and she's going to have to learn to get used to it!.. however being a parent at the time...back in the 80s and 90s was no more different than living in the now. Maybe the generation has changed a little bit the music is different! But honestly it looks like most parents are having more struggles raising their kids in this day and age! More than ever! At least I can say that I had a chance to laugh and play and enjoy what real Freedom we had.. and the schooling system was better at the time and back in the days we had teachers that took the time to teach and work with children teachers who were interested in being teachers and wanted to show the world what they could do and they took the parade and what they did! And parents were always pushing their children out the door! A lot of parents didn't even seem to show an interest in their kids when it come to playing with them and interacting with them! Children were usually alone and the parents were usually off doing their own thing! Which was not right! Nowadays you see parents trying their very best to interact with their children and get creative with them and have fun with them! You can see that parents are trying these days! Laugh out loud not all parents are alike! And not all children are alike! I guess you can say my mother did the best she could! And now here I am a 51 year old woman! I stand proud! Of who and what I am and what I have become! With all of the crap that I overcome as a child! Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger! And my brother and I have been through all kinds of crazy shit back in the days! And now he is a father of three! And is having all kinds of problems! And all he does is complain! And I am thankful and blessed that I don't have children.. I didn't even want any! I didn't want to raise my children the way I was brought up not to mention the fact I don't have the patience to raise a child! It takes a lot of intelligence! Not just mentally but also physically and spiritually as well! 💯🩷
It takes a certain type of person! To be a parent.. I don't have any children!
And I'm glad that I don't! 🤐🫡.. I know what a struggle it is! Remembering my mother and what she went through having to put up with me and my brother! And now he is going through the same shit with his children!.. and it's not pretty. All I can say is that I'm thankful and blessed! To have the freedom that I have! Just being myself and being happily married to my husband and having a long satisfying sex life!.. with out working about kids
I figured as much.
When I was a teenager I was extremely angry at my parents for never seeing the truth, but at a point I just learned that we SS are different from anybody, after that I just forgave them for any mistake they made and was even grateful towards them for all they did.
Unfortunately my father and mother didn't exactly have values to teach me, but I have always been cared of and provided for and had more than any other kid may have wished for, and I am extremely grateful for that.

But the fact is, without any value, if I wouldn't have found Spiritual Satanism, I would have been done for, so I fortunately have 2 Fathers :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who might be your parents now, can be on the soul age be way younger than you. This can create huge gaps in what you understand and expect based on what they understand and expect. Things that are a given for you, might be things they never thought about. Certain astrological aspects also, or life mistakes, might impede them from doing what they should.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This has been the most frustrating part of my parents. Feeling like I'm watching children who can't get along. From my eyes, they've both cheated but the idiot "father" has parented other kids and now failed to even keep that a secret, making Mom completely give up on him and just want him out of the house but he won't leave.

Before this I thought he was just harmless. He'd never been truly nasty growing up. He was an angry soul, but we knew it was usually justified. The times I was spanked I'm fairly certain I deserved, wasn't getting along with siblings and such. He didn't know his own father, so it's expected knowing now why he barely knew what he was doing. He always saw me and another sibling was much smarter than him and was capable of a lot. He was angry with me the last few years, for not being able to get a job (I've done workings for money for years now, but everytime a job offer came, fate seemed to conspire against me, whether it being parents themselves telling me not to take it, then the next month asking to get one(mom) or yelling in his case why I don't have one and just making me feel worthless and like a liar claiming I wasn't really looking) I understood the anger. I didn't see it as a flaw until the extent of his cheating and secret kid made them fight more and more. Then he became unbearably toxic. I couldn't even be in the same room without him saying some irrational shit that'd piss me off the whole day, and just ruin any appetite.

It's the moments in between where he acts like everything is fine and normal that just mess with my head now. I see a halfway decent person, but a toxic drunk (who my mom has caught/found does some kind of drug, coke or something, finding his baggie with a snort straw) is all he seems to be in my mind. He's freaked out my mom before putting his hands on her throat while drunk while she was just doing chores and not getting off while she screamed until my older sibling yelled to stop.

I never expected much from him as a parent. He had a full time job, while mom worked two full time jobs. She's the breadwinner, and it took me growing up to realize how pathetic it was that while she worked so damn hard, while most of his time spent at home was fucking drinking and watching tv.

The internet and tv basically raised us more than him, and yet I can't help but feel a bit guilty at times for even doing a working to get rid of him. All it takes is enough days of quiet and it's like the doubt starts coming in until I hear them get into it again. Am I being ungrateful? I don't know if I actually think that or him acting all coked up yelling exactly that "I'm an ungrateful little shit" at me is the only reason I think that. I kept wondering "what am I ungrateful for?" He barely put any effort in, so most of me feels hardly any sympathy or connection. Yet, I'm always torn on every decision, that contrarian part of my mind which says "maybe he's right?" over the anger part of me which sees only the faults.

In either case, I hardly feel guilty for just wanting them fucking actually separated at this point. Mom's pure white, while he's mixed some percentage, but either way, I don't know how much that influences my rage at this point either.

I don't have much issues at this point with being mixed, aside from just not feeling connected to either culture (not like either raised me to be connected to either of them) but is there an extra element to healing parental problems with parents who race mixed? For those young ones reading, I figure they'll probably have hang ups on that as well, even if I don't think I do specifically.
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel very obligated to reply to this but don’t know what to say….

And in all these years you have made no progress and you continue to be just as delusional as you were in 2015 and 2016 on twitter when you committed the enormous imprudence of uploading personal photos and exposing yourself to the enemy.

I am not interested in wasting my time arguing with you but in my opinion you should break up to certain bad circumstances and bad habits and start taking your spiritual advancement seriously.
Everyone has family problems, I personally think that there is no family that doesn't have any problems whatsoever.

But, unlike the general cases, we have a lot of options to solve such problems in a very profound and effective spiritual and physical way.

We have Satan and the Gods to solve our problems and we also have the power to physically talk to our parents since Satan gives us a lot of courage and power to calmly, morally and law abiding express ourselves.

I personally find this topic very useful as I had a lot of family problems, especially when I was a child, but little did I understood in my past that Father Satan / Enki were the solution to all of my problems.

This topic is very useful.

Hail Satan
YONE666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How have you been high priest? I am sorry for bad english. Thanks for everything.

Becoming a High Priestess/High Priest takes time, patience, development and a high level of maturity, Wisdom and Knowledge, leadership, determination, monumental work, perseverance. Not everyone is suited to this task, as has been proven many times in the past.

There are some members who I think could be High Priestesses/Priests now (Two come to mind, but I won't name names), but it is a huge task.
YONE666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How have you been high priest? I am sorry for bad english. Thanks for everything.

Thank you for your concern, I have been fine and staying busy. Thank you too for accepting and understanding. Hope things are very well. Our Turkish community & family there is going strong and it will only get better.
A very relevant and insightful post. Lots of us have problems with our families that we've neglected or ran away from, and this was a great reminder to us that we should do our best to be understanding and fix problems. Blood relations are very important.
Dragonheart666 said:
All I can say is that I'm thankful and blessed! To have the freedom that I have! Just being myself and being happily married to my husband and having a long satisfying sex life!.. with out working about kids

Having children teaches you to put other interests, other people's interests before your own.

I have a lot of trouble with the individualism of adults who are of a certain age and who don't have children. They disgust me with their individualism.

Motherhood is quite a journey where your body is a home. I feel blessed to have welcomed two little ones into my womb.

Passing on to your children is a great joy too.
So many positive things about being a parent!
My children complicate my advancement in terms of time and organization only, but do not prevent it in any way !!

Finally, without birth, no species perpetuates itself.

I give my opinion and feelings only, everyone is free to think and do as he/she wants.
Charlotte61903 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Comment didn't go through for some reason, technical difficulties.

In a way, having such trouble with my parents has helped me. Especially with my dad, I felt neglected and unloved. It was after finding Satan that I recovered and found what I'd been looking for.

Thank you for this post, it's appreciated. You're right in saying kids don't get off the hook either.

I think that when I became a Satanist and fully adopted that mentality, I also became highly critical of my parents. As I watched my dad sit and play video games and waste away I think a part of me was filled with hatred towards him and the other part was still just that little kid wanting to spend time with him.

Could I have had better parents? Possibly. But the fact of the matter is I could have it so much worse. I don't think I could ever have a stable relationship with my dad because of all the things he neglects to do, but I can still respect him for all the things he doesn't.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
YONE666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How have you been high priest? I am sorry for bad english. Thanks for everything.

Thank you for your concern, I have been fine and staying busy. Thank you too for accepting and understanding. Hope things are very well. Our Turkish community & family there is going strong and it will only get better.
Joy of Satan has made it very easy for people in Turkey to find the truth and follow Satan's glorious path. The clergy has also helped us to start the awakening of a whole nation and for that we are grateful.

In the near future, not too far away, as Joy of Satan Turkey itself, we will present great projects for all our Spiritual Satanist comrades and we want to do great things for all Joy of Satan.

Every nation, let alone Turkey, has to thank Joy of Satan and our Almighty Gods for the awakening of their people. Helping our brothers and sisters to reach a higher existence and bringing the truth to people who need to find Satan is one of the highest purposes of humanity, and to be in Hell's army for this purpose is a rare opportunity.

Victory to all Spiritual Satanists, glory and power to Satan forever!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The people who might be your parents now, can be on the soul age be way younger than you. This can create huge gaps in what you understand and expect based on what they understand and expect. Things that are a given for you, might be things they never thought about. Certain astrological aspects also, or life mistakes, might impede them from doing what they should.

That is why we must also take care of and feel responsible for our fellow human beings who are without, or at least those in good faith, because they have been basically thrown into a complex and cruel world without the means and experience to understand the nature of things.
No. I have not been a high priest or priestess before. But I would love to be! And looking forward to it. ❤ And I want to tell you THANK YOU for sharing this sermon. I enjoy reading everything you post! ❤️
Sshivafr ❤ Thank you! And just to let you know. I have nothing against children. I just should have had them in my younger years. But I was busy with collage at the time. I wanted to have children! But the guy I was married to at the time wasn't ready for it yet. And put it off and kept coming up with excuses! And by the time I graduated from college is an undergraduate.
He and I divorced. And I tried to find somebody else that wanted to settle down and have children with me!.. but nobody wanted to. And I tried several times to have children! And never could have any.. I had two miscarriages and a stillborn. And after that I just gave up trying at the time. And was in my late 30s and I wanted to be like every other female out there and have a family of my own! And trust me I would have been a fabulous mother! And I would have had a lot of fun being a mom and getting to know my children and taking the time to teach them and raise them. And I am sure they would have made me plenty happy and I would have gotten a lot of joy out of being a mom the only problem is with me I couldn't find a guy that wanted to have children with me!😭... and here I am in my fifties! I think it's a little late for me to have children at my age!. So I enjoy what I have as a wife. And my husband does have children from a previous marriage! And I love them! And I enjoy every moment with them! Taking them shopping going on vacation trips and helping them with whatever they want and need help with! So I guess in some ways I am a mom! 🙂 even if they are not my own.
You really have no idea how much i needed this Sermon H.P. ... And it moves my soul and heart on the ways the Gods teach us and heal us. Thank you, i have learned a lesson today
sshivafr said:
Having children teaches you to put other interests, other people's interests before your own.
I've also heard this from my mom.She said that many people, when they have children,they will change to some extent.
But that was unfortunately not true of my father really,btw...https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=369890#p369890
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is a very good post. My parents and I are very different people, although we are on good relationship :) I see a great similarity with my cousins and even with one second cousin, I noticed this by the way recently :) At the same time, I practically do not communicate with my second cousin and do not see common interests, and I am in neutral relations with my cousins, although for my part I try to improve relations with them, but they do not seem to have the same warm feelings for me as I for them. Ideally, I want our families to be friends in the future.
Wotanwarrior said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel very obligated to reply to this but don’t know what to say….

And in all these years you have made no progress and you continue to be just as delusional as you were in 2015 and 2016 on twitter when you committed the enormous imprudence of uploading personal photos and exposing yourself to the enemy.

I am not interested in wasting my time arguing with you but in my opinion you should break up to certain bad circumstances and bad habits and start taking your spiritual advancement seriously.

This is not a negative comment, wanted to reply is maybe a better word choice. Aside from that, I have no clue what you’re talking about. Or any idea who you are - vice versa.

The post has personal meaning to me, but I’m trying to spare the sentiment.
I am not Polish... HP HoodedCobra666 is everything okay? And was that post meant for me? Or someone else..? And I am not an idiot. I didn't mean to give you the impression that I even was polish let alone idiot?.. just because I had a misunderstanding with Planetary squares for a bit. And trying to learn things on here like every one else. I never expected to be called names on here.
I am not Polish... HP HoodedCobra666 is everything okay? And was that post meant for me? Or someone else..? And I am not an idiot. I didn't mean to give you the impression that I even was polish let alone idiot?.. just because I had a misunderstanding with Planetary squares for a bit. And trying to learn things on here like every one else. I never expected to be called names on here.
HP HoodedCobra666 are you talking to me? Or somebody else? Because it is under my post. And when I went to check my notifications? I kept scrolling down to that. What you are asking someone how you got the
User name High Priest and called someone a polish idiot...?? I hope everything is okay? And I'm not in trouble or anything? 🤔🤐 I was just concerned. And a little confused here..? :ugeek: ....
HP HoodedCobra666 are you talking to me? Or somebody else? Because it is under my post. And when I went to check my notifications? I kept scrolling down to that. What you are asking someone how you got the
User name High Priest and called someone a polish idiot...?? I hope everything is okay? And I'm not in trouble or anything? 🤔🤐 I was just concerned. And a little confused here..? :ugeek: ....

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
