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About Our Parents - Healing Parental Problems

I honor my parents because they made me. They messed up with some things but they did the best with what they knew in the best way they knew how.

Some of my best traits, I inherited from them. I inherited skills from them which allowed me to excel in certain areas at school without even trying (they both had a talent which became very strong in me despite me not even trying).

I have a strong sense of self-identity because of them. I have strong personal boundaries because they taught me this.

So I am thankful they were my parents, despite their faults.
Shadowcat said:
Of all the things society demands people get certificates training and licences for not one of these includes having to be certified for parenthood.

The family unit is the backbone of society, with the mother and father being the first woman and man, the first people ever that we see in our lives. They way they act towards you and treat you (or not) has tremendous impact on how you will treat others, how you will conduct yourself in society, your values, and how much you value yourself and even how you will view the opposite sex to an extent.

So many ignorant people who are thoroughly unfit to have children do so. They either are too poor to give them what they need,too impatient to deal with them so they beat them senseless, neglect them for video games, or in worse case scenarios there are children sexually abused and even murdered by their own families.

I was waiting on the last part of some training for work today while I read the most disgusting story that gave me the most violent urges that would invoke someone's worst nightmares. The story popped up in my mail feed as an ad as a question asking people what the most awful thing they dealt with as nurses or ER personnel. One woman responded with an instance where a 9 months old baby was raped to death. The mother had gone out for groceries and left her daughter with her boyfriend. The POS that deserves to have his intestines ripped out sodomized and raped her daughter, and when she returned she found her baby bloody and convulsing. She died of the trauma in the ER.

The nurses had evidence of this ofcourse after examining her trying to save her life...the mother went mad with grief with the whole staff trying to stop their coworkers and the mother from attacking the boyfriend that even went with her to the ER. He got life in prison. I hope he is ass raped on the daily begging for death.

Ask me again why people should have a licence to have children! But no Marxist excrement will call you literally Hitler for this and annuda shoah because apparently bringing something as sacred as another soul into the world is an entitlement for everyone, and one these people may do with whatever they wish... DISGUSTING.

Children need not only the basics but also emotional and mental stability as well as intellectual stimulation. The way I'm screened to work at ***?? Screening someone to have children should be twice as strict. Cry me a river snowflakes. But if you do drugs, have a history of mental problems, are dirt poor, intellectually deficient or in other words literally retarded, have a history of violent tendencies or a criminal record, unless these things are corrected FOR GOOD you have no business having children EVER. You will ruin their life or at least damage them significantly.

Don't be selfish with your false entitled right to bring a sacred life into the world with out the tools to care for it. Yet these same types of people will call childless people selfish for not wanting to care for a child that they know they CAN'T. So many people do this on an impulse emotional decision as well without considering all consequences that will occur due to their present state of existence.

Look at all the broken homes and broken people. People with mental and emotional problems because parents don't know how to be parents ..because THEIR parents don't know how to be parents. Because people on many basic levels don't care to nurture or be present for each other as it is.

And operating on low levels of spirituality because of enemy shit is the heart of it all. Because of this no condition at best is going to ever be ideal obviously. But the line HAS to be drawn to start out with and proactive steps have to be taken to work towards something better. or broken people are going to keep making more broken people. RTRs are a must.

If there is anything the degeneracy of this world hits the hardest, it's the children. Fight for them and make this a place for them to decently live in.

I have no words... :x I have to say that I have seen similar violence but this one is really bad... :evil: I often say that whoever is not capable of managing things to the end, sacrificing and taking care of their children, is not obliged to do so. But as you also said, it is their ego that makes them make this choice (have children).
But people who are very low intellectually will never be good parents, like people with other problems. Here I would like to add an occurrence of a guy I recently knew that he was acting a bit weird (he was yelling and had frequent mood swings).
And when I asked his friends why he does this and they told me that it's because of his parents and that they have many problems at home (violent parents and many deprivations, because they wanted to mold their son to their liking).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are literally some people in this world who only give birth to others in the idea of enslaving them, and enslavement here is literal, it's not about getting up and having to go to school in time, or telling you to do your homework, we are talking about real enslavement which you can see in documentaries online that have to do with a lifestyle of slavery.

I wouldn't like to elaborate on stories I have heard here, there is a difference between a parent not allowing you 40 hours of playing Playstation 5 and spoiling you, and another who rapes and beats you in eventful feats of domestic violence.

Many people actually have decent parents that they seek to "Crucify" just because of immaturity related to one's age and needs. Try to not be one of these always ungreatful people in your life, it's very wrong.

Good grief, whenever I hear people around me bitching about how their parents took away their Xbox or their Playstation or whatever for being unruly, I literally just rolled my eyes. This is absolutely nothing compared to what my parents would do when I act unruly.....sometimes I get quite "tempted" to turn into my dad whenever I hear people wanting to "crucify" their parents for such menial things.
The night you made this post was the night I broke down to father satan about the pain thats been building up for weeks. My baby mom has been keeping my daughter from me for no reason man.. she been ignoring me and my family for no reason. I can't afford a lawyer. I have a job making good money but I been out of work because I don't have a car.. I'm hurt and I messed up honestly by getting a little out of character by asking her bf to come fight me to settle this. Regardless I feel what I said is backed by justice but the law is made for one not to take justice into their own hands.. I get it. What am I suppose to do from here man? Do I keep taking the bullet? It's been two months since I seen my daughter and there's literally a hole in my chest. It hurts cobra.. would I be wrong for cursing her? I feel I have enough rage inside me to take everything down but I'm not proud of this either because I don't wanna keep feeling that rage, I just wanna be there with my daughter. She is my life and my world man. I don't want there to be a battle because honestly part of me still cares for her mombut when she's using my daughter as a pawn to get to me it's almost like she's kind of asking to get cursed. What do I do man? I'm trying to find sanity in all of this but it's hard.. it's hard when it feels like there's a storm of darkness brewing inside you and when you're beyond pissed you just wanna give up. The pain is getting so bad man I don't wanna feel none of it anymore.. it's been eating at me for months. Would I be wrong if I cursed her?
Dragonheart666 said:
HP HoodedCobra666 are you talking to me? Or somebody else? Because it is under my post. And when I went to check my notifications? I kept scrolling down to that. What you are asking someone how you got the
User name High Priest and called someone a polish idiot...?? I hope everything is okay? And I'm not in trouble or anything? 🤔🤐 I was just concerned. And a little confused here..? :ugeek: ....

Dragonheart, a comment is only directed to you if you are quoted in the reply, like mine is here to you. We all post here, and the order of posts goes by the time the post is made, not in reply to others. So those comments by HP HoodedCobra were not to you, even if they were posted right after yours.

A lot of comments are just random too, not in reply to anyone else :)

Hello :)

Don't curse her, as this could have repercussions on your daughter. Instead, do a working to change the situation. Multiple workings. Tyr and Vynn for example, to be able to see your daughter as often as possible. Program the mother's aura to be more considerate to you (do this while she sleeps), trancework and see strong bonds between you and your daughter and affirm that you see her often. Ask a God for help. Think of other things to try.

Good luck to you :)
The_bloom_of_darkness said:
The night you made this post was the night I broke down to father satan about the pain thats been building up for weeks. My baby mom has been keeping my daughter from me for no reason man.. she been ignoring me and my family for no reason. I can't afford a lawyer. I have a job making good money but I been out of work because I don't have a car.. I'm hurt and I messed up honestly by getting a little out of character by asking her bf to come fight me to settle this. Regardless I feel what I said is backed by justice but the law is made for one not to take justice into their own hands.. I get it. What am I suppose to do from here man? Do I keep taking the bullet? It's been two months since I seen my daughter and there's literally a hole in my chest. It hurts cobra.. would I be wrong for cursing her? I feel I have enough rage inside me to take everything down but I'm not proud of this either because I don't wanna keep feeling that rage, I just wanna be there with my daughter. She is my life and my world man. I don't want there to be a battle because honestly part of me still cares for her mombut when she's using my daughter as a pawn to get to me it's almost like she's kind of asking to get cursed. What do I do man? I'm trying to find sanity in all of this but it's hard.. it's hard when it feels like there's a storm of darkness brewing inside you and when you're beyond pissed you just wanna give up. The pain is getting so bad man I don't wanna feel none of it anymore.. it's been eating at me for months. Would I be wrong if I cursed her?

Sorry to hear that. Maybe instead of a curse you could try formulating a working that bestows some reason and maybe compassion to your ex if you think that's possible. Hurting her you would inevitably hurt your daughter especially if she's very young and I'm sure that's not what you want. Do you think she's withholding your parental right that you're legally entitled to because she feels hurt and hates you or because she believes you're not good for your child? Maybe you could represent yourself in a litigation and make the court see that you're a stand up guy thus getting them to order her to let you see your daughter?
Braun666 said:
Wonderful Sermon, further cemented and expanded on some thoughts I had. It goes without saying thank you HP HC!
Hi 👋 I was looking at an old post of yours, Kundalini Yoga(Resources)*WEBSITE/DVDS*
I've noticed that many need the knowledge of kundalini yoga especially what the JoS has recommended.
So I took my time to download the full pinklotus kundalini website and the kundalini yoga dvds recommended by the JoS.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/o65mm03yosk6w ... t.rar?dl=0

It's the full Kundalini Yoga 14 DVD set of Ana Brett and Ravi Singh recommended by the JoS.
This is a RAR file (about 8GB) so you will need winrar to extract(for info on how to do so you can go on youtube).
"This item was deleted"
Do you still have the files? If so, may you please reupload them? It would be most helpful ☺️
Shemsu said:
The_bloom_of_darkness said:
The night you made this post was the night I broke down to father satan about the pain thats been building up for weeks. My baby mom has been keeping my daughter from me for no reason man.. she been ignoring me and my family for no reason. I can't afford a lawyer. I have a job making good money but I been out of work because I don't have a car.. I'm hurt and I messed up honestly by getting a little out of character by asking her bf to come fight me to settle this. Regardless I feel what I said is backed by justice but the law is made for one not to take justice into their own hands.. I get it. What am I suppose to do from here man? Do I keep taking the bullet? It's been two months since I seen my daughter and there's literally a hole in my chest. It hurts cobra.. would I be wrong for cursing her? I feel I have enough rage inside me to take everything down but I'm not proud of this either because I don't wanna keep feeling that rage, I just wanna be there with my daughter. She is my life and my world man. I don't want there to be a battle because honestly part of me still cares for her mombut when she's using my daughter as a pawn to get to me it's almost like she's kind of asking to get cursed. What do I do man? I'm trying to find sanity in all of this but it's hard.. it's hard when it feels like there's a storm of darkness brewing inside you and when you're beyond pissed you just wanna give up. The pain is getting so bad man I don't wanna feel none of it anymore.. it's been eating at me for months. Would I be wrong if I cursed her?

Sorry to hear that. Maybe instead of a curse you could try formulating a working that bestows some reason and maybe compassion to your ex if you think that's possible. Hurting her you would inevitably hurt your daughter especially if she's very young and I'm sure that's not what you want. Do you think she's withholding your parental right that you're legally entitled to because she feels hurt and hates you or because she believes you're not good for your child? Maybe you could represent yourself in a litigation and make the court see that you're a stand up guy thus getting them to order her to let you see your daughter?

That's the role I am taking going through the courts and yes she has a thing agaisnt me and is using my daughter as a pawn to get to me tbh I have it all documented and ready for court. They are making me wait months for court as if this in itself won't have an impact on my daughter.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=419118 time=1675512949 user_id=57]

Hello :)

Don't curse her, as this could have repercussions on your daughter. Instead, do a working to change the situation. Multiple workings. Tyr and Vynn for example, to be able to see your daughter as often as possible. Program the mother's aura to be more considerate to you (do this while she sleeps), trancework and see strong bonds between you and your daughter and affirm that you see her often. Ask a God for help. Think of other things to try.

Good luck to you :)

Thanks for the reply. I started this already in a sense but It was more so doing workings to bring balance more balance to myself as well. I was pretty angry when it all started going down mars in aries here lol so I've been trying to be mindful of that. My daughter and I do have strong bonds tbh that's what worries me as well. Being away from her I know it's going to leave an impact. I'm in the process of court rn but I gotta wait tbh. I was actually thinking of completely binding her mom as well like with the poppet working up on JOS but figured I should heal first from the wounds that been ripped open and power up a bit as well. I'm gonna check more specifically into this Tyr and vynn combo for sure. Ehwaz can be used with this as well for assistance right? I read it can be used to bind an another's thoughts and actions to the operators will so I'm curious if this could help
The_bloom_of_darkness said:
Thanks for the reply. I started this already in a sense but It was more so doing workings to bring balance more balance to myself as well. I was pretty angry when it all started going down mars in aries here lol so I've been trying to be mindful of that. My daughter and I do have strong bonds tbh that's what worries me as well. Being away from her I know it's going to leave an impact. I'm in the process of court rn but I gotta wait tbh. I was actually thinking of completely binding her mom as well like with the poppet working up on JOS but figured I should heal first from the wounds that been ripped open and power up a bit as well. I'm gonna check more specifically into this Tyr and vynn combo for sure. Ehwaz can be used with this as well for assistance right? I read it can be used to bind an another's thoughts and actions to the operators will so I'm curious if this could help

I understand your anger, it is a terrible situation to be in.

Ask Eligor/Abigor for help, He specializes in court cases and legal matters.

Ehwaz could be useful if you are experienced with runes, binding could help too. But make sure everything is done in a safe and beneficial way for your daughter, we mortals do not know all the facts, which is why I always advise to ask Gods for help in major situations such as this.
I just want to share a bit of my story tho because it seems the right topic and I want to show gratitude to Father Satan and the mighty Gods by sharing their help with my life.

My Life was very tough in the early age since I was born until 19. My parents left me when I was 6 I haven't understood why but only after I grew up [ 19 and even older ] I put myself in their shoes and realized what actually happened and I've stop judge them and I forgive them and they also clear up their sins to say so.

I remember how I was bully at school because my I was just a single kid with nobody to shop up at parents meetings and I was also poor and everybody was making fun of me because I've had same clothes and I didn't had a computer in that time to play games with them. I didn't care about the material word it was more about my emotional state , the fact I was alone and the future was freighting me deeply because I've knew I am gonna be just by myself without a familiy and any help at all.

I was crying each summer when the school holiday was finishing and school was starting again , I was imagining the other collogues they've been in the holiday with their parents on the beach and live well and peacefully ,calmly and without any worries as a kid and I was devastated. I was talking to Father Satan each night , I could feel him every time I was talking to him , once I was talking about my problems and I've said to Him : " Enough of this..I don't need anything , I've got you ,I am the happiest Kid in the world having such a honor to meet my Real Father, Parent and my Creator" That's when I felt his warmth and a feeling of "Everything will be alright" a very calm state and very secure like 100% everything Will be alright and It was. I have deep Respect to Him , He never stopped to amaze me with his Good Will and Kind Heart and the Understanding the Patience he had with me, He's truly amazing , no wonder why He is the greatest.

I could see and understand when I was helped , even without asking most of the times and I'm sure probably more then 90% of the help I was receiving was without me seeing it from invisible sources to say so.

But Then I grew up and It was my time to take life in my own hands , somewhere along the way I've lost myself and stopped to meditate and do anything which was foolish and I want to restart again . I don't want all of his help and support to go in vain . I know he believed in me since then and I know this is the way as a Spiritual Satanist.

Hail Satan!!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=424884 time=1676531799 user_id=57]
The_bloom_of_darkness said:
Thanks for the reply. I started this already in a sense but It was more so doing workings to bring balance more balance to myself as well. I was pretty angry when it all started going down mars in aries here lol so I've been trying to be mindful of that. My daughter and I do have strong bonds tbh that's what worries me as well. Being away from her I know it's going to leave an impact. I'm in the process of court rn but I gotta wait tbh. I was actually thinking of completely binding her mom as well like with the poppet working up on JOS but figured I should heal first from the wounds that been ripped open and power up a bit as well. I'm gonna check more specifically into this Tyr and vynn combo for sure. Ehwaz can be used with this as well for assistance right? I read it can be used to bind an another's thoughts and actions to the operators will so I'm curious if this could help

I understand your anger, it is a terrible situation to be in.

Ask Eligor/Abigor for help, He specializes in court cases and legal matters.

Ehwaz could be useful if you are experienced with runes, binding could help too. But make sure everything is done in a safe and beneficial way for your daughter, we mortals do not know all the facts, which is why I always advise to ask Gods for help in major situations such as this.

I've made a deal with Abigor for a case of mine. He was of great help. Everything went so smooth.

I remember when I was with one official and I've was talking in my mind to Abigor " Please Abigor , help me..." I was so afraid. When I spoke to him in literally few seconds or a minute they guy said to me " Everything will be alright , I will see you tomorrow " he suddenly let me go home in one minute meeting when I was with my lawyer it was incredible . But I must respect my own part now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
