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About New Meditation Section

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I am writing this to prepare people in regards to the New Meditation Section. The update will be cumulative, and updates of each new page will be posted on the Updates section on JoS. Meditations will also be posted here and then be posted on the site, but will become available on the site only after at least quite a few of them are up.

In the new meditations section, except of power meditations, there will be two more sections. A later section will be added down in time too.

The amount of work this requires is egregious, and this also has to do with planning and correct timely execution. Therefore I will keep it short and skip fast forward here.

Over the years, I have been very seriously meditating. Except of keeping major necessary silence, I have shared a lot of knowledge elaborating on subjects already known and so on.

The Joy of Satan has had the most wonderful system of meditation. All of the "Satanic" sects understand it, even those who are enemies to us. They come to us for power and getting meditation to work. Yet, they foolishly disregard all of this information is from the Gods, whose providence is reflected onto the Joy of Satan and then reflected onto the readers.

Even the enemy does know this and this is one of the reasons they have tried their earnest to shut us all down. We have stabilized, but don't forget that a few months earlier, we were almost entirely shut down. Needless to say, we have to go against the tide here. But the tide of the upcoming Satanic Aeon is slowly shifting to our advantage.

And that is about to become even better right now. Better meaning, more complete. I mean I don't understand why people don't simply join the Gods and their bastion on earth, so that they can speed-rocket their advancement, but they instead insist to follow the fools and the lower, but that is beyond me and that's their personal choice.

The JoS strongly reflects the knowledge and power of the Gods on Earth.

Due to massive destruction of spiritual knowledge, literally whole segments of meditation have been removed from the populace. By whole segments, I mean whole categories of meditation.

The above may sound confusing for people who don't have a clear view on meditation, but since many people here do what we broadly refer to as Power Meditation. Power Meditation is very important and the core of meditation. However, there are other forms of meditation that are also equally important and have a strong direct correlation with growing the abilities of the mind and soul.

In Ancient Texts, there are leftovers and tidbits of other types of meditation, other than what we refer to as Power Meditation. An example of these are Buddhist meditations and mental exercises. In Buddhism, because they wanted to hide from them the Power Meditations, they have kept them only doing random mental exercises.

Yet even Buddhist texts do insist on all sorts of forms of transcendental and other meditations. Another example, is the Mandala Meditation or how you can meditate using a Mandala. There is no real explanation for these other than "Look at the Dot" and other things like that. Gurus in the East however know very well how to use these, and how powerful these meditations can be.

Thoth has been master of all this, guiding humanity since recorded history [and before that], teaching humanity Satan's teachings directly. A lot of this update will be done because of the council of Him and of course other Gods. The cumulative advancement of people and the timing is now more fitting than ever before.

This could never be done in 2005, where most people were coming from already corrupted occult backgrounds. In our case, many of us have been "bred and grown" in the correct teachings, and many here have been with the JoS for years, or have had the luck to have instantly been presented with the JoS, rather than have to go through many other teachings or even enemy teachings prior. This can give clarity.

Now, if one only does Power Meditation, all they will do is increase power but that is not all of meditation. It's the most integral part, but not all of it. There is not much more left to add on this section, the people who master all that is already in it, will undoubtedly receive power and also their astral and material body will be strengthened.

The powerful constructed soul is to be used and utilized afterwards, and the same goes for sharpening the mind, intellect and so on. Then, one becomes a complete "Soul". To make matters a bit more complex, next levels of meditation also deal with what we call as the "Godhead" or "Equality With God".

God here of course has nothing to do with the bullshit the Abrahamics or the Bible has ever said or implied. This is an occult statement for discovering the Power of "God" every human being does possess.

Having worked for years and constantly face to face with the Gods, I have came to understand the importance of bringing this to awareness, but also help accelerate this with concrete methodology. That will accelerate progress for many but also give people a better ability to deal with their own life.

These two new categories of meditation, will include what I will name as "Awareness meditations" and "Ascent Meditations".

In the Awareness meditation category, there will be a lot of meditations that are crucial for people to raise their understanding, mental clarity, self knowledge and so on. None of this exists in the current Power Meditation section.

The third category will be "Ascent" meditations. This is the most difficult for me to verbally describe, but broadly, these will deal with personal purification meditation [such as when we do workings to remove obstacles from our life], but also to raise the soul to higher levels of existence [and therefore the Serpent] and how to do other meditations.

Each of these sections will have a Beginner Section, an Intermediate Section and an Advanced Section. As one meditates, they should try to do all the meditations in all the main category, mastering them, and then moving onto the next one.

The meditations in the new categories won't be many to begin with, but more will be progressively added. They don't need to be that many either. But they will be very important to help people balance out all sorts of imbalances necessary to bring the soul higher.

The idea is to build the soul as a whole, having the mind following behind it, and the spirit. I know these words may be confusing but all these will be answered in the new meditation section.

I'll keep posted with other updates. By the end of the updating of this section, some meditations may have been moved around [in a more appropriate category]. For example, Past Life Regression will be moved to Awareness Meditations section, and Void Meditation will exist in both the Power Meditation and Awareness Meditation category. Past Life Regression will be moved on the Advanced Level in the same section, while Void will remain in beginners for both.

In the meantime nothing will be affected in the JoS as is is, until a large amount of this already complete. It had to be stated however so everyone will understand better when they see it.

Can't wait to try them out! Thank you HP and a big thank you to the Gods for providing this knowledge!
This is very interesting and exciting. For one thing, this should make it much more clear to people how to structure their advancement for complete success, and not just partial or unstable gains.
Thank you HP HC :)
Blitzkreig said:
This is very interesting and exciting. For one thing, this should make it much more clear to people how to structure their advancement for complete success, and not just partial or unstable gains.

Over the years I have watched many people give up, get lost, not know what to expect etc. Most of this or 90% of the causes of this would be made null if this knowledge existed before.

But the thing is it took me around a decade to recall most of it or the general path to this. For example many people have reached highly over the years, but staying there is another subject and so on. The part about unstable gains is what we want to eliminate. Unstable gains is a key issue here, I am glad you caught up on this term. It's very accurate of a description.

Well, after years I have understood [and mostly through my own major failures or breakthroughs and other things] what the reasons are to this. The meditations given will rectify these matters.
i got dejavu from ur post lately.

like u told me this again. from somewhere. or i have see this again.

or i hear this again from u? but i never did.

not sure. is this normal? i keep doing the ptah meditation. added i also feel i understand u more. or wisdom coming from words. but with dejavu too.

im kinda confused but i think thats good

ps awesome and im excited about new meditations
Before reading your posts, I only was caring about power. But reading further, I understand knowledge and comprehension of things is necessary. Also pineal gland meditation helped me a lot about this. Keep enlighting us, HP! Our salvation is your posts! :lol:
Bright Truth said:
Before reading your posts, I only was caring about power. But reading further, I understand knowledge and comprehension of things is necessary. Also pineal gland meditation helped me a lot about this. Keep enlighting us, HP! Our salvation is your posts! :lol:

Thank you, that's the intended thing here.

In a sense, that's power too. But just not the power we are accustomed to. To understand and to increase knowledge is also to increase power in a way.
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
concrete methodology.
That's the key words. Reading random sources about chakras I was always wondering what the heck was I supposed to do with that info. Now here in a simple sermon HPS Maxine would write and we could understand how to do yoga and chakra empowerment for instance, and learn a lot from there, and I am very thankful for that.

I know, I have understood these problems and issues for years, because primarily I also experienced many myself as a new meditator.

The instructions will be clear as sky in regards to what one has to do. Like they are now in the JoS. And they will be written in a way so that both the advanced eye and the person who understands nothing will gain from them.
I am really looking forward these updates.

When you say that the "Awareness" Meditation section will work exclusively on things like clarity, understanding, and self knowledge and that the current Power Meditation section has none of these things, then how come people do gain clarity and such with Yoga, Runic Kabbalah, and everything else? Even thought it's considered just Power Meditation.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I am really looking forward these updates.

When you say that the "Awareness" Meditation section will work exclusively on things like clarity, understanding, and self knowledge and that the current Power Meditation section has none of these things, then how come people do gain clarity and such with Yoga, Runic Kabbalah, and everything else? Even thought it's considered just Power Meditation.

Because of energy and boosting the system.

But the same meditations applied in another way, confer other benefits more specific benefits. For example, just chanting a Rune is one thing. But more elaborate meditation on that Rune, can give you other powers and a lot more understanding. This then gives rise to a very "expanded" mind.

Yet, this cannot be done without a strong energetic foundation already conferred on you through Power Meditation, so it's an absolute important and the most important thing one can do.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I am really looking forward these updates.

When you say that the "Awareness" Meditation section will work exclusively on things like clarity, understanding, and self knowledge and that the current Power Meditation section has none of these things, then how come people do gain clarity and such with Yoga, Runic Kabbalah, and everything else? Even thought it's considered just Power Meditation.

Because of energy and boosting the system.

But the same meditations applied in another way, confer other benefits more specific benefits. For example, just chanting a Rune is one thing. But more elaborate meditation on that Rune, can give you other powers and a lot more understanding. This then gives rise to a very "expanded" mind.

Yet, this cannot be done without a strong energetic foundation already conferred on you through Power Meditation, so it's an absolute important and the most important thing one can do.

Thanks for explaining that to me HP. You're the best and brightest of us and I will continue to follow in your footsteps and thus the powers of hell.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


So basically we need to focus on the power meditation first to increase our power and then move on to the next section
Cosmic6999 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


So basically we need to focus on the power meditation first to increase our power and then move on to the next section

Each meditation will have a "Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced" section. So if you are beginner, you can also add beginner meditations from the rest of the category.

So as one meditates and does Power Meditations, doing the appropriate category of the other ones will help too. These will be to help the mind get along better with meditation, and other exercises to bring the mind closer to the Gods.

I will elaborate more about this within the updated section itself.
I'll be waiting for you to explain the Mandala Meditations. Thank you for your tireless work and dedication to the Sanatana Dharma.
It's really interesting this is announced now. As ive hit some sticking points in my ascent, and this is absolutely fantastic news. I've been doing everything I need to do. However this will fortunately make everything easier.

Thank you so much HP Hooded Cobra!


Thank you as always for your hard work.
Awesome!!!🙏💗 HAIL SATAN!!!🐍🔥💞
This is fantastic news.

Not to sound demanding, but do you have any sort of timeline for these updates? I only ask because I've been stuck in a rut for a very, very long time, and these meditations sound like they could greatly help me.
Hello HP.

I am really excite to try it out.

But I haven't make a commitment with satan yet.
I don't a demond protector or to work with yet.
And I am very lost I don't know from where to start... to meditate and opening chakras etc...

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Hail Satan.
Most times I would feel like I wanted to be smarter or a lacking in level of understanding. When I read HP maxine's words and that of HP Hoodedcobra666, I perceive higher levels of intelligence, understanding. And I always wished I could arrange words like them. Well, just when I thought I had it all, boom my Supercool HP HC did it for me again.
You know, one time I unintentionally looked down in the power meditations which I held in high esteem, and what more could be the cause of this but a low level of understanding.
Well I'm eager to be better.
Yes and for a long time something has been repetitively happening to me, this has to do with the clock. Even right now, I see 6:06, 10:10 7:07, 8:08 12:12 11:11 9:09, 1:01 1:11 13:13 just lie that, reoccurring each time I want to know what the time is saying. It has now become annoying. Then I noticed twice that when. I want to meditate of think of it, then I check the time, mostly it's 8:08 or 10:10. But these thing is pissing me off. Also 9:11 has been reoccurring too. So anyone knows what this is should plz help out. Recently I can just tell the time without looking ,not always very accurate but not far from the actual time even very close. I just did it now too. I like that one and I think it's due to the advanced pineal gland meditation.
Well I'm eager to be better.
Yes and for a long time something has been repetitively happening to me, this has to do with the clock. Even right now, I see 6:06, 10:10 7:07, 8:08 12:12 11:11 9:09, 1:01 1:11 13:13 just lie that, reoccurring each time I want to know what the time is saying. It has now become annoying. Then I noticed twice that when. I want to meditate of think of it, then I check the time, mostly it's 8:08 or 10:10. But these thing is pissing me off. Also 9:11 has been reoccurring too. So anyone knows what this is should plz help out. Recently I can just tell the time without looking ,not always very accurate but not far from the actual time even very close. I just did it now too. I like that one and I think it's due to the advanced pineal gland meditation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


So basically we need to focus on the power meditation first to increase our power and then move on to the next section

Each meditation will have a "Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced" section. So if you are beginner, you can also add beginner meditations from the rest of the category.

So as one meditates and does Power Meditations, doing the appropriate category of the other ones will help too. These will be to help the mind get along better with meditation, and other exercises to bring the mind closer to the Gods.

I will elaborate more about this within the updated section itself.

Nice, will Merkaba Meditation be touched in awareness or Acent, because I have been asking if this very beautiful meditation, infact one of the most powerful should be directed via affirmation. Or will the be an Awareness meditation for this.

I fact, I don't want to ask questions anymore, I just feel like my mind needs to be open more and you are about to do just that for me. Secondly what's the color of Ether is it sought of like blue, because I was doing the 6th Chakra color for 50days now then it occurred to me that it's not the color of aether so I changed it 2days ago to do one that looks blue, effects was to subtle to feel, but I felt more intelligent, smarter, faster, clear, then I understood I was doing kundalini yoga wrong, and I hv been reading something there and yet just understood it. Okay thank you
This is wonderful. Thank you for pioneering this most beautiful but complex and difficult path, I’ll never forget your and HPS Maxine’s work on teaching us clear and concise methods and knowledge on spiritual advancement and growth.

Without the Joy of Satan, I would have been nowhere, and I may never have made meaningful advancement in all my life. I truly thank you and Maxine, and of course the Gods, with my entire being for providing us with this knowledge and once more opening this path of spiritual advancement which had been all but forgotten and fragmented for the past thousands of years.

I myself have also experienced what gaining power with adequate wisdom, knowledge and understanding, or clarity if you will, leads to.

Unstable advancement is doomed to cave in on itself no matter how much is gained. In fact, the more is gained, the worse it can crash and fall when this is not build upon a full and complete foundation.

I have learned and gained a lot over the past few years, most of which is difficult to quantify. I’m also really excited to see the new meditation sections, and study and learn from your and the Gods insights into these different aspects of meditation and advancement.

On this subject, I feel stability is the most important and integral thing to advancement, stability being what leads to the greatest power, and simultaneously being the greatest power.

Awareness, understanding, clarity, wisdom, strength, persistence, passion, tenacity, dedication, effort and pure power all come together to create stability and give rise to true lasting power.

These manifest differently for different meditators, and everyone has their own individual path to follow, the order in which one develops these necessary aspects is subject to ones own unique path as well, but all these aspects are required for stability and permanent growth in accordance with the character of one’s soul.

This stability must be internalized for the minimum level of the soul to rise. The ceiling can ebb and flow, but the floor level of one’s advancement is the key. It must rise and the fruits of ones labor must crystallize, so one can never drop below a certain point, and one’s potential can continue to manifest without issue.

I’m very excited for how much more I will learn in the next few years, and how much power I can internalize with the new materials and knowledge that will come to the JoS.

HP HoodedCobra, may you, the Joy of Satan and all dedicated SS brothers and SS sisters be blessed forever!

Hail Satan and all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
This is nuts :D Yesterday I wanted to ask you some things about the new meditation section on JoS but dropped sending it last minute because I felt I should wait. And today I wake up to this sermon. I mean...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our case, many of us have been "bred and grown" in the correct teachings, and many here have been with the JoS for years, or have had the luck to have instantly been presented with the JoS, rather than have to go through many other teachings or even enemy teachings prior. This can give clarity.

Now, if one only does Power Meditation, all they will do is increase power but that is not all of meditation.

I'm loving this new insight on the mental aspects of all of this. I indeed grew up in the JoS and I didn't gather much occult knowledge before I actually found the JoS. And everything I have today was either from the JoS or filtered through the Satanic view I obtained from there. But it took me a long while to put everything together in my head in a way that worked for me. I will not blame anyone but my own self for this, as clearly many others succeeded back then. But my point is, I believe I will benefit greatly from these new meditations, I still have a long way to go. Looking forward to it. You're doing such an amazing job, your sermons are always very valuable. Thank you.
I am so looking forward to this. A lot of people are drawn here due to "wanting power" but I always wanted more than just power: clarity, awareness, knowledge, wisdom. And you mention these very words!

Very excited to see these additions when they come.

Hail Satan
Woah i cant wait to see how they will look! This will make advancement much more easier because you will know better what to choose.
Thank you HP!
Will there be any meditations that will invite Demons to attach and possess us.? As the Demons are willing to, of course.
I'm very excited about this! And it makes sense, I always thought there was something lacking, the forums definitely helped us come togheter and help each others when it comes to some things but I'm glad the Jos is going to get better. Hopefully we can see something soon :) Thank you for your hard work HP!
I don't comment on topics very often, but in this particular case I would really like to thank you HP HC for the news you bring. I thank you in a very sincere way.
Béla said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I used to do weird techniques as a kid that kept me super concantrate . I recently asked Master Azazel about this, what was the technique? And he said it was Consciousness Meditation. People who have been SS in a previous life need some level of maintenance. That's what he said. I asked him for the exact technique and I've been doing it daily ever since and it's still good. I can write it down privately if you like.
I would also like to check that there are no errors in the meditation.

Sure. Many people here have been meditation practitioners in past lives. Meditation has been practiced before in at least a few intervals in one's life. We are talking basically just everybody. So a lot of this is already practiced by people in a past life. This includes trance and many other things.

Some of us who have "forgotten" more strongly, will recuperate by re-doing the meditations. Feel free to e-mail if you want, I will check your e-mail and respond. It may take a couple days but I make it a point to always try to reply.
jbkbmz said:
Will there be any meditations that will invite Demons to attach and possess us.? As the Demons are willing to, of course.

Yes, there will be meditations to bring us closer to the Gods in this manner. But all around the already invocation method should help in this. I will have to write detailed new information on invocation.
Can't wait for awareness meditation section!
In terms of power, I can wish someone something for a less than a second and it will manifest, but I am lack of awareness and discipline, so I am often nurfed not to harm myself and others.
Regular mediation and RTRs helped with discipline a lot, but awareness is something I need to master.
Wonderful news! I am very excited and happy, thank you so much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Wouldn't it be a good idea to put in more information about physical and mental health/exercises? It is briefly stated on the site that those who are physically fit have an easier time advancing spiritually. There is also yoga of course but it might be a good thing to introduce more knowledge about physical and mental health.

I have seen members even regulars that are facing mental problems, The general advice that is given on the forums is oh do this or that meditation and you will be fine afterwards. But there so many more factors that come to play here, If it was as easy as doing a meditation ppl wouldn't still be having mental problems. (its also easy to blame an enemy attack, Even if these are their own shortcomings)

In my opinion some members are doing things the wrong way, Having a mentality of spirituality first and the rest comes later seems foolish to me, When ones mind and thus understanding becomes stronger it will become so much easier to utilize the spiritual side of things. And sure you can use only meditations to get a stronger mind but it is much harder if you do it this way.

A strong mind is found in a strong body, Strong spirituality comes with a strong mind. This is my stance on advancing, If you do things the other way around you will be fighting a uphill battle. That's why i'm suggesting putting in a little bit more information about the physical and mental side of things.
SSinHeartandSoul said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Wouldn't it be a good idea to put in more information about physical and mental health/exercises? It is briefly stated on the site that those who are physically fit have an easier time advancing spiritually. There is also yoga of course but it might be a good thing to introduce more knowledge about physical and mental health.

I have seen members even regulars that are facing mental problems, The general advice that is given on the forums is oh do this or that meditation and you will be fine afterwards. But there so many more factors that come to play here, If it was as easy as doing a meditation ppl wouldn't still be having mental problems. (its also easy to blame an enemy attack, Even if these are their own shortcomings)

In my opinion some members are doing things the wrong way, Having a mentality of spirituality first and the rest comes later seems foolish to me, When ones mind and thus understanding becomes stronger it will become so much easier to utilize the spiritual side of things. And sure you can use only meditations to get a stronger mind but it is much harder if you do it this way.

A strong mind is found in a strong body, Strong spirituality comes with a strong mind. This is my stance on advancing, If you do things the other way around you will be fighting a uphill battle. That's why i'm suggesting putting in a little bit more information about the physical and mental side of things.

Yes, that is exactly where this is going too. A specific full category will be to rectify and fix these things that you mention here. It's been on the to-do list for a very long time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, that is exactly where this is going too. A specific full category will be to rectify and fix these things that you mention here. It's been on the to-do list for a very long time.

That is great to hear :D It pains me to see my brothers and sister fall into the same trap over and over again, I hope that this will help them as much as it has helped me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
