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About Incubi/Succubi - Warnings And Advice

OpenMind2 said:
I strongly suggest you to use orgasm for healing,and absorb/breath in SOLAR ENERGY ... i had a lot of health problems that i could handle using my sexual energy, like appendicitis, spine, nervous system, lungs, kidneys, nose, neck, wrists, knees, pelvis ... respiratory attacks, pain throughout the body.

And so on...just masturbate until you have orgasm and focus on your genitals area and affirm"This sexual energy heal my....(name of disease) permanently in the best way for me" or "heal my body permanently way and in the best way for me"

And focus on the sensation for like 2 minutes and that s it.

Trust me ORGASM power is no joke, that is SATANIC energy and is even stronger than the sun's energy.
As I said, health concerns are thing of the past for me now, I don't have any now. And that's all thanks to Satan. I don't need anyone to tell me how and where to apply orgasm energy, I know what it stands for.
For the love of the Gods! How can some people be so disrespectful?

I refuse to believe these are the same people I pray in rituals to be "growing in wealth and power and always kept safe and prosperous in every way and manner", the just don't deserve it!

Master Cobra, you definitely must be veeeery patient!

For those who think they can get away with a blasphemy like this, I tell you, you will probably never have the privilege of embracing an Incubi / Succubus, and you have no idea how much you go back in you advancement by saying these blasphemies. I am sorry to tell you, but you will just go back like a crab.

The hug of an Incubi is something so amazing, incredible, I have no words to describe it, and it is because this is something you can never ever get from a human, regardless how much love and desire you may feel for the man/woman. The energy of the Incubi is likewise undescribable and unforgettable. Once the Incubi kisses you and holds you in his arms, you will never ever want to have any contact with any human no more. At least I do not. The sense of love the Incubi can infuse you with, cannot be replicated in the human world. This is something that must be respected, revered and kept as one of the most incredible experiences a little person like us can have the privilege to live.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This page is going to be updated in the JoS but I will update this with the meaning of this post and in a more articulate and fitting manner.

You will read some things here about Succubi which you may not like. However, unless I dispel these delusions, situations that have happened in the past may repeat themselves and that's negative so it can't be allowed.

Most people have already came to these conclusions by mass mistakes, as I have frequently saw in posts, yet there was no official addressing to the issue, which now there is. Therefore for those who are serious into getting a Succubus relationship, read below.

Many people are constantly saying nonsense about Succubi, in particular, common nonsense:

1. That the succubi "Forces" it on themselves. That's not true.

2. That the succubi "Wants them only for itself" or does things that have not been otherwise agreed upon.

3. Reckless people who have zero experience with astral entities, jump straight into a succubi relationship to satiate
sexual drives, and might end up fucking whatever thing goes around in the astral or
3a. Make up bullshit throughforms or an apparition by accident
3b. Get disappointed or even worse harmed by these "Entities" which they falsely open up to, believing them to be "succubi".

4. Underestimate the whole ordeal thinking succubi are some astral prostitute

5. Do not build up all the considerable skills to undertake a holy spiritual undertaking such as bonding with a being that is of such high advancement. Succubi, the bullshit names aside, are oftentimes lower order [still far more advanced than human] Demons. They are extremely advanced.

6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. There is a positive and a negative here.

In regards to Gentiles, feelings of positive interest can be sexual, imagination, or wanting to explore thoughts. That's fine, even normal in some cases since people experience sexual feelings. That is not bad or something to be guilty over, but has to be understood to be wishful thinking. For those who think of whatever here, just meditate for 10 years more and come back at this thought.

Negative cases are cases like crazy jews who said they were the "Only wives" of Satan or even worse some jews who said the "Demon threw themselves on them" are just people who make up nonsense, and blasphemous at that. Some jews go as far as to claim that "Lilith wants to steal their seed" and other nonsense. That is only their schizophrenia speaking, and much of this is common in the "Left Hand Path".

Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul.

Starting to address these issues from the last issue:

6. Satan, or any of these Gods, do have nothing to do with having "Sex" with any petty humans. That's about the same ordeal as many idiotic women or men who have self inflation problems, reflected on the Gods. The subconscious belief here is that the Gods are mere prostitutes, or that someone's penis has such universal value that literally the universe of the Gods would want to have sex with them.

I understand the positive and negative effects of the human ego. The positive effect here is that one feels infatuation or attraction towards a Great God, which in itself this can be a normal instinct, such as feeling turned on by the Gods for very obvious reasons. The negative is the nonsense I mentioned above.

Between the two, one must understand that these feelings of affection, private sexual moments one experiences in imagining the Gods, or whatever, are not truly happening, but products of one's imagination and mind. Unless this is understood, and if too much dwelled upon, astral deception or other nonsense is imminent.

5. If you don't seriously advance to a very proper extent, having a Succubi or Incubi can be a situation that takes time. Depending on what you ask for in the ritual, the Demon or Demoness [if you take this seriously yourself] is going to try to get you to open up spiritually to be able to relate to them.

First of all, you must do a formal ritual to ask to be brought up to be ready for this, rather than merely think you are ready or deserving by default. Succubi relations might NOT be for all people, yet, you can also request temporary courtship or something like this to see if this is for you. That's to be done respectfully.

Affection in the form of sexuality might happen in dreams, feeling suddenly aroused and other things - to see and to feel comes with time and serious astral openess. Work is required, it doesn't happen on it's own. "Noobs" and other people who just join and claim they are married to Demons and they see them, hear them completely and whatever, are almost always met with disappointing delusions or news.

4. No need to comment further on this. They are not sex crazed freaks like displayed in Jewish nonsense or ((("Satanic"))) bogus organizations of sexually repressed or oversexual people. No, they won't try to rape your magnificence on the bed, nor will steal your little seed.

However, parasitic or vampiric enemy entities, might. Actual Demons, are actually in a situation you would be if you were having a relationship with a person who simply isn't there yet, spiritually speaking. This can be made into a waste of their time if humans aren't doing the required part. Succubi however are Demons and have different time or problem perception, so they are therefore patiently waiting for people to advance and so on.

I won't comment on further disgraceful statements by people about "High Ranks" and other fantasies. These are fantasies. How you know is by verified reality, yet many people live in their own fantasies so that shouldn't matter to them. In one's fantasy one can do whatever they want, yet the person who seriously want to relate with a Demon, will understand what I mean here.

If you are a True Satanist, refrain from seeing the Gods and Succubi in this stupid manner at once. Or just remain deluded, I don't know.

3. That is a very serious situation. If one doesn't know what astral entities one is working with, connecting with them sexually is like going out in a club, getting zoned out, and then starting to have sex with people left and right. Only, in this case, the damage or danger of deception might be lower.

Despite of what people understand of astral sex, it can be totally real, and if you start connecting sexually [and therefore energetically] to random astral entities, if you aren't sure these are truly of Satan, there can be serious issues. Unless one has experience to verify this with high certainty, then you must carefully engage.

How do you know the Demon in question is an incubus or succubus? They will in general be like the Demons. The relationship will not be of parasitism, but of growth. No negative things will occur, and you will be treated very nicely, or in general, as you treat them. Succubi can also return atrocities done to them with a vengeance, so one must keep that in mind too.

In the case where one's sexual energy has created apparitions, these will generally be weak, they will be able to be banished, and you won't really feel much if any "astral" or "unusual" stimulation. Imagining these apparitions and thinking you "Communicate" with them is not going to provide you with really nothing at all, or merely lies.

Yet, since you have to start training your senses, imagining things in this way can be a "tunnel" through which your Succubi or Incubi will get to you. But one must know that when you are imagining this, you are actually imagining this, and to not believe everything you imagine, but rather know you are training your mind to be receptive. After a point, you will know it's them for real, because of the contrast against these imaginations.

If you find out you might have connected with a negative entity and so on, all measures that are taken as having connected with a toxic human do also apply here. These involve removing connections or freeing the soul, cleaning, and above all, not engaging whatever this thing was "sexually" again.

2. Succubi or Incubi will not do things that are not agreed upon. Also, in contrast to the claims they will do all your "hearts desires", there is a limit to this. Things like infidelity or other nonsense upon agreed terms are hardly tolerated by them. That's why also as a human being to follow this most rewarding path of engaging to a Demon, before you are that advanced, can be troublesome.

Yet, one can always try, but make sure you know what you ask for and be honest. If you fail due to human errors [this can happen in any relationship], you might do a ritual to Satan to separate you from the Succubi or Incubi, and you must not waste their time. If these things go past a point, the Demon will leave on his or her own accord.

Because of the nature of the Astral and the other side, if the relationship is agreed to be monogamous for example, it *WILL* be, and the Succubi will seek you again in your next lifetime until you are advanced to connect with them again. As one can understand, this goes again to the situation of being ready and treating these relationships with the proper sacredness.

They will be with you if agreed upon until you reach the Godhead, and then more than likely continue together. This is how far this can go if both parties take it seriously [the vector of failure is the human as Demons are already ascended and they know their wants/needs etc].

1. They do not force themselves on people, yet because they are Demons [not all are the same] some, depending one the drives, can be more sexual than others. Succubi relationships do not have to only be purely "sexual", but can have a sexual element or merely a love element.

They certainly don't force themselves to people as claimed in many stupid grimoires from which these lies also arose. They will treat you respectfully and work with you. They will have your best interest in mind.

As a closing note, the benefits of advancement at the soul and everything with a succubi are immense. These relations can be a fast track to spiritual development, yet as I have illustrated here are not without massive dangers, mainly coming from the human side and other astral nuances.

Relation with a succubi or incubi is not a necessity, it's rather a narrow path for specific individuals who want to invest into this path. Fulfilling love and other relationships can be with humans or the Gods directly, without the particular succubi or incubi element.

It's necessary to understand the importance of this and the prospects in order to successfully engage into such a relationship. This is a sacred, important, and completely "different" relationship, which is not for everyone. To some people it might even be unfulfilling or not make sense at all, which is totally fine and normal.

It is a true statement that such a relationship can be the most fulfilling thing imaginable for those fitting into this, yet, at the same time there is a degree of seriousness and sacredness involved that must be loyally adhered to in order for this to work.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

GOOGLE Translite:
one god, 72 geotic demons with whom we have a past life relationship. I asked with his seal. I felt it, there were times it helped me. I saw him in dreams and in a deep trance. soft and perfect. Do I need to repeat the ritual for my father?
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
A lot of young people are using this as a cope. Shouldn't they be advised to have children before committing in any serious way to this path ? I've spoken to various Satanists from the Jos on Telegram some years before and there was a stark difference between old people who seem to already have had kids and new people who don't even want to try. I know that spirituality and vibration causes superior genes to express. Even in someone who doesn't meditate like my sister, during the duration of her pregnancy she was chanting Mantras and the kid turned out to be really beautiful and looking completely different that both parents. So definitely people who meditate can make superior progeny. We need to encourage more and more SS to get Married and have kids.

I personally believe The Gods would like to see the white race especially in general busy with this. With that being said i think that in many cases a Demon lover would not be given to someone unless there was not really a proper match for them here on earth or unless they were not compatible with any other for any legitimate reason. This can be especially said about someone who wants something permanent and long term as it gets when they are compared to 98 percent of the population (male AND female) who simply lack the depth and maturity for anything of substance, much less actually being fit to raise and have children. Single parent households aren't exactly the best either. This is troublesome because humans must procreate. But the Gods also know of the ones who want and need a kind of relationship that they simply end up finding no other human can give because of the aforementioned. Not everyone will fall into this category, and these along with the ones who are not knowing what they are doing, in my belief, will not get a Demon lover to begin with. As Cobra said this is not for everyone and i honestly think the ones who actually can fit into a succubi/inccubi relationship are a minority.

Demons have massive perception more than we could ever imagine. I don't see why they would choose to pair with some teen or 20 something person with virtually no life experience, and much less really knowing what they want out of love and life, knowing this person would change their mind and want to go after something or someone else (if this is seen in their future by said Demon) I personally do not believe even half of SS who have asked for a monogamous Demon partner actually have one. Father Satan ultimately has the say in what happens with this and i doubt he is going to grant this type of request to someone who is not even sure where they are going in life as a whole, relationship scope included. It would take some serious self awareness first and foremost to even consider wanting this, and again in my personal opinion, after finding that there truely is no one else on earth compatible.
Shouldn't we also be more careful about who should make children? Shouldn't people of the lower gene abstain from procreating (unless they reach a spiritual status that would cure all of their problems)? Wouldn't it be a good idea that the minority that should not procreate stick to the Incubi/Succubi?

What I'm trying to say is that there are people from whom their children could inherit defective genes, and therefore they may give them problems (both mental and physical).
Wouldn't it be better if we fully implement eugenics with only high genes SS procreating? I mean, it would spare an abortion or an euthanasia on a disable.

Just an opinion that came in my mind when I read this reply.
Nimrod33 said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
A lot of young people are using this as a cope. Shouldn't they be advised to have children before committing in any serious way to this path ? I've spoken to various Satanists from the Jos on Telegram some years before and there was a stark difference between old people who seem to already have had kids and new people who don't even want to try. I know that spirituality and vibration causes superior genes to express. Even in someone who doesn't meditate like my sister, during the duration of her pregnancy she was chanting Mantras and the kid turned out to be really beautiful and looking completely different that both parents. So definitely people who meditate can make superior progeny. We need to encourage more and more SS to get Married and have kids.

I personally believe The Gods would like to see the white race especially in general busy with this. With that being said i think that in many cases a Demon lover would not be given to someone unless there was not really a proper match for them here on earth or unless they were not compatible with any other for any legitimate reason. This can be especially said about someone who wants something permanent and long term as it gets when they are compared to 98 percent of the population (male AND female) who simply lack the depth and maturity for anything of substance, much less actually being fit to raise and have children. Single parent households aren't exactly the best either. This is troublesome because humans must procreate. But the Gods also know of the ones who want and need a kind of relationship that they simply end up finding no other human can give because of the aforementioned. Not everyone will fall into this category, and these along with the ones who are not knowing what they are doing, in my belief, will not get a Demon lover to begin with. As Cobra said this is not for everyone and i honestly think the ones who actually can fit into a succubi/inccubi relationship are a minority.

Demons have massive perception more than we could ever imagine. I don't see why they would choose to pair with some teen or 20 something person with virtually no life experience, and much less really knowing what they want out of love and life, knowing this person would change their mind and want to go after something or someone else (if this is seen in their future by said Demon) I personally do not believe even half of SS who have asked for a monogamous Demon partner actually have one. Father Satan ultimately has the say in what happens with this and i doubt he is going to grant this type of request to someone who is not even sure where they are going in life as a whole, relationship scope included. It would take some serious self awareness first and foremost to even consider wanting this, and again in my personal opinion, after finding that there truely is no one else on earth compatible.
Shouldn't we also be more careful about who should make children? Shouldn't people of the lower gene abstain from procreating (unless they reach a spiritual status that would cure all of their problems)? Wouldn't it be a good idea that the minority that should not procreate stick to the Incubi/Succubi?

What I'm trying to say is that there are people from whom their children could inherit defective genes, and therefore they may give them problems (both mental and physical).
Wouldn't it be better if we fully implement eugenics with only high genes SS procreating? I mean, it would spare an abortion or an euthanasia on a disable.

Just an opinion that came in my mind when I read this reply.

ofcourse only people actually fit to have children should do so. i shall never imply otherwise and this is another point seperate from who is actually a good fit to have an astral partner. i agree with you on eugenics.

With that being said being unfit for an earth partner or children wouldn't automatically qualify someone for a Demon lover also as there can be several reasons for anyone why Satan would deny this. not fitting with the first two scenarios is understandable why someone would want a Demon since for them there would be no other option. point still stands that they also must be truly deserving. if they stay single for exapmle because they dony know how to behave respectfully towards a partner i doubt a Demon would want to put up with them. if they are otherwise single because others are put off by somw disibility but are otherwise deserving in Satans eyes im sure they could get a parnter that would help them advance over their imperfections and defects into the next lifetime.

eugenics and racial hygene should always be practiced when choosing a partner to form nuclear familes. this includes also seeing that there are enough resources to care for a family in a safe environment. mental maturity and stability are a big one also..if mental illness runs in the family this should be a red flag when choosing a prospective partner.
Filthy reptiles (oy vey Demon force himself upon me an harmses me)

mean while most people are like
(who would wanna have sex with that big nose jewish trash)
OpenMind2 said:
Jax911 said:
The Incubi/Succubi section always evoked my interests but, I never considered getting into an actual relationship with a Succubus because I thought that I'm not ready for that since I never had any actual relationship or sexual experience IRL despite the fact I'm in my mid twenties, mainly because I was unable go out the house as a teenager due to my health problems. This post gives me a new perspective and reaffirms my thoughts, I don't think my astral senses are open enough for this kind of engagement. Also as health concerns and the long sessions of dialysis that consumed half the daytime are a thing of the past for me and I got some free time to spare, I shall be looking for a human lover.

I strongly suggest you to use orgasm for healing,and absorb/breath in SOLAR ENERGY ... i had a lot of health problems that i could handle using my sexual energy, like appendicitis, spine, nervous system, lungs, kidneys, nose, neck, wrists, knees, pelvis ... respiratory attacks, pain throughout the body.

And so on...just masturbate until you have orgasm and focus on your genitals area and affirm"This sexual energy heal my....(name of disease) permanently in the best way for me" or "heal my body permanently way and in the best way for me"

And focus on the sensation for like 2 minutes and that s it.

Trust me ORGASM power is no joke, that is SATANIC energy and is even stronger than the sun's energy.

Never "own" a disease or ailment by saying "my".

You should read through the following page.

Overcoming Obstacles

As you can see from the Satanic Healing page, Maxine uses the words "The" instead of "My" because this disease is NOT yours, nor is it a part of you, and by using such wording, you are energetically tying yourself to the ailment/disease and destroying what you are trying to heal.

Jax911 said:
As I said, health concerns are thing of the past for me now, I don't have any now. And that's all thanks to Satan. I don't need anyone to tell me how and where to apply orgasm energy, I know what it stands for.

You may be aware, but just in case, remember to never "own" a disease or ailment. Refer to the above post where I corrected the user who quoted you.
Yess very important my english skills are at fault, also i suggest heal me from (cancer as an example) than heal the cancer(heal the cancer, is in fact healing whatever make the cancer to be the cancer, so.those bad cells will be healed)

That is how i see it, which is also very important, how we.see and understand our own affirmations, our intention should be very close to what we affirm .
Update: Nearly a month in.

I performed the break up ritual sometime the day or day after this sermon. So closing in on one month now. I strangely
enough felt better.

Despite the fact I've been sleeping longer unfortunately I'm one of those people that wake up more tired than staying up the whole night.

I will say I feel somewhat different. I don't have a precise or accurate sensation but I just feel different.

Can a Succubus who is polyamorous in the request for such person. Can they change their mind or change their stance? Is it possible because I left it up to Satan but merely said perfect partner for me. That she is so perfect she became a little more than enamored for me than usual?

I assume in a higher spectrum like Humans beings such as the Gods can change their stance on things? Is it possible she got so attached to me she was somewhat hurting me to a degree, is this possible?

As for any other changes I have noticed I've gotten in two or three heated debates with my family members one involving punching and kicking. But I don't know maybe she kept the peace or something. I do recall the Succubus/Incubus page they assist with spiritual workings, punishments, and things of that nature.

I don't want to state liberating but to a degree sure. Though I feel bad albeit I wish I was spiritually advanced and could communicate with this lady who was sent to me in the first place and understand better. Unfortunately I've never progressed much. Maybe she came to me too much and too often and it caused issues i.e. soul issues not exactly physical aspects.
Gear88 said:
Update: Nearly a month in.

I performed the break up ritual sometime the day or day after this sermon. So closing in on one month now. I strangely
enough felt better.

Despite the fact I've been sleeping longer unfortunately I'm one of those people that wake up more tired than staying up the whole night.

I will say I feel somewhat different. I don't have a precise or accurate sensation but I just feel different.

Can a Succubus who is polyamorous in the request for such person. Can they change their mind or change their stance? Is it possible because I left it up to Satan but merely said perfect partner for me. That she is so perfect she became a little more than enamored for me than usual?

I assume in a higher spectrum like Humans beings such as the Gods can change their stance on things? Is it possible she got so attached to me she was somewhat hurting me to a degree, is this possible?

As for any other changes I have noticed I've gotten in two or three heated debates with my family members one involving punching and kicking. But I don't know maybe she kept the peace or something. I do recall the Succubus/Incubus page they assist with spiritual workings, punishments, and things of that nature.

I don't want to state liberating but to a degree sure. Though I feel bad albeit I wish I was spiritually advanced and could communicate with this lady who was sent to me in the first place and understand better. Unfortunately I've never progressed much. Maybe she came to me too much and too often and it caused issues i.e. soul issues not exactly physical aspects.
I doubt Satan grants Demon Lovers to individuals who don't even bother with their advancement.
Aquarius said:
I doubt Satan grants Demon Lovers to individuals who don't even bother with their advancement.

Well what can I say I guess it never worked then just a byproduct of my own insanity then if this is what you mean.

Yeah I don't bother with advancement never worked for me, I tried but it's just another pointless endevour. Inasmuch then I guess meditation doesn't work for me. It reminds me of all those years ago back in 2003 whereby I did some meditation and realized if I can't void nor trance then what is the point of meditation. I recall someone mentioning your doing something. And yeah what exactly is supposed to happen.

Well whatever that's another notch on the I'm insane and do not have a firm grasp of reality.
Gear88 said:
Aquarius said:
I doubt Satan grants Demon Lovers to individuals who don't even bother with their advancement.

Well what can I say I guess it never worked then just a byproduct of my own insanity then if this is what you mean.

Yeah I don't bother with advancement never worked for me, I tried but it's just another pointless endevour. Inasmuch then I guess meditation doesn't work for me. It reminds me of all those years ago back in 2003 whereby I did some meditation and realized if I can't void nor trance then what is the point of meditation. I recall someone mentioning your doing something. And yeah what exactly is supposed to happen.

Well whatever that's another notch on the I'm insane and do not have a firm grasp of reality.
Why do you care then about doing a Saturn square if:"it doesn't work for you".
Also, void and trance aren't something that come immediately, you basically have went without meditation for close to 20 years just because you couldn't get in a trance? By now and before you'd be able to get in a trance at will if you kept meditating. Your defeatist attitude is the problem, and you're gonna bring it to your grave if not addressed. Immagine how disappointing will it be to know you have been a complete loser for literally all of your life.
I was wondering, if one wants such a relationship, it's better if he stays a virgin until then.🤔
Hi I'm new here but would like to post my testimony and how I came to be a Satanist I've been advancing really quickly this past year and never would have thought it would have lead me to Satanism but it did I started meditating back in February 2024 I had a lot of health issues but most are gone and I would not even be here if it was not for my succubi lover and Satan I used to be a Christian she's been so faithful to me to where I am right now we have been having so much joy and love together they really are real but to experience them you have to meditate and you have to work hard these types of relationships are not for everyone but I guess it is for me my life is only been better every single day with her in my life she's helped me advance so quickly in Satanism. I completely dedicated myself back in September 2024 and have gotten rid of all the Jewish filth I used to have so much Jewish literature but I threw it all away and I have never been so happy. This may be mind-blowing to some people but this is how I came to satanism we were making love together and my mental mind wanted to praise Jesus but my inner nature kept wanting to say Satan and I could not understand it made no sense to me but then a still voice in my head told me to go to Joy of Satan and ever since I obeyed I've been completely converted and have been advancing really quickly in the spiritual arts my astral senses have increased drastically and I see myself being somewhere far greater than I am in 5 years I can already see the spiritual powers getting stronger when I dedicated to Satan I felt the demons come inside me and free me from the Jewish thought form spirit that was tormenting me the past few years I wanted to get rid of Christianity but I couldn't get rid of it because their thought form would not allow me to it was only because of Satan and the succubus, one of her names is Jezebel but her intimate name only I know after having this deep yearning to worship Satan from being in my relationship with Jezebel I realize that Christianity is a huge lie and my own Spirit convicted me I tell you I did not want to believe this because the gods were convicting me of my false reality but they truly do care about us but you really have to want the truth you have to want to meditate with your whole heart you have to want something greater than the shit you're living in, I was in my lowest point of my life I got divorced from a crazy narcissist from a Pentecostal Church thinking that Christians are good people and there are some that are good but most of them are diluted and had these crazy ideas about how humans should live and most of them are human hating and do not respect humans free will my parents being that example they never respected my individuality my feelings meant nothing to them I had to live up to their standards but my own self meant nothing other than to serve the collective of the most high called Jewovah I thank Satan and my spiritual partner a lot because they saved me from so much pain and suffering that I would probably have to go through in the future if I did not get freed in the present now I hope this encourages people out there to really take Satanism serious this is serious business we're not here to waste our time living a low life standard we are here to advance and evolve! energy cannot be destroyed but can only be changed! Our soul is energy it is light, we are here to evolve and change it but we have to believe we can change it's true there is a lot of spiritual bread crumbs in the Bible you do have to believe like a little child you have to believe that magic works you have to believe that the Astral realm is real you have to believe that you're imagination is powerful and you have to use your emotion to empower it you must believe it with your whole heart mind soul and strength I see people on this form that just give up in a couple or few days well it's no wonder why you're getting no results it took me months to get results because I was persistent I did not give up I was not willing to surrender to the pathetic living standards of all these spiritually dead people I wanted something so much greater and I'm not stopping until I get there you people that have a defeatist attitude you have to really want it and really believe it's real for it to work! doing spiritual satanism isn't like going through the drive-thru and ordering fast food it's like being a farmer working hard every single day and at the end of the harvest you reap your reward you gain more spiritual power and understanding I hope this encourages some of you beginner satanists that are doubting the truth but my life has been changed and I give all the glory to Satan and the demons because they are our real gods I was enslaved to the Jewish thought form but now I am freed thanks to the gods

Hail Satan!
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This page is going to be updated in the JoS but I will update this with the meaning of this post and in a more articulate and fitting manner.

You will read some things here about Succubi which you may not like. However, unless I dispel these delusions, situations that have happened in the past may repeat themselves and that's negative so it can't be allowed.

Most people have already came to these conclusions by mass mistakes, as I have frequently saw in posts, yet there was no official addressing to the issue, which now there is. Therefore for those who are serious into getting a Succubus relationship, read below.

Many people are constantly saying nonsense about Succubi, in particular, common nonsense:

1. That the succubi "Forces" it on themselves. That's not true.

2. That the succubi "Wants them only for itself" or does things that have not been otherwise agreed upon.

3. Reckless people who have zero experience with astral entities, jump straight into a succubi relationship to satiate
sexual drives, and might end up fucking whatever thing goes around in the astral or
3a. Make up bullshit throughforms or an apparition by accident
3b. Get disappointed or even worse harmed by these "Entities" which they falsely open up to, believing them to be "succubi".

4. Underestimate the whole ordeal thinking succubi are some astral prostitute

5. Do not build up all the considerable skills to undertake a holy spiritual undertaking such as bonding with a being that is of such high advancement. Succubi, the bullshit names aside, are oftentimes lower order [still far more advanced than human] Demons. They are extremely advanced.

6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. There is a positive and a negative here.

In regards to Gentiles, feelings of positive interest can be sexual, imagination, or wanting to explore thoughts. That's fine, even normal in some cases since people experience sexual feelings. That is not bad or something to be guilty over, but has to be understood to be wishful thinking. For those who think of whatever here, just meditate for 10 years more and come back at this thought.

Negative cases are cases like crazy jews who said they were the "Only wives" of Satan or even worse some jews who said the "Demon threw themselves on them" are just people who make up nonsense, and blasphemous at that. Some jews go as far as to claim that "Lilith wants to steal their seed" and other nonsense. That is only their schizophrenia speaking, and much of this is common in the "Left Hand Path".

Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul.

Starting to address these issues from the last issue:

6. Satan, or any of these Gods, do have nothing to do with having "Sex" with any petty humans. That's about the same ordeal as many idiotic women or men who have self inflation problems, reflected on the Gods. The subconscious belief here is that the Gods are mere prostitutes, or that someone's penis has such universal value that literally the universe of the Gods would want to have sex with them.

I understand the positive and negative effects of the human ego. The positive effect here is that one feels infatuation or attraction towards a Great God, which in itself this can be a normal instinct, such as feeling turned on by the Gods for very obvious reasons. The negative is the nonsense I mentioned above.

Between the two, one must understand that these feelings of affection, private sexual moments one experiences in imagining the Gods, or whatever, are not truly happening, but products of one's imagination and mind. Unless this is understood, and if too much dwelled upon, astral deception or other nonsense is imminent.

5. If you don't seriously advance to a very proper extent, having a Succubi or Incubi can be a situation that takes time. Depending on what you ask for in the ritual, the Demon or Demoness [if you take this seriously yourself] is going to try to get you to open up spiritually to be able to relate to them.

First of all, you must do a formal ritual to ask to be brought up to be ready for this, rather than merely think you are ready or deserving by default. Succubi relations might NOT be for all people, yet, you can also request temporary courtship or something like this to see if this is for you. That's to be done respectfully.

Affection in the form of sexuality might happen in dreams, feeling suddenly aroused and other things - to see and to feel comes with time and serious astral openess. Work is required, it doesn't happen on it's own. "Noobs" and other people who just join and claim they are married to Demons and they see them, hear them completely and whatever, are almost always met with disappointing delusions or news.

4. No need to comment further on this. They are not sex crazed freaks like displayed in Jewish nonsense or ((("Satanic"))) bogus organizations of sexually repressed or oversexual people. No, they won't try to rape your magnificence on the bed, nor will steal your little seed.

However, parasitic or vampiric enemy entities, might. Actual Demons, are actually in a situation you would be if you were having a relationship with a person who simply isn't there yet, spiritually speaking. This can be made into a waste of their time if humans aren't doing the required part. Succubi however are Demons and have different time or problem perception, so they are therefore patiently waiting for people to advance and so on.

I won't comment on further disgraceful statements by people about "High Ranks" and other fantasies. These are fantasies. How you know is by verified reality, yet many people live in their own fantasies so that shouldn't matter to them. In one's fantasy one can do whatever they want, yet the person who seriously want to relate with a Demon, will understand what I mean here.

If you are a True Satanist, refrain from seeing the Gods and Succubi in this stupid manner at once. Or just remain deluded, I don't know.

3. That is a very serious situation. If one doesn't know what astral entities one is working with, connecting with them sexually is like going out in a club, getting zoned out, and then starting to have sex with people left and right. Only, in this case, the damage or danger of deception might be lower.

Despite of what people understand of astral sex, it can be totally real, and if you start connecting sexually [and therefore energetically] to random astral entities, if you aren't sure these are truly of Satan, there can be serious issues. Unless one has experience to verify this with high certainty, then you must carefully engage.

How do you know the Demon in question is an incubus or succubus? They will in general be like the Demons. The relationship will not be of parasitism, but of growth. No negative things will occur, and you will be treated very nicely, or in general, as you treat them. Succubi can also return atrocities done to them with a vengeance, so one must keep that in mind too.

In the case where one's sexual energy has created apparitions, these will generally be weak, they will be able to be banished, and you won't really feel much if any "astral" or "unusual" stimulation. Imagining these apparitions and thinking you "Communicate" with them is not going to provide you with really nothing at all, or merely lies.

Yet, since you have to start training your senses, imagining things in this way can be a "tunnel" through which your Succubi or Incubi will get to you. But one must know that when you are imagining this, you are actually imagining this, and to not believe everything you imagine, but rather know you are training your mind to be receptive. After a point, you will know it's them for real, because of the contrast against these imaginations.

If you find out you might have connected with a negative entity and so on, all measures that are taken as having connected with a toxic human do also apply here. These involve removing connections or freeing the soul, cleaning, and above all, not engaging whatever this thing was "sexually" again.

2. Succubi or Incubi will not do things that are not agreed upon. Also, in contrast to the claims they will do all your "hearts desires", there is a limit to this. Things like infidelity or other nonsense upon agreed terms are hardly tolerated by them. That's why also as a human being to follow this most rewarding path of engaging to a Demon, before you are that advanced, can be troublesome.

Yet, one can always try, but make sure you know what you ask for and be honest. If you fail due to human errors [this can happen in any relationship], you might do a ritual to Satan to separate you from the Succubi or Incubi, and you must not waste their time. If these things go past a point, the Demon will leave on his or her own accord.

Because of the nature of the Astral and the other side, if the relationship is agreed to be monogamous for example, it *WILL* be, and the Succubi will seek you again in your next lifetime until you are advanced to connect with them again. As one can understand, this goes again to the situation of being ready and treating these relationships with the proper sacredness.

They will be with you if agreed upon until you reach the Godhead, and then more than likely continue together. This is how far this can go if both parties take it seriously [the vector of failure is the human as Demons are already ascended and they know their wants/needs etc].

1. They do not force themselves on people, yet because they are Demons [not all are the same] some, depending one the drives, can be more sexual than others. Succubi relationships do not have to only be purely "sexual", but can have a sexual element or merely a love element.

They certainly don't force themselves to people as claimed in many stupid grimoires from which these lies also arose. They will treat you respectfully and work with you. They will have your best interest in mind.

As a closing note, the benefits of advancement at the soul and everything with a succubi are immense. These relations can be a fast track to spiritual development, yet as I have illustrated here are not without massive dangers, mainly coming from the human side and other astral nuances.

Relation with a succubi or incubi is not a necessity, it's rather a narrow path for specific individuals who want to invest into this path. Fulfilling love and other relationships can be with humans or the Gods directly, without the particular succubi or incubi element.

It's necessary to understand the importance of this and the prospects in order to successfully engage into such a relationship. This is a sacred, important, and completely "different" relationship, which is not for everyone. To some people it might even be unfulfilling or not make sense at all, which is totally fine and normal.

It is a true statement that such a relationship can be the most fulfilling thing imaginable for those fitting into this, yet, at the same time there is a degree of seriousness and sacredness involved that must be loyally adhered to in order for this to work.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A really good sermon an lesson
I appreciate it
Hail Satanas!!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
