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About Incubi/Succubi - Warnings And Advice

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This page is going to be updated in the JoS but I will update this with the meaning of this post and in a more articulate and fitting manner.

You will read some things here about Succubi which you may not like. However, unless I dispel these delusions, situations that have happened in the past may repeat themselves and that's negative so it can't be allowed.

Most people have already came to these conclusions by mass mistakes, as I have frequently saw in posts, yet there was no official addressing to the issue, which now there is. Therefore for those who are serious into getting a Succubus relationship, read below.

Many people are constantly saying nonsense about Succubi, in particular, common nonsense:

1. That the succubi "Forces" it on themselves. That's not true.

2. That the succubi "Wants them only for itself" or does things that have not been otherwise agreed upon.

3. Reckless people who have zero experience with astral entities, jump straight into a succubi relationship to satiate
sexual drives, and might end up fucking whatever thing goes around in the astral or
3a. Make up bullshit throughforms or an apparition by accident
3b. Get disappointed or even worse harmed by these "Entities" which they falsely open up to, believing them to be "succubi".

4. Underestimate the whole ordeal thinking succubi are some astral prostitute

5. Do not build up all the considerable skills to undertake a holy spiritual undertaking such as bonding with a being that is of such high advancement. Succubi, the bullshit names aside, are oftentimes lower order [still far more advanced than human] Demons. They are extremely advanced.

6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. There is a positive and a negative here.

In regards to Gentiles, feelings of positive interest can be sexual, imagination, or wanting to explore thoughts. That's fine, even normal in some cases since people experience sexual feelings. That is not bad or something to be guilty over, but has to be understood to be wishful thinking. For those who think of whatever here, just meditate for 10 years more and come back at this thought.

Negative cases are cases like crazy jews who said they were the "Only wives" of Satan or even worse some jews who said the "Demon threw themselves on them" are just people who make up nonsense, and blasphemous at that. Some jews go as far as to claim that "Lilith wants to steal their seed" and other nonsense. That is only their schizophrenia speaking, and much of this is common in the "Left Hand Path".

Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul.

Starting to address these issues from the last issue:

6. Satan, or any of these Gods, do have nothing to do with having "Sex" with any petty humans. That's about the same ordeal as many idiotic women or men who have self inflation problems, reflected on the Gods. The subconscious belief here is that the Gods are mere prostitutes, or that someone's penis has such universal value that literally the universe of the Gods would want to have sex with them.

I understand the positive and negative effects of the human ego. The positive effect here is that one feels infatuation or attraction towards a Great God, which in itself this can be a normal instinct, such as feeling turned on by the Gods for very obvious reasons. The negative is the nonsense I mentioned above.

Between the two, one must understand that these feelings of affection, private sexual moments one experiences in imagining the Gods, or whatever, are not truly happening, but products of one's imagination and mind. Unless this is understood, and if too much dwelled upon, astral deception or other nonsense is imminent.

5. If you don't seriously advance to a very proper extent, having a Succubi or Incubi can be a situation that takes time. Depending on what you ask for in the ritual, the Demon or Demoness [if you take this seriously yourself] is going to try to get you to open up spiritually to be able to relate to them.

First of all, you must do a formal ritual to ask to be brought up to be ready for this, rather than merely think you are ready or deserving by default. Succubi relations might NOT be for all people, yet, you can also request temporary courtship or something like this to see if this is for you. That's to be done respectfully.

Affection in the form of sexuality might happen in dreams, feeling suddenly aroused and other things - to see and to feel comes with time and serious astral openess. Work is required, it doesn't happen on it's own. "Noobs" and other people who just join and claim they are married to Demons and they see them, hear them completely and whatever, are almost always met with disappointing delusions or news.

4. No need to comment further on this. They are not sex crazed freaks like displayed in Jewish nonsense or ((("Satanic"))) bogus organizations of sexually repressed or oversexual people. No, they won't try to rape your magnificence on the bed, nor will steal your little seed.

However, parasitic or vampiric enemy entities, might. Actual Demons, are actually in a situation you would be if you were having a relationship with a person who simply isn't there yet, spiritually speaking. This can be made into a waste of their time if humans aren't doing the required part. Succubi however are Demons and have different time or problem perception, so they are therefore patiently waiting for people to advance and so on.

I won't comment on further disgraceful statements by people about "High Ranks" and other fantasies. These are fantasies. How you know is by verified reality, yet many people live in their own fantasies so that shouldn't matter to them. In one's fantasy one can do whatever they want, yet the person who seriously want to relate with a Demon, will understand what I mean here.

If you are a True Satanist, refrain from seeing the Gods and Succubi in this stupid manner at once. Or just remain deluded, I don't know.

3. That is a very serious situation. If one doesn't know what astral entities one is working with, connecting with them sexually is like going out in a club, getting zoned out, and then starting to have sex with people left and right. Only, in this case, the damage or danger of deception might be lower.

Despite of what people understand of astral sex, it can be totally real, and if you start connecting sexually [and therefore energetically] to random astral entities, if you aren't sure these are truly of Satan, there can be serious issues. Unless one has experience to verify this with high certainty, then you must carefully engage.

How do you know the Demon in question is an incubus or succubus? They will in general be like the Demons. The relationship will not be of parasitism, but of growth. No negative things will occur, and you will be treated very nicely, or in general, as you treat them. Succubi can also return atrocities done to them with a vengeance, so one must keep that in mind too.

In the case where one's sexual energy has created apparitions, these will generally be weak, they will be able to be banished, and you won't really feel much if any "astral" or "unusual" stimulation. Imagining these apparitions and thinking you "Communicate" with them is not going to provide you with really nothing at all, or merely lies.

Yet, since you have to start training your senses, imagining things in this way can be a "tunnel" through which your Succubi or Incubi will get to you. But one must know that when you are imagining this, you are actually imagining this, and to not believe everything you imagine, but rather know you are training your mind to be receptive. After a point, you will know it's them for real, because of the contrast against these imaginations.

If you find out you might have connected with a negative entity and so on, all measures that are taken as having connected with a toxic human do also apply here. These involve removing connections or freeing the soul, cleaning, and above all, not engaging whatever this thing was "sexually" again.

2. Succubi or Incubi will not do things that are not agreed upon. Also, in contrast to the claims they will do all your "hearts desires", there is a limit to this. Things like infidelity or other nonsense upon agreed terms are hardly tolerated by them. That's why also as a human being to follow this most rewarding path of engaging to a Demon, before you are that advanced, can be troublesome.

Yet, one can always try, but make sure you know what you ask for and be honest. If you fail due to human errors [this can happen in any relationship], you might do a ritual to Satan to separate you from the Succubi or Incubi, and you must not waste their time. If these things go past a point, the Demon will leave on his or her own accord.

Because of the nature of the Astral and the other side, if the relationship is agreed to be monogamous for example, it *WILL* be, and the Succubi will seek you again in your next lifetime until you are advanced to connect with them again. As one can understand, this goes again to the situation of being ready and treating these relationships with the proper sacredness.

They will be with you if agreed upon until you reach the Godhead, and then more than likely continue together. This is how far this can go if both parties take it seriously [the vector of failure is the human as Demons are already ascended and they know their wants/needs etc].

1. They do not force themselves on people, yet because they are Demons [not all are the same] some, depending one the drives, can be more sexual than others. Succubi relationships do not have to only be purely "sexual", but can have a sexual element or merely a love element.

They certainly don't force themselves to people as claimed in many stupid grimoires from which these lies also arose. They will treat you respectfully and work with you. They will have your best interest in mind.

As a closing note, the benefits of advancement at the soul and everything with a succubi are immense. These relations can be a fast track to spiritual development, yet as I have illustrated here are not without massive dangers, mainly coming from the human side and other astral nuances.

Relation with a succubi or incubi is not a necessity, it's rather a narrow path for specific individuals who want to invest into this path. Fulfilling love and other relationships can be with humans or the Gods directly, without the particular succubi or incubi element.

It's necessary to understand the importance of this and the prospects in order to successfully engage into such a relationship. This is a sacred, important, and completely "different" relationship, which is not for everyone. To some people it might even be unfulfilling or not make sense at all, which is totally fine and normal.

It is a true statement that such a relationship can be the most fulfilling thing imaginable for those fitting into this, yet, at the same time there is a degree of seriousness and sacredness involved that must be loyally adhered to in order for this to work.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP HC :)
In the succubi's part, I'm wondering why they would have these kind of relationships with us humans? It's possible that they get some kind of "retribution" for doing this?
When I was 12 I asked Satan for a demoness lover. To be forever with her. A couple of months later I changed my mind and asked for an open relationship.
Of course nothing happened. But gradually I also understood that I had such a relationship in past lives. And I was visited one day, and then again. From time to time I meet her.

When my Demoness lover comes to me, I experience the most beautiful feelings that can be, in relation to another being. It is truly fascinating.

When I first experienced this, it was extremely beautiful yet saddening, as I felt it as a pressure of time and long period of not knowing about it. And to this day our relationship is on this path, of rare meetings. Rare interactions, but extremely intense and real. Hours on end communicating and other things and then another 5 months of nothing but a silent support.

And for me this is normal and fitting, as I have a problem with this mortal-immortal imbalance. It hurts me that I am in limitation of what I am, and not give and show more.

Around other relationships, all ended badly to say at least. Then at every encounter with her, she showed me that she is more than anything here.

I noticed over the years, that what I sought in my partners was her. Her hair, her face, her attitude. I searched for the same archetype of feminine being and tried to create this reality. When I realized that, my innermost type of woman, my ideal sexual and loving attraction was real and the reality stands opposite..I cannot express it.
I would like to add also on the risk of attaching to entities like Hooded Cobra mentioned here. When I was a teenager, I had the experience of strange, sexual relations and bonding with a woman on the astral, when I was a teenager. I thought for years this was delusion. For years, and years after this occured, I tuned it out.

When I started practicing necromancy years later, I tuned into whatever this was, to verify if this was real or delusion.

This turned out to be a spirit of a young woman, who died in a fatal car accident, and felt deeply bonded to me.

I was absolutely horrified, and upset deeply.

It took me quite awhile to convince this spirit to reincarnate because of this, as she was attached and didnt want to move on. Even asking why i ignored her for years, while she was isolated on the astral.

The Gods took care of this, but it's very important to be wary. It was a very hard emotional experience for me. It's important to keep in mind what you are tying into. Extremely important for the reasons above, and rare circumstances like this.
I've noticed myself people can be blasphemous or disrespectful when talking about this subject, gives me an uneasy feeling when I see it.
Well said!!💗 Thank you for sharing this!
This is a pretty good post, especially for younger members who may be more likely to commit to a relationship like this prematurely. I know when I first dedicated years ago now. I did it prematurely, I really overestimated alot of things and had misconceptions on how it all worked.
Thanks for the knowledge on the subject HP.

Are you saying that Succubi/Incubi relationships are always monogamous? So if you already have a human lover it will not work?
Since I read about incubi succubi more than two years ago I felt deep down that it was for me, something called me intensely the idea of ​​having a demon wife and in my ignorance I performed the ritual without having my astral senses really developed, which sometimes brought me sadness and disappointment due to the inability in many ways to be able to communicate with her

It has been a while and now I can feel her and talk with her and I would like to leave what I learned: I suffered a lot when I had such a strong feeling of love towards my demoness and from the frustration of not having the capabilities to feel her after performing the ritual

The demon Satan sends for you will not jump with "favoritism" and will activate your astral senses (which can) so that you enjoy the relationship even if they wish it too because they know what that would entail, giving you what you want on a silver platter is not (at least the way I see it) the way they love

As is well known, a demon will help you as far as you help yourself, so speaking of spiritual work is not too much different from the type of help that your guardian demon could give you speaking of spiritual guidance. If you really want to have an incubi / succubi relationship it would be good if you start working on your astral senses first, asking your guardian demon for help would be essential.

Im sorry if theres something i didnt write well, im still learning english :shock:
A lot of young people are using this as a cope. Shouldn't they be advised to have children before committing in any serious way to this path ? I've spoken to various Satanists from the Jos on Telegram some years before and there was a stark difference between old people who seem to already have had kids and new people who don't even want to try. I know that spirituality and vibration causes superior genes to express. Even in someone who doesn't meditate like my sister, during the duration of her pregnancy she was chanting Mantras and the kid turned out to be really beautiful and looking completely different that both parents. So definitely people who meditate can make superior progeny. We need to encourage more and more SS to get Married and have kids.
@HP.Cobra: I assume like similar to a de-dedication(Which Satan leaves you. Even if some members have stated it's permanent). The sheer fact is can you give an example of a ritual break up with said Succubi/Incubi?(like post a break up ritual: I assume simply break it off in regards to giving Satan the message and he deals with the situation). I ask because I've done a Succubi ritual but I don't think ever in all the years(the following day after dedicating I did it back in 2003)(I've done a few Succubi rituals reconfirming but not asking for more simply ask if it worked) that have passed was it appropriate to have said individual entity.

And I'm starting to think I should just do a break up ritual as respectful as possible.(Note: I'm not advanced in any way; hell the fact I'm on these forums makes me feel like a hypocrite, unspiritual person that I am. I've burnt myself out on spirituality so much that I've become kinda like SWG(Southern White Gentleman) like he stated as much as he loves our spiritual side. He's in it for being NS, for him spirituality never worked.)

I figure for some members in recent time they mentioned Succubi thread and as one person put it they want to break it off.

But at the same time if someone asks for one who is perfect for them but you leave the decision entirely on Satan to find him/her. And is a love/sexual relationship(i.e. both). As well as either monogamous(for some) or poly-amorous(for others). Then is that specific enough? You go on to be state like for example a spiritual teacher or purveyor or some other things which mention that relationship isn't merely bedroom activities but a whole host of other things.

It reminds me of the former "Demon Friends" ritual. Which Maxine removed sometime around the mid 2010s. Basically you ask for a Demon Friend to be a friend to be an assistant kinda like a guardian Demon but not inherent in the dedication. Just a friend someone to hang out with you from time to time.

It seems to me that you have to be even more specific and knowing what you want in a relationship with a higher being. It seems to me like except asking for specifics like one person said in yahoo groups. If you ask for someone who is 5'5, 110lbs and is this, this, and that. That is a recipe for disaster as you *WILL* get said person and it might prove your relationship with said individual is incorrect. Rather it's better to state perfect for me but leave the decision wholly unto Satan to find him/her.

I ask because well it seems like if it worked "How would I know?". Someone does a ritual does it perfectly and yet what do they expect. Are expectations supposed to happen? Years ago back in 2003, I did spend the whole time imagining things in bed and whatnot. But in the end it's not something I want to do even as a kid going to bed was the day falling on me and thinking things over. Kinda like your recent sermon on introspective meditations, I've been doing that for YEARS even as a child I did it. It didn't come as a surprise to me when you created that meditation page, if anything it seems to be common in psychological circles especially hypno-esque type assistance with a hypnotherapist.

Was it a mistake back when I was 12 years old to actually perform said ritual? I've read pretty much every topic on Succubi/Incubi on JoS Yahoo or otherwise previous and current forums. And yet not a single time did I ever experience anything.

Sometimes I wonder why we are so delusional and so in our heads and so in our imagination. It seems to me like it never worked and doing a break up ritual is just for show. Even if maybe it actually did work and in my case maybe I should break it off.

I don't want to state JoS is fake but it's never worked for me. I guess I'll readily admit I came because back during 1999 and afterwards I became obsessed with lucid dreaming, astral projection and then further on in 2003 JoS and Succubi page and knowing I'm a sexual person even as a child. I wanted a succubi it was one of the sole reasons I came to the JoS. Non of it scared me nor was I xtianized or anything. I found the website intriguing but upon learning it's meditations and whatnot I just did it for a bit then was like "Why bother this doesn't work". Meditation even in all the years since 2016 of cleaning and whatnot has not worked for me. I hate to state this as I'm more of a Theoretical Satanist(Intellectually bound). But meditations has not worked for me. I know someone is gonna state if you were 12 when you entered here, you should have been monstrously advanced spiritually maybe even raising kundalini or working with the Gods on said manner. What can I say I'm a piece of shit it never worked for me.

But I'll be honest I only came to JoS for the Succubi thing. I'm not the only one and yet did it work? Unless some entity came by and lured me into said belief I have a succubus. I just simply do not know.

Should I even bother doing a break up ritual?
I have the problem that I had holes in my aura due to energy blockages and I had linked for several years a parasitic enemy entity that made me believe that I had a past life relationship with a succubus, once you have removed the links it can take months to clean all that negative energy.
I am worried because I am new here, and I don't know if my soul is broken or blocked that I feel like I am not advancing at all in any way. I don't know if it is because I was sckeptical about the existance of any god or maybe they know me better than me, and I don't deserve to see, meet, hear, talk a pagan demon. IDK (but at the end is not big deal 4 me).

In regards your topic, I read on JOSwebsite that you have to ask to father Satan for Demon or Demoness so you will be safe and won't endup on a relationshit with a neferious entity.
So I am assuming if some ppl are getting bad/negative exp. is because they are no following procedures.

I have curiosity this topic above.
HPHC, do you have a succubi?
if yes, how this helps you in your advancement or enlightment?
if not, why not?
Thank you HP I remember you saying you would make this post. I'd also like to thank you again for helping me out with my own things regarding this personally.

Some of the notions people have had were always strange to me as they act as if Demons don't have standards.

For those who may wonder, what has been said about the high ranking Gods here doesn't just count for the Gods on the high ranking crowned princes section..but all the Gods listed on jos so the whole Goetia basically. Demon lovers will be of lower rank not listed on this site.

Some may know this already but I had a mix up with my guardian thinking he was my incubus. The feelings I felt and gestures I expressed were meant respectfully out of genuine love and adoration and affection. Then I heard different stories from other SS which disillusioned me and I eventually when to the HP. Who was kind enough to explain to me why I had experienced certain things which were much more plausible than inaccurate dillusions. It is better to always be in search for the truth than to believe a lie..even a really nice one. This will never help you advance.

Don't kid yourselves..the high ranking Gods almost vetsinly have epic partners that are probably far more alluring to them this way than we would ever be.

Even for a lower Ranking Demon to take interest on one of us I honestly am curious as to the reasons they do this. I know this helps us advance ect but HP cobra what about what the Demon wants personally? What is in it for them to want us this way? What is it about a human specifically that can make them happy and fulfilled? Perhaps if we knew these things better it would help SS be closer to their Demon partners and make them happy, and becoming better versions of themselves this way at the same time.

Especially after much contemplation of my own errors on this I felt much embarrassment and shame and guilty towards my guardian. I am glad however I didn't offend..but I later came to the conclusion of..how could any God want one of us when one of theirs is so much better in everyway? Us humans don't want a fixer upper most of the time so why should a God want that for a partner?

I dont want to inaccurately describe the perception of the Gods. But I just think people should have an idea of how to make a Demon lover happy.i personally would feel empty without something to give. When i was still diluted about my Guardian I kept trying to do and give things out of what I realized were very finite human standards probly. I just felt like wow.
I have a very hard time understanding how an advanced entity would willingly forsake any other relationship to enter into a totally monogamous relationship with a human. This seems like a degree of understanding or love from them that is beyond what I can comprehend, and I fear it is not reciprocated in many cases. Respectfully, it seems equivalent to if one of us entered into a relationship with a person of 40 IQ.

On a similar note, is there not a finite amount of succubi who will enter into monogamous relationships? What happens when the normie swarm comes to Satanism and people start "gobbling up" every single succubi relationship. Obviously, they have to agree to this on their end, but it is just a strange thought.
In the case of a monogamous relationship taken seriously, the enemy will try to attack you with the usual pattern:
Thoughts harmful to you and the relationship without any foundation, or other things about the personal.

For this you simply have to do meditation on emptiness to keep yourself clean,
And it would be a good idea to start clearing the chakras, so that you can face and get rid of the problems of the past.
If you want, you can use enemy attacks as motivation to fight and advance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This page is going to be updated in the JoS but I will update this with the meaning of this post and in a more articulate and fitting manner.

You will read some things here about Succubi which you may not like. However, unless I dispel these delusions, situations that have happened in the past may repeat themselves and that's negative so it can't be allowed.

Most people have already came to these conclusions by mass mistakes, as I have frequently saw in posts, yet there was no official addressing to the issue, which now there is. Therefore for those who are serious into getting a Succubus relationship, read below.

Many people are constantly saying nonsense about Succubi, in particular, common nonsense:

1. That the succubi "Forces" it on themselves. That's not true.

2. That the succubi "Wants them only for itself" or does things that have not been otherwise agreed upon.

3. Reckless people who have zero experience with astral entities, jump straight into a succubi relationship to satiate
sexual drives, and might end up fucking whatever thing goes around in the astral or
3a. Make up bullshit throughforms or an apparition by accident
3b. Get disappointed or even worse harmed by these "Entities" which they falsely open up to, believing them to be "succubi".

4. Underestimate the whole ordeal thinking succubi are some astral prostitute

5. Do not build up all the considerable skills to undertake a holy spiritual undertaking such as bonding with a being that is of such high advancement. Succubi, the bullshit names aside, are oftentimes lower order [still far more advanced than human] Demons. They are extremely advanced.

6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul.

Starting to address these issues from the last issue:

6. Satan, or any of these Gods, do have nothing to do with having "Sex" with any petty humans. That's about the same ordeal as many idiotic women or men who have self inflation problems, reflected on the Gods. The subconscious belief here is that the Gods are mere prostitutes, or that someone's penis has such universal value that literally the universe of the Gods would want to have sex with them.

I understand the positive and negative effects of the human ego. The positive effect here is that one feels infatuation or attraction towards a Great God, which in itself this can be a normal instinct, such as feeling turned on by the Gods for very obvious reasons. The negative is the nonsense I mentioned above.

Between the two, one must understand that these feelings of affection, private sexual moments one experiences in imagining the Gods, or whatever, are not truly happening, but products of one's imagination and mind. Unless this is understood, and if too much dwelled upon, astral deception or other nonsense is imminent.

5. If you don't seriously advance to a very proper extent, having a Succubi or Incubi can be a situation that takes time. Depending on what you ask for in the ritual, the Demon or Demoness [if you take this seriously yourself] is going to try to get you to open up spiritually to be able to relate to them.

First of all, you must do a formal ritual to ask to be brought up to be ready for this, rather than merely think you are ready or deserving by default. Succubi relations might NOT be for all people, yet, you can also request temporary courtship or something like this to see if this is for you. That's to be done respectfully.

Affection in the form of sexuality might happen in dreams, feeling suddenly aroused and other things - to see and to feel comes with time and serious astral openess. Work is required, it doesn't happen on it's own. "Noobs" and other people who just join and claim they are married to Demons and they see them, hear them completely and whatever, are almost always met with disappointing delusions or news.

4. No need to comment further on this. They are not sex crazed freaks like displayed in Jewish nonsense or ((("Satanic"))) bogus organizations of sexually repressed or oversexual people. No, they won't try to rape your magnificence on the bed, nor will steal your little seed.

However, parasitic or vampiric enemy entities, might. Actual Demons, are actually in a situation you would be if you were having a relationship with a person who simply isn't there yet, spiritually speaking. This can be made into a waste of their time if humans aren't doing the required part. Succubi however are Demons and have different time or problem perception, so they are therefore patiently waiting for people to advance and so on.

I won't comment on further disgraceful statements by people about "High Ranks" and other fantasies. These are fantasies. How you know is by verified reality, yet many people live in their own fantasies so that shouldn't matter to them. In one's fantasy one can do whatever they want, yet the person who seriously want to relate with a Demon, will understand what I mean here.

If you are a True Satanist, refrain from seeing the Gods and Succubi in this stupid manner at once. Or just remain deluded, I don't know.

3. That is a very serious situation. If one doesn't know what astral entities one is working with, connecting with them sexually is like going out in a club, getting zoned out, and then starting to have sex with people left and right. Only, in this case, the damage or danger of deception might be lower.

Despite of what people understand of astral sex, it can be totally real, and if you start connecting sexually [and therefore energetically] to random astral entities, if you aren't sure these are truly of Satan, there can be serious issues. Unless one has experience to verify this with high certainty, then you must carefully engage.

How do you know the Demon in question is an incubus or succubus? They will in general be like the Demons. The relationship will not be of parasitism, but of growth. No negative things will occur, and you will be treated very nicely, or in general, as you treat them. Succubi can also return atrocities done to them with a vengeance, so one must keep that in mind too.

In the case where one's sexual energy has created apparitions, these will generally be weak, they will be able to be banished, and you won't really feel much if any "astral" or "unusual" stimulation. Imagining these apparitions and thinking you "Communicate" with them is not going to provide you with really nothing at all, or merely lies.

Yet, since you have to start training your senses, imagining things in this way can be a "tunnel" through which your Succubi or Incubi will get to you. But one must know that when you are imagining this, you are actually imagining this, and to not believe everything you imagine, but rather know you are training your mind to be receptive. After a point, you will know it's them for real, because of the contrast against these imaginations.

If you find out you might have connected with a negative entity and so on, all measures that are taken as having connected with a toxic human do also apply here. These involve removing connections or freeing the soul, cleaning, and above all, not engaging whatever this thing was "sexually" again.

2. Succubi or Incubi will not do things that are not agreed upon. Also, in contrast to the claims they will do all your "hearts desires", there is a limit to this. Things like infidelity or other nonsense upon agreed terms are hardly tolerated by them. That's why also as a human being to follow this most rewarding path of engaging to a Demon, before you are that advanced, can be troublesome.

Yet, one can always try, but make sure you know what you ask for and be honest. If you fail due to human errors [this can happen in any relationship], you might do a ritual to Satan to separate you from the Succubi or Incubi, and you must not waste their time. If these things go past a point, the Demon will leave on his or her own accord.

Because of the nature of the Astral and the other side, if the relationship is agreed to be monogamous for example, it *WILL* be, and the Succubi will seek you again in your next lifetime until you are advanced to connect with them again. As one can understand, this goes again to the situation of being ready and treating these relationships with the proper sacredness.

They will be with you if agreed upon until you reach the Godhead, and then more than likely continue together. This is how far this can go if both parties take it seriously [the vector of failure is the human as Demons are already ascended and they know their wants/needs etc].

1. They do not force themselves on people, yet because they are Demons [not all are the same] some, depending one the drives, can be more sexual than others. Succubi relationships do not have to only be purely "sexual", but can have a sexual element or merely a love element.

They certainly don't force themselves to people as claimed in many stupid grimoires from which these lies also arose. They will treat you respectfully and work with you. They will have your best interest in mind.

As a closing note, the benefits of advancement at the soul and everything with a succubi are immense. These relations can be a fast track to spiritual development, yet as I have illustrated here are not without massive dangers, mainly coming from the human side and other astral nuances.

Relation with a succubi or incubi is not a necessity, it's rather a narrow path for specific individuals who want to invest into this path. Fulfilling love and other relationships can be with humans or the Gods directly, without the particular succubi or incubi element.

It's necessary to understand the importance of this and the prospects in order to successfully engage into such a relationship. This is a sacred, important, and completely "different" relationship, which is not for everyone. To some people it might even be unfulfilling or not make sense at all, which is totally fine and normal.

It is a true statement that such a relationship can be the most fulfilling thing imaginable for those fitting into this, yet, at the same time there is a degree of seriousness and sacredness involved that must be loyally adhered to in order for this to work.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It’s extremely difficult and sometimes the best way for certain people. It’s completely up to the individual and whatever knowledge they’ve attained previously to decide. It’s been an extremely attacked concept so much so that even saying anything about it might be like beating a dead horse but it’s an extremely beautiful thing at the end of the day. If someone knows themselves enough and understands energy well enough, and is grounded well enough in reality and dedicated there’s really nothing wrong or shameful or disgraceful about it whatsoever. It can hardly be openly spoken about without a bunch of crap coming from others, so it’s really difficult to gather clear understanding between individuals and build knowledge on it.
A mistake made as a beginner is to confuse the energies with something "intimate" or directly with an Incubus-Succubus, I remember that my first invocation was to one of our high ranking gods, and when I felt him I felt so much energy that I started to laugh and feel a great lust, This energy lasted me all day, after that experience I began to read more, so I realized that this happened to me because I was a beginner and I was not used to such high energies, the problem is that many come to confuse these experiences and think that it is an Incubus-Succubus.
I had not meant any disrespect or confusing statements on this subject, but I realize now I had rushed my replies on this subject and overall choose my words poorly, which not only came across disrespectful but also could cause grave misconceptions.

I apologize for my poor wording on the subject.

Let this sermon by HP HoodedCobra clarify this properly once and for all.

Hail Satan!
Hi HoodedCobra666. If there would be succubus for a life time, do my guardian demon would behave differently than without succubus? Do protection and relationships with guardian would be the same? Or do guardian would protect me less because succubus gives protection also? How relationship with succubus affects relationship with guardian demon and Satan?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They will be with you if agreed upon until you reach the Godhead, and then more than likely continue together. This is how far this can go if both parties take it seriously [the vector of failure is the human as Demons are already ascended and they know their wants/needs etc].

In my case we started as an open relationship and ended up agreeing to marry AFTER I complete the magnum opus. So I am free to marry and have children with a human wife, and when I do get in a serious relationship with a human, we agreed to see each other in a friendly manner once in a while. Recently I had an experience that showed me I wouldn't necessarily be as happy or fulfilled with a human as I am with her (because bad times with a God usually only happen if the human messes up), but that it's still very necessary for me to have children and form meaningful and lasting relationships with humans.

The gods are here to help us advance, not to spend time with us whenever we feel lonely or w/e. If you are new and dislike the current state of society, do not alienate yourself and break up relationships unnecessarily because they're not perfect. Having friends and partners is very important, especially for Satanists.
"6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul."

Former type 6 case here and this is why I never wanted to see light in me ever again but simply fight outside the gates of the grounds I once extremely desecrated. What I am is beyond forgiveness, and no I won't run off and shoot myself like a monkey pothead from planet idiocracy, I just want to say that this used to be me and I am at least a lot better than that idiot me that was a dumb teenager and thought he was hot shit that universes come out of my ass, I was a severely worse case back then but I still have a long way to go.

I really hated who I was before, seeing this post just helped me understand that I still have yet a seemingly endless cliff to climb and a lot of trials I put on myself to fight until I feel forgiven by myself. You all have discovered the source of my massive self-hate and I believe that my image to the JoS has changed forever, I hate myself for stealing from me what could have been redemption for the dumb self-hurting outcast I was long, long ago.

Thank you for this article. I might need to mark myself as spiritually bio-hazardous until I have resolved myself for once.
Thank you HP for clarification As i too though Getting a Succubus myself. Since i was confused Whether i wanted a physical relationship bcuz world is full of NPCs. And i wouldn't fall in love with someone who doesn't know im an SS I'll wait and work on myself till im sure i have at least some advancement on my Astral senses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It is unhealthy for the black race and the white race to have sexual intercourse, both spiritually and physically.
Doesn't this happen with succubis as well? (i.e. human sexual intercourse with a succubis)
I am loving all these updates and growth we are having. Such a great time to be a satanist.
The Incubi/Succubi section always evoked my interests but, I never considered getting into an actual relationship with a Succubus because I thought that I'm not ready for that since I never had any actual relationship or sexual experience IRL despite the fact I'm in my mid twenties, mainly because I was unable go out the house as a teenager due to my health problems. This post gives me a new perspective and reaffirms my thoughts, I don't think my astral senses are open enough for this kind of engagement. Also as health concerns and the long sessions of dialysis that consumed half the daytime are a thing of the past for me and I got some free time to spare, I shall be looking for a human lover.
All of this and also avoiding the other extreme of being obsessed over commiting mistakes or attracting enemy entities. It's better to fault by excess of care than lack of it, but still, if you are just a normal person who have not the habit of whoring around, then there's no point in monitoring your very thoughts afraid the Gods will be extremely judgmental or abandon you, or that can get in the way of your enjoyment in this relationship, or worse, attract the very enemy entities that prey on one's impressionable mind:
On Forgiveness https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=216609#p216609
Dealing with the Alien Attacks https://web.archive.org/web/20170724023700/http://josministries.prophpbb.com:80/topic18523.html

In some cases a Demon Lover might even stand in the way of someone making regreatable mistakes, like: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=290732#p290732
Which is not as if Them or the Gods in general are being treated as one's babysitter, but to make one aware of the importance of humbling and listening the Gods and one's gut feelings, or to highlight and polish a supressed trait or defect in one's mentality as to grow and avoid similar dangers in the future.
Aquarius said:
In the succubi's part, I'm wondering why they would have these kind of relationships with us humans? It's possible that they get some kind of "retribution" for doing this?

They see people in their future, not only in their present. They can understand more than you do about yourself. That's why they can be tolerating human beings. That however might look a bit incoherent to humans, so that's why I needed to also write this post.
Wildfire said:
"6. Lowest dung lunatics who think they are having gangbangs with the "high crowns of hell" or whatever like this, which when met should be scorned with maximum hate, since it reflects pure blasphemy and the highest degree of human stupidity. Alas that topic is not for those who seek to lie to themselves to elevate their own importance, but to those who want to know what is truly going on - with the mindset to take this seriously and make a bond with a Demon that will advance you and propel you higher for your life and your soul."

Former type 6 case here and this is why I never wanted to see light in me ever again but simply fight outside the gates of the grounds I once extremely desecrated. What I am is beyond forgiveness, and no I won't run off and shoot myself like a monkey pothead from planet idiocracy, I just want to say that this used to be me and I am at least a lot better than that idiot me that was a dumb teenager and thought he was hot shit that universes come out of my ass, I was a severely worse case back then but I still have a long way to go.

My suggestion is to stop worry and stop the self whipping. People don't know what to expect. I think many people have went through a stupid phase where infatuation towards a God or a Goddess may have, given other factors, made one think of whatever. Nothing to be "guilty" over.

Yet this has to be understood [as it's always after a time for actual practicioners] be understood as mostly imagination and/or wishful thinking. I don't remember you sending anyone details of how supposedly they do things to you or whatever. Most normal people haven't.

Here, as clarified in the response below, I mean mostly people who are deluded, such as for example a transexual jew that was raving that he's a cocksucker for the "Gods". These do not reflect any reality just the gross misunderstandings.

But I had insane jews going as far as to say that Lilith was trying to "rape" them or whatever other nonsense. This, is also online and in many "LHP" places. I therefore had to relate this in this manner. These beings are lower than animals and this is part of a more generalized mistreatment and pure slander of the Gods of the Gentiles.

These are the cases I describe here, and not just people who imagine or feel affection or whatever of the sort. These categories are different. In fact, the first category shows many positive traits. I just wanted to illustrate why this might not be factual, which is of course why this post might have sparked reactions. But this is necessary to know.

There is no need to "hate" yourself over this. I am going to also specify this in the original post. Read the paragraph below on what is positive and what is negative here.

The post has been edited a bit there, to clarify the situation.
Wildfire said:

There is no sense in damning yourself. Big deal, you made a mistake because you didn't know any better. If you are such a bad person, then also 99% of humanity is unworthy as well. However, the essence of Satanism is in advancement and improvement. Getting mad at yourself for mistakes made in light of growing up in an enemy world should not derail your will to advance.

All I would do is simply apologize for these past actions to the Gods, then (most importantly!) work on improving yourself. We are all worthy, and with increased spiritual powers can do 100x as much good onto the world as any mistakes we may have done.

What happened in the past is done, and you are here now. The fact that you want and are trying to improve makes you worthy of help and value in that regard.
Fluffystuff said:
This is a pretty good post, especially for younger members who may be more likely to commit to a relationship like this prematurely. I know when I first dedicated years ago now. I did it prematurely, I really overestimated alot of things and had misconceptions on how it all worked.

No issues with this. I am not trying to protect the Gods from this as nothing bad comes to them out of that, except of cases of jewish lies and other nonsense. That doesn't mean one cannot have a real experience or whatever, with a succubi, part ways, and then meet in the future, or whatever.

As stated, this has to do with how one agrees at, and the Succubi know you are learning and so on, therefore they understand if mistakes happen.

I am only trying to illustrate how this works for people who are engaged and want to get deeper into all this.
Blitzkreig said:
I have a very hard time understanding how an advanced entity would willingly forsake any other relationship to enter into a totally monogamous relationship with a human. This seems like a degree of understanding or love from them that is beyond what I can comprehend, and I fear it is not reciprocated in many cases. Respectfully, it seems equivalent to if one of us entered into a relationship with a person of 40 IQ.

On a similar note, is there not a finite amount of succubi who will enter into monogamous relationships? What happens when the normie swarm comes to Satanism and people start "gobbling up" every single succubi relationship. Obviously, they have to agree to this on their end, but it is just a strange thought.
Our demon lovers love us for our potentials not what we are now. They are patient and loving. Time for them is different too so years and decades and centuries are nothing for them if they get the right person for them.

Your thinking correlates to why would Satan help us anyway? Why do the Gods care about humans? Wouldn't it be easier for the Gods to abandon us? So why do they see us as their students and children? They see what we can be and they trust our potentials because they are masters at prediction. The Gods' logic is so beautiful, patient and loving.

Aside from that your other point. Just because someone asks for a demon lover doesn't mean they will get one. Especially if they are not fit for one. In the end it is father's Satan's decision if we deserve one or not. So no just because a million people do a ritual to get a spirit lover doesn't mean they will get a million spirit lovers. They have to deserve it and make sure it's a good fit for them and they are ready to engage in this relationship.
Francisco said:
You write like a polititian....😴

It is in your best interest to listen and study what those more advanced than you have to say, so as to propel your own advancement.

Sure, his writings are not equal in pleasure to a video game or comedy video, but the value of his writing comes from the knowledge provided, not the entertainment value.

Gear88 said:

You should treat these relationships seriously, even if your experiences were subpar. If you feel that you want to break up, then you should do the ritual and not leave the other person hanging.

What is more concerning is what you mention about your state of advancement. You should take steps to fix this now while you can. Sure, your situation may be complex, but it is not impossible with the correct actions.

You are not a rock, and therefore the meditations work on you just as they do with any other Gentile soul. However, beginners cannot easily see the results of their work, so this can try their persistence. However, this is due to Jewish curses and not due to anything "natural" pertaining to spirituality.

You may cast off the astral, but the astral does not leave you alone, so to speak. Blinding yourself to these realities does not remove their influence on you.

Being a theoretical SS is fine until you run out of experience and content to theorize upon. At a certain point, you need to draw upon personal knowledge. Imagine the sort of thinking and theories that could be realized with the injection of dedicated spiritual practice.


Perhaps you have excess air in your chart. None of this is a major concern, because solutions are available. What is a major concern is giving up entirely on your own advancement.

I don't want to see you regret your decisions later on. It would not sit well with me for a long-time SS to be surpassed in power by newbs, but this can be made a reality if you allow it.

My email is always available if you want to ask for more specific advice, because I can definitely help you brainstorm and implement actions to grow. I know from personal experience: I am high in air and water and had to fight harder to improve my productivity. Talking on the forums is nice and all, but I don't want to be left in the dust, so to speak.
balo666 said:
The demon Satan sends for you will not jump with "favoritism" and will activate your astral senses (which can) so that you enjoy the relationship even if they wish it too because they know what that would entail, giving you what you want on a silver platter is not (at least the way I see it) the way they love

As is well known, a demon will help you as far as you help yourself, so speaking of spiritual work is not too much different from the type of help that your guardian demon could give you speaking of spiritual guidance. If you really want to have an incubi / succubi relationship it would be good if you start working on your astral senses first, asking your guardian demon for help would be essential.
I loved this. You have the right mindset about this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
