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About Hitler and Aryan supremacy.

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
The entire hoax of accusing somebody of white supremacy is a jewish lie to try to cover up the purposeful genocide and planned extinction of white people.

Hitler was not about saying only white people are good and everyone else is bad. What he focused on was as a guardian and leader of white people to try to help all white people to be as healthy, strong, and successful as possible. He created more social welfare programs then any other leader in history, putting the biggest efforts into helping women, helping mothers, helping families, and promoting more people to have strong families. Every thing that he ever did was from the direction and intention of a love for his people and wanting to help them in all ways.

Nothing was ever from the intention of being against any other human race. He actually worked together with leaders of many other countries of Asian, Black, Arabic, and other races. And he wanted the exact same thing for all of them that he wanted for his people, he wanted all human races to live in healthy societies where all people are helped and encouraged to be as healthy and as successful as possible.

Hitler and Himmler both worked together with Chandra Bose and they instructed him on how to create a healthy National Socialist society, and he listened to them and made the changes that they suggested, and this was what transformed India into the powerful country that it is today. Where all people from any caste have the full ability to move up to the highest levels of success by meritocracy if they work hard and have the skills. The jews couldn't be honest and give Hitler any credit so they have to give all the credit to Ghandi. They say that Ghandi told people not to fight and he chose to not eat much food, and then automatically with no effort from anybody, one day India was instantly some improved country just because everybody thought Ghandi was such a nice guy. But there are many Indians who know the truth and India has always had the largest number of people who love Hitler. They name ice cream stores after him.

His work with many Asian countries is also well known. Of course his influence on Japan helping them to quickly transform into one of the major important countries in the world for industry and production. He also worked together with the Chinese nationalists on fighting against the communists, sending them very large numbers of weapons, armor, and supplies. The Chinese civil war between nationalists and communists, thousands of the nationalists were using German Mauser rifles and wearing German helmets. He also sent many people from his military to China specifically to train the people and teach them how to fight in a war to defend their homes.

He also worked together with many African countries. He tried to help them to become their own national socialist powerful and successful countries. Many of these African countries worked so closely with him that they were hundreds of thousands of volunteers from different African countries who came to Germany and joined the German army to help defend them against the communists. There were also hundreds of thousands of volunteer soldiers from different Arabic and Asian countries who joined the German military. And every race of people were treated equally in the German military, they all ate together, they all worked together, and all of them were able to raise up to high ranks.

Compare with American military where black soldiers were often not allowed to join the military. They were excluded by having fictional doctor's notes diagnosing them with fictional diseases and saying they are unfit for combat. Then the few black soldiers that there were were often murdered by their fellow soldiers, either directly or by purposefully placing all of the black soldiers into the front lines of the most dangerous battles where it was expected that they wouldn't survive. A famous example is the Tuskegee Airmen who were black fighter pilots and they were the most successful fighter pilots in the war. But the reason why they had so much success in so many battles is because they were always purposefully put into the most dangerous battles.

When Jessie Owens beat the world record and one the Gold medal in the Olympics, Hitler went to meet him and talk with him. He shook his hand and just told him what an amazing athlete he is and saying how happy he was for his success, and how happy he was to get to watch it happen.

Aryan has referred to White race. But originally, the meaning of Aryan has always meant a spiritually perfected soul. This started being used as a general term for White race during the golden age when many gods lived on Earth and most white people were enormously more spiritually perfected than we are now. And these white people and white gods traveled all over the Earth and gave spiritual education to all other races in all other countries and taught them how they could become gods. This was during the single global civilization of the Golden age which went through every continent on Earth including Antarctica, but was centered in a continent called Mu or Lemuria which sunk under the Pacific Ocean around 14,000 years ago. For Egypt and how nearly all of the spiritual information that we have in the world is what we have remaining from Egypt, and more than 99% of Egypt is still buried under the sand and has not been read yet. And even that, Egypt was only a small outpost of this civilization and was no where near the largest or most important part. They stretched all over South America, North America, far north all through Siberia and Russia, all over Africa and Antarctica. It was also these trade routes that brought the spiritual information to China and caused them to become such an Aryan spiritually perfected culture at that time.

All races of humans are able to be Aryans by achieving this spiritual perfection that was more common in the Golden age. And Hitler has said many times that other races and other countries are descendants of Aryans by what they have achieved in their success, the strength of their people, and the goodness of their people. He has said this about Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and other middle-eastern races. What Hitler wanted, and what all of us want, is for every race of every people to all be perfected in this way and all become gods.
There is no such thing as White Supremacy. There is only reality and reality is that the White race has excelled throughout the ages.

The jews are a parasitic race that has never built anything or had anything of their own in all of history. Their biblical kingdoms are worthless lies. The Bible is false history. There was no even slavery in Egypt nor a pharaoh who drowned in the Red Sea. The Egyptians recorded their history diligently and none of this crap is found there.

The jews invented the myth of white supremacy to gaslight the White people for what their ancestors had achieved. This is part of some jewish plan to first destroy white nations and any other well off nation so no one can be able to oppose their coming global communist world government.

Every Gentile race has the capacity to advance to great heights, it's in the soul. But the White race came from a much higher point. The legendary kingdoms of Atlantis, Lemuria and other lost civilizations had very advanced White people. Even the recent ones like Egypt were white (check the mummies of Rameses II and other nobles; all Caucasian).

Civilization on earth has been under siege by an alien race. The White race has fought the hardest and has also endured the most of the enemy's attacks here on earth because they have always been the biggest obstacle.

That is all there is to 'White supremacy'. When Asian scientists make wonderful progress in a given field and get happy and proud about it, is it wrong? When Indians celebrate geniuses like Chandrasekhar, is it "Indian supremacy"? White supremacy is a myth created to instill a powerful guilt complex in white people.

This also goes together with the "evil white ancestors" claim. Everyone invaded everyone, everyone conducted war and did everything. You don't see Asians opening their borders to everyone and hating their heritage because Genghis Kahn invaded other lands.

Hitler was just pushing for everyone to put their own first and advance in their own lands without being held back by anyone. The jews who hijack nations and use them for their twisted ends had been using France and other nations to loot from Germany and spell their doom. Hitler ended this and took back the lost German territory and the jews used this as a pretext for war against him.

As Hitler said, "The most precious possession you have in this world is your own people". Apparently everyone can love their own people but not White people. It's just jewish programming.

The White race was a God race in the distant ancient world, or at least near that level. We're talking over ten thousand years ago and some few thousand afterward. This is a very good thing and if our planet was not invaded every other Gentile race would have gotten there. Spiritual advancement is a very good thing. If our Gods were not as advanced and powerful as they are, where would we be today?

In closing, Hitler cared about all white people and even other Gentiles, not just blonde haired and blue eyed white people. These are the ones who contain the seed of the White race as they carry the most Nordic genes. No one in Germany was mistreated or denied rights because they didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes. All White people were very much well treated and happy. Even non whites were treated very well. W.E.B. Dubois who was black and visited Hitler's Germany stated that the National Socialists showed no trace of racial hatred toward Blacks.

It was just the jews who were whining because they couldn't loot from Germany again or infiltrate the government.
Primal said:
So, if the physical appearance of an Aryan white person is caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes, why was Hitler convinced he and many brunette Nazis were of Aryan descent? Is it really Aryan supremacy or just white supremacy?

Just to emphasize, I'm Asian. I don't give a flying fuck about anybody's heritage as long as they are not of the reptiles. I don't really even care about my own race outside of having the hereditary perks of being descended from feudal Japan Daimyo. As long as I stay physically strong, I don't care. And not intellectually lacklustre.
You didn't have to have blond hair and blue eyes to be considered Aryan in Nazi Germany. Any race is capable of achieving Godhood, however race is set within the soul, so you will always reincarnate within your own race. An exception to this is forced reincarnation in which the Gods directly intervene, however to my knowledge forced reincarnation is rare. White supremacy is also a snarl word used towards any white person who is proud to be white, and/or believes that ethnic Europeans deserve to remain the majority in Europe. As a white person I believe that every race should be proud of their own heritage, as well as have its own racial homeland, however the kikes endlessly kvetch about this even though they also fiercely defend their own ethnostate of Israel.
Supremacy is dominance and it is a natural thing. White supremacy was not a bad and evil thing for the Gentiles and the world but it was definitely an evil and adversary for Jewish dominance or supremacy, because Jews are low and inferior.

One can see where the dominance of those lowly Jews has brought humanity.

However, no people or race should conquer and assimilate others. Imagine if Russia wanted to conquer and assimilate everyone else and put the Russian language on them and make them all white.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
