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About European Elections

It's obvious that with the youth who are growing up with the internet they have access to real information and support for nationalism will keep rising. Even the really people out there are starting to get. They see millenials promoting weird shit and seeing how it's the msm and leftist politicians to blame and hoping on the Nationalist train. Next stop National Socialism choo choo. Hopefully that will come sooner than later. :)
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jews are terrified of Germany to this day, because they understand many Germans are National Socialists to this day and would welcome a new Reich even more then ever. The average German person family members were in the SS or Party, the Hitler Youth and such, they all know the truth. The Jews understand the Germans never changed their mind about Hitler, they are just brutally occupied in the aftermath of a war started against them.

Hitler because he keeps it real, is the new counter cultural figure and the Jews know this as well.

I was raised in the most anti-Hitler, jewlag of Political Correctness and Jebooism, and I became a total Swastika awesome, Slothz lord anyway. Its funny that millions of obnoxious Jews and their entire propaganda effort of decades totally failed to convince me that Hitler is not right. Were one book and only one book by Rockwell showed me that Hitler is right. One book vs the entire global establishment of Jewish farting sounds. Tell me how are the Jews not going to lose.

There was a comedy movie that came out a few years ago in German called "Er ist wieder da" about Hitler coming back to modern Germany but everyone thinks hes a comedian.

He makes a documentary going around the country and basically 90% of people love him, and agreed with the stuff he was saying. He goes to a German world cup tailgate and one antifa guy shows up and gets pwned by the rest of the people for harassing Hitler. Pure lulz. The movie ends with him riding through Germany and germans giving him the salute. :lol:
Emotion said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jews are terrified of Germany to this day, because they understand many Germans are National Socialists to this day and would welcome a new Reich even more then ever. The average German person family members were in the SS or Party, the Hitler Youth and such, they all know the truth. The Jews understand the Germans never changed their mind about Hitler, they are just brutally occupied in the aftermath of a war started against them.

Hitler because he keeps it real, is the new counter cultural figure and the Jews know this as well.

I was raised in the most anti-Hitler, jewlag of Political Correctness and Jebooism, and I became a total Swastika awesome, Slothz lord anyway. Its funny that millions of obnoxious Jews and their entire propaganda effort of decades totally failed to convince me that Hitler is not right. Were one book and only one book by Rockwell showed me that Hitler is right. One book vs the entire global establishment of Jewish farting sounds. Tell me how are the Jews not going to lose.

There was a comedy movie that came out a few years ago in German called "Er ist wieder da" about Hitler coming back to modern Germany but everyone thinks hes a comedian.

He makes a documentary going around the country and basically 90% of people love him, and agreed with the stuff he was saying. He goes to a German world cup tailgate and one antifa guy shows up and gets pwned by the rest of the people for harassing Hitler. Pure lulz. The movie ends with him riding through Germany and germans giving him the salute. :lol:
In italy we do a remake of this "Sono tornato" (I'am back/returned) the protagonist is Mussolini, and when they drive in rome, NON-ACTORS give him the roman salute,all people they do the salute, remember they not are actors, are real person! They Know are a fascist parate with a costume and do the salute. I know, Mussolini has Wrong a lot, but remain a friend of Hitler(Hitler want attack Italy because "they have imprisoned my friend!" after 8 september) and the only thing similiar to Nationalsocialist, for the italian "normie" because they see the Nationalsocialist like the "dumb brother of fascist"(but in real is fascism the dumb brother XD! And i am Italian and I am pride to be nationalsocialist!)
Madhu said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Salvini is a hero despite some shortcomings, he has been delivering, given the political and current context. Imagine Salvini is basically a "Right Wing politician" with some sensibility, but our systems are so leftist oriented, that he looks like an alien for only doing what...Any sensible non leftist right winger should be doing, not allow invasion to carry on.

I cannot blame him for falling in some problems with political necessities. It's hard to combat bullshit like Free Gibs Me Dat in a world where people are cattle that expects to be fed by the supernal hand of the communist governments under the guise of "Helpful socialism".

The good cure about the above is that they are allowed to self-enslave and self-collapse so that the populace wakes up to this idea. If the 5 Star movement sucks so bad, it will just collapse under the weight of it's own lies, and who will emerge out of this? People who followed through like Salvini.
I do agree that he was forced to make this alliance. And i do belive that without this 5 stars movement he will make things better. I do *trust* him but like i said i just hope this 5 stars will just go away, wich already is and Salvini wich now is much stronger will just create another alliance with another right party that has his same ideas after this european election i'm sure things will change. People already are fed up with Give me Free money and they know this will ruin Italy economy. I belive this change of heart is thanks to the Rtr. So let's just keep going!

Salvini is the man of Fuck freedom, I don't know what you know about Italy's issues rn, aside the immigration, he's really just there doing stupid campaigns on Instagram, voting himself to Mary, conspiring against abortion and homosexuality, literally giving zero freedom to whom is against him. He literally suspended a teacher. THAT is NO GOOD. That's fucked up. No wonder xians do are his main supporters. He is not a man to trust, first spitting shit to his own country then kissing people's ass*ole to get their vote.

In Italy, things are mixed up. There are only xians and communists. Far-right Neo Nazis stay xian, and nationalists stay xian or communist mode (also unconsciously). This is due to deep programming and poor child education.

If Salvini would go against xians, he would get 2% votes, instead of more than 40% he won in Northern departments. This happens because he is very good in evoking deep Nationalist and Racial feelings most Gentiles still have in their Soul: here we win.
But if he would act anti-xian, enemy programs would win in people's mind so he would fall under mass pressure.

So he is acting clever, within the possibilities that a poisoned mass Mind is now giving to Italy.
He is the only one taking a firm position against mass immigration. Without this, Italy may be doomed, also may become again an open door to Europe invasion.
We don't want ir, RTR Energies are taking the easiest way to manifest things.
Gerecht Ror said:
Madhu said:
luis said:
I do agree that he was forced to make this alliance. And i do belive that without this 5 stars movement he will make things better. I do *trust* him but like i said i just hope this 5 stars will just go away, wich already is and Salvini wich now is much stronger will just create another alliance with another right party that has his same ideas after this european election i'm sure things will change. People already are fed up with Give me Free money and they know this will ruin Italy economy. I belive this change of heart is thanks to the Rtr. So let's just keep going!

Salvini is the man of Fuck freedom, I don't know what you know about Italy's issues rn, aside the immigration, he's really just there doing stupid campaigns on Instagram, voting himself to Mary, conspiring against abortion and homosexuality, literally giving zero freedom to whom is against him. He literally suspended a teacher. THAT is NO GOOD. That's fucked up. No wonder xians do are his main supporters. He is not a man to trust, first spitting shit to his own country then kissing people's ass*ole to get their vote.

In Italy, things are mixed up. There are only xians and communists. Far-right Neo Nazis stay xian, and nationalists stay xian or communist mode (also unconsciously). This is due to deep programming and poor child education.

If Salvini would go against xians, he would get 2% votes, instead of more than 40% he won in Northern departments. This happens because he is very good in evoking deep Nationalist and Racial feelings most Gentiles still have in their Soul: here we win.
But if he would act anti-xian, enemy programs would win in people's mind so he would fall under mass pressure.

So he is acting clever, within the possibilities that a poisoned mass Mind is now giving to Italy.
He is the only one taking a firm position against mass immigration. Without this, Italy may be doomed, also may become again an open door to Europe invasion.
We don't want ir, RTR Energies are taking the easiest way to manifest things.
As much as i don't fully like Salvini for certain things that he did (and i like better the head of the party Fratelli D'Italia, Giorgia Meloni) I still think that right now he is useful. I still do not understand how some don't understand that right now you can't go to everyone and say fuck xianity and say that you are a Satanist...nobody will vote you. Salvini did take all those votes because he knows what people's want to hear. Meloni is growing a lot but not as much as Salvini because she is not like him but i like her and her ideas more. I trust the Final RTR power and i'm sure that for right now Salvini is needed.
The EU is SOO balls-deep in their own shit, that i would say that if ONLY 1 of these 2 things happen, it WILL fall

1. Hard Brexit
2. Macron would resign
Cfecit said:
Just want write a point here:
Before i read a post who one say about pencil, in regards it can be erased etc, and bring own pen to vote. IF YOU VOTE WITH YOUR OWN PEN, THIS WILL INVALIDE YOUR VOTE! Remember this. Use only pencil that they gave you.
Yes, with pencil they will can erase the sign but whose trace is indelible, so it's still here. This type of pencil is look same a normal pencil but they not are a normal pencil, inside have a chemical things to maintain keep the trace.

Don't fall on bullshit jew propaganda.

It was me that mentioned I was worried about the pencil because the results were only to come out after all of the eu member states had voted. And I was thinking well that gives them plenty of time to go through them with an eraser and rob me of my vote.

But I'm well pleased with the outcome of the results.

Thanks for the heads up to definitely not bring my own pen as it would void my vote.

And that's great if their pencils have a chemical that makes the mark permanent.
Madhu said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Salvini is a hero despite some shortcomings, he has been delivering, given the political and current context. Imagine Salvini is basically a "Right Wing politician" with some sensibility, but our systems are so leftist oriented, that he looks like an alien for only doing what...Any sensible non leftist right winger should be doing, not allow invasion to carry on.

I cannot blame him for falling in some problems with political necessities. It's hard to combat bullshit like Free Gibs Me Dat in a world where people are cattle that expects to be fed by the supernal hand of the communist governments under the guise of "Helpful socialism".

The good cure about the above is that they are allowed to self-enslave and self-collapse so that the populace wakes up to this idea. If the 5 Star movement sucks so bad, it will just collapse under the weight of it's own lies, and who will emerge out of this? People who followed through like Salvini.
I do agree that he was forced to make this alliance. And i do belive that without this 5 stars movement he will make things better. I do *trust* him but like i said i just hope this 5 stars will just go away, wich already is and Salvini wich now is much stronger will just create another alliance with another right party that has his same ideas after this european election i'm sure things will change. People already are fed up with Give me Free money and they know this will ruin Italy economy. I belive this change of heart is thanks to the Rtr. So let's just keep going!

Salvini is the man of Fuck freedom, I don't know what you know about Italy's issues rn, aside the immigration, he's really just there doing stupid campaigns on Instagram, voting himself to Mary, conspiring against abortion and homosexuality, literally giving zero freedom to whom is against him. He literally suspended a teacher. THAT is NO GOOD. That's fucked up. No wonder xians do are his main supporters. He is not a man to trust, first spitting shit to his own country then kissing people's ass*ole to get their vote.

The situation in Italy is, people are fed up with the kalergy plan that the enemy wants to bring about at all costs. The mass counciousness and revolt against the establishment ist due to the RTR doing their work. The enemy can do nothing but give way to this wave of awareness as they are too few against millions.

Salvinis party was just seen as a mediocre opposition part of the political cabinet for years which was not even close to 7% of votes. He then arose to mass popularity and acceptance thanks to social media where he was free to interchange his ideological thoughs on national pride, family union, and more financial freedoms with his people nationwide.

This should clarify why Salvini likes to show up on instagram, facebook, twitter etc. Just like Trump, he learned from him that the internet is a more effective platform to share thoughts than the jewish mass media where leftist liberal feminists are paid to block and attack you viciously every second.
sun666 said:
Madhu said:
luis said:
I do agree that he was forced to make this alliance. And i do belive that without this 5 stars movement he will make things better. I do *trust* him but like i said i just hope this 5 stars will just go away, wich already is and Salvini wich now is much stronger will just create another alliance with another right party that has his same ideas after this european election i'm sure things will change. People already are fed up with Give me Free money and they know this will ruin Italy economy. I belive this change of heart is thanks to the Rtr. So let's just keep going!

Salvini is the man of Fuck freedom, I don't know what you know about Italy's issues rn, aside the immigration, he's really just there doing stupid campaigns on Instagram, voting himself to Mary, conspiring against abortion and homosexuality, literally giving zero freedom to whom is against him. He literally suspended a teacher. THAT is NO GOOD. That's fucked up. No wonder xians do are his main supporters. He is not a man to trust, first spitting shit to his own country then kissing people's ass*ole to get their vote.

The situation in Italy is, people are fed up with the kalergy plan that the enemy wants to bring about at all costs. The mass counciousness and revolt against the establishment ist due to the RTR doing their work. The enemy can do nothing but give way to this wave of awareness as they are too few against millions.

Salvinis party was just seen as a mediocre opposition part of the political cabinet for years which was not even close to 7% of votes. He then arose to mass popularity and acceptance thanks to social media where he was free to interchange his ideological thoughs on national pride, family union, and more financial freedoms with his people nationwide.

This should clarify why Salvini likes to show up on instagram, facebook, twitter etc. Just like Trump, he learned from him that the internet is a more effective platform to share thoughts than the jewish mass media where leftist liberal feminists are paid to block and attack you viciously every second.
Yes but he is not perfect in my opinion. Do I think is useful right now? Yes because the Rtrs manifested him but I'm sure better people's will shows up.

One that i really like is Giorgia Meloni (the head of the party Fratelli D'Italia) wich in my opinion she is like Salvini but much better, same ideas but better, the only problem is the xian bullshits that they both promote but we have to understand that right not there is no other way, if they said that they were Satanist for example nobody will vote them, they are the best that we got right now.
luis said:
Yes but he is not perfect in my opinion. Do I think is useful right now? Yes because the Rtrs manifested him but I'm sure better people's will shows up.

One that i really like is Giorgia Meloni (the head of the party Fratelli D'Italia) wich in my opinion she is like Salvini but much better, ...

Italian Mass Mind is on the edge of war against jewish system!
This will for sure escalate and get closer to our pure aims with next Leaders, pushes by the RTR wave.
Just remember Umberto Bossi, until he fell hit by the enemy (sudden illness/heart attack with half paralisys and no cure) he opened the doors to Salvini to manifest. Salvini or whoever else will open the doors to next Leader ... so on.
Gerecht Ror said:
luis said:
Yes but he is not perfect in my opinion. Do I think is useful right now? Yes because the Rtrs manifested him but I'm sure better people's will shows up.

One that i really like is Giorgia Meloni (the head of the party Fratelli D'Italia) wich in my opinion she is like Salvini but much better, ...

Italian Mass Mind is on the edge of war against jewish system!
This will for sure escalate and get closer to our pure aims with next Leaders, pushes by the RTR wave.
Just remember Umberto Bossi, until he fell hit by the enemy (sudden illness/heart attack with half paralisys and no cure) he opened the doors to Salvini to manifest. Salvini or whoever else will open the doors to next Leader ... so on.

´´until he fell``? Hes still alive. He stepped down as the leader of the Northern League because of a scandal.
Gerecht Ror said:
luis said:
Yes but he is not perfect in my opinion. Do I think is useful right now? Yes because the Rtrs manifested him but I'm sure better people's will shows up.

One that i really like is Giorgia Meloni (the head of the party Fratelli D'Italia) wich in my opinion she is like Salvini but much better, ...

Italian Mass Mind is on the edge of war against jewish system!
This will for sure escalate and get closer to our pure aims with next Leaders, pushes by the RTR wave.
Just remember Umberto Bossi, until he fell hit by the enemy (sudden illness/heart attack with half paralisys and no cure) he opened the doors to Salvini to manifest. Salvini or whoever else will open the doors to next Leader ... so on.
Yes, I think you are right. I just hope it will come in time.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
As I predicted awhile ago, the EU would get taken over by Nationalist Parities.

Indeed in UK most people are fed up. Most people I spoke to do support Brexit, while others still choose to swallow the bullshit of Labour of Social-Democrat Party, which explains why they reject nationalism on the reason that these kind of parties are "racist", in a case where they don't even understand the difference of racism or xenophobia. What I don't understand is why germans still vote with Merkel's party when most of them are aware of what she done to their country.

Old German xtians vote Merkel's party because they never supported another party all their lives. Until the rapefug€€ crisis Merkel was seen as rather right wing by most Germans. A lot of the CDU people actually hate Merkel and all the foul things she did and represents. Just like they hated Merkel's sugardaddy "Helmut Kohl" / (((Henoch Kohn))) before and a lot of the CDU members cheered when he was replaced by Gerhard Schröder. Otherwise they would have never managed to reorganize and rejuvinate their party with the old mafia still clinging to their seats. Merkel is a senile old bitch and recently she almost got exorcised by listening to the German anthem. I think the Merkel problem is only a matter of time. Much more shocking and frustrating about German politics is that here in the western part so many idiots fell for the (((green party))), the worst pedophile bolshevik antigerman scum ever. They want to chop down medieval fairytail-like forests for wind turbines. The little judeo-Swedish tuna fisch girl with her hordes of lazy students did that. Brainwash kids to emotionally harass their parents into voting pedophile pseudo-environMENTALists. Fridays for future = FFF = 666. Holy numbers tie into subconscious directly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
