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About Enemy Symbols

It's a shame that I'm being attacked like this for an honest contribution.
I myself am non-Jewish through and through and have separated myself from all Jewish fellow citizens.
I do my FRTRs 3in1 every day and experience a flow of positive energy as a result. I also do rituals to Azazel, Father Satan and other pagan gods and am more than strengthened by them.
I was not aware that Maria Szepes was Jewish. I certainly didn't quote her on purpose because of that.
Besides, I am not an infiltrator. For Jewish filth. As a German, I particularly detest the Jews, who inflicted untold suffering on my people. Even today I suffer under the Jewish government that rules our country.
On the contrary, according to my genealogy and my physiognomy, I am of Aryan blood, which my civil name would also tell you.
However, I have also learned from your comment and will not make any more comments in this forum in future.
I will only concentrate on the practical work for my spiritual advancement and transfer donations to JoS in honor of Father Satan and all his hellish demons.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Stop overdramatizing.
If you are a real satanist and not a jew then YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE FORUM AT ALL. But I think you know this well.

If you are not a troll and an infiltrator, you have the right to be here. It's obvious. You have to know this, too.

He gave here a really wise reply and I want to thank him here too for correcting which had to be corrected and notified you all about some very important things.
Although I can't agree fully with him regarding me, he observed me in this situation and my reply here a bit differently. But it is ok!
If I am considered to be impolite or even rude, it is ok to me, too. Until my "accusations" become disproven totally...

If I am mistaken, and if you have no bad intention at all and first and foremost you are not a jew, THEN I will apologize sincerely!
Same for Virael, similarly I will apologize to Virael, too.
Stop overdramatizing.
If you are a real satanist and not a jew then YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE FORUM AT ALL. But I think you know this well.

If you are not a troll and an infiltrator, you have the right to be here. It's obvious. You have to know this, too.

He gave here a really wise reply and I want to thank him here too for correcting which had to be corrected and notified you all about some very important things.
Although I can't agree fully with him regarding me, he observed me in this situation and my reply here a bit differently. But it is ok!
If I am considered to be impolite or even rude, it is ok to me, too. Until my "accusations" become disproven totally...

If I am mistaken, and if you have no bad intention at all and first and foremost you are not a jew, THEN I will apologize sincerely!
Same for Virael, similarly I will apologize to Virael, too.

You were overly dramatic and not discriminative in your response. The situation is when one is sharing something and they are faced with a barrage of pointless accusation, that also has an effect on them.

As a general situation to just call people jews because they read something from jews or brought it here for inspection, even when they mention everything else about it in their own reply, is not a mature reaction.

When heavy accusations are thrown, they should not be done like a Christian who sees anti-christs in everyone who listens to heavy metal. The burst of words was pointless and did not help in the clarification of any topic.

Yes none of them should leave. You just over-reacted thinking these questions were offensive to the nature of the forum but they were not.
However, the public mind has made certain associations. Associations can create certain energy links. So one should not be using these for obvious purposes.
Said "public mind" Definitely needs a Serious Deprogramming and Re-Education on those topics, otherwise negative "energy links" cannot be broken...

somebody gotta start from somewhere, and, Like it or not, those new-age "Raelians" got one thing Absolutely Right: promotion of the "Hexagram/Swastika" !

Absolutely Right, i Said,yes since from the perspective of the "public mind", they wouldn't be seen as neither truly jewish because of the Swastika, and neither Truly "nazi" because of the Hexagram...this combo helps keeps things balanced, and can potentially help in regards to allowing both sides of "Symbol-Haters", to get to know the Truth...

As for the enemy's stolen Symbols I can make a giant list and explain their primary origins and meanings, so there is no confusion. They are still positive. One must however not bring jewish gimmick on the forums, as this can agitate and that's actually a normal reaction.
having been a "symbol-hater" myself for some time, i do recognise that Negative Reactions are inevitable when the Mind is still stuck in Confusion... yes, i even used to react negatively to one of the components of the symbol adopted by the Raelians(which is a combo that can be found in Satanic culture anyway...it's not inherently "Raelian"...any Gentile can use it, i guess https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hindu_Hexagram_Swastika.png ) , and said component was the Hexagram, which indeed, i used to despise, Out of Ignorance and belief in False Associations...

...but all of this was destined to End, and it Ended forever, and i cannot Go back ...once you feel and see the Truth, you cannot go back to what you were before, hence why i did adopt the Hexagram,Online, and now i would find it kind of difficult to Discard it, Honestly <

Would i wear it in public? maybe not... at least a "normal" hexagram, probably not since it would still look too "jewish" at the moment,Realistically speaking, and it doesn't look as cool as the "HexaSwastika" anyway...if i had to wear something, the Latter would be the one i would wear...Perfectly Balanced, As all things Shall Be!

and now, Last but not least, i wanted to show another example down below, which cannot be classified as "Deceptive" , since it's definitely a Swastika (and even the previous one was still being described as being a Swastika according to wikipedia, even though i agree, it looks quite different compared to a Normal one...we can say it's loosely based on that)
You are being deceptive here. While they are making a formation of jewish letters that tries to convey a Swastika, that is not actually a Swastika. If one uses three Hebrew letters to form a triangle, that is not a triangle either.

This example does not show jewish use of a Swastika, rather, fear of use of the Swastika [attempted appropriation of the symbol - to avoid using it].

"Second Temple" Swastika

chrome_screenshot_3 Set 2024 22_17_30 CEST.png

it has to be said There's only a very few other examples that could be shown in regards to jewish usage of swastika... even before the Rise of the Austrian Painter and the Whole "demonization" Of said Symbol, the Swastika has never been really used much by the jews, and that is a fact,indedd <
Said "public mind" Definitely needs a Serious Deprogramming and Re-Education on those topics, otherwise negative "energy links" cannot be broken...
Our primary method to address this on the root level is by waging spiritual warfare. What you are doing serves little use to this end, although it can have some minor positive impact when looking at the bigger picture.
Said "public mind" Definitely needs a Serious Deprogramming and Re-Education on those topics, otherwise negative "energy links" cannot be broken...

somebody gotta start from somewhere, and, Like it or not, those new-age "Raelians" got one thing Absolutely Right: promotion of the "Hexagram/Swastika" !

Absolutely Right, i Said,yes since from the perspective of the "public mind", they wouldn't be seen as neither truly jewish because of the Swastika, and neither Truly "nazi" because of the Hexagram...this combo helps keeps things balanced, and can potentially help in regards to allowing both sides of "Symbol-Haters", to get to know the Truth...

having been a "symbol-hater" myself for some time, i do recognise that Negative Reactions are inevitable when the Mind is still stuck in Confusion... yes, i even used to react negatively to one of the components of the symbol adopted by the Raelians(which is a combo that can be found in Satanic culture anyway...it's not inherently "Raelian"...any Gentile can use it, i guess https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hindu_Hexagram_Swastika.png ) , and said component was the Hexagram, which indeed, i used to despise, Out of Ignorance and belief in False Associations...

...but all of this was destined to End, and it Ended forever, and i cannot Go back ...once you feel and see the Truth, you cannot go back to what you were before, hence why i did adopt the Hexagram,Online, and now i would find it kind of difficult to Discard it, Honestly <

Would i wear it in public? maybe not... at least a "normal" hexagram, probably not since it would still look too "jewish" at the moment,Realistically speaking, and it doesn't look as cool as the "HexaSwastika" anyway...if i had to wear something, the Latter would be the one i would wear...Perfectly Balanced, As all things Shall Be!

and now, Last but not least, i wanted to show another example down below, which cannot be classified as "Deceptive" , since it's definitely a Swastika (and even the previous one was still being described as being a Swastika according to wikipedia, even though i agree, it looks quite different compared to a Normal one...we can say it's loosely based on that)

"Second Temple" Swastika

View attachment 3880

it has to be said There's only a very few other examples that could be shown in regards to jewish usage of swastika... even before the Rise of the Austrian Painter and the Whole "demonization" Of said Symbol, the Swastika has never been really used much by the jews, and that is a fact,indedd <
The point was, share knowledge is good, but mindless promotion is not. Because of bad associations that people can make, about meaning and usage.

If they don't trully know these two at pure level, the symbols can do more harm than good.

While outside you should avoid using any symbol, and the best solution is to promote Virtues when it's possible. Or understandble Truths.
These are even more important than defeating the enemy.

jews at the core are rotten and psichopaths, so you should avoid focusing on that.
Focus on other Gentile cultures if you want discuss symbols, and avoid how jews use it.
Stop overdramatizing.
If you are a real satanist and not a jew then YOU SHOULD NOT LEAVE THE FORUM AT ALL. But I think you know this well.

If you are not a troll and an infiltrator, you have the right to be here. It's obvious. You have to know this, too.

He gave here a really wise reply and I want to thank him here too for correcting which had to be corrected and notified you all about some very important things.
Although I can't agree fully with him regarding me, he observed me in this situation and my reply here a bit differently. But it is ok!
If I am considered to be impolite or even rude, it is ok to me, too. Until my "accusations" become disproven totally...

If I am mistaken, and if you have no bad intention at all and first and foremost you are not a jew, THEN I will apologize sincerely!
Same for Virael, similarly I will apologize to Virael, too.
I thank you for this apology and emphasize once again. I am not a Jew. I am proud to be a non-Jew, an Aryan and a German. I don't have a single Jew in my entire genealogy. That makes me proud. That's why all the rituals I do every day have such an incredibly positive effect on me.
But I follow my intuition and that has given me the reason to withdraw from the forum. In other words, I'm holding back from posting. I will probably read many posts.
It's like HP Hoodecobra 666 wrote to me: "You also have to weigh up whether it's worth sharing certain information that you've worked hard to acquire. I say worthwhile if it's worthwhile, but also if it's properly received".
Incidentally, I don't hold any grudges against you, in fact I'm grateful for the insight I've gained. Your lines have only reminded me to work more on myself.
On this point too, I agree with what HP Hoodecobar666 said to me: "Ultimately, I want to be right under the gods and drink from their fountain".

Yes, I wish for nothing more than that. By joining JoS and consecrating myself to Father Satan, I have gradually come to understand that the gods have always been in my life and Father Satan has always protected me when the going got tough.

To drink from the fountain of wisdom of Father Satan, the Creator of all things, the Eternal Being, to empower myself again, to become a god who attains immortality, this is exactly what has driven me since my childhood and has always shimmered before me. I know that today and everything inside me rejoices because I have found JoS. I dedicate my life to father satan and his hellish demons.

And that's why I want to practice even more in the near future and do even more of the rituals that JoS offers, including breathing exercises and runic vibrations. I need time for this and I am happy to sacrifice it to the gods, as well as everything I can spare financially.

For I did not come here to seek money, fame and power like the greedy, despicable Jews and to obtain them in a deceitful, cunning way. Unfortunately, I too have been taken in by them too many times in my life, which I can also say of most Muslims and Christians. It's not always easy to tear the mask off their faces. In this respect, I would also like to thank you for drawing my attention to the Jewish woman Szepes. That was a real shock for me. I stepped on another landmine. May all these filthy Jews be cursed forever for their deceitfulness. That's why it gives me so much pleasure to do the final RTR 3in1 every day.

I joined Jos because I have finally heard the call of Father Satan and want to work on myself spiritually. I want so much to be very close to the gods. Being with them and with them is worth much, much more to me than all the gold in the world. That's why I'm only withdrawing from the forum with my posts. There really are enough good people here. I just want to mention Henu The Great or Blitzkreig as one example among many, whose contributions I greatly appreciate.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
Our primary method to address this on the root level is by waging spiritual warfare. What you are doing serves little use to this end, although it can have some minor positive impact when looking at the bigger picture.
it's obvious that if there were no enemies, there would also be no enemy Usage of Symbols, so Overtime it would become easier to potentially Deprogram all the People from previous ways of thinking, related to avoidance of usage of Said Symbols... since the previous association of em' with the enemy, would be completely broken...

with that said, i still think it's useful to attempt Re-education and reclaiming even when the enemy's still around, Since we can speed up the process a lil' bit, albeit some Negative reactions might manifest themselves here and there... doesn't matter, at the end of the day, we must not forget that we are Satanists, and many many people already hates Satanism, like virael rightfully said here <
If I go around with a pentagram around my neck, people will think that I eat children or some shit. Who cares about what they think? In case no one says that you should wear these.
According to lots of people, Satanism is judaism and judaism is Satanic, thanks to jewish trollers like mr Rosenthal!
chrome_screenshot_4 Set 2024 22_20_51 CEST.png

am i gonna abandon Satanism just because many people out there might react negatively to that, because they Do believe we are part of the Synagogue of Satan or that we drink Adrenochrome and Eat "Pizza" inside a certain Infamous Pizzeria together with "Demoness" Hillary and the podestas?

Nope, not going to Happen...i am not supposed to let myself get influenced by what the Masses Do believe into out of ignorance and Misdirection...

We are Supposed to Remain Way Above the Misguided Masses...
it's obvious that if there were no enemies, there would also be no enemy Usage of Symbols, so Overtime it would become easier to potentially Deprogram all the People from previous ways of thinking, related to avoidance of usage of Said Symbols... since the previous association of em' with the enemy, would be completely broken...

with that said, i still think it's useful to attempt Re-education and reclaiming even when the enemy's still around, Since we can speed up the process a lil' bit, albeit some Negative reactions might manifest themselves here and there... doesn't matter, at the end of the day, we must not forget that we are Satanists, and many many people already hates Satanism, like virael rightfully said here <
As I said, your approach has very limited efficacy as it does not work on the root level. Actual, and I do not mean random online 're-education' happens in real life after the filth has been nullified completely. Until then, you are playing with pebbles as opposed to lifting heavy rocks.
You were overly dramatic and not discriminative in your response. The situation is when one is sharing something and they are faced with a barrage of pointless accusation, that also has an effect on them.

As a general situation to just call people jews because they read something from jews or brought it here for inspection, even when they mention everything else about it in their own reply, is not a mature reaction.

When heavy accusations are thrown, they should not be done like a Christian who sees anti-christs in everyone who listens to heavy metal. The burst of words was pointless and did not help in the clarification of any topic.

Yes none of them should leave. You just over-reacted thinking these questions were offensive to the nature of the forum but they were not.
I see.

At least you made a great and important reply here above and corrected what should be corrected.
I thank you for this apology and emphasize once again. I am not a Jew. I am proud to be a non-Jew, an Aryan and a German. I don't have a single Jew in my entire genealogy. That makes me proud. That's why all the rituals I do every day have such an incredibly positive effect on me.
But I follow my intuition and that has given me the reason to withdraw from the forum. In other words, I'm holding back from posting. I will probably read many posts.
It's like HP Hoodecobra 666 wrote to me: "You also have to weigh up whether it's worth sharing certain information that you've worked hard to acquire. I say worthwhile if it's worthwhile, but also if it's properly received".
Incidentally, I don't hold any grudges against you, in fact I'm grateful for the insight I've gained. Your lines have only reminded me to work more on myself.
On this point too, I agree with what HP Hoodecobar666 said to me: "Ultimately, I want to be right under the gods and drink from their fountain".

Yes, I wish for nothing more than that. By joining JoS and consecrating myself to Father Satan, I have gradually come to understand that the gods have always been in my life and Father Satan has always protected me when the going got tough.

To drink from the fountain of wisdom of Father Satan, the Creator of all things, the Eternal Being, to empower myself again, to become a god who attains immortality, this is exactly what has driven me since my childhood and has always shimmered before me. I know that today and everything inside me rejoices because I have found JoS. I dedicate my life to father satan and his hellish demons.

And that's why I want to practice even more in the near future and do even more of the rituals that JoS offers, including breathing exercises and runic vibrations. I need time for this and I am happy to sacrifice it to the gods, as well as everything I can spare financially.

For I did not come here to seek money, fame and power like the greedy, despicable Jews and to obtain them in a deceitful, cunning way. Unfortunately, I too have been taken in by them too many times in my life, which I can also say of most Muslims and Christians. It's not always easy to tear the mask off their faces. In this respect, I would also like to thank you for drawing my attention to the Jewish woman Szepes. That was a real shock for me. I stepped on another landmine. May all these filthy Jews be cursed forever for their deceitfulness. That's why it gives me so much pleasure to do the final RTR 3in1 every day.

I joined Jos because I have finally heard the call of Father Satan and want to work on myself spiritually. I want so much to be very close to the gods. Being with them and with them is worth much, much more to me than all the gold in the world. That's why I'm only withdrawing from the forum with my posts. There really are enough good people here. I just want to mention Henu The Great or Blitzkreig as one example among many, whose contributions I greatly appreciate.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!
If it's true then it's okay.
Then, I would wish the best to you, as I wish the best to every true satanist comrade...
As I said, your approach has very limited efficacy as it does not work on the root level. Actual, and I do not mean random online 're-education' happens in real life after the filth has been nullified completely. Until then, you are playing with pebbles as opposed to lifting heavy rocks.
i Try to do What i can Realistically do...i cannot make Miracles since i'm Simply not Advanced Enough to generate em'...for now...

About hebrew, why a SS should use it? It's the source of every evil and we are reversing this.
The Source of "Evil" is the Degenerate Minds which Intends to Use certain Tools in Malevolent ways, to Achieve Nefarious Purposes <

Hebrew Alone is just a Tool, which is not inherently evil, and cannot act on its own, it can only be exploited by other Sentient Beings ,just like any other Alphabet...

Hebrew alone doesn't intend to harm the gentiles or bless the jews... it's the jews and their behaviour related to Usage of Hebrew, which is "evil" <

if i wrote "jews are Lizard Bastards" in Hebrew, do you think that would count as a blessing to the jews, or a Curse is Actually being sent upon em' ?
hebrew alone then it's just a stolen and modified language from babylon, egypt, greek, sanscrit and phoenician, where the words related to Truth and Satan are evil.
it's the jews that believes that SATAN And the TRUTH are Evil...it's a situation similar to the Word "Anti-semite" in most languages nowadays,a word which in theory is Meant to be naming the Semites, which are Satanic Gentiles, but most people thinks it's naming the Jews , when it's actually not...since the jews are not Semitic Gentiles!

If you know the TRUTH, and wrote SATAN in Hebrew, in your own mind, and the mind of other people that Follows the TRUTH, it wouldn't sound "Evil" at all... on the other hand, if you ignored the TRUTH And Saw the Word SATAN in all kinds of languages, you would think that it sounds "Evil", spooky or whatever other negative attributes you can think of, thanks to judeo-abrahimic brainwashing...

the only "evil",actually Slanderous exceptions would be in the case of hebrew , the word (((ha-satan))) which from what i've understood, is a way they use to indirectly reference him...said modified Way of saying SATAN obviously can be considered slanderous from a Satanic Perspective, just like the other corrupted word they also use which is (((samael)))... Writing SATAN alone normally even in Hebrew,would very likely be fine, unless he's being somehow slandered inside the context of a phrase <

With all that said, yes, of course, Hebrew is not very needed,since it's spoken and known mostly by jews,and it's not Entirely Gentile,so it appears there's no need to reclaim it, and therefore,if it disappeared completely, even on a physical level, i do presume nothing bad would happen <

it has to be said though, that what truly counts seems to be the removal of the enemy Magick on which said Nefarious usage is based on, and that seems to be more of a matter of Spirituality,through Final RTR of course...otherwise, you can also simply Physically remove the alphabet,Erasing literally all knowledge and references about it , thus ensuring that nobody can learn how to use it and read it in the future, and not even know how the letters used to look like...
i Try to do What i can Realistically do...i cannot make Miracles since i'm Simply not Advanced Enough to generate em'...for now...

The Source of "Evil" is the Degenerate Minds which Intends to Use certain Tools in Malevolent ways, to Achieve Nefarious Purposes <

Hebrew Alone is just a Tool, which is not inherently evil, and cannot act on its own, it can only be exploited by other Sentient Beings ,just like any other Alphabet...

Hebrew alone doesn't intend to harm the gentiles or bless the jews... it's the jews and their behaviour related to Usage of Hebrew, which is "evil" <

if i wrote "jews are Lizard Bastards" in Hebrew, do you think that would count as a blessing to the jews, or a Curse is Actually being sent upon em' ?

it's the jews that believes that SATAN And the TRUTH are Evil...it's a situation similar to the Word "Anti-semite" in most languages nowadays,a word which in theory is Meant to be naming the Semites, which are Satanic Gentiles, but most people thinks it's naming the Jews , when it's actually not...since the jews are not Semitic Gentiles!

If you know the TRUTH, and wrote SATAN in Hebrew, in your own mind, and the mind of other people that Follows the TRUTH, it wouldn't sound "Evil" at all... on the other hand, if you ignored the TRUTH And Saw the Word SATAN in all kinds of languages, you would think that it sounds "Evil", spooky or whatever other negative attributes you can think of, thanks to judeo-abrahimic brainwashing...

the only "evil",actually Slanderous exceptions would be in the case of hebrew , the word (((ha-satan))) which from what i've understood, is a way they use to indirectly reference him...said modified Way of saying SATAN obviously can be considered slanderous from a Satanic Perspective, just like the other corrupted word they also use which is (((samael)))... Writing SATAN alone normally even in Hebrew,would very likely be fine, unless he's being somehow slandered inside the context of a phrase <

With all that said, yes, of course, Hebrew is not very needed,since it's spoken and known mostly by jews,and it's not Entirely Gentile,so it appears there's no need to reclaim it, and therefore,if it disappeared completely, even on a physical level, i do presume nothing bad would happen <

it has to be said though, that what truly counts seems to be the removal of the enemy Magick on which said Nefarious usage is based on, and that seems to be more of a matter of Spirituality,through Final RTR of course...otherwise, you can also simply Physically remove the alphabet,Erasing literally all knowledge and references about it , thus ensuring that nobody can learn how to use it and read it in the future, and not even know how the letters used to look like...
I need to reflect on what you, ANPUMESSES999, have written and let it sink in. Intuitively, however, I can assure you that every language conveys its spirit. So it doesn't matter which language you use. It is not without reason that the Catholic priests practiced their magic in the mass by using Latin. Latin is considered a magical language, as is Enochian or Sanskrit.
I myself used to have a perfect command of Hebrew and learned it at university, as I needed it for theology, philosophy and Egyptology, among other things. Back then, the language cast a powerful spell over me and often tormented me. It was only over time that I was able to free myself from its influence. It is not without reason that the Hebrew alphabet is destroyed in the final RTR.
More later!

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Wotan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
