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About Dark Times Ahead - And The Light At The Other Side

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everyone here has been sufficiently informed on the enemy advances, and what these mean. 2021 is going to be decisive, and 2022 even more - however, all this ordeal will last until a lot of factors that need to respond to bring things back to normal, do that.

We will be doing our part, as we are instructed. The Gods, humanity, other sectors of understanding of society, will have to do theirs.

The enemy will do everything in their power to shut us down. Hacker attacks against our sites have been increasing. So long, we are standing still. It's a miracle we have made it past the damages of the last few years, but Satan willing, we did, because of determination and many people putting this a top priority of their life and existence.

I am confident others will think of the matter likewise in the future. Not everyone here sufficiently understands how our collective work affects this world, but it has done so tremendously and in the future, Gods willing first and foremost - we will affect even more people.

The needs and necessities keep rising exponentially, and there are a lot of dark scenarios ahead. As everyone knows here, it will get in the height of darkness before the dawn. The enemy will not sit there idly and lose it all. Except of psychic warfare, which the enemy is giving in more and more, there will be other forms of attacks against both humanity and individuals who are waking it up. All of this escalating.

The logical conclusion of anyone who wanted to fight this morbid beast, from our position, would be to cower and walk away. The Gods do not reward this behavior. Personally, I would rather face the Gods face to face and have done what I needed to do, rather than take the decision of jumping ship. I have been copiously threatened to no limits, especially the last 2-3 years, but there is absolutely nothing that will make anyone quit.

Life right now, is worth it, because humans have at least some freedom. If the enemy gets their way, life will no longer be "worth it". What is the point of a life where one is nothing, owns nothing, has no soul, or even is a manipulated borg? Death in this case would be desirable. Life is worth living to the fullest, to avoid this fate - living in a world where these things are attempted, is not of higher value than fighting against these on a high or even certain risk of death.

While the enemy is at an all time high of their abuse of humanity, darkness, negative legislations, forced enslavement, and every other looming darkness they bring to this world, many people can already see the light. It's an idea now more than it is a reality, to be honest, as everything physically looks more negative than it actually is. This "actually" is going to come in the future, and be seen by more people as the future comes. Yet, if people remain idle now, and don't use all their freedoms and rights to combat the enemy, everything will still be lost.

I ask therefore all Spiritual Satanists, to put these decisions first - do spiritual warfare every single day. The human mind cannot comprehend yet the importance of this against the enemy, and for the future of our world. We have sufficiently explained that.

Another measure everyone should take, is that all should have an offline backup of the JoS downloaded. It's nothing difficult to save that. It's in the signature and shared by many people. This is because those in power try to terrorize people now about "Cyberattacks" and the internet going and so on.

Even if the Internet was to go, temporarily or partly, these three rituals which are the core of the RTR's, are going to serve justice. If we see such darkness emerging, which hopefully won't be the case, only these 3 rituals are going to wipe out the enemy sooner or later. This is already manifesting. The resistance is forming, and the scattered souls of the Gods are coming together.

At these dark times, everyone who opposes the enemy, from any side and every level of understanding, unless proven to be a total shill, should be acknowledged of such. Not everyone has the same perspective, as many people are not as deprogrammed as we ourselves are. We should recognize this and keep our distance, but this war against humanity is a war that involves everyone. There are no exceptions here. The rights of all are under threat.

Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events. You might have no choice. If you are a teen, others may do these choices for you. In this case, one must endure and not be in fear. There are solutions to these things. An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent. Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all. Do not break family ties over these things.

One major thing to remember, is to not allow yourself to be intimidated by these dark ghouls into doing decisions that you might never had to do. An example here is the forced vaccination. Many people will not have a choice, billions or hundreds of millions, won't.

Yet, everyone here has healing methods, meditations, and other powers that can be used even in these situations or in the case things do not go as desired. You can also use these to AVOID these things altogether - but don't delay much and start working soonest as possible.

Yes, the body can heal itself from this and more. It can counteract foreign elements, and if anything happens, can also heal itself, up to an extent. Others will be in another position where they have more freedom and in this case: USE YOUR FREEDOM AND YOUR RIGHTS, WITHOUT HESITATION!

The cure towards what the enemy is trying to do, is the use of FREEDOM, RIGHTS, CRITICAL THOUGHT, and all the things the enemy attempts to now remove. Above all, what has the enemy sought to remove most of all? Spiritual power and the capacity of human spirituality.

That is their greatest sore and problem, and it's where all humans who want to be part of the future world of the Gods, should be interested in and engaged.

Lastly, many people, for those who will comply with the enemy and their irrational enemy demands, they make the assumption these will go away or that things will get better than them if they do. At best, they think they might be "left be". But this is never the case with the enemy.

The fact that many are xians, kiss jewish ass, or anything of the sort, does not guarantee to anyone they will be treated better, in fact, the pool of slaves which is 95% of all these people following the enemy, comes from those who are in compliance.

It will be the opposite. In fact, those who help in this gradual corrosion of mankind, will be the ones to experience the worst side of it, especially compared to those who did not do that.

Everyone must remember, that the enemy, is a liar and nothing more than this. In the series of many more lies ["The lockdown will only last for 2 more weeks!"], they will be deceived again and severely by the enemy. All the enemy is, is a lie, and those who follow this lie, always get punished either through nature or consequence, but now it will be more punishment directly by the enemy.

For example, how many erroneously believe that the vaccine is going to give them back their freedoms? The opposite is going to happen: Legislations and justifications over these matters, are going to be after our societies for many, many years.

In regards to the so called "Vaccination", this is the least of the concerns, as far as the shot itself is concerned. The human rights violations, the idea that one can administer anything to anyone without consent, the opening of the gates to mRNA and later even public DNA modification, and who knows what else, are going to be the major issues of what this situation will bring.

How many people have complied with the enemy's financial models, especially the harmed and the youth that they have cursed, only to see invading looters get a better life? How many are literally living nowadays, day to day, without a single plan for their future? Has obedience to this system actually given them anything at all? No.

And because this system is failing, not only it is failing, but it's trying to take everything down with it, and put even the most basic provisions behind a major insurmountable wall, that is of all cases, requiring a forced medical practice so people can get in.

Those stupid enough to follow them, and also dig humanity's grave alongside their consecutive mistakes, will find themselves in more negative positions than those who thought for themselves. They are already constructing a dystopia, and these idiots are giving them their "consent", just so that they can go to a cafeteria.

But these people that hand over their rights, are the same category the enemy will have full power over when they will want to abuse power. The enemy's sheep are the first going to the slaughter. It's not like they weren't told or never had a clue of this. I would doubt anyone on the planet doesn't know what "NWO" or "New World Order" currently means.

If they think that compliance to these monsters is going to end up well or better for them, they are wrong. They will abuse their own first and foremost.

None of this is about a 0.04% death rate virus, its "mutations" (which were only natural to occur), nor about the elderly, nor about any pandemic.

We are moving through a reconstruction of the planet itself. New energies are coming in, the Gods and their influence is coming in, the timebomb is ticking for the enemy: a reconstruction and war of financial systems, political viewpoints, modes of consciousness and being that are currently clashing right now, is affecting everything.

We must be unrelenting in information warfare, and in our taking of the higher domains, until the enemy has nothing left. Most people don't seem to be willing to join their prototype of a borg world. And the closer we get to this objective, the more are going to get it.

As the darkness draws near, so do the responses of salvation draw near. Then these bring closer and closer the light of hope and the end of the enemy, through the people themselves.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Academic Scholar said:
There will be times where I have no access to the internet, devices or paper. Could I do the RTRs from memory and just have the intention that the Hebrew letters are being destroyed? Or does one need to blot them out on paper/internet?

You certainly could memorize the ritual, and that would be ideal. But most people may not be able to.

Ideally, these should be printed, or kept somewhere, or written in a code somewhere, or something similar, existing physically.
Its like reaching the climax, going up against Mordor when it finally ends up crumbling. Many fear the words yet fight for and hope for the best.

I remember when this whole cohen-19 bullshit started and people started talking about developing a vaccine. I was walking to town that day and felt a voice tell me "there will be a time when the vaccine is forced" Sure enough look what happend. If i remained Where i was in Europe there is a much greater chance i would have been cornered with it. Not to mention Me basically escaping probably contracting the virus from someone who ended up in ICU with it when i did leave. Everything was impeccable timing. The Gods look out for the ones that do their part. For the ones that don't feel that....it's because it comes in ways you won't expect or even hope at times, or is very sublte. Sometimes what we need is not always what we want. The Gods know that better than we do because they know us better than ourselves.

Spiritual warfare is an absolute must. Something i have not relented on or skipped one day since i dedicated, save for one yule, observing Satan's Day. Even with 10 hours a day 6 days a week i was still pumping out 5 fRTRs plus tetra on top of my yoga routine. In between the rituals there has been much recharging with that number at times being less, but this too will also resume. If i can do it, so can you. I'm sure there are others who have it even harder here with time constraints who work their asses off and still make time.

It will be worth it in the end. Maybe if normies were able to remote view what happened to other worlds, and what became of them after the enemy came and conqured, perhaps shitting themselves from the sheer horror of the site would wake them up. I think alot of people are going to end up learning the truth the hard way.
Shadowcat said:

The rhetoric of the "SCIENCE IS HERE TO SAVE US ALL TAKE THE VACCINE" is going to change, because actually it was "SCIENTISTS" like Dr. Fauci which facilitated the first pandemic as it were, and the probabilities show nothing else as being equally probable, let alone a bat soup or picolin theory.

Science has to be understood of being both good and evil, and in this case, the claims that it's only here to save us in the future, is errant. Science can help, or destroy. The Co-Vid came from a laboratory, and now we will have to live with this, probably with hundreds of thousands dead per year, like the flu.

And no vaccine looks like it will save anyone from it, if anything, medicine would. Vaccines don't provide the promised immunity, nor the needed length of immunity, even based on the claims of what is "needed".

It might actually be smarter to let it pass without "vaccination", because the virus will only adapt, and will last a while. Vaccination barrier may make the virus even smarter, and the situation worse, but nobody is allowed to debate this either in this gulag kike world anymore.

Not sure about the virus lasting "Forever", but the meme is that the enemy wants to keep this going until they have their implementations in place and for terror purposes. It's almost entirely political at this point.

Scientists can't even debate this, which leaves us with a selected clique that is able to speak their minds and more than half people who can't even advise humanity on a course to take without being "suicided" or character murdered etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

The rhetoric of the "SCIENCE IS HERE TO SAVE US ALL TAKE THE VACCINE" is going to change, because actually it was "SCIENTISTS" like Dr. Fauci which facilitated the first pandemic as it were, and the probabilities show nothing else as being equally probable, let alone a bat soup or picolin theory.

Science has to be understood of being both good and evil, and in this case, the claims that it's only here to save us in the future, is errant. Science can help, or destroy. The Co-Vid came from a laboratory, and now we will have to live with this, probably with hundreds of thousands dead per year, like the flu.

And no vaccine looks like it will save anyone from it. It might actually be smarter to let it pass without "vaccination", because the virus will only adapt, and will last a while. Not sure about "Forever", but the meme is that the enemy wants to keep this going until they have their implementations in place and for terror purposes.

Alot of people covered up that they knew Covid was a bioweapon from the start. All aspects of science have their pros in cons but anything in the hands of the enemy only reaps death degeneration and destruction. Nothing from them is of benefit. Like their fakeass pandemic their vax is also a hoax.
Have no fear, there is time to prepare. Look at the qualities one needs to survive in these dark times, as laid out by HPHC:

-motivation and willpower
-preparation and planning
-perseverance and tenacity
-empathy and communal support
-material support

Take a good look at yourself and figure out where you are weakest (check natal chart). Then, look at the runes and plan out how to bolster yourself. In many cases, lots of solar energy is useful. There is still time to strengthen yourself through a working.

We have advance knowledge, and thus can redirect material efforts, as well. Now is a really good time to start prepping necessities and getting your affairs in order. Don't waste time or expand into fields that will collapse as society is overturned. Probably best not to have kids, start a business, or get a new pet, for example.

Good luck everyone. We will prevail.
Blitzkreig said:
We have advance knowledge, and thus can redirect material efforts, as well. Now is a really good time to start prepping necessities and getting your affairs in order. Don't waste time or expand into fields that will collapse as society is overturned. Probably best not to have kids, start a business, or get a new pet, for example.

Life will go on. However, many things and many areas of life will be more trying. Others are simply going to change and get along with the times.

Everyone shouldn't be preparing for negativity, but rather, for better years ahead, besides the general upset happening on the world for this period.

Society is headed to a change, with some negativity involved that will seemingly be a lot for most people. For those who are aware and spiritual, it will be less, as one will be able to build on with their internal reserves to get through better.

Those of ours who utilize spirituality will be able to navigate better into all of this, despite of the external environment and it's woes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Beast system officially went live in Europe.
In time for summer!

The #EUCOVIDCertificate is now up and running. Get yours today to ease your travel across the EU.

Europe is re-opening! pic.twitter.com/DZOCNTVDbK

— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) July 1, 2021

We are bringing back the spirit of an open Europe.

As of today, EU citizens can get their #EUCOVIDcertificate issued and verified across the Union.

Check Re-open EU for the latest travel measures: https://t.co/mvhLXkLFmY#StrongerTogether

— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) July 1, 2021
Thank you for the reminder HP. I have been doing my rtrs tetra and shattering every day. I watch the news and see and feel the difference we are making. I could do more reps - so I will now step it up.
Hail Satan!!!
For those who want a more compact JoS backup:

Offline Joy of Satan Mirror - 343 MB

The Blue Star Athanaeum HP Cobra linked is more complete, but 11 GB is a bit much for some people. The difference is that it includes a bunch of videos and files from Satan's Library. The webpages are also PDFs, which are bigger than HTML. However, the main sites are all there in both.
By the look of things from today I don't really think I wish to know how it will be in the future, like yes here in Eastern Europe is not as bad as in the West but Gods... I don't see another way other than a violent revolution or civil war if the people want to claim back their countries, like it's not only the kikes in the gorv but the jewed army and police and those ultra braindead pantifa and BLM, i don't know but let s say if they survive when we reclaim back the world i would not want to live in the same world as the goym who tried to drawn us, i wonder how they will be punished, i would not bath an eye if they will be massacred or something like that, they totally deserve it and i want them gone for good including their souls which are full of shit anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events. You might have no choice. If you are a teen, others may do these choices for you. In this case, one must endure and not be in fear. There are solutions to these things. An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent. Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all. Do not break family ties over these things.

Stop doing that!

Do you really think it's normal to have this attitude on the Left Hand Path, to be enslaved by parents?

What happens if a child has health problems because of vaccinations and it could have been prevented if they had a fight with their parents?

I guess you don't take responsibility for that anymore. So who is the bad guy: the parents, the vaccine industry, the jews, etc.?

Let's have a little more rebellious spirit in Satanism that is not just in your own mind, because it will get you nowhere even individually.

If you do nothing in the physical world but in your own mind you are "independent" it is still practically a stagnant state.

Is this going to devolve into some kind of liberal satanism? Where National Socialism gives the world view it's ridiculous. Here we should be breaking down the walls put up by the jewish religions. We should be setting an example for our Aryan Brothers and Sisters; but what do they see? Even your own parents can oppress you if you are a "teenager". I'll tell you something, that won't change later when you come of age, because you will always be submitting to something "bigger". Or society, or the state, or your boss/job, or your partner, etc.

Before someone twists my words because they didn't get what I was saying: No, you don't have to howl in the streets, but you have to stand up for yourself on some basic things, it doesn't kill anyone to say to their parents "Sorry, I don't vaccinate".

My main question is still the same: Is this attitude normal on the Left Hand Path? And it's not just the parents. Is it normal to allow ourselves to be suppressed for whatever reason? Everyone has the right to legitimate self-defense! It is a crime to deprive people of that, especially us Gentiles!

In my opinion, this is not a normal attitude. Sometimes, if necessary, we have to accept that our opinion will conflict with another person's opinion, and that's fine. And we are responsible for the consequences, yes. Then stop making the excuse that "I don't want to fight with my parents." That's really shitty.

Wake up!
Yesterday i asked Satan about my problem with the vaccine that my parents want me to take and today i receive the answer by this post. Thank you Satan. Thank you Hp Hoodedcobra.
Thank you for the sermon :)
It is clearer and clearer to me what is going on with this., as I was shown... the door to mRNA meddling is open.

There are also more and more ridiculous things in the media, such as relentlessly trying to spin the native American graves at 'residential schools' (all Catholic operated and similarly run to the ones in Ireland, White Quebec and Poland which also had mass graves of children with their bones rotting in septic tanks) as 'evil white supremacy', largely omitting the xianity part.

It is very important for members here to manouver correctly and use divination to their advantage.
Even though members here already know this and there is not any need to say this again, I am going to reiterate it for those who are new or are just now starting to see the reality and want to start actively participating in spiritual warfare and get through the hard times ahead - protect yourself and stay protected. The enemy is going to do everything in its power in this war too. Stay protected and keep your energies high. Keep your aura clean. Build a protective aura. Keep energies high throughout the day, etc.

Recently I have been getting a lot of blasphemous thoughts about our gods. I know that I don't want to think these thoughts. I know that I don't mean these thoughts. But yet they keep popping up every now and then. And they are mentally draining. It's like knowing these aren't your thoughts but having a hard time to get rid of them. This causes a lot of frustration and drains one mentally. It's like thinking about the gods and then suddenly an utter blasphemy about the gods pops in mind. It's like not even being able to even think about the gods in tough times. These usually disappear after a good cleansing of the aura and some protective affirmations.

Also it's counterintuitive. The more you try to resist these thoughts the more they pop up because "resisting" is actually feeding these thoughts. Void meditation is essential. Aura cleaning and building an aura of protection is essential. Also keeping the energies high throughout the day also helps. If you have like 10 mins at any point during the day, you can just do a breathing exercise or something to raise some energy and like spin the chakras. This is just an example but it helps me in keeping my energies high during the day.

All of this relates to proper planning and preparation for these tough times. Staying protected and keeping your energies high will prevent these psychic attacks which, in turn, will allow one to continue with warfare with full power.

Again, all this has been said countless times before but I feel that this is often underrated and neglected especially if one hasn't experienced a psychic attack before. At least I didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning because I hadn't experienced a psychic attack before. It's not pleasant to say the least. So people just starting with warfare, please don't neglect this aspect. Consider this as advise from someone who learnt it the hard way. On the other hand, with proper protection in place and your energies high, warfare rituals will be very rewarding.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

those who join the enemy is no different from the useful idiots who help cause a communist revolution, all to see themselves on the chooping block in the end, christianity was no different. you think the way we do or suffer the consequences (christianity is communism an communism is death)

so fight for humanity we are more powerful than you know
Hungaryan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wake up!

You are putting words in my mouth because you are emotional and immature. Everyone here knows that saying no and taking the necessary steps to guarantee their freedom is the most important thing.

But it doesn't always work, let alone in the stupid ways you describe.

Yes, your parents have ultimate power on you over life and death, up until an age. You cannot do nothing about that. It's the reality. One can accept this or not accept this.

Parents range from timid, accepting, to downright crazy.

To get your way past this or successfully, there is more that might be done. I am not here to tell people that because "they feel like it" they will get their way with anything, as this does not happen in the real world, nor a 10 or 12 year old has that capacity past a certain very limited perspective.

For people of your mindset, you only understand the part where you do the reactionary stuff, which is stuff teenagers understand. Then, parents have all the real power on people who don't even have the legal authority to do any choice for themselves.

With some parents reactions work, because they are timid and weak [it is up to the judgement of the person here to judge if they will get away with saying no]. In the case of these matters, this extends further on the parents, and other forces will be exerted on the parents.

You just whine on my boots for something nature has decided, and which is pretty self describing. Relationships with parents are dependency relationships up until an age, and people screaming and so on, only has a specific set limit.

Also, in many countries, the so called "Co-Vid vaccine" is going to be mandated to go to school. Parents and people WILL react to this later, but the enemy is going to use the law and so on, to do anything they want. Therefore, quite a few parents, will not decide to take the higher road but the lower road, affecting their kids.

In other words, unless the parents are on board with saying NO to this, the children will be forced into it, the parents acting as a force on top of the state, national, authority force.

Reasoning and/or resistance is a necessary thing, but it might not always work. In many cases where teenagers have no clue on how to do this, this might backfire on them instead.

I speak about the real world. Yes, it's not hard at all to drag your 11 year old daughter or son, even with tears, and literally shove a vaccine in their arm. Many parents know that, as they have already vaccinated their kids as babies, without any consent.

What happens if they say they have been subjected to this? Probably nobody external, and no public organization, is going to give a single shit: "Because Covid is the positive thing to do". Ie, no child will be supported even if beaten into this by their parents. If one runs to the authorities, which are the last zone of defense, the authorities will likely force the same.

I cannot speak based on foolish emotions nor advise people to ruin their life or cause the following. Here is a list that parents can do:

1. Cut all the child's money
2. Starve it
3. Beat it
4. Cut off your education so you do nothing in life
5. Let you out in the streets where you might possibly die, especially in nowaday's streets
6. Give you to the authorities or to crazy doctors who will pill you up, thinking "you are insane"
7. Blank your future indefinitely because they might even turn against you for Satanism or related
8. Lock you into a mental institution
9. An array of other things such as public shaming or who knows what else

The above only ends in jurisdictions when people are of "Legal Age", and can decide for themselves physically. Then, when they have enough money to make their own decisions.

Freedom is far from being only an emotional state of being where you just react to everything and think this is "revolutionary".

Lastly, you mention "Legitimate self defense".

Yes of course, you have that right, in theory.

In reality, in half the nations of the world, if you practice that "right", you might end up in jail for more years than even the perpatrator, especially if you in particular harm other people more or something.

So my advice to you is to not freak out, because there are many things going in the world right now, and many will *NOT* have a choice. Yes, this happens. And if this happens in life, one must have a plan B on what to do.
Fiery Pluto said:
Yesterday i asked Satan about my problem with the vaccine that my parents want me to take and today i receive the answer by this post. Thank you Satan. Thank you Hp Hoodedcobra.

Use any power you have to resist that, converse with them, and see where this goes. Do not allow them to force it on you, but be aware of your limits to not get serious ramifications from it.

Don't write an age or anything, but if you are above 15 or 16, you have valid chances of saying no [depending how you will position yourself] and getting away with it. If you are of legal age in your country, they have no right to push anything on you. Problems between your relationship can be amended or let go later on.

You can also do a working or program your aura actively to change their mind on the subject and let you be. Talk to them to convince them that you don't need it by any health standards as it has no real death toll on people of a younger age.
Academic Scholar said:
There will be times where I have no access to the internet, devices or paper. Could I do the RTRs from memory and just have the intention that the Hebrew letters are being destroyed? Or does one need to blot them out on paper/internet?

I have problems with Xtian neighbours. I will do my rituals in my own home. That said I do them and then it's over in the home. So it's not like my chants never end.

When they've approached me I've denied its me. They will have to prove its me. If I say I don't know they have nothing to go on.

To spam I go out and do them while out walking or sitting alone in a park. You see I remember the letters of the alphabet reversals and Tetragrammaton.

So I just focus my attention on seeing the letters or Tetragrammaton in my mind. And as they're erased I know they're deleted when I move onto the next letter.

The race awakening seems really loud especially all of the Satanas's. And I will do one or two of the 88 indoors. But to spam I've taken to getting out but I break it into chunks of 22 at a time to hold count on my hands correctly.

I got to this point by looking and closing my eyes and holding the letter in my mind. And opening and looking again to get it correct in my mind.

It actually wasn't my intention to memorise the letters. It just happened because I was closing my tired eyes to rest them while performing the vibrations. And in looking and closing my eyes to rest them while holding the image in my mind I've memorised the whole ritual.

Good luck. It's been said that some joos are walking torah reciters. I fancy myself a waking antithesis to the enemy.
over where i live if a kid goes to the police saying their mom beat their ass to take the vaccine, they will laugh. authorities will say take it. because it's good for u.

or hmmm the crazy people institution gonna take the kid in.

i am an uncle and i can hardly help my nephew not have it. because his parents are dumb fucks.

yeah, might work for you, sure. but in some places u might end up in jail or crazy house.

and if u get up there the vaccine will be the least of ur issues. they will drug u everyday for all day.

sorry. you have no clue. but please take care.

Hungaryan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events. You might have no choice. If you are a teen, others may do these choices for you. In this case, one must endure and not be in fear. There are solutions to these things. An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent. Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all. Do not break family ties over these things.

Stop doing that!

Do you really think it's normal to have this attitude on the Left Hand Path, to be enslaved by parents?

What happens if a child has health problems because of vaccinations and it could have been prevented if they had a fight with their parents?

I guess you don't take responsibility for that anymore. So who is the bad guy: the parents, the vaccine industry, the jews, etc.?

Let's have a little more rebellious spirit in Satanism that is not just in your own mind, because it will get you nowhere even individually.

If you do nothing in the physical world but in your own mind you are "independent" it is still practically a stagnant state.

Is this going to devolve into some kind of liberal satanism? Where National Socialism gives the world view it's ridiculous. Here we should be breaking down the walls put up by the jewish religions. We should be setting an example for our Aryan Brothers and Sisters; but what do they see? Even your own parents can oppress you if you are a "teenager". I'll tell you something, that won't change later when you come of age, because you will always be submitting to something "bigger". Or society, or the state, or your boss/job, or your partner, etc.

Before someone twists my words because they didn't get what I was saying: No, you don't have to howl in the streets, but you have to stand up for yourself on some basic things, it doesn't kill anyone to say to their parents "Sorry, I don't vaccinate".

My main question is still the same: Is this attitude normal on the Left Hand Path? And it's not just the parents. Is it normal to allow ourselves to be suppressed for whatever reason? Everyone has the right to legitimate self-defense! It is a crime to deprive people of that, especially us Gentiles!

In my opinion, this is not a normal attitude. Sometimes, if necessary, we have to accept that our opinion will conflict with another person's opinion, and that's fine. And we are responsible for the consequences, yes. Then stop making the excuse that "I don't want to fight with my parents." That's really shitty.

Wake up!
Hungaryan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events. You might have no choice. If you are a teen, others may do these choices for you. In this case, one must endure and not be in fear. There are solutions to these things. An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent. Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all. Do not break family ties over these things.

You are also in this psychotic state where with 5 posts, where putting strawman appears like an absolute necessity for you to do, because you are in zero understanding of the situation or my post as is.

Then, answering your own strawman, appears to solve the issue for you.

Read what you quote here, and tell me where "compliance" is advised. Only the reality of not having the power of choice is illustrated, which other members have already talked to.

Nobody is told to comply, but life has it, some will not have a choice. Then, they have OTHER choices after this, to help themselves. Your argument as with most reactionary people is, just react, and then get nothing out of it, and then have no plan, and then get fucked.

For people like you, if "taking a boat and leaving the US" was the "Reactionary thing", you would not even consider that some people can never afford a boat. The same goes in this case with many people who cannot stand to your imagined standard, because life is in the way.

I am only telling people here what might occur because they might not get their way from reacting or refusing. Yes, nature and life has it, that sometimes, this achieves nothing. One has to be prepared for this also if they want to keep existing.

And yes, these things happen, because that's life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wake up!

The family system often is a slave system. A bunch of people forced to be together that would have nothing to do with each other were it not for the current system and people grow to resent each others existence cause of this. It becomes a master slave type relationship. It is like a prison camp for kids in their own eyes the ultimate goal becomes later to heal and deprogram from all this and become free again later in life and find yourself and your life path again.

While yes we have to go along with things at a certain age I cringe a little when seeing "don't break family relationships over this" cause from what I have heard that is exactly what will happen with something else later for many of these same people your talking too that were forced to get this vaccine.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Wake up!

While yes we have to go along with things at a certain age I cringe a little when seeing "don't break family relationships over this" cause from what I have heard that is exactly what will happen with something else later for many of these same people your talking too that were forced to get this vaccine.


Are you a kid or below legal age? Because this situation of lack of control and inability to break ties, involves underage kids and teenagers.

Why do you feel offended by this if a rule does not apply to you, for example?

You are a grown man, comparing your rights and feelings to those of kids, and thinking what applies to you, does also apply to them. It doesn't, nor there is a real case here.

As you have said before, childhood is a social construct? No, it is not.

It's a biological reality, social reality, existential reality. From this derive specific powers and rights. You can move away from your family at 25, 30, 45, and I hope you have. But when you are 13 or 14, you cannot, without running the risk of innumerable issues.

And within that state, yes, most people don't have any measurable amount of choices.
*laughs in immature 16 year old*

Yes of course, thankfully, the levels of power are decided by wisdom, and not by you or your trolling partner strawman which you kind of came to back up.

I know you are friends, for example, and see the matter likewise. That's great.

There is no creation of a Liberal Satanism, other than you guys. Liberals don't recognize family and are all about the "Individual". They also don't believe in the natural outcome, consequence, or that anyone can force them into anything.

You are not elite at all at this point, you are just immature, reactionary, and not in understanding of how to use any form of power.

If you have the power to harm them, like your little brain understands, where is your power to turn the situation around and not get vaccinated? Just some friendly advice here.

Anyhow, I will not be replying to these lesser comments anymore, and good luck. Just remember that destroying your life is a dumb idea overall.

Ariton 666 said:
"Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events. You might have no choice. If you are a teen, others may do these choices for you. In this case, one must endure and not be in fear. There are solutions to these things. An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent. Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all. Do not break family ties over these things.

One major thing to remember, is to not allow yourself to be intimidated by these dark ghouls into doing decisions that you might never had to do. An example here is the forced vaccination. Many people will not have a choice, billions or hundreds of millions, won't."

It's not for you to decide who to cut ties with, it's for everyone to decide, not for you to decide who is in a relationship with their family.

If someone's family is a harmful worm shit, get rid of it if you want.
You can use Black Magic or Siddhis to harm them if you have to, we are NOT the victims, this is the ELITE, and the elite will not be oppressed.

I think you're trying to create some liberal "Satanism", you shouldn't be doing so much drugs, because I can see you're high. :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

While yes we have to go along with things at a certain age I cringe a little when seeing "don't break family relationships over this" cause from what I have heard that is exactly what will happen with something else later for many of these same people your talking too that were forced to get this vaccine.


Are you a kid or below legal age? Because this situation of lack of control and inability to break ties, involves underage kids and teenagers.

Why do you feel offended by this if a rule does not apply to you, for example?

You are a grown man, comparing your rights and feelings to those of kids, and thinking what applies to you, does also apply to them. It doesn't, nor there is a real case here.

As you have said before, childhood is a social construct? No, it is not.

It's a biological reality, social reality, existential reality. From this derive specific powers and rights. You can move away from your family at 25, 30, 45, and I hope you have. But when you are 13 or 14, you cannot, without running the risk of innumerable issues.

And within that state, yes, most people don't have any measurable amount of choices.

I don't disagree with you fully. It's just I think the system should be more based upon choice. In that if the parents believe in an enemy belief system strongly that the childs rights are being violated by the parents. For the most part these days the children come to find that out as teens anyways and grow very resentful. If they are anything like me or even more sensitive there goes the other aspects of your life for a long time. Drug abuse, Alcoholism, getting taken advantage of feeling bad about yourself etc. No one should have to go through all that. It took so much to even mostly be free of it like now years of workings. According to someone I talked awhile back that was psychic to this really messed me up on a spiritual level and I was taught in a way that was really dangerous to me personally at least. Some people might be more ok though.

I agree ethics would say family is a biological reality and natural and all that. However this should give no one a free pass. I was saying what I was cause of my own situation when I was younger (at age 15 was saying the same thing here I am now btw) didn't think a lot. But xtianity is child abuse I believe. As is being manipulative. I just desire that no one have to deal with the kind of stuff I did and the psychological problems and bad situations that caused. Partly because I am cancer moon I believe so I generally tend to trust family more to begin with as a kid at least and crave and desire a bond I can't have. I was sexually assaulted by a priest and then my dad *. So this has caused all sorts of resentment of this whole situation for me.

It would have been nice if I didn't have to deal with all this.

So yeah family does not give a free pass. We are not victims. I hate still having to deal with this by talking to my family ever. It's like I am a victim. When all I want to do is just be away from this stuff for good and left alone with it.
In Turkey, things are getting more complicated, people are forced to be vaccinated, large companies, small businesses tell their employees that they should be vaccinated, and people who are not vaccinated see psychological violence at work, oppression, intimidation or psychological terror at work. I read on a news site that they are legally entitled to fire people who are not vaccinated. Some of the Turkish people have become so sheep, knowing the danger of the vaccine, that they make an appointment to be vaccinated only because the president wants it, and a few things I hear around me are that they believe that the bag of shit they call allah will protect them
Fearless said:
In Turkey, things are getting more complicated, people are forced to be vaccinated, large companies, small businesses tell their employees that they should be vaccinated, and people who are not vaccinated see psychological violence at work, oppression, intimidation or psychological terror at work. I read on a news site that they are legally entitled to fire people who are not vaccinated. Some of the Turkish people have become so sheep, knowing the danger of the vaccine, that they make an appointment to be vaccinated only because the president wants it, and a few things I hear around me are that they believe that the bag of shit they call allah will protect them

In some Nations, they will go as far as to strangulate people with threats or perceived attacks to literal unemployment. It will be difficult. Do your workings, and do your best to go through these all with the least amount of damage. I know how things are in Turkey, they are very difficult, and reckless decisions can be costly.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:

While yes we have to go along with things at a certain age I cringe a little when seeing "don't break family relationships over this" cause from what I have heard that is exactly what will happen with something else later for many of these same people your talking too that were forced to get this vaccine.


Are you a kid or below legal age? Because this situation of lack of control and inability to break ties, involves underage kids and teenagers.

Why do you feel offended by this if a rule does not apply to you, for example?

You are a grown man, comparing your rights and feelings to those of kids, and thinking what applies to you, does also apply to them. It doesn't, nor there is a real case here.

As you have said before, childhood is a social construct? No, it is not.

It's a biological reality, social reality, existential reality. From this derive specific powers and rights. You can move away from your family at 25, 30, 45, and I hope you have. But when you are 13 or 14, you cannot, without running the risk of innumerable issues.

And within that state, yes, most people don't have any measurable amount of choices.
So yeah family does not give a free pass. We are not victims. I hate still having to deal with this by talking to my family ever. It's like I am a victim. When all I want to do is just be away from this stuff for good and left alone with it.


It is because this is a biological bond of care where freedoms between members are to also be respected, that other things exist. Now, the jews are corroding these. This is why some children are taken away from the parents, there is no free pass with abuse. We made laws to change these horrific realities, which come out of the fact that very young kids are helpless.

So of course, there is no free pass. Another one we Whites removed by law, is child labor and other worthless things.

Take this in consideration, most people take the shit from their family, and it multiplies by a factor of x100 times, and they can never solve it. No psychologist can even help. These remain for life. Spiritual Satanists, we can reverse it, and go x100 times better.

For this I thank the Gods, because we have the ability to change these things.

I know this sounds terrible but this is the reality about the lack of choice about health, or vaccine.

We are going through JWO times, not regular times. Many people will be forced, others will succumb to mental pressure, others will be left without a real choice. Some people already have.

The above should never have been a question or something I personally condone or want, it's the reality of going through a period of maximum oppression emerging.

As for the personal stuff, I am sure you'll recover entirely and more. Nobody can dictate to you anymore about these xian foul things.
Karnonnos said:
It is clearer and clearer to me what is going on with this., as I was shown... the door to mRNA meddling is open.

There are also more and more ridiculous things in the media, such as relentlessly trying to spin the native American graves at 'residential schools' (all Catholic operated and similarly run to the ones in Ireland, White Quebec and Poland which also had mass graves of children with their bones rotting in septic tanks) as 'evil white supremacy', largely omitting the xianity part.

It is very important for members here to manouver correctly and use divination to their advantage.

The enemy is going full throttle on all fronts of society. At the height of all this, defacing monuments, statues, bringing in millions of invaders, hasn't deviated from this.

They just only pamper around the Co-Vid to keep people distracted.
Hi dear HP hooded cobra thanks for this sermom it is really motivating and inspiring . After every darkness there is light.
The 3 rituals you mentioned are final rtr , killing tetragrammaton and shattering the defence of jews , yes ?
I saw a highlight video done by Tim Pool (Just a disclaimer here, it's the information I'm referring to here, not endorsing the person or whatever...)

It was a statistic about the vaccinated states in the USA, the states where the majority of the population was vaccinated were Blue (Democrat, Liberals), and the states where the majority of the population was un-vaccinated were Red (Republican, Conservative). There were only 5 Blue states that the majority was un-vaccinated, and those were the states former president Donald J. Trump contested that the election fraud happened.

It's obvious that the slaves of the Jews are getting the short end of the stick here, being vaccinated into destruction and Marxism in itself being a bitch, and fascinating at the same time. The Jews are literally destroying "their own people" here.
666S666 said:
Hi dear HP hooded cobra thanks for this sermom it is really motivating and inspiring . After every darkness there is light.
The 3 rituals you mentioned are final rtr , killing tetragrammaton and shattering the defence of jews , yes ?

Yes, that's it.
Thank you for sharing this💗 HP Hooded Cobda! 🔥
Hp. HoodedCobra 666 said:
None of this is about a 0.04% death rate virus, its "mutations" (which were only natural to occur), nor about the elderly, nor about any pandemic.

All this "variant" thing is a bullshit. As stated by Dr. Peter McCullough, people who had SARS two decades ago are more resilient to this Covid-19 as they differ only by 20% but the human immune system see both of them as the same virus. So the so called mutations that are 0.3% different from the original, at the eyes of science are the same thing. The enemy whines about how lethal is the delta variant only because their vaccination/depopulation plan is a total failure.
I had to move into a halfway house to stay off the streets and everyone here got the covid vaccine and basically everyone living here had. Covid, i say its covid because i believe the vaccine is spreading the virus, it appears to be a cold/ flu people had fevers, all flu symptoms, ive been taking turmeric drops for months and b12 drops, a few times i started to get a raw throat, i would just take a few turmeric drops and within a few hours the sore throat went away and i never got sick by the grace of satan, anyways my point is i believe and have researched and found
out turmeric is a really powerful all natural immune booster and anti-inflammatory i suggest everyone if possible buy turmeric supplement drops right off Amazon and its going to keep you from getting sick all by itself that and Washing your hands, and it has plenty of other health benefits anyways stay vigilant and HAIL SATAN
HP Hooded Cobra 666 I apologize for misspelling your name. 🐍💗 I just want to thank you for sharing this post . And I appreciate you and the WHOLE JOS. For being here. You people have been an inspiration to me. 💖
No Surrender HPHC my bro

Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
