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A Working To Reduce Sleep Requirements

Henu the Great said:
Every process can be enhanced. Harder, better, faster, stronger applies to all processes, to the one you mentioned as well.

This working is totally reasonable when we talk about a person used to 6 to 8 hours of sleep reducing this time by 1 to 2 hours, or even up to by 3 hours given that this person would spend time in trance during the day. Anything below that is not reasonable long term. No need to "eat for hours". I think the aspect of needing to sleep and that the affirmation on OP is not reasonable were already addressed, but if not, it should be clear that no one is talking about being sleepless or sleeping for less than 5 hours.

I agree with that but I was not aware that some people need working to sleep 5 hours a night. If you need it, then sure.
Abyssos said:
One last thought if I may be so bold, I am aware that SS are expected to pick themselves up, but to be completely honest, what is the chance that some SS could send energy to brutally busy SS in need to get them better jobs or get them out of any such demanding situations, so that those struggling SS could be of more use to JoS? Perhaps such workings already exist, such as the RTRs that give prosperity to Satanists, etc. Some of us are desperate, and are short enough on time that we don't even have the time to think of whether or not we dare to ask...I'm sorry, I mean plead for help. Someone posted at some point that no one has any excuse, that they used to work 80+ hours a week and still did all their spiritual practice. This makes people like me feel bad. I'm not going to lie, I've been giving Satan an earful of praying, asking for help, apologizing for venting, being frustrated. I've felt like an animal in a corner. But again, I myself may have hope as stated before, as my time has actually just recently been more freed up. This applies mainly to other SS in general who are even more in the trenches than myself. And really quite honestly, I'm in need of a break-out from this, the job is stressful, I know, I've said as much a dozen times already.
When we do the blessing group rituals, we usually do this: https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html

So join in when it comes around next time.

And short routine could look something like this:

2x 5min cleaning per day
2x 5 min protection per day
3 rep f-rtr
10 min void
5min chakra spin
Pick a handful of asanas, and do all of them for 30-60sec only, savasana cut down to 5 min at the end. On this forum Lydias chakra yoga series is a good source to pick asanas from. Add mantra for chakra when you do the asana, and you have some extra empowerment too.

This would take something like an hour or so depending how much time you spend on yoga.
Abyssos said:

Your situation is very unfortunate and I feel bad on your behalf.

Such a job is not fit for even a person with no other obligations, let alone someone with Satanic ones. They are basically working you like an enslaved animal.

I think in these situations it is better to just cut your losses. Your advancement will always yield more fruit than ever possible through a clownworld job. For example, November's esbat is in Taurus and Jupiter Squares will be available soon - both good opportunities for wealth and prosperity.

I don't know your exact financial situation, but I do know that the economy in general is short on labor. I think you can find new employment relatively easily. I am not sure what sort of bills you have to pay, and so on, but you could have an ongoing wealth working in the time you save working that long.

Working 80 hours a week, or 60 hours a week, is not practical. Sure that person might have done some decent amount of work, but of course, they did not do more than someone working less.

I would look for a new job immediately, even quitting now if you can do so. There is not a lot of sense in being stuck slaving away, and you can immediately start workings to attract wealth or a new job.

Your Satanic advancement is your career, not some job for a Jew. You should make as much time for it as possible. It will always pay more.

As I said, I don't know your financial situation, but I am certain you can find something out there that does not require more than 40 hours, and with your new time you can use witchcraft to secure yourself.

You have to work smart and not hard. Even if someone can work 100 hours and still do whatever meditations, this is not ideal or smart at all, compared to someone who can do less work and advance quicker.

With all this in mind, I would take some sort of action right now instead of trying to keep working within an untenable situation. Besides resigning, this also includes immediately applying for a new job or threatening your current job with resignation if they don't reduce your workload.

You have power here because they are short on workers. That is not your fault, and it is not your fight either, especially considering you are an SS and have so much more to offer the world.

Good luck.
Abyssos said:
Blitzkreig said:
We are limited by time! Most SS are stuck slaving long hours for Jewish bosses. For most people, a major limitation is time. Therefore, doing workings to fix this, whether that involves switching jobs, increasing productivity, or reducing sleep needs should be highly prioritized!

I'm working 60+ hours a week at a 3rd shift hard manual labor job. What you just said encapsulates my current life story in a short paragraph. This subject needs to be blasted from the announcements section, I seriously think far more attention needs to be called to this issue. It's difficult to find time, energy, motivation, logistics and privacy to do any spiritual practice under these conditions. There's got to be a way for SS who are crushed by overwhelming schedules and body-destroying work to get some kind of help to get a better life situation, better jobs, more time, less stress. I am overwhelmed. I spend all my time at work. Work work work work work.

Sorry for all the venting. I'm desperate. I'm hoping to get into a new job soon. I also had a slight logistic change that will give me more time, so things are slowly but surely improving for me. I just need to get out of this shitty job, it takes so much of my energy.

I'm sure there's got to be thousands of SS who are in even worse situations than I am, working 80-90+ hour-a-week hard manual labor jobs, getting injured, limping around while busting their asses, getting yelled at to hurry up, driving an hour back and forth from work, not having privacy even when they're at home, getting 4-5 hours of sleep if they do nothing else, and getting even less if they do the simplest-sounding things, like go shopping, do laundry, get an oil change for their vehicle, if they even have a vehicle, what if they get rides from someone who isn't SS, so doing mantras while literally driving might not even be an option.

The paragraph above is a worse version of what I'm going through, but hopefully will illustrate how a bunch of inconveniences and factors can eliminate the precious few opportunities that new and struggling SS have to do any spiritual practice at all.

I haven't even gotten to the struggle of trying to learn about subjects like Astrology in bits and spurts over the weekend, and giving up after trying to bite massive chunks of learning in a short amount of time.

All this goes along in a cruel way with the understanding that we SS are supposed to do our own work to advance, and not rely on the help of others or the Gods. How can an absolute beginner with no powers hope to repay the Gods for asking, and quite frankly, begging them out of despair and desperation for a nice new job with little or no overtime, that doesn't wreck their body. Such a privilege reeks of un-attainability, over-privilege and opulence, especially while thinking of such a thing while doing heavy lifting, getting out of breath, needing to get a drink and not having time to do so, barely being able to make it back on time from short breaks, doing a lot of driving, and then getting back to their place to sleep, and only having the possibility of getting at most 5-6 hours of sleep if they try to sleep right away. It gets worse when they get insomnia when needing to go to sleep, and literally get 2-4 hours of sleep before a 12-hour shift. That last sentence is a true and recent story for me by the way, not an exaggeration.

I've been speaking in generalizations to try to include what other SS could be going through, but a lot of this loosely or precisely describes how I have felt for the past few months. Yes, I've been stuck with this overtime for a few months, doing what should be a 2-man job alone most of the time (this has been the case for a couple years though, but now with perpetual mandatory overtime). I've wrote an awful lot, sorry about breaking open the floodgates of my frustration and taking up people's time to read all this. What can possibly be done to help such people? I feel that there needs to be some kind of schedule put together for people in situations like mine, with very short workings, Low-rep-RTRs, brief Yoga routines that don't take long, something, anything, as well as workings to try to get better jobs. I'm not saying I don't know what a basic working or spiritual practice is, I for one would want to know what an acceptable short schedule would look like, that takes as little time as possible per day, and focuses mainly on slowly but surely advancing while trying to get into a better life situation to be relieved and become able to actually do a sufficient amount of spiritual practice, to actually live and breathe!

One last thought if I may be so bold, I am aware that SS are expected to pick themselves up, but to be completely honest, what is the chance that some SS could send energy to brutally busy SS in need to get them better jobs or get them out of any such demanding situations, so that those struggling SS could be of more use to JoS? Perhaps such workings already exist, such as the RTRs that give prosperity to Satanists, etc. Some of us are desperate, and are short enough on time that we don't even have the time to think of whether or not we dare to ask...I'm sorry, I mean plead for help. Someone posted at some point that no one has any excuse, that they used to work 80+ hours a week and still did all their spiritual practice. This makes people like me feel bad. I'm not going to lie, I've been giving Satan an earful of praying, asking for help, apologizing for venting, being frustrated. I've felt like an animal in a corner. But again, I myself may have hope as stated before, as my time has actually just recently been more freed up. This applies mainly to other SS in general who are even more in the trenches than myself. And really quite honestly, I'm in need of a break-out from this, the job is stressful, I know, I've said as much a dozen times already.

You should look for a better job but don't leave your current job before you secure your other job because being out of work is much worse.
Yagami Light said:
Stormblood said:
For sleep no such system is provided, nor are there Gods that do not sleep.

Mate, what?
I am so certain that Gods do not sleep - or rather, they do not *need* sleep, but could do so if they wanted to. The same goes for food.

I can't remember where I had read it, so I'm not going to quote any HPs with this... But I am 100% sure that they do not require sleep like we do... Perhaps they'd need 5 hours a week (however long "a week" is on their planet) - who knows? But surely not like we humans...

I believe it's only natural for any SS who meditates and works and has other hobbies as well, to wish to decrease their hours of sleep. And I also believe it's only natural for us to eventually reach the point when we WON'T need sleep - at least not as much as we do now. Doing a working to reduce 1 to 3 hours, with an affirmation that includes everything (about our bodies getting enough rest, and all the other sleep activities being done in a quicker manner while sleeping - in a positive way for us) it's just ideal for a more productive life.

Unless one is forced to dedicate only 2 hours daily on meditations, and reach Godhood when they are 500 years old...
Time is running.

Are you sure about what you say about the Gods? Have they confirmed it to you?
Another thing that he (and everyone else) has to take in to consideration is the effect of karma. Whatever our situation is, it's caused by an effect. One should first apply spiritual method for clearning karma (freeing of the soul workings), and after that do the working(s) to attract something. That ensures maximum effectiveness.

How To Obliterate Your Saturn - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=331#p331

So technically what happens during sleep is a change in the wavelength of brainwaves correct? During a sleep cycle there are different stages, each stage corresponding to a particular brainwave wavelength. So technically if you are able to achieve those brainwave frequencies during meditation then that should cover for sleep no? I also remember hearing from a yogi that if you are in a deep enough meditative state (samadhi) for long enough then that can substitute for sleep. I'm not just believing him randomly but that makes sense no?
स त न म said:

So technically what happens during sleep is a change in the wavelength of brainwaves correct? During a sleep cycle there are different stages, each stage corresponding to a particular brainwave wavelength. So technically if you are able to achieve those brainwave frequencies during meditation then that should cover for sleep no? I also remember hearing from a yogi that if you are in a deep enough meditative state (samadhi) for long enough then that can substitute for sleep. I'm not just believing him randomly but that makes sense no?

It is a bit more complex than that. The way I understand it is that you need to be unconscious for a portion of the day. It's part of human nature. You swing from activity (rajas) to inactivity (tamas). There's a particular balance between the two that needs to be kept. This is unique for each individual but falls within a general human range (according to modern science that is no less than 5 hours and no more than 9, unless you are unwell). Only after ida and pingala have fully merged and integrated, this balance is altered.

How it becomes, I do not know because I haven't experience that stage yet. And I am doubtful of everyone who claims they did, especially if their behaviour and thinking patterns are still bipolar, rather than holistic/unified. My ASSUMPTION is that you could go into a deep meditative state when you are at that stage and further, but you will have to consciously guide EACH and EVERY process that happens during sleep. Or you could just sleep, you know.

Anyway, it is nearly impossible for most stay conscious during epsilon and delta ranges anyway. I doubt any yogi who has achieved sleep mastery is going to make it known to the public.
Master said:
Are you sure about what you say about the Gods? Have they confirmed it to you?
No, I don't really waste their time with asking them about things like that.
But I 100% remember having read it from here (from HPs most likely BUT I can't remember at all a specific source, so I can't cite anyone of them) and it also makes 100% sense to me...

Can you imagine how powerful they are? So much more spiritually advanced than us. It only makes sense. I remember I used to do this meditation that involved a whole lot of sun/moon breathing - and it totally filled in my hunger. Even if I was hungry before doing this meditation, after doing it I wouldn't be hungry for hours.

I am also certain (again, without being able to prove it :p ) that it's also possible to not need sleep if we were to reach the Gods' level.
Doesn't it just make sense?
Yagami Light said:
Master said:
Are you sure about what you say about the Gods? Have they confirmed it to you?
No, I don't really waste their time with asking them about things like that.
But I 100% remember having read it from here (from HPs most likely BUT I can't remember at all a specific source, so I can't cite anyone of them) and it also makes 100% sense to me...

Can you imagine how powerful they are? So much more spiritually advanced than us. It only makes sense. I remember I used to do this meditation that involved a whole lot of sun/moon breathing - and it totally filled in my hunger. Even if I was hungry before doing this meditation, after doing it I wouldn't be hungry for hours.

I am also certain (again, without being able to prove it :p ) that it's also possible to not need sleep if we were to reach the Gods' level.
Doesn't it just make sense?

It makes sense but to do such things correctly requires both spiritual and physical understanding.

For example that corrupt Hindu thing of not eating meat in order to advance spiritually is a useless and harmful thing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
