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A (simple) and desperate plea to all doing RTR


New member
Feb 25, 2020
Shed all fear and hatred from your hearts and exchange it for love and faith. None of us are alone, we are all interconnected. Everyone make a concerted effort, DIG DEEP, look deeper and deeper within your mind and heart. There is now nothing left in this world to take anymore, there is only everything to give. They've already taken all that they can, and they can take no more. Do your RTR with a sigh of relief, and leave any fear or worries behind.
DevilsMinion said:
Shed all fear and hatred from your hearts and exchange it for love and faith.

After the illustrious posts of saying you eat your own shit, that you 'pray' all the time and that Japan is the worst country on Earth you come up with this amazing statement.

The RTR is not for xian weaklings. The RTR needs to be done with full relentless burning HATRED of the enemy and HATRED of all their gentile stooges.
DevilsMinion said:
Shed all fear and hatred from your hearts and exchange it for love and faith. None of us are alone, we are all interconnected. Everyone make a concerted effort, DIG DEEP, look deeper and deeper within your mind and heart. There is now nothing left in this world to take anymore, there is only everything to give. They've already taken all that they can, and they can take no more. Do your RTR with a sigh of relief, and leave any fear or worries behind.

Or use the hate to empower the F-RTR as it is inteded.
I will never cease to hate the jew. Fear was out of the door since I dedicated, but hatred I do reserve for wrongdoers and the jew particularly.

Every emotion has it's time and place. No such thing as peace, love and happiness without carnage, for now, I'm afraid.
DevilsMinion said:
Shed all fear and hatred from your hearts and exchange it for love and faith. None of us are alone, we are all interconnected. Everyone make a concerted effort, DIG DEEP, look deeper and deeper within your mind and heart. There is now nothing left in this world to take anymore, there is only everything to give. They've already taken all that they can, and they can take no more. Do your RTR with a sigh of relief, and leave any fear or worries behind.

Amen, let us kill the Hebrew letters with unicorns and rainbows! Piss magical sunshine over them tee hee~

Delight in what you destroy. For me personally, what I just read was something a xtian would preach about how Rabbi Yeshua's love will save us if we believe in it enough, forgive me :p I

I could be wrong but the RTR is much more effective if the intent to destroy is behind it.
Quick correction, as long as one does the returning curses everyday after the RTR, we can absolve all the trash others have shifted to us. For myself it's difficult to just forget and pretend that everything will be alright without putting the effort into making it so.
We can find respite knowing that we are fighting for a noble cause, but doesn't mean that the fallout is over yet. Either you have the discipline or the adversity to challenge yourself to elevate oneself into a higher plane. It's okay to take yourself out of the heat for awhile, but we have much to do.
Love is good and all, and I'm sure your heart is in the right place, but remain grounded. Fear and hatred are completely on feelings to have when in check. Hatred allows no one to cross.you, but you can channel it effectively if youre mature enough. Fear tells you something is wrong that you need to sort out, it's an alarm that keeps the systems in check.
Make sure to never ignore these and sort through them as they come! When I was afraid, I looked for the truth and it paid off. When I hated something like a shitt y dead end job, I gathered the courage to fuck off to a better paying one. Love yourself first and believe firmly that you are here fighting for your freedom!
I am not fearful but I am resilient in the end of the stories good always wins. While that is not always the case in reality obviously as it is the ones with the most power that always win I have faith.

The enemy we deal with here at least with only a few exceptions is very materialistic minded. They do not really care a lot about advancing to a great degree like many gentiles might if they knew the truth and many of us Satanists do. So in that case they must keep us down lower than their level in order to even have a chance.

This is the real message with their idea of equality.
Always strive downward to the lowest you can be and the most inferior is the highest and greatest thing meaning the Jews.

The message we have is always look up to the most supperior and strive to be greater. No one has to be equal and all have a place accept that and work to move higher.

See this is the opposite. We are getting closer and closer to a point where the enemy doesnt even have a chance at all or we are past that point. This is a good thing.

However we must never stop or be complacent.

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.''

-Adolf Hitler

Think about this quote for a minute. If you dont fight and have a will to survive you will lose everything.

Think about it like this. Those who burned us at the stake and mocked us in the dark ages or middle ages how many are even here right now incarnated.

Absolutely none of them most likely unless one or two of them came to Satanism later.

They are dead and gone forgotten their lives meant nothing and will never mean anything. They will never exist again in any form.

Many of us however are still here. Those that had a will to fight and struggle to survive will exist forever.

Dont even fear us losing at all but focus on winning. Cause if we lose and are faithful to Satan and try at least we get to carry on somewhere else I believe.

However I very much doubt there is even a 0.1 percent chance of that happening. So dont worry.

Just carry on and fight and try also to enjoy anything you can in life as well. The more we do the more enjoyable things will become anyways.

One of the Gods gave me this very clear message in a dream not sure who but I felt a very powerful energy in my aura when I woke up.

"If you want friends or family or a partner who is Satanic or to be in a group then keep doing the rtr more as much as possible"

So yeah let that motivate you as well. If you would enjoy life a lot more with people around you that embrace truth then do this. Cause things wont change if we do nothing.

If we mostly or all of us do nothing then we will all be microchipped or destroyed before the end of Saturn in Aquairus that is the enemy plan and likely was for a long time. So think about that and do your best but dont have fear or worry.

Good luck.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
