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A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

Ramses said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Ramses said:
Yeah I remember them saying back in I do believe around June it was that this group I followed called RDA had some jew correspondent having a cry that they had the most strict vaccine rules like full on force jabbing their own people and everything Jews started dropping dead outright back in April and march and I remember them being up to vaccine number 5 and yeah you need to be vaxed up to the eyeballs and wear a mask to step outside I think its more of a result of the RTRS like the more they curse us and force us to do things we don't want to do the worse it is for them so example their are like 7 billion of us now I'm not sure on the Jewish pop but I knew before covid that they were significantly less in population then us so you think about it let's say 60% of the human race got atleast 1 then the human population as a whole got a lot more vaccines but it was only the one or two and barely anyone got a 3rd so you then multiply that onto their much smaller population like yeah I know some Jews got 8 and then cried that they got made sterile from it im like how fucking dumb are you and I know that they were all whining and having their own anti government protests because they had to wear masks in summer even down at the beach.

I believe the term is you reap what you sow you Jewish rats.

What country was this even in? I've read a few past posts on previous topics about Jews killing each other. The High Priests and the other dedicated members really weren't kidding when they note that the top Jews are willing to actually kill their own to achieve their goals.

The forced vaccines up to 7 or 8 vaccines happened in Isreal but the RDA is an Australian group trying to make a global freedom movement they do a lot of good but some of their leadership are Christians but yeah Jews have zero regard for life that's what satan was saying before like even if the Jews "win" against gentiles they still loose because they are ruthless cold creatures attacking and destroying each other to no end the only reason they have any cooperation is because they have us as an enemy right now plus their masters would have no further use for them if they ever did succeed in enslaving us and they would be like thanks for all your hard work boom wiped out by their own gods like rock and a hard place big time.

But it's quite obvious to me that the gods are growing in power here a lot it's quite obvious to me that we have won I feel a constant wired connection to them now like before I had to really fight through to get to them now I feel a constant positive buzz these Jews are over its just going to take one big crash of society and down they all go.

So they're screwed if they succeed, and they're screwed if they fail; either the Jews are willing to pogrom themselves with vaccines, we rise up and wipe them out, or they somehow succeed with slavery and get pogromed by their gods. Either way, they face genocide, but why would the Reptilians want to kill their own people after they succeed?
So basically to become a demon which is my goals I had many dreams of being called a demon and the son of Satan and possess demonic powers in the dream I possess satanic flame which means what exactly
Father Satan, will soon rise in the future as the undisputed Truth of mankind. In the end of this, it will look very obvious, but currently, we are exiting an era of atrocity and lies done against Satan.

The very name "Satan", who jewish researchers and Zionist worthless souls decided to slander, is one of the holiest words that have ever been conceived by the human tongue. The Name of Satan, is the real "Name of God" and the Name of the Supreme Deity.

In Sanskrit, this is very well understood as a known fact. The Indo-Aryan and Sanskrit culture that is connected, inherited from, and created by the Gods, reveals the power of the word Sat and the word Satya, relating them to the Truth.

When Yogi Bhajan decided to move forward with his giant revelation so that, as he put it, "to accelerate dramatically the Spiritual Evolution of humanity", he related the "Top Secret" mantra in the East which was known to the Brahmins as SA-TA-NA-MA.

This Mantra is now the most popular in Eastern Yoga.

Funny enough, the enemies of humanity and all spiritual development on earth, have coined a derivative from this as "the lord of darkness" and coined Satan in Hebrew to mean "The enemy", ie the enemy of the jewish people. Just how innocent are they?

Other words they desecrated involve the holy word "Demon", which means "Knowledgeable One" and literally "God", but also to become a "Demon" was the point of the mysteries of the past.

As I explained in some updated Joy of Satan pages, many of the "Demons" are actually human beings who have ascended into the Godhead, and they are advancing higher and higher. They are guides and protectors for humanity. They have their categories, levels and offices [more on this will be updated in the JoS].

As Rabbis and the jews go into tantrums that humanity is returning to their Ancestors, which basically, we call "Demons", it is imperative to not stay on this subject but to bear this in mind until the final point of this post is reached.

The theory that HPS Maxine ended her research at, was also believed in the last century as the "moving of the Great Race" towards the East. The Hindus there know this was the case. But I would like to take this one step further and say that...

"Before" were were in the "East", we were already in what we call the "West", "Europe" and the "Mediterranean". All of our history did clearly not begin that recently whatsoever.

The Ancient origin of the people of Satan extends further back, and on the light of new information, I am inclined to not even believe that Sanskrit is the "primary" language, but rather, that it took from another primary language. Regardless, it maintains a highest degree of importance and holiness because of it's source.

I say this after having studied in depth the rules and regulations of Sanskrit, what has survived from Egyptian manuals, looked into Babylonian [Assyrian/Akkadian too], surface studied Latin, and so on, I have reached certain conclusions I would like to share which are of penultimate importance. But that will be done gradually.

The strong links between Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, point to me to these two as the sister languages very close to those of the Gods, and I am also furthermore inclined to believe, that all of the false hypothesis of "Phoenician as the source of language" is merely more jewish lies to cover up how far our prehistory goes.

Regardless, the Phoenicians are mentioned by Ancient Greek historians to be literally Greek, and even knowing this, modern linguistic historians have to lie. Or maybe they do not know because they simply do not care. Other, more cryptic transcripts of languages from the Minoan Era, do point me to a history larger not only than initially believed, but also larger than what we have 'conceived'.

What is even more obvious, is that the carryover of meanings between the two AND Egyptian, prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that Father Satan is really our ancestral God and the Father of Humanity. This is the key central point I want to relate here, as Language hides in it information and meaning.

All of these languages are known to have divine origin, and for all three, the God Thoth/Hermes is credited for their creation. Modern day languages have been largely watered down, and contain few or any important or powerful elements.

Pretty soon, the enemy wants to turn us into monkeys that use extremely basic "language". Through this, our brains will gradually shrink and less and less synapses will be working, rendering us completely retarded.

Their assault on English and any language people use, the forced "simplification", and the "if it's not English it doesn't matter" mentality, will put a tombstone on extremely important languages which extend all the way from the Ancient Norse, to Sanskrit, to Egyptian and of course Ancient Greek.

I am also entirely sure that if other languages will reach proper discovery, we will find even more shocking things as time goes. I am currently uncertain to the validity of more than a few, including the claims that we know "Sumerian". I think we need a lot of more work in that regard. Geniuses that could work on this have been impeded for doing so.

Who knows of what we might find?

We must also remember, that even Sumer and other civilizations were discovered "Recently", and that not only that, but the jews have impeded every serious research into Civilizations that they boast fell or their alien hive tried to exterminate, such as the Babylonians.

In regards to the Babylonians, the Jews have stolen an extensive amount of their language from the Babylonians, and the people of Chaldea, and then Egyptian, whom they also have the nerve to attack and defame "in damnatio memoratie" while their books "curse them for aeons to come". The time has come for them to pay the price for this and more, but that is besides my point here.

After having done extensive research on this [both spiritually and materially], I have concluded on a supreme amount of properties in regards to the real "NAME OF GOD", which is none other than written in English as "SATAN" or "SATANAS".

The curses and benedictions of the jews against that, are directly correlated with jewish efforts to "bind" Gentiles from making use of the Divine Name. We are removing these alongside everything else. But I will further explain what else they are afraid of.

Having made the above available and the previous points clear to put someone in the mindset of this post, I also want to mention one of the secrets pertaining to Father Satan's Name. There are many, and they have depth and layers.

I will progressively write more and more on this, especially in Satan's Page to add more info.

In Ancient Greek the Name would be as follows: Σ-Α-Τ-Α-Ν-Α-Σ.

A common practice in the Ancient Greek System is to move the letters of a word around, to find hidden meanings of said word. This is called "Ana-grammatism" which "Ana" means to reposition. "Gramma" means "Letter".

By applying repositioning of the letters of Σ-Α-Τ-Α-Ν-Α-Σ , we will get another word, which is one of the very obvious secrets hiding behind the Holy Name of God: Α-Ν-Α-Σ-Τ-Α-Σ .

If you are familiar with the above, you might recognize that actually something is looking weirdly familiar about this word. Well, this is basically the word from where the name "ANASTASIA" is coming from.

This world translates to the famous "Resurrection", because it really means "Resurrected One" or ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣ.

We know here that even the name of Rabbi Yehoshua of the Bible that was later branded "Jesus Christos" has nothing really to do with this. All this is, is another stolen title to describe a jewish pseudepigrahical story as "real".

"Jesus" is a title stolen from Zeus and the word "Iasis" which means to heal, and "Christos" means "The anointed one" or the "Initiated in the mysteries".

Up until the second century BC, when the jewish hoax has started itself, the native people must have believed in nothing of this related to Jews, who clearly heard this from somewhere and were lie "Oy vey, the goy likes that word, lets make a total fraud based on this".

For all the words they stole, and all the words they perverted, and all their cultural inversions, they fully were well aware of what they were doing. The only ones who did not know were their victims.

Father Satan's Legacy is also evidently, the worst slandered entity and the least "deserved to be slandered" entity, in human history ever. Nobody deserves glory more than He, and yet most of humanity has slandered Him because they adopted lies and hearsay from the jews WITHOUT evaluation of the KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH in regards to the topic.

In regards to Father Satan's Name, we are seeing the clear, purposeful desecration and removal of it's meaning. I am relating therefore the TRUTH of the topic, not based on nonsense and methology from the schizophrenic jews, but evident FACTS.

As we all know here, another stolen Mythological Theme is that of the Resurrection, is very important, as the "Resurrection" which was stolen by the enemy programs, is directly related to returning the Kundalini Serpent from fallen dormancy, into the state that we refer to as Risen. Then, one is "Reborn".

Without meditation and without this, there is no "second birth" as a human being remains without a soul. As we were catching out with spiritual knowledge that was lost, the enemy tried to again corrupt more and more to try to fit themselves in the present era.

That is called "ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ" which has a dual meaning, and means "To put back point upwards" but also literally to "bring back to life". It also literally means, to "raise from the dead".

The other Name of Satan, which is LUCIFER or EOS-FOROS, is well known of being the translation of "Light Bringer".

This light, is the light of the soul when it's truly into the state of the "ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ" or when the Serpent is risen again.

The above, is achievable through the restoration of the human soul and returning it to function, a feat achievable through the "Satanic Arts", which would probably make many outsiders or believers in the enemy dogma rather concerned right now, but merely we are talking about meditation and opening up of the soul.

The above will look like common sense in the decades to come, but now Christians are free to get explosive potty problems from the facts stated here, it doesn't matter. They are believing into a jewish fraud.

When they will understand Rabbi Yeshua and his race have literally swindled them in an nonspiritual program that is nothing but jewish pseudo-history, that slanders the real God of Life and Resurrection of mankind [None other than Father Satan Himself], you will all change your ways.

The original "God", "Resurrection of the soul", "Eternal Life", "Healing of the Soul" and all of that they are so brainwashed to believe they are "into", is exactly where they are entirely out of: It only exists in the one they reject, the primordial source that we call "Satan" and that we here refer to as Father Satan.

You can join us, or you can keep slandering it until the end of the cycle of ignorance in the this Yuga finishes itself. And with it, lies will be flushed out same as liars.

To close with a final phrase: SATAN IS GOD.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Once again a very interesting contribution from HPHC666, which I enjoyed reading and for which I am more than grateful.

HPHC666 writes "that the whole false hypothesis of "Phoenician as the origin of language" is just another Jewish lie to cover up how far back our prehistory goes. Regardless, the Phoenicians are described by ancient Greek historians as literally Greek, and even if they know that, modern language historians must be lying."

I thought of a book that many Hebrew scholars are not very happy with.

This is also the reason why the author has not found much support and his book is so hard to find. The author Joseph Yahuda proves in his book "Hebrew is Greek" that Hebrew has been borrowed from Greek.

Needless to say, not only is the language borrowed from Greek, but most other aspects of Hebrew culture are drawn from Greek and are Greek-based. Myths, symbols, the very god of the Hebrew people is cribbed from the Greek god. Other scholars have also commented on the Greek basis of Jewish texts, such as Russell Gmirkin.

The linguist Yahuda writes: "I maintain that biblical Aramaic and Hebrew are demonstrably Greek, in grammar as well as in vocabulary".1

1 Joseph Yahuda, Hebrew is Greek, Becket Publications, Oxford 1982, p. 4

He can prove this with hundreds of examples. So ancient Greek was changed to such an extent that Hebrew was developed from it as an artistic and cult language.

However, I have no way of verifying the authenticity of this claim on an astral level. But I will keep this in mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
