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A Secret About Satan's Name : Satan Is God

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Father Satan, will soon rise in the future as the undisputed Truth of mankind. In the end of this, it will look very obvious, but currently, we are exiting an era of atrocity and lies done against Satan.

The very name "Satan", who jewish researchers and Zionist worthless souls decided to slander, is one of the holiest words that have ever been conceived by the human tongue. The Name of Satan, is the real "Name of God" and the Name of the Supreme Deity.

In Sanskrit, this is very well understood as a known fact. The Indo-Aryan and Sanskrit culture that is connected, inherited from, and created by the Gods, reveals the power of the word Sat and the word Satya, relating them to the Truth.

When Yogi Bhajan decided to move forward with his giant revelation so that, as he put it, "to accelerate dramatically the Spiritual Evolution of humanity", he related the "Top Secret" mantra in the East which was known to the Brahmins as SA-TA-NA-MA.

This Mantra is now the most popular in Eastern Yoga.

Funny enough, the enemies of humanity and all spiritual development on earth, have coined a derivative from this as "the lord of darkness" and coined Satan in Hebrew to mean "The enemy", ie the enemy of the jewish people. Just how innocent are they?

Other words they desecrated involve the holy word "Demon", which means "Knowledgeable One" and literally "God", but also to become a "Demon" was the point of the mysteries of the past.

As I explained in some updated Joy of Satan pages, many of the "Demons" are actually human beings who have ascended into the Godhead, and they are advancing higher and higher. They are guides and protectors for humanity. They have their categories, levels and offices [more on this will be updated in the JoS].

As Rabbis and the jews go into tantrums that humanity is returning to their Ancestors, which basically, we call "Demons", it is imperative to not stay on this subject but to bear this in mind until the final point of this post is reached.

The theory that HPS Maxine ended her research at, was also believed in the last century as the "moving of the Great Race" towards the East. The Hindus there know this was the case. But I would like to take this one step further and say that...

"Before" were were in the "East", we were already in what we call the "West", "Europe" and the "Mediterranean". All of our history did clearly not begin that recently whatsoever.

The Ancient origin of the people of Satan extends further back, and on the light of new information, I am inclined to not even believe that Sanskrit is the "primary" language, but rather, that it took from another primary language. Regardless, it maintains a highest degree of importance and holiness because of it's source.

I say this after having studied in depth the rules and regulations of Sanskrit, what has survived from Egyptian manuals, looked into Babylonian [Assyrian/Akkadian too], surface studied Latin, and so on, I have reached certain conclusions I would like to share which are of penultimate importance. But that will be done gradually.

The strong links between Ancient Greek and Sanskrit, point to me to these two as the sister languages very close to those of the Gods, and I am also furthermore inclined to believe, that all of the false hypothesis of "Phoenician as the source of language" is merely more jewish lies to cover up how far our prehistory goes.

Regardless, the Phoenicians are mentioned by Ancient Greek historians to be literally Greek, and even knowing this, modern linguistic historians have to lie. Or maybe they do not know because they simply do not care. Other, more cryptic transcripts of languages from the Minoan Era, do point me to a history larger not only than initially believed, but also larger than what we have 'conceived'.

What is even more obvious, is that the carryover of meanings between the two AND Egyptian, prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that Father Satan is really our ancestral God and the Father of Humanity. This is the key central point I want to relate here, as Language hides in it information and meaning.

All of these languages are known to have divine origin, and for all three, the God Thoth/Hermes is credited for their creation. Modern day languages have been largely watered down, and contain few or any important or powerful elements.

Pretty soon, the enemy wants to turn us into monkeys that use extremely basic "language". Through this, our brains will gradually shrink and less and less synapses will be working, rendering us completely retarded.

Their assault on English and any language people use, the forced "simplification", and the "if it's not English it doesn't matter" mentality, will put a tombstone on extremely important languages which extend all the way from the Ancient Norse, to Sanskrit, to Egyptian and of course Ancient Greek.

I am also entirely sure that if other languages will reach proper discovery, we will find even more shocking things as time goes. I am currently uncertain to the validity of more than a few, including the claims that we know "Sumerian". I think we need a lot of more work in that regard. Geniuses that could work on this have been impeded for doing so.

Who knows of what we might find?

We must also remember, that even Sumer and other civilizations were discovered "Recently", and that not only that, but the jews have impeded every serious research into Civilizations that they boast fell or their alien hive tried to exterminate, such as the Babylonians.

In regards to the Babylonians, the Jews have stolen an extensive amount of their language from the Babylonians, and the people of Chaldea, and then Egyptian, whom they also have the nerve to attack and defame "in damnatio memoratie" while their books "curse them for aeons to come". The time has come for them to pay the price for this and more, but that is besides my point here.

After having done extensive research on this [both spiritually and materially], I have concluded on a supreme amount of properties in regards to the real "NAME OF GOD", which is none other than written in English as "SATAN" or "SATANAS".

The curses and benedictions of the jews against that, are directly correlated with jewish efforts to "bind" Gentiles from making use of the Divine Name. We are removing these alongside everything else. But I will further explain what else they are afraid of.

Having made the above available and the previous points clear to put someone in the mindset of this post, I also want to mention one of the secrets pertaining to Father Satan's Name. There are many, and they have depth and layers.

I will progressively write more and more on this, especially in Satan's Page to add more info.

In Ancient Greek the Name would be as follows: Σ-Α-Τ-Α-Ν-Α-Σ.

A common practice in the Ancient Greek System is to move the letters of a word around, to find hidden meanings of said word. This is called "Ana-grammatism" which "Ana" means to reposition. "Gramma" means "Letter".

By applying repositioning of the letters of Σ-Α-Τ-Α-Ν-Α-Σ , we will get another word, which is one of the very obvious secrets hiding behind the Holy Name of God: Α-Ν-Α-Σ-Τ-Α-Σ .

If you are familiar with the above, you might recognize that actually something is looking weirdly familiar about this word. Well, this is basically the word from where the name "ANASTASIA" is coming from.

This world translates to the famous "Resurrection", because it really means "Resurrected One" or ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣ.

We know here that even the name of Rabbi Yehoshua of the Bible that was later branded "Jesus Christos" has nothing really to do with this. All this is, is another stolen title to describe a jewish pseudepigrahical story as "real".

"Jesus" is a title stolen from Zeus and the word "Iasis" which means to heal, and "Christos" means "The anointed one" or the "Initiated in the mysteries".

Up until the second century BC, when the jewish hoax has started itself, the native people must have believed in nothing of this related to Jews, who clearly heard this from somewhere and were lie "Oy vey, the goy likes that word, lets make a total fraud based on this".

For all the words they stole, and all the words they perverted, and all their cultural inversions, they fully were well aware of what they were doing. The only ones who did not know were their victims.

Father Satan's Legacy is also evidently, the worst slandered entity and the least "deserved to be slandered" entity, in human history ever. Nobody deserves glory more than He, and yet most of humanity has slandered Him because they adopted lies and hearsay from the jews WITHOUT evaluation of the KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH in regards to the topic.

In regards to Father Satan's Name, we are seeing the clear, purposeful desecration and removal of it's meaning. I am relating therefore the TRUTH of the topic, not based on nonsense and methology from the schizophrenic jews, but evident FACTS.

As we all know here, another stolen Mythological Theme is that of the Resurrection, is very important, as the "Resurrection" which was stolen by the enemy programs, is directly related to returning the Kundalini Serpent from fallen dormancy, into the state that we refer to as Risen. Then, one is "Reborn".

Without meditation and without this, there is no "second birth" as a human being remains without a soul. As we were catching out with spiritual knowledge that was lost, the enemy tried to again corrupt more and more to try to fit themselves in the present era.

That is called "ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ" which has a dual meaning, and means "To put back point upwards" but also literally to "bring back to life". It also literally means, to "raise from the dead".

The other Name of Satan, which is LUCIFER or EOS-FOROS, is well known of being the translation of "Light Bringer".

This light, is the light of the soul when it's truly into the state of the "ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ" or when the Serpent is risen again.

The above, is achievable through the restoration of the human soul and returning it to function, a feat achievable through the "Satanic Arts", which would probably make many outsiders or believers in the enemy dogma rather concerned right now, but merely we are talking about meditation and opening up of the soul.

The above will look like common sense in the decades to come, but now Christians are free to get explosive potty problems from the facts stated here, it doesn't matter. They are believing into a jewish fraud.

When they will understand Rabbi Yeshua and his race have literally swindled them in an nonspiritual program that is nothing but jewish pseudo-history, that slanders the real God of Life and Resurrection of mankind [None other than Father Satan Himself], you will all change your ways.

The original "God", "Resurrection of the soul", "Eternal Life", "Healing of the Soul" and all of that they are so brainwashed to believe they are "into", is exactly where they are entirely out of: It only exists in the one they reject, the primordial source that we call "Satan" and that we here refer to as Father Satan.

You can join us, or you can keep slandering it until the end of the cycle of ignorance in the this Yuga finishes itself. And with it, lies will be flushed out same as liars.

To close with a final phrase: SATAN IS GOD.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I'll be overjoyed when Jew-hunting gets to be legally declared a sport. Way more satisfying than the other sports we have now, given their crimes...
And a very beautiful name Anastasia Satya Satanas Lucifer Eos Foros!!🔥🖤 This is a AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing this!!❤ HAIL SATAN LUCIFER!!!⚡🔥
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for your hard work hooded cobra.

What dialect of ancient greek did you translate this in? If I'm not mistaken there were a variety of ancient greek languages stemming from different tribes. I noticed you mentioned that it was like a sister to the sanskrit so i am interested in diving into learning this more now. Are you familiar with Cretan hieroglyphs?
Hp HoodedCobra666 this is BEAUTIFUL!!! ❤
I don't really participate on the forums anymore because of heavy workload but I'll take some time to comment here because I've extensively researched this.

From extensive research done by Geneticist David Reich and various other Indian and international scientists, the differing Admixture of the Aryans in India was discovered.

Some 9000 years ago Steppe Pastoralists from Iran migrated to India and they found there ,the African descended Tribals (who are currently only survived in their pure form in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands).

These Aryans created what is known as the Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization and worshipped The Phallus and Pashupati (Shiva).

Then some 4000 years ago Chariot riding White Aryans from Russia ,Siberia, through present day Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan migrated to the Northern most part of India and the old population migrated South.

These White Aryans mixed with the local population to create the North Indians of today over thousands of years. I personally dislike that so much race mixing happened but I guess it was inevitable because of the melting pot that was the region of different races and languages.

All of this is proven through genetics of the Y chromosomes and the R1a genes.

Whether or not Sanskrit was already present in India before the White Aryans came or after is a matter of debate, although it doesn't really matter because the Indus Civilization was also created by Aryans from a different geographical region.

Sanskrit is very close to Russian.

Infact it is eerily similar to ALL European languages but completely different to South Indian languages from the same country.

I have no idea about the Genetic makeup of Babylonians and other Ancient peoples.

There are blond mummies as Emperors in China suggesting something similar could be happening there.

Whatever the case Sanskrit is the path to enlightenment for me as a native.

Indo Aryan languages all come from the same root. The existence of the Swastika all over the world suggests the conquest of the entire earth by Aryans in an Ancient prehistoric past.

We don't know what is the root of all these Indo Aryan languages. But we might know in the future.

But we need a worldwide revolution against the tyranny of the Jewish Technocrats and defeat The Great Reset before we reclaim our Ancient Past.
Jack said:
Whatever the case Sanskrit is the path to enlightenment for me as a native.

Indo Aryan languages all come from the same root. The existence of the Swastika all over the world suggests the conquest of the entire earth by Aryans in an Ancient prehistoric past.

We don't know what is the root of all these Indo Aryan languages. But we might know in the future.

But we need a worldwide revolution against the tyranny of the Jewish Technocrats and defeat The Great Reset before we reclaim our Ancient Past.

Drink from the rivers that come from the central river, and your drink will be blessed. I have practiced in Sanskrit and from the non linguistic and spiritual point, it is the same river outflowing from the Truth. It is divine.

We are certain we are drinking from the well of Truth.

Glad to see your comment and also, thank you for the information about the migrations. Its all very interesting to think about.
This is a wonderful post Brother.

The thing about the Aryan race is they appear to have come from much more advanced civilizations, going back tens of thousands of years and probably inhabiting several other worlds. They fell from a much higher point than any other Gentiles. This has to do with spiritual advancement in the racial collective.

The other races were still very early in their path towards becoming perfected.

This is also why the jews cling to Whites so desperately. They are the biggest threat to their plans to take over this world. Also why the jews have always been terrified of Blonde, blue-eyed Whites as they remind them of the ancient Aryans and beings like Satan.

Going back to Satan, He really is the God of Gentiles. In various African tribes, the main God's name literally translates to the same as Eosphoros; "light bearer" or "light bringer". We find Satan in Asian cultures and all other places.

For those who wonder about my whereabouts, I have related to HPHC about my situation. I'm currently working on something very big for myself and the JoS. My mails are messy but I'll try to get back to everyone. Stay strong everyone and keep up with the schedule.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To close with a final phrase: SATAN IS GOD.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I hadnt realize it until now!
according to the anagram of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ
The resulting word ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣ
refers to the Greek word: "ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗ" !!!

if the article Η, η is used and the letter η at the end

- The letter eta, ήτα (capital H , lower case η ) -

Ανάσταση, Ή Ανάσταση !

I read that we were prevented from achieving divinity, through M.O. magnum opus which father Satan gave us as a gift, through meditation and kundalini (rising the serpent)
and now it also comes from the same word!!

I was always confused when you used to say we do our rtrs in Hebrew as I do remember chanting when I was Babylonian way back when and much sounds the same but I agree likely the civilisations beneath Iraq the sunken cities and such where the original humanity started such as the lost city of Eridu and such and Atlantis is likely to have our original language and writing beneath the depths of the sea I think the other languages are derived from this main language I do get a calling to go to southern Iraq I feel something is buried there that I must go see but when the world stops burning itself may be wise to go there then.

Do you think depending on which God you were under that you got taught a certain language I know that the gods used to compete with each other over who could basically make the best society friendly competition and rivalry of course as the gods are warriors and rulers a like it is only natural for them to flex every now and again but I think perhaps this might be the case as certain ancient civilisations would always have a certain main God or goddess in their pantheon and while the knowledge God and usually satan and basically most of the royal family got worthy mentions I think between the many brothers they all had their own followings of people and so to further devote each other to each other teaching people your own preferred language or derivation of a language would be a tactical way to guarantee that all people would have to pay homage to you by speaking your language in your kingdom or nation.

I hope that the Arabic people burn Israel to the ground filthy thieving rats or though they seem to be doing a pretty good job of digging their own graves like seriously average jew gets 8 covid shots and still must wear mask jew like how absolutely absurd you must be, most Australians only got one and then went yeah nah that didn't feel good mate can't wait to see the ramifications of that one and all the people will be very angry at jew for pushing it too.
I found that you can make another name out of Fathers Name which females use, it is: ΝΑΤΑΣΑ or Natas(h)a
Will there be a ritual to this....(rubbing hand in anticipation while I get back to the ritual schedule)
I really want to be Divine.
Satan is God

History is wonderful, our Religion is also.

Cheers for this HPHC its saved :D
I've been see all of Astarte numbers each time I look at the time. I have kept up her rituals continuously and while do the present schedules I still do hers.
Jack said:
I don't really participate on the forums anymore because of heavy workload but I'll take some time to comment here because I've extensively researched this.

From extensive research done by Geneticist David Reich and various other Indian and international scientists, the differing Admixture of the Aryans in India was discovered.

Some 9000 years ago Steppe Pastoralists from Iran migrated to India and they found there ,the African descended Tribals (who are currently only survived in their pure form in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands).

These Aryans created what is known as the Indus Valley Civilization or the Harappan Civilization and worshipped The Phallus and Pashupati (Shiva).

Then some 4000 years ago Chariot riding White Aryans from Russia ,Siberia, through present day Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan migrated to the Northern most part of India and the old population migrated South.

These White Aryans mixed with the local population to create the North Indians of today over thousands of years. I personally dislike that so much race mixing happened but I guess it was inevitable because of the melting pot that was the region of different races and languages.

All of this is proven through genetics of the Y chromosomes and the R1a genes.

Whether or not Sanskrit was already present in India before the White Aryans came or after is a matter of debate, although it doesn't really matter because the Indus Civilization was also created by Aryans from a different geographical region.

Sanskrit is very close to Russian.

Infact it is eerily similar to ALL European languages but completely different to South Indian languages from the same country.

I have no idea about the Genetic makeup of Babylonians and other Ancient peoples.

There are blond mummies as Emperors in China suggesting something similar could be happening there.

Whatever the case Sanskrit is the path to enlightenment for me as a native.

Indo Aryan languages all come from the same root. The existence of the Swastika all over the world suggests the conquest of the entire earth by Aryans in an Ancient prehistoric past.

We don't know what is the root of all these Indo Aryan languages. But we might know in the future.

But we need a worldwide revolution against the tyranny of the Jewish Technocrats and defeat The Great Reset before we reclaim our Ancient Past.

They should have killed all the original inhabitants instead of making them some lower slave cast.
Their religion was lacking in those elements that would assure of the white man's survival.
Enlightening sermon, thank you boss. I would like to say one thing about tongues. Language is an important aspect of culture and race. In the recent racial/cultural disgrace, besides the very obvious racial assimilation, the little known or obvious linguistic assimilation is also happening. What is happening in many countries is the adoption of many foreign words into their native languages. This is wrong; one must protect and enrich one's own language.
Excellent sermon, HP.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pretty soon, the enemy wants to turn us into monkeys that use extremely basic "language". Through this, our brains will gradually shrink and less and less synapses will be working, rendering us completely retarded.

Their assault on English and any language people use, the forced "simplification" [...]

Exactly as outlined by George Orwell. Newspeak. This is "doubleplus ungood".

Anyone who wants to understand this further, look up Newspeak in the book 1984. By taking out words with negative connotations and replacing them with "un" at the beginning of words with positive connotations (in my example above, saying "ungood" instead of "bad" or other synonyms for "bad"), it makes it difficult for people to properly understand anything. And it is only "plus" for "very" (and synonyms for "very") and "doubleplus" instead of words relating to "extremely". They keep taking more and more words out, leaving it more and more simplified with each reissue of their dictionary. Which then dumbs the masses down further and further.
Thank you for all of your knowledge and hard work HP.
Very informative, I am happy to receive this knowledge. I can see the great benefits in studying Ancient Languages.

Can we use Α-Ν-Α-Σ-Τ-Α-Σ / ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ as a mantra or?
Funny enough another word in the bible has 2 meanings, but when the christards say it they say whatever comes out of both their mouths, the word is pharmakeia which means drugs, or witchcraft, christards will put whatever their to suit their needs,in that verse but is it any wonder why the bible an all abrahamic teachings is books of confusion
From my own readings, I would likely agree that Sanskrit isn't the true first language, simply rather one of the first ones in what we'd generally refer to as "recorded history". Of course, recorded history alone has its issues, to do with timeline and simple misrepresentation due to bad agents, but it's reliable contrasted with the swathe of time one would generally regard as "pre-history". Pre-history is where it becomes extremely complicated to do steady research, because most written work does not cover it whatsoever, nor is any academic venture made into any field in regards to it. A lot of the time it's simply stated to not exist. The reasons for this are self-evident, but none so obvious as mainstream academia's desire to squish everything into a 6000 year period so it aligns with Jewish history. You will conveniently notice any history book "mysteriously" cuts short around that time, even with academia having to confess that even by their shoddy standards they've found numerous sites that date far beyond that time period. For the Ancients, like the Greeks, they called this time by many things, the Age of Heracles being one of them, as it was the time associated with his Labors and rise to Olympus. There are many legends of what occurred during this span of time, and even after you pass off some of the more magical details to allegory and legend, any Ancient would profess the world was different during this time, and life experienced by people of the age was innately more spiritual.

Regarding Sanskrit, me personally, I consider it a sibling language of Ancient Greek and such outright. Reason being, is that there's a language, or more accurately, a group of languages often referred to as "proto-indo-european", of which Vedic Sanskrit is a slightly later development of. The most notable word that links this group together is the title they bestow upon a Chief God; Dyeus Piter/Dyaus Pitr/Djous Pater. Commonly this translates to "sky father" across these languages, but that's the shaved down English meaning. Most commonly it means "shining one" or "heavenly one", a title associated with the heavenly break of day. It's evident to anyone, what these names served as the basis of. Dyeus became Zeus, and so on. Same in Latin. Dyeu-Piter. Jupiter.

I've had a working theory for a while now, that the reason the Jews call themselves Jews has to do with the inner occult workings of the Torah, as in, the Jewish racial collective considering itself "God" ie YHVH. The Jewish race, YHVH, and the Torah are all, in the occult sense, one entity. Arguably, the word "Jews", as in, the name of their tribe, is almost linguistically identical to "Djous". Given earlier forms of tribal Judaism considering YHVH a "wind deity" (and with the two Heh vowels in usage), from an occultic standpoint, one could consider the actual occult name of YHVH to be attuned to air elemental magic, especially considering in elongated form "Yahweh" is often considered to mean "he who blows". At the end of the day, Jewish psychopathy matters little, but, it does give you a glimpse into the inner workings of their mind. If you roughly assume the date of their injection into our world, it'd begin to make some sense, for them to have parasitically leeched off other languages of the era, as has been stated, and it's exactly within Jewish nature to secretly title their race "God".

For further speculation, regarding the migration of people, one very interesting fact I like to point out is the Maori legend from New Zealand. That the Maoris admit they were not the first people in New Zealand, rather, a race of fair skinned, fairly tall people were, many of which who had red hair. These genetic traits still crop up today in Maori tribals, of which there's been no breeding with colonial settlers, so there's genetic proof of this fact.

If I had to indulge in more speculation, it seemed at some point in the past, a great Aryan migration occurred as a result of some form of cataclysm elsewhere in the world. You can roughly trace the sprawl of people outward from a fairly vague location. Another theory is that this Aryan Empire simply existed on a global scale, but some cataclysm occurred which cut off the more distant settlements from one another. With the Jewish meddling in history it's hard to say precisely, but, something most certainly occurred which set people back. Perhaps not to the stone age as some (((conspiracy theorists))) try to lay claim, as Ancient Egypt continued to be successful even past the point of pre-history. But, it's of no doubt humanity did suffer a terrible setback. All research and evidence points to something, and the only reason I don't speculate further is this line of research is filled with grifters who shill the gold mining aliens bunk.

In any case, it's not only whites who have suffered an absolute erasure of legacy. At least we still have breadcrumbs to follow. Places like Africa were almost wiped clean of traceable lineage, though it's apparent, based on emerging archaeology, they too, once held a land of empires.

At the end of the day, people have to remember one very important thing. The world we experience in our day to day lives is of vast difference to that of the people in ages past. As I say, one can attribute certain mythemes to allegorical legends, but, not everything falls into the realm of fairytale. Read any Greek history, about the times they considered history. Communication with ranks and castes of spiritual beings, from nymphs and naiads were considered the norm, and the Kings of Men weren't simply figureheads put in by a deranged popular vote, rather the fact that these figures, compared to the men of now, would have been Demigods themselves. Even from what little I've seen from the ends of my own personal development, there's a great and grand beautiful mystery to life, and far more texture to the levels of existence than what even an intermediate practitioner might expect. There is great beauty, in the worlds above and beyond, and it's part of our duty to begin remembering what has been forgotten. In the grand scheme of things, the enemy barely registers a blip. It's just that this blip is stubbornly front and centre within the confines of the reality most material to our lives and development.

Hail Satan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pretty soon, the enemy wants to turn us into monkeys that use extremely basic "language". Through this, our brains will gradually shrink and less and less synapses will be working, rendering us completely retarded.

Their assault on English and any language people use, the forced "simplification", and the "if it's not English it doesn't matter" mentality, will put a tombstone on extremely important languages which extend all the way from the Ancient Norse, to Sanskrit, to Egyptian and of course Ancient Greek.
Couldn't agree more with this. Language especially English is being so simplified nowadays that people don't have to use their brains too much most of the time. For example on Wikipedia there are articles in English and then there are articles in "Simple English", for "nerds" or something. I believe language is deeply related to one's mental capacity, intelligence, creativity, thinking and usually the faculties of the mind. If one is taught to use very basic and simple words and language from small age, this will definitely dump them down and damage their intelligence and thinking processes. This is literally 1984 in real life, and only the beginning of it as it seems.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All of our history did clearly not begin that recently whatsoever.
I think it was on HPS Maxine's sermons where I read that the Egyptian Pyramids are around 40.000 years old and definitely not 4.000 like the mainstream sources claim. However was the Egyptian civilization so old or the Pyramids were an inheritance from an older civilization?

Also in in the studies and scientific sources I came across before, I remember being mentionned somewhere once that there have been discovered artificial metal objects that were resembling screws or hamers that were dated to about 200.000 years old. The theory was not that humanity is this old, but that there might have been another civilization on Earth before us, which somehow would have dissapeared.
My soul is crying as I am reading this treasure, dear High Priest Hooded Cobra
All of these languages are known to have divine origin, and for all three, the God Thoth/Hermes is credited for their creation. Modern day languages have been largely watered down, and contain few or any important or powerful elements.

Just a disclaimer, I'm still getting used to using direct quotes, so apologies if this doesn't work.

I was wondering if you could expand upon Thoth's hand in creating these languages. I am working on my astral ability in several different ways, just waiting for my efforts to bear fruit so I can make contact with him. Until then, I would be grateful for any information you or others have about him and are willing to share.

I had no idea he created languages, but it makes sense considering he is the Recorder of Legal Documents. It seems there is no feat the Gods are not able to overcome. What seems impossible to us, is commonplace to them. It just goes to show how much more there is for us to learn, or re-learn given the circumstances.

In any case, if there is anything you could add, I'd be thankful.
I've seen the name Anastasia before, but never knew it was a reference to Satan. I thought it was some kind of medication, guess it would be more of a meditation instead.
I'd love to see what you have in store for "part 2". :D
Ursa Minor said:
I've seen the name Anastasia before, but never knew it was a reference to Satan. I thought it was some kind of medication, guess it would be more of a meditation instead.
I'd love to see what you have in store for "part 2". :D

Anastasios , ο Αναστάσιος (Αναστάσ - ιος )
Anastasia , η Αναστασία (Αναστασ - ία)
are names given to the boy or the girl respectively after baptism, it is known that all are been stolen.

the noun is resurrection -
Η ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣ - Η , η ανάσταση.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=389623 time=1663830902 user_id=19170]
This is a wonderful post Brother.

The thing about the Aryan race is they appear to have come from much more advanced civilizations, going back tens of thousands of years and probably inhabiting several other worlds. They fell from a much higher point than any other Gentiles. This has to do with spiritual advancement in the racial collective.

The other races were still very early in their path towards becoming perfected.

This is also why the jews cling to Whites so desperately. They are the biggest threat to their plans to take over this world. Also why the jews have always been terrified of Blonde, blue-eyed Whites as they remind them of the ancient Aryans and beings like Satan.

Going back to Satan, He really is the God of Gentiles. In various African tribes, the main God's name literally translates to the same as Eosphoros; "light bearer" or "light bringer". We find Satan in Asian cultures and all other places.

For those who wonder about my whereabouts, I have related to HPHC about my situation. I'm currently working on something very big for myself and the JoS. My mails are messy but I'll try to get back to everyone. Stay strong everyone and keep up with the schedule.

Hail Satan!

I was wondering where you were. Lol
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=389650 time=1663842425 user_id=57]
I was obsessed with the name Anastasia as a child. It was a toss-up between that and Lydia (another name I was obsessed with as a child) when I joined the yahoo groups.
I loved it too as a name, my first encounter with that name was a beautiful Girl who was a natural blonde with blue eyes.
We literally have pyramids in Italy, but "noo goyim, they are just hills, can't you see goyim? They have grass on them they are hills!!"

There is a book called "our ancestors came from space" from an ex Nasa employee who worked on the Moon landing, he says and gives proof that our lineage goes as far back as 60000 and more years back.
Thank you! I will try to communicate this to my loved ones.
The Egyptian Old Hungarian language and the geometry of the great pyramids.

Brief description of the video:
In the following video you can watch a video of the presentation on 5 December 2014, with pictures. In addition to the Egyptian roots of the Ancient Hungarian language, you will learn about geometry from the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus Pyramid Examples. Evidence will be provided by the correct readings and calculations of the 4,000-year-old textual examples (MMP and RMP), which have not yet been explored or misunderstood in the literature.
As a result of our research, not only the texts of the papyri, consisting of thousands of signs, can be read intelligently and directly in Old Hungarian, but also the ancient geometry of the pyramids of the so-called seventh order of magnitude, which is unknown so far, can be understood.

Unfortunately there is no English translation of this either,but if who know Hungarian,who can check it out.
Cowboy123 said:
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=389623 time=1663830902 user_id=19170]
This is a wonderful post Brother.

The thing about the Aryan race is they appear to have come from much more advanced civilizations, going back tens of thousands of years and probably inhabiting several other worlds. They fell from a much higher point than any other Gentiles. This has to do with spiritual advancement in the racial collective.

The other races were still very early in their path towards becoming perfected.

This is also why the jews cling to Whites so desperately. They are the biggest threat to their plans to take over this world. Also why the jews have always been terrified of Blonde, blue-eyed Whites as they remind them of the ancient Aryans and beings like Satan.

Going back to Satan, He really is the God of Gentiles. In various African tribes, the main God's name literally translates to the same as Eosphoros; "light bearer" or "light bringer". We find Satan in Asian cultures and all other places.

For those who wonder about my whereabouts, I have related to HPHC about my situation. I'm currently working on something very big for myself and the JoS. My mails are messy but I'll try to get back to everyone. Stay strong everyone and keep up with the schedule.

Hail Satan!

I was wondering where you were. Lol
Fairly well. I'll be around henceforth. I hope you have been doing well Brother.
blueFlame666 said:
Ursa Minor said:
I've seen the name Anastasia before, but never knew it was a reference to Satan. I thought it was some kind of medication, guess it would be more of a meditation instead.
I'd love to see what you have in store for "part 2". :D

Anastasios , ο Αναστάσιος (Αναστάσ - ιος )
Anastasia , η Αναστασία (Αναστασ - ία)
are names given to the boy or the girl respectively after baptism, it is known that all are been stolen.

the noun is resurrection -
Η ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣ - Η , η ανάσταση.

I was referring to the anagram mostly, but thanks for the info. English is a terrible language for explaining spiritual concepts, hopefully I can learn a better language in the future.
Just to add a bit of information on this beautiful post, Albanian language is one of a kind among other european languages. Through my route to satanism and research of truth guided by the gods i found out that in this language the suffix AT as in sat means father while AMA refere to tue figure of mother.
While Ar-Jan loterslly means made of gold. Pretty mindblowing when i discveres at the time all these things

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
