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A question


New member
Dec 24, 2013
I've read on JOS site that the Goetic Demons were bound and degraded for centuries until some years ago that they were freed. Please can someone explain me who bound them and by what means. Ok, I can understand that the jews through xianity cut the Gentiles off from their Gods, but literally how can a God be bound ?

<td val[/IMG]if you give the population you control the wrong teachings and let them believe we are not higher beings and there is no life after death and the only way to heaven is through thier teachings and if you dont follow them you go to hell where the devil is ? then you make the people move away from FATHER and inturn cut them off from FATHER  

--- On Thu, 8/6/09, ermioy <ermioy@... wrote:
From: ermioy <ermioy@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] A question
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 11:30 PM

  I've read on JOS site that the Goetic Demons were bound and degraded for centuries until some years ago that they were freed. Please can someone explain me who bound them and by what means. Ok, I can understand that the jews through xianity cut the Gentiles off from their Gods, but literally how can a God be bound ?


In my time as a muslem I had my father tell me about the ''profet'' king Solomon (sulaiman, etc, etc)
who was praised for being able to speak with djinns (demons).
But for some reason these demons were different then the others ( I understood they were stronger).
The true story is indeed of a king Solomon, who had a kingdom many ages ago and was able to bind the demons using slandering and filthy ceremonies.
I don't know exactly what they were, perhaps someone else knows better, but I do know that if you want to make an enemy out of a demon, you should perform such a ceremony.

Hail Lucifer and the gods of old!
Is a "Muslem" like a "Muslim"?

Also, I was under the impression that solomon was a mythical "jewish" king, so its odd your father spoke of him to you.
Solomonic magick is blasphemous and corrupt, with its principles based on stolen methods, warped and twisted to provide mysticism to the jewish filth.

I read on the JOS that Sol, Om and On are all words for the Sun. So combined, just another jew thievery.

Ouroboros Anundr

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "adamalkemis" <adamalkemis@... wrote:


In my time as a muslem I had my father tell me about the ''profet'' king Solomon (sulaiman, etc, etc)
who was praised for being able to speak with djinns (demons).
But for some reason these demons were different then the others ( I understood they were stronger).
The true story is indeed of a king Solomon, who had a kingdom many ages ago and was able to bind the demons using slandering and filthy ceremonies.
I don't know exactly what they were, perhaps someone else knows better, but I do know that if you want to make an enemy out of a demon, you should perform such a ceremony.

Hail Lucifer and the gods of old!
Alright ..
IM a Satanist ..ive been for 6 years now

i have a girlfriend ..and she has a older brother im close with

he does black magic but he isnt a satanist or christian .. and hes more leaning towards satanism but his view of satanism is different from mine because he thinks hes gonna "Burn in hell"
well anyways hes been in contact with certain "satanist"
that are ordering him around and they claim to want his soul
and they say they can give him what he want as long as he serves ..
i was wondering if this would be some kinda psychic vampire attack or just a crazy blasphemer whos just tryna push him around ?

Hes used protection spells on himself but to me its still a threat because the person can use magic and has .. and has made threats
what should I do ?
and what would be better advice for my friend ?

anyone who has input please message me back i dont know much about these E groups but id appreciate it alot

Thank You

Hail Satan !!
Sounds like your friend is drawn to, and stuck on the idea of Satan being evil. And darkness....burning in Hell.

He has to get over that whole idea.
If he can't, then let him do as he pleases....if these people use him then that must be what he wants.

Some people enjoy "serving"....so let him serve.

Yes, he is being used by these other "devil-worshiping satanist".

What threats have been made to him?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Alex" <hellorello246@... wrote:

Alright ..
IM a Satanist ..ive been for 6 years now

i have a girlfriend ..and she has a older brother im close with

he does black magic but he isnt a satanist or christian .. and hes more leaning towards satanism but his view of satanism is different from mine because he thinks hes gonna "Burn in hell"
well anyways hes been in contact with certain "satanist"
that are ordering him around and they claim to want his soul
and they say they can give him what he want as long as he serves ..
i was wondering if this would be some kinda psychic vampire attack or just a crazy blasphemer whos just tryna push him around ?

Hes used protection spells on himself but to me its still a threat because the person can use magic and has .. and has made threats
what should I do ?
and what would be better advice for my friend ?

anyone who has input please message me back i dont know much about these E groups but id appreciate it alot

Thank You

Hail Satan !!
To be honest this person has put themselves in this position, you should never dabble in magick unless you know what you want, how to protect yourself and know that what you do has an effect on everything.

You should advise him to rethink what he believes maybe he shouldnt be a satanist or maybe he should be a spiritual satanist, he needs to decide this he cant just float between beliefs( though that would be nice).

Also i think he needs to face these people and simple tell them that he wont do what they want, and if they are threatening him then he should get proof and take it to the police. The is no need for this kind of thing in the world of magick we should be working on our own path but be able to share and talk together as a group not splitting off and making up new and crazy ideas.

You are also right that these people sound like psychic vampires and need to be stopped, tell your friend he should do a banishing ritual to protect himself and if he is in real danger a destruction ritual these are available on the JoS website.

Hope this helps, if you need more help let us know or contact me directly.

"To the brave belong everything!!"
Now for my questions and thoughts:

I have had some success with healing and this isn't so much a question of how but of theory.

Let's say they are series of problems or things we would like to heal in one spot. I'll use myself as an example. I'd like to get rid of my nasal polyps, improve my eyesight and heal anything else that might be going on. If one were to program the energy as follows: To heal the entire head, from the skin, bones, all the organs within down to the cells safely permanently and completely would it be any less or just as effective as targeting them one by one?
My question is this will my gd or lord Satan be upset and get mad at me if I am now forced to go to church?

I am now being watched and forced to go to catholic church by my family since they found out I am a satanist

hail Satan!
No church on earth will prevail against the gates of hell! If you are being forced to go to church then you have to learn to deal with it and Father Satan certainly understands. Just learn some coping mechanisms. Church would be a great place to void meditate for example. Satan looks at the intentions of our hearts over forced actions like being made to go to church. He knows church is probably the last place you want to be, but it's unavoidable.

Hail Satan!!
Hail Morax!!
Death to the Xian Church!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Henry Nav" <berlandohank@... wrote:

My question is this will my gd or lord Satan be upset and get mad at me if I am now forced to go to church?

I am now being watched and forced to go to catholic church by my family since they found out I am a satanist

hail Satan!
I totally agree with you Todd!! :)
Hahaa Fuck the Christian churches!!!
Death to the RHP!!
Heil Hitler!!!
I am of celtio origan and have always had an interest in my heritage an am curious if the ancient celtic magic and language (not the new age wiccan b/s) has any link at all to satanism
It depends on how many of your senses you are using to visualize, how much energy you can control at will, how open your astral senses are, and how well you control your breathing to name a few things.

On Friday, April 24, 2015 1:35 PM, "InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How effective is visualization alone of done without runes,etc in destruction working against jews ??

That depends on your ener[/IMG]AS[/I] effective, but eventually could manifest your desire. Now, when just on the topic of destroying the Jews, a lot of SS is putting energy into this, so cursing the jew has a steady supply of energy for sure, but as much energy as you can contribute is greatly appreciated. 

On Friday, April 24, 2015 1:35 PM, "InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How effective is visualization alone of done without runes,etc in destruction working against jews ??

Visualization is visualization...there is no energy involved. You must visualize en direct the energy...probably from the sun...other mantras or the runs. But visualization itself alone is powerless.
You should know...for any magic or meditation there MUST be directions of energy. Energy is the KEY to everything. HAIL SATAN.
On Apr 24, 2015 8:35 PM, "InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  How effective is visualization alone of done without runes,etc in destruction working against jews ??
Visualization is good and powerful but Vibrations are much more. Maxine said in one of her mp3 that she has these black magic mantras to cause harm to others and etc and that they can attach to your soul because when you're vibrating, it's vibrating your whole being. No visualizing white-gold or anything like that can help unless you vibrate those mantras backwards. So Visualization can go so far, but it is very much important. But I think without the Runes and all that we'd be so limited.
I ment you direct the energy into the mantras. On Apr 25, 2015 12:44 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic" <nic.dn6@... wrote:
Visualization is visualization...there is no energy involved. You must visualize en direct the energy...probably from the sun...other mantras or the runs. But visualization itself alone is powerless.
You should know...for any magic or meditation there MUST be directions of energy. Energy is the KEY to everything. HAIL SATAN. On Apr 24, 2015 8:35 PM, "InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  How effective is visualization alone of done without runes,etc in destruction working against jews ??
This tendecy..of "a friend of mine wants in...what should i tell her or him..or~a friend of mine wants to know if..." If s/he wants in then let s/he get on here and ask the questions.
If s/he needs something(like help with anything) then let s/he come for it. Its the best way. Dnt you think..
On Apr 25, 2015 2:38 PM, "Ashley Wilson ashleydrc218@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hey quick question¡ Im satanist.. And my friend wants to join.. Is there any rituals or anything in general that i could¿

On Friday, April 24, 2015, InlovewithSatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Okay thanks
How do I remove fingerprints from the anti-tracts paper I printed?
I read it's kind of impossible to completely remove fingerprints from a paper,it's what the oil in the skin leave the fingerprints on it which gets soaked on a paper,no?
Next time wear gloves.
Hail Satan!
On Sat, 5/30/15, Inlove Withsatan inlovewithsatan@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] A question
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 11:40 PM


How do I
remove fingerprints from the anti-tracts paper I printed?

read it's kind of impossible to completely remove
fingerprints from a
paper,it's what the oil in the skin leave the
fingerprints on it which
gets soaked on a paper,no?

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How do i explain miracles to a christian believer. And this is the reason he believes Christanity and is so misdirected because of it. And im curious as well
There is a sermon on christian miracles by Maxine in Satan's
Library check it

xian miracle once in awhile are used when people start losing their dump blind faith
It's a theater
The RARE times it happens
the enemy doesn't give any explanation
to the goym on how to do it themselves
this is usual dependence
Billion and billion other goym
Which don't get it
but ,few idiots are enough for the enemy
after all xianity is based upon few chosen ones who selfproclaimed them selves as such
This was found in the Sermons of Satan section on the Joy of Satan website, under HPS Maxine's sermons, 2010.
See page 4. All the sermons by the JoS clergy are excellent.
http://web.archive.org/web/201604282147 ... ermons.pdf

On Thursday, August 4, 2016 4:01 AM, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

This was found in the Sermons of Satan section on the Joy of Satan website, under HPS Maxine's sermons, 2010.
See page 4. All the sermons by the JoS clergy are excellent.
http://web.archive.org/web/201604282147 ... ermons.pdf

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 12:01 AM, "monstermiller1997@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How do i explain miracles to a christian believer. And this is the reason he believes Christanity and is so misdirected because of it. And im curious as well

This was found in the Sermons of Satan section on the Joy of Satan website, under HPS Maxine's sermons, 2010.
See page 4. All the sermons by the JoS clergy are excellent.
http://web.archive.org/web/201604282147 ... ermons.pdf

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 12:01 AM, "monstermiller1997@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  How do i explain miracles to a christian believer. And this is the reason he believes Christanity and is so misdirected because of it. And im curious as well

To Magus Immortalis. The current link you posted is down, even the internet wayback machine(funny isn't it, as in wayback into two weeks ago..)

The search engine won't recall it. It's still there somewhere I am sure but another way to find it will be necessary. -_-
How strange! I just read your message now and clicked on the link I posted. It works. 

On Friday, August 5, 2016 7:48 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  To Magus Immortalis. The current link you posted is down, even the internet wayback machine(funny isn't it, as in wayback into two weeks ago..)

The search engine won't recall it. It's still there somewhere I am sure but another way to find it will be necessary. -_-

What must i do with this

On 8/5/16, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
How strange! I just read your message now and clicked on the link I posted.
It works.

On Friday, August 5, 2016 7:48 AM, "descipleofthegods13@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  To Magus Immortalis. The current link you posted is down, even the
internet wayback machine(funny isn't it, as in wayback into two weeks

The search engine won't recall it. It's still there somewhere I am sure but
another way to find it will be necessary. -_- #yiv7476756098 #yiv7476756098
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You don't have to explain miracles to Christians. THey believe the holy Spirit & their Spiritual Abilities are so low, because of it. They don't do anything else, except reading "THE HOLY BIBLE" and pray when they don't know themselves and power of praying. They have nothing in other words. You don't have to convince them about anything in Occultism. Thnx... 
It's because of seeing, experiencing, hearing or reading about these miracles that many Christians are still deluded, hopeful and stay in Christianity. They think that if they wait another 20 years it will also happen to THEM and that they will get their prayers finally answered . (Sarcasm)
All it takes is at least ONE Satanist that is informed, knowledgeable and has the reasoning and logic to tell the Christian(s) the truth, if it doesn't put that Satanist at risk of being discovered they are a Satanist. (Of course, this is also a personal choice. Some don't mind others knowing that they are Satanist; others cannot tell others due to their job, where they live, their schooling, that they are underage still and living at home, etc.)
There are many methods to be discreet about one's safety and privacy. Ask your Guardian(s) and/or Satan to guide you to how to help a Christian in their life (if they can be helped) without putting oneself at risk.
Should that Christian ever become curious about that Satanist's or occultist's beliefs, because of that Satanists or occultist trying to wake them up, it's a start. 
All Christians are not lost to us. Many Spiritual Satanists have come from a Christian background, willingly or not.Many are waking up to the truth because of the Reverse Torah Rituals and daily spiritual warfare that Spiritual Satanists are committed to doing everyday.
If they can hear about the truth about their death-dealing religion, then they have a choice to continue on their own destructive path or choose to get out. Even if they don't know they have a choice, then and there.
http://web.archive.org/web/201604282147 ... ermons.pdf

On Thursday, August 4, 2016 4:22 AM, "okult powers okult_powers@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You don't have to explain miracles to Christians. THey believe the holy Spirit & their Spiritual Abilities are so low, because of it. They don't do anything else, except reading "THE HOLY BIBLE" and pray when they don't know themselves and power of praying. They have nothing in other words. You don't have to convince them about anything in Occultism. Thnx... 

Hey joy of satan

My name is andrae and i have a lot of questions
1. Do you call satan god
2. Is there a god of all gods (a higher power above satan) ?
3. How do i access the unlimited power of the mind ?
4. If i be a satanic member and believe in satan can i later leave satanism
5. What is the relationship between satan and the pyramids ?

I am new and i am trying to learn more about this subject

I am waiting for the answers please answer asap thank you
@ andrae I'll share my input. I am not clergy and I am not a HP. Others here might also help with additional information.

1. Do you call satan god

Actually, yes, sometimes, especially if I'm referencing MY GOD while discussing with an outsider. When I'm talking to Him, personally, I call Him Satan. And, I know Him as the most loving friend I've ever met.
2. Is there a god of all gods (a higher power above satan) ?

The way I understand this, Satan rules all Gods and Goddesses of Hell and is Humanity's creator.
IF there is some sort of power above Satan (which I doubt) I'm not at a place where I could even comprehend the concept, as I am still just a Human and my brain can only handle so much.

3. How do i access the unlimited power of the mind ?

There is no sound-bite answer to this question. The foundation of everything you want to know is to be found at JoyofSatan.com.
And, believe me, there is much to this.

4. If i be a satanic member and believe in satan can i later leave satanism

If you dedicate your soul to Truth, for the right reasons, why would you ever want to leave Him?
Of course, tgis must be a freewill choice you make and, if you desire to return to your tormenters, Satan will let you. I've seen many come back, though, right here in this forum.

5. What is the relationship between satan and the pyramids ?

Now, tgis question I cannot help you with, for my own reasons. Someone else might, though.
Hail Satan!
1. Everyone has an individual relationship with Satan. For example, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich calls Satan "Father Satan."

2. No. There is not a supreme power in the universe sitting on a cloud watching you to make sure you do not masturbate or eat meat on Mondays.

3. Meditation awakens the dormant parts of your mind and allows you to use powers that are the birthright of humanity.

Satanic Meditation

4. This is not safe Satanism where people can stand on the fence and have one foot in christianity and one foot in Satanism because some parts of Satanism are uncomfortable. One you realize that Satanism leads to real spiritual power and bliss, it is unlikely you will want to go back to groveling before a spook in the sky.

5. Satanism is the original spiritual teachings of humanity. Demons were worshiped in the ancient world because Demons are our teachers and friends. Satan is Wotan and Shiva. It was only with the rise of abrahamic ilk like christianity that spiritual knowledge and the original Gods were labeled "evil." The pyramids contain important spiritual information carved in stone to keep the enemy from destroying the knowledge.

Starting Guide for New Satanists
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/162014

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
