NinRick said:
tabby said:
NinRick said:
I like to see more things like this to praise our beloved Father and Lord, Satan.
What do you mean by „shielded heart“ btw?
Shouldn’t you rather let Satan in your heart?
You know how the jewish thoughtform is depicted with his hands open and "accepting", and says to have your heart open and shit?
I love how you always seem wanting to argue with Jrvan.
Ofc my heart is open for Satan, don’t fucking draw parallels to Xianity here.
Why are you bringing that up here? If this is referring to the circumcision thread, I answered your query about why people were upset. I wasn't having a go at you, neither am I having a go at you now.
I ask you not to cut my comment off. Read the rest of it:
"Listen with a shielded heart" - is a line that simply meant have nothing else except Satan's teachings reach you, because you shield your heart against the filth teachings of the enemy. The image that was in my mind when writing that part was how the Pharaohs of Egypt are depicted with their hands crossed and guarding their chest.
I am not telling anyone to guard their heart against Satan, nor am I saying that
your heart is guarded against Satan. I would have thought the second part of my message made that clear. The question I asked was rhetorical to help give context to compare with what the line actually means.
The enemy wants our "hearts" to be open to everything and anything, but the "heart" is needing to be guarded otherwise you can get influenced by the enemy programming and thoughtforms. If one "listened" without a "shielded heart", then they will hear what Satan teaches them, but they will also hear all the enemy teachings as well, and the truth would be lost in lies.
Because the heart chakra is the main connecting chakra of the soul, it can be exploited. The enemy has always known this and has used this viciously. Most of you have seen paintings and other images of that Nazarene and other Christian ilk with the arms open, exposing the heart. This is a major way the enemy connects to one’s soul; through the heart chakra.
Many problems are due to holes and leaks in the energy field of the aura. These can be brought upon by childhood trauma either physical or emotional, where one was victimized in some way, or even as an adult; from surgery or accidents. Holes in the aura can open the door to unwanted entities, illnesses, and health problems.
The hieroglyphics and carvings in many of the Egyptian temples and pyramids are there to tell us something. The classic pose with the arms crossed over the chest is for a reason- to protect the heart chakra. This warns of being sympathetic to the wrong things, or helping those who are undeserving of any help. Having sympathy for an enemy or enemies and their programs in the case of spiritual warfare will only result in one’s downfall and this has extended to entire peoples and nations over the millennia.
If we pair this line with the one that follows it:
Open your eyes and hear Him speak" - this is referring to opening our eyes to the truth, opening the third eye.
So together:
Listen with a shielded heart
Open your eyes and hear Him speak" - is telling a story to guard yourself, your "heart", against enemy teachings, and open your eyes (wake up from ignorance) to the Truth of Satan.
This flows into the final verse, because when we do these things, we cannot be led astray as we honor Satan, our eyes are open to him, and our "hearts" are shielded against the enemy.
This poem is describing the beginning of our journey when we find the JoS and Satan, and we begin our path of spirituality.
Does this make sense to you now?