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A Note About Psychiatric Drugs

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
are antidepressants just a scam or just more detrimental to your health and are they better off to be avoided?
for example Zoloft, Wellbutrin etc.

Disclaimer for the evil eyes watching this: That is not medical advice.

It is best to not do any of these unless the situation is actually do or die for you, ie, you cannot function in anyway, shape or form. Even then, your true focus should be meditation, therapy and true rehabilitation of the soul. Drugs of this nature are not like cold and flu medication, they can cause serious alterations to you over time and can have side effects for which one must be informed in prior. As with all drugs there are upsides and downsides, that one must know before they are doing this.

Depression, stress, fatigue, fear, trauma, all of these have to do with deeper psychological causes that must be addressed on their roots, with the human being developing out of the problems that are the root causes of these states. Meditation works these at the core. This is where the roots of the problems are, inside the soul, mind and spirit.

These can revolve around your social standing, your job, your life, your diet, past traumatic experiences, or other problems a person is actively facing. Nowadays people get "treated" even for having non widely accepted ideas and many are given powerful drugs which do not really address the underlying issues.

We should stand strongly against admitting uselessly anyone in these facilities for literally nothing as the Western "Medicine" preaches today. Numerous diseases that now one will get encouraged to get serious and heavy medication, were actually seen as preliminary problems one can defeat by proper focus, practice, or a good mindset, years ago. Nowadays the list of mental disorders and the ease of administering drugs is constantly increasing. A little stress does not mean you are a schizoid personality, yet both of these things tend as days go to be treated in a very indiscriminate manner.

Humanity must be helped in more fundamental ways. Sometimes you don't need Zoloft you need to actually talk to another human being and feel supported. None of these drugs come without drawbacks or downsides, whether they are used for medical purposes or with a so called recreational mindset.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are overweight or you don't go to the gym, having your confidence in shambles. Modern psychiatrists in overwhelming amounts do not emphasize holistic healing methods, they rush you to take the drugs which in some cases can only repress symptoms, while the real problems remain unaddressed.

There can exist other functional reasons which proper professionals should help people evaluate. There are also certain cases of severe mental disorders that only have the solution of drugs to be handled, but these are some very important cases and one even there should do the long-term work of actually loving themselves and discovering the causes of illnesses, not just slapping together drugs to cover the symptoms.

The true word for Psychology and Psycho-Therapy do come from the Ancient Greek word Psyche (Soul) and Therapy (to heal) or Psychiatry which includes the healing of (Iatros) or Doctor.

If the plan is not to heal you and help you regain actual control of your existence, you are likely not dealing with doctors or therapists in the real sense of the word.

True professionals in these fields are still pressed by the powers that be to both over-prescribe and also not guide patients to full holistic healing. One's best interest is not rush you to solve only the surface issues of these subjects but have to put the patients to look within to solve these issues. After a point in the West the use of these potent drugs are only used to sweep dangerous things under the rug, which can cause serious issues.

If one has to use these, they have to be on a plan to eventually regain control of their life and start gradually addressing the real causes, with the idea of having to move on eventually. There are 10% of very pressing cases where these things must be used to actually hold you together, where very powerful psycho issues must be utilized.

The JoS has strong warnings that these procedures must be done in accordance to what is the best thing for one's self and to not rush, cut cold turkey, or engage in other disharmonious methods that don't involve internal healing or disobedience to professionals is real, life threatening issues exist. But if these don't exist and one is just seeking for a quick way out, it's best to engage in holistic methods of healing.

Every patient has rights to choose best healing of themselves except of cases where professionals just have to force the situation such as situations that can lead to death or serious instability. Side effects of anti-depressants are many but generally they are not communicated, one can find many of these from others or online, or simply reading the papers in the drugs themselves. Making informed decisions is very important, same as finding actual therapists who care. Many don't care. If you are written off these things instantly without nobody asking you what is even going on, that is not a sign of a good professional in the field, they are dismissive of the internal causes.

Be very sensible, self loving, and seek out the most humane professionals, that would be the best way to approach this. You want to heal, not to depend on things that if cut, there can be many risks. The good plan for that normal psychiatrists and normal psychotherapists will say is that even these prescriptions are to be used as a part of solving these issues, not for escapism.

Responsibility from one's side as a patient and some bravery to encounter some issues, or patience from your behalf is also required. The soul and the mind heal when you decide this, not because you just take something.

Even more so, use of illegal drugs for these things is strongly prohibited not because we want to prohibit you, but for your own sake and so you can discover your true potential and internal power. Taking quick cheating routes to this will not help you anywhere. Hallucination is not to be equated with actual spiritual experience. Spiritual experience is received on the basis of sanity, practice, character development, and life progression that gets born from becoming a stronger being overall. The JoS's official stance is strongly anti-illegal drugs where these "drugs" are concerned.

I am not saying the above as medical advice as I am not an accredited modern psychiatrist. (Thank the Gods I am not). My comments should not be taken as replacement for medical advice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
After what j have been threw in the past, with Drugs! I am pretty careful.
Along with being aware of the side affects, that most of these over the counter/ And non prescription medications have these days. It is obvious that the enemy, is not interested in helping us live long. There are adding something to the medications to bring on more and more side effects.
To where I would much rather be sick with the disease or whatever cancer I have? If I was somebody that was sick. I would look into a different source for medicine. And have less to worry about. Especially if you want to heal, from what ever illness, of mind or body problems.
If the plan is not to heal you and help you regain actual control of your existence, you are likely not dealing with doctors or therapists in the real sense of the word.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am certain that a psychiatrist would view me as subhuman, either consciously or subconsciously. There are various reasons for this; the obvious determinant in such a consultant environment would result in untold abuse due to the absence of understanding and ill-will arising from mental decadence.

By nature, I am an original person with much emotion and drive. As a result, this poses as a deterrent from engaging in societal norms, as my being inherently does not accept adversary beliefs contrary to truth and other negative ramifications. Following this, one might deem me insane at the worst case and weird at best. Sometimes, however, the exception of feeling down does occur, bringing my spirit down temporarily.

My soul would certainly appreciate it if people showed me compassion by engaging in discussion and normal conduct - a positive one - without antagonistic behavior. Unfortunately, that is not the case. No one does so for various reasons, and what is there to show for this? Never have I done anything wrong in any way for anyone to oppress me. There have been misunderstandings and poor judgment present within people hitherto, and why does bullying happen? I find myself asking these questions sometimes.

Natural remedies, as a matter of fact, are the only functional medicine that pleases my inner being. Without them, what would I do? If I completely dismissed this, how would things appear now? Certainly, I might not be here right now to post if it were otherwise. I'm glad that I have had control over myself even before dedicating.
Another thing to add to this, and I am not giving official "medical advice" either, is to seek professionals who treat mental illnesses but cannot prescribe medication, i.e., Psychologists or Councilors. The reason being is that most psychiatrists treat their patients using a biomedical approach to therapy. They will psychoanalyze, but it doesn't really matter because their "go to" is always psychiatric medication. On the other hand, psychologists will engage in an individualized psychotherapeutic treatment without the use of these medications, and thus getting to the root of the issue.
Thanks for the wonderful article. It is very important for me to tell, the gods helped me heal serious mental problems, when I first discovered satanism, it was when the problems just started, the gods and satan came to me at the best time. But because I neglected it and because I was drawn into this vortex, I went through difficult years of great suffering, at the end of which when I decided to recover, it took me several months of working with myself as the gods bring me ideas to deal with and direct me to the appropriate knowledge. Although I also know how magic works with the power of will and intent, before I could work with magic, I had to use a lot of mantras like Satanama and Fears addressed on their roots. Every time I panicked the gods lead me to answers in the forums or in other places. I think that in modern medicine my condition would be called a "miracle".

If there is someone who went through something similar and decided to recover, you will know that the recovery process will cause many set-backs and unexplained feelings, in difficult situations it can be discouraging, but that means it only works


I don't really have a close support group with the exception of occasional kindness and help that comes from others in the form of advice or other. I have never been one to use substances for escapism and have always been wary of "psychiatrists". I know I've been struggling with my own internal issues and certain parts of mental health (which I have already accepted I will always be alone in 98 percent of the time. I have been my whole life.) but the last thing I will ever do is go to doctor bergstein for a damn pill.
I have sometimes maybe depression 10-28 years and now with weather change /changes anotimp : winter spring summer autumn , I have tratment eutyrox 37,5 mg continue I haved 10 years and my all life .
I feel sad , cold body summer juny-august and winter autumn spring it's ok temperature .
I don t know exactly .
This post and it's intricacies on the details of the jew ran medical and health system, pertain to my situation as well.
They will contradict one another if you go to various doctors where I live at, and I have gotten conflicting lab results multiple times.
I have shared my vitamin and supplements regimen with my previous Dr and I found out through independent investigation that one of my supplements blocked my medication absorption, and the doctor kept it mum.
High Priest, you are correct in that I've alleviated, and felt as if I cured my ailment through yoga and pranayama, yet the conflicting results with a genetic thyroid disease, and psychological issues due to prolonged childhood abuse have me conflicted on pinpointing the source of my ails.
I know that it is a fact, from my experience, the physical health lies in the mental and spiritual foundations and I've personally manifested drastically improved health, and even a massive lowering in my thyroid medicine.
Yet untrustworthy lab tests from conflicting and seemingly competing Drs have me always uncertain from a medical/scientific perspective.
My best tools for maintenance on all aspects of health have came from my hatha and meditative practices.
The majority of doctors operate under the idea that everyone is a blank slate. People are therefore only the sum of their present life happiness and traumas, or more recently, privileges and oppressions. They also operate under the idea that everyone except mentally disordered who do bad things are 'equal', yet the mentally disordered can be rendered 'equal' (aka normal) by taking these medications.

Jews have poisoned everything in psychiatry, first of all by stripping away any knowledge whatsoever about the mind and soul, leading people for most of xianity's strangehold to believe each and every individual is exactly the same other than their level of sinfulness, or in being an 'oppressive' pagan apostate beast stamping on the lowly xian, or whatever.

Then because medicine advanced and they couldn't hide the idea that all mental illness was just the product of 'sin', they pushed out endless materialist filth and alleged every trait of mental illness must come from the "abusive" conditions of the demonic goy culture. The reason this theory will always 'work' to an idiot is predicated on the very fact that no two white people are the same, let alone hundreds of millions of white goyim who inevitably will clash or have extreme problems.

The superficial judgements based on the goyim's physiognomy and eccentricity were thrust out, such as by Lombroso and Nordau. Nordau went on schizophrenic rants about 'duhgeneracy' in terms of goyim dressing up as their ancestors for fun or exhibiting individual fashion styles: this he equated with an impending holocaust against jews.

Then we ended up with Freud, despite many of his case studies being jews. Most of Freud's bullshit boils down to blaming goyim for many of the seeds of what jews have planted in the first place, reiterating the kabbalah through strange scat-laden theories. He believed all humans had an unconscious desire for death, for example. That's the viewpoint of jews, not goyim.

We also ended up with the barbaric 'bio-hacking', like the previously popular lobotomy and electric shock treatment, or throwing women into asylums or catholic convents because 'unmarried + children'. This was just a reinvention of the Inquisition in rubber gloves.

Meanwhile, NS Germany's treatment of severe cases of alcoholism, the profoundly disabled and schizophrenia in a wartime context, with filled-up asylums pushing the Weimar state to near-bankruptcy and full of endless inhumane conditions, prompted extreme condemnation because it was not in line with how this was 'supposed' to go. The USSR mass murdered all 'insane' people, the disabled and dissidents and no one said a thing.

After the war useful idiots poured into Anthropology. When these, uhm, people came across a 'noble tribe', humanoids or gypsies who slit boys penises in two, burned maidens alive, forced boys to fellate the village elder, had a 60 percent death rate among all males, practiced FGM, forced women to have sex with every man of the tribe before her actual husband before he could claim her, or whatever else, they heralded them as the Wise Keepers of Aboriginal Feminist Wisdom and Sanity compared to 'abusive' and 'egocentric' white goy society with its scary mental asylums, work culture, manspreading and giving birth to Nazis. Hey, goy, white people can be pedophiles too, and You Ruined the Planet.

It suits the jews for white people to "Return" to this barbarism, after all, even though white people were never like this, and the closest we actually got to it en masse was in 'Christ's Kingdom' of the Middle Ages where 90+ percent of the population was illiterate and children were vulnerable to the prerogatives of the church.

Doctors of a newer generation moving away from some of the atrocities of the asylum system felt pressured to internalize the anti-white viewpoints above, prescribe medications and come up with diagnoses that could somehow ensure the mentally ill could walk the streets again and be with their families, particularly mothers. From the other side, they were also pressured to vindicate any disability and just try to treat the untreatable because of the newfound pro-life ideology pushed onto fundamentalist xians.

In their eagerness to do this and be humane, they just let basically everyone out of the asylum. They also prescribed any drug they could get their hands on. That led to the infamous labels like "mother's little helper" which were used to pave up the cracks in the 1950s and 1960s society where people were expected to be perfect.

Out of the 'counterculture' (the reaction against the 1950s) came an analysis of emotions, things like primal scream therapy (invented by ((Janov))) and the 'liberation of children's sexuality' (Daniel Cohen Bendit and other kikes, but also a lot of stupid goyim), decrying any and all forms of 'parental totalitarianism', along with more communist bullshit.
To replace 'sin', straight from the USSR, only discrepancies in sex, class or race (the oppressor vs the oppressed) were added to the blank slate, but nothing more. To this they added a bunch of schizophrenic 'rules': for example, it's OK for OJ to kill Nicole Brown, it was intersectional, ultimately white men's fault.

On the other hand, because the hippies placed a premium on nature and some had an actual love of children, some therapeutic methods moved towards less inhumane and heavy handed interventions, such as getting rid of things like the lobotomy. Awareness of Astrology, Yoga, past lives and other things buried as 'superstition' also came about at this time, but the New Age ideology unfortunately pushed the All Are One bullshit too.

Even in this questionable transition the jews and their cohorts created a bunch of garbage to oppose this in a schizophrenic manner, such as 'Sybil' and the Satanic Panic in the 1980s, where highly medicated women with postpartum depression were coached to say they were Satanic High Priestesses who killed children to audiences of fundamentalist idiots. Then came the overdiagnosis of ADHD in particular to explain 'deviant' personality traits among the Silents and Boomers children, which then turned into an overdiagnosis of autism more recently. Children were even prescribed METH to deal with this. Shiny happy people...

Food has also been progressively botched in an unnatural manner and animals are killed in horrendous ways [another influence on the psyche; think about the Moon] but this is long enough and too much to go into. In addition to that, in the past ten or so years, children as young as five are prescribed extremely dangerous puberty blockers because 'they are trans', I shouldn't even have to go over the insanity of that either.

Now the actual insane skulk the streets of the USA in droves, in homeless tent cities and so on. They have questionable 'therapy' as liberal psychiatrists have no idea what to do with them, other than throwing them with the worthy in a hope they can 'level out'. They are over-medicated on all kinds of mind-altering substances, many of which are directly medical like fentanyl, but even anti depressants play a huge role. Along with the general pussyification of our society, this is a dangerous element.

A true therapeutic regimen, in addition to cognitive therapies that can be helpful, has to involve the occult, hypnosis [helpful hypnosis, not convincing people the number 5 doesn't exist or that they were a Pagan running over kids in a Honda Accord three hours ago], a stern hand and the saner side of diet and routine, among other things.

Complicating the problem is that when people are bombarded by stupidity and maliciousness in their Chart, especially from the more pernicious influences of the three outer planets, they can flat out refuse to ever want to get help in any way whatsoever. If this is hard for Satanists to deal with, a 5'3'' female therapist has no chance against a violent ape thrust into her 'care', outside of her panic button and an array of meds she can use to turn him into a zombie.
My soul would certainly appreciate it if people showed me compassion by engaging in discussion and normal conduct - a positive one - without antagonistic behavior. Unfortunately, that is not the case. No one does so for various reasons, and what is there to show for this? Never have I done anything wrong in any way for anyone to oppress me. There have been misunderstandings and poor judgment present within people hitherto, and why does bullying happen? I find myself asking these questions sometimes.

Many times people will antagonize for no real reason, it can stem from lower self esteem or other problems. This is because they are pointlessly afraid that the progress of another will mean their own detriment, a behavior that is very closely related to being an NPC or a Goy. That has a natural aspect for it which has to do with limited resources in society and so on, but that's where the logic behind that ends.

Overall good people out there exist who are not in this pitiful game. The enemy has turned many people into goyim (animal consciousness beings) and slaves, which makes many people hateful and many will hate on those who try to do something better, without noticing that this might help them as well especially in the long run. If your neighbor does well and you are in good terms you will also likely do well or have less problems. If you neighbor does terribly then you will likely have problems.

The above types which attack others on their deficiencies or for no reason should be generally avoided, as they can mean pointless harm to a person. As a developing Spiritual Satanist some of these people might come out from their holes to try to stop you for no particular reason other than to not see you getting better.

Generally when the mind opens up through meditation or Spiritual Satanism you will understand there is goodness for all beings, the question is that humans disconnect this because they don't follow the Eternal Satya or the Law of the Gods which has to do with the rules of the universe. Not everyone can do "perfect" but everyone can constantly keep getting better or keep getting worse. One should try to always get better and not get worse.

More ignorance = more suffering
Less ignorance = better existence.

Thanks for the wonderful article. It is very important for me to tell, the gods helped me heal serious mental problems, when I first discovered satanism, it was when the problems just started, the gods and satan came to me at the best time. But because I neglected it and because I was drawn into this vortex, I went through difficult years of great suffering, at the end of which when I decided to recover, it took me several months of working with myself as the gods bring me ideas to deal with and direct me to the appropriate knowledge. Although I also know how magic works with the power of will and intent, before I could work with magic, I had to use a lot of mantras like Satanama and Fears addressed on their roots. Every time I panicked the gods lead me to answers in the forums or in other places. I think that in modern medicine my condition would be called a "miracle".

If there is someone who went through something similar and decided to recover, you will know that the recovery process will cause many set-backs and unexplained feelings, in difficult situations it can be discouraging, but that means it only works



Very proud of you and everyone in this trajectory. Keep going and make sure to follow the JoS advice, and you will be healed for sure. It will take a while, but life will be restored to a person. Our Gods are most kind and beautiful.

I have sometimes maybe depression 10-28 years and now with weather change /changes anotimp : winter spring summer autumn , I have tratment eutyrox 37,5 mg continue I haved 10 years and my all life .
I feel sad , cold body summer juny-august and winter autumn spring it's ok temperature .
I don t know exactly .

This is called weather blues and it affects quite a few people. In regards to the dosage you should consult with a healthcare professional here, we cannot give you medical advice. You might want to converse with the therapist if you feel strong enough or able to try to handle this via exercise, positive thinking, or other methods.

You must also recognize that this is likely a feeling that appears real but it can be affected by a lot of factor, including the weather, but also due to other issues. A proper therapist can converse with you to see if there are deeper underlying reasons. If there are absolutely no other reasons, the weather itself can be the cause. People living in colder or more brutal climates can experience this and this has to do with the weather itself.

More research is needed. Ask the Gods and seek good professionals to help you.

This post and it's intricacies on the details of the jew ran medical and health system, pertain to my situation as well.
They will contradict one another if you go to various doctors where I live at, and I have gotten conflicting lab results multiple times.
I have shared my vitamin and supplements regimen with my previous Dr and I found out through independent investigation that one of my supplements blocked my medication absorption, and the doctor kept it mum.
High Priest, you are correct in that I've alleviated, and felt as if I cured my ailment through yoga and pranayama, yet the conflicting results with a genetic thyroid disease, and psychological issues due to prolonged childhood abuse have me conflicted on pinpointing the source of my ails.
I know that it is a fact, from my experience, the physical health lies in the mental and spiritual foundations and I've personally manifested drastically improved health, and even a massive lowering in my thyroid medicine.
Yet untrustworthy lab tests from conflicting and seemingly competing Drs have me always uncertain from a medical/scientific perspective.
My best tools for maintenance on all aspects of health have came from my hatha and meditative practices.

Key words here are the fact that you have had childhood trauma. It's very good for you that you went back to actually check this out and resolve this. Sorry you had to experience this. It appears you have however went into the core of it, which is why with a combined and sensible approach you have been healing and will resolve these issues. Don't forget there are also decent doctors the question is that one must be vigilant to find them. Doctors like anyone can be good or evil, effective or ineffective.

The power of Hatha and Meditation to heal you are unquestionable. Many modern holistic doctors in the West are adopting these practices from therapists to other people who are well read, as they heal people and it's a documented fact.

I hope others in the thread read the good news and they take their situation more seriously and seek proper treatment.

The majority of doctors operate under the idea that everyone is a blank slate. People are therefore only the sum of their present life happiness and traumas, or more recently, privileges and oppressions. They also operate under the idea that everyone except mentally disordered who do bad things are 'equal', yet the mentally disordered can be rendered 'equal' (aka normal) by taking these medications.

Jews have poisoned everything in psychiatry, first of all by stripping away any knowledge whatsoever about the mind and soul, leading people for most of xianity's strangehold to believe each and every individual is exactly the same other than their level of sinfulness, or in being an 'oppressive' pagan apostate beast stamping on the lowly xian, or whatever.

Then because medicine advanced and they couldn't hide the idea that all mental illness was just the product of 'sin', they pushed out endless materialist filth and alleged every trait of mental illness must come from the "abusive" conditions of the demonic goy culture. The reason this theory will always 'work' to an idiot is predicated on the very fact that no two white people are the same, let alone hundreds of millions of white goyim who inevitably will clash or have extreme problems.

The superficial judgements based on the goyim's physiognomy and eccentricity were thrust out, such as by Lombroso and Nordau. Nordau went on schizophrenic rants about 'duhgeneracy' in terms of goyim dressing up as their ancestors for fun or exhibiting individual fashion styles: this he equated with an impending holocaust against jews.

Then we ended up with Freud, despite many of his case studies being jews. Most of Freud's bullshit boils down to blaming goyim for many of the seeds of what jews have planted in the first place, reiterating the kabbalah through strange scat-laden theories. He believed all humans had an unconscious desire for death, for example. That's the viewpoint of jews, not goyim.

We also ended up with the barbaric 'bio-hacking', like the previously popular lobotomy and electric shock treatment, or throwing women into asylums or catholic convents because 'unmarried + children'. This was just a reinvention of the Inquisition in rubber gloves.

Meanwhile, NS Germany's treatment of severe cases of alcoholism, the profoundly disabled and schizophrenia in a wartime context, with filled-up asylums pushing the Weimar state to near-bankruptcy and full of endless inhumane conditions, prompted extreme condemnation because it was not in line with how this was 'supposed' to go. The USSR mass murdered all 'insane' people, the disabled and dissidents and no one said a thing.

After the war useful idiots poured into Anthropology. When these, uhm, people came across a 'noble tribe', humanoids or gypsies who slit boys penises in two, burned maidens alive, forced boys to fellate the village elder, had a 60 percent death rate among all males, practiced FGM, forced women to have sex with every man of the tribe before her actual husband before he could claim her, or whatever else, they heralded them as the Wise Keepers of Aboriginal Feminist Wisdom and Sanity compared to 'abusive' and 'egocentric' white goy society with its scary mental asylums, work culture, manspreading and giving birth to Nazis. Hey, goy, white people can be pedophiles too, and You Ruined the Planet.

It suits the jews for white people to "Return" to this barbarism, after all, even though white people were never like this, and the closest we actually got to it en masse was in 'Christ's Kingdom' of the Middle Ages where 90+ percent of the population was illiterate and children were vulnerable to the prerogatives of the church.

Doctors of a newer generation moving away from some of the atrocities of the asylum system felt pressured to internalize the anti-white viewpoints above, prescribe medications and come up with diagnoses that could somehow ensure the mentally ill could walk the streets again and be with their families, particularly mothers. From the other side, they were also pressured to vindicate any disability and just try to treat the untreatable because of the newfound pro-life ideology pushed onto fundamentalist xians.

In their eagerness to do this and be humane, they just let basically everyone out of the asylum. They also prescribed any drug they could get their hands on. That led to the infamous labels like "mother's little helper" which were used to pave up the cracks in the 1950s and 1960s society where people were expected to be perfect.

Out of the 'counterculture' (the reaction against the 1950s) came an analysis of emotions, things like primal scream therapy (invented by ((Janov))) and the 'liberation of children's sexuality' (Daniel Cohen Bendit and other kikes, but also a lot of stupid goyim), decrying any and all forms of 'parental totalitarianism', along with more communist bullshit.
To replace 'sin', straight from the USSR, only discrepancies in sex, class or race (the oppressor vs the oppressed) were added to the blank slate, but nothing more. To this they added a bunch of schizophrenic 'rules': for example, it's OK for OJ to kill Nicole Brown, it was intersectional, ultimately white men's fault.

On the other hand, because the hippies placed a premium on nature and some had an actual love of children, some therapeutic methods moved towards less inhumane and heavy handed interventions, such as getting rid of things like the lobotomy. Awareness of Astrology, Yoga, past lives and other things buried as 'superstition' also came about at this time, but the New Age ideology unfortunately pushed the All Are One bullshit too.

Even in this questionable transition the jews and their cohorts created a bunch of garbage to oppose this in a schizophrenic manner, such as 'Sybil' and the Satanic Panic in the 1980s, where highly medicated women with postpartum depression were coached to say they were Satanic High Priestesses who killed children to audiences of fundamentalist idiots. Then came the overdiagnosis of ADHD in particular to explain 'deviant' personality traits among the Silents and Boomers children, which then turned into an overdiagnosis of autism more recently. Children were even prescribed METH to deal with this. Shiny happy people...

Food has also been progressively botched in an unnatural manner and animals are killed in horrendous ways [another influence on the psyche; think about the Moon] but this is long enough and too much to go into. In addition to that, in the past ten or so years, children as young as five are prescribed extremely dangerous puberty blockers because 'they are trans', I shouldn't even have to go over the insanity of that either.

Now the actual insane skulk the streets of the USA in droves, in homeless tent cities and so on. They have questionable 'therapy' as liberal psychiatrists have no idea what to do with them, other than throwing them with the worthy in a hope they can 'level out'. They are over-medicated on all kinds of mind-altering substances, many of which are directly medical like fentanyl, but even anti depressants play a huge role. Along with the general pussyification of our society, this is a dangerous element.

A true therapeutic regimen, in addition to cognitive therapies that can be helpful, has to involve the occult, hypnosis [helpful hypnosis, not convincing people the number 5 doesn't exist or that they were a Pagan running over kids in a Honda Accord three hours ago], a stern hand and the saner side of diet and routine, among other things.

Complicating the problem is that when people are bombarded by stupidity and maliciousness in their Chart, especially from the more pernicious influences of the three outer planets, they can flat out refuse to ever want to get help in any way whatsoever. If this is hard for Satanists to deal with, a 5'3'' female therapist has no chance against a violent ape thrust into her 'care', outside of her panic button and an array of meds she can use to turn him into a zombie.

You are raising some extremely important subjects here which I believe everyone should read, as are many of your responses on topics. These asylums exist for a reason there are certain, but it appears few, unsolvable cases. At least unsolvable by present day knowledge or standards.

That's why the JoS teaches meditation as it addresses the roots. Yet, one might have to engage in normal therapeutic methods to handle these, no different than how one has to apply PROPER medical knowledge to get results. A broken limb requires a full on support to heal, then the meditations and magick come on top to cure deeply and permanently.

I know you know it's just that some people think ONLY meditation will solve some things, and that is true in SOME cases, but other things require prompt and proper medical attention on top of all efforts to heal the deeper aspects.

Hippocratic medicine was based on the above concept. Body + Mind + Soul.
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I don't really have a close support group with the exception of occasional kindness and help that comes from others in the form of advice or other. I have never been one to use substances for escapism and have always been wary of "psychiatrists". I know I've been struggling with my own internal issues and certain parts of mental health (which I have already accepted I will always be alone in 98 percent of the time. I have been my whole life.) but the last thing I will ever do is go to doctor bergstein for a damn pill.

We are around too so don't forget this. Everyone is struggling with some issue. Yet the tools we have can solve issues and one must go for this.
We are around too so don't forget this. Everyone is struggling with some issue. Yet the tools we have can solve issues and one must go for this.
I appreciate it HP. Thank you. I've been at it with ups and downs one step at a time.
You are raising some extremely important subjects here which I believe everyone should read, as are many of your responses on topics. These asylums exist for a reason there are certain, but it appears few, unsolvable cases. At least unsolvable by present day knowledge or standards.

That's why the JoS teaches meditation as it addresses the roots. Yet, one might have to engage in normal therapeutic methods to handle these, no different than how one has to apply PROPER medical knowledge to get results. A broken limb requires a full on support to heal, then the meditations and magick come on top to cure deeply and permanently.

I know you know it's just that some people think ONLY meditation will solve some things, and that is true in SOME cases, but other things require prompt and proper medical attention on top of all efforts to heal the deeper aspects.

Hippocratic medicine was based on the above concept. Body + Mind + Soul.
Even though I rambled somewhat, my condensed point more or less is that the current of society from the Victorian age pushed people into asylums based on eccentricity, being a bit slow, sexual vocations, breaking due to trauma or 'adultery'. Then when a certain time came (the end of the 1970s, due to both the counterculture and conservatives stripping away all state expenses) they just let the floodgates open with all kinds of insane people let loose, while encouraging huge segments of the regular population to be overmedicated and overdiagnosed.

The ignorance of past lives and the assumption that all kinds of problems relate to one's most recent childhood is a huge flaw of contemporary psychology. While reincarnation offers a 'reset' and certain parameters of a clean slate, there are problems both physical and mental that can manifest intensely from prior existences. With karma these can keep going round again and again, the actor or stimuli causing trauma can manifest in a similar way, or at least a symbolic way too.

I remember HPS Maxine used the extreme example of a child abused to stand up for inhumane periods of time and not sleep who ended up disabled in the next life, or something to that effect.

Definitely meditation is what will solve the issue most deeply at the root.
My soul would certainly appreciate it if people showed me compassion by engaging in discussion and normal conduct - a positive one - without antagonistic behavior. Unfortunately, that is not the case. No one does so for various reasons, and what is there to show for this? Never have I done anything wrong in any way for anyone to oppress me. There have been misunderstandings and poor judgment present within people hitherto, and why does bullying happen? I find myself asking these questions sometimes.
Me to a tee. I've had this my whole life and this shows in my chart. There's times when it has made me very bitter and angry to the point of wanting to go into a violent rage almost. I will never understand people who have to be shitty to someone for no reason. "Negging" also happens a lot in not just dating but in the work place too as part of the toxic culture and trying to uplift oneself by tearing the other down. And would you believe it, especially in male dominated fields this is seen as being a bad ass and supposedly masculine behavior and if you can't take it you are a weak POS.

There's lesbians with this type of personality that I have run into and I have great disdain for them. I went up to a girl once who was a complete bitch in reaction to my genuine intent.

I will never consider this type of behavior healthy in any gender. It's NPC tier behavior. I already have to put up with it from the rest of the world I sure as hell don't want to encounter it when I date. I already have to put up with competition and one up crap from everyone else and would rather have a loved one to be myself with.

There's no greater turn off than " fluent in sarcasm" or having a mouth.
Have any of you read a book authored by Bessel Van der Kolk MD called "The Body keeps the Score"? This in-depth, medical based, hard to read book explains EXACTLY what stages your body goes through as you actually lose brain function in the four parts of your brain from mental illness. It contains case histories and results of actual studies done on the brains functioning under mental illness. I happen to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). And I became critical this past September 7, 2023. I went in-patient to a mental hospital for 25 days. I was having flashbacks, nightmares, and chain smoking (cigarettes) in the worst ways. I read the book "The Body Keeps the Score". It explained all the things and changes I was going thru that I didn't have the ability to describe or explain myself. The book led me to believe that I was only functioning on 1/4 of my brain. 3/4 was actually damaged. That scared me senseless. As I was searching for ways to live with only a 1/4 of a functioning brain, I came across JoS website. I was fascinated because ya'll were advocating all the morals and beliefs that I had had all my life. Finally, a religion made just for me. The right and only path for me.

Well, as I started studying JoS website, I practiced the Breathing Excercises, the Chakra excercises, and the meditation excercises. I also discovered YouTube has a Qigong (Yoga Qi combination) Beginners Workout that I like better than just plain Yoga. So I practice this 15 minute routine on a regular basis. It helps your energy to run in the right direction.

Don't get me wrong I am still taking prescription medications to keep the nightmares and symptoms under control as a temporary measure. But in the past 4 months I have greatly increased my brain functioning and am successfully "re-wiring" my brain. I am estimating if I keep at it, I should have pretty much all brain function back in the next 2 months. All of this because the Gods led me to this website and information. I also was led to a "EMDR" (Eye Movement Desensitization and Response") Therapist. This was a difficult therapy to go thru. I am still in therapy and will be for about 5 more months. At the end of the 5 months my Trauma should be to the point that (at the minimum, I will learn to cope with the trauma without freezing in terror) and at the maximum or best result my trauma will be desensitized to the point my symptoms will be resolved. It has possibilities. But with the visualization techniques ya'll espouse and the strength of the will stuff, I am determined to completely resolve these issues and get my brain back to full function and off the medication. Holistic/Satanic approaches work people. I'm living proof.

Hail Satan!!!!!
Hail All the Gods!!!!
Thank you to the Gods watching over me!
I have been on Abilify for 3 years because, of hearing voices. Just recently I read the book extraterrestrials among us (recommended by Maxine) and it has changed my life i now know that the voices are nothing to be scared of but it is very natural and normal instead of, supernatural and paranormal. I have been on here for almost 10 years trying to solve this problem and I feel like I'm getting to the end of it, it was also how I found Satan.

I don't feel like drugs have done anything for me. My doctors just keep giving me shots and asking if I still hear the voices and, if I do. they pump me with more drugs. I feel like I could have controlled "symptoms" if it wasn't for Jewish big brother conditioning. Everything HPHC said was on point and I thank you for this post! if only I knew hearing the voices of people who rent there is natural and normal I could have been better off but then I never would have found the JOS. I guess life is full of mysteries.
Have any of you read a book authored by Bessel Van der Kolk MD called "The Body keeps the Score"? This in-depth, medical based, hard to read book explains EXACTLY what stages your body goes through as you actually lose brain function in the four parts of your brain from mental illness. It contains case histories and results of actual studies done on the brains functioning under mental illness. I happen to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). And I became critical this past September 7, 2023. I went in-patient to a mental hospital for 25 days. I was having flashbacks, nightmares, and chain smoking (cigarettes) in the worst ways. I read the book "The Body Keeps the Score". It explained all the things and changes I was going thru that I didn't have the ability to describe or explain myself. The book led me to believe that I was only functioning on 1/4 of my brain. 3/4 was actually damaged. That scared me senseless. As I was searching for ways to live with only a 1/4 of a functioning brain, I came across JoS website. I was fascinated because ya'll were advocating all the morals and beliefs that I had had all my life. Finally, a religion made just for me. The right and only path for me.

Well, as I started studying JoS website, I practiced the Breathing Excercises, the Chakra excercises, and the meditation excercises. I also discovered YouTube has a Qigong (Yoga Qi combination) Beginners Workout that I like better than just plain Yoga. So I practice this 15 minute routine on a regular basis. It helps your energy to run in the right direction.

Don't get me wrong I am still taking prescription medications to keep the nightmares and symptoms under control as a temporary measure. But in the past 4 months I have greatly increased my brain functioning and am successfully "re-wiring" my brain. I am estimating if I keep at it, I should have pretty much all brain function back in the next 2 months. All of this because the Gods led me to this website and information. I also was led to a "EMDR" (Eye Movement Desensitization and Response") Therapist. This was a difficult therapy to go thru. I am still in therapy and will be for about 5 more months. At the end of the 5 months my Trauma should be to the point that (at the minimum, I will learn to cope with the trauma without freezing in terror) and at the maximum or best result my trauma will be desensitized to the point my symptoms will be resolved. It has possibilities. But with the visualization techniques ya'll espouse and the strength of the will stuff, I am determined to completely resolve these issues and get my brain back to full function and off the medication. Holistic/Satanic approaches work people. I'm living proof.

Hail Satan!!!!!
Hail All the Gods!!!!
Thank you to the Gods watching over me!
you should check out the book extra-terrestials among us its recommended by our founder. really good book, you'll like it. it explains also alot on brain function.

Modern medicine treats the brain as if the brain has a chemical imbalance, which could not be more false.

Most depressed people do nothing in life that makes them happy, they don't exercise, they don't do anything of meaning ecc. Simple exercise often just cures it..

I remember a dude with diagnosed "clinical depression", this guy is a pencil neck who has never lifted a weight in his life or run 200 meters. Like this is beyond pathetic.
I think there might be some Natural herbs or something that may help addicts and depressed people but i don't know because i've never had those issues.
Disclaimer for the evil eyes watching this: That is not medical advice.

It is best to not do any of these unless the situation is actually do or die for you, ie, you cannot function in anyway, shape or form. Even then, your true focus should be meditation, therapy and true rehabilitation of the soul. Drugs of this nature are not like cold and flu medication, they can cause serious alterations to you over time and can have side effects for which one must be informed in prior. As with all drugs there are upsides and downsides, that one must know before they are doing this.

Depression, stress, fatigue, fear, trauma, all of these have to do with deeper psychological causes that must be addressed on their roots, with the human being developing out of the problems that are the root causes of these states. Meditation works these at the core. This is where the roots of the problems are, inside the soul, mind and spirit.

These can revolve around your social standing, your job, your life, your diet, past traumatic experiences, or other problems a person is actively facing. Nowadays people get "treated" even for having non widely accepted ideas and many are given powerful drugs which do not really address the underlying issues.

We should stand strongly against admitting uselessly anyone in these facilities for literally nothing as the Western "Medicine" preaches today. Numerous diseases that now one will get encouraged to get serious and heavy medication, were actually seen as preliminary problems one can defeat by proper focus, practice, or a good mindset, years ago. Nowadays the list of mental disorders and the ease of administering drugs is constantly increasing. A little stress does not mean you are a schizoid personality, yet both of these things tend as days go to be treated in a very indiscriminate manner.

Humanity must be helped in more fundamental ways. Sometimes you don't need Zoloft you need to actually talk to another human being and feel supported. None of these drugs come without drawbacks or downsides, whether they are used for medical purposes or with a so called recreational mindset.

Sometimes you are depressed because you are overweight or you don't go to the gym, having your confidence in shambles. Modern psychiatrists in overwhelming amounts do not emphasize holistic healing methods, they rush you to take the drugs which in some cases can only repress symptoms, while the real problems remain unaddressed.

There can exist other functional reasons which proper professionals should help people evaluate. There are also certain cases of severe mental disorders that only have the solution of drugs to be handled, but these are some very important cases and one even there should do the long-term work of actually loving themselves and discovering the causes of illnesses, not just slapping together drugs to cover the symptoms.

The true word for Psychology and Psycho-Therapy do come from the Ancient Greek word Psyche (Soul) and Therapy (to heal) or Psychiatry which includes the healing of (Iatros) or Doctor.

If the plan is not to heal you and help you regain actual control of your existence, you are likely not dealing with doctors or therapists in the real sense of the word.

True professionals in these fields are still pressed by the powers that be to both over-prescribe and also not guide patients to full holistic healing. One's best interest is not rush you to solve only the surface issues of these subjects but have to put the patients to look within to solve these issues. After a point in the West the use of these potent drugs are only used to sweep dangerous things under the rug, which can cause serious issues.

If one has to use these, they have to be on a plan to eventually regain control of their life and start gradually addressing the real causes, with the idea of having to move on eventually. There are 10% of very pressing cases where these things must be used to actually hold you together, where very powerful psycho issues must be utilized.

The JoS has strong warnings that these procedures must be done in accordance to what is the best thing for one's self and to not rush, cut cold turkey, or engage in other disharmonious methods that don't involve internal healing or disobedience to professionals is real, life threatening issues exist. But if these don't exist and one is just seeking for a quick way out, it's best to engage in holistic methods of healing.

Every patient has rights to choose best healing of themselves except of cases where professionals just have to force the situation such as situations that can lead to death or serious instability. Side effects of anti-depressants are many but generally they are not communicated, one can find many of these from others or online, or simply reading the papers in the drugs themselves. Making informed decisions is very important, same as finding actual therapists who care. Many don't care. If you are written off these things instantly without nobody asking you what is even going on, that is not a sign of a good professional in the field, they are dismissive of the internal causes.

Be very sensible, self loving, and seek out the most humane professionals, that would be the best way to approach this. You want to heal, not to depend on things that if cut, there can be many risks. The good plan for that normal psychiatrists and normal psychotherapists will say is that even these prescriptions are to be used as a part of solving these issues, not for escapism.

Responsibility from one's side as a patient and some bravery to encounter some issues, or patience from your behalf is also required. The soul and the mind heal when you decide this, not because you just take something.

Even more so, use of illegal drugs for these things is strongly prohibited not because we want to prohibit you, but for your own sake and so you can discover your true potential and internal power. Taking quick cheating routes to this will not help you anywhere. Hallucination is not to be equated with actual spiritual experience. Spiritual experience is received on the basis of sanity, practice, character development, and life progression that gets born from becoming a stronger being overall. The JoS's official stance is strongly anti-illegal drugs where these "drugs" are concerned.

I am not saying the above as medical advice as I am not an accredited modern psychiatrist. (Thank the Gods I am not). My comments should not be taken as replacement for medical advice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A very good post.

In my country, Psychiatric drugs (which are prescribed by a doctor) and anti-anxiety drugs (which are sold without a doctor's appointment) are different.

Psychiatric drugs usually include heavy drugs that affect specific parts of the brain, suppressing the corresponding brain activity.

Anti-anxiety products that are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription usually contain natural ingredients of natural herbs such as verbena and according to the instructions for use (which I read) they have no side effects, but these drugs reduce the feeling of excitement, for example, before exams and so on.

If you overdo it with natural preparations (based on verbena), then you may feel sleepy, but no more.
After what j have been threw in the past, with Drugs! I am pretty careful.
Along with being aware of the side affects, that most of these over the counter/ And non prescription medications have these days. It is obvious that the enemy, is not interested in helping us live long. There are adding something to the medications to bring on more and more side effects.
To where I would much rather be sick with the disease or whatever cancer I have? If I was somebody that was sick. I would look into a different source for medicine. And have less to worry about. Especially if you want to heal, from what ever illness, of mind or body problems.
The situation in the USA and in my country is very different.

In the USA, some kind of madness is really going on with some drugs, for the use of which in my country they can give 12 years in prison.

In my country, there are drugs that are dispensed without a prescription, but usually the side effect of these drugs (in case of overdose) is not significant, i.e. it cannot harm the body, except of course antibiotics, which cannot be taken for a long time.
Я уверен, что психиатр будет рассматривать меня как недочеловека, сознательно или подсознательно. На это есть различные причины; очевидный определяющий фактор в такой среде консультантов приведет к невыразимому злоупотреблению из-за отсутствия понимания и недоброжелательности, возникающей из-за умственного упадка.

По своей природе я оригинальный человек с большим количеством эмоций и драйва. В результате это создает сдерживающий фактор от участия в общественных нормах, поскольку мое существо по своей сути не принимает враждебные убеждения, противоречащие истине и другим негативным последствиям. После этого меня могут счесть сумасшедшим в худшем случае и странным в лучшем случае. Иногда, однако, исключение чувства подавленности действительно происходит, временно снижая мой дух.

Моя душа, безусловно, была бы признательна, если бы люди проявили ко мне сострадание, участвуя в дискуссии и нормальном поведении - позитивном - без антагонистического поведения. К сожалению, это не так. Никто не делает этого по разным причинам, и что для этого нужно показать? Я никогда не делал ничего плохого, чтобы кто-то угнетал меня. До сих пор в людях были недоразумения и плохое суждение, и почему издевательства происходят? Иногда я задаю эти вопросы.

Натуральные средства, на самом деле, являются единственным функциональным лекарством, которое радует мое внутреннее существо. Без них что бы я сделал? Если бы я полностью отмахнулся от этого, как бы сейчас все сложилось? Конечно, я мог бы не быть здесь прямо сейчас, чтобы публиковать, если бы было иначе. Я рад, что контролировал себя еще до того, как посвятил себя.
In my country, natural remedies (medicines) based on verbena extracts and other natural herbs are available without a prescription, according to the instructions, they have no side effects, except for the drowsiness I mentioned earlier.

These drugs really reduce the feeling of anxiety, but in people who have real mental problems and go to doctors (psychotherapists), psychologists and psychiatrists, these medications usually do not work, in order to relieve their anxiety, they take more severe medications (which are released only as prescribed by the attending physician).
I have written about my condition some time ago, when I created this account. I was diagnosed as having a bipolar disorder, after having a manic episode. The manic episode itself was caused because I was starting to discover JoS, but I was still not cleansed of xianity and I was especially afraid of the National Socialist sentiment of JoS, because of brainwashing in school and society.

Bipolar disorder also comes with depression as the other pole, and this was in me for a long time too, but it was not very observable, so nobody noticed it. It had to do with me knowing that I was different, because of my beliefs and worldview, so I had no "true" friends. I saw through the shallowness of modern life quite early in my teens, but there was little I could do about it.

Then the episode came and I was placed in a psychiatric ward and after my release I had to take some medication. I take them even today, but I have a reasonable psychiatrist who is lowering my doses as he sees that I am completely fine and doing alright in life. So I imagine that one day I might be completely free of those drugs and I can proceed unimpeded.
What a coincidence I see this post right as I decide to stop taking olanzapine because its causing me to overeat and get fat. There is always another way, that's what life has taught me.

The soul body that's your true individual being is always filled with Atma energy. It has to unfold in maturity of course from copper to gold in exact likeness to the Uncreated Eternal Immanent , Unchanging Consciousness Light that powers it and the Transcendant Void at the Centre (Swastika) of it ,with the Light ever coming out of the Void. So the soul body is always filled with undiminishing Eternal Energy. Weaknesses come in the Astral and Physical body. The mind ,the thought body is in the Astral ,this is what is the intellect and the intellectual ego is formed. Entanglement of Awareness in Astral , Physical that is mind , body ignoring the soul body in the Eternal Now is what causes mental depression. It should be obvious if you understand the occult logic and anatomy of your being. Awareness being mostly in your soul body means you radiate more Atma Eternal Energy into the Mind ,Body or Astral , Physical. The more mature the soul body,the more Awareness is in it ,the more your radiate the Atma in mind ,body healing depression. What strong drugs often do but not always is that they suspend mind,body activity enough to allow Awareness to withdraw into the Soul body which is always in Bliss. Centering one just UpTo the Heart Chakra. They can't go further than that. To hold this kind of centering and the radiation of Atma at that point and Chakras above the Heart requires strong mind , physical body and corresponding soul body maturity. So people prematurely centre UpTo the Heart Chakra but can't hold it and so tune out. If continuesly pushed one has heart attack,they overdose. And you see they are animal Consciousness chakras in the legs below the root chakra. These have to be systematically concealed as one ascends in Awareness in the spine. So when one prematurely tunes in with very strong drugs upto the heart chakra ,they will corresponding fall into the animal Consciousness in the legs. The medical condition they give to this is Bipolar. From high to low,making one more vulnerable to astral evil entities and being tormented by them in the animal Consciousness chakras, the term often used in medicine is Schizophrenia. When someone is hearing voices to do bad things. "Schizophrenia" ya if you want to call it that. This often applies to strong drugs people may use for recreational use. If one has a serious medical condition like Cancer, Malaria and so on you take your medication. I think HP Cobra has addressed this quite well in the article. In proper initiation Ethics are emphasized so that one can centre above animal Consciousness in the legs into the spine. Systematic training of mind , body over a number of years developing discipline and character,enables one to easily maintain High Consciousness past the Navel Chakra when the Gods grant the boon of such after seeing your honest effort. The simple act of meditation on Atma within , sitting still, spine upright, activating the Sushumna nadi ,doing some Hatha yoga asana and breathing exercises,even Mantras invoking God, Gods before ,does heal mental health issues in the Astral body. Strengthening the physical body simultaneously also, physical exercise is also good. People often just focus on physical body training without meditation ,this is often not enough to heal mental health issues. You are a spiritual being first and should live as such.
The soul body that's your true individual being is always filled with Atma energy. It has to unfold in maturity of course from copper to gold in exact likeness to the Uncreated Eternal Immanent , Unchanging Consciousness Light that powers it and the Transcendant Void at the Centre (Swastika) of it ,with the Light ever coming out of the Void. So the soul body is always filled with undiminishing Eternal Energy. Weaknesses come in the Astral and Physical body. The mind ,the thought body is in the Astral ,this is what is the intellect and the intellectual ego is formed. Entanglement of Awareness in Astral , Physical that is mind , body ignoring the soul body in the Eternal Now is what causes mental depression. It should be obvious if you understand the occult logic and anatomy of your being. Awareness being mostly in your soul body means you radiate more Atma Eternal Energy into the Mind ,Body or Astral , Physical. The more mature the soul body,the more Awareness is in it ,the more your radiate the Atma in mind ,body healing depression. What strong drugs often do but not always is that they suspend mind,body activity enough to allow Awareness to withdraw into the Soul body which is always in Bliss. Centering one just UpTo the Heart Chakra. They can't go further than that. To hold this kind of centering and the radiation of Atma at that point and Chakras above the Heart requires strong mind , physical body and corresponding soul body maturity. So people prematurely centre UpTo the Heart Chakra but can't hold it and so tune out. If continuesly pushed one has heart attack,they overdose. And you see they are animal Consciousness chakras in the legs below the root chakra. These have to be systematically concealed as one ascends in Awareness in the spine. So when one prematurely tunes in with very strong drugs upto the heart chakra ,they will corresponding fall into the animal Consciousness in the legs. The medical condition they give to this is Bipolar. From high to low,making one more vulnerable to astral evil entities and being tormented by them in the animal Consciousness chakras, the term often used in medicine is Schizophrenia. When someone is hearing voices to do bad things. "Schizophrenia" ya if you want to call it that. This often applies to strong drugs people may use for recreational use. If one has a serious medical condition like Cancer, Malaria and so on you take your medication. I think HP Cobra has addressed this quite well in the article. In proper initiation Ethics are emphasized so that one can centre above animal Consciousness in the legs into the spine. Systematic training of mind , body over a number of years developing discipline and character,enables one to easily maintain High Consciousness past the Navel Chakra when the Gods grant the boon of such after seeing your honest effort. The simple act of meditation on Atma within , sitting still, spine upright, activating the Sushumna nadi ,doing some Hatha yoga asana and breathing exercises,even Mantras invoking God, Gods before ,does heal mental health issues in the Astral body. Strengthening the physical body simultaneously also, physical exercise is also good. People often just focus on physical body training without meditation ,this is often not enough to heal mental health issues. You are a spiritual being first and should live as such. Lord Ganesha who sits at Muladhara root chakra at the bottom of the spine. Is the One that helps souls of the Narakaloka animal Consciousness aybss . And should be approached. He rules the earthly realm and is not difficult to approach if one is honest. Hindus do puja to Him everyday. His the One who takes you to Murugan/Satan at the Navel Chakra, the gateway into Spirituality. Satan rules the Occult and helps you to Centre in your soul ,raising the Kundalini. The physical centre of the Swastika is the pituitary gland on the upper left ear and a bit forward,also of course linked to the Crown chakra. Sit still and meditate on it eventually activating it,which in turn activates the pineal gland below it. The intense secretions of these glands will definitely heal depression and drug addiction. Be patient with training,this path is for strong willed people.
Most illnesses are psychosomatic in origin (From Greek; psyche meaning “mind” and soma meaning “body”). Our minds are so powerful, we can literally make ourselves sick by thought alone. It takes only a moment to bring up a traumatic memory, to feel the emotions associated with it, etc. The body is so objective that it cannot tell the difference between the picture in your mind and reality.

As far as your body is concerned, you are experiencing something terrible right in that moment, and it responds accordingly by releasing stress hormones to help you survive. Prolonged exposure to negative thoughts and especially emotions will make any person physically sick, as no organism can live in survival mode 24/7.

Most people you see in life are complete wrecks, and they are partially responsible, whether they know it or not. None of them asked to have something bad happen to them, but by not working through their issues and resolving them, they just live in that state, continually re-experiencing that trauma and keep creating more of the same.

Our thoughts can also make us well. Some of the most beautiful and vibrant people you will ever see are the ones who have found a way to live in an elevated emotional state, like working with animals or children, loving what they do, etc. That's also how the placebo effect works—you are tricked into healing yourself.

No drug or healing meditation will fix you if you do not address the root cause of the problem in your mind. Unless you do, you will just keep making yourself sick again and again.

The body will reflect whatever is in the mind. What do you dwell on for most of your day?
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Modern medicine treats the brain as if the brain has a chemical imbalance, which could not be more false.

Most depressed people do nothing in life that makes them happy, they don't exercise, they don't do anything of meaning ecc. Simple exercise often just cures it..

I remember a dude with diagnosed "clinical depression", this guy is a pencil neck who has never lifted a weight in his life or run 200 meters. Like this is beyond pathetic.
totally agree, i cant tolerate people being that pathetic, but most of them put themselves in that place and they are the only ones who can take themselves out of it.

I would ask you as you are a very old member "what can someone do for them in those cases?" but im not that new... the best thing one can do is keep ones journey as an example of how to be a complete human. Maybe some will learn from it.
I don't really have a close support group with the exception of occasional kindness and help that comes from others in the form of advice or other. I have never been one to use substances for escapism and have always been wary of "psychiatrists". I know I've been struggling with my own internal issues and certain parts of mental health (which I have already accepted I will always be alone in 98 percent of the time. I have been my whole life.) but the last thing I will ever do is go to doctor bergstein for a damn pill.
Im quite surprised reading this, ive always thought you were the popular one, i totally understand you because i live basically the same, in my case i have 2 options, being around drug addicts or being just alone, the answer is obvious. But lets sacrifice some years of being alone for a whole life living around the gods.

May sound childish, but there is something in your posts that i always enjoy reading, i also like a lot your paintings, they are extremely cool, im grateful for those things. i hope you find at least some relief on us, your satanic family.
Im quite surprised reading this, ive always thought you were the popular one, i totally understand you because i live basically the same, in my case i have 2 options, being around drug addicts or being just alone, the answer is obvious. But lets sacrifice some years of being alone for a whole life living around the gods.

May sound childish, but there is something in your posts that i always enjoy reading, i also like a lot your paintings, they are extremely cool, im grateful for those things. i hope you find at least some relief on us, your satanic family.
I know I have been helpful to a lot of people here. But in the NPC world there's no one I actually mean alot to besides some family. I'm still trying to change this but not conforming to typical mainstream thought and behavior makes this difficult for me and it always has, romantically, platonically and professionally.
Starting the day before the sun arise, 30 minutes of gimnastics, 20 minutes of running, drinking black or green tea while you see the sunrise, that has real power into the subconscious mind.
Ah, a fellow black tea enjoyer.
Disclaimer for the evil eyes watching this: That is not medical advice.

In this regard, I will also tell you about my case.

From a very early age I had a somewhat aggressive and out of "normal" behavior, it was difficult for me to abide by "the rules of society" and I felt very indifferent to the world.

I came from a very dysfunctional home, full of physical and psychological violence as well as sexual abuse. All of these things took a toll on my soul for a long time, I tried to seek help, but I will tell you what kind of help I received.

1. Going to church, which at that time I HATED WITH ALL MY BEING.

2. I went to many psychologists and psychiatrists and the solution to this was pure medicine, which of course I refused to take.

When I refused to take those medicines, they threatened to hospitalize me, as an initial escape I left home at a very young age, I did not want to take anything medicated for some reason, my mind was telling me with all the strength not to do it, that it was not the solution.

Of course, I was alone at that time, I didn't know who to turn to, yet after a long time I realized that Father Satan was with me at that time.

The thing is that, then I decided to take the medicines, as an experiment, because I happened to be doped even at school I was scared, I looked like a zombie, I had a lot of repressed anger and feeling this way increased the violence that was in me, then I became more violent than I was.
Again, I stopped them and this time I decided that I would not take them anymore, I lasted until the age of 23, when my sister managed to understand what was going on and told me that everything had been wrong with me and that she would help me, this was after the dedication and after two years, I can say with total CERTAINTY that my psychological problems were cured by a good therapist but also by the Gods, this being the first thing.

In my experience, these medicines only increased the problem in me, and although I spent a long time wandering around being a but zero functional in social and personal issues, believe me when I tell you that it is never too late to get better.

As of today for the world "I am behind" as many out there already have their life "figured out" but for me I am WAY ahead of time and it is just the right time to grow up.

What the High Priest says is VERY true and I can attest to it from my experience, these drugs do not help at all and just sometimes make the dilemma worse, what you need is a real solution and that is given internally and by the hand of the Gods.

Resist and persist, I know it is hard, starting to heal is VERY hard, as you are changing your entire internal chip to dwell in positivity but once your internal chip starts to change, you start to be functional and dwell in calm.

Healing is SO important, the psychological issue is SO important that without proper management of this you are lost.

Take advantage of the Gods, approach it, there is no one else who can solve this with you, ONLY THEY CAN INTERVENE IN A POSITIVE WAY.

You will have moments of a lot of pain if it is something emotional, you will have moments of anger, but all these are good symptoms, it means that you are cleaning.

When I started this, all those negative aspects increased and seemed to get out of control at times, but I always went to them, when I felt it was beyond my willpower I would go back to them again and again, dwell on them and everything calmed down, clinging to the Gods was what kept me going and cured me of most things.

So, DO NOT TAKE THESE, if you see that it is something that is not life threatening, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO TAKE THEM.

The other thing is that during healing, the enemy attacked, before in my life I had not considered suicide, but when I started to heal that idea increased a lot, believe me when I tell you that the healing process is sometimes painful and you have to fight, you have to get all your willpower and hold on to what you want.

When you start to heal is where the enemy attacks the most, because you are also in a vulnerable moment.

totally agree, i cant tolerate people being that pathetic, but most of them put themselves in that place and they are the only ones who can take themselves out of it.

I would ask you as you are a very old member "what can someone do for them in those cases?" but im not that new... the best thing one can do is keep ones journey as an example of how to be a complete human. Maybe some will learn from it.
I never had to, but you could show them videos of how people got out of depression by just living life, going to the gym ecc I don't think it's difficult to find those kind of video
I know I have been helpful to a lot of people here. But in the NPC world there's no one I actually mean alot to besides some family. I'm still trying to change this but not conforming to typical mainstream thought and behavior makes this difficult for me and it always has, romantically, platonically and professionally.
With Andrapoda people I prefer not to waste my time and only interact the strictly necessary for daily routine such as work, gym or my closest family.

As far as their ignorance and stupidity arrives that sometimes when my Kundalini is very active or the excess energy causes me insomnia a relative told me to go to Dr. Shekelstein to prescribe me sleeping pills :rolleyes:
Most illnesses are psychosomatic in origin (From Greek; psyche meaning “mind” and soma meaning “body”). Our minds are so powerful, we can literally make ourselves sick by thought alone. It takes only a moment to bring up a traumatic memory, to feel the emotions associated with it, etc. The body is so objective that it cannot tell the difference between the picture in your mind and reality.

As far as your body is concerned, you are experiencing something terrible right in that moment, and it responds accordingly by releasing stress hormones to help you survive. Prolonged exposure to negative thoughts and especially emotions will make any person physically sick, as no organism can live in survival mode 24/7.

Most people you see in life are complete wrecks, and they are partially responsible, whether they know it or not. None of them asked to have something bad happen to them, but by not working through their issues and resolving them, they just live in that state, continually re-experiencing that trauma and keep creating more of the same.

Our thoughts can also make us well. Some of the most beautiful and vibrant people you will ever see are the ones who have found a way to live in an elevated emotional state, like working with animals or children, loving what they do, etc. That's also how the placebo effect works—you are tricked into healing yourself.

No drug or healing meditation will fix you if you do not address the root cause of the problem in your mind. Unless you do, you will just keep making yourself sick again and again.

The body will reflect whatever is in the mind. What do you dwell on for most of your day?
You're basically describing the cognitive component to psychopathology, which suggests that most people who are, in fact, clinically depressed, keep reiterating just how depressed they are.

Like you said, it is funny just how simple ailments can be treated by right thinking alone.

Naturally, this is easier said than done once you've established a pattern, but this is why certain behavior therapies are so effective in contrast to insight therapies for quicker relief.
Historically, psychiatric treatment has been associated with practices such as institutionalization and forced interventions. Concerns STILL persist about the misuse of psychiatric care, which includes involuntary commitment, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery... to name a few.

The dark side of the psychiatric industry lies in the fact that these so-called 'doctors' tamper with the most complex organ in the human body by prescribing some pills, altering brain waves and what not, and calling it a day. Then the same doctor has to prescribe a stronger dosage of the pill because that 'doctor' failed to treat their patient properly to begin with. This ultimately causes lingering issues and worsens pre-existing problems, and again, the 'doctor' calls it a day. "Good job and a nice save" from mister Shekelstein. Psychiatric drugs are responsible for the deaths of more than half a million people aged 65 and older each year in the Western world. And approximately 8 million deaths worldwide are attributable to mental disorders each year – with a significant portion of these individuals being on psychiatric medication. Antipsychotic medication is shown to change the brain structure for one. Yet, psychiatric drugs are prescribed like candy, all due to profits.

Thankfully, as already been stated, the mind has indeed remarkable powers that can contribute to improving mental and physical well-being, as the mind-body connection is well-established. One example is believing in one's ability to influence and control their own life (like we do with magick and spiritual practices), will help to improve mental health among other aspects. Another example is that feeling empowered to make positive changes in your life can lead to increased motivation and resilience (which also comes from spiritual practices). Maintaining a positive mindset can also lead to better coping mechanisms and improved general outcomes. And of course, practices such as yoga, tai chi, or other physical disciplines that combine physical movement with mindfulness, even working out, helps to promote relaxation and reduces stress. This again can contribute to overall well-being. Creating a fulfilling life hinges on both mindset and intentional actions. Happiness doesn't spontaneously materialize by endlessly scrolling through your phone or binge-watching Netflix. It requires purposeful choices and a mindset geared toward cultivating a positive and enjoyable existence. At times, all that's required is assistance from a supportive individual to regain your footing, without resorting to the intake of toxins or even harmful substances. You, in your own essence, are sufficient.
Some years ago, I was suffering from a very bad depression. I was prescribed some medicine to "heal"... When I read the papers inside, side effects included thoughts of suicide. I took one single pill at the time, and it made me super high, very sleepy, sluggish made my depression worse. I realized then that there is something very wrong with the pharmaceutical industry, how can something meant to help have side effects like these? It's meant to keep people trapped in the mental cage, it's no different than getting drunk or smoking weed as an escape.

And at the end of the day I healed from depression with magick and introspective meditation.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
