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A Most Decisive Time For The War

Artanis said:
Lydia said:
Thank you for this. Extra RTR's now.

Hail Satan!

Yes. And as always dont go for insane amounts of RTRs people. keep 10 a day MAX.

I have been doing way more than that recently. I’d say go all out if you can. I am fine as long as I raise my energies between each one or do a Yoga or meditation when I start to feel weaker. You will know when your energy is weaker take a break or do some meditations at this point. Then go all out again or switch to the race awakening ritual. Don’t limit yourself to a specific number.

If you have time go all out this is fun. I am off work for awhile and think maybe I won’t even be able to go back to that if the economy collapses so I am using this time to do what I can. Going extra hard on this using as the motivation that I really don’t want to go back to the life I was living and that it was meaningless boring and there really was no way to find a higher paying job anytime soon for me or even anything I would like better to do. I want something better so I will give this my all. I want to be sure their system actually collapses and they are exposed so we won’t have to do this again later with something much worse. It may suck for some people for a bit but we will survive they need to end like RIGHT NOW!!!


Here use this as motivation this song feels quite Satanic in energy and message to me.

Exactly what I am saying.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Taurus said:
im going to buy a blank book tomorrow and start writing some of the JOS down in case electricity goes down and nobody can turn on thier computers anymore. like they said the future is fluid.

im wondering about RTRs if we lost power...probably print like 1000 pages of RTRs or somthing?

Print one prototype and then you can copy each letter and blot it out and go for lower cost. Or just print a lot.

In case of emergency you can also write the words on a sheet of paper and make the vibrations and affirmations even if you don't cross out the letters, it still works.
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.
As you probably know HPS Maxine stated the Gods, including Hitler, will return to Earth within 20 years, and this was stated maybe a year ago I believe?

So I'd say your estimates are totally feasible, and with the way things have ramped up in the world within the last year, I'd say it'll be sooner than later IMO.
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.
HP Maxine Dietrich wrote on the Azazel's astrology for satanist site that a certain generation will put an end to the enemy program (like physically tearing them apart) when said generation will experience their first Saturn Return. Other than that I might have no other clue about when the NS and SS will rise again, I hope this time like in the whole world, not only one country. Who knows maybe it will be already a reality before such Saturn Return occurs.
Taurus said:
im going to buy a blank book tomorrow and start writing some of the JOS down in case electricity goes down and nobody can turn on thier computers anymore. like they said the future is fluid.

im wondering about RTRs if we lost power...probably print like 1000 pages of RTRs or somthing?

In my case for this I had copied down the RTR on a piece of paper. In case of no power or computer I can vibrate to reverse the letters and instead of crossing them out on the paper I just cross them out and destroy them with visualization alone and strong intent. As far as I know it's the same effect and still works, but a HP/S would likely know better than me.

That's just my personal way of going about it.
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.

The way things are going and also taking the US natal chart into perspective I would say a few years at least, and a decade at most. The problem with an above ground Satanic political organization, and even just a Satanic organization in the real world where we can meet and communicate in person, is that there are infiltrators everywhere. It would be very difficult to set up a solid cohesive network of covens that is impenetrable where the enemy will not have some sort of inside. If it were possible then it could take as little as a 2 or 3 years.
I cant remember my other username. So I decided to return after this coronavirus shit broke out! I been so stressed out at work, I been swamped. But I am grateful for my job and the people I work with. It definitely is getting serious. I read about we are supposed to be stocked for the next six months but the problem is, we aren't stocked for the next 6 months, because I didn't get back sooner. Will make do with what I can. Maybe that is why practicing intermittment fasting is good for me.

I have a LOT to say. This is a time to set aside our differences as a family to fight this war. Yes all the petty shit we were fighting over about who is fucked up in the head and crap like that should be set aside, I agree with that. I am really starting to buckle down.

This is a call to WAR. I was well aware of that, I gotta admit a WEEK before I heard about this coronavirus. I got to admit, Morrighan my patron goddess or guardian demon has REALLY made it clear. I kept hearing crows and seeing some fly across my window. I thought it was just birds being birds, then I started to get nightmares for almost a week until I paid attention to her and what her message was. Morrighan is known to cause nightmares in order to get attention and to prepare. When the coronavirus hit, I started to really listen to what she said something about the "light bringer" Lucifer, then it hit me all the sudden that celtic sun god Lugh also popped into my head and so did Cuchulainn and the like. Basically what I was told is to meditate on that light out in the sun. The coronavirus hates the light and it makes sense because we need light to strengthen our immune systems. The good news is those of us who have been doing spiritual practices for a long time like meditation and even when one has stopped for some while (not having enough time) they still are beneficial.

She also informed me, this is a call to WAR. And yes she told me that I will be needed to fight. Yes I am fighting for Lugh (Satan, I prefer to call him by his pagan name). Its so weird in the celtic mythology, Lugh is chosen to lead the Tuatha de Danaan to fight the Fomorians. It's almost a replay of the past when fighting something invisible like the coronavirus. She also told me that this virus is an attack against the gentile people. I have seen first hand what is going on. And people just keep flocking to me, a lot. I have never seen anything like this in my 20+ years.

It's surreal. I never thought in my life she would be present this strongly especially the call to WAR.

the message from all this.

There be more light
And onward to fight!
My chosen ones
Show the glory of the Sun
Sound the war carnyx horn
Onward, til they are tattered and torn
Crush your enemy to the ground
Sword and shield, bring them down.
Revel in this enemy loss
Destroy that blasphemous cross!
Astralnaut said:
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.

The way things are going and also taking the US natal chart into perspective I would say a few years at least, and a decade at most. The problem with an above ground Satanic political organization, and even just a Satanic organization in the real world where we can meet and communicate in person, is that there are infiltrators everywhere. It would be very difficult to set up a solid cohesive network of covens that is impenetrable where the enemy will not have some sort of inside. If it were possible then it could take as little as a 2 or 3 years.

Thank you for your insight. * I'm not American anyway.

Ravenheart666 said:
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.
HP Maxine Dietrich wrote on the Azazel's astrology for satanist site that a certain generation will put an end to the enemy program (like physically tearing them apart) when said generation will experience their first Saturn Return. Other than that I might have no other clue about when the NS and SS will rise again, I hope this time like in the whole world, not only one country. Who knows maybe it will be already a reality before such Saturn Return occurs.

I see. So you think the political and financial institutions will fall first and that the spiritual bulwark of the enemy will follow suit. But I think SS could come already before with the generation of Pluto in Scorpio because I'm referring specifically to a major paramilitary organisation, not just spiritual.
Stormblood said:
Astralnaut said:
Stormblood said:
How long until the original SS are restored? A few more years, a decade? Can't wait to join.

Ravenheart666 said:
HP Mybe it will be already a reality before such Saturn Return occurs.

I see. So you think the political and financial institutions will fall first and that the spiritual bulwark of the enemy will follow suit. But I think SS could come already before with the generation of Pluto in Scorpio because I'm referring specifically to a major paramilitary organisation, not just spiritual.

I expect that this kind of organization can become reality only after or during a big crisis where the government (or EU in this case) falls apart and economical and legal infrastructure is at it's most vulnerable state. It's when people are really pushed into hunger that they start waking up to the reality that their rights are simply NOT granted that they must Fight. 1933 get's a replay?
This goes a bit off-topic but I always wonder if we're like 3 or 4 wave generations continuously getting reborn one after another , taking into consideration that every one could be at an average age distance of 20-30 years...it's seems almost counter-intuitive but anyway I'm just speculating.
Immortal said:
Hi HP,

I admire your optimism, but I do not share it.

For instance you talk about leaders and leadership, but do you see how politicians are? Even if they are neutral or with good intentions they lack spirituality. At best they are good xians or believe in science and want proofs hence atheism. Those of us here are outcasts. How many of us are in leadership positions? Don't make me laugh. I think a great majority are even lacking social skills by today's standards.

Try and talk spiritual things to a normie, I mean a well educated one and with moral standards. They laugh in your face and ask if you have taken your pills. Our world?
8 billion souls and how many satanists tens of thousands maybe. Hardly our world.

Let's say we win this. You know what will the normies say? Yeah, I knew something was off with those jews. And that yeshua boy too. The bible, a bunch of lies anyone could see that. And all of a sudden they will all be spiritual. Like now everybody wears their mask and stays indoors.

So I do the race awakening ritual. But in the end I will be led by the same normies. I don't pretend to be the most spiritual from here, far from that, maybe at the bottom somewhere. But meritocracy is a long way from being applied here on earth. Besides, we are not leaders in sports or doctors in science or whatever,we are just a bunch of guys, a minority, who are doing some rituals. And even if spirituality would be the top meritocracy characteristic, I think we already have zillions of yogis more advanced than us.

So how I think this actually goes. I have let's say 20 more years to live here. Do my rituals barely among hours of work and raising my kid. Work, rituals, sleep weekend some social life plus rest and house chores then again work rituals sleep. For 20 years. No chance of completing magnum opus, just advancing a bit more I hope if nothing bad happens like I hit on booze or something.

Then I die, I contemplate my miserable life, forget everything, get reincarnated again in some stupid xian family or worse. Being watched by my guardian demon again for 30 years how I do the same stupid mistakes. Then I find satanism again. Hopefully. 10 years after that I find out who she is. Great. Now what. Not much, I don't feel really happy about this as some folks here actually do. Depression is the same. The nightmares are the same. I dream of myself as a poor scared little boy. Deep inside I am still that person.

So no, forgive me but I don't actually give a fuck about these normies or about this world. Yes, I do the race awakening rituals, yes I do want the good of the planet in general, but I do not feel it as being mine. In my world I would not be surrounded by so many normies. We are satanists, but I don't even have one fucking satanist friend in my day to day life. How is this my world? In my world I wouldn't work at some shitty job doing what others are telling my all day long. In my world, my Gods would appear to me and I would talk to them. I am a bad meditator yes my fault, but I didn't once see my guardian demon. Just sort of felt her. Yet I can see everyday pictures with yeshua. I've been feeling miserable for as long as I remember and despite things improving somewhat by being a satanist, deep down I still feel the same. I mean it's fucking hard to not feel shitty when you are still the same poor dumbass and still grind a job for living. Unless you are delusional.

Yes, I am grateful for all I have. It could have been way worse with me being a slave or a junkie or an alcoholic. But it's not great either. And I don't think things will change in my life span. I know how happiness should feel. I know how being powerful should feel. The only thing I can think of is this quote from Warhammer:

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those
times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

I know I sound like a crying little bitch, but this is how I feel. I feel weak. I feel hatred and bitterness. I wish I feel the same way you do HP, but I don't :( Maybe you're closer to the Gods and can see things more clearly than I do.

I absolutely understand you, which I am same as you, living in a endless and repeating void. I am sick of people that are telling me to do what is "right" or "wrong". I'm tired of insincerity and lie. I am tired of robots that are parenting me. I'm tired of being a robot every day. But I never despair. We are in a difficult time, but we are in a cycle. If we lose this cycle, we will start all over again, but I think we can no longer allow it. Because if we fall too, it is the end of work. Under these circumstances, I have only one goal, and to be a soldier. Spending my life as a soldier. I'm not afraid of death, but even though I die now, I don't give a shit. Of course, my ultimate goal is the Golden Age, but waiting is boring now. I know how stupid it is to complain but now I am becoming void, emptiness, blankness itself.

Anyways, mate, you listened to the ordinary speech of a shattered soul. I wanted to pour my feelings while writing. Actually what I want to say is, can I speak to you privately?
sonnenrad1488 said:
Immortal said:
Hi HP,

I admire your optimism, but I do not share it.

For instance you talk about leaders and leadership, but do you see how politicians are? Even if they are neutral or with good intentions they lack spirituality. At best they are good xians or believe in science and want proofs hence atheism. Those of us here are outcasts. How many of us are in leadership positions? Don't make me laugh. I think a great majority are even lacking social skills by today's standards.

Try and talk spiritual things to a normie, I mean a well educated one and with moral standards. They laugh in your face and ask if you have taken your pills. Our world?
8 billion souls and how many satanists tens of thousands maybe. Hardly our world.

Let's say we win this. You know what will the normies say? Yeah, I knew something was off with those jews. And that yeshua boy too. The bible, a bunch of lies anyone could see that. And all of a sudden they will all be spiritual. Like now everybody wears their mask and stays indoors.

So I do the race awakening ritual. But in the end I will be led by the same normies. I don't pretend to be the most spiritual from here, far from that, maybe at the bottom somewhere. But meritocracy is a long way from being applied here on earth. Besides, we are not leaders in sports or doctors in science or whatever,we are just a bunch of guys, a minority, who are doing some rituals. And even if spirituality would be the top meritocracy characteristic, I think we already have zillions of yogis more advanced than us.

So how I think this actually goes. I have let's say 20 more years to live here. Do my rituals barely among hours of work and raising my kid. Work, rituals, sleep weekend some social life plus rest and house chores then again work rituals sleep. For 20 years. No chance of completing magnum opus, just advancing a bit more I hope if nothing bad happens like I hit on booze or something.

Then I die, I contemplate my miserable life, forget everything, get reincarnated again in some stupid xian family or worse. Being watched by my guardian demon again for 30 years how I do the same stupid mistakes. Then I find satanism again. Hopefully. 10 years after that I find out who she is. Great. Now what. Not much, I don't feel really happy about this as some folks here actually do. Depression is the same. The nightmares are the same. I dream of myself as a poor scared little boy. Deep inside I am still that person.

So no, forgive me but I don't actually give a fuck about these normies or about this world. Yes, I do the race awakening rituals, yes I do want the good of the planet in general, but I do not feel it as being mine. In my world I would not be surrounded by so many normies. We are satanists, but I don't even have one fucking satanist friend in my day to day life. How is this my world? In my world I wouldn't work at some shitty job doing what others are telling my all day long. In my world, my Gods would appear to me and I would talk to them. I am a bad meditator yes my fault, but I didn't once see my guardian demon. Just sort of felt her. Yet I can see everyday pictures with yeshua. I've been feeling miserable for as long as I remember and despite things improving somewhat by being a satanist, deep down I still feel the same. I mean it's fucking hard to not feel shitty when you are still the same poor dumbass and still grind a job for living. Unless you are delusional.

Yes, I am grateful for all I have. It could have been way worse with me being a slave or a junkie or an alcoholic. But it's not great either. And I don't think things will change in my life span. I know how happiness should feel. I know how being powerful should feel. The only thing I can think of is this quote from Warhammer:

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those
times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

I know I sound like a crying little bitch, but this is how I feel. I feel weak. I feel hatred and bitterness. I wish I feel the same way you do HP, but I don't :( Maybe you're closer to the Gods and can see things more clearly than I do.

I absolutely understand you, which I am same as you, living in a endless and repeating void. I am sick of people that are telling me to do what is "right" or "wrong". I'm tired of insincerity and lie. I am tired of robots that are parenting me. I'm tired of being a robot every day. But I never despair. We are in a difficult time, but we are in a cycle. If we lose this cycle, we will start all over again, but I think we can no longer allow it. Because if we fall too, it is the end of work. Under these circumstances, I have only one goal, and to be a soldier. Spending my life as a soldier. I'm not afraid of death, but even though I die now, I don't give a shit. Of course, my ultimate goal is the Golden Age, but waiting is boring now. I know how stupid it is to complain but now I am becoming void, emptiness, blankness itself.

Anyways, mate, you listened to the ordinary speech of a shattered soul. I wanted to pour my feelings while writing. Actually what I want to say is, can I speak to you privately?
No, you can write your problems here and we can give you advice.
Aquarius said:
sonnenrad1488 said:
Immortal said:
Hi HP,

I admire your optimism, but I do not share it.

For instance you talk about leaders and leadership, but do you see how politicians are? Even if they are neutral or with good intentions they lack spirituality. At best they are good xians or believe in science and want proofs hence atheism. Those of us here are outcasts. How many of us are in leadership positions? Don't make me laugh. I think a great majority are even lacking social skills by today's standards.

Try and talk spiritual things to a normie, I mean a well educated one and with moral standards. They laugh in your face and ask if you have taken your pills. Our world?
8 billion souls and how many satanists tens of thousands maybe. Hardly our world.

Let's say we win this. You know what will the normies say? Yeah, I knew something was off with those jews. And that yeshua boy too. The bible, a bunch of lies anyone could see that. And all of a sudden they will all be spiritual. Like now everybody wears their mask and stays indoors.

So I do the race awakening ritual. But in the end I will be led by the same normies. I don't pretend to be the most spiritual from here, far from that, maybe at the bottom somewhere. But meritocracy is a long way from being applied here on earth. Besides, we are not leaders in sports or doctors in science or whatever,we are just a bunch of guys, a minority, who are doing some rituals. And even if spirituality would be the top meritocracy characteristic, I think we already have zillions of yogis more advanced than us.

So how I think this actually goes. I have let's say 20 more years to live here. Do my rituals barely among hours of work and raising my kid. Work, rituals, sleep weekend some social life plus rest and house chores then again work rituals sleep. For 20 years. No chance of completing magnum opus, just advancing a bit more I hope if nothing bad happens like I hit on booze or something.

Then I die, I contemplate my miserable life, forget everything, get reincarnated again in some stupid xian family or worse. Being watched by my guardian demon again for 30 years how I do the same stupid mistakes. Then I find satanism again. Hopefully. 10 years after that I find out who she is. Great. Now what. Not much, I don't feel really happy about this as some folks here actually do. Depression is the same. The nightmares are the same. I dream of myself as a poor scared little boy. Deep inside I am still that person.

So no, forgive me but I don't actually give a fuck about these normies or about this world. Yes, I do the race awakening rituals, yes I do want the good of the planet in general, but I do not feel it as being mine. In my world I would not be surrounded by so many normies. We are satanists, but I don't even have one fucking satanist friend in my day to day life. How is this my world? In my world I wouldn't work at some shitty job doing what others are telling my all day long. In my world, my Gods would appear to me and I would talk to them. I am a bad meditator yes my fault, but I didn't once see my guardian demon. Just sort of felt her. Yet I can see everyday pictures with yeshua. I've been feeling miserable for as long as I remember and despite things improving somewhat by being a satanist, deep down I still feel the same. I mean it's fucking hard to not feel shitty when you are still the same poor dumbass and still grind a job for living. Unless you are delusional.

Yes, I am grateful for all I have. It could have been way worse with me being a slave or a junkie or an alcoholic. But it's not great either. And I don't think things will change in my life span. I know how happiness should feel. I know how being powerful should feel. The only thing I can think of is this quote from Warhammer:

I know I sound like a crying little bitch, but this is how I feel. I feel weak. I feel hatred and bitterness. I wish I feel the same way you do HP, but I don't :( Maybe you're closer to the Gods and can see things more clearly than I do.

I absolutely understand you, which I am same as you, living in a endless and repeating void. I am sick of people that are telling me to do what is "right" or "wrong". I'm tired of insincerity and lie. I am tired of robots that are parenting me. I'm tired of being a robot every day. But I never despair. We are in a difficult time, but we are in a cycle. If we lose this cycle, we will start all over again, but I think we can no longer allow it. Because if we fall too, it is the end of work. Under these circumstances, I have only one goal, and to be a soldier. Spending my life as a soldier. I'm not afraid of death, but even though I die now, I don't give a shit. Of course, my ultimate goal is the Golden Age, but waiting is boring now. I know how stupid it is to complain but now I am becoming void, emptiness, blankness itself.

Anyways, mate, you listened to the ordinary speech of a shattered soul. I wanted to pour my feelings while writing. Actually what I want to say is, can I speak to you privately?
No, you can write your problems here and we can give you advice.
I think you got it wrong. I don't have any "problems". I am not sad with my life. I am not demoralized. Simply, I just saw a guy who is like me and I wanted to talk with him. That's why I created this account suddenly.
sonnenrad1488 said:
Aquarius said:
sonnenrad1488 said:
I absolutely understand you, which I am same as you, living in a endless and repeating void. I am sick of people that are telling me to do what is "right" or "wrong". I'm tired of insincerity and lie. I am tired of robots that are parenting me. I'm tired of being a robot every day. But I never despair. We are in a difficult time, but we are in a cycle. If we lose this cycle, we will start all over again, but I think we can no longer allow it. Because if we fall too, it is the end of work. Under these circumstances, I have only one goal, and to be a soldier. Spending my life as a soldier. I'm not afraid of death, but even though I die now, I don't give a shit. Of course, my ultimate goal is the Golden Age, but waiting is boring now. I know how stupid it is to complain but now I am becoming void, emptiness, blankness itself.

Anyways, mate, you listened to the ordinary speech of a shattered soul. I wanted to pour my feelings while writing. Actually what I want to say is, can I speak to you privately?
No, you can write your problems here and we can give you advice.
I think you got it wrong. I don't have any "problems". I am not sad with my life. I am not demoralized. Simply, I just saw a guy who is like me and I wanted to talk with him. That's why I created this account suddenly.

Nice to see there are other people with similar feelings, albeit not pretty ones. I'd say normal people are not like robots which have a high degree of intelligence, but more like zombies. It gets really depressing living among them and always having to hide what you actually think, otherwise they give you the look like hey dude wtf are you talking about just let me be in my stupid little world where all I can think is what I'll spend on my slave wage

Unfortunately we can't talk privately due to you know, privacy :) I mean for all I know your real name could be Shekelstein Goldberg :lol:

I wonder if we can ask for a SS friend in real life, I certainly wouldn't mind a few :D

Anyway I've noticed that since doing the race awakening ritual new accounts appear. Not bad at all I guess.
It is hard to find even one person who is not completely corrupt and if they are good at heart hopefully they didn’t fall for the enemy I agree with this.

99 percent of the world is pure slaves and they most likely will not do much it’s up to us but we can do this.

It would be so cool if whoever does come to power who is on our side really makes some of those people pay but I am not sure if the gods would let that happen or not. I have been mad the last few years at earth and I think I came here that way. I am tired of this emptiness and I will fight to make it better.

If it was me I would not be forgiving at all I would make a majority of earth pay for the way they treated me and anyone I cared about though the years and various lives I was here.

But that is me we need a better world and we are fighting for it and we will have it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Family.

Brothers and Sisters, as everyone can observe, the situation may be difficult, that is for sure, but also, bring your attention to all the positives which have been happening: The enemy is very cornered, the energies have been calmer than ever in regards to the enemy, and so many plots of the enemy are coming bursting out in the open. Indeed, despite the disruptions, and some negative things, and all the plans of the enemy, it all tends to work against them. And this is only the beginning.

I wanted to remind something to everyone who has asked in regards to doing "Rituals" about the CoVid. We are not here to do rituals to "Stop" this or do anything like this, as this is a waste of time. We must not listen solely to our kind hearts now, especially so if this is to cost us what we would try to prevent by desiring to act. We are at war, and this is war. We need one another in the front, and all our collective effort has to go in taking down the enemy, and crushing them spiritually without mercy.

In the field of war, there are civilians, there are dogs, there are cats, helpless women, helpless elderly people. We care about them, which is why we are doing what we do to spiritually liberate the world. But if your comrades are getting shot and your enemy is exposed, you do not run to save random beings around the battlefield. If this is done, the thing one does is dilute their energies, break formation, and if we lose, then one will be shot in the back, so effectively, all the lives will be lost, warrior and civilian alike; then the enemy would take over, and everyone one wanted to protect would be gone.

We cannot allow this to happen. Humanity has been defenseless and without a spiritual people to defend it from merciless and spiteful attacks for a very long time. For that reason, we have to fight it all to the end.

Now, we have to spiritually be as organized as a major SWAT operation or a Special Forces operation. We KNOW where we are going, we have the PLAN, we know exactly why we go in, and we go in to save most people as possible, by defeating the enemy's disinformation, spreading the truth mercilessly, and spamming our RTR's which open up the gates of the New World that we are creating.

Many of you who meditate, have you noticed a "thinning" of the enemy in the air? One may be used in war, but when one has a day with the enemy weakened, they see the difference. A glimpse of beyond the veil, of beyond the dirt the enemy has raised - before the veil of dross of the enemy, this, we have experienced, when the enemy fails to uphold their wall of lies and spiritual jewtrix.

I observed something which reminded me of how this planet was once upon a time, before many people were praying for their own damnation and filling this world with nefarious energy. An energetic cleaningness which is easy to imagine, but ambrosia when one experiences it for real. I had a breath of fresh air for once- the astral areas were clear, so clear, that I believed I was somewhere else. A moment away from their energetic pollution, nefarious rituals, and disgusting filth that they heap on humanity.

That is despite the panic and the general energies around of panicked people, it was a moment of clarity without the energies of the enemy plaguing our world so tightly, a crack in the matrix, through which one could experience a pure Satanic light, a vision of how this Earth was once upon a time, without endless dross energy circulating, a world of beauty. It was revitalizing.

Our heart has to be iron, for when the enemy is defeated, all the people will be better off, more than ever could ever be helped or saved by any other means. We cannot save this world without taking the enemy down, and nobody will ever be saved without the enemy gone. The enemy is doing damage way faster than we can do repair or stop anything, but we have enough power to go after their spiritual foundation, and take them down. If we stop them, we will reverse things. The moments of clarity and purity will be upon us once again.

The enemy has attacked us for centuries without mercy, sometimes, due to their highest attacks, many people in the middle have went down the drain. We are not like them, we care. Their subversive and alien attacks have costed us a lot, and have been totally reckless. On the other hand, we want to win, but have a quality victory. The way to quality and meaningful victory is to go after THEM.

We want to win in order to put things in their place and not to cause injustices. Our fight is Noble. But allowing our enemy to catch a breath and organize a spiritual counterattack is nothing but a grave injustice to our Gods, to ourselves, to the people we want to help - to everyone and everything.

Now more than ever we are required to step in and go for the spiritually fatal strikes with the RTR. Also, the Race Awakening Ritual. People will see the lights through the cracks. We are entering into changes now and there is no going back. The Gods are with us, and so long we stand behind our own selves and loved ones, faith, hope and power, and great fortune will be on our side.

Remember also we have done the Rituals for Protection and our own. So maintain into this route with one's personal protection, and faith in the Gods, is important. Pray, or for accurate wording, telepathically communicate to them and let them know: You will be here for them, and they are here for us, "Guiding our own through unseen means". We will also guide the purpose we are given to what we have been commanded. They do their part, and we do our own.

Lastly, pay close attention, but without letting it to get to you: The enemy is making fatal mistakes from which they will never return, and they will reveal themselves so openly this time that all of the world will remain with an open mouth. Enough with the crimes and exploitation of the earth, of humanity, and of the wealth of the Nations. The enemy is in a knockdown. That is all there is to it.

The Eyes of the Gods are upon the Nations, and gazing with fire upon those in "Leadership", enemies and neutrals.

Their patience will run dry. Those in power have to comply before it is too late.

Yes, they must stop with the forced taxes, forced banking payments. Stop raping people financially during a disaster, stop putting people out and attacking them. Stop strangulating people out of their life and future. If they do not, the punishment of the Gods will befall them even harder than it was ordained for the crimes done until now.

The Eyes of the Gods are blazing on top of this world, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Stay strong and stay safe Brothers and Sisters, may Satan and the Gods bless everyone.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Also i wanted to ask about the technology that you once described of spying on normal people, some military technology. Are there any updates if this has started to be used by non military agencies?

Faux News is telling their sheep fold to turn their giftmas lights back on, in my own observations, I've seen a fair number of houses do so, am across the street from a family of pastors, and have one creepy neighbour who has tricked out her house in the things.
Prior to the corona outbreak, I was trying to move to another town - they have put their city giftmas tree back up. Their other news outlets proclaim victory, bragging "the devil is afraid of us!" What a delightful notion for the enemy to have.

Media is constantly insisting the pandemic is bringing a "global spiritual re-awakening" - yet if these retards don't get their "easter miracle" this canard is a passing fad. The enemy is weaker than ever and as their "perpetual adoration" is no more meaningful than the noise of a fly on a windowsill, perpetual RTRs are more needed now than ever before. We've already found rapid success targeting their vatican exorcists and pet politicians. The door is opened, we can't become complacent or fearful.

Being unable to work, socialise or gather, we have the private time to commit to the greater goal.
So basically as we doing power meditation and empowering our soul and our psychic abilities magick and etc all this is to prepared for war correct I mean I am training for telekinesis I study what should be master in developing telekinesis like fou dation meditation and hand chakras exercise so question is how long should I practice the hand chakras and when will I know if I am ready to move objects
How it possible that inverting hebrew alphabet can remove jewish plans? Even if sb praying in other languages? God is a computer in center of the earth?
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have been in war for Centuries now. This is where my mind dwells. I could not stand the stench of this false peace. While I watched everyone I loved, my comrades, die in Germany.

To just go about things, like it never happened. To have to smell these disgusting American pieces of shit. That were too stupid not to be played by a jew. To stop Hitlers great work.

To sit in their fat and their arrogance. To proclaim that slaughtering the Germans was necessary, and they should be given some kinda hero medal for this.

My Energies shall definetely be going towards the virus. At least 200 mill out of the 300 mill in America, need to be taught a little lesson.

Oh I'm so excited. When Christianity is Illegalized, I wanna be the prosecutor. Let's see first offence shall be their tongue cut front their throat. Yes no more lies from you, race traitor.

Second offence? Well I will be merciful. 40 whippings minus 1? Then thrown in a hole for a few days? To show you could have died and been buried. Now arise from your grave! A new person! Twice born!

Because, if you violate the terms a third time, you will sorely regret it.

Bring on the times of Nero! I cannot do this normal life shit. Have a wife and some little kids. No no no. My life is to be a warrior. To destroy.

We are finally coming into my element. All the little whambie bambies, who wouldn't meditate and do the Rituals. Who betrayed our people, by shirking your duty or race mixing or whatever the case is.

Hehehehehe. Your not gonna have his protection any more. I am so ready for the weak to die off. To look to my sides and see Strong Aryan Men. Who are ready to Build an empire. An empire ruled by an iron fist.

A long forgotten glory, that I have not seen in sooo long.

Honestly, shit like this makes me not want to remember who I might've been. Honestly makes me think it might be better for me to just leave it forgotten. I would not be surprised at all if I've died one or more ( horrible ) deaths to the jews specifically whether it be because I was a Satanist or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the false sense of peace either, I'm just not really sure if its worth remembering or not when it comes to past lives really. Whats to gain from it other then suffering at this point? Maybe I am being overly negative but I don't see the benefit, unless its for getting rid of traumas and fears associated with them.

You can think of something maybe even pretend you are anxious and just want to hang out in a room somewhere alone for a bit and relax and do it quietly.[/quote]

I do this at home everyday , my father now thinks I have anxiety, then I clean my aura and its normal again . xD
Arin said:
Honestly, shit like this makes me not want to remember who I might've been. Honestly makes me think it might be better for me to just leave it forgotten. I would not be surprised at all if I've died one or more ( horrible ) deaths to the jews specifically whether it be because I was a Satanist or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the false sense of peace either, I'm just not really sure if its worth remembering or not when it comes to past lives really. Whats to gain from it other then suffering at this point? Maybe I am being overly negative but I don't see the benefit, unless its for getting rid of traumas and fears associated with them.

knowing what happened in your past lives gives u more fuel to move forward. i apparently was in germany doing spirtual warfare and was killed. thinking about it drives me, i tend to get to the point where the only thing on my mind is to overcome this hellhole of an existence of the parasitic alien dogma ran planet and take back what is ours. when i first read about the FRTR, i ended up getting very tired and bit disorientated, clueing into the fact that the enemy attacked me, it utterly pissed me off and so i proceeded to drive somewhere where i was alone, and did the RTR with extreme rage and the results were amazing. ive rarely get attacked now, perhaps due to them having less energy, and perhaps they know if they fuck with me i'll just push forward even harder. that being said, i prefer being pissed off, it gets me to where i need to go. fuck all the positive vibes bullshit, fuck being happy all the time, fuck the fucking juus and make them eat their own shit covered genitals.
Arin said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have been in war for Centuries now. This is where my mind dwells. I could not stand the stench of this false peace. While I watched everyone I loved, my comrades, die in Germany.

To just go about things, like it never happened. To have to smell these disgusting American pieces of shit. That were too stupid not to be played by a jew. To stop Hitlers great work.

To sit in their fat and their arrogance. To proclaim that slaughtering the Germans was necessary, and they should be given some kinda hero medal for this.

My Energies shall definetely be going towards the virus. At least 200 mill out of the 300 mill in America, need to be taught a little lesson.

Oh I'm so excited. When Christianity is Illegalized, I wanna be the prosecutor. Let's see first offence shall be their tongue cut front their throat. Yes no more lies from you, race traitor.

Second offence? Well I will be merciful. 40 whippings minus 1? Then thrown in a hole for a few days? To show you could have died and been buried. Now arise from your grave! A new person! Twice born!

Because, if you violate the terms a third time, you will sorely regret it.

Bring on the times of Nero! I cannot do this normal life shit. Have a wife and some little kids. No no no. My life is to be a warrior. To destroy.

We are finally coming into my element. All the little whambie bambies, who wouldn't meditate and do the Rituals. Who betrayed our people, by shirking your duty or race mixing or whatever the case is.

Hehehehehe. Your not gonna have his protection any more. I am so ready for the weak to die off. To look to my sides and see Strong Aryan Men. Who are ready to Build an empire. An empire ruled by an iron fist.

A long forgotten glory, that I have not seen in sooo long.

Honestly, shit like this makes me not want to remember who I might've been. Honestly makes me think it might be better for me to just leave it forgotten. I would not be surprised at all if I've died one or more ( horrible ) deaths to the jews specifically whether it be because I was a Satanist or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the false sense of peace either, I'm just not really sure if its worth remembering or not when it comes to past lives really. Whats to gain from it other then suffering at this point? Maybe I am being overly negative but I don't see the benefit, unless its for getting rid of traumas and fears associated with them.
I too ignored past life regression for very very long.
It was recently that I did that couple of months back when I got to realise I have been SS for many generations.
Take your time. But as Aldrick said it does help stay motivated knowing we fought for truth and its not going to be long till the Gods are back ;)
As for the growth part, aura cleaning and everything mentioned on the JOS website sums it up for the growth and RTR removes the curses speeding the primary goal for humanity but it can serve well to know about your past lives .

The places you have been seeing it still getting destroyed makes me sad sometimes but its all good in a way knowing what we stand for is truth.

For a while I was thinking its the RTRs that are causing the chaos and hence was caught up in a cycle where I felt bad for doing them, but after past life regression it becomes better .
It can be troublesome ( past life regression) , you can ask for help from the Gods .

Usthepeople666 said:

You can think of something maybe even pretend you are anxious and just want to hang out in a room somewhere alone for a bit and relax and do it quietly.

I do this at home everyday , my father now thinks I have anxiety, then I clean my aura and its normal again . xD[/quote]
Whatever excuse you use, do not have it be something that looks bad for you. Don't make your father worry about you. There must be some excuse to use that does not look like a bad thing.
eternal666light said:
Arin said:
Honestly, shit like this makes me not want to remember who I might've been. Honestly makes me think it might be better for me to just leave it forgotten. I would not be surprised at all if I've died one or more ( horrible ) deaths to the jews specifically whether it be because I was a Satanist or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the false sense of peace either, I'm just not really sure if its worth remembering or not when it comes to past lives really. Whats to gain from it other then suffering at this point? Maybe I am being overly negative but I don't see the benefit, unless its for getting rid of traumas and fears associated with them.

knowing what happened in your past lives gives u more fuel to move forward. i apparently was in germany doing spirtual warfare and was killed. thinking about it drives me, i tend to get to the point where the only thing on my mind is to overcome this hellhole of an existence of the parasitic alien dogma ran planet and take back what is ours. when i first read about the FRTR, i ended up getting very tired and bit disorientated, clueing into the fact that the enemy attacked me, it utterly pissed me off and so i proceeded to drive somewhere where i was alone, and did the RTR with extreme rage and the results were amazing. ive rarely get attacked now, perhaps due to them having less energy, and perhaps they know if they fuck with me i'll just push forward even harder. that being said, i prefer being pissed off, it gets me to where i need to go. fuck all the positive vibes bullshit, fuck being happy all the time, fuck the fucking juus and make them eat their own shit covered genitals.

You may have misunderstood me. Again I don't like the false sense of peace and I do really hate jews but at the same time is multiple lives full of trauma worth it?
Arin said:
eternal666light said:
Arin said:
Honestly, shit like this makes me not want to remember who I might've been. Honestly makes me think it might be better for me to just leave it forgotten. I would not be surprised at all if I've died one or more ( horrible ) deaths to the jews specifically whether it be because I was a Satanist or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the false sense of peace either, I'm just not really sure if its worth remembering or not when it comes to past lives really. Whats to gain from it other then suffering at this point? Maybe I am being overly negative but I don't see the benefit, unless its for getting rid of traumas and fears associated with them.

knowing what happened in your past lives gives u more fuel to move forward. i apparently was in germany doing spirtual warfare and was killed. thinking about it drives me, i tend to get to the point where the only thing on my mind is to overcome this hellhole of an existence of the parasitic alien dogma ran planet and take back what is ours. when i first read about the FRTR, i ended up getting very tired and bit disorientated, clueing into the fact that the enemy attacked me, it utterly pissed me off and so i proceeded to drive somewhere where i was alone, and did the RTR with extreme rage and the results were amazing. ive rarely get attacked now, perhaps due to them having less energy, and perhaps they know if they fuck with me i'll just push forward even harder. that being said, i prefer being pissed off, it gets me to where i need to go. fuck all the positive vibes bullshit, fuck being happy all the time, fuck the fucking juus and make them eat their own shit covered genitals.

You may have misunderstood me. Again I don't like the false sense of peace and I do really hate jews but at the same time is multiple lives full of trauma worth it?

well, considering the only real trauma to experience now would be to lose everything. if you reach godhead u will remember everything from all your past lives, i think its best to embrace it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Usthepeople666 said:

You can think of something maybe even pretend you are anxious and just want to hang out in a room somewhere alone for a bit and relax and do it quietly.

I do this at home everyday , my father now thinks I have anxiety, then I clean my aura and its normal again . xD
Whatever excuse you use, do not have it be something that looks bad for you. Don't make your father worry about you. There must be some excuse to use that does not look like a bad thing.[/quote]

Yes now its more like I workout and say im going to sleep for an hour or so...different excuses everytime xD
Question it’s about this warfare is it between psychics,

And do I have enough to master the basic of empowering my soul?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
