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A Message To Andrew Torba Of Gab [Updated October 31 2021]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update October 31 2021:

It appears, that for now, the wrong decision was overruled on the light of actual evidence.

We want to openly admit about Gab and it's administration/moderation team, that they have proved to us that they are a people that judges justly, not based on emotions and appearances or random claims. We intend and will behave in the very same way towards them.

Our Gods are very strong on Justice and the values communicated in all of our material, which as anyone who has read it can see, is anything else but what slanderers claim that it "is".

These slanderers are also professional slanderers for aeons, having slandered all the things that came into this world from a higher source. They are the true evil people. They have overwhelming control over all areas of society, a control that we believe is an instruction of the Gods for us to help neuter, since it will destroy all that is reasonable in this world.

We too understand how difficult this can be in a world where mass media and the evil of Anti-American values keeps expanding. We are fighting this beast in all our powers for about two decades now.

As we live in this terrifying world of cancel culture and where the United States is going down, what we can agree upon is that we are both espousing the values of Free Speech. The United States is being moved straight into Communism, with specific oligarchical people enforcing this for no reason. We cannot agree with this sentiment.

Gab proves to be different than all "social media", taking reality and facts in consideration more than heated emotional and petty personal responses. That is a value that we can understand and is respectable for us. Our members too do respect this and we intend to remain on Gab, as our true members have, on a peaceful manner.

Our intention was never another as everyone has understood.

We understand the values of Free Speech and how this reflects on us but how this reflects on the social dialogue. Up to now, there is no other Social Media that has indeed upheld this on an actual and measurable way.

We also want to add that it must never be considered that our members who are legitimately to us would attack Gab under any form. Be aware however that impersonators and other shills might.

The principalities that we are against, which are the same that harass Gab, have no qualms to lie or do anything disgusting. Just know that the True Joy of Satan members would never do this.

We have no reason to, and we come in a peaceful manner to also participate in the expression of ideas, as it should be the rights of all people living. As we do not ask for any discrimination to take place against Christians [who often-times attack us on rabid on Gab], we certainly do not want any person to be discriminated against in this way.

Praise the United States, and praised be the values of Free Speech.

Anyone who defends these, is someone who in our view will be blessed by the Gods no matter of the details that one might understand at their present moment in time, especially at times where the evil of a specific segment of peoples that want to destroy everything the Gods have been trying to build, is rising it's head rampant like it is today.

In a world where even a president of the United States has been censored over lies and pure slander, everyone who believes in anything must rise to fight against this monster that some people are giving birth to. The same platforms that allow terrorists to run rampant, do not allow a President that has been followed by hundreds of millions speak in short posts in Twitter.

The Taliban have an account on Twitter, but not President Trump who was followed by hundreds of millions of people in his home Nation. The situation is clearly reaching a head where everyone who ever believed or has American values at the heart, has to fight.

We are aware that we are fighting against pure evil, in a literal way. As we have said before, people who act into this path are in our eyes helped and valued by the Gods.

We would live in a far better world if Gab, which shows that it actually values it's terms of service, replaced Jew-book. We truly hope it does.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


We advise cautiousness when any of our members are in any "social media", remember to keep your privacy up if necessary and engage in a reasonable way. The fact that the bans are overruled, does not in itself mean that even Gab is not under the scope of nefarious activity given the enemies Gab has made for defending free speech. Be AWARE and think of the matter Satanically. Silence is golden and protect yourselves.


Original Post, Oct 30th 2021.

Mr. Torba our sisters and brothers here have informed us, that we have come to the attention of Gab, which claims to be a "Free Speech Social Platform" and "Welcoming to all opinions".

Gab grew into fame because it was shielding the rights of free speech. In the past, people here have spoke favourably about the platform, and we have tried to, like other people, freely disseminate what we think is correct onto a social media platform. This should be the right of free citizens in a free speech society.

We were indeed under the sincere hopes that this was actually the case, but this was proven not to last. Recently it has been posted that you have decided to stop allowing people from the "Satanic Forum" here, to post our information on Gab.

The Joy of Satan is far from the paradigm one might understand about "Satanism", and it's definitely not what one would expect.

External symbols of "Satanism" have been used by many organizations currently tormenting humanity, yet, these organizations are of the Jews, such as Freemasonry and the related. The use of Satanic symbols from these are for mockery, and for confusion. In every Masonic Lodge, they pray upon, take oaths upon, and chant upon the Christian Bible.

It seems you do not believe too much in the power of your ideas, or "Jesus", or there should be no real problem for a group as small as ours to be in your platform. We considered Gab to be an Open Social Media Platform, which is probably no longer is. It seems to reflect a circuit loop of information akin to the degraded ex "Facebook".

Clearly, for whatever reason, you are going against your own values, in even more clear of your claimed positions about the soundness of the religion that which you follow.

Joy of Satan is not against Gab, and we have commented positively before on your efforts to promote free speech. If anything, we are only trying to speak with other people who are falsely and due to ignorant reasons, promote jewish disinformation about the Gods, which also happen to be their OWN ancestral Gods.

Christianity and its root of Judaism, come from the Jewish People. From these cultures, did arise the slander and attack against the Pagan Gods, broadly called later "Satan and Demons". The very word "Demon" is a genertic term for "God" in the Ancient Greek culture, which is a cultural founding cornerstone of the Western World.

We disagree with this sentiment of promoting "Demons" as "evil", be it that they are our ancestral Gods, falsely slandered by the Jewish people for their own collective racial interests, which stand also opposed to those of the people of the Western Civilizations.

Be it that this is our opinion, we participated in Gab to promote our views, which are of course, up to debate.

Instead of any debate or simply be allowed to exist, you have commenced a wrongful purge against this information. This reveals worry on your behalf. If you are confident in your appreciation of Christianity as being "True", then you might as well allow us to speak our "lies". However your stance implies that you believe in values of censorship instead.

In the Joy Of Satan, after extensive research [which could also be proven if a Christian literally opened the Bible] we have come to prove that not only Christianity is a Jewish Fraud, but that it is the core of failure of all the moral and higher values you pretend you represent and try to shield through Christianity.

We want to believe that this is the route you have chosen due to lack of knowledge, which is unfortunately very prominent and alarming to a great extent.

However we stand disappointed to see that indeed, the fact one follows Jews and their Jewish religions reassures that one has acceptance for censorship and stepping on their own values, something also very common in the history of Christianity.

Christianity was founded upon blood, death, burning of texts, and certainly not the values which you instinctively heralded, because indeed for one to herald these values, one has to be an Anti-Christian.

In fact, if you Mr Torba want to be a good Christian, you must head towards the end of the book of Revelations, and read that the "Salvation belongs to the Jews", and stop doing things that agitate the ADL or other jewish organizations, since that would be "Unchristian" of you.

According to the Bible, your standing up for freedom, even to an extent, is going to send you straight into "Hell".

Mister Torba, you must be honest with at least yourself, if not other people on your platform which are, understandably, Christian people. We don't hold particular hatred against these people, since we perceive them as misguided children of the Gods, and also, we are for Gentiles and against Jews.

The "God" that you worship, albeit falsely labelled as the God of the "West" or "White People", is actually a Jewish Middle Eastern hoax story created by the same Jews that persecute you and Gab. In its first state, it was created to subvert the Roman Empire, and it did manage to erode it.

Now, the Jews are slowly eroding the United States. You are certainly aware of this reality, and it's reflected in what you write against them in your newsletter, which I do indeed read every so often as part of my general news reading.

Most of the Founding Fathers of the United States, have been known to have engaged both into the Occult, the "Satanic" and these practices that are broadly called heresy. And they were good people, with the values that you too want to defend.

That is because these values are not inherent to Christianity, but in reality, Christianity actually destroyed all these values wherever it spread. The same manifestation of this uplifting of jews inside a society, as the natural outcome of worshipping Jews in the guise of Christianity, causes the downfall of a civilization. The United States will be next if this trend continues.

Falsely, you assume that this persecution by jews has to do with your loving feelings towards what you think is "Jesus".

Yet, the Jews are persecuting you precisely to reinforce the paradigm that the hoax that they created, that of "Christianity" constitutes a viable danger or opposition to them. It has not been the case for centuries. That is also the reason there has been no progress in anyone saving themselves from jews with these beliefs.

We strongly advise you to look online on the writings of Marcus Eli Ravage, who openly admits the use of the Christian Hoax as a subjugation mechanism for the "Gentiles" or those of us that they refer to as the "Goyim".

In these writings, Eli Ravage raves loudly and happily that they have removed our Gods, and gave birth to "Jesus", the ultimate lie that caused the great subjugation of the people of what we call today the "Western Civilization".

At the same rate, an objective inspection of the roots of "Christianity", points us to nothing else but Hebrew and Jewish lore. Jesus is nothing else but a Rabbi from the Levant, the "Lord and Savior Of Jewish People", that the jews of course discarded since they were aware it was all a hoax.

The "Father of Jesus who art in heaven", is by name the "Jehovah", or the tribal "God" of the Jewish People. The four letters of the Jewish God, JHVH, are Jod, Hei, Vav and Hei, the fourfold letters of the Hebrew "Name of God".

As Jesus claims it's the incarnation of this, and also a proven physical jew, we have to remind you what you already know but conveniently want to disapprove: you are indeed worshipping a Jew. In this case, whatever attempts of genuine moral values to fight against the Jews, are subverted by this false belief.

We are aware that despite of logical evidence pointing to this, you will, at least publicly, deny this information. We expect nothing else.

In retrospect, they promoted this hoax to the Gentiles, to deceive them and to distance them from their real Gods, the Pagan Gods. The Joy of Satan does represent the Pagan Gods, and definitely not anything "devilish", "ghoulish or "jewish".

It's great however that Joy of Satan has been brought to your attention of Mr. Torba, and we would wish you made your private research into what we write - if anything, to just read the so called "Satanic" source that you cite and see if it's evil or if something else is going on.

Of course, he is free to not admit this publicly, and to continue doing what is intended of him in the free internet and promoting freedom of information, even if this is for a particular segment of people whom he is trying to appropriate through what we know to be false.

Lastly, the spiritual grace and understanding that you seek Mr. Torba, is definitely not on the place of dwelling of the jews or their jewish book. In fact there is not a single thing in these books that was not stolen from an Ancient Pagan religion.

Jesus is only a jewish hoax, and Jesus is not a "king".


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Please everyone forward this to Mr Torba, so that he may become aware of this response.

It seems he has not really read any of our sites or anything like this and just dismissed us without thinking because of solely Satanic imagery that interfered with his Christian preconditioned beliefs about evil.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please everyone forward this to Mr Torba, so that he may become aware of this response.

It seems he has not really read any of our sites or anything like this and just dismissed us without thinking because of solely Satanic imagery that interfered with his Christian preconditioned beliefs about evil.

This is EXACTLY what i am doing now and on my timeline!

Hail Satan!
I would also like to repost this link here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64143
Again feel free to jump in where Tobra has thrown our forum out in the open. People are talking hard shit and accusing us of spreading porn and being a fed pot. rediculous
Shadowcat said:
I would also like to repost this link here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64143
Again feel free to jump in where Tobra has thrown our forum out in the open. People are talking hard shit and accusing us of spreading porn and being a fed pot. rediculous

It's alright, however do not attack them as they are doing.
Shadowcat said:
I would also like to repost this link here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64143
Again feel free to jump in where Tobra has thrown our forum out in the open. People are talking hard shit and accusing us of spreading porn and being a fed pot. rediculous

Don't forget what sort of low level individuals you are dealing with. It is a given they are ignorant to the extreme and will refuse to use their brains or think for themselves, let alone actually investigate the source of our material, only following baseless rumors created by others which fit their preconceived xtian ideas about evil and Satanism.

Our materials and websites serve to disprove and debunk all of their slander and false claims about us, this will reach those with any sense of reason or consciousness that isn't entirely blinded by xianity.

Do what one can to counter the slander and the lies without falling to the same lows these people are on. Remember that we are from above the so called swamp and dredges of humanity that the majority is stuck in.

They will slander and talk nonsense about us all day, as they have done since our inception, but none of that has ever hindered our growth or power, as the truth does speak for itself and the people to whom it is of concern or interest will come upon this despite of all the slander and nonsense that has been spoken about us.

We do have to weather this tide and come out on top through our efforts, but we must do so in accordance with Satan's principles, and never fall to the level of the enemy and their lackeys or the misguided people who believe in them or follow them based on ignorance and deception.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I would also like to repost this link here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64143
Again feel free to jump in where Tobra has thrown our forum out in the open. People are talking hard shit and accusing us of spreading porn and being a fed pot. rediculous

It's alright, however do not attack them as they are doing.

Not at all besides some slight jabs. keeping those light along with spreading information. i left quite a few things. i hope some at least read and look out of curiosity
VoiceofEnki said:
Shadowcat said:
I would also like to repost this link here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=64143
Again feel free to jump in where Tobra has thrown our forum out in the open. People are talking hard shit and accusing us of spreading porn and being a fed pot. rediculous

Don't forget what sort of low level individuals you are dealing with. It is a given they are ignorant to the extreme and will refuse to use their brains or think for themselves, let alone actually investigate the source of our material, only following baseless rumors created by others which fit their preconceived xtian ideas about evil and Satanism.

Our materials and websites serve to disprove and debunk all of their slander and false claims about us, this will reach those with any sense of reason or consciousness that isn't entirely blinded by xianity.

Do what one can to counter the slander and the lies without falling to the same lows these people are on. Remember that we are from above the so called swamp and dredges of humanity that the majority is stuck in.

They will slander and talk nonsense about us all day, as they have done since our inception, but none of that has ever hindered our growth or power, as the truth does speak for itself and the people to whom it is of concern or interest will come upon this despite of all the slander and nonsense that has been spoken about us.

We do have to weather this tide and come out on top through our efforts, but we must do so in accordance with Satan's principles, and never fall to the level of the enemy and their lackeys or the misguided people who believe in them or follow them based on ignorance and deception.

Hail Satan!

You are right trust me i have seen this first hand. Most of the christians including one that lost his nerve and blocked me the other day resort to nothing but name calling and condescension with nonsense disinformation. I held my ground and communicated that their personal attacks meant nothing save for that they had nothing to contribute and lost the argument.

This is all npcs and shabbos goys can do is fling poo. As far as they are concerned their god gave it to them and is "pearls before swine" Many will not even look at truth in the face at any cost. It is sad.

I have been on Gab since its inception, and am generally a trusted and active participant there. Not everyone on the network is a Nazarene, but there is a biblical Volksgeist in residence, as I'm sure you've already noted.

I doubt this is news, but Andrew Torba received your message. He is concerned that there might be some organized troublemaking afoot. This is less about knee-jerk discrimination than it is an ongoing pattern of bad behavior, orchestrated by outsiders who want to exploit the worst elements to push their own narrative. I don't see any evidence of that here (yet, anyway,) but wanted to identify myself before simply blending in, in case there is any confusion later.

I spent much of my free time between 1998-2004 studying various foundational works (LaVey, Jantsang, the ONA MSS) and would like to lurk here and get acquainted with your interpretation of the Black Arts. I look forward to it.

Regards, Victor
I'm glad HP.Cobra posted what he posted in a professional, curtious, and concise form. I'm aware not all JoS members have that Jovial Mercurial exhibition on the internet and text. Probably one of the reasons why many turn to memery i.e. M.E.P.s(Memetic Enforcement Pictures).

Funny Mr.Torba certainly doesn't understand the history of JoS. Mid-late 1990s Black Rose group pre-JoS-like group Maxine was in. And JoS has been around since 2002. Next year Fall of 2022 we celebrate our 20th Anniversary in existence. I mean our website is ancient by modern standards pretty much HTML|1.0/2.0 level website.

We certainly aren't glowniggers(memetic name for feds), feds, federalis, fed bombers(personal touch on memetic warfare). AS a matter of fact we had some fed bombers pop in using IP addresses from public schools. Demanding we create autonomous zones. We aren't Anti-Fa fags who do such non-sense.

I think Mr.Torba quite literally memetically flipped the table. He believes we commit illegal activities whatever that is supposed to mean. How goush of him to believe such tomfoolery of the enemy variety.

At the same time we must come to understand that Mr.Torba probably has people especially shekel providers who oversee social engineering applications of his platform.

The fact of the matter is anyone reading the situation should take a page from Dr.Dalton's Mein Kampf edition. Like Hitler theorized and it actually worked precisely like he stated. The very act of communist press ranting on the NSDAP is tantamount to providing free propaganda to the NSDAP.

The fact of the matter is dare I say that Andrew Torba is committing the same mistakes the communists do. That in fact his actions and the actions of others is making Gab and Mr.Torba useful idiots for our cause.

Either way a message to the SSIB(Internet Battalion) think like we are under Mercury Rx. Double-, Triple- check your responses and act professional, curtious, concise, memetically assaulting the frontlines. Don't under estimate the power of stupid people believing non-sense. These people have no clue on the history of JoS. The fact they fail to understand even the history of their own judeo-bolshevism is tantamount to create the greatest propaganda for our organization yet.

Like @Member: [Nimrod33], whom gave me a thumbs up. Basically he said I was correct and I thank him for that. When debating Xtians the very fact they are communists or judeo-bolsheviks should be emphasized. The fact of the matter is by labeling and pushing through the frontlines that they are the very communists/judeo-bolsheviks they detest. Is a sure fire way to crush all their opposition even their biblical assaults are no match when confronted with the fact it's a book of communism much like the equality 'n' sheit mentality of communism. Communism we are all brothers and sisters in brotherhood. The Bible same thing "There is neither Greek nor Jew, there is only one in jesus christ".

So again don't fall for the traps of the enemy remember communists play the dirty games to win over any argument and push the envelope of their dystopian nightmares. Rather use the very same hindrances and snares against them.

Easier said than done especially with the enemy having over 80 years of training right through the modern era.

I wish I could put more information I'll wait for a few more members to reply. I think Mr.Torba is promoting the "Rules for Thee, not for me". As long as it's xtian judeo non-sense alright this is awesome yes, yes, yes I'm winning over xtians. But here comes the Freedom Fighters and it's like "Oh no not this ebil, debil shit". Mr.Torba should be reminded that "Christian Values" are diametrically opposed to the Constitution of the U.S. and all it's rights especially the Bill of Rights.

Read my signature below. Christianity is Communism with a tinsel of Metaphysics.
Shadowcat said:

Senpai noticed my post! Yay!

It's interesting though: Torba says "f*** you" to the ADL all the time, makes fun of leftists replying to him, trolls journalists, posts edgy anti-jew memes...but is scared of a small group of Spiritual Satanists so much that he censors them even though they aren't going against Gab's rules?
Yeah but to be honest all one has to do is come to our forum and read a few things to realize what we are about.

I find this a positive thing, even if the links are moderated. Satanisgod .org or however you want to bypass the censorship, I feel this is a good thing.

It's only more proof that this is Truth, because truth always gets censored.

I think that should be our topic of discussion on gab. We are TRUTH and the fact that we are being censored and lied about is quite revealing.
they didn't censor everything, only two sites.
VoiceofEnki said:
Don't forget what sort of low level individuals you are dealing with. It is a given they are ignorant to the extreme and will refuse to use their brains or think for themselves, let alone actually investigate the source of our material, only following baseless rumors created by others which fit their preconceived xtian ideas about evil and Satanism.
I have a feeling most of the people who reply with lies and slander are actual Jews who actively work against us, I have seen several times, people reply to my posts with the most absurd lies and refuse to even take a look at the information provided, true that some might be people deeply steeped into Christianity , but most of these are probably actual racial Jews.
So, after the last big offensive and all the other communication rituals combined. It did not take long time to get such attention... Now imagine what we can achieve in the next 3-5 years alone. It will just keep piling up on top of everything else, and keeps on going.

We are riding in to the storm with a stable ride. Let's go.
Ciao @Mr. Torba and any new visitors to this forum, as HP states, read the site and Library, many useful informations and proofs are available there. I pick up one, since you are the fans of freedom and the founding fathers:

- The American Founding Fathers Were Satanists ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/o1vw1uz5av24vbi/Founding_Fathers_Satanists6115.pdf?dl=1 )

The Founders stated it in their Treaty of Peace: "Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli, of Barbary," most refer to it as simply the Treaty of Tripoli. In Article 11, it states: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...."

(third row of document)

So. Read all the material of JoS, the founding fathers will be proud of you, since we keep this flame of freedom going in spite of everything, it was the very same flame that they were carrying on for the sake of the future - us and the next generations.
HP Cobra said :

" The same manifestation of this uplifting of jews inside a society, as the natural outcome of worshipping Jews in the guise of Christianity, causes the downfall of a civilization. "

So fucking true !

My ancestors are the wisogoths, a Pagan people.
They were valiant warriors. for 300 years, they have won countless wars. The Gods were with and The Powerful Sowilo practice.
as soon as they have converted to Christianity, they disappeared...
Xianity is a poison, disgusting, piece of trash, cancer of humanity, an abomination, a virus and a parasite WE HAVE TO DESTROY NOW !

~ Hail SATAN ~
I would like to state again for anyone who has been linked here.

WE ARE LAW ABIDING. We don't participate in blood sacrifices or any other type of living sacrifice, ""sin offerings"" etc as these are of christianity and its related sects. These are NOT of Satan. They can be found various times in the bible, which you most likely have never heard of due to christian pastors acting as if they don't exist. Examples can be found here,


Additionally, Satanism is not about evil. In fact, Satanism is about the betterment of humanity. You can pretty much see this throughout the entire Joyofsatan.org site. Theres nothing about "evil". Assuming you have read at least some of it, you've probably noticed the fact that we are against judaism and the jews. There is reason for this, however it is a bit too long to explain in this message. Please check out the link below,

If you have the time, exposingchristianity.com also shows many examples.

I get what its like to be scared, but this is mostly a result of conditioning. Education is the best way of fighting this. Or hey, maybe if you're here to prove how we are some "evil satanic cult" you could look for proof of this ridiculous claim, though you won't find any.

I highly recommend at least reading exposingchristianity, if not anything else. We are not a forums only organization.


Andrew Torba, if you are reading this please at least read the homepage before assuming we are evil. I enjoy your platform, however this is an unjustified ban. Meanwhile, you allow actual destructive cults on your platform because they aren't as "spooky" as Spiritual Satanism seems to be.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please everyone forward this to Mr Torba, so that he may become aware of this response.

It seems he has not really read any of our sites or anything like this and just dismissed us without thinking because of solely Satanic imagery that interfered with his Christian preconditioned beliefs about evil.

I find it important to point out the part the essenes (a jewish sect) did play in this hoax:

" They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and
not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Being outside of the mainstream of
Jewish activity and thought, the Jews nevertheless observed from them that this
kind of teaching could ruin and destroy a people. The Jews, looking for a way to
destroy the Roman nation, who in the year 70 A.D. had destroyed and levelled
Jerusalem to the ground, noted well what these teachings were and decided to
perpetuate them on the Romans."

"*Please note, the article below was writen for a white audience, but is
highly informative.

The Unavenged Outrage: Christ's Exsistence Not Substantiated By Historical
Evidence by Ben Klassen

In the previous material it has been fairly well proven beyond a shadow of a
doubt that Christianity is a suicidal philosophy or teaching. If taken seriously
enough by its followers it will destroy them, and if a whole race or nation takes it
seriously enough

and faithfully attempts to follow the teachings of the The Sermon on the Mount
then that whole nation will destroy itself.

The great Roman nation, the finest civilization produced by the White Race in
classical times, in the first few centuries A.D., did take Christianity seriously, and
it did destroy itself, never to rise again. Where did Christianity originate ? If we
read the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament and the New testament, we will not get
the correct answers. The fact is Christianity is, and was, a Jewish creation,
dreamed up, composed, and promoted by the hierarchy of the Jewish Race,
undoubtedly, by the Elders of the Sanhedrin itself.

It is, in fact, an unholy teaching designed to unhinge and derange the White
Gentile intellect and to cause him to abandon his real responsibilities of doing
that for which Nature created him. It is an unnatural and completely perverted
attitude towards the

natural surroundings with which Nature has provided us. Whereas the full impact
of it completely destroyed the Roman Empire within less than two centuries after
it became the adopted religion of Rome, it is today still an overriding influence
hanging like a shadow over affairs and thinking throughout the world. It is,
therefore, important that we trace its origin, despite the fact that much evidence
has been deliberately destroyed and many roadblocks have been placed in the
way of objectively even considering the evidence that still survives.
Anyone recapturing his senses and looking at that evidence will find hat its origin
is much different from what our church fathers today would have us believe.
However, let us take at face value what the church fathers and the "Holy" bible
are teaching us

today. The first page of the New Testament, Matthew 1, immediately makes it
clear that Jesus was a Jew and it traces his genealogy all the way from Abraham
through David through Joseph to Christ. At another place it gives the genealogy
of Mary,

and makes sure that we are fully aware that she, too, is a Jew.

Here, immediately, the first major contradiction is revealed, glaringly revealed,
that is, if Jesus was the Son of God how could he also be the son of Joseph ?
Anyway, be that as it may, we now look at the disciples of Jesus and the apostles
and we find that Matthew, who supposedly wrote the first book in the New
Testament, was also called Levi, son of Altheus and was, as so many Jews are,
a tax collector in Capernaum. We find that the Apostle Mark, who wrote the
second book of the New Testament, was also called John Mark, he son of Mary,
in whose home in Jerusalem the early Christians gathered and he was a cousin
of Barnabas. We find, that above all, Mark was also a Jew. We now come to St.
Luke, who was probably the only Gentile in the group of twelve.

Historians regard him as a Gentile physician. However, he was under the
complete dominance of Paul, who was a proselyte Jew, and Luke spent most of
his life as a disciple traveling around in the company of Paul, the Jew. We now
come to Apostle John whom we find is also a Jew, along with his brothers Peter
and James. We now come to the Apostle Paul, who changed his name from the
real name of Saul, born in tarsus, of Jewish parents, and a man who was reared
strictly in the Jewish tradition of the Pharisees of his time. Of the 27 books of the
New Testament, it was Paul who is credited with writing 14 of them and credited
with writing well over half of the New Testament itself.

And so it goes. Of the 12 disciples that Christ supposedly had, all of them Jews
with the possible exception of Luke and as we noted he was completely under
the influence of Paul. It is more than passing strange that, according to the New
Testament itself, the writers, preachers, and apostles of this "New Teaching," as
well as the supposed founder himself, are all Jews with very little exception. It is
more than passing strange also that the Jews themselves never accepted this
highly suicidal teaching but were tremendously active in promoting and foisting it

on the Gentiles in general, and the great Roman nation in particular. We do not
doubt that these Jewish characters were fanatically active in promoting the
suicidal new teaching of Christianity, nor do we doubt that they had not only
hundreds but thousands of Jewish helpers that were the "Hidden Hand" that
promoted the spread of this teaching among the Romans and Gentiles in the
Roman Empire.

There is, however, serious doubt that such a character as Jesus Christ ever lived
at all, and there is, however, overwhelming evidence to indicate he did not exist,
but was figment of the Jewish of the Jewish imagination. The beginning of the
Christian era found Rome near the height of her civilization. Her supremacy, in
the then known world, was pretty much unchallenged and it was the beginning of
a long period of peace. To be specific, Pax Romana (Roman Peace) lasted
approximately 200 years beginning with the reign of Caesar Augustus. Rome
was highly literate, there were many great writers, scholars, historians, sculptors
and painters, not to mention other outstanding men of philosophy and learning.
Yet it is highly strange that despite the great commotion and fanfare that
supposedly heralded the birth of Christ and also his

crucifixion (according to the bible), we find not a single historian nor a single
writer of the era who found time to tale note of it in their writings. Outside of the
fabricated biblical writings, no Roman historian, no Roman writer, and no Roman
play-writer, has left the slightest hint that he had the faintest awareness that this
supposedly greatest of all greats was in their very midst and preaching what is
claimed the greatest of all the new gospels.

Whereas Caesar left voluminous writings that are still extant today and can be
studied by our high school boys and girls, Christ himself, who had supposedly
the greatest message to deliver to posterity that the world has ever known, left
not the slightest scrap of paper on which he had written a single word. This, in
fact, the biblical literature itself confirms and mentions only that once he did write
in the sand. Today we can still study Cicero;s great orations and writings. He has
left over 800 letters behind that we can study to this day.

We can study whole books of what Marcus Aurelius wrote, we can study what
Aristotle wrote, what Plato wrote, and scores of others wrote that were
contemporary with the first beginning of the Christian era, or preceded it. But
strangely there is not a word that is in writing hat can be attributed to Jesus
Christ himself. Furthermore, the Greeks and the Romans of that era, and even
previously and afterwards, had developed the art of sculpturing to a fine state.
We can find busts of Cicero, of Caesar, Of Marcus Aurelius and innumerable
other Greek and Roman dignitaries and lesser lights, but nor one seemed to
think it important enough to sculpture a likeness of Jesus Christ. And the reason
undoubtedly is there was none to model at the time.

There were undoubtedly numerous skilled artists and painters at that time, but
again strangely enough none took the time or the interest to paint a likeness of

this purportedly greatest of all teachers, who in fact was proclaimed the Son of
God come to earth. But no painting was ever made of this man, who, we are told,
gathered great multitudes around him and caused great consternation and fear
even to King Herod of Judea himself.

Now all of this is very, very strange, when, if, as the Bible claims, the birth of
Jesus Christ was ushered in with great fanfare and great proclamations. Angels
proclaimed his birth. An exceedingly bright star pointed to his place of birth. In
Matt. 2:3, it says, "When Herod, the king, had heard of these things he was
troubled and all Jerusalem with him." We can hardly gather from this that no one
was aware of the fact that the King of the Jews, the great Messiah, was born, for
we are told in the preceding verse that the Wise Men came to King Herod himself
saying, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star in
the East and we are come to worship him." Evidently the event was even lit up
with a bright star from heaven.

In any case, King Herod, we are told in Matt. 3, was so worried that he sent the
Wise Men to Bethlehem to search diligently for the young child to bring it to him
so he undoubtedly could have him put to death. As the story further unfolds we
learn that Joseph heard of this and quietly slipped out in the night taking with him
his wife, the young child and a donkey and departed for Egypt. When Herod
found out that he had been tricked it says that he "was exceedingly wroth and
sent forth and slew all children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts
thereof, from two years old and under." Now this is a tremendously drastic act for
a King to take, that is, to have murdered all the children in the land that were
under two years of age. Again we can hardly say that the birth of Jesus was
unheralded, unannounced and unobserved, according to the story in the bible.
However, it is very, very strange that this act of Herod, as drastic and criminally
harsh as it is, is nowhere else recorded in the histories or writings of any of the
other numerous writers of the times. All we have is the claims of those people
who wrote the New Testament. In fact, whoever wrote the New Testament
invented so many claims that are inconsistent with the facts that they even made
a rather glaring error by pulling King Herod into the story. History tells us that in
the year 1 A.D. When Christ was supposedly born, Herod had already been dead
for four years. He could hardly been disturbed or very wroth about the birth of
anybody in the year 1 A.D.

There is further great evidence that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never wrote
any of those chapters that are supposedly attributed to them. What historical
evidence can be dug up reveals that they were written much later, not at the time
that Jesus supposedly said all those things, but somewhere around 30 to 50
years later by a person or persons unknown. Furthermore, when we compare the
first four books of the gospel with each other, which supposedly tell more or less
the same story, we find that they contradict each other in so many details that
one need only read them for himself to pick them out. I neither have the time, the
space, not the inclination to go into all these contradictions. They are too

numerous. I do not contend that it really makes a great deal of difference whether
there ever was a Jewish character by the name of Jesus Christ that led to the
creation of a new religion to be foisted on the Gentiles for their destruction. The
point is that, in any case, it was the Jews collectively who created and promoted
this new teaching upon and it did destroy the
Roman civilization.

Nevertheless, the evidence is overwhelming that these ideas long preceded the
Christian era and it was not Christ who came out with them but a Jewish sect
called the Essenes who lived on the border of the Dead Sea. It was they who had
already evolved the ideas contained in the Sermon on the Mount but have been
attributed to Christ. Not only had they evolved the same ideas as set forth in
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but the wording, the phraseology and the
sentences were the same and they preceded the supposed time of the Sermon
on the Mount by anywhere from 50 to 150 years.

The Essenes were a Jewish religious group living in approximately the first
century B.C. And the first century A.D. We have important sources of their
contemporary writings in the historian Josephus and also in the philosopher
Philo. They are also mentioned by various other Roman and Greek writers of
those times in which their religious teachings are revealed in considerable detail.
However, in the last twenty years the thousands of Dead Sea Scrolls, many of
which were written by the Essenes themselves, reveal a tremendous amount of
insight into their religious teachings, and above all, reveal that they preceded and
preempted the Sermon on the Mount word for word, so that the so-called "new"
teachings of a figure supposedly appearing from heaven in the year 1 A.D. And
preaching during the years 3 to 33 A.D. Were neither original nor were they new.
Furthermore, we learn that the Essenes were notable for their communistic
society, their extreme piety and purity and their practice of celibacy. They
possessed all their worldly goods in common and looked upon private property
as an evil which might divert them from sanctity. They engaged in agriculture and
handicrafts, considering these occupations less sinful than others. They also
practiced baptism, and this practice preceded the the Christian era by at least
one hundred. So the Christian apostles can hardly be credited with having
instituted the ritual of baptism, as is claimed.

Why, the average reader might ask, haven't we been told more about the
Essenes if they were the original practitioners of Christianity? There are two good
and overriding answers for that. The Christians on their part, although the early
Christian fathers were well aware of the Essene teachings and writings, took
every measure possible to destroy them and purge them from circulation. The
reason being they did not want their presence known because it would
undermine their dogma that Christ was the originator of the New teaching. It
would make impossible the claim that this was a great new revelation sent forth
by God himself amid the hosannas and singing of angels. The Jews, on the other

hand, did not want to reveal the presence of the Essenes because they wish to
completely hide any connection between the Jews and the new religious
teaching that they were about to administer unto the Gentiles. They even went to
great lengths to appear hostile to it.
Before I go further into the highly illuminating and highly interesting Dead Sea
Scrolls I want to make just one further point that is that the original manuscripts
on which the New Testament supposedly based is always alluded to being
translated from the "Original Greek." Since the New Testament repeats over and
over again and again that Paul spoke to his flock in Jewish and that Jesus spoke
in Jewish and that the Apostles were Jewish, why, then, is it that the manuscripts
were all in Greek?

The historical facts add up to this : the Jewish hierarchy and undoubtedly the
whole conspiracy was well coordinated and had many, many members and coworkers. It was not written at the time of Christ at all, but the movement was

given great promotion by the combined efforts of the Jewish nation. As they
organized and promoted their ideas further, these were reduced to writing
considerably later than the years 30 to 33 A.D. When Christ supposedly came
out with these startlingly and "new" revelations. The conclusions are that they
were written by Jewish persons whose identity we shall never know and were
written by collectively by many authors, were revised from time to time and not
only in their original formation and formulation but have been revised time and
time again throughout the centuries to become more effective and persuasive

However, we want to go further into the teachings of the Essenes and who they
were and why their particular teachings were pounced upon by the Jews to be
formulated into a well distilled poisonous brew and then fed to the Gentiles. The
Dead Sea Scrolls, which are more numerous and much more revealing than the
Jewish press of today has informed us tell us much about the teachings and the
life of the Essenes. One of the important things that they tell us about the
Essenes is that they vanished from the face of the earth after about two centuries
of existance and the termination date being somewhere around the year 100
A.D. They were, needless to say, only a very small sect of the Jewish tribes and
not a part of the Jewish conspiracy as such. Being outside of the mainstream of
Jewish activity and thought, the Jews nevertheless observed from them that this
kind of teaching could ruin and destroy a people. The Jews, looking for a way to
destroy the Roman nation, who in the year 70 A.D. had destroyed and levelled
Jerusalem to the ground, noted well what these teachings were and decided to
perpetuate them on the Romans.

Essenism was really a revolutionary new form of social order, an ideal
cooperative commonwealth in miniature. Instead of the Messiah, the ideal of the
Essenes was the "Teacher of Righteousness." They established a new
cooperative communitarian brotherhood and they were the first religious society

to establish and observe the sacraments of baptism and the eucharistic meal.
Most important of all they were the firs group to condemn and abolish the age old
institution of human slavery. Furthermore, the "Teacher of Righteousness" as
promulgated by the Essenes may not have been the first pacifist in history, but
he was the first to implement his pacifist theories with an overall practical
measure, which if generally adopted, would abolish war. This, of course, was a
wonderful religion for the Jews to sell to the Romans, for if they convert the
Romans into submissive pacifists they could certainly soon thereafter dominate
them in full. And this they did.

The Essenes lived in the area of Qumran near the Dead Sea and according to
Philo, the Jewish Philosopher and writer contemporary of that age, "the Essene
brotherhood would not allow the manufacture of any weapons or allow within
their community any maker of arrows, spears, swords or any manufacture of
engines of war, nor any man occupied with a military avocation, or even with
peaceful practices which might easily be converted to mischief." Not only does
Philo tell us about the Essenes, but also Josephus and Pliny, both contemporary
historians, tell us much about the Essenes.

As mentioned before, much is emerging also from the study of the Dead Sea
Scrolls. The overriding fact that emerges from the study of the writings of the
historians of that time and the Dead Sea Scrolls is this tremendously significant
fact: namely that the beliefs, teachings, and practices attributed to Jesus Christ,
although not exactly identical in all respects with those of the Essene school,
were nevertheless, closer to those of the Essenes than to those of the Bishops of
the Ecumenical Council which determined the Nicene Creed of orthodox

So we can come to the obvious conclusion that the Christian beliefs and
doctrines as supposedly enunciated by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount did
not originate at all at that time but at least 100 years earlier from a Jewish sect
called the Essenes living near the Dead Sea; that the Elders of Sanhedrin
recognized this teaching as being deadly and suicidal; that they further took this
doctrine and distilled and refined it into a working creed; the Jews then, with a
great deal of energy and tremendous amounts of propaganda (in which they
excel), promoted and distributed this poisonous doctrine among the Romans.
Setting this creed down in writing in what is now called the New Testament
evolved over the next several centuries. It was written by persons unknown to us
today but undoubtedly of Jewish origin. Furthermore, to give it a mystical and
heavenly sent deification, they invented the person of Jesus Christ, and claimed
that he was the Son of God. Then, having laid the ground work for this new
church, they consolidated that power at a meeting in Nicene, where the creation
of the new church was solidified, the creed formalized and given official
sanctification. Thus, in short, was launched the new church and the new religion
of "Jesus Christ" which was fabricated out of thin air. Not a single trace of the

Jesus Christ personage can be found in authentic history. Nevertheless, this
newly fabricated hoax of Jesus Christ, the Son of God this idea, with all its
suicidal doctrines, was soon to pull down in ruins the great Roman Empire and
the great White civilization that went with it."

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich's 2011, 2012, 2013 Sermons, Volume 2 pdf

Got one video that helps elaborate some of the points you made.
Victor_N said:
I doubt this is news, but Andrew Torba received your message. He is concerned that there might be some organized troublemaking afoot. This is less about knee-jerk discrimination than it is an ongoing pattern of bad behavior, orchestrated by outsiders who want to exploit the worst elements to push their own narrative. I don't see any evidence of that here (yet, anyway,) but wanted to identify myself before simply blending in, in case there is any confusion later.

I spent much of my free time between 1998-2004 studying various foundational works (LaVey, Jantsang, the ONA MSS) and would like to lurk here and get acquainted with your interpretation of the Black Arts. I look forward to it.

Regards, Victor

Greetings Victor,

You are very welcome to study our material. While you might have experience with ONA and LaVeyanism, we differ so much that we merely have common symbology. I understand where you are coming from as I have read all of this material myself too.

The JoS is a unique case in all of the so called "Satanic" landscape and we are the biggest Satanic Group online by actual numbers. None comes even close to our sites and network. We have far surpassed other forms of "Satanism".

As we describe in our material, the symbols that you see and are considered "evil" and "Satanic", are merely Pagan symbols that have spiritual significance and are ancestral symbols of the Pagans. Even Christianity stole many of these and adopted them to their system, which is what we officially support based on evidence.

There is no organized "troublemaking" in anyway, nor there is anything of a nefarious nature taking place. We merely want to partake in the conversation in the free speech platform.

We cannot guarantee however that certain impersonators or other individuals might show up. All associations between members that are official are on these boards and open for the world to read.

I personally had a Gab account, but I never have used it. Do not believe it if you see someone posting or posing as people from here and spreading negative content, let alone an attack. Gab has been commented on positively on this platform. People's concerns here are that we are not given the right to express our views.

Due to the "unorthodox" situation about our views, we are being discriminated against strongly in every platform and censored from everywhere.

We support laws that are considered now and called "Racial", which is something people like the ADL might not like, while at the same time, they are proponents of the biggest Race morality based Nation on Earth that is Israel. We consider this part of their hypocrisy. We are also against the New World Order, which is overwhelmingly a movement constructed by Jews.

Like every religion, we also have people we don't like. However compared to other religions, the people that we dislike are actually a very very small amount, and for very specific reasons and actions that have occurred over thousands of years time, in repeat and without cessation.

The same sentiment now is what is attempting to bring down the United States. Our founder HPS Maxine Dietrich, has been a die-hard American values woman, and you will see this strongly in our work.

We don't intend to do any "troublemaking" on Gab. Our members just want to participate in the conversation. For reasons aforementioned in my official reply, we perceive that we are being unjustly attacked.

Despite the fact every member here can post their opinion, Joy of Satan is definitely not against Gab. In fact, we respect the efforts of a platform to establish American values in the storm of censorship that is coming.

We too here albeit not a social media platform, have been doing the same despite the so called "Dangers" of a shutdown, defamation etc, on all troublesome matters including the occult, refusal to vaccinate, free speech and so on.

Again, you are welcome to study our material and see if things said about us are true. You will find most of the negative perception is just slander by a certain segment of people that knows how to slander very well. Our core view is that the Pagan Gods have been equally slandered, same as any person who has went against these "people".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
BlackOnyx8 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Don't forget what sort of low level individuals you are dealing with. It is a given they are ignorant to the extreme and will refuse to use their brains or think for themselves, let alone actually investigate the source of our material, only following baseless rumors created by others which fit their preconceived xtian ideas about evil and Satanism.

I have a feeling most of the people who reply with lies and slander are actual Jews who actively work against us, I have seen several times, people reply to my posts with the most absurd lies and refuse to even take a look at the information provided, true that some might be people deeply steeped into Christianity , but most of these are probably actual racial Jews.

Jews are against us on a personal level because they have an agenda, not only Pro-Israel and against every other people on this world, but also because they want to take down the Gods and remove all spiritual knowledge.

They can hate us, but we have to fight them, and that is part of what is happening. It is an absolute normalcy out of a jew to react to our teachings and want to kill us, as they frequently express against us too.

Jews also and their values are the major proponents of the New World Order agenda, with them running this all and wanting to destroy the West entirely, and then the world. We have nothing to talk further about them, the mob of the jews is something that one cannot converse with, they are zealots and destroyers, lizardine and nothing else.
Rational Satanist said:
Shadowcat said:

It's interesting though: Torba says "f*** you" to the ADL all the time, makes fun of leftists replying to him, trolls journalists, posts edgy anti-jew memes...but is scared of a small group of Spiritual Satanists so much that he censors them even though they aren't going against Gab's rules?

As it appears at least, Mr. Torba has reacted rather emotionally to the Joy of Satan, probably because he thought there was going to be some sort of attack on his platform, at least based on what Victor said above and Andrew's personal reply.

His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

I would not be surprised if the ban on our sites was lifted, however, it appears this is emotional decision, more than it is one of purposeful bias or discrimination.

Time will tell.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
Shadowcat said:

It's interesting though: Torba says "f*** you" to the ADL all the time, makes fun of leftists replying to him, trolls journalists, posts edgy anti-jew memes...but is scared of a small group of Spiritual Satanists so much that he censors them even though they aren't going against Gab's rules?

As it appears at least, Mr. Torba has reacted rather emotionally to the Joy of Satan, probably because he thought there was going to be some sort of attack on his platform, at least based on what Victor said above and Andrew's personal reply.

His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

I would not be surprised if the ban on our sites was lifted, however, it appears this is emotional decision, more than it is one of purposeful bias or discrimination.

Time will tell.

I am Glad he recieved the message, i sent it to a private chat, his page, my timeline and the general page. I do hope the ban is lifted and have been trying to clear up peoples minsconceptions
Victor_N said:

I have been on Gab since its inception, and am generally a trusted and active participant there. Not everyone on the network is a Nazarene, but there is a biblical Volksgeist in residence, as I'm sure you've already noted.

I doubt this is news, but Andrew Torba received your message. He is concerned that there might be some organized troublemaking afoot. This is less about knee-jerk discrimination than it is an ongoing pattern of bad behavior, orchestrated by outsiders who want to exploit the worst elements to push their own narrative. I don't see any evidence of that here (yet, anyway,) but wanted to identify myself before simply blending in, in case there is any confusion later.

I spent much of my free time between 1998-2004 studying various foundational works (LaVey, Jantsang, the ONA MSS) and would like to lurk here and get acquainted with your interpretation of the Black Arts. I look forward to it.

Regards, Victor

Thank you for your message Victor. I hope Torba understands that we are Law abiding and will never promote anything having to do with anything he might have worried about. There are people accusing JOS of being a fedpot, even antifa, and accuse JOS of pushing horrible things like pornography and anything that might harm innocents and children. please read and pass this on to Torba as well: https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Illuminati.html

Understand that we do not promote blood sacrifice, things against the law or harm to or children or animals in anyway. There are "branches" of "satanism" (the fake ones) that do this and are based off of what is basically reverse christianity or the biblical interperetation of Father Satan. Children and animals are Sacred to our Gods who are benevolent beings to humanity and would never condone anything of the above of which we are accused of promoting. this is also explained on the front page of Joyofsatan.com

We believe in the betterment and advancement of humanity and empowerment of the human soul, which the abrahamic religions oppose. please pass this on as well to others who may have misconceptions about us. Please feel free to study all of joyofsatan and everything in Satanisgod.org. I hope it peaks your interest and good luck to you
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
Shadowcat said:

It's interesting though: Torba says "f*** you" to the ADL all the time, makes fun of leftists replying to him, trolls journalists, posts edgy anti-jew memes...but is scared of a small group of Spiritual Satanists so much that he censors them even though they aren't going against Gab's rules?

As it appears at least, Mr. Torba has reacted rather emotionally to the Joy of Satan, probably because he thought there was going to be some sort of attack on his platform, at least based on what Victor said above and Andrew's personal reply.

His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

I would not be surprised if the ban on our sites was lifted, however, it appears this is emotional decision, more than it is one of purposeful bias or discrimination.

Time will tell.

As of now the ban is still in place. I just tried to post a link and it was blocked. I do hope it is lifted soon. *
In my opinion, Gab is now also being tested by how they treat certain topics on a censorship degree, on the platform. To my awareness, this is the first time this really happens on Gab. Other persecuted people who haven't said illegal things, are still on the platform and allowed to exercise the Rights To Free Speech.

The media lies about Gab and deceitfully tries to say it is an evil place, which it does not.

However, our case seems to be the first case where this type of discrimination has taken place on a literal arbitrary decision by the administration, except in the case of very obvious shills such as criminals which, unlike the claims of the media on Gab, don't really operate in the platform and that should be evident that they do a good work in keeping them out.

This I would personally attribute personally as a rushed decision or a misunderstanding based on false alarms. Or possibly emotional - based misunderstanding.

Our material abides by the law and for all intents, is nothing that the enemy ever claimed. It's the exact opposite of what the jew shills try to claim, or what specific people feel emotionally over the subject.

Maybe Mr. Torba or the administration will overrule the decision, as it was an emotional and rushed decision. We have been judged falsely here, based only on mistaken views and appearances, no different than a media-tier tribunal which is based on lies.

If again they do not do this, that is up to them, however this should stand as proof that Gab has acted like people in Cloudflare, where they purged people from their service just because the CEO had problems with them. However Gab still isn't this type of platform.

The precedent that this would be the case would be even more alarming for American Social Media. Since all of this is not really logical, it can only boil down to three things:

1. A wrong and emotionally rushed judgement, our of misperception that we meant negative towards the Gab platform which we don't.

2. Someone coerced Mr. Torba to do this, which is a worrisome situation. Given the ADL is on him constantly, it's not unlikely. However, he doesn't look like someone who would cave in to this kind of pressure.

3. More fringe theories that we don't want to perpetuate because based on evidence they look unjustified.

Again, time will tell.
Other people are spreading things now and i was just booted from "heathens of gab" too bad alot of people won't take time to consider all info and just have kneejerk reactions. Look out blackonyx8 youve just been put on blast
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

It makes sense. He probably thought we are a fed operation like the ONA. It happens with some people (4chan /pol/sters) that whenever you mention Satanism together with NS, they confuse it with ONA and link to a Daily Fail article where the FBI admitted they used ONA to turn people away from "white supremacy" and are like "GTFO, glownigger".

Victor_N said:
studying various foundational works (LaVey, Jantsang, the ONA MSS)

I had no idea what "jantsang" is, so I just jewgled it:

Tani Jantsang was a Magistra in the Church of Satan in the late 90s. She had assisted in several bits of Gilmores writings and was quite influential in CoS.

Jantsang would eventually leave the CoS and formulate her own organization called "Satanic Reds." Yes folks she created probably the first Communist based Satanic organization. It didn't go very far, and is now all but defunct with only a ghost of an out dated website still up.

So, it was a CoS member who became a commie. No thanks, I don't want to read more.
Shadowcat said:
Other people are spreading things now and i was just booted from "heathens of gab" too bad alot of people won't take time to consider all info and just have kneejerk reactions. Look out blackonyx8 youve just been put on blast

Honestly if this dude only read more of this place, he might be on his way there, past the kneejerk reactions.

The only cringe people are these people that put people with guns and masks, pretending they are gangsta online. And just writing sissyfits about how much they hate the world in social media. That is the definition of cringe, not the knowledge we provide.

However, to join, they will have to make some structural changes in this sissyfit mindset they seem to have.

Be aware also, there are many fed-posters and nuts in there, which are apparent. They tend to use the guns and all that stuff as imagery, to present "Whites" as "National Threats" and "Terrorists".
Rational Satanist said:
Shadowcat said:

Senpai noticed my post! Yay!

It's interesting though: Torba says "f*** you" to the ADL all the time, makes fun of leftists replying to him, trolls journalists, posts edgy anti-jew memes...but is scared of a small group of Spiritual Satanists so much that he censors them even though they aren't going against Gab's rules?

Senpai noticed your post :eek:?
Rational Satanist said:

Tani Jantsang was a Magistra in the Church of Satan in the late 90s. She had assisted in several bits of Gilmores writings and was quite influential in CoS.

Jantsang would eventually leave the CoS and formulate her own organization called "Satanic Reds." Yes folks she created probably the first Communist based Satanic organization. It didn't go very far, and is now all but defunct with only a ghost of an out dated website still up.

So, it was a CoS member who became a commie. No thanks, I don't want to read more.

Yes, jews, commies, leftists and all sorts of other garbage, attempted to take down Satanism, same as Jews who literally promoted "Anti-Christianity", part in parcel with their jewish program, going as far as to recommend animal sacrifices and other nonsense.

This was of course what they always do, defamation of their enemies while adopting their symbols. A lot of crazy jewish nutcases have done this to Satanism, as they do this everywhere. To this day, there are still jewish idiots that think they have anything to do with Satan, and scream loudly in their groups with 5 other kikes in what they pretend is "Satanism".

They are just jews and that's their modus operandi, infiltrate, and do your jewish garbage while being part of the enemy team. Then people hate the team.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Other people are spreading things now and i was just booted from "heathens of gab" too bad alot of people won't take time to consider all info and just have kneejerk reactions. Look out blackonyx8 youve just been put on blast

Honestly if this dude only read more of this place, he might be on his way there, past the kneejerk reactions.

The only cringe people are these people that put people with guns and masks, pretending they are gangsta online. And just writing sissyfits about how much they hate the world in social media. That is the definition of cringe, not the knowledge we provide.

However, to join, they will have to make some structural changes in this sissyfit mindset they seem to have.

Be aware also, there are many fed-posters and nuts in there, which are apparent. They tend to use the guns and all that stuff as imagery, to present "Whites" as "National Threats" and "Terrorists".

Yes indeed. I am very happy though also because despite this, there have been almost athousand reposts by now. all people have to do when they see that picture Torba posted is look up "joy of Satan" out of curiosity...and human curiosity will get the better of many or at least halfway...and that is how it starts. I honestly think this is a mix of RTR effects and the enemy intercepting trying to cause trouble, but i could be wrong, because although This is giving us a hard time, it is spreading us like wildfire
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

It makes sense. He probably thought we are a fed operation like the ONA. It happens with some people (4chan /pol/sters) that whenever you mention Satanism together with NS, they confuse it with ONA and link to a Daily Fail article where the FBI admitted they used ONA to turn people away from "white supremacy" and are like "GTFO, glownigger".

The memo's came out and it was obvious these organizations were literally bankrolling the O9A to advocate crimes and everything else. The pattern should be obvious by now. I took 10 minutes in gab in these "fringe" territories and I could already spot many of these.

It appears it's a total miscalculation. We'll see as this progresses.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
His reply on the matter is that he thought we were legitimately some sort of ghoul "Satanic" organization, about to invade the platform or whatever, which was clearly not the case either way.

It makes sense. He probably thought we are a fed operation like the ONA. It happens with some people (4chan /pol/sters) that whenever you mention Satanism together with NS, they confuse it with ONA and link to a Daily Fail article where the FBI admitted they used ONA to turn people away from "white supremacy" and are like "GTFO, glownigger".

The memo's came out and it was obvious these organizations were literally bankrolling the O9A to advocate crimes and everything else. The pattern should be obvious by now. I took 10 minutes in gab in these "fringe" territories and I could already spot many of these.

It appears it's a total miscalculation. We'll see as this progresses.

I sent Torba this PM about 15 mins ago. I hope he reconsiders.I am glad you received our message. Please understand that once again anything you see claiming having to do with anything of Satan that deals in any sort of unlawful acts, sacrifice or harm to children we will never condone, and these posers have nothing to do with us. We do not deal in reverse christianity or the biblical version of Satan as it is inaccurate and a lie. We have no affiliation with ONA (order of nine angles) the church of Satan, or any other branch of "satanism" that deals in any of the above things you were worried about with stirring up trouble. this again is not us. please look at all the facts yourself and do some research on us and read our sites and try to compare that with the other affiliations claiming (fake) ties to Satan (the illuminatti/hollywood version)
once you see there is no connection we once again request that you remain consistant with your claim to the first amendment and claim to allow true free speech and unblock our links. our promotions and recruitment are for the purpose of inviting others to empower their souls and to get to know the Gods of old and not the horrid things we have been wrongly accused of because of other nuts giving Satanism a bad name by posing. thank you
Victor_N said:

I have been on Gab since its inception, and am generally a trusted and active participant there. Not everyone on the network is a Nazarene, but there is a biblical Volksgeist in residence, as I'm sure you've already noted.

I doubt this is news, but Andrew Torba received your message. He is concerned that there might be some organized troublemaking afoot. This is less about knee-jerk discrimination than it is an ongoing pattern of bad behavior, orchestrated by outsiders who want to exploit the worst elements to push their own narrative. I don't see any evidence of that here (yet, anyway,) but wanted to identify myself before simply blending in, in case there is any confusion later.

I spent much of my free time between 1998-2004 studying various foundational works (LaVey, Jantsang, the ONA MSS) and would like to lurk here and get acquainted with your interpretation of the Black Arts. I look forward to it.

Regards, Victor
Welcome. Please read everything here, www.satanisgod.org
It will acquaint you with the foundations of true Satanism. Satan was the head Pagan God who predated the false religions of the jews by thousands of years. The JoS is a return to the ancient ways.

Feel free to ask any questions on here.
Our wording also matters. I just rectified with heathens of Gab and they too were mislead by this. Alot are confused as to the terms used in our online campaigns for spreading information such as "infiltrate" and the like. I understand the infiltrate part goes for xtian groups and others run by the enemy but coming into pagan groups and other spheres like this can come off the wrong way to them. here below it is explained why they have been thrown off. Perhaps better wording on our part in the future? We do not want to give our Fellow whites and other potential people who Satan wants to come to Him the wrong impression that they will be attacked in any manner. please feel free to give imput on this everyone. Thanks.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
It makes sense. He probably thought we are a fed operation like the ONA. It happens with some people (4chan /pol/sters) that whenever you mention Satanism together with NS, they confuse it with ONA and link to a Daily Fail article where the FBI admitted they used ONA to turn people away from "white supremacy" and are like "GTFO, glownigger".

The memo's came out and it was obvious these organizations were literally bankrolling the O9A to advocate crimes and everything else. The pattern should be obvious by now. I took 10 minutes in gab in these "fringe" territories and I could already spot many of these.

It appears it's a total miscalculation. We'll see as this progresses.

I sent Torba this PM about 15 mins ago.

Do not spam him please, just send him the general thread and he knows how to read this for sure. If you have sent too much, then please stop spamming him. Thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The memo's came out and it was obvious these organizations were literally bankrolling the O9A to advocate crimes and everything else. The pattern should be obvious by now. I took 10 minutes in gab in these "fringe" territories and I could already spot many of these.

It appears it's a total miscalculation. We'll see as this progresses.

I sent Torba this PM about 15 mins ago.

Do not spam him please, just send him the general thread and he knows how to read this for sure. If you have sent too much, then please stop spamming him. Thanks.

Do not worry that was the last of it and i did not send much beyond that before with the original message. Now to wait.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
