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A Closer Look at Numerology

I accidentally submited. 😓
Carrying on,

As said in Satanic Symbols,
The Ankh is also symbolic of the human breath, the heartbeat and the constant inflow and outflow of life. The Ankh is also a symbol that is commonly depicted in hieroglyphics as a key, since one of the keys in meditation
is the power to control one's breathing. Through control of the breath, access inside the soul and spiritual abilities is enhanced.

The Ankh is a Key, and its Number is 10.
The Ankh represents the Center Chakra. Which is an Octahedron.
If the Octahedron is 10, then the Square Pyramid is 5.
5 and 10 are Astarte's Numbers.
5 is "Union", 10 is "Double Union".
10 is the Perfected Form of 5.
The Ankh relates to "The Breath". Breathing Life into Oneself.
1 means "The Point In Infinity".
The Universe is The Macrocosm.
Our Soul is "A" Microcosm.
A = 1
Our Souls are like a Universe within Ourselves.
We are The Universe experiencing itself.

"The Point In Infinity"? We are "This Point" in Infinity.
Mother Nature created The Macrocosm, and we Build a Microcosm wherever we Live.
And where we Live, we Build. And where we've Built, Life follows.
First, we Breath (Inhale) Light into Ourselves. And to Create, we Breath Out (Exhale) Light into others.
I also want to add here- skipping meditations, sporadic meditating, doing workings haphazard and such; because everything begins in the mind- your PC that you are using, the chair you are sitting in, the desk your PC is on, streets, buildings, supermarkets, windows, nearly everything in this world that is material- THE IDEA CAME BEFORE THE MATERIAL MANIFESTATION! Someone thought of something and designed it in their mind before they made it a reality.
Protecting Yourself - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Thoughts are Energy. Energy is Life. Life is Light.
Venus (Astarte) rules the Center Chakra.
And the Cube, which is Life, fits perfectly within the Octahedron, which is the Center Chakra.

And the Octahedron fits perfectly within the Cube, which is Life.

Father Satan, Azazel and Astarte are all deeply connected.
Father's Number is 4.
4 Lines form a W.
2 Ws form the Center Chakra.
The Center Chakra looks like Azazel's Sigil, and is ruled by Astarte.
Two of Father Satan's Divine Shapes are the Square and Cube.
If Father Satan is the Cube, and Azazel & Astarte are an Octahedron; As the Octahedron is the Symbol of Azazel's Sigil...
We can posit that these 3 Gods form a Trine.
3 is the first "Perfect Number".
Because 1 + 2 = 3
If Father Satan is 1, and Astarte and Azazel (The Twins) are 2, then together they are 3.
3 is the Number of the Trine Nadi.
Azazel is God of The Sun, the Pingala.
Astarte is Goddess of The Moon, Ida.
Father Satan is Quintessence, the 5th Element that "Unites" the Four Elements.
He is Our Creator, and Our Soul is made of 5 Elements. He is the Sushumna.
The Trine Nadi (3) is represented by 144 (9); As 1 + 4 + 4 = 9
144 is two 72s. One 72 refers to the Pingala (Sun), and the Other 72 is the Ida (Moon).
Together, they are the Sun and Moon Nadi, 144. Which reduces to 9.
9 is Father Satan's Number.
There's this Indian guy who goes around hindu temples and makes videos showcasing their beauty and incredible architectural design. He has some wild theories but if you discard those it's really nice to look at all the pretty buildings. I've visited a few back in my youth and it brings back some nice memories looking at them. Today I was watching one about a strange temple and in the suggestions I saw this:



most of what he said was already mentioned in this article but he touches on a few other things too. Not the best explainer but still, worth a look if you have the time.
Hearing some of you talk makes me realize how dumb I still am lol

Great post!

This thread and the other is full of lightning insight and analysis to the point of me questioning if I prefer the realm of sensation and emotion, but these types of writings are also the ones that will invariably make you closer to the beauty of the Gods because its the objective truth as it pertains to something fairly simple which is mathematics. I see a whole world of wonder before my minds eye and then sigh and relent as I scroll down only because of my own mental shortcomings.

Satanic Numerology is in everything and can be one of the quite unique vehicles of faith in this path, against all the pressures you might face because mathematics is part of the inductive world of logic. It is the measure of all the real things which can be quantified and in this the essence of the Gods can be seen embedded within the processes of the real world and not just the realm of imagination and myth. Through Satanic Numerology the mysteries of the soul can be proven even to an unenlightened audience, they only have to be an academically competent one.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Hearing some of you talk makes me realize how dumb I still am lol

Great post!

Eh.. everyone makes mistakes in this path.

What matters most is that, unlike the others, we fix those mistakes and go on further with the spiritual evolution.
Big Doggo Boy said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Hearing some of you talk makes me realize how dumb I still am lol

Great post!

Eh.. everyone makes mistakes in this path.

What matters most is that, unlike the others, we fix those mistakes and go on further with the spiritual evolution.

Korpi said:
I will illustrate with 4 lines that Azazel and Father Satan are connected.
As you saw, two Ws formed the Center Chakra.
The Center Chakra can be seen in Azazel's Sigil.


1. Here's a line.


2. I know, I know. Stick with me.

4 Lines make a W. Wow, I know.
3.Lets split them into 4 Lines. "Line" has 4 Letters.


Now we're at Step 4. How do you make a Square?

4 Lines.

One of Father Satan's important symbols is the Square.

6 means "Life". 6 Squares form a "Cube", which is 4 Letters, so is "Life".
The Al Jilwah, The Black Book of Satan. Chapter IV
I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures.

The Cube represents Life.

Life is Light.

The Octahedron, which is the Shape of the Center Chakra, fits perfectly within a Cube.

Polyhedron Data Table:(Vertices, Edges, Faces, Total)

Tetrahedron = 4,6,4 = 14
Cube = 8, 12, 6 = 26
Octahedron = 6, 12, 8 = 26
Dodecahedron = 20, 30, 12 = 62
Icosahedron = 12, 30 20 = 62

Total of all 5 = 190
reduced = 10
fully reduced = 1

A line, a curve, a nine.

If the shen ring is a a ten, and m a 9, then might it be symbolic of 190 and the totality inherit therein. Notice in the same way that the platonic solids are invertedly nested within each other that the total of the cube/octahedron, and the dodecahedron/icosahedron are the same numbers, but backwards.

I've been meaning to write more, but I have 144 and I don't always have time to write.
It's embarrassing to say, but I have made a mistake on one of my posts.
At the very end, closing statement. See below, Shape of the Chakras (Revised)
The Octahedron is made up of 2 Square Pyramids.
What does that equal? 2160°!
The Real Answer
8 Triangles form an Octahedron, 8x180°=1440° (8 Faces, 6 Vertices, 12 Edges)
I mentioned the above fact earlier in the same thread. See here, Shape of the Chakras (Old)
In an attempt to fix one major mistake, I made another... 😶

So how did I get this wrong?
I face-value calculated the Total Sum of Degrees for 2 Square Pyramids.
An Octahedron has No Square! Let alone 2!
An Octahedron is 8 Triangles!

The Correct Calculation
A Triangle has 3 Angles (Sides).
Each Angle is 60°
60° x 3 = 180°
There are 8 Triangles in an Octahedron.
180° x 8 = 1440°

The terrible irony of it?
This is my 216th post, go figure.

Korpi said:
The sum of the first 144 (= (6+6)·(6+6)) digits of pi is 666.

The triplet (216, 630, 666) is a Pythagorean triplet, as pointed out to me by Monte Zerger. This fact can be rewritten in the following nice form:

(6·6·6)² + (666 - 6·6)² = 666²
6*6*6 = 216


144 / 216 = 2/3
144 * 1.5 = 216
sine (666˚) = cosine (216˚)

Phi /2 = sin 666º = cos 324º = cos 216º = cos 144º = cos 36º = 0.80901699...
Phi = 2sin 666º = 2cos 324º = 2cos 216º = 2cos 144º = 2cos 36º = 1,61803399...
Phi = sin 666º + cos 216º = sin 666º + cos (6x6x6)º
Phi = cos 144º + cos 36º = cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º + cos (6 x 6)º
Phi = sin 666º + cos 144º = sin 666º + cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º
I did have some fears over numbers. Mainly ones the enemy uses, I'm happy to say that your posts about numbers did clear that up for me. I realize these numbers are ours to use, Even if the enemy tries to use them because of their power. When they are in our hands being used for the right and just reasons there isn't nothing evil of negative about them whatsoever. Thank you again for this great post.
Thank you.
While we're on topic, I have another clarification to make. See below.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
13 is a great number for general uses. 13 is not a bad number to use so have no doubts about your workings. Unless you used something really wrong that would be "against" Venus, ie, something like 2 or 4, then you should be fine. If your working is spiritual, then 13 is even more fitting.

The 2, 4, 11 and so on being "Satan's Numbers" is disinformation that came from corrupted "Satanism" and Grimoire type of sources, which purposefully put these numbers in relation to Satan.

You may want to edit this page, HP: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satan.html

Due to this excerpt:

His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]

4 is a very good number, and I have updated from the previous "2, 4, 11". Especially these numbers as triad are very negative.

Yes, 13, 666 and 4 are Satan's Numbers.
Re: Numerology - "The Core Meanings Of Basic Numbers" 1-10

This invalidates a specific piece of information found within Lucifer's New Aeon
Two and eleven are important numbers of Lucifer.
2 and 11 are not His numbers.

Within my OP post, I said this:


I was wrong.
Korpi said:
Another response, turned post.
This is more of an extension, than a continuation of: The Deeper Meaning behind "Hatha" Yoga
It begins after my response to Karnonnos.
Again, for those who're new; You may find this interesting.

One thing to bring up. In Babylon, the three most important planets were considered to be the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Many places you will find the symbols and sigils for all three and in texts the three are invoked as the lights of the universe.
I didn't know that, thank you.
Venus is of course Satan's planet as well as the one of Astarte.
Something I forgot to include. I think that knowledge is far too ingrained in me.
Astarte’s powerful connection to Satan is a self evident reality. One of Satan’s important epithets, “EOSFOROS”, the Ancient Greek form for the Latin “Lucifer”, means “Bringer of the Light”. The first part of this word, the word Eos, is a code word for Astarte. Eos is a Goddess of Ancient Greek Mythology that rules the light of the Dawn, the soft spiritual light which is a perfect time for human beings to meditate. Ushash, which is the Sanskrit name for Eos, is a significant time for meditation each day, also referred to as the "Time of Worship" in spiritual code. The latter part of the word "EOSFOROS", “Foros” means translates to “bringer” [5] and symbolizes of the soft light of the dawn. [6] - Astarte: Advanced Information
Phosphorus and Hesperus, the Morning and Evening Star.
The Sun and Venus are never more than 48 degrees apart, showing the symbolism of the 12 Houses.
48 x 3 = 144.
48 is a multiple of 2, 4, 8 and 16.
#4 Ansuz, #8 Wunjo and #16 Sowilo.
48x each = 144.
Ideal for a Health Working.

The Sun and Mercury are also never far apart, 28 degrees, which boils down to 10, the union of male and female.
I didn't know that. Thanks for letting me know. I wonder if it's related in some way to this post, Why Base 10?
Lastly, there was something in the OP I forgot to include: The Elixir of Life and the Cup of Death

The Fascinating Numerology of 144, and 365
The Truth About 72
The Secret Behind 24 and 72. The importance of 144,000.
- HP. Hoodedcobra666

For those reading, do you know what a Casing Stone is?
The casing stones have a sloped, triangular face and formed the outer surfaces of the pyramids, as opposed to the inner blocks, which were left roughly hewn and were approximately cuboid. - The Edinburgh Casing Stone
The Pyramids of Giza are made up of 144,000 Casing Stones!

Now, continuing from before with 48.
48 x 3 = 144.
4 + 8 = 12.
12 x 2 = 24. Number of the alphabet.
2 + 4 = 6.
24 x 6 = 144.

Two of Father Satan's Numbers are 4 and 9.
4 x 9 = 36.
36 is a number of Azazel, Father Satan's Son.
36 x 2 = 72.
72 x 2 = 144.
1 + 4 + 4 = 9.

If you check the two threads listed above, the first post number is 17664.
1 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 24.
24 (2+4), reduces to 6.
24 x 6 = 144. Just a reminder.
The second post number ends in 666. 17666.
6+6+6=18. This will be relevant later.
The OP post number is 3065. 365.
Abrasax is a most mysterious God. For us to approach and see more information about him, we will visit the already existing testaments of Abrasax’s information.

First and foremost, the very words “Α-Β-Ρ-Α-Σ-Α-Ξ” in Ancient Greek Numerology, do add up to 365. This most important number is very significant, showing both a strong Ancient Greek origin to this Name, but also revealing the fact that Abrasax is related to the notion of the full circle of the human year, which is exactly 365 days.
The mysteries of the planets relate to the Gods themselves.

Mystically, the correlation with the 365, relates to the 360 degrees of the perfect circle, with the added 5 elements of creation. On this knowledge alone, the initiate of Spiritual Satanism must know that Abrasax is actually representing the symbolic power of the whole 360 degrees of the Zodiac Wheel, representing life itself. [1] - Abraxas: Hieratic Information
Abrasax is not the only God, whose name equals the 365!
“In addition, Abraxas was associated with the Mithraic mystery religion of Persian origin, the chief rival of Christianity in Rome in its first 400 years. As did Gnosticism, Mithraism featured a complex astrology and numerology. Numerical values of Mithra’s and Abraxas’ names each total 365.” - The Encyclopedia Of Demons And Demonology by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Abrasax Section.
- The Followers of Abraxas: The Gnostic Students & Satanic Origins
Mithra is Azazel, God of The Sun. The Earth revolves around The Sun every 365 days (just to make a point).
3 + 6 + 5 = 14 (1+4), reduces to 5. The number of Azazel and Astarte.

Hmm.... The Earth. 365. Hold on a minute.
At their closest points, Jupiter and Earth are 588 million km / 365 million mi away from each other. - How Far is Jupiter From Earth?
Jupiter, also known as Baal-Zebul relates to the 365, too.
The mysteries of the planets relate to the Gods they're named after.
One of Baal Zebul's Divine Symbols is The Sieg Rune.
Sowilo (*sōwilō), meaning "sun", is the reconstructed Proto-Germanic language name of the s-rune (ᛊ, ᛋ). - Sowilō (rune)
365 is connected with 360.
360, The Zodiacal Wheel. The total number of degrees in The Zodiac.
Given this, is it any surprise that one of Baal-Zebul's Important Titles, is Fashioner Of The Universe?
Father Satan, Baal Zebul, Azazel and Astarte. One big family.

Information on the Numerology of Astarte
When we convert Her name to Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology, here is what we find:

Chaldean: 1+3+4+1+2+4+5 = 20
20 is Azazel's Number. 20 (2+0), reduces to 2. One of Father Satan's Numbers.
Two and eleven are important numbers of Lucifer. - Lucifer's New Aeon

Pythagoreon: 1+1+2+1+9+2+5 = 21
The total number of unique combinations with two dice, is 21 out of 36.
21 (2+1), reduces to 3. 36 ÷ 3 = 12. The Zodiac.
12 (1+2), reduces to 3. 12 x 3 = 36. Azazel's number.
36 x 10 (10 is Astarte's Number) = 360.
Total number of degrees in the Zodiac.
One of the meanings of the Number 12, is "The Wheel".

Astarte, and Her relation to The Tarot
You can read about more about Her, here: Astarte: Hieratic Information
As the god trained in rocketry, Shamash was assigned the constellation GIR (meaning both 'rocket' and 'the crab's claw' or Cancer), followed by Ishtar and the Lion (Leo), upon whose back she was traditionally depicted.


The connection is obvious. As is known to those familiar with Tarot.
XVII The Star also relates to Her, and these are Her cards. 17(1+7)->8. Both connected in number.
What is the Tarot card associated with Aquarius the Water Bearer, Father Satan?
XVII The Star, as mentioned in The Signs of the Zodiac


Notice the dots atop the Moon, does it remind you of anything?


Astarte is the Goddess of The Moon.
See below, XVIII The Moon.


The Moon is Number 18.
18 contains two 9s and triple 6.
There are 78 Tarot Cards.
78 x 18 = 1404. 144!
Again, He is ever present.

The Moon's physical dimensions are incredibly important.
Radius: 1,737.4 km -> 1079.57031 -> 1080 miles.
Diameter: 3,474.8 km - > 2159.14062 -> 2160 miles.
216 is found within 666. 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.
2160 is the total length of an Astrological Age; The Age of Aquarius begins in 2160.
To learn more, see here: Lucifer's New Aeon - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

108 is not only a Number of Saturn, but relates directly to The Moon!
And 108 (1+8), reduces to 9. Satan's Number!

I hope this explains to those who yet know, how deeply connected the two really are.

I am happy to be the recipient of your 108th post, thank you.

The Number 5
Speaking of Numbers and Father Satan,
There are three Vs in Father Satan's Sigil. In Roman Numerals, V = 5. VVV = 555.
There are five Vs in the Pentagram of Venus.
The Pentagram is Father Satan's symbol. 5 is both Astarte and Azazel's number.
From this alone, the Satanic Origins of the NSDAP, is certain.
Adolf Hitler's own Golden Party Badge had the number '1'. However, his actual Party number was 555 - Golden Party Badge

The Symbolism behind "Superman"
Do you know the meaning behind the S on Superman's suit?
Why it sits within the shape it does?
The S relates to many things. First and foremost, of Satan. Snake. Serpent. Sun.
The shape is similar to that of a triangle, the 2D image of a chakra. Which happens to also be facing point-down.
What else is point-down? The Solar Chakra. Superman draws his power from The Sun.
It is easy to see where the creators draw their inspiration from.
Who "made" Superman?
The character was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster - Superman
What do these two have in common? Both are Jewish. They hide the truth right in front of our eyes, and make mockery of it.

Isn't it interesting how 5 and S look so similar?
Very interesting. Thanks for the information.
Korpi said:

Sorry (cut the post, the super long one).

Just sending my thanks. If I had even a sliver of doubt that Satan isn't our creator, well this completely dispelled it.

I think I'm getting why HPHC refers to the JoS as the only truth. From an intuitive level I immediately felt it was, yet in a logical sense this is overwhelmingly the case the more I learn.

This thread gives credence to the synchrony and mathematics involved in all life and thereby its influence in spiritual workings.

His post on AI touches on this idea, that a perfectly synchronized advanced system (albeit without unconscious thought) would spell doom for the enemy.

Words escape me on how beautiful and inspiring all this is.
Bravera said:
The sum of the first 144 (= (6+6)·(6+6)) digits of pi is 666.

The triplet (216, 630, 666) is a Pythagorean triplet, as pointed out to me by Monte Zerger. This fact can be rewritten in the following nice form:

(6·6·6)² + (666 - 6·6)² = 666²
6*6*6 = 216


144 / 216 = 2/3
144 * 1.5 = 216
sine (666˚) = cosine (216˚)

Phi /2 = sin 666º = cos 324º = cos 216º = cos 144º = cos 36º = 0.80901699...
Phi = 2sin 666º = 2cos 324º = 2cos 216º = 2cos 144º = 2cos 36º = 1,61803399...
Phi = sin 666º + cos 216º = sin 666º + cos (6x6x6)º
Phi = cos 144º + cos 36º = cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º + cos (6 x 6)º
Phi = sin 666º + cos 144º = sin 666º + cos [(6+6) x (6+6)]º
More information, The Number 666

Observations on the Numerology of Satan's Magickal Squares

Saturn: 9 & 45
Jupiter: 16 & 136
Mars : 25 & 325
Venus: 49 & 1,225
Mercury: 64 & 2,080
Moon: 81 & 3,321

In mathematics, summation is the addition of a sequence of any kind of numbers, called addends or summands; the result is their sum or total.

1 = 1
2 = 3
3 = 6
4 = 10
5 = 15
6 = 21
7 = 28
8 = 36
9 = 45 (Saturn) +9
10 = 55
11 = 66
12 = 78
13 = 91
14 = 105
15 = 120
16 = 136 (Jupiter) +7
17 = 153
18 = 171
19 = 190*
20 = 210
21 = 231
22 = 253
23 = 276
24 = 300
25 = 325 (Mars) +9
26 = 351
27 = 378
28 = 406
29 = 435
30 = 465
31 = 496
32 = 528
33 = 561
34 = 595
35 = 630
36 = 666 (Sun) +11
37 = 703
38 = 741
39 = 780
40 = 820
41 = 861
42 = 903
43 = 946
44 = 990
45 = 1,035
46 = 1,081
47 = 1,128
48 = 1,176
49 = 1,225 (Venus) +13
50 = 1,275
51 = 1,326
52 = 1,378
53 = 1,431
54 = 1,485
55 = 1,540
56 = 1,596
57 = 1,653
58 = 1,711
59 = 1,770
60 = 1,830
61 = 1,891
62 = 1,953
63 = 2,016
64 = 2,080 (Mercury) +15
65 = 2,145
66 = 2,211
67 = 2,278
68 = 2,346
69 = 2,415
70 = 2,485
71 = 2,556
72 = 2,628
73 = 2,701
74 = 2,775
75 = 2,850
76 = 2,926
77 = 3,003
78 = 3,081
79 = 3,160
80 = 3240
81 = 3321 (Moon) +17

9 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = 81

A multiple of 108 (3240) preceeds 81, a Lunar Number. As is 108.
The Moon's Radius is 1080 miles, its Diameter 2160 miles. 108 and 216.
Venus is 108,000,000 kilometers from The Sun.
Remove the 0 from 3240.
108 x 3 = 324
81 x 3 = 243

A day on Venus is 243 Earth days.
There are 365 days in an Earth year.
243 ÷ 365 = 0.665753 (0.666)

Numbers that reduce to 9, always divide by 9.
8 + 1 = 9
81 ÷ 9 = 9

All multiplies of 81 reduce to 9.
81 x 906 = 73,386
7 + 3 + 3 + 8 + 6 = 27
2 + 7 = 9

This applies to any number that reduces to 9.
E.g: 64,971.
6 + 4 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 27
2 + 7 = 9
64,971 x 786 = 51,067,206
5 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 6 = 27
2 + 7 = 9
*Apologies in advanced for the long comment! 😅

I truly love your post here Korpi and I can't thank you enough for the inspiring insights you shared. Your examples of the number 666 appearing so often is blowing my mind! Numerology is fascinating and it honestly has helped me see the divinity of our Gods in all things.

I was dabbling into Platonism a bit and I came to learn about how Plato represented each of the 5 elements in his 5 platonic solids. It's amazing how Earth and Water (magnetic) are feminine and Fire and Air are masculine (electric). Everything is so balanced, beautiful and perfect!

I was curious (in case I missed it in one of your posts) if you had any thoughts on how the elements might relate to numerology.


That one comment above that mentioned about 3, 6 and 9 being recurrent and foundational really stuck with me considering that the summation of all angles equals 9.

I also read this fascinating article about how platonic solids relate to sound frequency in hertz and by extension musical notes (again, numbers 3, 6 and 9 appear throughout via reduction):

This is wild considering how all these ancient civilizations talked about the world being 'sung' or 'spoken' into existence - that the basis of all things is within sound and vibration (i.e energy).

Truth be told, I never had much patience and interest for math as it felt subconsciously very complex, redundant and boring, yet since getting more into music and learning a bit about Tesla, biology and physics, I've discovered a newfound adoration for numbers. Plato believed that all things could be explained using numbers and I'm at a point where I agree! Because of it I may try getting into something like computer science.

Learning about the zodiac signs, planets and numerology in general truly has changed my life and the way I see the world. Things are not so black-and-white but instead more in full colour. I'll keep learning and advancing where I can. Hail our Gods!! Their divine presence is everywhere all the time and I'm beyond fortunate to experience and learn these things. Too bad for the enemy because they cannot stop this divine truth from reaching the rest of the world, which it will!
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
