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A bit of a question and a bit of a mulling - numbers, geometry, vibrations, repetition, scales/dimensions... and how


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
they correspond and interact with each other
This is long. Sorry!

I am partly seeking opinions, actual answers and experiences about this. Not about my method of thinking in terms of analogies, metaphors and examples (but you reply however you want; if mentioning my thinking methods is needed, then fair enough); rather, the actual concept itself. I realise this what I am quoting is personal experience, but it made me think, and it reminded me of something I have been pondering for quite a long time. This is partly a question and partly things how I have been thinking about how repetition, which is required - but not just required, but simply also just done - in workings and everything, work.

Stormblood said:
I also disagree with doubling numbers during a working. There is nothing wrong with low vibration. Quality is always more important that quantity, and numbers have specific functions which are weakened when you multiple the numbers. For example, only 16 will have the full effects of 16. 32 will only have a fraction of those, as it's mainly focused on being 32. Numbers are very important in shaping reality, just like geometry.

I wonder. Take the Spiritual aspect of Energies in a Physical form. e.g. as stones and sand. In Stormblood's example, let's say the stone, of a few centimetres in size, is represented by the number 16, and a bucket of sand is 32 - or what might more likely be 368 (a multiple), the bucket of sand being more than the stone. If I were to throw the small stone at someone's window (16), then that would have an effect. If I were to throw the bucket of sand (keeping hold of the bucket) at the window instead (368), then that would have an effect; however, the stone would be more likely to break the window, but the bucket of sand wouldn't.

Perhaps the 16 and 368 are not the amount of multiples. Maybe they are the number of times/days the working is repeated. 16 might be a high number of vibrations for a shorter amount of time; whereas 368 might be a lot fewer vibrations done over a longer period of time. Perhaps for the 368 bucket of sand to have the same effect as the 16 stone, it might need to be 1472, to be more or less the same.

Does anyone have experience with this? Is it an 'absolute' rule, is it individual, or would it be more that the type of Energies used makes the bucket of sand be stronger than the small stone at causing an effect? e.g. 16 Satanas or SaTaNaMa is more than 368... of whichever other Energy. Again - the numbers might be the vibration repetitions or the number of times the working is repeated. A solid working (stone being solid) of a decent number of vibrations is 40 days, but with e.g. only 9 vibrations for 368 days or 1472 days, it might not be as effective. More for less is better than less for more?

It seems to be. If I punch a jew in its face, then that (might be that it) feels good; but I'd be in trouble; however, if hatched a plan to manipulate the jew and cause its downfall over a longer period of time, then... that would be so much sweeter. So there is a threshold or a(n un)clear-cut divisor between more for less and less for more.

(Sorry for the geekiness, but) in Star Trek, a less-advanced civilisation could fire their lasers until they ran dry and not have an effect against the ship's shields; a short burst of the ship's phasers could swat the little ship like a fly swatter. Again - is it an 'absolute' rule, is it individual, or...? Bearing in mind, we here are advancing at different speeds than others; the Gods and Goddesses, while also at different heights of achievement individually, are all seemingly-infinitely-above us, so for example 1 tiny dot of Their Energy would far, far outweigh all of the combined Earth Humans' 70+-years lifetime of Energy. An advanced member here would have better success than a newb here, but what I mean is once we manage to figure out the base line here, and increase that base line somewhat, then maybe a more concrete answer could be explained here?!

I also think of these things in terms of frequency waves.


Similarly to 5G and other Gs, ULF, UHF, etc... the higher the frequency, even for short bursts, the more damage can be caused - but the shorter the waves can travel (e.g. killing cancer cells); lower frequency can travel further but the damage is much less, unless sustained - until something else interferes (e.g. radio signals or similar). It's like the jew's weak, longer, 6000-year-long plan is a slow, further-travelling frequency wave, but the Joy of Satan, after Lord Führer Hitler and the Nazis, damaged the jew's plans in such a short time each. While Hitler had mostly Physical means to do war, we have Spiritual means. The jew's low-frequency, much-further-travelling wave has caused so many effects, but our short-burst, high-power waves have seriously undermined the jew's efforts and is making it quake in its boots.

Every day, we are to do the necessary things. Every certain Astrological date/time, we can/should do things. Every Imbolc, every 23rd of December... every certain important dates, Race-Awakening Ritual... These frequency waves would look different; the smaller, tighter waves are, say, the (at least) twice-daily Aura of Protection, and Aura and Soul Cleanings; the longer, wider waves are e.g. the yearly/certain dates things. For the yearly ones, we could say that, in the graphical illustration, they could be represented by thicker lines - we don't do the yearly things daily; the Astrological timing is important, but the (at least) twice-daily, and other, things, they are thinner lines but they are repeated a lot more. The yearly ones are (in my example and imagining) slower-moving but further-reaching and don't need as much power (in the analogy); the shorter stabby workings and efforts need higher power which are done more frequently - and more frequently, in more than one sense of the word. (The power number 9 might be like a lot of the higher-frequency, stabby, cancer-killing abilities; it is the power number of forced endings and permanence; 8 is eternity which is much more far-reaching than the permanence things (it's an example; maybe don't take it too literally).

I could also put this into a sci-fi/space battle example, or cargo on a motorway or train line. The shorter, quicker, stabbier efforts are like strike craft, they go back and refuel and reload and can go again quickly; the mothership is has a lot more ammo and fuel, is slower but also does greater damage over a wider area/more time; you can have and fit more cars on the road than you can lorries/trains have their own path (e.g. 'path of least resistance')... The cars - because there are more of them - require more input - petrol/diesel, servicing, etc., than the lorries/trains... The cars might be able to carry a certain amount, but the lorries/trains can carry more bulk.

Re-reading Stormblood's quote here, I add this -

For example, only 16 will have the full effects of 16. 32 will only have a fraction of those, as it's mainly focused on being 32. Numbers are very important in shaping reality, just like geometry.

So a 'building' or an object or planet made with a 16-sided shape would have certain properties. The same with a 32-sided shape would have similar, yet different, properties. On much larger scales, these could then have other-other properties... What I am visualising is... like through TV or computer monitors, when we see lines they sometimes distort, due to the quality of the screen; some lines seem thicker or bunched together even though they actually aren't, and if we keep looking, we might be able to make patterns out of them. Ignoring the visual distortions, these, in actual interaction, could be the 'properties' which might cause-or-effect/affect things. Take the following (quite trippy) animated gifs, and static images, of fractal shapes/dould-helix, for example -

It might be too dizzying, so I haven't put the img tags around them.






Maybe also atoms and orbits -

The quality of the graphics, your phone/monitor screen, etc., all contribute to how well or distorted they show. That's not my point, but it could help in explaining/understanding my point. While we look at these and see how they appear and go and increase in number/amount, we might start to notice certain things in them at the different scales. Expand this up, or down, by a billion times, and then that/they would have its/their own properties, etc.

Taking the picture of frequency waves above, I edited it a bit. This (sort of) shows more my understanding of how these things, with repetition (in all sorts of manners, ways, means, etc.), work.

Once the 16s stack up on each other, or the 32s stack up on each other, repeatedly, again and again with frequency, then things happen...

In a much simpler manner of terms - we chew food. This is done repeatedly. Multiples of chewing. Multiples of cooking and eating and drinking and sleeping and going to work and making love/fucking and buying things and... and... and... Frequency, repetition, etc., is everywhere, unavoidable, inescapable (perhaps this is why the Physical Realm is so slow; with the jew's increased input of driving us into obsession and fixation, reducing things down to the path of least resistance which is negative/detrimental/deadly; having to work hard to overcome things so we can improve... with the jew's slowing down of things, etc.). Repetition, frequency, vibration (which is a repetitive frequency of back-and-forth motion) is everywhere (which "comedians" (at least one I know about) mocked).

I may have lost a lot of people in this, so I hope anyone who can think in similar, perhaps profound, terms could contribute. Even if anyone can't, please still contribute if you want.

This topic, The Universe Getting Bigger/Moving Apart, may also be helpful.
Workings may seem simple for people who do them like they're following a recipe, without thinking about what they're actually doing and goes into it.

In truth, one needs to think of them in terms of mathematics and physics to fully understand what happens. Some are able to see these patterns taking shape in the astral. Considering waves like you are is a great step, in my opinion.

If you want to understand things, another good is considering you are raising energy, right. In child terms, energy is the capacity to do work. Now, how do you make sure the energy is being used to build a beneficial pattern that is aligned to your goal?

You need to have understanding of all the variables that are in place. Variables like the astrological circumstances we already make use of. Variables such as the shapes we are forming. Here goes sacred geometry, for example. You need an understanding of how energy circuits work, harmonics, etc.

I'll leave someone else to explain this better, once they have made their connection. I am currently NOT reviewing physics and maths, so I cannot be of much technical help right now, but there are people who can, if they choose to actually put their brain to use and apply their knowledge of these things to spirituality. If they do, they will understand witchcraft and meditation much better, and they will directly benefit from this more than others that do not have a scientific mindset.

It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.
This is another musing of mine. Others who know, please contribute any corrections and confirmations. I am sure at least some of these things below have been mentioned in one way or another.

As we know, the shape of our Chakras is pyramidal. This pyramid shape causes the 'sucking-in', the attraction of Energies, respective of vibration. Depending on a frequency of vibration, or sound as we know it commonly, depends on which frequencies/Energies are attracted to each respective Chakra. The Electromagnetic spectrum has Red ... (ultra)Violet. These are different frequencies, as the sound wave understanding. Vibrating (making sound) to any respective resonance frequency causes that respective vibration/frequency to come to us. Like speaking Sanskrit or other Power Words brings such things to you as per frequencies and vibrations and Energies.

Our Brains are very-much in-tune with the vibrational Aether field which permeates everything. The Brain is a tool which is able to manipulate electromagnetism directly, given the proper learning and usage. The more we do something, the more it comes to us - strengthen your muscles, and strength will come to them. Vibrate Sananda, and happiness/joy will come to you. The more you do it, the more obvious it becomes.

The main Chakras go from Red to Violet. At least one of the Chakras above the head is Gold; this does not sit in the electromagnetic spectrum at all, but we connect it with Yellow. This/these Gold Chakra/s is/are interdimensional and penetrate the Aether. The Third Eye Chakra is within our light spectrum and can bring corresponding Third Eye Chakra things, which helps us to be able to see 'beyond' the light part of the electromagnetic spectrum (dare I speculate, things outside of the electromagnetic spectrum altogether).

The shape of the pyramid (Chakra) spinning attracts its respective colour/frequency/vibration to it, which has effects upon us, based on our Brain filtering exactly what we are after, depending on the Chakra's uses and abilities. I seem to recall someone saying that pyramid shapes, i.e. the pyramid, when spinning, causes gravity, or if they didn't say that directly then I put two and two together to realise(?) or wonder that. Planets spinning causes gravity; if Earth stopped spinning, ignoring the fact we'd be sucked into the Sun, we would float off and away from Earth. Spinning causes things to be attracted to that which is spinning. Spin Chakras; attract each Chakra's respective means. See whirlpools, for example, and in the Bermuda Triangle one suggestion/theory is water being sucked down deeper, to go to somewhere else, which causes ships' and planes' navigation systems to go haywire.

The spinning of electrons about their axes is known to be the primary cause of magnetism.

Pauli’s exclusion principle

Now, if each electron is a tiny magnet and every piece of matter contains trillions of them, why isn’t everything around us magnetic?

Answer – Because most electrons cancel out each other’s magnetism.

When we vibrate (make sounds) to certain frequencies, which correspond to colours, we encourage and excite and stimulate electrons (and other things?) to attract things to us. There are 'exotic particles' which seem to pop-up 'out of nowhere' (the Aether). (An episode of Star Trek has these electronic devices which cause things (electrons? I forgot) to spin one way, which causes good luck; to spin the other way, which causes bad luck.) (Pronounce certain Words, it causes things to happen; pronounce those same Words backwards, it cancels them out/reverses them/causes opposite things to happen.) Our Brains and Bodies are electrical; we have and use Witchcraft/Vril/Vri/Chi/Qi/Bioelectricity... which our Brains connects with electromagnetism. I consider, in a sense, the Mind to work together with the Brain, like drivers in computer operating systems, to speak with Spirituality. The Brain is Physical (a piece of computer hardware), the Mind is the computer driver (programme to speak with the OS), the Spirituality is the operating system. Our Brains filter out what we are after, our intentions, and this 'speaks' to or rather with the electromagnetism, the Aether; the Aether double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble-s up, and manifests the things into Physicality. Our Minds translate this into Energy/Spirituality into our Souls. Our Bodies (Brains), Minds and Souls work in harmony.

Like attracts like. An equilibrium; there can't be different things, there has to be the same thing/s coming together. This is why the jew has to work continuously to make things worse and worse until a threshold is, or many thresholds are, surpassed; and this is why we have to work hard continuously with the 'eternal struggle', to make things not be the same as they were but to be better and improved, but to attract things to us (to make that what we want and need, be the same as that what we get). Karma. When we do this or that, then this or that will happen, and the more we do this or that, the more this or that will be solidified, and the harder it will be to go away from it. We attract things, based on our Brains bringing them to us, spinning the pyramid which attracts the corresponding Energies to us, by way of us vibrating each Chakra's frequency.


This is another musing of mine. Others who know, please contribute any corrections and confirmations. I am sure at least some of these things above have been mentioned in one way or another.

I expect I have holes in what I said above which need to be filled in. I hope it makes sense, and I hope it helps anyone. I also hope it might also inspire thinking and consideration; and dare I push my luck to say inspiration or revelations or Eureka! moments.

That page, in the link, also mentions 'hysteresis'.


  1. The lagging of an effect behind its cause, as when the change in magnetism of a body lags behind changes in the magnetic field.
  2. A lagging of one of two related phenomena behind the other.
  3. A lagging or retardation of the effect, when the forces acting upon a body are changed, as if from velocity or internal friction; a temporary resistance to change from a condition previously induced, observed in magnetism, thermoelectricity, etc., on reversal of polarity.
As I say, and surely as a lot of us know - the Physical realm lags behind the Spiritual realm. The Physical realm is the lowest dimension, and is always lagging behind. Satan has said we have won already. This is in the Astral; it takes time for it to manifest in the Physical. "Why, then, do we need to continue with the war effort?" There was a point of no return for the jew. Depending on how one thinks, that could have been when Hitler rose to power, when HPS Maxine created JoS Ministries in 2002, when the first RtR was introduced... Perhaps there were numerous points of no return, each one more damning and solidified than the previous. If we stop, the jew can crawl its way back eventually.
FancyMancy said:
"Why, then, do we need to continue with the war effort?" There was a point of no return for the jew. Depending on how one thinks, that could have been when Hitler rose to power, when HPS Maxine created JoS Ministries in 2002, when the first RtR was introduced... Perhaps there were numerous points of no return, each one more damning and solidified than the previous. If we stop, the jew can crawl its way back eventually.

It's been said by various people over time that the principle reason why we have to fight on the below is to make sure the above comes in full force. If we allow the enemy to enact their reality then how much more difficult is it above. I think it's silly personally how can a mass alien civilization be hindered by such low spirituality but remember the enemy DID strike 12,000-15,000 years ago spiritually aggravated the Gods made them fight back but realize it's gonna be a long drawn out war.

Humanity can't really anti-virus up as good as other places that are more cohesive. For example there is a sermon by HP.Cobra which stated a Human colony i.e. Earthican division planet broke recently out of kosher supervision. If said planet is cutting edge then like I read if the enemy tries anything funny they can help and will come in. Unfortunately it feels like I made it up, I do recall a member going "Yeah I read the same thing your right that was what it said".

For example an opposite one, Lucifuge Rofocal's planet is a good example. Inasmuch they collapsed into full kosher supervision became a lost cause but somehow advanced to being a near-space fairing civilization or maybe a group of dissenters organized something and fought on underground or whatever. Sheer fact is Lucifuge's people these Green-spectrum humanoids are simply people who decided to get out while they can and by luck reached our Gods. But Lucifuge was in a spiritually advanced society and that isn't a guarantee that things will survive so we perform our own spiritual warfare.

Obviously the situation hasn't hit the fan for us. But I believe the simple reason is if we fall or befall on the below then the above has no correlation. If no one is around to hear a tree and a tree falls do we hear it? Conversely IF people die off or get borg'd or get exterminated then can energy do the impossible manipulate reality in our spectrum of the condition?

HP.Cobra said it recently in time. As long as white people reproduce there is a chance of things. In some cases even the very act of reproducing with another white-subrace is needed as an emergency protocol.

I also recall Maxine saying as it says in the mainsite "Magick = must be plausible in reality". Can magick do the impossible? Can we defeat the enemy or manipulate reality to improve it. By sitting back and not doing anything? Oh the Gods deal with that. Isn't that kinda like xtians it's up to God 'n' sheit. Like Morrison from Australia, Australia is just being ravaged by these xtian cucks and they just state it's God's will it must happen.

I think the reality is we need to move the Earth into the reality of the Gods.

How can Satan and his people create such magickal confabulations if no Homo Sapian or advanced Human is around for a civilization. Like seriously are the Dogon people going to magickally advanced themselves with the Gods performing their spiritual warfare and manipulating reality to improve it. Nope, not at all. The Dogon are people who will do whatever it is to live and continue their ways nothing the Gods are against as they oppose the enemy and rightly so but aren't even as aware or informed as us.

Again you can't just let the enemy enslave the planet and somehow Satan and the Gods wave their hands and poof the slaves break free, they rip and tear the enemy. It's the same with Hitler or the Xtian Kabalist from HP.Cobra's productions. He goes these guys aren't stating they are attacking the jews or xtians or whatever. They state through God they manifested their attacks in regards to anti-enemy attacks. The people who are against christ are simply channeling God and doing his duty. Which we know many of these opposers to the enemy destroyed the enemy many times over the years. A force always arises at some point to set things straight.

So in essence we need people, good people, great people, and also the masses to conform to our reality. As long as society goes a certain way the Gods might just boost that society cause it's doing good. "I allow each and everyone to follow dictates of their own but he that opposes me will surely regret it".

I'm sure Trump-Maga for all the potential kikeness or kike cock sucking Trump HAS to do. I'm sure as hell even HP.Cobra would be like "You know Trump this, Trump that; but goddamnit with Brandon it didn't have to be this way".

Seriously why is it this way? Why the INTENTIONAL fuck up of Humanity. It's just a boomerang like out of Mad Max, the idiot tries to get it only to get his fingers chopped off. This time the boomerang is gonna strike us in the head like Mad Max.

I think the fact of the matter is it's Hitler's quote "Those who wish to live, let them fight and those who do not wish to fight in this World of Eternal Struggle do not deserve to live".

I'm sure the Gods would love nothing more than to see the enemy completely paralyzed unable to do anything, anything they do just collapses the narrative. But there needs to be people below.

It's much like maybe it was you FancyMancy or a member who said this "The Earth is under a powerful spell and shield by the enemy". The enemy is stupid reptarded/greytarded things but not retarded they understand keep the matrix around is only hindering the Gods and adding to that the thoughtforms that are to hinder the Gods..

This custom judeo-bolshevism is needed to subvert the Gods. Though the Gods fight on. We need to fight on.

In reality the enemy has really did a number on society and for what a little coof?

I notice it with all these war supports. Every single country is Gentile vs Gentile. Every country is my rabbi can kick your rabbis ass. How? With other goyim fighting around, no shit, why send jews to fight they are chosen 'n' sheit. People literally from other nations illegally fighting on this ebil, debil soviet funny if people knew how principally aligned Russia and the other Euro nations were in the past in the 1700s-1800s up to just before WW1 people would freak out.

Anyways TLDR: I agree with the sentiment why should we be thrown in the fray. But understand if situation is lost on the below the above cannot change unless what the Gods do is so stunningly powerful that even if the Earth befalls there will be reemergence of another Humanity fighting back.

As for the jew crawling back. I think even by the time the Gods are around they'll still be around scattered everywhere awaiting another shehameforashic miracle. I sometimes wonder what the Gods do to jewish entities in recaptured Worlds.

For example do they use them as some sort of black magick whipping boy. Do they kill them, do they teach Humanity how to perform mild spiritual negativity magick a black magick or death magick training tool and vaporize what remains.

I'm very interested in knowing what these entities of the higher realms do to hostile aliens as such. I'm sure the Gods aren't even concerned with their return on the underground enemy aliens. But funny probably set up so much magick to make sure they collapse like crazy and when the Gods go around exterminating the underground alien forces. They just make doubly sure they can win out no matter what.

Unfortunately a lot of these topics delve into sci-fi or better yet Sci-Fan. And I'm merely talking about your quoted statement not your scientific inquiry and I did read this thread and it's hilarious it's certainly is interesting the scientific with occult. Reminds me of the Chinese taking books and scrolls from Tibet and engineering space craft for their society. Or for example what Stormblood said "Learning of science to apply it to the occult and I assume vice-versa apply occult to science". And as he said it improves the magi at hand. I agree though for most people they need a technical person and a person with lots of logic behind it.

I hate how people state magick is just do it. Which sometimes is nice but people want technical understandings cross-reference etc.etc. HOW it works and the science behind it.
re: Ley Lines Map?
Darkpagan666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=380715 time=1660324211 user_id=346]

I suspect the "distance" you can draw power is not as simple as it would seem.
Ley lines are probably a fractal pattern, like a leaf, where inside the major lines, you have minor lines in the same pattern, then inside those, more smaller lines, and so on. The maps usually just show the major lines.

I strongly support this theory. Nature have a habit of mimicking itself, hermeticism/hermetism. Such as an eye looks like a galaxy, the neurons looks like a star constellation, cells having a core/nucleus like a planet have a core, arteries and veins looks like tunnels or rivers, and so on. It is not, therefore, unlikely that the Ley lines would spread out in thinner energy lines and appear like a leaf, or like a river. Very interesting!
I have been thinking something similar regarding fractals. It is along the lines (mind the pun) of an infinite number of numbers and an infinite number of decimal numbers between the numbers; an infinity of infinities.

No matter how big or how small we go, something is always there and of course some things repeat (maybe this is why Quantum Mechanics versus General Relativity don't, and can't, unify (and I say "versus" because they are at odds with each other - Quantum Mechanics is measuring Nature with kilomtres, where General Relativity is measuring Nature with miles; they both might seem to explain some things, but they don't work together; trust the jew to do that)) - the Universe has always existed... Maybe we're inside sub-atomic particles of something extremely much larger, our Universe is something much more microscopic-and-then-some;-rather,-a-lot-more (not necessarily a living being/plant/whatever). Maybe "multiverse" exists which is inside the Universe; like our universe (lowercase U) is in a particle which is extremely incredibly hugely massively big, all inside the Universe (uppercase U).

One could say that Ley Lines on Earth and other celestial objects are the smaller versions and equivalents, speaking fractally, of the Cosmic Web, like Brain neurons. If we were living in another being, it would make sense that we'd be in one of its sub-sub-sub...-neurons, or if not one of them then our Cosmic Web = its neurons... but I think the scales would be so much greater than merely that. (If we could increase telescopic magnification, maybe we could peer through this being's grey matter, out of its skull, out of its skin and see it in its day-to-day life. Maybe we could build a flying machine to escape all of this, and turn around and look back at our... container. Afterall, christians are supposed to be "the body of christ" and "god" is supposed to be "outside space and time"...

In a sense, I sort of wish this was true. If the Physical Universe is finite, but the Energetic Universe is infinite, (and something to do with thought/consciousness creating/being the Universe) then we might be "someone's imagination" but actually alive and living. On our scale, all of the light from stars in Space don't make space bright; on 'our being's' scale, if light was shone on its brain then the surface of the brain would be visible; in this fantastical idea, we are so much smaller - smaller than the scale of what photons (light) would be for 'our being'; thus, explaining why starlight doesn't make Space bright. Fractally, we have our own scale of photons, and everything, much smaller than 'our being's' scale. If 'our being' could zoom in on us and see that we are tiny, tiny, tiny little people with tools and things, it would be... fascinated? Afraid? Whatever? The jew does say that it is from another universe; we know it is a literal infestation; we are the antibodies of 'our being' fighting off the jew disease and infestation. (An article suggests bacteria have little 'eyes' to see light and feed on the light.)

Maybe we could travel from on universe (either one neuron to another, or from one 'our being' to another 'their being'), all within the Universe. Maybe this is infinite in both directions - 'our being' and its friends and enemies and family, etc., each are a universe and each are with 'another their being', who its fellows are in 'another another their being', lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum, fractally; in us, we have the same thing but fractally smaller. We have been called universes within ourselves, or macro-universes.

Regarding what I said above - Maybe we're inside sub-atomic particles of something extremely much larger - to explain what I mean, take the example of ants versus Humans (like when I said Humans versus 'our being'). To an ant, travelling from A to B would seem like a feat; to a Human travelling the same distance would be as easy as an easy thing. Maybe in our Universe, we are as ants, with us taking forever to travel from A to B; energetically, in a fractal manner, Energy permeates our scale of universe (ant, lowercase U) but in 'our being's' universe (Human, lowercase U) the same Energy doesn't have to travel as far. Like if an ant was to carry a leaf from the spot where our left arm and hand was extended leftways to the spot where our right arm and hand was extended rightways (a couple of metres), it would take the ant 5 seconds maybe; on our scale we could move the leaf in half a second.

How does Energy ignore time and space? For us, as ants, to travel from here to there takes ages; for Humans ('our being's' scale) he/she/it can travel from here to there so much quicker. Energy is everything and everywhere, so the distance doesn't matter. Energy is at all scales (ours/ants scale, Humans/'our being's scale, 'our beings' being's scale...), so while it is in, at every scale, distance is irrelevant for Energy; therefore, since distance is meaningless, there is 0 time for Energy to travel from here to Orion or anywhere.

In an episode of Star Trek, an eccentric character says that we have little people in us. This character was speaking to a young Child, so maybe it's just that, to help the Child be happy and things, but we know the jew likes trickery. Also in Star Trek are matter/energy replicators, to 'magic' food, drink, whatever out of a machine - like our 3-D printers do but much-less-sophisticatedly. Presumably, they scan an object placed in the machine and see its composition and all of its molecules and its bits and pieces, stores that all in memory and links it to a command, then when that command is given, it copies the stored information and materalises it; cooked food v raw food has different composition. In a sense, the Universe creating/evolving us and foods is a higher-scale version of us creating machines to do similar things on a smaller scale. Also in Star Trek are the Q, god-like beings (who fear the Federation, or at least Humans, surpassing and exceeding them) from the Q Continuum. To put it into idiot understanding, our favoured Q, known as Q, manifested a long, ongoing road in the middle of boring nowhere; "everything has been said", etc.; the Universe being infinite. This 'Q Continuum' seems to be 'heaven', Spirituality, Astral realm/Energetic Universe which still has Physicality in it.

Alternatively, there is just the Universe and it goes on and on forever; the Aether/Spiritual/Energetic Universe is infinite; the Physical/Matter Universe is finite but increasing... but then it just being there seemingly out of nowhere boggles the Mind still. I wonder if the Gods and Goddesses know the answer to this. Presumably They were Mind-boggled and dumbfounded for a bit until they moved past it.

The above and below is just my thoughts. Don't take it as literal, fact, 'gospel', word, absolute, or whatever.

re: Sigils
InNomineDeiNostriSatanas said:
Hello my fellow SS, I hope you are all doing well, Im seeking better understanding here in regards to sigils and getting in touch with our Gods.

Ive just been wondering, the question,”how and why do sigils work”?

How does focusing on a symbol get me in touch with another being from another world and what does it do exactly?

Is this basically connecting our minds to their minds? Or can someone elaborate on this a little?

As my own understanding and interpretation our Brains are tools which connect with and can manipulate the Electromagnetic spectrum, which affects all sort of things, and with tiny little particles (as above) we can somehow manipulate them. Magnetism is known to exist from these tiny particles as each of them spin; when we vibrate Words of Power, they have effects; when we vibrate them in reverse, they have opposite/cancelling effects. The the Brain is Physical, the Mind is Mental, the Soul is Spiritual. How do we hear words and music, etc., in our Minds? Our Brains connect to our Minds which connects to our Souls and Spirituality. Along these lines, and also with understanding of Quantum Physics/Nature, and intentions, and our Souls, the Sigils were made by Gods and Goddesses, so are correct. Based on what Lydia said...

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=381063 time=1660469292 user_id=57]Sigils connect certain pathways in the soul.

...if our Soul structure was different, Sigils would either harm us or work differently or not at all and we'd need different Sigils. Like when we put iron filings over a magnet, they form a pattern, depending on the shape of the magnet, or when we put magnetic metals onto a magnet, they form a sort-of pattern; our Brains, consciously or unconsciously understand these things and they align certain Energies within us. "The eyes are the windows to the Soul" - I wonder if a blind person "looking" at a Sigil would have the same effects from the Sigils; if so, then we don't need to see Sigils; rather, if they are present and are correct, then as our Soul and Aura meet them, they would still have effects. These tiny particles spin and are excited and are charged with certain Energies and frequencies; thus, have effects upon us - this includes positively and negatively. Does anyone wonder why blue Satanic flames harms the jew soul? Its constitution is different; its pattern, its excited spinning particles... are different, charged differently, vibrating in different frequencies... than our and our Gods' and Goddesses' make-ups. Our Brains manipulate the Electromagnetic Spectrum; we are bioelectric, afterall.
Stormblood said:
Considering waves like you are is a great step, in my opinion.
I don't want to steal anything from Nicola Tesla, but he said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". Frequency, to me, is waves. Unless I am wildly mistaken, that is making more and more sense, and of course what we learn from JoS and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses helps make it all make sense.
@FancyMancy some of the things such as an atom or subatom of the Universe in our existence of life. Is delving into what I like to call Men in Black memes.

The meme MiB wants to return the alien the marble someone stole. So in the end Humanity is nothing more than the play toy of some alien. I guess memetics wise it's like the enemy we are here to paly 'n' fuck sheit up 'n' sheit.

I think your multiverse expression is another example of not filtering data. It's fine to study not gonna deny it.

But multiverse sounds more like in the energetic. For example maybe bringing down a reality whereby a society advances rapidly or a society stays the same but produces a much more economic viable society using older, lesser technologies. Kinda like for example being a Greco-Roman society flush with finances and opportunities for many.

I think multi-verse can even be considered micro-cosmic technologies. We aren't in a multiverse if the enemy cared for it they'd probably spend mountains of money producing some shift to another dimension or something. Like Half-Life Black Mesa incident generates a total full scale alien society and alien creatures to take over the Earth. There is a multiverse whereby the enemy wins, no?, nope. If they bring it down yes they can sorta push and pull but they have competition from our side pushing and pulling.

It's not multiverse i.e. another Universe it's another Universe or micro-cosmic to change the World.

It's been said Humanity how sheepishly and weak they are is still blasting World-Wide all this imprint and manipulation into the enemy. Just a bunch of Wojackcuck chickens. Cucking towards the enemy.

Well it's no surprise most people garbage in, garbage out. You said it yourself previously. You wish to intellectually grasp with other people. But everyone is below you. So it bothers you.

I recall in the old Prophp a prominent member replying to a Maxine sermon which HP.Cobra replied and I think it might have been a sermon post whereby some of these older prominent members never joined A-Forums they just poof disappeared like Bluenitwolf. Big Falun Gong user liked it a lot like HPS.Shannon and her African dancing for opening up the soul. But this member who disappeared he was like Michuo Kakou the Japanese quantum physicists. Him and maybe one other guy is the only person in the World that truly grasps quantum mechanism and understanding.

He never explained he just simply saId Quantum mechanism wise he is the only sorta celebrity scientist that gets it everyone else plays around trying to be famous. An example is Neil Degrasse Tyson, he is cool alright person but he kinda wants to Carl Sagan himself and be a famous person.

Either way I think the reality is. Either we have confabulated a huge fake front of the Universe and our position in nature. OR the Universe is much simpler than we believe and through our forces our aliens we can understand.

Frankly it reminds me of people pissing away time and life studying outerspace. I get it you want to like that type of career. But I view it as creating non-sense. It's like scientists who state this is simply a math principle or this is simply XYZ.

Funny no one knows WTF they are talking about. They just carry on it be like if Einstein is viewed as a full on fraud en mass and people recognize Pointcare and Lorentz as well as even a few like Newton who more and more as we dive into history had a theorem already that Einstein magickally memed into reality.

It's like the speed of light meme a physicalized matter utter physical not spiritual. Tesla has got it he is on to something the forbidden sciences.

TLDR: This factor is almost Men in Black in style but I can easily state you do make a point to a degree. In essence planets are like atoms and there is a nuclear concept with Universe whereby in our own quirky understanding we are such feeble entities space or no space for that matter is nothing more than us having to humble ourselves down and realize we are not the hotshit we make ourselves out to be.

I guess we gotta study ourselves and our local Universe to understand the major picture. For example how looms for weaving clothings are basically first generation computers printing a image on the loom the first monitor. Or how agriculture explains advanced uses of technologies and concepts.

I think the conceptualizing of the Universe needs a generic template then you can add to it. Our aliens understand this Humanity doesn't. They built their science out of unity not division only later can you divide properly and go AH so this makes sense now.
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.
I'm asking in this manner because the part of your post I quoted seems to be the opposite line of thinking as your general message:

Brother, you talked about sacred geometry/numerology in a rather scientific sense as it pertains to our magickal workings, and I agree fully. But Scorpio is more about emotional intensity, feeling, power, piercing depth and intuition more so than logical analysis, no? Analyzing and picking apart our magick in scientific or mathematical terms would perhaps be a more Uranian, Aquarian sphere, don't you think?
OuroborphicMystery said:
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.
I'm asking in this manner because the part of your post I quoted seems to be the opposite line of thinking as your general message:

Brother, you talked about sacred geometry/numerology in a rather scientific sense as it pertains to our magickal workings, and I agree fully. But Scorpio is more about emotional intensity, feeling, power, piercing depth and intuition more so than logical analysis, no? Analysing and picking apart our magick in scientific or mathematical terms would perhaps be a more Uranian, Aquarian sphere, don't you think?

Scorpio has many qualities and layers to it. One of it is to investigate things in such depth that modern immature soul would feel extremely stressed even upon attempting 10% of this research. They cannot take the intensity of the great work.

Thing is for witchcraft to work you need both hemisphere to work in sync, which means the logical and intuitive aspect work in harmony. Scorpio, like the Aquarius and Pisces signs, is not restricted to working with only one side, in his mature stage of development. All 3 signs are beyond this duality. In general, you also don't nit-pick things when talking about a stellium. There are 10 planets that can be in a sign, 3 of which are required as a minimum to make a stellium.

Aquarius deals with information in a broader, less deep manner of what is required to make a natural mage.
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.

Although a person with a Scorpio Stellium has a considerably powerful mind, raw power, adept at investigation and a fierce willpower with an extreme natural talent for meditation, spirituality and the occult...a Scorpio Stellium is not the only planetary alignment that certifies a Natural Mage.
Darkpagan666 said:
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.

Although a person with a Scorpio Stellium has a considerably powerful mind, raw power, adept at investigation and a fierce willpower with an extreme natural talent for meditation, spirituality and the occult...a Scorpio Stellium is not the only planetary alignment that certifies a Natural Mage.

It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.

Although a person with a Scorpio Stellium has a considerably powerful mind, raw power, adept at investigation and a fierce willpower with an extreme natural talent for meditation, spirituality and the occult...a Scorpio Stellium is not the only planetary alignment that certifies a Natural Mage.

It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

This is precisely how I see it as well. I think since the chart is a map of the soul it is only natural that it will show how much the soul has advanced (or not), or any damage it has sustained in previous lives, curses etc, and just its current state in general when coming into the next lifetime from the previous one. With that being said I think someone who has a lot of planets in their exalted or home signs are an indication that the corresponding chakras were worked on in previous lives.

Although, having aspects that weaken the home or exalted influence also have a say so the aforementioned is to an extent I suppose. What do you say?

It would be interesting to be able to compare 2 of someone's natal birth charts from this life and a previous one.
Stormblood said:
It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

I believe it may also help to support this through introducing the energy into your soul through the use of Eihwaz or Squares. In the case of the planets, it seems that the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter would be the best for gaining Scorpio energy. This does not necessarily create a stellium, of course, but may be better than nothing.

As you can see from the calendar, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio around October of this year. While doing a Square or working alone does not grant the same benefits of regular mind training, it is also different than a natal aspect in the sense that you could direct such energy specifically into improving your transformative powers (as opposed to simply gaining everything which Scorpio may rule).
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Stormblood said:
It's not coincidence that the sign of a natural mage is a stellium in Scorpio.

Although a person with a Scorpio Stellium has a considerably powerful mind, raw power, adept at investigation and a fierce willpower with an extreme natural talent for meditation, spirituality and the occult...a Scorpio Stellium is not the only planetary alignment that certifies a Natural Mage.

It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

Yes, I totally agree with that :) I am going to do a Sun square in Scorpio to harness more of its qualities. It is incredibly helpful in many areas!
Darkpagan666 said:
Stormblood said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Although a person with a Scorpio Stellium has a considerably powerful mind, raw power, adept at investigation and a fierce willpower with an extreme natural talent for meditation, spirituality and the occult...a Scorpio Stellium is not the only planetary alignment that certifies a Natural Mage.

It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

Yes, I totally agree with that :) I am going to do a Sun square in Scorpio to harness more of its qualities. It is incredibly helpful in many areas!

*cries in Cancer stellium*

These Scorpio supremacists, man...🤣
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383709 time=1661457942 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:
It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

I believe it may also help to support this through introducing the energy into your soul through the use of Eihwaz or Squares. In the case of the planets, it seems that the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter would be the best for gaining Scorpio energy. This does not necessarily create a stellium, of course, but may be better than nothing.

As you can see from the calendar, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio around October of this year. While doing a Square or working alone does not grant the same benefits of regular mind training, it is also different than a natal aspect in the sense that you could direct such energy specifically into improving your transformative powers (as opposed to simply gaining everything which Scorpio may rule).

Wait wait. Does doing Kabbalistic Squares of a Planet when the said planet is in a certain sign possibly affect the energies of the working in a way you can readily harness/incorporate the energies of the sign into your working? Provided you affirm and direct it such, of course.

Thanks in advance, Brother Guardian.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383709 time=1661457942 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:
It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

I believe it may also help to support this through introducing the energy into your soul through the use of Eihwaz or Squares. In the case of the planets, it seems that the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter would be the best for gaining Scorpio energy. This does not necessarily create a stellium, of course, but may be better than nothing.

As you can see from the calendar, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio around October of this year. While doing a Square or working alone does not grant the same benefits of regular mind training, it is also different than a natal aspect in the sense that you could direct such energy specifically into improving your transformative powers (as opposed to simply gaining everything which Scorpio may rule).

And which affirmartion could be used for this purpose?
OuroborphicMystery said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383709 time=1661457942 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:
It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

I believe it may also help to support this through introducing the energy into your soul through the use of Eihwaz or Squares. In the case of the planets, it seems that the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter would be the best for gaining Scorpio energy. This does not necessarily create a stellium, of course, but may be better than nothing.

As you can see from the calendar, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio around October of this year. While doing a Square or working alone does not grant the same benefits of regular mind training, it is also different than a natal aspect in the sense that you could direct such energy specifically into improving your transformative powers (as opposed to simply gaining everything which Scorpio may rule).

Wait wait. Does doing Kabbalistic Squares of a Planet when the said planet is in a certain sign possibly affect the energies of the working in a way you can readily harness/incorporate the energies of the sign into your working? Provided you affirm and direct it such, of course.

Thanks in advance, Brother Guardian.

A sign in this case is like a filter that is applied to a planet to manifest its energies in the material realm. It allows particular aspects of the planet to be channelled from the spiritual realm into the material one, and these can be further adjusted by your programming (e.g. affirmations chosen for the working). The energies that make it past the 'filter' are usually those that are shared between the planet and the sign the planet you are using is placed into.

I hope this is clear enough for everyone.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=383709 time=1661457942 user_id=21286]
Stormblood said:
It is the best one, and this is related on the JoS Astro page. You can grow into it by ways of advancement, but then your chart will change and have these aspects showing in your next lifetime. That's how I see it.

I believe it may also help to support this through introducing the energy into your soul through the use of Eihwaz or Squares. In the case of the planets, it seems that the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter would be the best for gaining Scorpio energy. This does not necessarily create a stellium, of course, but may be better than nothing.

As you can see from the calendar, the Sun and Mercury enter Scorpio around October of this year. While doing a Square or working alone does not grant the same benefits of regular mind training, it is also different than a natal aspect in the sense that you could direct such energy specifically into improving your transformative powers (as opposed to simply gaining everything which Scorpio may rule).

I definitely think along the same lines.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
