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Other #76946 How to tell if someone’s lying to you?

Asking the Gods in prayer might give you a sign.

Your intuition might also help, but that is a skill that will be sharpened via advancement, and blindly trusting it while knowing you are not very advanced can be detrimental.

On the higher levels, a "truth sense" is a 3rd Eye ability.

I don't think there is a specific working for this, especially considering it would take many days, and you likely don't have all that time. So, just use logic without any magic.
How do you know if someone is lying to you?

Is there any workings to know someone is keeping a secret from you?

It takes a lot of study and deductive skills, with critical thinking methodologies, etc.

But if you have time and don't need it on the spot, you can do work with the LAGUZ Rune. Maybe adding JERA, look at your specific need.

At advanced levels you can read the thought in his soul, but it is VERY advanced and you would only suggest yourself so don't do it. It would be delusional.
Energetically speaking, if their words do not align with the energies they are putting out, tone of voice, or manner of speech, there could be something they are trying to hide, or they might not revealing the full story. Using your intuition is a big help here; when someone is trying to deceive you or is lying, there is a sensation in your soul that makes you feel off about them. Work on your intuition and remember to trust your gut in these situations.
It is possible to use tools of Divination, Mantic and Tarot are suitable, if you know how to use them. However, to use Tarot you must be somewhat Enlightened, for we can simply misinterpret the Messages of the Cards. Tarot is a Powerful Tool, its Symbolism and application goes beyond just Divination as such, and here you need to really understand the essence of the Tool more Deeply, so that your Consciousness and your Soul can perceive more information. But with the help of Tarot you can find out a lot of things, both about love, and about enemies, and about money investments, and about dangers in the future. But Tarot is more difficult to Master (because of its depth) than Mantic or Pendulum.

If you want to identify a lie in the moment, then indeed Psychic Abilities, if Developed, can help very well. If it is someone very close to you, you have a Connection at the Chakras and Aura Level, including even at the Third Eye Level. So it is not a joke that you have a Mental Connection. If you have Developed a certain Astral Sensitivity, then through the Third Eye you can pick up this Information, as if «Projected» into it. This is one of the types of Mental Projection (not Astral Projection). Close people a priori have a Deeper Mental Connection, even if they don't realize it.

When it comes to unknown people, you will most likely need a Powerful Psychic. At an Advanced Level a person is able to pick up very «subtle» Energy like Emotions, because Emotions are also a form of Energy, and it takes Experience and the necessary Psychic Openness to begin to discern and interpret it correctly. When a person lies, you will be able to perceive it literally on the Level of his Feelings.

There are natural Empaths, and Empathy is not just a Perceptual mechanism, but a Psychic Tool. In most Empaths it works chaotically, they Feel the surrounding Energy very acutely and it is difficult for them to control it, especially in megacities where a lot of Negativity is concentrated and people spew it out and Empaths Absorb it. When Empathy is under your control, you can literally Filter and Absorb all the Energy Information from other people's Emotions very accurately: sadness, joy, love, hate, jealousy and, of course, lies.

Another Psychic Tool is, of course, Intuition. As with Empathy, it is completely random in most people. It is a trainable Skill. At the most Advanced Level, you won't even need the Tools of Divination, as Intuition will be extremely Powerfully Developed. This is indeed true, but it is more of a Superhuman/Hero (according to our classification) or even Demonic Level of Spiritual Evolution. When you literally have the Ability for some form of Divination/Vision. Of course, the person will be open like a book to you, you will see right through them, especially whether they are lying to you or telling you the truth. Which you will be able to determine instantly.

Perhaps Telepathy should also be mentioned here, which may in fact include all of the previous points. Telepathy can be called an Ability for very Advanced people, for real Adepts who have Mastered it. It is, of course, an Advanced Method, we are not talking about easier Techniques of application. At the Higher Levels Telepathy will allow you not only to determine thoughts and Feelings, but also to Influence these thoughts and Feelings, even to correct them, both for the worse and for the better. This is very difficult. For example, we can be Blessed by the Gods in this way. They literally Charge us with this or that Knowledge, which was previously unavailable for us. And in this way you could finally believe in Satan/Zeus when you were in a very difficult confusion. The Appearance of a Projection of a Demon, by the way, can have the same Effect, one can literally shudder before it, because of the incredible amount of Bioelectricity felt, you can't literally lie to the Demon, because its Essence Influences you, turning you inside out (in a positive way).

You can also Program your Aura or make a Magical Program to stop a particular person from lying to you. Here it is also important to work on Affirmations. It can be a Thoughtform, Elemental or Golem, which you «attach» to the Soul of a person, so that it collects the necessary Information and sends it to you. A Thoughtform can be «attached» to the Lunar Chakra, for example, as it is closely intertwined with the brain and can Influence and correct Behavioral and Mental Mechanisms of a person. However, such a Method also requires Experience. Or, as an alternative variant, you can Program a person on the necessary Program, having compelled the Mind of the person to tell you the truth about something. This should be done at the time when a person is sleeping. It is at this time that Brainwaves and their Frequency slow down, and the Consciousness is vulnerable to interference. Then a Program can be sent to make it effective. It will take several such Sessions, depending on the Powers of your Soul. For example, our GDs and other Demons may visit us in our dreams, when we are most Emotionally disturbed, to have some intense Interaction with us or to answer a question. In a dream a person is vulnerable to External Influence, and this is taken advantage of by Parasitic Entities, which are Enemy Entities that can make Astral Attacks during sleep to feed on Fear Energy, suck Energy, etc. That is, when a person sleeps a person can have extremely intense Feelings, and then under the impression of them even exhibit the desired behavior, because the brain has internalized it.

If you have Mastered the Art of Hypnosis, you can use Hypnotic Techniques to get a person not to hide lies. This is even somewhat similar to the Programming of a person's Consciousness when he or she is asleep, which I mentioned above, but Hypnosis allows you to do this during the daytime as well, if the person is open and ready for this process beforehand, because you will then put him or her into a state bordering on sleep. Advanced Hypnosis Techniques, including the so-called «Dark Hypnosis», allow you to literally make a person do exactly what you need, absolutely corresponding to your expectations, to bind his Will. But this is not Ethical, this is what many evil people do, using people as their puppets and sex slaves, so approach it with Nobility and Honor, Stay Human. Above I only described the Potential of the Technique itself, its Effectiveness of application. Similarly, very Advanced Hypnosis allows through the Third Eye to Program the Mind.

You can certainly use the Logical Side of the brain (Pingala), deductive analysis, NLP, the technique of reading Body Language and other Methods (which, for example, practiced in Special Agencies), but it is unlikely to be as effective as identification with the help of Psychic Powers, because this «Left-Hemispheric» Method does not have accuracy and a priori does not always give a guaranteed result. I have studied all this myself and even by my Experience I can confirm it with all responsibility. By the way, the Special Agencies know this, that's why they have employees with Psychic Abilities, which they use in interrogations, for example.
Your intuition will tell you. You should also study liars and criminals to see how they spin stories.

Watch "Merchants of Doubt". Read "How to Lie with Statistics" and "Games Criminals Play". Read interrogation manuals.

Watch debates with jews and listen to how they twist, lie and scheme. This is easiest in text form since everything is there to reference and you can see the threads of the conversation and how they get spun.

People will tell all kinds of memes but their actions will always betray the truth, so pay more attention to what they do.

You'll know what to look for once you train yourself to notice it.

But also don't become overly suspicious and distrustful. Trust is wonderful and it can only be had by not allowing yourself to be driven by suspicion. It's a risk to provide a chance for trust to be earned but it is worth it. But trust that's given up freely should also be given out even less freely. So decide what your limits are and be firm if your principles are violated.
How do you know if someone is lying to you?

Is there any workings to know someone is keeping a secret from you?
If you are successful among andrapod people, or you can pose a threat to them from the point of view of competition, for example at work, or people who don't like you, they can slander you behind your back and secretly harm your reputation.

In such cases, I recommend identifying the source of the threat, usually 2-3 adrapod people out of 20.

You can use the Isa rune and a binding spell so that they cannot harm you.
If you are successful among andrapod people, or you can pose a threat to them from the point of view of competition, for example at work, or people who don't like you, they can slander you behind your back and secretly harm your reputation.

In such cases, I recommend identifying the source of the threat, usually 2-3 adrapod people out of 20.

You can use the Isa rune and a binding spell so that they cannot harm you.
A binding would prevent actions against you, and a specifically programmed aura of protection would help in another way. Both together are very effective at handling such issues.
A binding would prevent actions against you, and a specifically programmed aura of protection would help in another way. Both together are very effective at handling such issues.
I am not the author of this question, but I understand the author's problem.

For example, in my work in law, among colleagues I am in a team in which there is very high competition, but besides that, among my colleagues there are people who are trying to bend you, frame you, shift their work to another, and also shift the blame to another person, while these people use any methods, including trying to to harm the reputation of my colleagues, and this happens every day, despite the aura of protection, and this happens not only to me, but also to my colleagues.

I live in a poor country, by the standards of my country, I have a prestigious job in a large business (in a company with a billion-dollar turnover), I do legal support for large businesses.

People very difficult to get into or get a job in such companies, more experienced lawyers than me are trying to get a job and they don't take them.

Though selection, and all this is happening against the backdrop of my country's mortified economy and monstrously high inflation, as well as a monstrous level of hidden unemployment.

What I am describing explains why some of my colleagues at work (not all) who are andrapods are willing to simply kill anyone to get a higher position or curry favor with their superiors in order to receive a higher bonus.

The main problem I see is the spread of rumors about you, because you can't know what people are saying about you behind your back and what other people think about you after these conversations, usually in such situations except for close friends (if you have such at work) no one will tell you, what think about you and what rumors are spreading about you.
It is possible to read someones thoughts.
Yes, it is possible to do it, this is called telepathy, for this you have to be very advanced.
I am not the author of this question, but I understand the author's problem.

For example, in my work in law, among colleagues I am in a team in which there is very high competition, but besides that, among my colleagues there are people who are trying to bend you, frame you, shift their work to another, and also shift the blame to another person, while these people use any methods, including trying to to harm the reputation of my colleagues, and this happens every day, despite the aura of protection, and this happens not only to me, but also to my colleagues.

I live in a poor country, by the standards of my country, I have a prestigious job in a large business (in a company with a billion-dollar turnover), I do legal support for large businesses.

People very difficult to get into or get a job in such companies, more experienced lawyers than me are trying to get a job and they don't take them.

Though selection, and all this is happening against the backdrop of my country's mortified economy and monstrously high inflation, as well as a monstrous level of hidden unemployment.

What I am describing explains why some of my colleagues at work (not all) who are andrapods are willing to simply kill anyone to get a higher position or curry favor with their superiors in order to receive a higher bonus.

The main problem I see is the spread of rumors about you, because you can't know what people are saying about you behind your back and what other people think about you after these conversations, usually in such situations except for close friends (if you have such at work) no one will tell you, what think about you and what rumors are spreading about you.
I did type, specifically programmed. So what is your AoP affirmation? You can share it privately if you prefer.
Yes, it is possible to do it, this is called telepathy, for this you have to be very advanced.
Progress of skills is gradual. It is possible to pick up thoughts before mastering a skill.
I did type, specifically programmed. So what is your AoP affirmation? You can share it privately if you prefer.

Progress of skills is gradual. It is possible to pick up thoughts before mastering a skill.
I use a standard affirmation, slightly modernized, both working with white-gold energy and a combination of runes.

I don't see any gaps in my defensive spells.

I've been using the Isa rune with a binding spell lately, but rumors are such a thing that you can't control everyone if information spreads from person to person when some kind of rumor has been started that harms your reputation.
I am not the author of this question, but I understand the author's problem.

For example, in my work in law, among colleagues I am in a team in which there is very high competition, but besides that, among my colleagues there are people who are trying to bend you, frame you, shift their work to another, and also shift the blame to another person, while these people use any methods, including trying to to harm the reputation of my colleagues, and this happens every day, despite the aura of protection, and this happens not only to me, but also to my colleagues.

I live in a poor country, by the standards of my country, I have a prestigious job in a large business (in a company with a billion-dollar turnover), I do legal support for large businesses.

People very difficult to get into or get a job in such companies, more experienced lawyers than me are trying to get a job and they don't take them.

Though selection, and all this is happening against the backdrop of my country's mortified economy and monstrously high inflation, as well as a monstrous level of hidden unemployment.

What I am describing explains why some of my colleagues at work (not all) who are andrapods are willing to simply kill anyone to get a higher position or curry favor with their superiors in order to receive a higher bonus.

The main problem I see is the spread of rumors about you, because you can't know what people are saying about you behind your back and what other people think about you after these conversations, usually in such situations except for close friends (if you have such at work) no one will tell you, what think about you and what rumors are spreading about you.
I'm sure you've heard this famous joke. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

"How do you know when a lawyer's lying?
His lips are moving."

Same with sales if you ask me.
I'm sure you've heard this famous joke. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

"How do you know when a lawyer's lying?
His lips are moving."

Same with sales if you ask me.
I'm not a advocate, I'm a lawyer, I don't run around the courts, I do pre-trial work.

I am very unhappy that I was born in a poor country (that my country is not rich, given the huge deposits of resources), I hope that in my next life I will be born in the United States, at least I will be able to buy a normal cottage for myself, and not the real estate that I need and for which (taking into account) inflation accumulate for 30 years (until you get old), considering the salaries of lawyers in the USA and in my country.

I feel a lot of injustice, and I also hate the government of my country, but I do not have the resources and power to change something in my country and in other Slavic countries (as I want) on a global scale within my country and other Slavic countries. - political, economic power, but I will definitely use it if there are external forces (as in the TV series Colony) I will be provided with resources (the army) and the powers of the Governor-General, but we all understand that no one will arrive from Orion in the near future, so we have to be content with the life we have, trying to make it better.

I always feel that I am not living the life that I deserve to live and that the inhabitants of all Slavic countries deserve to live (the standard of living must be no worse than in the United States, given the reserves of resources, which the jewish-occupied Slavic countries are forced to sell to the United States, China and other countries that do not have these resources*), but I I'm doing my best to make my life it better.

PS: The problem is not the sale of resources (minerals), which are almost endless in Slavic countries, at least in Russia and Ukraine (some of which are not in China, the USA and Europe), but the problem is that all proceeds from the sale of resources go to Jewish oligarchs and Jews sitting in the Russian Governments and Ukraine, not the citizens of these countries. Economists have long calculated that if all revenues from the extraction /sale of resources were distributed to citizens of Slavic countries (as in Alaska) and went to the State Budget (and not to the pockets of jews), as well as the state budget itself would not be plundered and would be aimed at creating a standard of living for the middle class (as in the USA - at the levels of Federal, State and local government), then it would be possible to live normally, like a human being.

I have written scientific works on jurisprudence concerning comparative legal analysis of state and financial systems of the USA and my country from the point of view of what should be improved and my works have been shown in other European countries, as well as published in scientific and educational institutions (for teachers and researchers) in Poland and Ukraine, so in terms of what I write, I am not a fantasist, or a couch analyst.

If a normal person saw the team in which I have to work every day, they would call it a "den of snakes" in the bad sense of the word, so no matter how protected you are, no matter what your AoP is, they will always try to bite and sting you more painfully (at my work).

The reason why I had to go to work as a lawyer in a large business, rather than engage in scientific, educational and teaching activities (at some university) is the low salaries of scientific and educational workers in my country. In the USA, such specialists are valued by the government and private institutions (they are well paid), but not in my country.
I use a standard affirmation, slightly modernized, both working with white-gold energy and a combination of runes.

I don't see any gaps in my defensive spells.

I've been using the Isa rune with a binding spell lately, but rumors are such a thing that you can't control everyone if information spreads from person to person when some kind of rumor has been started that harms your reputation.
The question was not about stopping such things against you- adversaries are part of nature- but about programming the aura in a manner that whatever harm comes your way from someone's ill intent backfires onto them. Returning curses affirmation includes this, for example.

Another way to combat such a thing is to build character in such a manner that your opposition has nothing to cling to on-you would not 'look' like they gossip. And of course, binding is a more direct approach. Lastly, consider the possibility of some, if not all of it being karmic in nature. To that end, a freeing of the soul working would help.
The question was not about stopping such things against you- adversaries are part of nature- but about programming the aura in a manner that whatever harm comes your way from someone's ill intent backfires onto them. Returning curses affirmation includes this, for example.

Another way to combat such a thing is to build character in such a manner that your opposition has nothing to cling to on-you would not 'look' like they gossip. And of course, binding is a more direct approach. Lastly, consider the possibility of some, if not all of it being karmic in nature. To that end, a freeing of the soul working would help.
Thanks, that's a good idea.
I will try to use the affirmations of the return of curses, which are usually used against specific detractors, to reformulate so that any evil is returned to any sender who gossips or creates any harm.

This is the first time I have heard that enemies can be karmic in nature and that enemies are part of nature.
This is the first time I have heard that enemies can be karmic in nature and that enemies are part of nature.
Until, perhaps a few centuries at the very least, but more likely a few thousand years, there will be more or less chaos in our realm. This would include serious rivalries and so on, but a more harmonious existence is within our reach when we have collectively evolved to such an extent.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
