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Rituals #76799 Whole lotta things


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Greetings children of Zeus
I have a few questions and l would appreciate it if you answer them in detail if you can

I recently started the forty day meditation program and Then took three days off then l started feeling down then today l decided to meditate in the afternoon then l mysteriously began to feel good and this session was my best meditation session ever so l wanted to know does stopping meditating really has serious aftereffects?

2.) In the forums it's stressed that you have to first build a relationship with father satan how do l go on about that exactly and l was just wondering for those who met him what is he like personality wise

3. What does our hell look like? There are some Xians/ ex Satanists who claim to have met father satan and worked for him they say he is pure evil and they seem traumatized crying and all they appear to be telling the truth warning people to avoid hell. Doesn't look they have any reason to lie taking into consideration that publicly claiming to be a satanist has negative consequences in our society so my question is that is there a different Satan from ours or are we being deceived
1. No, but one should meditate every day. It is the "nourishment" of the soul and extremely important.

2. He is beyond words. You too can connect with Him and experience His presence. Just pray to Him sincerely and wholeheartedly.

Our Head God & Eternal Truth: Satya

3. Christians have no real understanding; they just fabricate nonsense like this to claim they are "ex-Christians" and try to pull people back into their doctrines.

The Truth About Satan
The Afterlife & Death
I recently started the forty day meditation program and Then took three days off then l started feeling down then today l decided to meditate in the afternoon then l mysteriously began to feel good and this session was my best meditation session ever so l wanted to know does stopping meditating really has serious aftereffects?

Do not interrupt meditative cycles of 40 days. You can add more days if necessary to your program, but it must always be at least 40 days.

2.) In the forums it's stressed that you have to first build a relationship with father satan how do l go on about that exactly and l was just wondering for those who met him what is he like personality wise

Commitment lies at the heart of this relationship. If you commit to moving forward, the rest will come by itself in your natural and spontaneous way. See also here:

3. What does our hell look like? There are some Xians/ ex Satanists who claim to have met father satan and worked for him they say he is pure evil and they seem traumatized crying and all they appear to be telling the truth warning people to avoid hell. Doesn't look they have any reason to lie taking into consideration that publicly claiming to be a satanist has negative consequences in our society so my question is that is there a different Satan from ours or are we being deceived

Read here:
l wanted to know does stopping meditating really has serious aftereffects?
When you are still starting out, or even already advanced, stopping meditation can not only be negative for you spiritually but also cause mental and physical issues. During meditation, your bioelectricity is being amplified each time. Over time, your body gets used to larger and larger amounts of this energy and you can use it for working, curses and other powerful things.

Now, when you stop meditation abruptly or stop doing it for a certain amount of time, your body can't deal with all the excess energy and your body gets drained. This can cause depression, stagnation and then loosing all the energy you had built up over time; you then have to start all over.

In the forums it's stressed that you have to first build a relationship with father satan how do l go on about that exactly and l was just wondering for those who met him what is he like personality wise
Zeus/Satan is different for each of us but He is always there to support you and guide you on your path. God's understand and know everything, even things that we ourselves are not capable of understanding. Meditate on His sigill and speak to Him. Meditating on His energy is just like praying to him. Speak your mind as He will always listen.
What does our hell look like? There are some Xians/ ex Satanists who claim to have met father satan and worked for him they say he is pure evil and they seem traumatized crying and all they appear to be telling the truth warning people to avoid hell. Doesn't look they have any reason to lie taking into consideration that publicly claiming to be a satanist has negative consequences in our society so my question is that is there a different Satan from ours or are we being deceived
You are believing exactly what xtians want you to believe. To be a SS, it isen't a simple "Oh I hate society, ima go worship the dark Lord", it is a yearning for spiritual advancement that comes from the soul. All Gentile souls are of Satan, but some are more awake then others. All the current SS probably have had closure connections or had been a SS in past lives. It takes time and strength to push through all the lies xtians and Jews have been implementing for centuries. It is like entering society after living in a cave for years.

Hell is a beautiful place, many say it is in a blue light and it is a grand and powerful. Of course, for each one hell will look different, but it is a beautiful place filled with the most beautiful colors, buildings and things that our human mind cannot fathom.
It is stated elsewhere on the ToZ that volatile and inconsistent fluctuations of bio-electricity within the body can cause negative symptoms such as depression, fatigue, mood swings etc.

It's necessary to keep meditating everyday once a routine has been established, especially in regards to yoga.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
