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Sexuality #76670 A Concept


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hi everyone!

I want to share a thought.

I was thinking that my fetish for woman's feet is something strange, as a man need to have a martial dominant energy and the woman the passive venusian one.

Don't get me wrong I'm very martial, conquering, owning, brings me pure exstasy. But feet seems not related at all with this, as for me this is a playful moment, something loving and soft, like cuddling.

But then I thought, feet are ruled by the sign of piscies, that it's related to Jupiter and 7th chakra. This one is related to soft feminility, very etherical. To just have a parallel, Lilith rules the 7th chakra.

So I imagined, the man is the base (like the first 3 chakras), and female what is sustained by the base.

So poetically speaking, there is a man, a strong base, and then a woman that stands up on his head, etherical. And her feet are on the top of his head, like when you are outside and you walk barefoot in nature (grounding, rooting).

More simply, a strong base holding the limitless feminility.

I think I just gave a holier representation of this one taste of mine.

Usually people with this taste are seen as weak freaks (in main stream world many are), and there isn't any other approach of thought about this taste.

Sexuality is sacred, and these are just tastes. As a person with venus in piscies prominent I have this taste as I see soft femminility in woman's feet.

I just shared some of my thoughts, as I like to have higher ideas about sexuality. But this kind of tastes comes later, Mars in Aries will do the deal first.

I hope I gave example of making sacred our own tastes instead of doubting them or rejecting them.
Then everything has it's own moments.

Thanks for reading!
Hi everyone!

I want to share a thought.

I was thinking that my fetish for woman's feet is something strange, as a man need to have a martial dominant energy and the woman the passive venusian one.

Don't get me wrong I'm very martial, conquering, owning, brings me pure exstasy. But feet seems not related at all with this, as for me this is a playful moment, something loving and soft, like cuddling.

But then I thought, feet are ruled by the sign of piscies, that it's related to Jupiter and 7th chakra. This one is related to soft feminility, very etherical. To just have a parallel, Lilith rules the 7th chakra.

So I imagined, the man is the base (like the first 3 chakras), and female what is sustained by the base.

So poetically speaking, there is a man, a strong base, and then a woman that stands up on his head, etherical. And her feet are on the top of his head, like when you are outside and you walk barefoot in nature (grounding, rooting).

More simply, a strong base holding the limitless feminility.

I think I just gave a holier representation of this one taste of mine.

Usually people with this taste are seen as weak freaks (in main stream world many are), and there isn't any other approach of thought about this taste.

Sexuality is sacred, and these are just tastes. As a person with venus in piscies prominent I have this taste as I see soft femminility in woman's feet.

I just shared some of my thoughts, as I like to have higher ideas about sexuality. But this kind of tastes comes later, Mars in Aries will do the deal first.

I hope I gave example of making sacred our own tastes instead of doubting them or rejecting them.
Then everything has it's own moments.

Thanks for reading!

Feet are sexual: the chakras feet are connected to the sexual chakras. No need to worry:
With all the weird shit people are interested in now, liking feet is the least of it. You have nothing to worry about.
Here's a few answers on similar question in the thread Question #4955: Foot Fetish:
You don't need to try to get rid of it if you adequately assess reality and don't hyperbolize such things.

Often people who have an attraction to absolutely harmless things get too fixated on them. This leads to destabilization of their life activity and deterioration of their general well-being, including mental health. Indeed, pornography can affect this by instilling destructive liking, so you need to minimize the presence of porn in your life and put the focus on realizing your healthy liking/fetishes for a real partner.

If you don't have any difficulties with this, including social isolation and other consequences that actually cause tangible discomfort, then you just need to accept your own nature for what it is. It is important not to blame yourself, but to accept your interests and urges as long as they do not reflect detrimentally on you or others.
Foot fetish seem to be one of the most common when it comes to fetishes related to body parts. Many areas of the body are very erogeonous due the amount of receptors they have.

I've known people with feet, thighs, hand, neck, and ear fetishes.

All are reasonable as long as you don't do something excessive with them like injuring them. Just use common sense.

I wouldn't personally consider someone who is into buttocks or genitals to have a fetish for them as of course those areas are normally used in sex.

Just read the Kamasutra, and you'll find all kinds of pleasurable things you can try with a partner.

This is not something to be worried about.
Feet are easily sexual and seductive like thighs or other erogenous zones, they also can play into power dynamics which can be hot as well.

This is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, embrace it and enjoy it, your Sacral Chakra will thank you, lol.

But stay away from porn if you can, it always over-perverts stuff and can lead to porn-induced fetishes that you won’t actually enjoy in real life.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
