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Other #76546 Why do you hate Christians?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).

Lol classic "Satan to make rebellious Christians" meme. This is one of the reasons why the upgrade to the Temple was necessary.

No, Christianity is a dead thing. Here we focus on what has always been alive: the Gods of humanity. See here:

Note: I think the website is down now, I have already written to the JG to check. I may be wrong.
Lol classic "Satan to make rebellious Christians" meme. This is one of the reasons why the upgrade to the Temple was necessary.

No, Christianity is a dead thing. Here we focus on what has always been alive: the Gods of humanity. See here:

Note: I think the website is down now, I have already written to the JG to check. I may be wrong.
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.
I think my brother meant that here as a topic is a dead thing.
We have evolved, we don't care so much about them right now as we are rediscovering the ancient Gods, our ancient cultures and the ancient peoples that we come from
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Yes. I am VERY sure. It is not a purely statistical issue. But a question of the power behind things. My mother calls herself a Christian. If you ask her, she believes in that asshole Jesus Christ. But she always offends Jesus Christ by comparing him to different kinds of animals like pigs and dogs (this has a precise name in Italian, but it is untranslatable). If you ask her about her family, she will say that we are all Christians including me because in a Christian family. I serve Satan wholeheartedly and would give every minute of my time for him โ€œsince I am really a good Christianโ€ (lol). People define themselves by the few definable things they have come to know over time. That is why now we are no longer named Joy of Satan, but we are the Temple of Zeus. Because the thing that has really always defined us is our True Identity in our Gods.
We don't "hate Christians", more so as we hate what judeo-xianity as well as islam has done and what they push Gentiles to do. Look what it's done to the Philippines, it is the most culturally degenerate nation in Asia in my opinion. There's a festival in the Philippines where people douse themselves in mud and flagellate themselves to mimck christ or st peter or some stupid shit like that.

With this being said judging xians shouldn't be done as a "one cookie cutter judgement" xians different everywhere. In America? I hate rednecks with a burning passion and I don't hold back on that. They're a bigger threat to the conservative movement than the liberals since they make conservatives look bad.

Secular Christians on the other hand? Aren't so bad, many even practice qi-gong, meditation, yoga, and etc.

They example Im gonna give are just one out of a bajillion of what xianity has done.

Christianity went hand in hand with the opium poisoning of China, the various Unequal treaties against China, so missionaries can go steal Chinese occult and medicinal knowledge so greedy westerners can make books off of them, and sell them (which is why i'm very leery of TCM and other Chinese spiritual books coming from westerners). All this culminated in the energies to create communist China and if you look at all the leaders of the "Tongmenghui" their leaders were christians who took money from triads (jewish chinese drug syndicate) to overthrow the Qing dynasty.

Vietnam - the communist and anti-communists were led by catholics on both sides, one (Ngo Dinh Diem - leader of the so-called "anti-communist resistence) outright tried to banish Asian spiritualtiy in Vietnam and replace it with Catholicism while the communists were being supported from behind closed doors.

Additionally catholic friars also destroyed Vietnam's connections to China, though they weren't as successful as they were in a country like the Philippines and East Timor.

Yadiyadiya I can't and won't list every single one as you should get it by this point......
Not full-time haters? Then what about your unreasonable, unempathetic, and misanthropic attitude?
You are welcome to come here and learn, but not in this way of posing untrue slander in the form of a loaded question. At ToZ, we directly advance our souls to become more reasonable, more empathetic, and develop stronger relational skills.
Not full-time haters? Then what about your unreasonable, unempathetic, and misanthropic attitude?

How does these adjectives fits my attitude exactly? I gave you the link for why we reject Christianity. And reject is a much better word here.
But obviously we are dickheads for saying the truth, as the truth is often not comfortable for most people.
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
Keรงi baลŸlฤฑ ters Pentagramฤฑn รงift daire iรงine alฤฑnmasฤฑndaki sebeb nedir
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
ัhristianity is DEAD!!!

One of the greatest atrocities of ัhristianity, because of which many suffer in the 21st century, is an attack on the sacred/sacral (sexual) chakra.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
