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Other #76546 Why do you hate Christians?

Not all Jews will be saved.

Jews are not beings to be saved. There is nothing to save. They are the antithesis of the universe. Therefore they have no place in the universe. They are a temporary evil. The problem is the Gentiles who will want to unite, but they won't make it in time. Beyond a certain threshold, there is no salvation at will.
It does not depend on the Gods.

When for example heroin destroy your body and your brain and you are stuck in bed, saying you want to detox doesn't save you. The medical institutions were there, trying to help you. But you only realized their help was your good when you are drooling on a deathbed in such a pitiful state that you can't even say "I accept" anymore. Institutions are not to blame for this.

If you see my earthly father, not Zeus Pater Familias, until a few years ago he could still be saved from Jesus. Today he can understand that he believed in nonsense, but he is so enslaved to it that that nonsense is the only thing he has left. The fact that he has lost his soul and just looking at him conveys disgust, negativity and death to you does not help his condition. On the contrary. It makes it permanent.
Not all Jews will be saved.
You stated that as a matter of fact, not as someone else's belief, so I take it that you're a fundie evangelical and you believe it? I thought you said you were neutral before, so you lied? I knew evangelicals lie to convert people.

FYI if you wonder why most people (not just the people here, but atheists, agnostics buddhists and many others) hate you, look in the mirror. You guys behave like self-righteous assholes who think your religion is the only true one and everyone else must be converted (sorry, I mean "evangelized") and try to jam it down everybody's throats. If you are persecuted, that's because of your attitude and actions and not any stupid prophecy. Maybe the "prophets" behind those prophecies had self awareness and knew that they behave like self-righteous assholes and they will get persecuted because of that so they stated is as some supposed prophecy to fool low IQ believers.

That's like jews who bomb children and prioritize themselves at the expense of others and write in their Talmud that goyim are animals and then wonder why people hate them and kicked them out of 109 countries. No wonder a judeo-slave would behave just like his master.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
