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Other #76546 Why do you hate Christians?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).

Lol classic "Satan to make rebellious Christians" meme. This is one of the reasons why the upgrade to the Temple was necessary.

No, Christianity is a dead thing. Here we focus on what has always been alive: the Gods of humanity. See here:

Note: I think the website is down now, I have already written to the JG to check. I may be wrong.
Lol classic "Satan to make rebellious Christians" meme. This is one of the reasons why the upgrade to the Temple was necessary.

No, Christianity is a dead thing. Here we focus on what has always been alive: the Gods of humanity. See here:

Note: I think the website is down now, I have already written to the JG to check. I may be wrong.
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.
I think my brother meant that here as a topic is a dead thing.
We have evolved, we don't care so much about them right now as we are rediscovering the ancient Gods, our ancient cultures and the ancient peoples that we come from
You sure? I still see believers ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Yes. I am VERY sure. It is not a purely statistical issue. But a question of the power behind things. My mother calls herself a Christian. If you ask her, she believes in that asshole Jesus Christ. But she always offends Jesus Christ by comparing him to different kinds of animals like pigs and dogs (this has a precise name in Italian, but it is untranslatable). If you ask her about her family, she will say that we are all Christians including me because in a Christian family. I serve Satan wholeheartedly and would give every minute of my time for him “since I am really a good Christian” (lol). People define themselves by the few definable things they have come to know over time. That is why now we are no longer named Joy of Satan, but we are the Temple of Zeus. Because the thing that has really always defined us is our True Identity in our Gods.
We don't "hate Christians", more so as we hate what judeo-xianity as well as islam has done and what they push Gentiles to do. Look what it's done to the Philippines, it is the most culturally degenerate nation in Asia in my opinion. There's a festival in the Philippines where people douse themselves in mud and flagellate themselves to mimck christ or st peter or some stupid shit like that.

With this being said judging xians shouldn't be done as a "one cookie cutter judgement" xians different everywhere. In America? I hate rednecks with a burning passion and I don't hold back on that. They're a bigger threat to the conservative movement than the liberals since they make conservatives look bad.

Secular Christians on the other hand? Aren't so bad, many even practice qi-gong, meditation, yoga, and etc.

They example Im gonna give are just one out of a bajillion of what xianity has done.

Christianity went hand in hand with the opium poisoning of China, the various Unequal treaties against China, so missionaries can go steal Chinese occult and medicinal knowledge so greedy westerners can make books off of them, and sell them (which is why i'm very leery of TCM and other Chinese spiritual books coming from westerners). All this culminated in the energies to create communist China and if you look at all the leaders of the "Tongmenghui" their leaders were christians who took money from triads (jewish chinese drug syndicate) to overthrow the Qing dynasty.

Vietnam - the communist and anti-communists were led by catholics on both sides, one (Ngo Dinh Diem - leader of the so-called "anti-communist resistence) outright tried to banish Asian spiritualtiy in Vietnam and replace it with Catholicism while the communists were being supported from behind closed doors.

Additionally catholic friars also destroyed Vietnam's connections to China, though they weren't as successful as they were in a country like the Philippines and East Timor.

Yadiyadiya I can't and won't list every single one as you should get it by this point......
Not full-time haters? Then what about your unreasonable, unempathetic, and misanthropic attitude?
You are welcome to come here and learn, but not in this way of posing untrue slander in the form of a loaded question. At ToZ, we directly advance our souls to become more reasonable, more empathetic, and develop stronger relational skills.
Not full-time haters? Then what about your unreasonable, unempathetic, and misanthropic attitude?

How does these adjectives fits my attitude exactly? I gave you the link for why we reject Christianity. And reject is a much better word here.
But obviously we are dickheads for saying the truth, as the truth is often not comfortable for most people.
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
сhristianity is DEAD!!!

One of the greatest atrocities of сhristianity, because of which many suffer in the 21st century, is an attack on the sacred/sacral (sexual) chakra.
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
We don't hate christians. We hate what christianity does to otherwise innocent people.

You've gotten plenty of answers. Take a leaf out of your own jewish book (hopefully you know enough about your own religion to know the quote):
"Our fight is not with flesh and blood, but with the principalities and powers, and the wicked forces of this world."

Except, you know, we at ToZ actually do that, not just pretend.
A lot of people on here probably come from christian or muslim backgrounds. There is a difference between the religion and misguided people. All of us goyim are children of the Gods, just some are more misguided. Some people get more angry than others at the atrocities committed in the name a yahweh, some people are just transitioning away from their religious upbringing and are a little more angry. A lot of members are young plus its the internet so they can be aggressive. We are not suppose to hate our fellow goyim, we should help guide them towards truth.
All of us goyim

You are not a goy.
You are a Zevist.
What a Jew writes that you are on a Talmud is only a more specific demonstration of Jewish mental illness, not about the validity of your Zevist status in Satya under Zeus.
You are a Zevist.
You are not a goy.
A lot of people on here probably come from christian or muslim backgrounds. There is a difference between the religion and misguided people. All of us goyim are children of the Gods, just some are more misguided. Some people get more angry than others at the atrocities committed in the name a yahweh, some people are just transitioning away from their religious upbringing and are a little more angry. A lot of members are young plus its the internet so they can be aggressive. We are not suppose to hate our fellow goyim, we should help guide them towards truth.
Stop calling yourself and others cattle, thank you.
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
Because they are hypocrites
Lie all the time, slander Satan without wanting to know the truth
They are spiritually dead and shit on anything that is spiritual or that can uplift humanity
The most ignorant people ever and highly inconsiderate ,self absorbed while claiming to be humble
The Bible is full of contradictions
Christianity came about to wipe out humanity original religion which is paganism/Spiritual Satanism
Christianity promotes slave mind mentality and to never think for oneself or question anything
Christianity is a Jewish tool used to control gentiles and at the same time slander gentile Gods
goyim (plural) - cattle; from that we have the name golem, or rather goYlem, as something clumsy, soulless, made only to serve. Fits the jewish narrative of us having to serve them? It does.
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
Probably not even 3% out of all discussions are about christians. Also out of those very few discussions about christians, most of them are about members here who face problems with christians and not about mere hate.

Also who even mentioned that christians have been made by reptilians.....
How about the endless murder that happens in the Bible and Christianity blindly supports all of it
Or the endless wars that has been started because of Christianity
I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
The word has no power. It like black people getting offended over the n-word, they give their power away when its just a sound with no meaning. Jews can say whatever they want.
Of course not, but it is not appropriate to call others cattle.
The word has no power

The Hebrew alphabet is clearly dead, but a concept has the power you give it. And this power is managed (directed and programmed) by the mind itself. With which you find the most appropriate things to say. A Jew who explains how you are cattle is a dead Jew. But if you go around telling how you are cattle, it has power. Regardless of whether you use Hebrew, Sanskrit or Swedish.

Of course not, but it is not appropriate to call others cattle

And yes. It is not appropriate. If it were appropriate we would still be called Joy of Satan, instead we are Temple of Zeus - The Assembly of The Gods.
They banned occult knowledge
It's true. There intentions are to enslave the whole humanity. It is as same as someone wants to hurt you, can you smile at them ? Automatically, you can not . That is why it is good to fully expose them till the world knows how blasphemous they are . I also get very angry at Jews more especially on their foul words they use to term us with. I do not feel good when they say "a gentile is an animal in a human form." What a foul word is this? I was not born to be slave for the Jews. I know Gods know this and they will help everyone of us till one day we shall enslave the Jews.
we shall enslave the Jews

Jews are not good even as slaves in many cases. They could very well destroy a slave system from within and make slavery itself a problem. This is not because they are very good, but because they are so cursed and negative that they never go well in any way. Even dead they are negative and release death energy that curses the ground where they are buried. Not even a dead Jew is OK. Only no Jew is OK.
Yes, ridiculous isn't it? To hate those self-righteous assholes who will use terrorism and threats that you will burn in hell if you practice even something mainstream like Reiki healing to try to convert you to their religion? Who killed thousands of people in the inquisition and destroyed all Europe's occult knowledge? Who demonized the Pagan gods and replaced them with their ugly jewish shit? Who killed other xians because they didn't agree with one small part of their xian doctrine? How dare we? Poor xians are persecuted for no reason! They are poor innocent victims and people just hate them for no reason, just like the jews! We must turn the other cheek to them, just like their religion says!

Sarcasm aside, blame the xians for being murderous assholes, not the people who rightfully hate them for being murderous assholes.
How would you feel if you were a Pagan/Wiccan woman posting "Happy Beltane" and few recipes and crafts on Beltane and then xian assholes started replying to you with photos of witch burnings? Literally happened to a friend. No, she didn't hate xians and she only posted positive Pagan stuff and yet xian assholes kept harassing her with indirect death threats because she didn't accept their religion. And you think people hate them for reason? Please.
I agree with the "we hate xianity not xians" part btw. I wanted to demonstrate that it's logical to hate xians for what they have done and keep doing.

Followers of other religions don't have a positive opinion of xians, and bible thumping fundamentalists in particular. It's because they are intolerant and keep proselytizing and try to convert and threaten everyone that they'll burn in hell except jews (because they believe jews are the chosen of Yahweh).

Non-xians have a positive opinion of Buddhists, but not xians. Have you seen a Buddhist tell you you'll burn in hell if you don't believe in Buddhism and aggressively try to convert you? Have you seen Buddhists trying to create a Buddhist theocracy and ban any non-Buddhist religion? Have you seen any Buddhist claim all other religion except Buddhism is an evil deception from Satan and must be eradicated and its people converted to Buddhism? Me neither. Nor do Hindus. It's only Abrahamic/Jewish religions which are like that. Xianity and Islam mostly.

That's why people hate them.
I agree with the "we hate xianity not xians" part btw. I wanted to demonstrate that it's logical to hate xians for what they have done and keep doing.

Followers of other religions don't have a positive opinion of xians, and bible thumping fundamentalists in particular. It's because they are intolerant and keep proselytizing and try to convert and threaten everyone that they'll burn in hell except jews (because they believe jews are the chosen of Yahweh).

Non-xians have a positive opinion of Buddhists, but not xians. Have you seen a Buddhist tell you you'll burn in hell if you don't believe in Buddhism and aggressively try to convert you? Have you seen Buddhists trying to create a Buddhist theocracy and ban any non-Buddhist religion? Have you seen any Buddhist claim all other religion except Buddhism is an evil deception from Satan and must be eradicated and its people converted to Buddhism? Me neither. Nor do Hindus. It's only Abrahamic/Jewish religions which are like that. Xianity and Islam mostly.

That's why people hate them.
Christians do say jews will go to hell because the OT is redundant and to “fulfill” the torah jews must become christians.

Bhuddism almost annihilated Hinduism and the knowledge there from which we still rely on strongly here in TOZ. It’s just as dangerous if not more so than xianity precisely because it isn’t aggressive and thus is more likeable albeit just as poisonous.
The war against the Original Religion started long before the Abrahamic religions.

The prior enemy attempts were Atenism in Egypt, Bhuddism in the east(india, southeast asia, china, korea, japan) and Zoroastrianism in Persia. Many Pagan religions also got heavily corrupted. Canaanites, Aztects and parts of Africa incorporated human sacrifice and degenerated as cultures as a consequence.

Christianity is in many ways very similar to Bhuddism.

Hindu texts predicted as part of the Kali Yuga that the Original Religion would get corrupted and lost over time as humanity degenerates and this is precisely what happened.
The Hebrew alphabet is clearly dead, but a concept has the power you give it. And this power is managed (directed and programmed) by the mind itself. With which you find the most appropriate things to say. A Jew who explains how you are cattle is a dead Jew. But if you go around telling how you are cattle, it has power. Regardless of whether you use Hebrew, Sanskrit or Swedish.
Of course not, but it is not appropriate to call others cattle.

Maybe; but the Goyim meme has done just as much if not more the hurt the jews as any RTR, plus it exposes their attitudes towards us. That a compliment to the power of rtr not a insult. If we can't make fun of ourselves what does that say about the level of spiritual cultivation in this place? The word is fitting to the question because the abrahamic religions consider us Goyim. This place is hostile to anyone who might be a christian or muslim with some doubts and by some miracle find this place. Or some kid has a question about Hitler and everyone attacks them, instead understanding most people been taught whole lives that Hitler was the most evil to ever exist. What is more offensive using a meme word that has hurt jews or scaring away potential new members due to all the hate and hostility? Personally I think the word is like Vhat but for waking people up. Its great word, beautiful word like tarrifs.

I have seen that all you do here is hate Christians. Can you tell me the reason why? Another reason besides what you teach here about Christians being made by reptilians (Vril).
Yes. I am VERY sure. It is not a purely statistical issue. But a question of the power behind things. My mother calls herself a Christian. If you ask her, she believes in that asshole Jesus Christ. But she always offends Jesus Christ by comparing him to different kinds of animals like pigs and dogs (this has a precise name in Italian, but it is untranslatable). If you ask her about her family, she will say that we are all Christians including me because in a Christian family. I serve Satan wholeheartedly and would give every minute of my time for him “since I am really a good Christian” (lol). People define themselves by the few definable things they have come to know over time. That is why now we are no longer named Joy of Satan, but we are the Temple of Zeus. Because the thing that has really always defined us is our True Identity in our Gods.
I agree with the "we hate xianity not xians" part btw. I wanted to demonstrate that it's logical to hate xians for what they have done and keep doing.

Followers of other religions don't have a positive opinion of xians, and bible thumping fundamentalists in particular. It's because they are intolerant and keep proselytizing and try to convert and threaten everyone that they'll burn in hell except jews (because they believe jews are the chosen of Yahweh).

Non-xians have a positive opinion of Buddhists, but not xians. Have you seen a Buddhist tell you you'll burn in hell if you don't believe in Buddhism and aggressively try to convert you? Have you seen Buddhists trying to create a Buddhist theocracy and ban any non-Buddhist religion? Have you seen any Buddhist claim all other religion except Buddhism is an evil deception from Satan and must be eradicated and its people converted to Buddhism? Me neither. Nor do Hindus. It's only Abrahamic/Jewish religions which are like that. Xianity and Islam mostly.

That's why people hate them.
Not all Jews will be saved.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
