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The Gods #76464 Demonic Relations

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Greetings Father! I know I should be well aware of this by now but I feel I must be diligent. My question is weather or not I am involved with a Succubus? If I am not, then who or what had drawn the Rune in the dust on my DVD player years ago? If I do, may I ask if I had her name right? I’m aware that your time is incredibly important and thank you for absolutely everything! Including life itself.
We cannot speak definitely for the event you had experienced. That might be a sign from the Gods. But no, you do not have an affair with a Succubi. This is a very advanced level of relationship, and it is only reserved for those who are very advanced in the same manner. It is not about faking.

It is advised for you to not dwell on or be fixed about sensational matters. Gods are with you, not necessarily romantically.
You are not involved with any Succubus. This could be anything, a spirit, guardian Demon telling you they are aware of you, etc.:
Greetings Father!

Obviously AskSatan does not put you in direct communication with Satan himself on a forum. Satanists will be the ones to answer you.

My question is weather or not I am involved with a Succubus?

In logical thinking, this is a fallacy of presumption, specifically a fallacy of logical possibility: reasoning assumes that if something is possible, then it must be true.

In this case, the thought is:

"There are demon lovers (succubi)" (hypothetical premise).
"I am a Satanist, so I may have had a relationship with one"
"So I definitely had a relationship with a succubus in another life."

But the fact that something is possible does not mean that it is automatically true without evidence or signs.

If I am not, then who or what had drawn the Rune in the dust on my DVD player years ago?

There really could be many explanations for such a thing, really many that do not require the presence of a Demonic Succubus in your life.

What you are telling us is a fallacy of illusory correlation, where we perceive a connection between two events that actually have no connection. The reasoning is:

"I saw some Runes around" (random event).
"Runes are connected to occultism and demons."
"So this is proof that I am in a relationship with a succubus."
The problem is that seeing Runes proves nothing about a spiritual relationship, but the human mind tends to look for patterns and meanings even where there are none (apophenia).

In addition, the confirmation bias fallacy can be added, because the individual notices only the elements that reinforce his theory (the runes), ignoring the fact that they could be anywhere for trivial reasons (e.g., random designs, cultural symbols, fashion).

I should be well aware of this

In general, we Satanists have Demons who are close to us anyway. The Guardian Demon is an example. And there can be Demons that are close to us without being Guardian Demons, but not even Subbubi of course. For example, who told me that Anubis was my Guardian Demon was Astarte. But Astarte is close to me (she told me that she "watches me" confirming that she follows me), but she really has NOTHING to do with a Demon Lover, etc.

Expect to have relationships with the Gods here in Satanism as you advance more and more and that you can't think directly about succubi every time. Even if the story of the Runes were not a logical fallacy, but actual, attested proof of the presence of a Deity in your life, why would it have to be a Succubus? Why not your Guardian?

In the scientific method, the choice of the most likely hypothesis to explain a phenomenon is based on principles of rationality, simplicity and empirical evidence.

Among multiple hypotheses compatible with the data, the one that requires the fewest unnecessary assumptions is preferred. If a phenomenon can be explained by a simple and verifiable cause, there is no point in invoking more complex and improbable explanations. This is the so-called Principle of Parsimony (Occam's Razor).

Of course, this is not always the case. Science itself offers methods that are safe always in probabilistic relation. One thing proven true scientifically (which then the statement "science says" is meaningless because there is no Dr. Science, but always a series of studied models that fit reality and may even happen to be at odds. There are models that say that the universe as we know it today started from an event that changed its previous form, commonly called the Big Bang, and there are models that are just as valid, and indeed, often more so, but it is off-topic now, that explain how the universe is eternal already in the form in which we know it today) in not necessarily 100% absolutely true-no-matter-what.

But to use this scientific method to understand that it is really unlikely that you have a Succubus by default, and that this is not supported by any evidence, that the probability is so high that in science it is said that you give "by assumption" the demonstration. Once you rule out 99.9999% of a hypothesis like the Christian God, for example, you take it for granted that 0.0001% is so irrelevant as to be impossible.

And this doesn't just apply to understanding a scientific theory, or even in science itself. It really applies in any cognitive method of reality. So even for the historical method: if every time you look for evidence that Jesus really existed you not only don't find one, but you find evidence that he never existed, then you assume that he doesn't exist regardless.

The cognitive method that you are now using for example is the logical method, and yes, that applies there as well.

Regarding relationships with Demons, I leave you with a few quotes I selected from a sermon by HPS Lydia:

Everyone has a GD from the moment of dedication to Satan.

Sometimes even before we dedicate, because they are highly psychic and know we are on the Path, or we may have already established a relationship with them from past lives.

Some members believed that you do not have a Guardian until you are psychic enough to spiritually communicate with them; this is false. Leading to the next point…

You can communicate with your GD, even if you don’t know who He/She is yet!

Simply speak, either mentally or aloud, something like “To my Guardian Demon aligned with Satan, [say what you want to say].” Make sure you are focused. I did this often until I found out who mine was.

Doing this helps to establish a bond. As you are putting in effort to reach out to them, you are opening your mind and soul to them, and putting yourself on the path to knowing them and receiving guidance from them, even if you don’t know who they are yet.

Feeling drawn to a God does not necessarily mean they are your Guardian.

We feel drawn to the Gods because this is human nature; the Gods created us and were with us in the Ancient Days. Perhaps you’ve been to their temple in a past life, or they have attributes you admire and want for yourself. It’s human nature to want role models to look up to, who inspire us to do better.

The above is very important to understand because there are members who think they have many Guardians. Leading to the next point…

Demons often reach out to us, even if they are not our Guardian!

This is because they are interested in humanity and our development, and because they want us to remember them. I have had many of our Gods reach out to me over the years. When this happens, you have established a friendship with them; but this does not mean they are your GD, even if they help you with something. You can still honor them when you do a thanksgiving ritual on our holidays, for example.

Don’t disregard the lower ranking Demons of the races of Bes and Pazuzu!

These Demons are protectors, guardians, friends to humanity, and often have more time for us than the main Gods. They can help give us information regarding various things in life. They also act as messengers for the main Gods.

I personally have a very good Demon Friend of the same race as Bes, and he always comes to my aid when needed. When one of the God Rituals came out, as I was doing the ritual for the first time, an enemy entity came to me. My Demon Friend immediately showed up and chased it off so I could continue the ritual uninterrupted.

I liked @Egon 's links. Read them. :)
Especially the second one is very much on topic.

PS Sorry, it took me so long to write it. Forgive translation errors or maybe skipped logical steps. Between this and another topic I have been writing for two hours so if I missed a passage forgive me. I want to tell you because this of cognitive methods is VERY close to my heart.
I thank you all for your responses and time. Please know that I contain unwavering respect and love for you all. Thank you again and HAIL SATAN LUCIFER!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
