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#76453 Find a spiritual guide to progress further


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Excuse me, High Priestess Lydia, my lady

I am a person whose religion was Abrahamic and I live in a Muslim country and I am afraid of them if they discover my secret ... I am very open to the gods and I have been dedicated and started practicing the meditation program,,,

But I do not know what rituals or prayers I should do or how to approach the gods to guide me. I would like to help you or help one of the members to encourage me during my spiritual journey,,,, please so that I can be with you during the spiritual war and together with the army of Satan

I want a friend or girlfriend to help me advance on the path more,,, and leave Islam permanently

I feel lonely here in my country and sometimes I hesitate to do so. Because there is no one to encourage me alone

Please, please, please help me for the sake of the gods
Talk to me what to send my email [email protected]

Or the link to my page in the X application.... I am lonely and I hope for help please and I promise you that I am advancing on that path
Excuse me, High Priestess Lydia, my lady

@HPS Lydia The question is addressed to you, I took the liberty to answer something if you don't mind. In case let me know :)

(However, it is wonderful how people in need seek you out. It means that you are so reliable and caring that people are spontaneously led to trust you. This is beautiful. Congratulations, High Priestess!)

I am a person whose religion was Abrahamic and I live in a Muslim country and I am afraid of them if they discover my secret ... I am very open to the gods and I have been dedicated and started practicing the meditation program,,,

I can understand that. Being in an Islamic country where if you get caught you are in trouble is a difficult situation. BUT! In reality you really don't have to do anything that would expose you even a little bit. Ritual objects? You don't need them for example. You can directly create an astral temple and pretend to sleep while you go there:

In addition, you can also vibrate mantras by whispering. Even in a sitting position not necessarily with a straight back. You could literally say you are reading the Quran sitting on the bed while praying in a low voice and you are actually whispering vibrations for the chakras without even having seen what page of the Quran you are on.

And in extreme situations there are really a lot of meditations that do not require vibrations when needed.

Even should you find yourself in situations where you have to pray to Allah. You do all the theatrics of kneeling down and all the necessities of the situation, while in your heart you love Satan and mentally you can also focus on Satan and his Sigil to get in touch with him:

About Satan's Sigil:

But I do not know what rituals or prayers I should do or how to approach the gods to guide me. I would like to help you or help one of the members to encourage me during my spiritual journey,,,, please so that I can be with you during the spiritual war and together with the army of Satan

I wouldn't worry about it by the way. JoS is very supportive and really all the information on this is there. Here are some of them:

I want a friend or girlfriend to help me advance on the path more,,, and leave Islam permanently

I also understand this. It is true. But think that you are not the only Satanist in an Islamic country (I have responded to many users in your situation). There are other Satanists in Islamic countries, of your same race. And so consequently there are also guys/girls who might not agree with Islamic things and with whom you might think about getting to know them better socially or romantically (always without exposing yourself that you don't need to).

Obviously getting involved with an Islamic girl might elicit opposition from you (I would think the same thing about a Christian girl). However, in my life I have known girls who although not Satanists were very open to it. Obviously in Islamic countries you don't have to experts and talk about Satanism, my argument is that it is not true that 100% of Arab people are Islamic imams.

I feel lonely here in my country and sometimes I hesitate to do so. Because there is no one to encourage me alone

For this, read here:
Thank you for answering, SeguaceDiSatanas :)

To the OP, we have many members here who were from islam. Keep studying the JoS, and you will grow as a member here.
@HPS Lydia السؤال موجه إليك، لقد أخذت على عاتقي الإجابة على شيء إذا لم يكن لديك مانع. في حالة ما، أخبرني:)

(ومع ذلك، فمن الرائع كيف يبحث عنك الأشخاص المحتاجون. وهذا يعني أنك جديرة بالثقة ومهتمة لدرجة أن الناس يثقون بك تلقائيًا. هذا جميل. مبروك، رئيسة الكهنة!)

أستطيع أن أفهم ذلك. فالعيش في بلد إسلامي حيث إذا تم القبض عليك فإنك ستقع في ورطة هو موقف صعب. ولكن! في الواقع، ليس عليك حقًا أن تفعل أي شيء من شأنه أن يعرضك للخطر ولو قليلاً. أشياء طقسية؟ لست بحاجة إليها على سبيل المثال. يمكنك إنشاء معبد نجمي مباشرةً والتظاهر بالنوم أثناء الذهاب إليه:

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكنك أيضًا اهتزاز التراتيل بالهمس. حتى في وضع الجلوس وليس بالضرورة مع ظهر مستقيم. يمكنك أن تقول حرفيًا أنك تقرأ القرآن وأنت جالس على السرير أثناء الصلاة بصوت منخفض وأنت في الواقع تهمس باهتزازات للشاكرات دون أن ترى حتى الصفحة التي تقرأها من القرآن.

وفي الحالات المتطرفة هناك حقًا الكثير من التأملات التي لا تتطلب الاهتزازات عند الحاجة إليها.

حتى لو وجدت نفسك في مواقف تتطلب منك الدعاء إلى الله، فإنك تقوم بكل التمثيليات من الركوع وكل ما يتطلبه الموقف، بينما في قلبك تحب الشيطان، وفي عقلك يمكنك أيضًا التركيز على الشيطان ورمزه للتواصل معه:

حول رمز الشيطان:

لا أعتقد أن هذا الأمر يقلقني، فشركة JoS تقدم دعمًا كبيرًا، وكل المعلومات المتعلقة بهذا الأمر موجودة هناك. وفيما يلي بعض منها:

أنا أفهم هذا أيضًا. إنه صحيح. لكن فكر في أنك لست الشيطاني الوحيد في بلد إسلامي (لقد رددت على العديد من المستخدمين في موقفك). هناك شيطانيون آخرون في البلدان الإسلامية، من نفس عرقك. وبالتالي، هناك أيضًا شباب/فتيات قد لا يتفقون مع الأمور الإسلامية وقد تفكر في التعرف عليهم بشكل أفضل اجتماعيًا أو عاطفيًا (دائمًا دون الكشف عن نفسك لأنك لست بحاجة إلى ذلك).

من الواضح أن الارتباط بفتاة مسلمة قد يثير معارضة منك (وأنا أعتقد نفس الشيء عن الفتاة المسيحية). ومع ذلك، في حياتي، عرفت فتيات على الرغم من أنهن لسن من عبدة الشيطان، إلا أنهن منفتحات للغاية على هذا الأمر. من الواضح أنه في البلدان الإسلامية لا يتعين عليك أن تتحدث مع خبراء عن عبادة الشيطان، وحجتي هي أنه ليس صحيحًا أن 100% من العرب أئمة مسلمون.

لقراءة المزيد، هنا:
ما هي الترانيم التي أنطقها؟
ما هي الترانيم التي أنطقها؟

ماذا تقصد بـ "تراتيل تريد أن تغنيها؟ حاول أن تكتب بالإنجليزية. أنا لست عربياً.
What chants and prayers do I do when I am among Muslims?

Ah okay. You are referring to the vibrations in the chakras. You will understand as you go deeper into Satanism. Don't worry.
How do I delve deeper into Satanism? Is it only through meditation? Or are there prayers and rituals that can help me?

Basically studying this site:
Everything follows from this. Knowledge is the primary source of things. Doing things without knowledge of how to do them is meaningless. Take time to understand more by reading the website.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
