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The Gods #76376 [I can be spiritual when I'm in an Arab country]استطيع اكون روحاني وانا في بلاد عربيه

This question pertains to the Gods


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
لو سمحت رئيسة الكهنة ليديا سيدتي
انا شخص كان ديني الإبراهيمي واعيش بينهم وخائف منهم اذا اكتشف أمري... وانا منفتح كثيرآ للالهه وقمت بعمل التكريس وبدأت أمارس برنامج التأمل،،،
ولكني لا أعلم ماذا اعمل من طقوس او صلوات او كيف اتقرب إلى الاله ليرشدوني اريد مساعدتك او احد الأعضاء يساعدني ويتواصل معي خلال رحلتي الروحية،،،، ارجوك من فضلك من أجل اكون معكم أثناء الحرب الروحيه
ويكون يشجعني للتقدم في المسار أكثر
لان شعوري هنا وحيد في بلادي وأشعر بتردد في معظم الأوقات
ارجوك ارجوك لو سمحت ساعدني من أجل الالهه ا

[Excuse me, High Priestess Lydia, ma'am.
I'm a person whose religion is Abrahamic and I live among them and I'm afraid of them if they find out about me... I'm very open to God, and I've made a consecration and started a meditation program.
But I don't know what to do from rituals or prayers or how to approach God to guide me, I want your help or one of the members to help me and communicate with me during my spiritual journey ،،،، Please please please please to be with you during the spiritual warfare
and encourage me to go further down the path.
Because I feel lonely here in my country and I feel indecisive most of the time.
Please, please, please, please help me for the sake of the gods.]
يُرجى استخدام برنامج ترجمة إلى اللغة العربية لقراءة إجابتي إذا كنت بحاجة إليها.

I'm very open to God, and I've made a consecration and started a meditation program.

We are very happy to have you among us! Yes, it is very good that you have started meditating! Keep up the good work!!! I would just like to remind you, in case you need privacy advice, that there are many meditations that do not even require vocal vibrations. And by the way, the vocal vibrations that are really very useful can also be whispered if needed. You don't even need a straight back necessarily. So even just being in a normal sitting position and meditating is still very effective.

But I don't know what to do from rituals or prayers or how to approach God to guide me, I want your help or one of the members to help me and communicate with me during my spiritual journey

I understand how you feel. Being in an environment where they are mainly devoted to something willing to do evil is a sad situation. But remember that you don't need mediators or mentors or spiritual guides to figure out what to do for the Gods. You simply need to know the Gods. That includes understanding how to do things in the best ways. And that is what the JoS website is for, to learn how to do things in the most effective ways. In that sense it is supportive. For example, if you wonder how to structure a regular meditation program, you will find pages like this:
Or one day you might ask how magic works and come across pages like this:

to be with you during the spiritual warfare
and encourage me to go further down the path.

You will always be with us and we will always be with you :D
The forum is a useful way for this.
Also remember to keep your relationship with the Gods alive. Read here:
And here:

Because I feel lonely here in my country and I feel indecisive most of the time.

Don't worry. There is not only what can be seen in the width of the eye beam. As you see this forum is full of people. Our Assembly is full of Gods. You are never excluded from this whole vast universal Kingdom. You are actively part of it. And since the Ritual of Dedication is forever, you will always be part of it. Rest assured. Truly NO ONE will ever leave you behind. It will NEVER happen. :D

Excuse me, High Priestess Lydia, ma'am.

Noble High Priestess,
I think I understand that you are very busy these days, which is also why I did my best to respond as best I could to this topic. But since it's about you, I'll tag you anyway that maybe you missed it: @HPS Lydia
Thank you for answering, SeguaceDiSatanas :)

To the OP, we have many members in similar situations as you. Make sure to keep your practices a secret from people in your real life, and read the links included above this post. In time, islam and other enemy programs will be drastically reduced and then completely removed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
