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Family #76440 Infant vaccination pls guide

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello dear SS Family!
We’ve been given with a baby 2 months ago!
My question is do children at this age and later age need these stupid vaccination like pneumonia , rotavirus, hepatic b, tetanus etc ?
Fck it !
I've had them as a baby. I'm still here.

Your baby needs to be protected, not exposed to these deadly diseases. We don't live in the medieval ages where infant fatalities happen.
Hello dear SS Family!
We’ve been given with a baby 2 months ago!
My question is do children at this age and later age need these stupid vaccination like pneumonia , rotavirus, hepatic b, tetanus etc ?
Fck it !
None of these diseases are 'stupid', but very dangerous, and proper respect towards them is in place. Those vaccinations are lifesavers, or at least, simplify something complex as people are not on the level to eradicate pathogens straight out the womb, nor are the parents skillful and advanced enough to avert disasters for newborns, or in general for that matter. That being said, yes, there are many useless and harmful things as well. One has to study and reflect critically on the subject.
Some vaccines are important to prevent diseases that once caused a high rate of infant mortality. I would recommend that you mainly avoid those that are 100% proven to be a fraud, such as those for the flu and covid.
Hello dear SS Family!
We’ve been given with a baby 2 months ago!
My question is do children at this age and later age need these stupid vaccination like pneumonia , rotavirus, hepatic b, tetanus etc ?
Fck it !
All 7 major vaccine companies are owned by Jews. There is a great representation warning us Germans back in WW|| in the Der Stürmer newspaper (and I know a lot has to be taken with a grain of salt in regards to certain things here and then ..it's a little complex depending what specific issue and analogys made them etc) however it showed a Jewish doctor poking needles into a German women's baby and the child is distraught faced. My eldest son had a horrible reactions 20 years ago..his brain began swelling and he was going into seizures..I found doctors (in California one of the hardest states to do so in) to help me through it and after my second son was born only allowed a few vaccines but then stopped. They were never vaccinated for many many years until middle/highschool when there dad and his parents decided to do it anyways..they are ok but they were anyways before..except when my eldest son first had them which was so scary that is why I decreased the # with second child and third never had any her 10 years of life until last year when a few were given somewhat beyond my control and I was very upset but have done visual work and health care to reverse any possible negative damage as most vaccines have aborted fetus cloned shit animal insect monkey DNA RNA heavy metals ...it's not like eating a steak it's injected into the direct blood stream hundreds and hundreds of vaccines in market to literally alter the purity of our genetics like a mixing bowl of sludge contaminated the unique diversity of our races by intermixing murdered aborted fetus concoctions into each other is lunacy. My friend in Australia had to leave his country after serving as a police officer for 20 plus years after seeing first hand vaccine deaths and so called SIDS. I had many songs and discussions videos now most all long gone shut down. Most literature on exposing the 6 million lies is also illegal to sell..I know because I was not allowed to sell most my CDS/VINYL/BOOKS/Videos online because of laws kangaroo courts who imprisoned people authors singers (like Mr.Bond in prison over his raps healing Hitler) so yah....I would be careful but don't freak out about a few vaccines. Also IN THE HEART OF TRADITION they have Transendermal Ancient Magnesium "Oil" in a glass blue bottle...have been getting it for my children and my self for years now to help reverse toxic shit from system and to help boost health...I don't always have it for myself but it is the one thing over anything just about as far as recommended as you can brush your teeth with it, rub it on your thyroids, soar muscles, cuts wounds anything really it's amazing. It's the REAL kind never chemical "purification", 100% natural state from Zechstein (not just saying it's Zechstein) from the the ancient sea which has been crystalized 1 mile below the North Sea in Veendam, Netherlands 🏔️🤍💦
Get them. Some vaccines are not worth getting and potentially harmful, but not the one's you describe here. They are very important.
If you do get vaccines for your baby, make sure to space them out. I've been told this by someone related to a scientist who works on vaccines and had discovered some problems regarding vaccines. Don't get 10 shots in one go for example.

As to whether or not to vaccinate, this is your call, we cannot instruct on this, only give opinions or link research that you can find online.
Hello dear SS Family!
We’ve been given with a baby 2 months ago!
My question is do children at this age and later age need these stupid vaccination like pneumonia , rotavirus, hepatic b, tetanus etc ?
Fck it !
https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/n...nation/video/d4e7c4db2e3d377636fd20d874b061fa was going to attach this
Get them. Some vaccines are not worth getting and potentially harmful, but not the one's you describe here. They are very important.
Get them. Some vaccines are not worth getting and potentially harmful, but not the one's you describe here. They are very important.🙋🏼‍♀️

If you do get vaccines for your baby, make sure to space them out. I've been told this by someone related to a scientist who works on vaccines and had discovered some problems regarding vaccines. Don't get 10 shots in one go for example.

As to whether or not to vaccinate, this is your call, we cannot instruct on this, only give opinions or link research that you can find online.
Alfred Russel Wallace 20 years ago was looking at also Dr.Sherry TenPenny and others hard to recall but yes research and find how to boost immunity as natural as able. With my 3ed child when she was a baby I had been able to get a homeopathic doctor along with a regular doc. When it comes to some serious kind of necessity we have great doctors and abilities for such advanced surgery and the like however the actual basic health care system in the US is a bit of a joke right now rather needs some improvement.
Example also is the mercury amalgams that 2 Jewish brothers pushed in the US over 100 years ago against the warnings of American and European doctors who showed the ignorance of using toxic mercury as an amalgam...mercury (had many of them in my mouth in fact 16 years old I remember telling dentist I don't want it if it's mercury (this was before I was J-woke but aware on a deeper level still) and the doc said it wasn't and I found it they were mercury after all. It's illegal in most European countries now but was heavily pushed on the impoverished in the US targeted also they did to India and elsewhere. Mercury off gasses when you drink anything hot, brush your teeth, touch them or have anything at all running against them like when you eat...so also they eventually jeopardize teeth as the mercury heats and cools it causes cracks in the tooth itself and hundreds of physical and mental problems from anxiety, gut, vision, etc negativity effected by them...and just because it's free through welfair and they illegally implemented them to begin with a century ago (like the innocuoations which spread disease during the Spanish wars etc)
🤬😱😫 The first vaccines given out were forced children in like to get Jewish injects from the building they named literally: CHURCH OF VACCINEIA 😰🤮
https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/n...nation/video/d4e7c4db2e3d377636fd20d874b061fa was going to attach this

Alfred Russel Wallace 20 years ago was looking at also Dr.Sherry TenPenny and others hard to recall but yes research and find how to boost immunity as natural as able. With my 3ed child when she was a baby I had been able to get a homeopathic doctor along with a regular doc. When it comes to some serious kind of necessity we have great doctors and abilities for such advanced surgery and the like however the actual basic health care system in the US is a bit of a joke right now rather needs some improvement.
Example also is the mercury amalgams that 2 Jewish brothers pushed in the US over 100 years ago against the warnings of American and European doctors who showed the ignorance of using toxic mercury as an amalgam...mercury (had many of them in my mouth in fact 16 years old I remember telling dentist I don't want it if it's mercury (this was before I was J-woke but aware on a deeper level still) and the doc said it wasn't and I found it they were mercury after all. It's illegal in most European countries now but was heavily pushed on the impoverished in the US targeted also they did to India and elsewhere. Mercury off gasses when you drink anything hot, brush your teeth, touch them or have anything at all running against them like when you eat...so also they eventually jeopardize teeth as the mercury heats and cools it causes cracks in the tooth itself and hundreds of physical and mental problems from anxiety, gut, vision, etc negativity effected by them...and just because it's free through welfair and they illegally implemented them to begin with a century ago (like the innocuoations which spread disease during the Spanish wars etc)
🤬😱😫 The first vaccines given out were forced children in like to get Jewish injects from the building they named literally: CHURCH OF VACCINEIA 😰🤮

they forced children in *LINE to get the innocuoations from The Church Of Vaccinia
Most of your infant child's immune system should come from the mother through breast feeding. When she holds the child she should get infected by whatever the kid has and create anti-bodies in the breast milk. The mother should do everything possible to boost her immune system while being careful of what she consumes as it can effect the child (caffine for example). Having cats or dogs can also increase the immune system. When they get older playing the backyard with dirt or helping you garden is great way to build the immune system. Avoiding diseased people as much as possible. There is also spiritual protections you can use for your kid.

Generally speaking I am the most anti-vax person and believe there are safe alternatives for boosting immune system, this being said if you don't vax your kid and something happens then you might get into legal trouble. During covid parents where losing their kids in custody battles because they didn't want to vax them. In some countries vaccines are mandatory. Like HPSLydia said spacing out the vaccines helps a lot, and others have mentioned maybe getting less if you need to get them. Research the brand of vaccine as they aren't the same. Avoid any Mrna vaccines at all cost.

Its really tough situation to be in and no one on here can tell you what to do.
Hello dear SS Family!
We’ve been given with a baby 2 months ago!
My question is do children at this age and later age need these stupid vaccination like pneumonia , rotavirus, hepatic b, tetanus etc ?
Fck it !
If it's just recommended in your country, then nobody can forse you to vaccinate your child. It's better to read the side effects of vaccines and side effects of those illnesses, then decide. If you'll decide to vaccinate then never vaccinate an ill child. Finally, you'll have to live with those consequences of your decision, not a doctor, not a friend, etc. So make a wise decision. All the best and take care. 🙂
I've had them as a baby. I'm still here.

Your baby needs to be protected, not exposed to these deadly diseases. We don't live in the medieval ages where infant fatalities happen.
Sorry for asking, but how old are you? Vaccines are different nowadays, in one shot can be 1-5 from different illnesses. Nowadays babies got more than 20 shots till 1 year. Did you get as a baby so many till 1 year?
Sorry for asking, but how old are you? Vaccines are different nowadays, in one shot can be 1-5 from different illnesses. Nowadays babies got more than 20 shots till 1 year. Did you get as a baby so many till 1 year?
It was one shot every couple of months and then every couple of years later. From different illnesses, to name a few: Polish, Tuberculosis.

I'm in my 20s.
Most of your infant child's immune system should come from the mother through breast feeding. When she holds the child she should get infected by whatever the kid has and create anti-bodies in the breast milk. The mother should do everything possible to boost her immune system while being careful of what she consumes as it can effect the child (caffine for example). Having cats or dogs can also increase the immune system. When they get older playing the backyard with dirt or helping you garden is great way to build the immune system. Avoiding diseased people as much as possible. There is also spiritual protections you can use for your kid.

Generally speaking I am the most anti-vax person and believe there are safe alternatives for boosting immune system, this being said if you don't vax your kid and something happens then you might get into legal trouble. During covid parents where losing their kids in custody battles because they didn't want to vax them. In some countries vaccines are mandatory. Like HPSLydia said spacing out the vaccines helps a lot, and others have mentioned maybe getting less if you need to get them. Research the brand of vaccine as they aren't the same. Avoid any Mrna vaccines at all cost.

Its really tough situation to be in and no one on here can tell you what to do.
Breastfeeding yes! I remember how amazing it was even before my eldest was born..as it was drawing closer to that time of his arrival and being in awe at how our bodies change and everything ..I recall getting in the bath looking down to see what at first I thought was like crystals or diamonds on my nipples..it was milk starting to come out and was like sugar or clear white honey..very amazing really. 👁️ was the kind of women who's breasts would start milking even if other babies near by were crying .. it's pretty awesome ..so magical the gift of life create. I want to get or make a Shiva Lingam .. it's high time to have that consecrating the space where ever am. Also breastfeeding helps a women's uterus tighten back up..it feels like lightning bolts inside and for the first few days can be painful down there in random little circuits of like electrical pulse that's like being zipped back up from the inside out...awesome ja but above all that is the best feeling ever knowing you're helping give your child the immunity and energy they need! 🌿🌹🌿🌿
Breastfeeding yes! I remember how amazing it was even before my eldest was born..as it was drawing closer to that time of his arrival and being in awe at how our bodies change and everything ..I recall getting in the bath looking down to see what at first I thought was like crystals or diamonds on my nipples..it was milk starting to come out and was like sugar or clear white honey..very amazing really. 👁️ was the kind of women who's breasts would start milking even if other babies near by were crying .. it's pretty awesome ..so magical the gift of life create. I want to get or make a Shiva Lingam .. it's high time to have that consecrating the space where ever am. Also breastfeeding helps a women's uterus tighten back up..it feels like lightning bolts inside and for the first few days can be painful down there in random little circuits of like electrical pulse that's like being zipped back up from the inside out...awesome ja but above all that is the best feeling ever knowing you're helping give your child the immunity and energy they need! 🌿🌹🌿🌿

Now that is a promotional PSA for breastfeeding lol.
It was one shot every couple of months and then every couple of years later. From different illnesses, to name a few: Polish, Tuberculosis.

I'm in my 20s.
I hate autocorrect.

I meant polio, not Polish. 🤦‍♀️😂
Sorry for asking, but how old are you? Vaccines are different nowadays, in one shot can be 1-5 from different illnesses. Nowadays babies got more than 20 shots till 1 year. Did you get as a baby so many till 1 year?
🌹🙋🏼‍♀️Yes even 20 years ago was many in one, Alfred Russell Wallace has some books out and I got to read some of long ago.. there were channels removed that my friend Chris Savage had for over a decade now gone because he became high profile and also spoke against the Jews..and vaccines which he had some very informative videos about and was literally had to leave his country over this.
🌌🌠 But on that note, no need to ask about someone age since we are not needing to be so invasive or asking personal information on a way that might demean each other when we comment or reply ..and may this be received in Satanic light of comeradery & respect 🦚🦚

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
