was going to attach this
Alfred Russel Wallace 20 years ago was looking at also Dr.Sherry TenPenny and others hard to recall but yes research and find how to boost immunity as natural as able. With my 3ed child when she was a baby I had been able to get a homeopathic doctor along with a regular doc. When it comes to some serious kind of necessity we have great doctors and abilities for such advanced surgery and the like however the actual basic health care system in the US is a bit of a joke right now rather needs some improvement.
Example also is the mercury amalgams that 2 Jewish brothers pushed in the US over 100 years ago against the warnings of American and European doctors who showed the ignorance of using toxic mercury as an amalgam...mercury (had many of them in my mouth in fact 16 years old I remember telling dentist I don't want it if it's mercury (this was before I was J-woke but aware on a deeper level still) and the doc said it wasn't and I found it they were mercury after all. It's illegal in most European countries now but was heavily pushed on the impoverished in the US targeted also they did to India and elsewhere. Mercury off gasses when you drink anything hot, brush your teeth, touch them or have anything at all running against them like when you also they eventually jeopardize teeth as the mercury heats and cools it causes cracks in the tooth itself and hundreds of physical and mental problems from anxiety, gut, vision, etc negativity effected by them...and just because it's free through welfair and they illegally implemented them to begin with a century ago (like the innocuoations which spread disease during the Spanish wars etc)

The first vaccines given out were forced children in like to get Jewish injects from the building they named literally: CHURCH OF VACCINEIA