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#76417 He hurt me


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I had hormonal issues, and my boyfriend was taking care of me with a level of love and affection I had never felt before. This imbalance caused my breasts to become slightly bigger—I’m an A cup—but they eventually returned to their normal size after I underwent treatment (with his support). Jokingly, I said to him, "I'm sad, my big boobs are disappearing." I obviously knew they weren’t actually big, but they were the largest I had ever had. He even called my attention to it, saying he didn’t want me to talk about myself that way and that the issue was my health, not the size of my breasts. He emphasized that his only concern at that moment was exclusively my well-being.

I was feeling emotional and ended up saying, "You probably miss having sex with breasts." He got upset—rightfully so—and said that his past didn’t matter, that I was the only thing that mattered now, and that I shouldn’t think like that. He also said he didn’t miss anything, regardless of whether he had experienced it before or not.

That passed. A few days later, I was on a video call with my friend, and absentmindedly, I placed my hand inside my bra to feel that comforting warmth. We talked about it, and she said, "My boyfriend does that all the time when we're about to sleep, hahaha. "

After the call, I started thinking. My boyfriend never does that. Then I wondered, Is he just more into butts? Even so, wouldn’t he still touch my breasts at least occasionally? A flood of thoughts and doubts filled my mind—What if…? Until, when we were about to sleep, I finally asked why he never touched them, either before bed or randomly. He said he didn’t want to make me feel bad in any way, that he wanted a real connection.

I told him it wasn’t a problem, that I wouldn’t think he was objectifying me (because he literally said, "I don’t want to objectify you."). To me, it was fine, and I even thought it was a sweet gesture. Then I asked him to be honest with me about the real reason, because I knew his previous answer wasn’t the truth. That’s when, suddenly, he burst out and quickly said:

"I don’t like touching them because they’re too small. They have no substance. I don’t find them attractive. It’s just not a part of your body that I find appealing."

I had never felt such terrible pain, and I’ve been through a lot in my life. I didn’t know what to say. A horrible ringing filled my head, and I went into a daze. In the background, I could hear him apologizing over and over, saying he loved me, that he found me attractive, that I was more than just a body. But I remained silent. I had always been someone who never held back words, but this hurt so much that it left me speechless.

I simply stood up and started gathering my things. He begged me not to leave, saying he was truly sorry and that he loved me more than anything. I did everything in silence. I even felt dizzy… I think that if I had been punched in the mouth multiple times, it wouldn’t have hurt half as much as what I felt when he said those words.

I will never forget what he said. He tried calling me afterward, but I didn’t answer. I cried for an entire day, and it still hurts.

What should I do? How can I forget this?

I asked the chat gpt for help to write it clearly, I'm not good at English and I thought he could put it in a better way. Sorry if it sounds weird.
I'll be honest, this is irrelevant drama.

A person can just love you without thinking about all this stuff. In my oppinion things come natural and that's it.

How much are you putting on the line for such a small bullshit that nobody cared, until your strange obsession over it?

I'm not insulting you, I just want you to think 360 degrees from an external point of view.

Then you know what's the best for yourself.
On one hand, that is a very hurtful and tactless thing to say. On the other, you asked him to be honest, and he was, even though it was an uncomfortable truth.

So, even though it's not pleasant, you did get what you asked for, and he was honest, which is an important thing to have.

However, just because of how harsh this was, and with the caveat of not knowing anything else about the relationship, I question whether he really loves you.

You have to figure that out for yourself because communication blunders do happen and it could genuinely have been said that way incidentally and without thinking.

I wouldn't say such a harsh thing to someone I love. But I have said things that I had good intentions with, but which came out wrong and were misinterpreted.
It's a painful thing to say to someone you claim to love.
I think he would have felt just as sad if it had been you who had said that you don't like touching a certain part of his body and that you don't find it attractive, wouldn't that have been a very uncomfortable and awkward situation as it was with you? I honestly think that if you love someone, you love them completely and if you don't, there's no point in being with them. But you know what's best for you.
I had never felt such terrible pain, and I’ve been through a lot in my life.
The problem is not your size here.
I think there's something deeper : you don't feel you are "enough", like many people do (me included for so many years).
I am a man so I may not fully understand your feeling, but this can be easily related to penis male dimensions issues, so common among standard men. All of this has one common point : people strongly fear to be insufficient for another human, in some way.

Every single bit of education, advertisement, news, movies, etc. points out to "not being enough". Have you ever noticed how in a tv advertisement for a new car, all points out to filling insecurities of the driver?

You did not cry one day because you have small breasts. That honestly are attractive and sexy for several men, on fit, short, or slim woman.
You did cry one day because you have confronted your biggest fear : someone lead you to feel you are insufficient.
That you are not, because, where is the comparison term? Where is stated which is the correct breast size? There's no rule here.

People nowadays always want more. Did you notice men driving 300 bhp cars stuck in traffic all day long? Is their can sufficient or do they need more? If you give them 500 bhp they'll say 300 bhp was "too small". And so on.

Is your partner SS or at least has a strong aura?
In some cases, it may happen people project their insecurities on others, putting in motion so much energy with their obsession (i.e. you over worrying about your bra) that this energy may end up manifesting with the partner telling you that.

It is also possible Pluto is transiting one of your planets (probably Mars, that is also indeed retrograde now) bringing out in harsh ways those kind of self-esteem insecurities.
You wanted honesty, and he was honest. This man loves you and you made it all about yourself.
I think it might be a BIT hard for a man to understand this.

As a woman, most of your value seems to be placed on how you look - including how nice your breasts or body is overall.

I too am an A cup size, so I can understand her insecurity, especially if she is young.

It's not ideal, yes. But saying stuff like "I'm completely not attracted to one side of your body that's highly associated with sexuality" can fuck up the entire dynamic . It's the equivalent of telling a guy that his dick is too small to be appealing. Which would hurt any guy that has an average or less than average size, of course. It's not as much about honesty as it is about putting the words in a form that won't hurt your partner or not saying it at all, even if they insist. I personally couldn't imagine having sex with a man that told me to my face that he's put off by one part of my body.

She was at fault for pushing, but there were 1001 much more gracious ways he could've said it. I'm mentioning it because these words can definitely ruin a relationship and we should be mindful of what we say to partners and how we say it, even if honesty is encouraged.
I had hormonal issues, and my boyfriend was taking care of me with a level of love and affection I had never felt before. This imbalance caused my breasts to become slightly bigger—I’m an A cup—but they eventually returned to their normal size after I underwent treatment (with his support). Jokingly, I said to him, "I'm sad, my big boobs are disappearing." I obviously knew they weren’t actually big, but they were the largest I had ever had. He even called my attention to it, saying he didn’t want me to talk about myself that way and that the issue was my health, not the size of my breasts. He emphasized that his only concern at that moment was exclusively my well-being.

I was feeling emotional and ended up saying, "You probably miss having sex with breasts." He got upset—rightfully so—and said that his past didn’t matter, that I was the only thing that mattered now, and that I shouldn’t think like that. He also said he didn’t miss anything, regardless of whether he had experienced it before or not.

That passed. A few days later, I was on a video call with my friend, and absentmindedly, I placed my hand inside my bra to feel that comforting warmth. We talked about it, and she said, "My boyfriend does that all the time when we're about to sleep, hahaha. "

After the call, I started thinking. My boyfriend never does that. Then I wondered, Is he just more into butts? Even so, wouldn’t he still touch my breasts at least occasionally? A flood of thoughts and doubts filled my mind—What if…? Until, when we were about to sleep, I finally asked why he never touched them, either before bed or randomly. He said he didn’t want to make me feel bad in any way, that he wanted a real connection.

I told him it wasn’t a problem, that I wouldn’t think he was objectifying me (because he literally said, "I don’t want to objectify you."). To me, it was fine, and I even thought it was a sweet gesture. Then I asked him to be honest with me about the real reason, because I knew his previous answer wasn’t the truth. That’s when, suddenly, he burst out and quickly said:

"I don’t like touching them because they’re too small. They have no substance. I don’t find them attractive. It’s just not a part of your body that I find appealing."

I had never felt such terrible pain, and I’ve been through a lot in my life. I didn’t know what to say. A horrible ringing filled my head, and I went into a daze. In the background, I could hear him apologizing over and over, saying he loved me, that he found me attractive, that I was more than just a body. But I remained silent. I had always been someone who never held back words, but this hurt so much that it left me speechless.

I simply stood up and started gathering my things. He begged me not to leave, saying he was truly sorry and that he loved me more than anything. I did everything in silence. I even felt dizzy… I think that if I had been punched in the mouth multiple times, it wouldn’t have hurt half as much as what I felt when he said those words.

I will never forget what he said. He tried calling me afterward, but I didn’t answer. I cried for an entire day, and it still hurts.

What should I do? How can I forget this?

I asked the chat gpt for help to write it clearly, I'm not good at English and I thought he could put it in a better way. Sorry if it sounds weird.
Honey, small breasts can definitely be sexy and attractive. It depends on the man. I personally wouldn't accept one that doesn't like mine, as they're a key erogenous point on my body. I'd feel quite offended if he didn't like them. 😅

I think you should just have serious discussion with him about it. Don't try to attack things that he himself might be insecure about (I know it's easy to get bitter and resentful when in these situations, and that you might feel hurt enough to try to get back at him).

He was a bit of a jackass in how he worded things - especially since I believe that if you're with a person you love, you'd find the most important and sexually appealing parts of them attractive - but most men are, and I'm not trying to insult anyone here, porn-rotted or incapable of realizing that too much honesty can destroy a relationship in a matter of seconds. It's even worse when it's something you're insecure about that they're well aware off.

He does seem to be overall a caring partner so what I recommend you the most is finding ways to feel sexy yourself. Either lingerie, or doing workings to improve your overall appearance and sexual appeal. Don't do it for him. Do it for yourself.

And please, stop feeling pity for yourself. There are SO MANY women out there with smaller breasts that look amazing. There are plenty of attractive women with small breasts. Hell, even the porn industry has a wide branch focused on petite women or small breasts.

Work on your sexuality, invest in some lingerie or clothing that makes you feel good and confident, and embrace your body. You're an SS and bodies come in all shapes or sizes. If your partner can't ultimately accept it, then that's just an unfortunate incompatibility. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or how you look.
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Stop being insecure and get back to your man before someone else snatches him. He’s a dime from what you’ve described other than this insensitive comment you forced out of him. Good men and good women are both in short supply these days.
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That too if that’s all they really care about
Yeah, it can be a tricky situation. Sexual compatibility is a big thing and if they can't compromise on some stuff regarding sexual body parts and attraction it'll be a hard journey moving forward.

But don't EVER consider getting a breast enlargement surgery just because of some insensitive words being thrown around. It's not worth it - and a man that truly loves you and you're compatible with will find you attractive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
