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Other #76038 Race, Jews , gypsies whites


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hi, it said on the Jos that the Jews travel to land that's is not theirs, same as the gypsies, they infiltrate in other cultures and steal and corrupt their knowledge. I understand that, but the whites have done the same, like every other race, not only the Jews leave their land for another, not only the gypsies also, I mean a SS is someone that doesn't change his country or his land for another one? Is this accurate? The Jews can say that for example Scandinavian people have killed the tribes already present there, same as in America, they were the mayas, astecs and the others and they are all destroyed by white people. So cannot be the Jews always the problem
I mean a SS is someone that doesn't change his country or his land for another one? Is this accurate?

Not necessarily. It may be true in current times where we've grown past the survival stage, but in ancient times where life was hard people had to go somewhere else if their land became unlivable because of weather or climate or any other conditions or their population grew fast and they needed to conquer other lands for resources.

The difference between that and the jews is the jews were too weak and cowardly to conquer others, so they lived in others' lands parasitically and manipulated their kings to give the jews special privileges. And even made up hoaxes to weaken the people and made them slaves mentally, like Christianity and Islam. This is quite different from what normal empires did.

The same with the gypsies, they are similar parasites to the jews and they probably have jewish blood too.

same as in America, they were the mayas, astecs and the others and they are all destroyed by white people

Again, the key word here is *conquered* them. They didn't infiltrate them like jews did.

Speaking of jewish infiltration, blame the jews for this as well, as the ones who did this like Pizarro and Cortez were brainwashed under a jewish hoax (Christianity) and thought those Mayas and Aztecs were "demon-worshippers" who needed to be killed or converted to Christianity, and that's why they even destroyed all their books and codices and all knowledge they had. As it has been said, a soul which has been under hardcore Christianity for many lifetimes it becomes similar to the jewish soul, so these people were technically jews. If they were Pagans and conquered them, they would be more respectful of their traditions and culture (which were originally Satanic, although later corrupted with things like human sacrifices) and would preserve their texts and traditions
So cannot be the Jews always the problem

The difference is simple. If you look at human populations, they all have a piece of land that is their original property in this world. Where did the White Egyptians come from? Egypt (obviously). The Germanic Norse? Scandinavia. And the Greeks? So on for all the white humans.

But the Jews? They don't even have half a square meter of land that is actually theirs. We don't know where to put them, it looks like they weren't even part of the Earth, but were since "Israel" is not "Jewish land", but just a placement of a biblical story that never happened... Jews and Gypsies, where did they come from?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
