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40 day meditation (help)


New member
Jun 22, 2020
Hey, im on day 5 so far of the meditation i was wondering is it possible to invoke one of satans demons or satan to channel while i do the meditations because i have alot of insecurities as i work and i feel like if i can have them directly with me as i work it will help me not overthink the instructions or if im doing it right because they know how to properly do these meditations already...

of course im going to ask you all as well but i dont have a way to contact you all immediately when i need help rn in the now..

any who since im on day 5 now im doing clean aura meditation i have that one down nicely for the most part but i want to do the full cleansing idk where to get a satanic rosary tho.. i found some on etsy but i was wondering if you all had a reccomendation to where i could get one.. it has to be 108 beads right??

the next is aura protection.. i get a little confused with this i usually will go to do the affirmation do the inhale/exhale and then once ive done it 5 times i would just focus on my breath and focusing the light in and out.. was i doing it incorrectly in my steps as i did it?? now that im on day 5 i only say it once or twice as instructed..

the third is void meditation, i get confused what i usually will do is do my breaths for a 6 count but ill also be staring at my candle while i do it... am i supposed to close my eyes and do breaths first to go into a trance and then open eyes and just focus on putting my intent into the candle and nothing else or did i do it right??

for the fourth and final one which i just did today for the first time was the yogic breathing i tried doing a count of 8 in the day and tried a 10 count for tonight but i have trouble understanding how to properly keep my breath without getting strained i guess i can just decrease the number its held for.. but i noticed when i use lower numbers i still kinda have to breath and exhale very slowly as i count it down slowly because if i breath in an out to fast i lose my breath easily and it felt kinda like a workout as in i was feeling a burn or lack of breath after each round so i def should probably decrease right??

I just overthink meditation alot and want to do well..

when it came to the breathing from bottom of lungs to middle and then upper i kinda had to visualize my stomach and my breath as it happened is this what you all do?? and then the contraction is when you just flex your stomach right?? so i flex it as i am breathing out or do i flex the whole torso at once or should it be same as how i raised my lower middle and upper ??

sorry im slow ;)
asuraskeye said:
Hey, im on day 5 so far of the meditation i was wondering is it possible to invoke one of satans demons or satan to channel while i do the meditations because i have alot of insecurities as i work and i feel like if i can have them directly with me as i work it will help me not overthink the instructions or if im doing it right because they know how to properly do these meditations already...

of course im going to ask you all as well but i dont have a way to contact you all immediately when i need help rn in the now..

any who since im on day 5 now im doing clean aura meditation i have that one down nicely for the most part but i want to do the full cleansing idk where to get a satanic rosary tho.. i found some on etsy but i was wondering if you all had a reccomendation to where i could get one.. it has to be 108 beads right??

the next is aura protection.. i get a little confused with this i usually will go to do the affirmation do the inhale/exhale and then once ive done it 5 times i would just focus on my breath and focusing the light in and out.. was i doing it incorrectly in my steps as i did it?? now that im on day 5 i only say it once or twice as instructed..

the third is void meditation, i get confused what i usually will do is do my breaths for a 6 count but ill also be staring at my candle while i do it... am i supposed to close my eyes and do breaths first to go into a trance and then open eyes and just focus on putting my intent into the candle and nothing else or did i do it right??

for the fourth and final one which i just did today for the first time was the yogic breathing i tried doing a count of 8 in the day and tried a 10 count for tonight but i have trouble understanding how to properly keep my breath without getting strained i guess i can just decrease the number its held for.. but i noticed when i use lower numbers i still kinda have to breath and exhale very slowly as i count it down slowly because if i breath in an out to fast i lose my breath easily and it felt kinda like a workout as in i was feeling a burn or lack of breath after each round so i def should probably decrease right??

I just overthink meditation alot and want to do well..

when it came to the breathing from bottom of lungs to middle and then upper i kinda had to visualize my stomach and my breath as it happened is this what you all do?? and then the contraction is when you just flex your stomach right?? so i flex it as i am breathing out or do i flex the whole torso at once or should it be same as how i raised my lower middle and upper ??

sorry im slow ;)

Satan and the demons are very busy so they aren't going to be able to afford you that much of their energy. It is not that they don't want to help, it is just they have a million and one urgent things to deal with. They will guide you, in general, but for the most part, you should rely on the forum members for questions first.

1. You don't need anything special as long as it has 108 beads. Don't go asking around for a satanic rosary in public though. It is not wise to bring that sort of attention to yourself. You can use a mantra counting app or a calculator to keep count or something similar. There are some that you can set to alarm you at 108, so you can keep your eyes closed and just tap your screen.

2. The purpose of inhaling energy for the AOP is so you don't drain yourself. The purpose of exhaling is to place or direct the energy around you. You then, after a some amount of rounds of inhale/exhale, say the affirmation as much as you think you need, so like 5, 3, 2 times. This then programs it to protect form into an protective aura and tells it what to protect against.

You don't need to focus the light in and out, that sounds more like you are just manipulating your aura for practice. The energy should be placed around you and left there. You first inhale energy from your environment, then you exhale it around you. You can imagine an aura glowing brighter and brighter with each exhale, and you will start to feel it, too.

3. I don't think you need to be in a trance for that. Do the instructions say that? It might help calm you, but it is not absolutely required. You don't have to focus on the candle while entering a trance, just focus on calming down or focus on the sensation of falling downward. Yes, when you are training your void state, just focus on the candle and maintain your focus as best as possible.

4. Yeah don't push the breathing exercises. Read the warning on the page for it. The amount of time you hold your breath is analogous to the amount of weight you are benching. You pick the hold time that you can do without strain, but enough that it gives you a bit of an exercise. You can always do more reps with a lower hold time if you feel like you didn't get a good enough practice. The important part though is that you should stop and adjust your practice when you feel strained. That means you are pushing your body too hard. Read the warning here: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Yogic_Breathing.html

5. The practice is to train yourself to take full breaths as opposed to short breaths. So yeah, you should focus your intent on each part of your torso as you fill out and then empty it. Yeah, first you fill the bottom, then middle, then top, then you exhale and contract in the reverse order. If I had to guess, I would say the inhaling properly is the more important part to learn, because people don't normally do that on their own.

Don't be hard on yourself, a lot of this is just a learning process. You will start to learn how these exercises should feel with time. It is like how someone at the gym becomes comfortable with an exercise and knows how it should feel when they do it properly.
Aquarius said:
asuraskeye said:
sorry im slow
Yeah we know, drugs do that.
At least he's trying to work towards improving himself now. You should be happy for that. When he cleans and grows, he will realize more things, but he just barely started. We should all hope he does well at healing and improving himself. That's what we want for everybody.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
asuraskeye said:
sorry im slow
Yeah we know, drugs do that.
At least he's trying to work towards improving himself now. You should be happy for that. When he cleans and grows, he will realize more things, but he just barely started. We should all hope he does well at healing and improving himself. That's what we want for everybody.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
