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i kinda agree with morticia... y would u run n hide.. it is a day we as a ppl have lived through plenty of times.. a glorious day and happening tht we as a ppl get to witness.. pushing us closer and closer to OUR age.. on our day.. in our time. a great catastrophy may happen.. it may not.. but it is the xians tht call it as much.. but if it is true tht we are gunna go.. it is supposed to happen tht way.. go out in a blaze of glory as we ascend.. way it out 1 second of doom for an eternity evr lastin life.. n like our code says.. disrupting the naturak order doesnt exactly get u gold points...so die repin n acsend.,.. or kill ur self n b forever punished for it.. id rather die repin... just sayin.. id rather die watchin those assholes suffer mwahahaha... there is no cowardace within my soul.. i am strong proud and true.. a worrior till i die.. and aftern ;) mwahaha(gotta love the evil laugh).. ave enki ppl ave enki

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "morticia" <morticiasixx@... wrote:

i hope YOU arent serious. dont kill urself dude. those are just stories meant to scare ppl.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Adrian Savala <satanicpride666@ wrote:

DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!!!???? damn were all fucked then!!! *sigh* fuck my
life! minus well just kill myself rite now then before seeing this fucked up
world get blown!!!

From: Bixeus Meda <bixeus_meda@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sun, October 10, 2010 2:12:39 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

Abandon all your possessions and run for the hills: It has been foretold that
the world is coming to an end sooner than you think, in the year 2012. It seems
that you can't pick up any newspaper or magazine without reading that the
apocalypse is almost upon us.

What really is going to happen in 2012? Asteroid 433 Eros is going to pass
within 17 million miles of the Earth in January; the United States will hand
over control of the Korean military back to the Koreans in April; there will be
an annular solar eclipse in May and a solar transit of Venus in June; the Summer
Olympics will take place in London; the Earth's population will officially pass
7 billion people in October; the United States will elect a new President in
November; construction of the new Freedom Tower will be complete in New York
City; the sun will flip its magnetic poles as it does at the end of every
11-year sunspot cycle; and, as I'm sure you've heard by now, the Mayan calendar
completes its 5,125 year cycle, presumably portending the End of Days.

Mayans had three calendars. They had a solar calendar that was 365 days long,
and a ceremonial calendar that was 260 days long. These two calendars would
synchronize every 52 years. To measure longer time periods, they developed the
"long count" calendar, which expressed dates as a series of five numbers, each
less than twenty; something like the way we measure minutes and seconds as a
series of two numbers each less than sixty. And, just in case this might seem
too simple, for some reason the second to last number was always less than
eighteen. The first day in the Mayan long count calendar was expressed as, and by our calendar, this was August 11, 3114 BC. Every 144,000 days
(or about every 395 years, which they called a baktun), the first number would
increment, and a new baktun would start. Recall how we all got to enjoy the
excitement on the millennium of watching the digital displays roll over from
12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000? Well, that's what's going to happen on December 21, 2012
to the Mayan calendar. It's going to roll over from to, just as it has done each of the previous twelve baktuns. There's no
archaeological or historical evidence that the Mayans themselves expected
anything other than a New Year's Eve party to happen on this date: Claims that
this rollover represents a Mayan prediction of the end of the world appear to be
a modern pop-culture invention. It's true that the Mayan carvings of their
calendar only depicted 13 baktuns, but what did you expect them to do? Carve an
infinitely long calendar every time they wanted to express a date? The
explanation could be as simple as they didn't expect people in the 21st century
to still be obsessed with their archaic calendar.

Another story predicting doom in 2012 says that a new planet, variously
described as Planet X, a planet/comet (which makes no sense), or the planet
"Nibiru" is going to pass so close to the Earth as to cause earthquakes and
tidal waves and all kinds of destruction, possibly even flipping the Earth
completely upside down. This is an urban legend that's been around for a long
time, but for most of the story's history, this was supposed to happen in May of
2003, as any Internet search for "Planet X" will reveal. Apparently what
happened is that the Planet X advocates, perhaps embarrassed or disappointed
that 2003 passed without incident, heard about the much more popular Mayan
calendar story, and decided that 2012 is close enough to 2003 that it must be
the correct date and that the Planet X destruction is probably what the Mayans
were foretelling. The Planet X legend got started by misinterpretations of
astronomical observations combined with an ancient Sumerian carving that has
been erroneously interpreted to depict a solar system with ten planets. Why the
craftsmen who made carvings in ancient Sumeria should be presumed to have
planetary knowledge superior to that of modern astronomy is not convincingly
argued. If you're interested in all of the actual science behind the Planet X
story, there's no better source than Phil Plait's "Bad Astronomy" blog, which
goes into all the facts, rumors, and sources in detail.

Here's one more reason people are frightened about 2012. About 500 years ago,
Copernicus confirmed what Hipparchus had observed in 2200 BC: that the axis of
the Earth, which leans over at 23.5°, completes one full rotation every 25,765
years. This means that in 12,000 years, Christmas will come to Australia in
winter and the northern hemisphere will depict Santa in Bermuda shorts.
Astrologers call this period a Great Year, and they divide it into 12 Great
Months or astrological "ages", each about 2,147 years long. Each age corresponds
to one of the signs of the zodiac. We are currently in the Age of Pisces, and
like the song says, we're soon going to enter the Age of Aquarius. According to
modern official delineations of the edges of the constellations, we'll move into
the new age in the year 2600. But there's some disagreement, and some
astrologers place it at 2595, 2654, or 2638. A few put it much earlier, as soon
as 2150 or even 2062. However, once the news of the Mayan calendar broke, a
large segment of the astrological community abandoned the official constellation
definitions and stated that the Age of Aquarius will begin in 2012. So, you can
call this a third major reason why the world will end in 2012, but you have to
be awful loose with your astrology, and you also have to think of some reason
why the dawning of the Age of Aquarius might bring on the end of the world. I
have not found any plausible claims for how it might have this effect.

So that's a lot of reasons, weak though they might be, to predict that the we're
all going to die in 2012. However, there's one significant fact that the 2012
doomsayers all seem to forget: Despite all the various 2012-ish predictions for
the end of the world, there are far more stories of apocalypse with different
dates. For example, popular interpretations of Nostradamus found predictions for
the end of the world in July of 1999, December of 1999, June of 2002, and
October of 2005. It's also been said that his writings could mean the dead will
rise from their graves in either 2000, 2007, or the year 7000. Nostradamus never
said anything about 2012.

Many Protestant Christians believe that the end of the world will come in the
form of what they call the Rapture, when the righteous will all be whisked away
to heaven. Shakers believed the Rapture would come in 1792. Seventh Day
Adventists first calculated it would happen in 1843, then when nothing happened,
they found an error in their calculations and corrected it to 1844. The
Jehovah's Witnesses made firm predictions for 1918, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1984, and
1994. A book was published in 1988 called 88 Reasons the Rapture is in 1988. A
number of Bible scholars found firm scriptural evidence that the Rapture would
happen in October of 2005. Thousands of Koreans gave away all their money and
possessions in preparation for the Rapture on October 28, 1992. Even Sir Isaac
Newton made a calculation based on scripture that showed the Rapture could not
happen before 2060. Some Jewish scholars place the "end of days" via Armageddon
in the year 2240. I couldn't find 2012 mentioned in any of these stories.

In fact, James Randi's magnum opus publication An Encyclopedia of Claims,
Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural lists 44 distinct end of the
world predictions that all came and went unfulfilled. Why should we think that
the 2012 legends are any different? Any examination of the science behind any of
the stories, even a glib examination, reveals a complete absence of plausible
foundation. Only the Planet X story, which is the most easily falsified as it
depends on concrete astronomical observations that are demonstrably false,
offers a proposed mechanism for exactly how this "end of the world" is to be
accomplished, the alleged gravitational destruction. Neither the Mayan calendar
people, nor the Age of Aquarius people, have offered any claims for how or why
the world will end, only that their particular legend points to a rollover in
some ancient calendar. My calendar rolls over every time the ball drops in New
York, and I've yet to see this cause any planetary cataclysm, except for the guy
who has to mop out the drunk tank at the NYPD.

Many people tend to place more trust in ancient neolithic traditions than in the
observations of modern science. There's nothing wrong with studying and
respecting our predecessors' history for what it was, but when you turn things
over and start believing that scientific knowledge of the natural world has only
decreased over time, you're not doing anyone any favors.
<td val[/IMG]

so im not gonna die well thats ggod news lol 1 less thing 2 worry about people been going on about d end 4 years i mean wasnt somthing surpossed 2 happen at d year 2000 acording 2 d bible lol [/TD]
I already know that 2012 is a transformation from the Illusion to consciousness but it was also said that some star (the Shema star) will crash into the earth. What's up with that?
Another scare story I'd imagine invented to keep people stressed, on edge, and NOT focusing on what's truly important. The doomsday hype is reaching a crescendo and will only get worse until 2012 morphs into 2013 and nothing of significance has happened as far as the end of the world arriving. I haven't heard of anything called the "Shema" star; the name sounds Hebrew, however. (Who'd have thunk it? LOL)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Hasani" <hasani_baron@... wrote:

I already know that 2012 is a transformation from the Illusion to consciousness but it was also said that some star (the Shema star) will crash into the earth. What's up with that?
I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@... wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
Did you read my previous reply to your question and the JoS?I did clearly say that it'll be the end of all illusion as 'maya' in Sanskrit means illusion, not any other thing. People will learn the truth. There're some people who haven't read the JoS or have no clear idea about 2012, don't let yourself believing anything without questioning.

Also, you're necroposting here, the message you're replying to is 2 years old.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "K" <applebongg@... wrote:

I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
i heard it was the end of thier calender
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

Did you read my previous reply to your question and the JoS?I did clearly say that it'll be the end of all illusion as 'maya' in Sanskrit means illusion, not any other thing. People will learn the truth. There're some people who haven't read the JoS or have no clear idea about 2012, don't let yourself believing anything without questioning.

Also, you're necroposting here, the message you're replying to is 2 years old.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "K" <applebongg@ wrote:

I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
I once saw this cartoon.
Two Mayan guys.

One was on his knees with a chisel and a hammer looking at the Mayan calendar he was obviously just chipping away on.

The other guy was standing over him and he says, "Dude, this calendar ends in 2012?"

"Yeah, I know. I ran out of space."

2012, Y2K's big brother...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "strokeman70" <strokeman70@... wrote:

i heard it was the end of thier calender
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@ wrote:

Did you read my previous reply to your question and the JoS?I did clearly say that it'll be the end of all illusion as 'maya' in Sanskrit means illusion, not any other thing. People will learn the truth. There're some people who haven't read the JoS or have no clear idea about 2012, don't let yourself believing anything without questioning.

Also, you're necroposting here, the message you're replying to is 2 years old.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "K" <applebongg@ wrote:

I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
About the microchip thing:

First, nowhere does it say in revelation that the "mark of the beast" refers to any microchips. This is just the stupid xians' interpretation. The "mark of the beast" is a spiritual allegory, it is actually your third eye chakra if it's opened. The third eye is referred as a "seal" in some other part of the book of revelation. And there's again the "7 seals" or "7 lamps" which are really the 7 chakras. Like everything else in their buybull it is stolen spiritual concepts and scare tactics to prevent people from accessing their spiritual powers.

Second, the KIKES want to have people barcoded and insert microchips and other stuff so they can control the Gentiles. It's true that the kikes want to use these things to enslave the "goyim", and they control the government. What is false:

1)Xians obviously combined that with their revelation crap so as to make their stupid "prophecy" sound true.

2)You combined the microchip thing with the 2012, which again is nonsense and combining 2 irrelevant things, the end of mayan (illusion) calendar with microchips.

3)The kikes and government actually *promote* the 2012 panic, making sure the people are so terrified of it that they get distracted and don't turn against them. They see that they are getting slowly exposed and people are learning the truth, so they have to create a distraction.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "K" <applebongg@... wrote:

I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
To Mr Firestarter

So from what you said, kikes want us barcoded but on the other hand they spread xian panic against bar coding calling it mark of the beast, right?

So they kind of undermine their own agenda of barcoding??
I don't get it. Well, maybe they know they can control us in a different way still.

Hail Satan.
Tke kike says that "Satan" or "Beast" will barcode humans, whereas they themselves want to do it. Father has always been the scapegoat:/ But this scum will regret it sorely. No, they are not undermining their own agenda - they realise their plan in 100%. They will, however, fail.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "userkarlpl" <userkarlpl@... wrote:

To Mr Firestarter

So from what you said, kikes want us barcoded but on the other hand they spread xian panic against bar coding calling it mark of the beast, right?

So they kind of undermine their own agenda of barcoding??
I don't get it. Well, maybe they know they can control us in a different way still.

Hail Satan.
EXACTLY, they try to make the barcoding thing sound as if it's some stupid xian conspiracy theory the buybull thumpers pull, so that many free thinking people won't believe it. They know that xianity is falling. Don't underestimate them.

This also causes diversion in xians, making them trying to blame it on Satan, when Satan's enemies, and the promoters of xianity are behind bar-coding. Clever one, don't you thing.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "userkarlpl" <userkarlpl@... wrote:

To Mr Firestarter

So from what you said, kikes want us barcoded but on the other hand they spread xian panic against bar coding calling it mark of the beast, right?

So they kind of undermine their own agenda of barcoding??
I don't get it. Well, maybe they know they can control us in a different way still.

Hail Satan.
<td val[/IMG]Nice idea but do you honestly think the world governments and the American government in particular has time and money to waste on placing microchips in people's heads! They've got more urgent and important things to do especially with China becoming the second most powerful nation in the world! Na! Forget the microchips and forget the Bible! That, for starters, was written when people believed everything they heard and saw! Today we know better! It's very easy to start a rumour especially on the Internet so just be alert and don't believe everything you see and hear! HS L!

--- En date de : Mar 1.2.11, K <applebongg@... a écrit :
De: K <applebongg@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [email protected]
Date: Mardi 1 février 2011, 5h49

  I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@... wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@...
To: <[[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
<td val[/IMG]They ran out of paper!

--- En date de : Mar 1.2.11, strokeman70 <strokeman70@... a écrit :
De: strokeman70 <strokeman70@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [email protected]
Date: Mardi 1 février 2011, 14h20

i heard it was the end of thier calender
--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

Did you read my previous reply to your question and the JoS?I did clearly say that it'll be the end of all illusion as 'maya' in Sanskrit means illusion, not any other thing. People will learn the truth. There're some people who haven't read the JoS or have no clear idea about 2012, don't let yourself believing anything without questioning.

Also, you're necroposting here, the message you're replying to is 2 years old.

--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "K" <applebongg@ wrote:

I'm sorry but what exactly will happen when the age of aquarius happens?
Also, I heard that in 2012, the government will make people get microchips inserted inside their forheads or somewhere and they will be called "The mark of the beast" (as was said in revelations). Even though I know the the Bible might not be true, but is the whole microchip thing true?

--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "Envoy Enki" <bender_dragon_666@ wrote:

actually, no. the new age will come in 2150. ever age lasts 2150 years. the current age began 2009 years ago. which means the age will
shift in 141 years from now.
Hail Satan!

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

------Original Message------
From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@
To: <[[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 03:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "barry" <barry_kidwell@... wrote:
ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!

Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than this,nothing will happen.

<td val[/IMG]i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.

Yea I heard that too. That would suck! I hope not.

On Thu Feb 17th, 2011 2:33 AM EST Shadow Child wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
in my long very long post that will hopefully show up, I said I was going to follow the right hand path thinking that Satanism was a RHP, I must have misread that part of the jos site, I realized this when I read a post by someone saying DEATH TO THE RIGHT HAND PATH, then I was like oh shit I just said in my last post I was gonna follow the RHP.

Simple mistake, my bad. :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Loki Asgard <loki_asgard_666@... wrote:

Relax, let'em fret, if they're afraid, they're not real Satanists but we, will drink Chamapgn and red wine just for the fun of it lol!
OK, He's right, let's move on and Forget 2012 apart from the fact that it's an election year and that's true for a number of countries but America will have a chance to get things together again by voting for the right person this time;

--- On Sun, 9/27/09, DerekD <derekthehellviking@... wrote:

From: DerekD <derekthehellviking@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009, 3:18 AM


For the 1000th time, the 2012 apocalypse predictions are a fraud! You have no idea how many times that very same question has been asked! The only thing that will really happen for sure is that the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Satan, will come. I can hardly wait until that happens! It imagine it will be quite grand!

Are we going to keep being asked this question till 2012 passes!? It's one thing for the same question to be asked a few times but this is kind of ridiculous! By the way, I'm not trying to give you a hard time buddy. It's just that I'm sure this question is driving people a little nuts.
<td val[/IMG] For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :
De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "barry" <barry_kidwell@... wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than this,nothing will happen.

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to face them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards, coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@... wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are already in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to face them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards, coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@... wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
Father Satan told us via High Priestess Maxine that "Dedicated Spiritual Satanists have Nothing to Worry About" concerning 2012. forgive me is I do not stretch to your assumption that "Nothing is going to happen". Look into it a little bit further than the simplicity of "Planet x" or perhaps just the "Global Food Market", or the Super Nova Star "Beelzebub", etc, and you may find at least one uncertainty that could amount to something.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than this,nothing will happen.

We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than "Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are already
in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides
we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the
further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a
serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the
only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very
well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to face
them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to
short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you
look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that
you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just
another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@ wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this
happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and
prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that
they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth
and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even
years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
The solar flare hitting the earth 1212  is disinfo, why because I actually took the time to check into it.   Anymore big sounding empty statements you would like to pronouce to me?

From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:25:20 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than "Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are already
in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides
we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the
further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a
serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the
only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very
well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to face
them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to
short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you
look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that
you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just
another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@ wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this
happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and
prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that
they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth
and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even
years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
Who needs Sattelites? I'm working with some friends in some of the most densely populated parts of the world (I live in suburban NC) to set up an ad-hoc Wireless network that works in a "spiderweb" fashion. Currently we have a semi-functional one covering about five acres in SF; more work is forthcoming.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "justice6never6ending6anger" <ihave.found_home@... wrote:

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to face them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards, coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@ wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
My appolgies then My Brother, I did not know you where refering to 2012 specifically, but where dismissing the "Recent" Solar Activity, S, M and an X Class Flare. Would you like me to post the links?

Oh I'm good at Statements Brother, In fact I have plenty if you would like to hear them all?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

The solar flare hitting the earth 1212  is disinfo, why because I actually took
the time to check into it.

Anymore big sounding empty statements you would like to pronouce to me?

From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:25:20 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar
Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which
should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than
"Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual
Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are already

in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides

we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the

further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a
serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the
only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very
well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to

them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to
short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you
look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that

you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just
another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@ wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this
happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and
prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big

they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet

and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months

years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
Platitudes prehaps:   Very disingenuous on you're part to acknowledge after already reading into two posts I was addressing the 1212 claims to now feign ignorance on the subject with false apology and then claim that I was dimissing any solar activity at all recent or old and offer links. Nice way to inject false suggestions into the conversation.   Save it for your yeshiva.
From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:47:52 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  My appolgies then My Brother, I did not know you where refering to 2012 specifically, but where dismissing the "Recent" Solar Activity, S, M and an X Class Flare. Would you like me to post the links?

Oh I'm good at Statements Brother, In fact I have plenty if you would like to hear them all?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

The solar flare hitting the earth 1212  is disinfo, why because I actually took
the time to check into it.

Anymore big sounding empty statements you would like to pronouce to me?

From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:25:20 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar
Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which
should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than
"Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual
Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are already

in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do, besides

we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in the

further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a
serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the
only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very
well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to

them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to
short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you
look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be, that

you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just
another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@ wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this
happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and
prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big

they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet

and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months

years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
You have no idea how wrong you are. On My part the error of not back reading your posts, I have only just joined, on your part, a complete missjudgement, for a while ago you knew me well enough to not judge me without knowing. Here I find a man too soon to judge for the paranoia of christ that surrounds him. You do not know me, and perhaps you never will, but to assail me with judgement is a task beyond your ability, trust me not? Ask Our Father, and should he desirwe to speak with you, then, and only then will you understand your folly.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Platitudes prehaps:

Very disingenuous on you're part to acknowledge after already reading into two
posts I was addressing the 1212 claims to now feign ignorance on the subject
with false apology and then claim that I was dimissing any solar activity at all
recent or old and offer links. Nice way to inject false suggestions into the

Save it for your yeshiva.


From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:47:52 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

My appolgies then My Brother, I did not know you where refering to 2012
specifically, but where dismissing the "Recent" Solar Activity, S, M and an X
Class Flare. Would you like me to post the links?

Oh I'm good at Statements Brother, In fact I have plenty if you would like to
hear them all?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The solar flare hitting the earth 1212  is disinfo, why because I actually

the time to check into it.

Anymore big sounding empty statements you would like to pronouce to me?

From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:25:20 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar
Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which
should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than
"Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual
Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are

in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do,

we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in

further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a

serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the

only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very

well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to

them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to

short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you

look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be,

you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just

another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this

happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and

prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big


they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet


and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months

years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
No Iam not wrong, I have literally years of experience in dealing with such tactics from debating outright Yeshiva trained subversion kikes to everything bagelish inbetween. Being a open National Socalist for a decade plus gives one much wisdom in the area. Infact you have been here before on another handle.
I can keep diagraming your entire posts mathematically and prehaps I will as an example to the forum.
From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:06:48 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

You have no idea how wrong you are. On My part the error of not back reading your posts, I have only just joined, on your part, a complete missjudgement, for a while ago you knew me well enough to not judge me without knowing. Here I find a man too soon to judge for the paranoia of christ that surrounds him. You do not know me, and perhaps you never will, but to assail me with judgement is a task beyond your ability, trust me not? Ask Our Father, and should he desirwe to speak with you, then, and only then will you understand your folly.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Platitudes prehaps:

Very disingenuous on you're part to acknowledge after already reading into two
posts I was addressing the 1212 claims to now feign ignorance on the subject
with false apology and then claim that I was dimissing any solar activity at all
recent or old and offer links. Nice way to inject false suggestions into the

Save it for your yeshiva.


From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:47:52 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

My appolgies then My Brother, I did not know you where refering to 2012
specifically, but where dismissing the "Recent" Solar Activity, S, M and an X
Class Flare. Would you like me to post the links?

Oh I'm good at Statements Brother, In fact I have plenty if you would like to
hear them all?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

The solar flare hitting the earth 1212  is disinfo, why because I actually

the time to check into it.

Anymore big sounding empty statements you would like to pronouce to me?

From: inthenameofthefather666 <inthenameofthefather666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 5:25:20 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

We, as mankind and its estemed Scientific Nature, has recorded several Solar
Flares over the last three days, the last of which was an "X-Class", which
should hit Earth, well, anytime now. This "Magnetic Surge" is far more than
"Nothing", deffinately "Something", and perhaps, as a Developed Spiritual
Satanist you should be "Feeling" it far sooner than Dismissing it ?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

Turns out the solar flares are disinfo, fun to enter a darkage? We are

in one are you enjoying it yet?

From: justice6never6ending6anger <ihave.found_home@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 7:35:30 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

I like to think it would be rather fun to enter a dark age I really do,

we can make our own fire for light etc etc, a dark age will only help us in

further destruction of the enemy, they rely on satelittes and phones and
computers to operate and fight... a dark age will take that away from them, a

serious blow to the enemy.

A thoery I have is this, if solar flares do hit earth, Satanists will be the

only ones who will be able to survive the extreme heat from the sun.

and if not, these bunkers under denver airport and everywhere else could very

well be for most of us! and if not then that's fine too.

I wouldn't want a solar flare to wipe out the enemy, I'd like to be able to

them myself and take my anger out on them as much as I can lol :)

Another thought I just had was that we shouldn't shave our hair or cut it to

short as energy flows threw it, if you look at egyptians that do have long
beards, that people say indicate something with the serpent, and also if you

look at mages like merlin and other wizards they have long beards,
coincidence??? perhaps, perhaps not...

I say let your hair grow, don't be the way society today tells you to be,

you have to look nice and clean cut in order to be 'Sexy', I think it's just

another way to lower our level of spirituality!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this

happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and

prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big


they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet


and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know
exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months

years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
<td val[/IMG]Greetings,
If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:
From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM

<td style="font:[/IMG] For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :
De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [[email protected]][email protected][/email], "barry" <barry_kidwell@... wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than this,nothing will happen.

Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.

Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.

Maximum of macro cycle of incresed solar activity is due to in 2013.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shadow Child <shadowchild66613@... wrote:

i got this lol im 2012 our sun is going to enter its chaotic phase and this happens every 11 years or so anyway from what i heard and this might not and prolly wont happen on 2012 but we can expect major solar flairs some so big that they knock out our communication satellites  and all the power on planet earth and send us back into the dark age and if this does happen they don't know exactly how long we will be without power they say it could be week months even years i guess we will just have to wait and see wont we.
<td val[/IMG]Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM

  Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- [/IMG][email protected], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.

 are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human.. From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 9:15:51 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td val[/IMG]Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM

  Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- [/IMG][email protected], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.


<td val[/IMG]Greetings.
No!I am not sure of anything.As I already said,I am not very informed on such matters.Personally I don't think we can trust anyone from the US government.Or let me put it another way.I haven't found anyone to trust completely.They all lie to get our vote,so with that motive,how can they be trusted.

--- On Sat, 2/19/11, Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@... wrote:
From: Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2011, 10:49 PM

   are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human.. From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 9:15:51 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td style="font:[/IMG]Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM

  Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- [/IMG][email protected], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.

Hail Satan! @ Brian--this is a quote from Ann Lewis,senior advisor to hillary clinton---"The role of the president of the U.S. is to support the desicions that are made by the people of isreal."

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

No!I am not sure of anything.As I already said,I am not very informed on such matters.Personally I don't think we can trust anyone from the US government.Or let me put it another way.I haven't found anyone to trust completely.They all lie to get our vote,so with that motive,how can they be trusted.

--- On Sat, 2/19/11, Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@... wrote:

From: Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2011, 10:49 PM


 are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human.. From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sat, February
19, 2011 9:15:51 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012


Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM


Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."
I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.
The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012


Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring
back the
inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@ wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@ a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but
dose anyone reay know whats
going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1407830500#     This documentary, Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason, never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore’s fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it’s not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. That will change now that it’s been made available on Google Videos. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy’s petty sexual encounters.-       From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, February 20, 2011 10:05:07 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td vAl[/IMG]Greetings.
No!I am not sure of anything.As I already said,I am not very informed on such matters.Personally I don't think we can trust anyone from the US government.Or let me put it another way.I haven't found anyone to trust completely.They all lie to get our vote,so with that motive,how can they be trusted.

--- On Sat, 2/19/11, Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@... wrote:
From: Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2011, 10:49 PM

   are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human..  From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 9:15:51 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td vAl[/IMG]Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM

  Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- [/IMG][email protected], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.


<td val[/IMG]Thanks again Don,
I admit I am not very knowledgeable about political issues,but I can count on you to straighten me out about such things.Great to have someone like yourself,that is bold enough,as well as knowledgeable enough to correct us on here.Your reply's on here are a great help to me,and I appreciate what you do for us who may have been lied to.I am realizing myself,that most of what I thought I knew are lies,and it is up to me to find the real truth.

--- On Sun, 2/20/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, February 20, 2011, 6:39 PM

  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1407830500#     This documentary, Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason, never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore’s fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it’s not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. That will change now that it’s been made available on Google Videos. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy’s petty sexual encounters.-       From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sun, February 20, 2011 10:05:07 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td val[/IMG]Greetings.
No!I am not sure of anything.As I already said,I am not very informed on such matters.Personally I don't think we can trust anyone from the US government.Or let me put it another way.I haven't found anyone to trust completely.They all lie to get our vote,so with that motive,how can they be trusted.

--- On Sat, 2/19/11, Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@... wrote:
From: Juquin Gallardo <juquin_gallardo@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2011, 10:49 PM

   are you sure? there are videos on youtube showing that hillary clinton is a reptilian.. i dont know if its true but it seems like a lot of people believe so. same thing with george bush. it sounds kind of odd... but then agian maybe they are not human..  From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 9:15:51 AM
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

<td val[/IMG]Greetings all,
While we are on the subject of a woman for president,and I will be the first to say that I am not very politically minded.But I would like to see Hilary Clinton in office.If they want to see a woman in office,I think she would be a good choice.I would vote for her.Her husband did some good things,when he was in office.To me what ever he did sexually,should have been private anyway,and should never have been brought out in public.Just some thoughts of mine.What are yours?

--- On Fri, 2/18/11, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
Subject: Re: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: [email protected]
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 6:59 PM

  Shes a tool like the rest of them the jews have bragged that "America no longer has a government of Goyium."   I do believe a lot of psychic power was pumped into Obama's running and it was also playing off of 40 yers of heavy Communist conditioning in America called today PC. McFeeb was run as a shill designed to lose nothing more identical to the Goldwater canidate back several decades. They billed Obama as the marxist messiah and trainned him for years going back to the 70's, which can tell a person how the jews might decided to wrap up his term. And then capitalize on the reaction to ramm whatever shit though as fast as possible like they did after they did 911.   The whole running contest between coke and pepsi parties is literally as fake as WWE match with the winner already determined before the match starts.

From: chalchiuhnenetzin <jaguarcat2002@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Fri, February 18, 2011 1:43:23 PM
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012

  Does anyone actually take that nut-case seriously ?? She seems to be more of an exhibitionist than anything else (that show "Sarah Palin's Alaska" is ridiculous) and she seems right off the rails. Unfortunately, people will probably vote for her thinking "it's time we had a woman president" sort of thing. Hopefully, saner heads will prevail. She might be comic relief right now, but someone that crazy holding real power is unthinkable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

If Palin is president,we are all in deep shit!She is the biggest religious freak out there.I saw a video of one of the church services that she attends,and the black man from Africa that is suppose to be her pastor.The were prayer for the power to bring back the inquisition.It was some sick shit.They were praying to the filthy nazarene to reveal who are not xtian,so they could destroy us.Maxine is right.This is fucking war.And if she gets elected,I am going to direct my power against that bitch.I hate her and all she stands for.

--- On Thu, 2/17/11, Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@... wrote:

From: Loki Baalbacchus <loki_baalbacchus@...
Subject: Re : [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2011, 6:28 PM


For the last fuckin’ time NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 except that Obama is going to lose the election probably to Sarah Palin, THAT’S ALL period!

--- En date de : Mer 16.2.11, Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@... a écrit :

De: Yoyo <kung_fukistas_real@...
Objet: [JoyofSatan666] Re: 2012
À: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Mercredi 16 février 2011, 19h48


--- [/IMG][email protected], "barry" <barry_kidwell@ wrote:

ok so ive heard alot about 2012 but dose anyone reay know whats going to happen if anyhting... or dose some have a theroy or somthing? thanks for reading and plese reply
Hail father Satan!


Sorry for caps,but people have to see this.

2012 is a load of crap.

The only thing that will happen is that basically energies around the earth will start to change,resulting in a little swing in human perception.This will go on and on as the years go by and it will evantually lead to Human aweakening.Other than
this,nothing will happen.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
