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13 Years of Dedication


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2020
Yesterday my 13th year of dedication was celebrated in unison with the beginning of a new step in my career and the end of an old one, a very huge marker for me that I’ve fought very hard for. I sat back and looked at everything that I’ve stuck out, fought for, sometimes only continuing by the sheer and sometimes irrational seeming qoute of “anything is possible if you bevlieve it can be” and was filled with a new sense of pride. I looked at the personality traits that brought me to the success I’ve achieved over the years, all of which began when I dedicated to Satan and worked for his goals. I went from a numb, angry, and suicidal person to a person filled with passion, ambition, self belief and strength. Rebellion to self destructiveness turned into rebellion guided with wisdom.

I never had to settle for a life less than what I wanted. It isn’t perfect, but my Gods, it’s close. Self knowledge leads us to this. Sometimes sheer “luck” of extremes shone through to get me where I am. Only as a last resort. I laid down last night and felt Satan. He filled me with a refreshing flashback to the first day I came to Satan and the feelings I had been filled with that bonded us forever. I remember how many questions and fears I had, how much extreme will I had to live a life worthy of Satan’s presence, and how much true love he helped fill me with. Every question I’ve ever had from back then has been answered as of this last year. Which has led to the end of an era for me mentally and a new beginning. The journey never really stops. It’s filled with hardships but the desire and will to knowledge and self understanding, never giving up and accepting a deadly fate of ignorance, it’s worth every bit. Hail Satan!
Your Words fill me with joy and power!
I‘ll also strive and catch up to you, muhaha!

Hail Satan! Forever!
Inspiring testimony, happy anniversary. Onwards to a thousand years!
Things like that make me actually very happy, as this shows that you really love Satan!
As someone who dedicated on Halloween I'm very jealous of you having done so on our Antichrist's birthday. Congratulations, sure you'll live to see many more.
I'm going on ten years. Although I've seen the forum change time and time again based on its average and active membership, for the worse in my opinion which causes me great concern about the welfare of our people.

This organization has helped me develop the philosophy of bettering oneself and the lives of people around us. On the surface it seems simple. Don't do drugs, don't commit any crime, don't be a dick to people. They are, always have been, and always will be good principles to follow. I've grown to be more mature compared to when I started and for that, I thank you all.

What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?

I know this is an often asked question but...where's Maxine? I looked forward to her posts as well as the rest of the clergy from years past but now it seems that there's just silence among the usual tumult and background noise of this forum. It's not just my personal direction I'm worried about but the community as a whole. I'm no genius, nor can I claim an expert level of understanding on things, but I've been here long enough to get a sense of nostalgia to the point where I'm asking "Where did all the time go?"

I'm not very active on this forum anymore when it comes to making threads and posts, but I wish everybody here prosperity and long life.
Sundara said:
Yesterday my 13th year of dedication was celebrated in unison with the beginning of a new step in my career and the end of an old one, a very huge marker for me that I’ve fought very hard for. I sat back and looked at everything that I’ve stuck out, fought for, sometimes only continuing by the sheer and sometimes irrational seeming qoute of “anything is possible if you bevlieve it can be” and was filled with a new sense of pride. I looked at the personality traits that brought me to the success I’ve achieved over the years, all of which began when I dedicated to Satan and worked for his goals. I went from a numb, angry, and suicidal person to a person filled with passion, ambition, self belief and strength. Rebellion to self destructiveness turned into rebellion guided with wisdom.

I never had to settle for a life less than what I wanted. It isn’t perfect, but my Gods, it’s close. Self knowledge leads us to this. Sometimes sheer “luck” of extremes shone through to get me where I am. Only as a last resort. I laid down last night and felt Satan. He filled me with a refreshing flashback to the first day I came to Satan and the feelings I had been filled with that bonded us forever. I remember how many questions and fears I had, how much extreme will I had to live a life worthy of Satan’s presence, and how much true love he helped fill me with. Every question I’ve ever had from back then has been answered as of this last year. Which has led to the end of an era for me mentally and a new beginning. The journey never really stops. It’s filled with hardships but the desire and will to knowledge and self understanding, never giving up and accepting a deadly fate of ignorance, it’s worth every bit. Hail Satan!

Awesome testimony! Very happy for you Sundara :D
Congratulations, this is an amazing testimony. I also feel the same in many ways, my life has infinitely improved, I have refined all my skills and now have total mental clarity and emotional equilibrium since I started the meditations and came to the Gods. The greatest fruit is to understand the wisdom of the universe. Hail Satan! HH!
~I am also celebrating 13 years of dedication.
I was new to the e-groups around the time yahoo groups was shut down under the email name Enlightened_Serpent, aka Lady Bellatrix, Satan's Warrior...for those of you who remember me. For those of you who do not, I can reintroduce myself here...

I have been a practicing Satanist all of my life, and a follower of the Joy of Satan since the early beginning years of it being open to the public sometime between late 2003- 2004 of April/May. It has been a wonderful 13 years, and even though I was not active in conversation in the groups, when I joined in the last recent years it was up and running, I always participated in the rtr when I asked what I could do to devote more time to Father Satan and Satanism. I still visit the forums daily, and keep up to date with the rtr ritual schedules on a regular basis, and put whatever free time I do have into them. If there is any other way/s I could be more devoted, please share your answers. I would like to be more involved for Father Satan.

The beginning part of my life I have always felt close to Father Satan, I have always found the Joy of Satan to be more truthful and informative of any Satanic website, book or e-groups that I have come across over the years. I have read and understood what I could every day, and still do to this day. Upon joining the e-groups the last couple years ago, someone there told me something, though I can't remember your name, you told me that Father had, and will soon show things in my life for me that is to come for him, and they indeed have. I think your name was Shannon, though I can not recall, either way thank you for your message. At the time I joined the groups I was in one of the darkest times in my life, to the point juts before joining a few weeks beforehand, I was driven to attempt suicide! I don't even know how I survived but I did. I took narcotic medications that should have indeed killed me as I took more than enough to do the job. With what happened in my life, at the time, just before joining the e-groups, I felt it was too late for me to keep going, It was as if every time that I turned around, more bad luck and horrible things in my life would happen. This was how it was for over the past 4 years(2 years before and 2 years after the attempt to take my life) in a continuing endless cycle and the bad luck got worse and worse to the point I felt I couldn't take much more of it. After this situation, when I recovered from this,(it took me over a month to recover from it physically) I decided to join the e-groups, once I was in a better place in life. So I did just that. I knew I had survived for a reason, but didn't understand why at the time. Then recently, I remembered what you,(shannon) had said, and thought back to before the time I joined, during my suicidal situation, including my survival. Now, I think, that I survived because I was meant to survive, not only for myself, but for Father Satan, as we all are meant to survive for him. Father Satan breathed his creation of life into us, and to take it away, the way I did, I didn't realize was dishonoring him, if not disrespecting the gift of life he bestowed, because he wants us to live, not just to live, but to be all we can be for ourselves and for him!

with power meditation and Satanic Healing done daily, I was able to get through these situations in my life, even the ones I that I am still dealing with. I have always used the healing and power meditations throughout my life with very much success. I also realized upon doing these meditations and the hard work that HPS Maxine and other clergy members have worked to correct the meditations over the years, these are here for a reason as well, to help us heal ourselves with them, from all the negativity and abuse the enemy's energies and what not that follow it, and what these vile religious toxic programs have done to humanity and to us as individuals. These meditations and the Joy of Satan I firmly believe through my own experience in working with them, are the true cure for the human soul!

I am also a healthier, happier, individual, and no longer on any of my medications for anxiety or sleep aids I was taking on a daily basis, with the help of my doctor of course who helped to get me off of them. I still do consistent healing/power meditations, and still working to changing my life through the meditations. All along the way more and more things still happen in my life from time to time, as if something is still continually trying to keep me down, making me think to do drugs, drinking, suicidal thoughts, but I ignore all of this, and continue to live my life for Satan, soon those negative thoughts go away, and I am more focused.

After joining the e-groups I read how most people here come from broken lives, even confused, or feel scared, suicidal, drug addictions, you name it. The point is, is, I have been where you are, too that I was not alone. And after what I have been through what I thought was the weakest, darkest, and loneliest part of my life, it turned out I believe to be what Father Satan was showing me, it was my strongest, and that I could do things on my own as well. because during this time,...as well as other dark times in my life, Father always, ALWAYS, put me right back into line, with what I needed to do to help myself, heal myself, and take care of myself, and where I need to be in my life, however this time, I was made to see I had to do these steps on my own, without his help this time, because I already had the strength and knowledge on how to do it myself even, when I believed I needed him the most. But even then, he was still there, showing me I already knew what to do to help myself, all along, because I already had this knowledge.

Even now I still go through the anxiety and stress from all the negative situations that have happened to me too soon, too quickly and too often at once, but I just remember my life is more important, than giving in, and giving up. There are other ways to relieve stress and anxiety than relying on medications. No I am not telling you to stop taking medications if you are on them, please never just stop taking your medications, it can be dangerous and even deadly. If you feel you are healthy enough, talk to your doctor.

For those of you who are new here, and may be in a similar situation, (this shannon I believe is what Father was trying to tell you what he wanted me to see in my life for him, to share the advice I have here, because of what I have learned from this dark part of my life)...my advice is not to give up on yourself, even if you feel you are at your darkest most weakest, isolated part of your life, or you feel you have no way out, use this time instead to find yourself, and your strengths in this area of your life, and use it to empower yourself and get through it! Please also understand that your new journey into coming to Father Satan takes time, and effort, it doesn't happen overnight, nor on its own. You have to be willing to work for it, and towards it every day, not just for a short time or not at all and expect it to come knocking on your door. What you put into your power meditations is what you get out of it, and more. What you do for Father and the Gods and Goddess of Hell, the more you will get in return, And then in time, you will realize you are truly free, and happy. Just be patient and keep working hard, they do work. Devoting your life to Father may even be difficult for some of you, who are dealing with xian family members that you may be living with, or even xian neighbors harassing you like I myself go through on a daily basis where I live), just keep doing what you know works for you considering your power meditations, ask for guardian demons to help, if you know who yours is. Always remember, Father looks out for his own, you are never alone. I hope my story helps someone else here. May the best of Father Satan's dark blessings, protection, and gifts be with all of us here within the Joy of Satan Family.

Lady Bellatrix
Satanic Warrior
Hail Satan/Lucifer!
That's wonderful, Sundara. Congratulations. And what a lovely number :)
I love that positive attitude! 🔥 You are amazing!! 💖🙏🔥 And it's an inspiration to everyone on here. It's an inspiration to myself as well!! I love this!! And this is what I enjoy and love about this website! And why I love about the members. Thank you! For sharing that!🐍🔥 And for that! I will keep working at it too. 💖🙏 Hail Satan!!🔥
Sundara said:
Yesterday my 13th year of dedication was celebrated in unison with the beginning of a new step in my career and the end of an old one, a very huge marker for me that I’ve fought very hard for. I sat back and looked at everything that I’ve stuck out, fought for, sometimes only continuing by the sheer and sometimes irrational seeming qoute of “anything is possible if you bevlieve it can be” and was filled with a new sense of pride. I looked at the personality traits that brought me to the success I’ve achieved over the years, all of which began when I dedicated to Satan and worked for his goals. I went from a numb, angry, and suicidal person to a person filled with passion, ambition, self belief and strength. Rebellion to self destructiveness turned into rebellion guided with wisdom.

I never had to settle for a life less than what I wanted. It isn’t perfect, but my Gods, it’s close. Self knowledge leads us to this. Sometimes sheer “luck” of extremes shone through to get me where I am. Only as a last resort. I laid down last night and felt Satan. He filled me with a refreshing flashback to the first day I came to Satan and the feelings I had been filled with that bonded us forever. I remember how many questions and fears I had, how much extreme will I had to live a life worthy of Satan’s presence, and how much true love he helped fill me with. Every question I’ve ever had from back then has been answered as of this last year. Which has led to the end of an era for me mentally and a new beginning. The journey never really stops. It’s filled with hardships but the desire and will to knowledge and self understanding, never giving up and accepting a deadly fate of ignorance, it’s worth every bit. Hail Satan!


It appears our lives are going to start flourishing. Imagine that we finally break off the bands of slavery and start enjoying life, this is just the beginning! What will it be like in a few more years from now? In 2024 or 2025 when we enter pluto in Pisces and the pluto in sag generation starts turning 30.

By then we will have completely destroyed the alphabet and the barrier.
Congratulations my fellow SS


Hail Satan
Hail JOS
Thanks so very much for the comments. A thousand years down, a thousand more to come, and into infinity.

I can’t tell you how many times and by so many people I’ve been told for everything I’ve done, just before I’ve pulled it off, “you’re insane, what are you doing? You’ll never do this. Do something else. Give up. Get real. How are you going to do this?” We walk a tightrope of our own similar to Hitler when we find what we want that’s true to ourselves alone. A satanic life is a tightrope and a game of trust falls at times. The times I almost listened and gave in would’ve been damning. Satanic achievements in life don’t start off being massive movements. They start with genuine intent and passion, regardless of wherever it may end up. Big ideas and small ideas all in line. The gods are proud of everyone walking the path whether you see why they’re proud or not. Wherever you’re at, every time you face an adversity or struggle and make the right choices for yourself they’re happy. Saying yes to things, saying no to things, turning your cheek on negative pitfalls. I certainly had no idea that all along they’ve been happy. But the struggle never stops. Any time you make an achievement, you’ve got to look at the qualities that brought you there and embrace them, preserve them. Life itself is satanic.

Just as long as you embrace your satanic roots in whatever way you do this, and embrace yourself, you plant your seed here and from there you branch out. Water it. Grow like a tree. Not everything will always make sense, growth is a process and can never be rushed. Satanism is the seed.
Sundara said:
Thanks so very much for the comments. A thousand years down, a thousand more to come, and into infinity.

I can’t tell you how many times and by so many people I’ve been told for everything I’ve done, just before I’ve pulled it off, “you’re insane, what are you doing? You’ll never do this. Do something else. Give up. Get real. How are you going to do this?” We walk a tightrope of our own similar to Hitler when we find what we want that’s true to ourselves alone. A satanic life is a tightrope and a game of trust falls at times. The times I almost listened and gave in would’ve been damning. Satanic achievements in life don’t start off being massive movements. They start with genuine intent and passion, regardless of wherever it may end up. Big ideas and small ideas all in line. The gods are proud of everyone walking the path whether you see why they’re proud or not. Wherever you’re at, every time you face an adversity or struggle and make the right choices for yourself they’re happy. Saying yes to things, saying no to things, turning your cheek on negative pitfalls. I certainly had no idea that all along they’ve been happy. But the struggle never stops. Any time you make an achievement, you’ve got to look at the qualities that brought you there and embrace them, preserve them. Life itself is satanic.

Just as long as you embrace your satanic roots in whatever way you do this, and embrace yourself, you plant your seed here and from there you branch out. Water it. Grow like a tree. Not everything will always make sense, growth is a process and can never be rushed. Satanism is the seed.

Thank you for joining the forums.
You really lift this place up by a lot.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm going on ten years. Although I've seen the forum change time and time again based on its average and active membership, for the worse in my opinion which causes me great concern about the welfare of our people.

This organization has helped me develop the philosophy of bettering oneself and the lives of people around us. On the surface it seems simple. Don't do drugs, don't commit any crime, don't be a dick to people. They are, always have been, and always will be good principles to follow. I've grown to be more mature compared to when I started and for that, I thank you all.

What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?

I know this is an often asked question but...where's Maxine? I looked forward to her posts as well as the rest of the clergy from years past but now it seems that there's just silence among the usual tumult and background noise of this forum. It's not just my personal direction I'm worried about but the community as a whole. I'm no genius, nor can I claim an expert level of understanding on things, but I've been here long enough to get a sense of nostalgia to the point where I'm asking "Where did all the time go?"

I'm not very active on this forum anymore when it comes to making threads and posts, but I wish everybody here prosperity and long life.

Congratulations on your ten years, yet I can hardly congratulate you on your level of advancement and understanding. This post is filled to the brim with much required cleaning.

The basics philosophy you got from this "organisation" as stated by you is only what would be required to get from a normal formal education and if not common sense at least. So no need to stick together normal maturing to the real purposes of JoS teachings, which of course can start from the bottoms of kindergarten, but required to level up to the highest standards. 

Back in the day of Yahoo, there were extreme amounts of deluded people, and wanna be magician of tv sets, multiplied by ego preachers. Now if you really observe these subjects are not on the discussion side anymore as a "tale" or "novel" but only as "instructions" and real practical appliance to achieve what is already organically dependable upon the individual. 

More so than that, our side got so stronger that our need of great discipline, secrecy and higher understanding among us made sure that we really discern between truth and false and get to the real way of learning spiritual disciplines. Spiritual and sacred manifestations come only after great discipline, discipline which is the perfecting of the masculine, and that is military. 

In order for you to have a cake of spiritual information, even if not used by you, spiritual soldiers must fight curses and create the path of such existence for yourself. Militarizing an "organization" that is spiritual is only the manifestation of the real advancement of said group. 

You are just nostalgic of your own motivation when you were reading and imagining things, and now when brutal practicality is in front of you to use and confront the effort required, your mind and emotional nature shows weakness, more so than that gives opportunity for the enemy to manipulate and justify your thoughts into subversive ways, as this whole post is. 

Maxine is nobody's business, and this play card of the enemy is long smoked. Actual advanced individuals don't even care, and why that so? Because they know Satan and the Gods, and they know the chain of command and seriousness of spiritual reality. 

The times are over when petty tryouts of the enemy such as these can succeed, among us now there are great people with great abilities. Besides this our Gods never been so close to us and our aims and eternal biding to the truth never been so strong. It is actually the reverse of your opinion and linking that to your 10 years of activity, while newbies might read your post demoralizing them, of a great and truthful hard path, is beyond petty and enraging. 

Keep your problems to yourself and if not, have some responsibility when showing them and trying to get indirectly helped.
NakedPluto said:

I had added in my first comment on this post which I wound up accidentally deleting that the forums now contain such highly valuable spiritual information that had this been originally available so much confusion would’ve been minimized in those first chaotic years. Nonetheless some of the same things were learned, but the forums really bring order to this and make it make sense. The forums are better now in so many ways with people contributing and studying, it’s just more under siege and a lot bigger now. More professional and less personable which isn’t a bad thing. The beginning of the yahoo forums, there weren’t many people and there wasn’t as much dialed in for how to deal with jews and infiltrators and such. Really digging into the forums this past year has done so much in helping me move past some final issues in myself. I want post to also be a thank you to joyofsatan and the forums, not just the gods, for providing this life changing information and the continuance of it. When nothing else could reach me, jos/the valuable members and the gods through this did. Dont get down if it’s not always reaching you in a way that makes sense to you, again everything in time.
NakedPluto said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm going on ten years. Although I've seen the forum change time and time again based on its average and active membership, for the worse in my opinion which causes me great concern about the welfare of our people.

This organization has helped me develop the philosophy of bettering oneself and the lives of people around us. On the surface it seems simple. Don't do drugs, don't commit any crime, don't be a dick to people. They are, always have been, and always will be good principles to follow. I've grown to be more mature compared to when I started and for that, I thank you all.

What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?

I know this is an often asked question but...where's Maxine? I looked forward to her posts as well as the rest of the clergy from years past but now it seems that there's just silence among the usual tumult and background noise of this forum. It's not just my personal direction I'm worried about but the community as a whole. I'm no genius, nor can I claim an expert level of understanding on things, but I've been here long enough to get a sense of nostalgia to the point where I'm asking "Where did all the time go?"

I'm not very active on this forum anymore when it comes to making threads and posts, but I wish everybody here prosperity and long life.

Congratulations on your ten years, yet I can hardly congratulate you on your level of advancement and understanding. This post is filled to the brim with much required cleaning.

The basics philosophy you got from this "organisation" as stated by you is only what would be required to get from a normal formal education and if not common sense at least. So no need to stick together normal maturing to the real purposes of JoS teachings, which of course can start from the bottoms of kindergarten, but required to level up to the highest standards. 

Back in the day of Yahoo, there were extreme amounts of deluded people, and wanna be magician of tv sets, multiplied by ego preachers. Now if you really observe these subjects are not on the discussion side anymore as a "tale" or "novel" but only as "instructions" and real practical appliance to achieve what is already organically dependable upon the individual. 

More so than that, our side got so stronger that our need of great discipline, secrecy and higher understanding among us made sure that we really discern between truth and false and get to the real way of learning spiritual disciplines. Spiritual and sacred manifestations come only after great discipline, discipline which is the perfecting of the masculine, and that is military. 

In order for you to have a cake of spiritual information, even if not used by you, spiritual soldiers must fight curses and create the path of such existence for yourself. Militarizing an "organization" that is spiritual is only the manifestation of the real advancement of said group. 

You are just nostalgic of your own motivation when you were reading and imagining things, and now when brutal practicality is in front of you to use and confront the effort required, your mind and emotional nature shows weakness, more so than that gives opportunity for the enemy to manipulate and justify your thoughts into subversive ways, as this whole post is. 

Maxine is nobody's business, and this play card of the enemy is long smoked. Actual advanced individuals don't even care, and why that so? Because they know Satan and the Gods, and they know the chain of command and seriousness of spiritual reality. 

The times are over when petty tryouts of the enemy such as these can succeed, among us now there are great people with great abilities. Besides this our Gods never been so close to us and our aims and eternal biding to the truth never been so strong. It is actually the reverse of your opinion and linking that to your 10 years of activity, while newbies might read your post demoralizing them, of a great and truthful hard path, is beyond petty and enraging. 

Keep your problems to yourself and if not, have some responsibility when showing them and trying to get indirectly helped.

I also have to thank you for comming to this place, you are also very great!
NakedPluto said:
Congratulations on your ten years, yet I can hardly congratulate you on your level of advancement and understanding. This post is filled to the brim with much required cleaning.

The basics philosophy you got from this "organisation" as stated by you is only what would be required to get from a normal formal education and if not common sense at least. So no need to stick together normal maturing to the real purposes of JoS teachings, which of course can start from the bottoms of kindergarten, but required to level up to the highest standards. 

Back in the day of Yahoo, there were extreme amounts of deluded people, and wanna be magician of tv sets, multiplied by ego preachers. Now if you really observe these subjects are not on the discussion side anymore as a "tale" or "novel" but only as "instructions" and real practical appliance to achieve what is already organically dependable upon the individual. 

More so than that, our side got so stronger that our need of great discipline, secrecy and higher understanding among us made sure that we really discern between truth and false and get to the real way of learning spiritual disciplines. Spiritual and sacred manifestations come only after great discipline, discipline which is the perfecting of the masculine, and that is military. 

In order for you to have a cake of spiritual information, even if not used by you, spiritual soldiers must fight curses and create the path of such existence for yourself. Militarizing an "organization" that is spiritual is only the manifestation of the real advancement of said group. 

You are just nostalgic of your own motivation when you were reading and imagining things, and now when brutal practicality is in front of you to use and confront the effort required, your mind and emotional nature shows weakness, more so than that gives opportunity for the enemy to manipulate and justify your thoughts into subversive ways, as this whole post is. 

Maxine is nobody's business, and this play card of the enemy is long smoked. Actual advanced individuals don't even care, and why that so? Because they know Satan and the Gods, and they know the chain of command and seriousness of spiritual reality. 

The times are over when petty tryouts of the enemy such as these can succeed, among us now there are great people with great abilities. Besides this our Gods never been so close to us and our aims and eternal biding to the truth never been so strong. It is actually the reverse of your opinion and linking that to your 10 years of activity, while newbies might read your post demoralizing them, of a great and truthful hard path, is beyond petty and enraging. 

Keep your problems to yourself and if not, have some responsibility when showing them and trying to get indirectly helped.

If actual advanced individuals don't even care about the welfare of certain people, why even reply to this with an elaborate post basically calling me a useless bellend with accusatory statements?

So World War III is about to commence between the US, Russia, and China and you say we've gotten stronger. Only the insane tries the same thing expecting different results, and this clear projection coming from yourself suggests that we need to be even more militaristic. So where the fuck is your rifle, soldier?

But if that's your wish, then it's fine by me. I'll do 50 RTRs and meditate 12 hours a day until I've withered away from the physical plane of existence if it means proving either mine or your point.
ShadowTheRaven said:
One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?
I see posts all of the time about squares, astrology, cleansing the aura, etc which are all about improving yourself and anyone who joins us is told to read everything on the JoS which is almost entirely about advanced spiritual concepts and truth. It's only here on the forums we have focused now more than ever on fighting back because thanks to Maxine and others there are more tools to do so than before and it's a vital time. Even in doing so our members will improve themselves.
ShadowTheRaven said:
NakedPluto said:
Congratulations on your ten years, yet I can hardly congratulate you on your level of advancement and understanding. This post is filled to the brim with much required cleaning.

The basics philosophy you got from this "organisation" as stated by you is only what would be required to get from a normal formal education and if not common sense at least. So no need to stick together normal maturing to the real purposes of JoS teachings, which of course can start from the bottoms of kindergarten, but required to level up to the highest standards. 

Back in the day of Yahoo, there were extreme amounts of deluded people, and wanna be magician of tv sets, multiplied by ego preachers. Now if you really observe these subjects are not on the discussion side anymore as a "tale" or "novel" but only as "instructions" and real practical appliance to achieve what is already organically dependable upon the individual. 

More so than that, our side got so stronger that our need of great discipline, secrecy and higher understanding among us made sure that we really discern between truth and false and get to the real way of learning spiritual disciplines. Spiritual and sacred manifestations come only after great discipline, discipline which is the perfecting of the masculine, and that is military. 

In order for you to have a cake of spiritual information, even if not used by you, spiritual soldiers must fight curses and create the path of such existence for yourself. Militarizing an "organization" that is spiritual is only the manifestation of the real advancement of said group. 

You are just nostalgic of your own motivation when you were reading and imagining things, and now when brutal practicality is in front of you to use and confront the effort required, your mind and emotional nature shows weakness, more so than that gives opportunity for the enemy to manipulate and justify your thoughts into subversive ways, as this whole post is. 

Maxine is nobody's business, and this play card of the enemy is long smoked. Actual advanced individuals don't even care, and why that so? Because they know Satan and the Gods, and they know the chain of command and seriousness of spiritual reality. 

The times are over when petty tryouts of the enemy such as these can succeed, among us now there are great people with great abilities. Besides this our Gods never been so close to us and our aims and eternal biding to the truth never been so strong. It is actually the reverse of your opinion and linking that to your 10 years of activity, while newbies might read your post demoralizing them, of a great and truthful hard path, is beyond petty and enraging. 

Keep your problems to yourself and if not, have some responsibility when showing them and trying to get indirectly helped.

If actual advanced individuals don't even care about the welfare of certain people, why even reply to this with an elaborate post basically calling me a useless bellend with accusatory statements?

So World War III is about to commence between the US, Russia, and China and you say we've gotten stronger. Only the insane tries the same thing expecting different results, and this clear projection coming from yourself suggests that we need to be even more militaristic. So where the fuck is your rifle, soldier?

But if that's your wish, then it's fine by me. I'll do 50 RTRs and meditate 12 hours a day until I've withered away from the physical plane of existence if it means proving either mine or your point.

The fuck?
Your feelings are so beautifully expressed and your words filled me with overwhelming joy and love for Satan and His creation. Hail Satan Eternal!
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm going on ten years. Although I've seen the forum change time and time again based on its average and active membership, for the worse in my opinion which causes me great concern about the welfare of our people.

This organization has helped me develop the philosophy of bettering oneself and the lives of people around us. On the surface it seems simple. Don't do drugs, don't commit any crime, don't be a dick to people. They are, always have been, and always will be good principles to follow. I've grown to be more mature compared to when I started and for that, I thank you all.

What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?

I know this is an often asked question but...where's Maxine? I looked forward to her posts as well as the rest of the clergy from years past but now it seems that there's just silence among the usual tumult and background noise of this forum. It's not just my personal direction I'm worried about but the community as a whole. I'm no genius, nor can I claim an expert level of understanding on things, but I've been here long enough to get a sense of nostalgia to the point where I'm asking "Where did all the time go?"

I'm not very active on this forum anymore when it comes to making threads and posts, but I wish everybody here prosperity and long life.

I try my best with English STR :lol: :lol:

Keep slipping into my original slang. (dont think my daughter understands my spoken English) :lol:

Hope you are doing good my friend.
Sundara said:
Thanks so very much for the comments. A thousand years down, a thousand more to come, and into infinity.

I can’t tell you how many times and by so many people I’ve been told for everything I’ve done, just before I’ve pulled it off, “you’re insane, what are you doing? You’ll never do this. Do something else. Give up. Get real. How are you going to do this?” We walk a tightrope of our own similar to Hitler when we find what we want that’s true to ourselves alone. A satanic life is a tightrope and a game of trust falls at times. The times I almost listened and gave in would’ve been damning. Satanic achievements in life don’t start off being massive movements. They start with genuine intent and passion, regardless of wherever it may end up. Big ideas and small ideas all in line. The gods are proud of everyone walking the path whether you see why they’re proud or not. Wherever you’re at, every time you face an adversity or struggle and make the right choices for yourself they’re happy. Saying yes to things, saying no to things, turning your cheek on negative pitfalls. I certainly had no idea that all along they’ve been happy. But the struggle never stops. Any time you make an achievement, you’ve got to look at the qualities that brought you there and embrace them, preserve them. Life itself is satanic.

Just as long as you embrace your satanic roots in whatever way you do this, and embrace yourself, you plant your seed here and from there you branch out. Water it. Grow like a tree. Not everything will always make sense, growth is a process and can never be rushed. Satanism is the seed.
This makes me joyful, Happy anniversary! Hail Satan!
ShadowTheRaven said:
What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

This is normal as any online community grows. Quantity of members grows faster than the quality of them, and so forth. Another problem is that the leadership positions cannot be as readily expanded, for security reasons, as in other forums. Other places could easily fill 100 mod, mentor, and editing positions without fear of infiltration and subversion.

Additionally, there is a big time investment in both advancement and warfare, so in many cases there is literally no time left. Again, the distinction between other online communities should be clear.

With this in mind, don't be too concerned. The only thing that can be done is just stopping in and trying to make sure everyone gets their most dire needs and questions met.
EnkiUK3 said:
I try my best with English STR :lol: :lol:

Keep slipping into my original slang. (dont think my daughter understands my spoken English) :lol:

Hope you are doing good my friend.

I may be American, but I understand British slang almost fluently. In fact, I'm probably the most British American you've ever met.
Blitzkreig said:
This is normal as any online community grows. Quantity of members grows faster than the quality of them, and so forth. Another problem is that the leadership positions cannot be as readily expanded, for security reasons, as in other forums. Other places could easily fill 100 mod, mentor, and editing positions without fear of infiltration and subversion.

Additionally, there is a big time investment in both advancement and warfare, so in many cases there is literally no time left. Again, the distinction between other online communities should be clear.

With this in mind, don't be too concerned. The only thing that can be done is just stopping in and trying to make sure everyone gets their most dire needs and questions met.

Thank you for the helpful explanation but sadly it doesn't help me build my patience around retards.
Thank you Sundara, <3
I would write a topic on my 5 years after dedication, being the year I graduate high-school, move on my own and go to college. Which will be in one or two months from now, all of these. Satan and the Gods and Goddesses have helped me a lot and I'd like to share some things with my brothers and sisters as some things may be inspiring or of help for some. What do you all think? Would it be a good idea?
Hey i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice I can't seem to visualise the light. And also can someone reaffirm that the dedication ritual is permanent because sometimes I feel doubts and the pleasent sensation s that father gives me goes away when I stupidly doubt the gods. Please can someone just reassure me the gods and not leaving me and that the dedication ritual is permanent no matter what I think. Thanks
7 years of Satanism and still rolling. Nothing can stop this fire fox from staying here! :lol:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Blitzkreig said:
This is normal as any online community grows. Quantity of members grows faster than the quality of them, and so forth. Another problem is that the leadership positions cannot be as readily expanded, for security reasons, as in other forums. Other places could easily fill 100 mod, mentor, and editing positions without fear of infiltration and subversion.

Additionally, there is a big time investment in both advancement and warfare, so in many cases there is literally no time left. Again, the distinction between other online communities should be clear.

With this in mind, don't be too concerned. The only thing that can be done is just stopping in and trying to make sure everyone gets their most dire needs and questions met.

Thank you for the helpful explanation but sadly it doesn't help me build my patience around retards.

Try to focus on more positive things, and don’t always rave on such a low frequency. Life can be so beautiful, especially when you are a Satanist. Make use of it.
ShadowTheRaven said:
EnkiUK3 said:
I try my best with English STR :lol: :lol:

Keep slipping into my original slang. (dont think my daughter understands my spoken English) :lol:

Hope you are doing good my friend.

I may be American, but I understand British slang almost fluently. In fact, I'm probably the most British American you've ever met.

Yes I love that STR.

Alway be proud of your roots.

I love reading your posts also take care my good mucker :D
GD. said:
I would write a topic on my 5 years after dedication, being the year I graduate high-school, move on my own and go to college. Which will be in one or two months from now, all of these. Satan and the Gods and Goddesses have helped me a lot and I'd like to share some things with my brothers and sisters as some things may be inspiring or of help for some. What do you all think? Would it be a good idea?

I would certainly like to read it. I take wisdom from everywhere I find it. I'll look forward to it :)
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm going on ten years. Although I've seen the forum change time and time again based on its average and active membership, for the worse in my opinion which causes me great concern about the welfare of our people.

This organization has helped me develop the philosophy of bettering oneself and the lives of people around us. On the surface it seems simple. Don't do drugs, don't commit any crime, don't be a dick to people. They are, always have been, and always will be good principles to follow. I've grown to be more mature compared to when I started and for that, I thank you all.

What I'm concerned about is the quality which seems to be getting worse. I remember back years ago when we were still on Yahoo, people were having in-depth discussions, conversations, and learning about subjects like Kundalini and transforming our soul. Do we even talk about that anymore? Or have certain controversies in the past steered us into a different direction than where we were going originally?

This organization has done well to cater to multiple languages, but the main forum is still littered with broken English, unintelligible threads, and questions even a beginner could answer if he/she simply read the main website. I fear that we are starting to hold quantity over quality instead of vice versa. However I recognize the sheer amount of effort Cobra puts in to moderate the site and while I can't fully understand the weight on your shoulders, I know it must be a lot for you, if you're reading this.

One other concern is the slow creation of our own dogma and culture. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this organization solely intended to keep minds open and based on the learning and application of advanced spiritual concepts, and not to establish a culture of militarism and facades especially along long-term members? I understand we are fighting a war, but are we being totally consumed by it that there's virtually no talk upon bettering the self as well as fighting the war?

I know this is an often asked question but...where's Maxine? I looked forward to her posts as well as the rest of the clergy from years past but now it seems that there's just silence among the usual tumult and background noise of this forum. It's not just my personal direction I'm worried about but the community as a whole. I'm no genius, nor can I claim an expert level of understanding on things, but I've been here long enough to get a sense of nostalgia to the point where I'm asking "Where did all the time go?"

I'm not very active on this forum anymore when it comes to making threads and posts, but I wish everybody here prosperity and long life.

I support the way you feel. A lot of great critical feedback that probably will never be addressed for quite some time.
If you have any questions, I think you know who to talk to. Your intuition seems to have lead you this far right?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Thank you for the helpful explanation but sadly it doesn't help me build my patience around retards.

I don't know if this was directed more at noobs or older members you take issue with. Nonetheless, if you think you have it bad, just think about the position the Gods are in, especially when they are actively signing someone to change behaviors. They see SS lives destroyed over nonsensical actions, and they see others repeating idiotic behaviors, yet they keep trying because they know our potential.

Also, like mentioned in a recent sermon, HP Cobra described HPS Maxine's situation in the Satanic community when she created JOS. At the time, anything pertaining to Satanism was schizophrenic or degenerate nonsense. Yet she persisted for however many decades, guiding others under her with even the simplest of matters. I think one of her last posts was telling someone something as basic as to not start a working under a VOC moon.
Blitzkreig said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Thank you for the helpful explanation but sadly it doesn't help me build my patience around retards.

I don't know if this was directed more at noobs or older members you take issue with. Nonetheless, if you think you have it bad, just think about the position the Gods are in, especially when they are actively signing someone to change behaviors. They see SS lives destroyed over nonsensical actions, and they see others repeating idiotic behaviors, yet they keep trying because they know our potential.

Also, like mentioned in a recent sermon, HP Cobra described HPS Maxine's situation in the Satanic community when she created JOS. At the time, anything pertaining to Satanism was schizophrenic or degenerate nonsense. Yet she persisted for however many decades, guiding others under her with even the simplest of matters. I think one of her last posts was telling someone something as basic as to not start a working under a VOC moon.

You can not compare Satan, our Gods and Goddesses to humans, they are VERY understanding. We can not even comprehend their understanding. Satan is very considerate, understanding and ineffable.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
