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“But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=346470 time=1650419225 user_id=21286]
Catalincata94 said:
What about that both my parents have vata dosha body type but not me how is that possible? I think psychiatric drugs make people fat even if they have good planetary placements, on internet people know about this and some years back i asked a psychiatrist if i can get some meds that dosen't make people fat she said there is none.

As i know the planetary squares can only be done if the respective person has all the chakras completly open? Is that correct? I would like to do the sun square but i'm not sure if i can do it now or as soon as i can... in the beginning i did the opening the soul meditations except for the 6th chakra because i was confused, then last year i strated doing the new opening the soul meditations i got till the solar chakra, i did the solar chakra opening but my mind was overstimulated and i had to stop them but i think my mind is still overstimulated, many times my mind goes in all "places" even with 15 min void meditation x2 a day. So can i do the square if i didn't do all the new chakra opening meditations? or should i wait till i'm more stable and continue with the opening meditations and finish them then i can go ahead and do the square?

Now i want to say that well i didn't got anymore fatter that last year, so i think i just worried, i checked the list where i noted my weight and date and it's stable, it's always between 86-87 kg mostly 86 kg. But yeah i still need to lose weight to be in a healthy weight range. And i also don't do much "movement" or work at home i'm mostly concentrated on meditation but i do a little walk outside everyday and 2x exercises but that's just around 10 min of exercises a day in total and another 10 min for the T5R if that's considered exercises...

If you are empowering your chakras on a daily basis, they should be open, despite whether you finished your chakra openings or not. Do you feel them, or feel power moving through them?

If your mind is overstimulated, then working on your base chakra will help a lot. Although the solar felt like it overstimulated you, it still helps balance the upper chakras by providing willpower and vitality to you.

If a square would help your vitality, then it would be worth doing. This would only help your mind be more stable, especially since you are using it in a healthy manner, not one that would hurt your mind. It would also help your weight and energy levels.

You can use Isa, Berkano, or Nauthiz to help calm your mind. This will help a lot, in addition to the void meditation. Also, don't think that the void isn't helping, it is just that you have underlying conditions which can make it harder to calm the mind. This is the same for anyone with yang placements on their mercury or other areas of the soul.


It may be a little confusing what you should focus on, although each of these things is a worthy goal: mind control, lower chakra/planet work/vitality work, or working on removing your need for the drugs.

If you are still feeling tired (which would make it harder to do other advancement work), then you may need to focus on your yang energy and vitality first. You could do this simultaneously to other workings, I think. Remember the mudra for reducing kapha in the body, which should help a lot, as well as St36 or St40 which will reduce dampness and phlegm.

The Tibetan 5 Rites do count as exercise, but you may need more. If you already walk around for 10 minutes, then perhaps you could jog as well. I forgot what you said about the other yoga. Was the hatha yoga too hard for you to do? What about kundalini yoga?

Don't forget that exercise helps keep you grounded, which will help any psychic disorders and expedite any healing.

And yeah, the drugs will make you fat, since I bet they have a strong yin influence on the body. As far as your parents, this is still possible, especially if your astrology differs from theirs. I am completely different from my own parents, physically, although I share some other placements with them.

Please how does this mudra look like?
Manofsatan said:
Please how does this mudra look like?

You can see it, and read more, here: https://www.omhomeopathy.com/post/2017/05/08/mudra-for-balancing-kapha
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=346618 time=1650459787 user_id=21286]
Manofsatan said:
Please how does this mudra look like?

You can see it, and read more, here: https://www.omhomeopathy.com/post/2017/05/08/mudra-for-balancing-kapha

Thank you so much
Manofsatan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=346618 time=1650459787 user_id=21286]
Manofsatan said:
Please how does this mudra look like?

You can see it, and read more, here: https://www.omhomeopathy.com/post/2017/05/08/mudra-for-balancing-kapha

Thank you so much

HI JG Blitz, the Jupiter square has gotten me a job on the sea, I restarted my sun Square to focus on removing negative effects of saturn from natal chart. Well in my new environment where I had to travel from one state to another, I have had enemies and challenges I am handling but I write to you to for assistance.
In a post, you talked about blessing and cursing in sanskrit, can you teach me, I need them.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=346470 time=1650419225 user_id=21286]
Catalincata94 said:
What about that both my parents have vata dosha body type but not me how is that possible? I think psychiatric drugs make people fat even if they have good planetary placements, on internet people know about this and some years back i asked a psychiatrist if i can get some meds that dosen't make people fat she said there is none.

As i know the planetary squares can only be done if the respective person has all the chakras completly open? Is that correct? I would like to do the sun square but i'm not sure if i can do it now or as soon as i can... in the beginning i did the opening the soul meditations except for the 6th chakra because i was confused, then last year i strated doing the new opening the soul meditations i got till the solar chakra, i did the solar chakra opening but my mind was overstimulated and i had to stop them but i think my mind is still overstimulated, many times my mind goes in all "places" even with 15 min void meditation x2 a day. So can i do the square if i didn't do all the new chakra opening meditations? or should i wait till i'm more stable and continue with the opening meditations and finish them then i can go ahead and do the square?

Now i want to say that well i didn't got anymore fatter that last year, so i think i just worried, i checked the list where i noted my weight and date and it's stable, it's always between 86-87 kg mostly 86 kg. But yeah i still need to lose weight to be in a healthy weight range. And i also don't do much "movement" or work at home i'm mostly concentrated on meditation but i do a little walk outside everyday and 2x exercises but that's just around 10 min of exercises a day in total and another 10 min for the T5R if that's considered exercises...

If you are empowering your chakras on a daily basis, they should be open, despite whether you finished your chakra openings or not. Do you feel them, or feel power moving through them?

If your mind is overstimulated, then working on your base chakra will help a lot. Although the solar felt like it overstimulated you, it still helps balance the upper chakras by providing willpower and vitality to you.

If a square would help your vitality, then it would be worth doing. This would only help your mind be more stable, especially since you are using it in a healthy manner, not one that would hurt your mind. It would also help your weight and energy levels.

You can use Isa, Berkano, or Nauthiz to help calm your mind. This will help a lot, in addition to the void meditation. Also, don't think that the void isn't helping, it is just that you have underlying conditions which can make it harder to calm the mind. This is the same for anyone with yang placements on their mercury or other areas of the soul.


It may be a little confusing what you should focus on, although each of these things is a worthy goal: mind control, lower chakra/planet work/vitality work, or working on removing your need for the drugs.

If you are still feeling tired (which would make it harder to do other advancement work), then you may need to focus on your yang energy and vitality first. You could do this simultaneously to other workings, I think. Remember the mudra for reducing kapha in the body, which should help a lot, as well as St36 or St40 which will reduce dampness and phlegm.

The Tibetan 5 Rites do count as exercise, but you may need more. If you already walk around for 10 minutes, then perhaps you could jog as well. I forgot what you said about the other yoga. Was the hatha yoga too hard for you to do? What about kundalini yoga?

Don't forget that exercise helps keep you grounded, which will help any psychic disorders and expedite any healing.

And yeah, the drugs will make you fat, since I bet they have a strong yin influence on the body. As far as your parents, this is still possible, especially if your astrology differs from theirs. I am completely different from my own parents, physically, although I share some other placements with them.
I'm not doing chakra empowerment or the chakra empowerment meditations because it's said on he JOS site that the chakras must be completely open before doing the chakra empowerment meditations. I did some chakra empowerment by inhaling energy into my chakras for some time but i thought that if they are closed they may not get empowerd if i didn't opened them so i stopped it... so can i do the chakra empowerment meditations even if they are closed? And i'm not feeling them nor energy flowing through them just energy buzz in my body.

Well, my sun is in a good sign but the sign is intercepted which means it's weaker and the degree of the sun is not that bad...

I'm programing the energy from the morning meditations to be grounded and to have total control over the mind and perfect concentration
and i program the energy from hata yoga to remove all obstacles that hinder me to have complete mental and brain health so i think that this will also remove the meds from my life because it is known that psyhiatric medication destroys the brain over time and this is an obstacle when it comes to healing.

I'm not tired anymore on daily basis i sleep 8 hours but i rest 2-3 hour after waking up because i'm sleepy and if i don't rest then i will feel sleepy in the afthernoon. Last year i did some subcounscious programing to be always energetic now i'm always energetic but that's just if i rest enough after i wake up.

I'm not doing the kapha reducing mudra everyday anymore but I'm doing it every next day.

I'm doing hatha yoga for years now but not kundalini yoga, till now, as you said kundalini yoga is good for yang energy so i'm doing it and also because of the good benefits that it does as Lidia said in the post. The hata yoga got a little hard when i gained weight but now it's ok. I asked here that if i can do the kundalini yoga if i'm overweight and Lidia said yes, and i did it (not all of the exercises at once because i'm still lerning them gradually, i only have the last 2 that i have to memorize)

I started doing a general healing working for 40 days as HP HC said to do it once a year... i did it last year too, i did something like 2x 80 days, and now after i finish it i will decide what comes next
What I want to add about yoga is this article by Mageson666, very well said in simple details, about how enemy’s system works, and how yoga changes your interaction with that system. It is really worth to read for SS.
TerKorian666 said:
What I want to add about yoga is this article by a JoS Forum Contributor, very well said in simple details, about how enemy’s system works, and how yoga changes your interaction with that system. It is really worth to read for SS.

This is an excellent article, thank you very much for posting it here. However, note my change of the name (underlined above); this is how we are changing it in the edits in Satan's Library, so they will probably be changed in the Death of Communism site too.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=353002 time=1652163130 user_id=57]
TerKorian666 said:
What I want to add about yoga is this article by a JoS Forum Contributor, very well said in simple details, about how enemy’s system works, and how yoga changes your interaction with that system. It is really worth to read for SS.

This is an excellent article, thank you very much for posting it here. However, note my change of the name (underlined above); this is how we are changing it in the edits in Satan's Library, so they will probably be changed in the Death of Communism site too.

Should I change it in my post also?
TerKorian666 said:
Should I change it in my post also?
Your post that I quoted? No it's fine. I only changed it because I had done some of the edits and got used to changing his name to how I wrote it above.
I am curious... what has Brahma taught you?

likman666 said:
The actual Yoga is turning your Awareness on itself and taking it within yourself to experience the Absolute Reality of ParaSiva. The timeless , spaceless formless Self God within. The sense of Existence is not coming from the physical body,this is the trap most people fall into ,it's coming from Brahman within you. Your soul body identifies with Brahman . This is the advice most Self Realised (Kundalini rising to the crown chakra) persons will give you,who are actually very few,it's actually not an easy feat. Identify with soul body and Brahman not with the physical body. Because the Kundalini has dropped ,you are in limited physical Awareness ,the physical body senses externalise the Awareness so they work against the actual Yoga. Which is withdraw of Awareness to experience ParaSiva within. Which is the purpose of the physical body, without it ParaSiva cannot be experienced. You are a naturally Superconsciouness being, what's standing between the physical and Superconscious All Knowing soul body is the mind, which is combination of the mental/intellectual and emotional/instinctive minds these are of the Astral Body. These minds externalise the Awareness from the soul body which identifies with God , Brahman, Siva and is your true self. So your are already accomplished. The All Seeing Eye of Horus the Udjat is not just symbolic of the pineal gland but your soul body ,your true self. The main purpose of Void meditation is to tame the intellectual and emotional minds of the Astral body so that your Awareness can withdraw from the physical body to experience the Superconscious manifested Light of the soul body and then go beyond that into the Absolute Reality called ParaSiva or the Void or Ultima Thule. Its timeless, formless , spaceless and has to be experienced and after it's experienced it can't be described. This corresponds with Kundalini rising to crown chakra. This is the actual Yoga. The mental/intellectual and emotional/ instinctive minds like to strongly identify with the physical body. It's "false ego" why because they convince you that you are separate from God and the Universe around you. They tell you that your sense of existence is in the physical body,the physical is the highest Reality and the case of atheists the only reality.
This is false and works against the actual Yoga experience. So an aspiring Yogin should be more internalised ,that is identify with Brahman than be externalised that's identifying with physical body. So the mind has been split into external (physical) and internal (Superconsciouness) the experience of ParaSiva/Ultima Thule merges the mind into one Superconsciouness permanently,the karmic seeds are burnt, you are liberated from the cycle of Karma. The physical, intellectual, emotional minds are in time consciousness this is what produces the Karmic seeds. Our desires take time to manifest. In Superconsciouness there's no time ,what one desires comes to them quickly,in an instant in some cases. It's the karmic seeds that keep us reincarnating because one needs a physical body to manifest them. So if you strongly identify with the physical body you will just leave for the physical senses and their pleasures. Limited in the intellectual and instinctive physical awareness , keeping you bound in the reincarnation cycle. The Advice is to identify with Brahman not the physical body. This internalises your Awareness and enhances the Yoga practices.
Now the internalising of your Awareness to experience Ultima Thule,is done in steps the so called 8 fold path. You have 1. Yamas / Karma yoga ,this teaches ethics and selfless service for God and the Gods ,this tames the instinctive/ emotional nature. 2 Niyamas these are mainly religious observances and introduction to the Gods. Developing a relationship with the Gods and believing that they are actual Real Beings not just allegories,mantras also fall under this , scripture readings and so on. This tames the intellectual mind which likes to embrace the physical and not the spiritual. 3. Then come Asanas ,Hatha Yoga. 4 Pranyamas ,the breathing exercises. 5 Pratyahara that is awareness withdraw going into trance, taming the senses. 6 Dharana which is concentrating on Brahman within ,this where Void meditation starts. 7. Dhyana which is one pointed meditation/
contemplation on God within. Then 8. you will have Samadhi of two kinds, first the Superconscious Light of the Soul Body ,savikalpa Samadhi. This can be had without Kundalini rising. It actually starts from the navel,the highest level being in the Third Eye. Then the second Samadhi is ParaSiva , Ultima Thule which is beyond the Superconscious Sun within,the Black Sun. This is called nirvikalpa Samadhi. It's in the Crown Chakra ,only Kundalini ParaSakti can take you into Ultima Thule. This is then moksha , liberation. The Eagle rising out of the Swastika, Ultima Thule, ParaSiva. All karmic seeds are burnt. It's beyond Ego Awareness and creation , that's why it's symbolised with the skull and bones. "Death " of the old ego. The bodies merge to experience this, the Soul, Astral and Physical bodies.
Now many people like to start at the high-end without introduction to the Gods for example. Going straight into Hatha , meditation yoga and so on. This of course will be futile. Hindus them they are brought up honoring and respecting the Gods ,them it's part of their upbringing. To most outsiders they skipp the steps and go into the high end yoga (Vedanta) that's why most get frustrated and stop or of they push it too far they can get severe Kundalini problems. A lot more can be added within the 8 steps ,what has been described is just the basic outline. The JOS meditations are of course powerful and are within the 8 steps.
An authentic and refreshing read.... ... Thank you <3

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=329563 time=1646052603 user_id=57]
Yoga means yoke, to unite – specifically, the body, mind, and soul. Yoga works these 3 areas, bringing harmony, increased awareness, and increased self-control. It also allows for the fullest expression of one’s highest self, and the individual personality, in the best and healthiest possible manner.

Something to note: most people, when they hear the word “control”, they think of it in the negative. It has both a negative and a positive connotation, so free yourself from thinking of it in only the negative. In this sense, controlling oneself does not mean repressing, suppressing, or stifling oneself. It simply means that you are in control of how you act and when and where; you have the freedom to choose how you act and react in direct relation to the pure identity of your highest self, instead of automatically giving in to emotional or mental reactions, or psychological programmings.

The enemy, as always, tries it’s hardest to control (in the negative connotation) yoga and yoga practitioners. They advise people to do yoga without eating first in the morning, and being vegetarian, if not vegan. Starvation is one of the common tactics used in brainwashing and mind-programming, as it allows the person to become too receptive to programmings and thought-forms. Try to eat when you need to eat, and as much as your body needs.

Yoga heals the body, mind, and soul. We are not just spiritual beings, nor are we just material bodies. We are both, plus consciousness. Yoga is not like regular athletics that work only the body; nor is it like passive meditation that works only the soul; nor is it an intellectual pursuit that only works the mind. It unites and harmonizes all, strengthening all, empowering all aspects of our being. Yes, including the mind, as explained in my post on Increasing Awareness, which is to be done with as many yoga asanas as you are able to easily and conveniently do, gradually building up and expanding your consciousness throughout your body, and beyond.

To further explain what yoga does: The body has 144,000 nadis, which are energy channels and pathways throughout the entire body. They all connect to the Solar Plexus chakra. The main nadis of Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala in the spine are empowered through the practice of kundalini yoga, but the rest of the nadis need to be stretched, strengthened, and cleared. Only a proper and thorough yoga practice can do this. This is one of the reasons why people can’t advance after the death of the physical body, and why we must be incarnated again and again – the physical body is absolutely essential for spiritual advancement.

Simple stretching is a basic introduction to the physical practice of yoga. As you advance, you will utilize your mind and consciousness in each asana, using your breath to allow for opening and healing of the nadis and the circulation of your spiritual energy, otherwise known as your Qi, or bioelectricity. Don’t think this is overly complicated, it is actually quite easy and basic as you do it, much of this happens naturally. It is just what happens when you do yoga.

Yoga, as well as pranayama and meditation, increases our bioelectricity levels. When our levels are consistently higher, we are stronger in every way, and we can use our energy to improve our lives. People on a low spiritual level are subject to many curses and negative planetary influences and transits. Being on a higher level raises us to where much of this no longer affects us. We radiate a spiritual light, as opposed to the average degenerate who sucks the life force and spiritual energy from others. Many people feel like they are struggling to stay afloat, struggling like a person fighting against the tides. A consistent yoga practice will raise you up and allow you to shine brightly and have strength – strength of physical body, strength of mind, strength of emotions, and strength of spirit. This all-encompassing strength gives unlimited potential for everything good and positive in our lives; in our advancement towards Godhood; and in our benevolent influence upon the common people on our planet. And it of course makes us stronger warriors in our fight against our enemies.

Getting back to how yoga helps the mental side of our being. The benefits of a yoga practice on the mind cannot be acclaimed enough. Putting your physical body into a position, feeling the stillness of the mind as you concentrate your thoughts and mental effort into holding the pose, focusing on your breath while maintaining balance and posture… can you feel it? It calms, strengthens, refreshes, and nourishes the mind. Anyone suffering from anxiety, mental illness, or mental hyperactivity will benefit immensely. People who are weak-minded or anything of the sort will feel stronger in every way.

If you do not do yoga, as I know a lot of members here simply aren’t into it, then this can hamper your advancement. Energy/qi will stagnate in various areas of your body, and can manifest in abnormal and harmful ways. We are all individuals however, based on our past lives, inherited physical genetics, and so on. Some people don’t need much yoga at all to advance, while some other people may need a lot of yoga daily. If all you currently need is 10 minutes a day, then consider that at some point in the future, you might need to do more. And it might be that you only need to delve deeply into a yoga practice for a period of time, to work through whatever spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental obstacles you have, to reach a higher level, and then perhaps you can lessen your practice afterwards. This is all individual.

Yoga also re-trains the body and mind. A lot of people have defections in their body, and mental and emotional blockages. A proper yoga practice, combined with eating healthy food (which includes eating meat), and spiritual cleaning of the soul and chakras, will heal the body and mind. Yoga will help your muscles, nerves, organs, lungs, bones, spine, digestive system, hormones, brain... literally everything.

Certain asanas can feel unpleasant, not enjoyable for us. But as we advance in yoga and master the asanas, walls come down in the mind. Breakthroughs of all types often happen after we achieve the mastery of an asana we previously had trouble performing. Even just doing a modification of a difficult asana, held long enough, can accomplish this.

In closing, don’t ever look to yoga as being something weird, difficult, or strange. There are endless free resources online and in library books to teach yoga. Many videos too. Try some, see what feels good for you, and let your practice grow on it’s own!
Or is Brahma in your view — white light — the force — nature/ Prakriti — rather than a personality / without attributes?

Could I ask you your view on this mantra? Sa Re Sa Sa

Does anyone feel like they have a connection to any other star system other than Orion?

And does anyone one know the importance of Sirius and why it was/is important to the Egyptians and Masons?

Hello are there any credible hatha yoga routines available that can be printed? I printed and use the kundalini routine daily.
Fanboy said:
ak052 said:
But lydia I feel very very weak ,after doing Kundalini yoga and I don't known what to do .

This is normal, you use alot of willpower and increase your energy flow alot.

It's an exercise and you'll feel drained as your soul is constantly awakening further, using energy to purify, expanding in size etc.

It's okay to feel drained, it means you worked hard.

How do I contact expert magicians on the site?
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
This is normal, you use alot of willpower and increase your energy flow alot.

It's an exercise and you'll feel drained as your soul is constantly awakening further, using energy to purify, expanding in size etc.

It's okay to feel drained, it means you worked hard.

How do I contact expert magicians on the site?

Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

a good few of us have accomplished alot and are really genuine and wise. Maxine Dietrich who founded the joyofsatan website wrote a page called "Satanic witchcraft" that explains alot of magic techniques.

Some of the info is a bit outdated written almost a 15 years ago, and could use some rewording and maybe rewriting but you can learn alot of great things from reading the sermons from maxine Dietrich and hooded Cobra.

Also our work goes deeper than just learning magic, we have much higher goals like peace and freedom and happiness for ourselves and all the worlds creatures. We want to be pure and strong so that we can learn directly from the Gods and eventually become God's too.

If you want to contact a Demon to help you with your endeavors then prove yourself with the dedication ritual to father Satan.and apply yourself to a daily meditation and yoga routine. When you feel ready, then you should do a ritual to get in contact with the Demon most suited to help you. then ask for advice and guidance with whatever you need.

Let me know if I can help you with anything. Good luck

Thank you for your wonderful words
Well, a thief came into my house. and stole some things
But the problem is that my kittens have disappeared
There are two possibilities the thief took them or they ran into the street when the door was open
I'm tired of searching and I really want to find them
I will never forget your help
It might be funny to some
But there are people who are very attached to animals
Please help, I am a beginner
Maybe a demon can tell me where they are or bring them home or something
If you have any questions, I'm here
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
This is normal, you use alot of willpower and increase your energy flow alot.

It's an exercise and you'll feel drained as your soul is constantly awakening further, using energy to purify, expanding in size etc.

It's okay to feel drained, it means you worked hard.

How do I contact expert magicians on the site?

Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

a good few of us have accomplished alot and are really genuine and wise. Maxine Dietrich who founded the joyofsatan website wrote a page called "Satanic witchcraft" that explains alot of magic techniques.

Some of the info is a bit outdated written almost a 15 years ago, and could use some rewording and maybe rewriting but you can learn alot of great things from reading the sermons from maxine Dietrich and hooded Cobra.

Also our work goes deeper than just learning magic, we have much higher goals like peace and freedom and happiness for ourselves and all the worlds creatures. We want to be pure and strong so that we can learn directly from the Gods and eventually become God's too.

If you want to contact a Demon to help you with your endeavors then prove yourself with the dedication ritual to father Satan.and apply yourself to a daily meditation and yoga routine. When you feel ready, then you should do a ritual to get in contact with the Demon most suited to help you. then ask for advice and guidance with whatever you need.

Let me know if I can help you with anything. Good luck

Can we talk on facebook?
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

a good few of us have accomplished alot and are really genuine and wise. Maxine Dietrich who founded the joyofsatan website wrote a page called "Satanic witchcraft" that explains alot of magic techniques.

Some of the info is a bit outdated written almost a 15 years ago, and could use some rewording and maybe rewriting but you can learn alot of great things from reading the sermons from maxine Dietrich and hooded Cobra.

Also our work goes deeper than just learning magic, we have much higher goals like peace and freedom and happiness for ourselves and all the worlds creatures. We want to be pure and strong so that we can learn directly from the Gods and eventually become God's too.

If you want to contact a Demon to help you with your endeavors then prove yourself with the dedication ritual to father Satan.and apply yourself to a daily meditation and yoga routine. When you feel ready, then you should do a ritual to get in contact with the Demon most suited to help you. then ask for advice and guidance with whatever you need.

Let me know if I can help you with anything. Good luck

Thank you for your wonderful words
Well, a thief came into my house. and stole some things
But the problem is that my kittens have disappeared
There are two possibilities the thief took them or they ran into the street when the door was open
I'm tired of searching and I really want to find them
I will never forget your help
It might be funny to some
But there are people who are very attached to animals
Please help, I am a beginner
Maybe a demon can tell me where they are or bring them home or something
If you have any questions, I'm here

Goddess bastet and Lilith are two who would help you to get to the bottom of this. To contact Lilith just use Satan's sigil.

You can use a pendulum with the help of a map to find their location if you are strong enough. If you were a master meditator you might also be able to see the connecting beam of energy between yourself and them. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Pendulum.html

The sad truth is that many people like to abduct cats to torture and drown them in the bathtub. Burn them on the stove or a blowtorch etc. Kittens can usually be sold for money more easily than a grown cat and so the theif may try and sell them instead of killing them. But they also require more care so acting fast is important.

Cats are some of the most loving, proud and beautiful animals, I worship them. for this reason some "humans" enjoy making them suffer. One of my old friends father is such a person, who steals cats from his neighbors, cages them and drowns them in his pool. He has killed at least 5. He was caught masturbating in his wife's panties and she divorced him and his daughter became addicted to drugs. His son always hated my guts and constantly held a grudge against me, telling me "Satan isn't real". And speaking ill of me behind my back. If I could get away with it I would have given those cats justice. But where I'm from it is illegal to get justice without evidence and a public trial, And animal lives are considered worthless.

If you find that your pendulum or your senses lead you to someone's home you have to be willing to confront a relative or a friend of the man who stole from you, or possibly even the thief himself. And if nobody answers the door you might not be satisfied to leave empty handed, if you become a home invader then you should be prepared to deal with being shot, or being caught for burglary or even a murder if such a thing happens. And your senses might not be in tune yet as you are just a beginner, your senses might lead you to the wrong place.

You should check all the pounds and the animal shelters in your area. As soon as you can. Check the Craigslist.com for any listing of kittens or cats. Put up wanted posters for your cats around town. You should search with some catfood in a jar, or catnip possibly to lure them to you. Search nearby bushes and under patios, anywhere were a kitten might hide. Ask everybody on the street if they have seen your cats. Offer a reward, thiefs love money.

Just do your best. You can use Goddess bastet's sigil to get in contact with her.
Visualize it in your mind and illuminate it with your brightest energy, speak your wish into the sigil and she will certainly try and help you.

I hope those who caused your kittens to be lost from your care meet with death, but it isn't your place to kill for them Revenge is a deadly serious affair, And you're not a soldier.

If you live in a place where there is a ghetto nearby full of Mexicans or blacks you should look there aswell. Mexicans love to steal cats and dogs especially puppies and give them to their family.

If there is a park or some woods also look there, any areas with thick bushes and trees that humans can't walk through is your best bet. That's where cats hide.
I am from Egypt. Cases of sadism towards cats are rare
Hard to hold 4 kittens
That's why I think they ran away or were playing and took to the street
Or take a cat or two?
If only there was a way to find out where they are accurately ؟
As for the pendulum I will try even though it always gives me random answers
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

a good few of us have accomplished alot and are really genuine and wise. Maxine Dietrich who founded the joyofsatan website wrote a page called "Satanic witchcraft" that explains alot of magic techniques.

Some of the info is a bit outdated written almost a 15 years ago, and could use some rewording and maybe rewriting but you can learn alot of great things from reading the sermons from maxine Dietrich and hooded Cobra.

Also our work goes deeper than just learning magic, we have much higher goals like peace and freedom and happiness for ourselves and all the worlds creatures. We want to be pure and strong so that we can learn directly from the Gods and eventually become God's too.

If you want to contact a Demon to help you with your endeavors then prove yourself with the dedication ritual to father Satan.and apply yourself to a daily meditation and yoga routine. When you feel ready, then you should do a ritual to get in contact with the Demon most suited to help you. then ask for advice and guidance with whatever you need.

Let me know if I can help you with anything. Good luck

Thank you for your wonderful words
Well, a thief came into my house. and stole some things
But the problem is that my kittens have disappeared
There are two possibilities the thief took them or they ran into the street when the door was open
I'm tired of searching and I really want to find them
I will never forget your help
It might be funny to some
But there are people who are very attached to animals
Please help, I am a beginner
Maybe a demon can tell me where they are or bring them home or something
If you have any questions, I'm here

You should use the raidho rune


Vibrate it a multiple of 5 times try 50 times or do a full rosary, to create as much energy as possible and then focus and affirm

I am being reunited immediately with my most healthy, safe and protected kittens in the most positive healthy way for us, in the name of Satan.

Do this for as many days as you can, don't give up on them
Isn't there a person who can communicate with a demon to find out where they are?
I am a beginner
I have a map of the city
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

Some advanced members you refer to, I would call them communicative, friendly and kind. They are not humble, a superior cannot be humble because it does not make sense. Others, however, are obviously arrogant, hostile and indifferent.
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Thank you for your wonderful words
Well, a thief came into my house. and stole some things
But the problem is that my kittens have disappeared
There are two possibilities the thief took them or they ran into the street when the door was open
I'm tired of searching and I really want to find them
I will never forget your help
It might be funny to some
But there are people who are very attached to animals
Please help, I am a beginner
Maybe a demon can tell me where they are or bring them home or something
If you have any questions, I'm here

You should use the raidho rune


Vibrate it a multiple of 5 times try 50 times or do a full rosary, to create as much energy as possible and then focus and affirm

I am being reunited immediately with my most healthy, safe and protected kittens in the most positive healthy way for us, in the name of Satan.

Do this for as many days as you can, don't give up on them
Isn't there a person who can communicate with a demon to find out where they are?
I am a beginner
I have a map of the city

It doesn't work that way. If that worked this World would be a hell of a lot better and either more people would be killed because they are communicating with entities telling them things and stupid xtians do shit to them. OR the opposite people are controlled and taken out for being threats to the World.

Sheer fact is like Hp.Cobra said even in the Golden Age the amount of people whom were so conscious of the Demons/Gods spiritually was rare. There were people who communicated with them to an extreme degree but that wasn't the norm. Same for HP.Cobra's sermon on spiritual technologies how if we can build a device that can communicate with the Gods to an extreme degree it would be great at first and people would listen even xtians would listen to it hell they'd give up their entire judeo-bolshevism if they aren't fully demoralized.

But that's the problem they don't follow meditation. When told of meditation they'd ignore it after a while cause why bother learning about the 3rd eye or spiritual senses or astral senses or whatever. Why bother we got the magick picture box that talks to these entities and gives us wisdom.

It may even be possible that unless people use it selectively or appropriately it'll just create another form of Spiritual slavery. The Gods don't want slavery to happen they are beyond it but Humans are quite stupid in dealing with life and responsibilities.

Sheer fact is if it was as simple as calling up a Demon and going "Whom is Satanist XYZ or Satanist XYZ asked this how can I answer" and you receive a genuine reply either people would REALLY freak the fuck out or they may even become even more ultra-fanatical in a negative way not that fanaticism is bad and maybe become like the episode of American Dad with Roger giving them advice seeing the future only for Stan and his family to hide out in their house for a month straight while Roger was in a coma. Because they can't see the future their future is uncertain thus their logical response is fuck the World and hide out from all danger.

I'm not saying it's evil to communicate with the Gods using a spirit-tech device or if more spiritualists existed. But it's a double-edge sword and could generate negative realities.

I know that some people might believe that Demons or Gods are personal things. Kinda like one of the reasons why the Church of Satan is so popular to certain misanthropic types and certain metal head people. It states the Gods are emotional Archetypes. So in essence they kinda belittle themselves and belittle the Gods ignorantly and stupidly by believing the Gods are personalities of emotions.

It's actually funny and we laugh at the CoS for that. But it's a real thing and it's a very good demoralization weapon used by xtians in the past before the information age in the 90s. They'd state the rebellion of a teenager is nothing more than the devil influencing eventually they'll bow down and suck the cock of christ realizing they are wrong. It doesn't work that way any more with 5th generational information warfare. Sheer fact is by belittling the Gods into archetypes people might just believe the Gods are nothing more than Depeche Mode/Marilyn Manson cover of "Personal Jesus" song.

In essence their might be a number of people who hold the belief in a spiritualist format that the Gods are interpreted in your own personal way. Which is wrong and violates the normalcy of reality. It's like saying Racial-Fascism or National Socialism is this, this, and that. In an interpreted judiac way. The fact of the matter is the fake information in R-F and NS is so bullshit that we have to dig through the bullshit and pull out the factors of it and rebuild it. Not in our image but in the image of truth.

So in essence in a better spiritual society your question would be due-fully answered. But in our current melange of shit it presents a dangerous obstacle that might create issues.

I'm not against a Utopia I'm just saying as of current times it's more personal contact with the Gods i.e. you meditate and advance and get the answers, sensations, or intuition to solve it. If your more advance and can communicate with the Gods directly Dreams, Astral Projection, 3rd eye, clairvoyance/clairaudience etc.etc. it's okay. Because your PROGRESSING not artificially receiving answers from others on how to solve a problem.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh just trying to warn members there are no mediators in Satanism nor do we wish to belittle ourselves and the Gods through mere wish-granting Genies.
Sunny said:
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

Some advanced members you refer to, I would call them communicative, friendly and kind. They are not humble, a superior cannot be humble because it does not make sense. Others, however, are obviously arrogant, hostile and indifferent.

I forgot to say that this depends not only on the level of spiritual development but on several factors. And so, we have both hostile and friendly inferiors and we have both hostile and friendly superiors.
Fanboy said:
rick joe said:
Fanboy said:
You should use the raidho rune


Vibrate it a multiple of 5 times try 50 times or do a full rosary, to create as much energy as possible and then focus and affirm

I am being reunited immediately with my most healthy, safe and protected kittens in the most positive healthy way for us, in the name of Satan.

Do this for as many days as you can, don't give up on them
Isn't there a person who can communicate with a demon to find out where they are?
I am a beginner
I have a map of the city

I'm sorry, I'm too weak and I have my own problems right now. You're going to have to take care of it yourself.

Check all the pounds and animal shelters. Go through your neighborhood taping up wanted posters offering a reward. It's been days, who knows what has happened by now.

If they were my animals I would be knocking on every door in the neighborhood, checking every Bush and porch.. offering all my money to anyone who has the kittens.
Do you think I didn't?
Sunny said:
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

Some advanced members you refer to, I would call them communicative, friendly and kind. They are not humble, a superior cannot be humble because it does not make sense. Others, however, are obviously arrogant, hostile and indifferent.

Yet often those who have an egopathic approach are the weakest, in the sense that they become defensive about qualities they lack, whereas the strong ones have no problem admitting their limitations and thus usually apply this same approach to others, without being judgmental as they don't need to assert their superiority.

Then people can have different communicative approaches, and personalities with whom they get along better as shown in their NC, but this has nothing to do with belittling others, or acting all high and mighty.
PinOcchio said:
Sunny said:
Fanboy said:
Just browse around and get to know people. Some of us are strong, and humble. Some weak and arrogant. And a mix of both.

Some advanced members you refer to, I would call them communicative, friendly and kind. They are not humble, a superior cannot be humble because it does not make sense. Others, however, are obviously arrogant, hostile and indifferent.

Yet often those who have an egopathic approach are the weakest, in the sense that they become defensive about qualities they lack, whereas the strong ones have no problem admitting their limitations and thus usually apply this same approach to others, without being judgmental as they don't need to assert their superiority.

Then people can have different communicative approaches, and personalities with whom they get along better as shown in their NC, but this has nothing to do with belittling others, or acting all high and mighty.

Obviously, there are many different people here -- of different ages, levels, education, etc. Besides that, our tasks and duties are not in an ideal situation and conditions, such as cold and uninvolving anonymity. However, we are okay and doing very well. Surely things will be much better for future generations but also for us when we come back.
Henu the Great said:
Yoga is amazing. I am not far from being able to put both my feet behind my head and walk with my hands just like ~20 years ago. :D

Wow interesting😆
Sunny said:
Henu the Great said:
Yoga is amazing. I am not far from being able to put both my feet behind my head and walk with my hands just like ~20 years ago. :D

Wow interesting😆

Guys I have a few questions about yoga, and I thought it would be to write them here ... if for example I interrupt the daly section in the middle and continue after 5 or 10 min (and an example) and then continued, is there any problem ?. .. Another question is, there are three types of yoga, do you have to do all three during the day? ... How long should you do yoga, is there a specific time? And the section needs to be changed or that basic can it be used all the time?
Darkspirit said:
Guys I have a few questions about yoga, and I thought it would be to write them here ... if for example I interrupt the daly section in the middle and continue after 5 or 10 min (and an example) and then continued, is there any problem ?. .. Another question is, there are three types of yoga, do you have to do all three during the day? ... How long should you do yoga, is there a specific time? And the section needs to be changed or that basic can it be used all the time?
Hello :)

Yes, you can interrupt a yoga session and start back into it. I have done this before. It is not ideal, but it's fine.

3 types of yoga? Are you including breathing exercises as yoga? Hatha and Kundalini are generally what we call yoga, although yes everything else technically is yoga but we are talking about physical asanas here.

Do what you can, when you are able to. You can build up as you advance. I like to do KY in the morning and hatha at night, but you can do what works best for you.

Some people keep it basic even after many years. I personally need to challenge myself and learn new asanas every so often, this helps with my advancement.

For how long, go with what works for you. We are all individual. 5-10 minutes daily, or more than an hour, whatever you need :)
TerKorian666 said:
Very interesting and nice writing. I was looking for “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas” video where someone would show how to do it correctly, but I don’t trust those videos and I do as it showed in pictures, maybe someone knows where I can find right video of these?

Hi, there!

I know Lydia has already given you some very useful videos to watch, but I came across a video demonstration of the Sat Kriya, which is part of the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series, and I thought you might find it useful.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Kundalini Yoga, so, of course, do let me know if you think there is anything wrong in this video. If there is something, then chances are I didn't pick up on it, and knowing so would help me, too. Otherwise, from what I can tell so far, it looks good to me!

I hope this helps you as it has done for me.


Hail Satan!
Norse 88 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Very interesting and nice writing. I was looking for “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas” video where someone would show how to do it correctly, but I don’t trust those videos and I do as it showed in pictures, maybe someone knows where I can find right video of these?

Hi, there!

I know Lydia has already given you some very useful videos to watch, but I came across a video demonstration of the Sat Kriya, which is part of the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series, and I thought you might find it useful.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Kundalini Yoga, so, of course, do let me know if you think there is anything wrong in this video. If there is something, then chances are I didn't pick up on it, and knowing so would help me, too. Otherwise, from what I can tell so far, it looks good to me!

I hope this helps you as it has done for me.


Hail Satan!
I used this video long ago too. This dude is very informative, Sadguru has given him the nickname:"the posture master".
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=361610 time=1654169860 user_id=57]
Darkspirit said:
Guys I have a few questions about yoga, and I thought it would be to write them here ... if for example I interrupt the daly section in the middle and continue after 5 or 10 min (and an example) and then continued, is there any problem ?. .. Another question is, there are three types of yoga, do you have to do all three during the day? ... How long should you do yoga, is there a specific time? And the section needs to be changed or that basic can it be used all the time?
Hello :)

Yes, you can interrupt a yoga session and start back into it. I have done this before. It is not ideal, but it's fine.

3 types of yoga? Are you including breathing exercises as yoga? Hatha and Kundalini are generally what we call yoga, although yes everything else technically is yoga but we are talking about physical asanas here.

Do what you can, when you are able to. You can build up as you advance. I like to do KY in the morning and hatha at night, but you can do what works best for you.

Some people keep it basic even after many years. I personally need to challenge myself and learn new asanas every so often, this helps with my advancement.

For how long, go with what works for you. We are all individual. 5-10 minutes daily, or more than an hour, whatever you need :)

Thanks Lydia you are great. :cool:
Yes, I had included the breaths😅 to include everything.
As for stopping the exercise it happened to me once and the question arose. I guess I'll keep the basic one for some time it looks good to me.
Hata Yoga is perfect for the night.
Norse 88 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Very interesting and nice writing. I was looking for “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas” video where someone would show how to do it correctly, but I don’t trust those videos and I do as it showed in pictures, maybe someone knows where I can find right video of these?

Hi, there!

I know Lydia has already given you some very useful videos to watch, but I came across a video demonstration of the Sat Kriya, which is part of the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series, and I thought you might find it useful.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Kundalini Yoga, so, of course, do let me know if you think there is anything wrong in this video. If there is something, then chances are I didn't pick up on it, and knowing so would help me, too. Otherwise, from what I can tell so far, it looks good to me!

I hope this helps you as it has done for me.


Hail Satan!

Thank you. I was thinking about to find Sat kriya video long ago. And always forget it, so I was still doing my way. :/ very useful!! 🙏 HAIL GODS!
Aquarius said:
Norse 88 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Very interesting and nice writing. I was looking for “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas” video where someone would show how to do it correctly, but I don’t trust those videos and I do as it showed in pictures, maybe someone knows where I can find right video of these?

Hi, there!

I know Lydia has already given you some very useful videos to watch, but I came across a video demonstration of the Sat Kriya, which is part of the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series, and I thought you might find it useful.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Kundalini Yoga, so, of course, do let me know if you think there is anything wrong in this video. If there is something, then chances are I didn't pick up on it, and knowing so would help me, too. Otherwise, from what I can tell so far, it looks good to me!

I hope this helps you as it has done for me.


Hail Satan!
I used this video long ago too. This dude is very informative, Sadguru has given him the nickname:"the posture master".

That's good to know! I'm glad this video is as informative as I had hoped. His posture is definitely something to admire.
TerKorian666 said:
Norse 88 said:
TerKorian666 said:
Very interesting and nice writing. I was looking for “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series KY kriyas” video where someone would show how to do it correctly, but I don’t trust those videos and I do as it showed in pictures, maybe someone knows where I can find right video of these?

Hi, there!

I know Lydia has already given you some very useful videos to watch, but I came across a video demonstration of the Sat Kriya, which is part of the Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series, and I thought you might find it useful.

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Kundalini Yoga, so, of course, do let me know if you think there is anything wrong in this video. If there is something, then chances are I didn't pick up on it, and knowing so would help me, too. Otherwise, from what I can tell so far, it looks good to me!

I hope this helps you as it has done for me.


Hail Satan!

Thank you. I was thinking about to find Sat kriya video long ago. And always forget it, so I was still doing my way. :/ very useful!! 🙏 HAIL GODS!

Anytime, friend. I'm glad you find it useful! Hail the Gods, indeed! :D
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=329563 time=1646052603 user_id=57]

I was at the library with my son yesterday, and there was a book on a table in the kids section that caught my attention. I took a look and it was a book to teach children into yoga. All the pose in the 40 days program were in it plus more. The book also refered to anther book "hatha yoga for children". I will borrow it for sure for.my kids
Masterj810610 said:
I was at the library with my son yesterday, and there was a book on a table in the kids section that caught my attention. I took a look and it was a book to teach children into yoga. All the pose in the 40 days program were in it plus more. The book also refered to anther book "hatha yoga for children". I will borrow it for sure for.my kids

That's great! I've taught yoga to a few friends who had children who joined in, and they really enjoyed it :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
