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“But What Does Yoga Actually Do?”

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=337266 time=1648044300 user_id=21286]
Manofsatan said:

For most people, I would say no, and this is due to what exactly the Saturn Square does: it increases the strength of Saturn that is currently in your soul, which can prove negative, especially in the case where you don't affirm it positively. Basically what you did is tighten the chains of your natal Saturn placements.

Although Saturn can be positive by forcing you to get better at something, it can also hurt you in the same way. What you need to do before you strengthen Saturn's grip, is to first remove any of its negatives on your soul. For example, a positive example of Saturn is that it can grant endurance to your body, whereas a negative one is that it wears you down (as it limits positive elements from acting as well).


A Sun Square can help here, especially if you direct it entirely towards removing negative Saturn influences. This may be a good option since you already have a strong Sun. You can do this with a similar affirmation, and in addition to, the working found below.

Alternatively, you should use Munka and/or Ansuz in a freeing working to remove any negative elements of Saturn, in a positive manner. This can be started on March 27th, for example. For example, (Munka + Ansuz) x90 , with 9x of an affirmation positively removing any negative, natal Saturn influences. Since you are dealing with a stronger Saturn, this may take a decent amount of time to fully rid yourself of any Saturn influence, perhaps 80-120 days depending on your power.

Deep cleaning can be used in conjunction with this working to mitigate karmic backlash, especially if you direct it towards cleaning your natal Saturn energies.


HPHC has mentioned that Nauthiz can be used safely for creating positive Saturn-like aspects, and I have found this to be the case as well. You can use in place of a Saturn square, with the only downside being that it may take longer. This July, the Esbat returns to Capricorn, providing a good opportunity then.

Is it okay /sensible to affirm strengthening the sun in my natal chart and in the same Affirmation say that the sun is removing negative effects of saturn.
I ask this because I have seen this here for Jupiter square where it was affirmed to strengthen good luck and fortune then removal of negative influence was added.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=329563 time=1646052603 user_id=57]
Yoga also re-trains the body and mind. A lot of people have defections in their body, and mental and emotional blockages. A proper yoga practice, combined with eating healthy food (which includes eating meat), and spiritual cleaning of the soul and chakras, will heal the body and mind. Yoga will help your muscles, nerves, organs, lungs, bones, spine, digestive system, hormones, brain... literally everything.

I don't really like meat, what could I put instead?
Voldschl said:
I don't really like meat, what could I put instead?

Is that due to taste or philosophical reasons, or another reason? In place of meat, you can use other dense foods such as nuts, eggs, cheese, and legumes. However, each of these is not entirely the same as meat. Depending on the status of your body or what you need, these may or may not be appropriate.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=334839 time=1647439222 user_id=21286]-Inhale 5 or 10 breaths of shiny black (like obsidian) energy, then program it to now improve your discipline and productivity for a specific activity, in a positive manner.

Isn't this counter-productive towards a working?

In simplest terms say I perform this activity for several days or several weeks. Isn't that going to be a weak effort?

I've always been under the assumption when doing anything that it requires a full on ritual, high reps. Is the effect of using smaller reps a form of teaching the mind, body, and soul to operate with less repetitions?

Is it fair to state the more powerful you are the less requirements there is to go bonkers on rep ranges?

In other words ignoring how ignorant I'm being. What is the entire basis of high/low rep blasting?

For example if I perform 9-18 reps of Surya to clean. IT sure as hell isn't as powerful as a 40-80-100-216 blast. But if I perform 9-18 vibrations for months and months and arrive at a conclusive cleansed property. Does the use of smaller reps create problems?

Or is the higher rep the way to go? It reminds me of FCM, someone replied you don't need to do 100+ blast for chakra work, it's not a race, perhaps 3-10 repetitions per chakra to feed the Gods so to speak. In other words your going for endurance not fry yourself.

Is the use of smaller time, smaller reps more appropriate? I know we don't have basically Godmen that create a scenario with a few reps or visualizing a symbol. But is the entire idea of low reps to highlight the fact the Gods don't need to blast extreme rep ranges to accomplish their actions. I'm not saying they don't do that from time to time but from what people have mentioned "Do you really expect a being of higher power spend an hour blasting 333 blasts for any little thing".

I ask this not to go off-topic.

...But last night I did my night meditations after returning to meditation as I mentioned in another post that was not answered been out of meditation since New Years but returned recently in a more simpler format. I performed 3ish minutes of foundation. I programmed the energy and notice that my sleep was improved to a degree. I forgot to visualize but I've read of people mentioning not everything requires visualization inasmuch as programming can take care of the situation at times. You should still visualize but sometimes I ask myself visualize what?

White-Gold XYZ breathing for 2-5 minutes. Affirm x8 "My sleep is better in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me".

Like I said I didn't fall asleep sooner but I noticed that kinda strong sleep effect that you kinda feel the paralysis of sleep as you wake up and it feels like you slept a lot. I noticed I fell asleep 2:05am funny I woke up 3:18am feeling like I was asleep for like 2-3 hours. In other words sleep felt slower.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=334839 time=1647439222 user_id=21286]-Inhale 5 or 10 breaths of shiny black (like obsidian) energy

I also assume you can also use other more specific colors. Black and maybe Brown have kinda a general aspect to them, seems fairer to state? In other words the person in question doesn't have an issue doing the activity they want. They just have general parameters that hinder or creep up on the person. Fair enough?

I'd very much like to see Shiny Black and Earthly Brown and the other colors as well updated to better reflect what they can do. Brown and black seem to lack a bit of descriptions.
Gear88 said:

The answer to why I used fewer reps with the black energy, or why someone uses fewer reps with the chakra meditations is mainly due to specificity. In other words, how exactly is the energy being used? If you are trying to clean your soul, then more is definitely better, since the objective is larger.

In regards to what I said about black energy, the goal of that energy was to give you an immediate discipline boost for a few hours, not a permanent one, and it would wear off after. However, this short-term working is how someone gets over the problem of "How do I do a 40-day discipline working with no discipline to firstly accomplish this?".

If you were attempting to do a larger working to permanently improve your self-discipline, then yes you would want to use higher reps, like 100x or 200x of Nauthiz, done over 40 days, and also started at a good time.


The colors can have slightly different meanings based on what you believe you are drawing into yourself. The colors mentioned in JOS are like wavelengths, whereas someone could use brown to instead represent earth.

So that is why I tried to describe the energies, with the Shiny Black being a Saturn-like Onyx or Obsidian energy. Earthly brown is just a generalized one that extends into earth's Taurus properties, not just cold Saturn. Here is where intention is critical because you are NOT using destructive Saturn energy, rather helpful energy. Similarly, the Waffen SS were dressed in black for its beneficial properties, not self-destructive.

Chakras and Reps

For the chakras, each chakra alone is relatively "small" compared to the whole soul. In this way, you don't need to direct a huge amount of energy into it to see an improvement. As others say, you could destabilize yourself as well. One would be better off doing only a moderate, consistent amount of reps for empowering. Then spend time elsewhere, such as yoga or deep cleaning. This would advance the person faster.

And yes, someone who is stronger will generate more energy with fewer reps. However, they still have to be mindful of their energy as a whole. While their chakras could handle more energy, if they used "only" 40 reps of a mantra on an animal, this could be overkill and potentially harmful where someone is very strong.

Overall, it is the exact goal and scenario that determines what kind of energy and how much. Surya 200x into a chakra for empowering would be too much, but not so bad for intensive cleaning. This is because the energy is being used differently.


You are doing good by returning to your meditations, and that makes me very happy to hear. What you are doing with your sleep is something similar that I have done before, and will attempt again, which is to make my sleep become more efficient and faster. I already knocked my sleep down to about 6 hours consistently.

Visualizing is part of programming, and while not essential like one's intention, it does amplify the working. As you advance, it will become easier, both as a mental process, but also to see the energy in real-time. Working on the upper chakras helps this, as does going into a light trance.

In regards to what you desire to visualize, you can be creative. Part of his reflects in your intention and raw willpower, where a 100% accurate visualization is not necessary. In other words, you don't need to actually trace the energy going through your body, improving your sleep, like a medical animation.

Rather, you can simply see the energy go into you, then your body flashes and upgrades like in a video game. Then visualize yourself waking up happy and well-rested. You can also force yourself to smile whilst performing the working, enforcing that what you are doing is positive and advancing you.

I did see your other post(s) and had been meaning to reply. Sometimes there is a lot to reply to, however.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=337461 time=1648083573 user_id=21286]Thanks for the reply


You are doing good by returning to your meditations, and that makes me very happy to hear. What you are doing with your sleep is something similar that I have done before, and will attempt again, which is to make my sleep become more efficient and faster. I already knocked my sleep down to about 6 hours consistently.

Visualizing is part of programming, and while not essential like one's intention, it does amplify the working. As you advance, it will become easier, both as a mental process, but also to see the energy in real-time. Working on the upper chakras helps this, as does going into a light trance.

In regards to what you desire to visualize, you can be creative. Part of his reflects in your intention and raw willpower, where a 100% accurate visualization is not necessary. In other words, you don't need to actually trace the energy going through your body, improving your sleep, like a medical animation.

Rather, you can simply see the energy go into you, then your body flashes and upgrades like in a video game. Then visualize yourself waking up happy and well-rested. You can also force yourself to smile whilst performing the working, enforcing that what you are doing is positive and advancing you.

I did see your other post(s) and had been meaning to reply. Sometimes there is a lot to reply to, however.

Yes I returned to meditation but it's not like I'm good at it nor care to be good. I mostly do it because I'm bored. I figure it works it works, it doesn't work it doesn't work. If it works okay if not then okay then whatever just another activity. Like I said before "I'm so mentally intense I just theorize and come up with new concepts or if I'm wrong I remodify old databanks and upgrade". So I'm doing it but I don't think it even works or is operating or anything.

I don't intend to Knock my sleep out lesser hours. No I want normal full 8 hours. I think honestly I've never really slept a full 8 hours in a long time. I've done in the past 12-15 hours I recall one time sleeping nearly 18 hours back around 2009 or so.

It's funny you mention what you visualize cause I've had theories on visualizing in realism. My visualizations however pathetic as my meditation in fact funny enough with my almost lackluster visualization both the active meditation i.e. visualizing. For example yes I'm doing a activity called visualizing/imagining/thinking of seeing WG-Energy cleansing my aura/chakras but it's so dull and just limited it sorta goes away. I don't know how to explain it my vision is so limited and my mind chatters so much I'm certainly not in a trance nor in any altered state nor anything.

In fact it seems like the more I try to do it the harder or worse it becomes. It seems when I'm fantasizing and thinking and walking and just talking to myself and inventing stuff and processing. It becomes better or is improved or I even have those thoughts that seem like it flashes before your eyes and waves away it almost seems like you see an image or vision but it slides off after a few tens of miliseconds and you return back to the real world. And when I actively engage thinking, visual prowess it's the complete and utter opposite.

In fact to go further not only do I lose the ability to visualize but the visualizing process becomes harder. For example I recall re-reading the aura/chakra cleansing page and while visualizing as I read the imagination process I can go man I can see myself cleaning properly. The second I try it out physically engaged sitting down and processing the action my visual process ceases to work everything.

I guess you can call it active aphantasia, while doing whatever thinking, processing, walking and talking to myself. No problems. Upon focusing down and doing an activity of meditation not only does the vision become very dull but even becomes harder and as time goes on even harder to the point I just lose track of myself and think about something else or talk to myself only to realize and return.

It's almost like mindfulness in an opposite way. The very act of being mindful of a spiritual activity I become innately mindless. If mindfulness is a form of state observation and breath awareness to introduce mental discipline of the state of consciousness. Then the very act of meditation puts me in a very anti-conscious but not unconscious way but the very act of working with unconscious mechanisms i.e. meditation makes me disregard it.

Like I've said trance and void are two no go-zones for me. I'm aware of trance is ultra important I've known about the trance phenomena since 1999 with lucid dreaming and a little bit later nearing 2000 with astral projection. But for all the limitations of my ameditative existence for some specific reason the second altered state and mental focus to the point of mental silence which can assist in trancing I completely go I can't, it just doesn't work. In fact in my current form as I've been at this a few years. My entire mindset is "I think therefore I am".

I don't know if this is the whole European-thinking man style statue vs the Asiatic meditation style statue. But either I posses an extreme thinking parameter to detriment or I try to be hardcore and extreme to whatever pathetic attempts at meditation or I'm extreme scissor like effect I merge and blend thinking with meditation and invent concepts and ideas and use my deep internalization as a tool to invent anything with meditation and thinking. Thus I don't know what thinking is nor what meditation is there is such an influx of unknown that both "What is thinking? If I think and think! and What is Meditation if I try to meditate but my best try is a best it sucks methodology".

Thus in my personal opinion as a person with a Saturnian emphasis and a Jupiterian emphasis I can be both extremes or expand both extremes and either be extremely meditative to which I'm not but also extremely thoughtful to which I can be cause it's easier to be a normal person but am wondering what truly is thinking and why do I think so much if I'm not smart. IF I was smart I'd probably be making money and living my life and enjoying.

But in the end there is no middle ground for me. As my friend put it I'm so internalizing I dig deep and advanced concepts seeing the artwork from an inch away at all the details failing to see the picture in general moderate view. And he is so externalized and so hard to invent his own feelings that he conceptualizes his world from a generic perspective that he is so far back he doesn't see the details.

In other words if me and my friend were combined together and can process both the extremes to a middle balance. We'd be not too far from the artwork we lose the details but not too close we fail to see the entire frame.

In essence for a person of my years in the JoS I'm the perfect example of a fanatical-zealotrous perhaps delusional person. For example I've spoken unfortunately to my family about it only to receive immediate criticism one of my deepest secrets my NS/SS existence. And yet every single attempt at explanation they say cult or delusion or your High priest why? Who made him high priest what organization or group did he study and learn. A high priest is someone who studies for years and educates themselves and is like a babalawo or something they have schools or something or like one of my family member the spiritual jew as I call him cause he kisses jewish ass a lot(A gentile acting like a jew). He goes rabbis study the bible and books and research since the beginning of their formal years when they can be educated. How can your high priest be a high priest if there is not a single professional person or professional accreditation of his education. And then he starts going the holohax and this and that and the NS stuff.

It's gotten to the point whereby this family member just goes "Everything that you told me from studying WW2 since history channel in 1997 and being the way you are is stupid. Everything you learned is stupid, Nazism is stupid, Satanism is stupid, everything you've done is stupid, the entire existence you made is stupid, and simply your stupid". He's like your delusional obsession and the fact you don't want to leave this stuff and help yourself is stupid. Religion is about helping people look at jews they help each other. Christians help each other the church donates and helps. The only reason I don't go further is because you got a mental illness and need help.

It's gotten to the point whereby I wonder why the fuck did I say anything what weakness did I posses and why did I say something.

At the end of the day I'm starting to think further that meditation was not meant for me the more I look back the more I realize I'm not meant for it. In fact funny enough reading a lot of JoS over since 2016 Prophp 2016-2017 and current A-F 2017-Currently.

The amount of crazy delusional shit I read by some people. It reminds me of the my mother who said very few people are mentally sane. People like that Thing Nact Vang Vietnamese buddhist who died or those Asians who were born to do meditation and yoga are sane they are working normal.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whereby it reminds me of a xtian friend of mine who later became more into occult stuff. In fact he studies pretty much everything for good or bad but he has a good head on his shoulders. And funny enough originally he told me Oh your organization does Yoga that''s just Hindu stuff for Hindu people, it's like meditation and whatnot that's just for Asian people. Reminds me of a meme joke from around that era that Asians are just meditators that's their stuff they are the ones that invented it.

In the end I've never had fun never had astral projection however scared I would be being alone in projecting or lucid dreaming funny the other day I became lucid and said something about the Universe or something all the dream characters attacked me. Had one grab my mouth and try and rip my jaw off. Then had a quick awake with a hypnapompic imagery and poof awake.

I guess if even simple day dreaming, imagining, visualizing, thinking whatever the act of using the mind and soul to procure effects of the spiritual. This sorta creationary activity it certainly is non-existent in me in my current development.

Like I said I've quit and unquit and returned and fallen out with meditation. That I'm certainly not up for it. Even a consistent schedule like one time I went something like 3 weeks straight doing the same thing was just awful complete and utter waste of time.

I don't think spirituality is meant for a person like me. If my civilization does not do it in an appropriate way the ways of the Sanatama Dharma and the Golden age. Why should I do it? Am I gonna be kundalini risen or should I've been kundalini risen by now sure but why the hell would I if I'm the only one who has that.

At the end of the day the more I realize it the more I notice I fear and am scared of meditation and spirituality. No one does it so why should I do it and thread into unknown waters.

It seems everyone who gets into meditation either goes crazy insane or is insane or they are looking for money, quick rich schemes, control or something. I don't know seems except for a few JoS members who blend logic with spirituality either there is a group that is not well or a group that is pushing to extremes. Reminds me of a person that said there aren't enough middle aged souls in existence on Earth to balance things out.

In the end I've been here since 2016 actively on the forums reading and educating myself. And that is it, I've read, educated myself and then what?

I guess maybe I just don't like meditation maybe too many people view it as a magick pill to solve all their problems. I view it in Saturnian ways. Like I've had thoughts before if meditation works for you cool keep going but if not then what can I say maybe NS/SS/JoS isn't for you. Not everyone is meant to be here.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=329563 time=1646052603 user_id=57]
Yoga means yoke, to unite – specifically, the body, mind, and soul. Yoga works these 3 areas, bringing harmony, increased awareness, and increased self-control. It also allows for the fullest expression of one’s highest self, and the individual personality, in the best and healthiest possible manner.

Something to note: most people, when they hear the word “control”, they think of it in the negative. It has both a negative and a positive connotation, so free yourself from thinking of it in only the negative. In this sense, controlling oneself does not mean repressing, suppressing, or stifling oneself. It simply means that you are in control of how you act and when and where; you have the freedom to choose how you act and react in direct relation to the pure identity of your highest self, instead of automatically giving in to emotional or mental reactions, or psychological programmings.

The enemy, as always, tries it’s hardest to control (in the negative connotation) yoga and yoga practitioners. They advise people to do yoga without eating first in the morning, and being vegetarian, if not vegan. Starvation is one of the common tactics used in brainwashing and mind-programming, as it allows the person to become too receptive to programmings and thought-forms. Try to eat when you need to eat, and as much as your body needs.

Yoga heals the body, mind, and soul. We are not just spiritual beings, nor are we just material bodies. We are both, plus consciousness. Yoga is not like regular athletics that work only the body; nor is it like passive meditation that works only the soul; nor is it an intellectual pursuit that only works the mind. It unites and harmonizes all, strengthening all, empowering all aspects of our being. Yes, including the mind, as explained in my post on Increasing Awareness, which is to be done with as many yoga asanas as you are able to easily and conveniently do, gradually building up and expanding your consciousness throughout your body, and beyond.

To further explain what yoga does: The body has 144,000 nadis, which are energy channels and pathways throughout the entire body. They all connect to the Solar Plexus chakra. The main nadis of Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala in the spine are empowered through the practice of kundalini yoga, but the rest of the nadis need to be stretched, strengthened, and cleared. Only a proper and thorough yoga practice can do this. This is one of the reasons why people can’t advance after the death of the physical body, and why we must be incarnated again and again – the physical body is absolutely essential for spiritual advancement.

Simple stretching is a basic introduction to the physical practice of yoga. As you advance, you will utilize your mind and consciousness in each asana, using your breath to allow for opening and healing of the nadis and the circulation of your spiritual energy, otherwise known as your Qi, or bioelectricity. Don’t think this is overly complicated, it is actually quite easy and basic as you do it, much of this happens naturally. It is just what happens when you do yoga.

Yoga, as well as pranayama and meditation, increases our bioelectricity levels. When our levels are consistently higher, we are stronger in every way, and we can use our energy to improve our lives. People on a low spiritual level are subject to many curses and negative planetary influences and transits. Being on a higher level raises us to where much of this no longer affects us. We radiate a spiritual light, as opposed to the average degenerate who sucks the life force and spiritual energy from others. Many people feel like they are struggling to stay afloat, struggling like a person fighting against the tides. A consistent yoga practice will raise you up and allow you to shine brightly and have strength – strength of physical body, strength of mind, strength of emotions, and strength of spirit. This all-encompassing strength gives unlimited potential for everything good and positive in our lives; in our advancement towards Godhood; and in our benevolent influence upon the common people on our planet. And it of course makes us stronger warriors in our fight against our enemies.

Getting back to how yoga helps the mental side of our being. The benefits of a yoga practice on the mind cannot be acclaimed enough. Putting your physical body into a position, feeling the stillness of the mind as you concentrate your thoughts and mental effort into holding the pose, focusing on your breath while maintaining balance and posture… can you feel it? It calms, strengthens, refreshes, and nourishes the mind. Anyone suffering from anxiety, mental illness, or mental hyperactivity will benefit immensely. People who are weak-minded or anything of the sort will feel stronger in every way.

If you do not do yoga, as I know a lot of members here simply aren’t into it, then this can hamper your advancement. Energy/qi will stagnate in various areas of your body, and can manifest in abnormal and harmful ways. We are all individuals however, based on our past lives, inherited physical genetics, and so on. Some people don’t need much yoga at all to advance, while some other people may need a lot of yoga daily. If all you currently need is 10 minutes a day, then consider that at some point in the future, you might need to do more. And it might be that you only need to delve deeply into a yoga practice for a period of time, to work through whatever spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental obstacles you have, to reach a higher level, and then perhaps you can lessen your practice afterwards. This is all individual.

Yoga also re-trains the body and mind. A lot of people have defections in their body, and mental and emotional blockages. A proper yoga practice, combined with eating healthy food (which includes eating meat), and spiritual cleaning of the soul and chakras, will heal the body and mind. Yoga will help your muscles, nerves, organs, lungs, bones, spine, digestive system, hormones, brain... literally everything.

Certain asanas can feel unpleasant, not enjoyable for us. But as we advance in yoga and master the asanas, walls come down in the mind. Breakthroughs of all types often happen after we achieve the mastery of an asana we previously had trouble performing. Even just doing a modification of a difficult asana, held long enough, can accomplish this.

In closing, don’t ever look to yoga as being something weird, difficult, or strange. There are endless free resources online and in library books to teach yoga. Many videos too. Try some, see what feels good for you, and let your practice grow on it’s own!
Dear lydia. I have a request. I cant seem to find good un-jewified kundalini yoga instructions. Even the pink lotus website is kindad sus in some parts. I was wondering if you could help share your routine or sources from where you get kundalini yoga instructions. ( For example In some places i keep seeing OHM instead of AUM for some musical chants done before Subagh Kriya for example, and im afraid other parts of the chant or any other chant might be totally wrong as well, etc. So it would be great if you could guide me to any legit sources you might have. Thank you and hail satan. )
CaspianTheDreamer said:
At the end of the day I'm starting to think further that meditation was not meant for me the more I look back the more I realize I'm not meant for it. In fact funny enough reading a lot of JoS over since 2016 Prophp 2016-2017 and current A-F 2017-Currently.

The amount of crazy delusional shit I read by some people. It reminds me of the my mother who said very few people are mentally sane. People like that Thing Nact Vang Vietnamese buddhist who died or those Asians who were born to do meditation and yoga are sane they are working normal.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whereby it reminds me of a xtian friend of mine who later became more into occult stuff. In fact he studies pretty much everything for good or bad but he has a good head on his shoulders. And funny enough originally he told me Oh your organization does Yoga that''s just Hindu stuff for Hindu people, it's like meditation and whatnot that's just for Asian people. Reminds me of a meme joke from around that era that Asians are just meditators that's their stuff they are the ones that invented it.

In the end I've never had fun never had astral projection however scared I would be being alone in projecting or lucid dreaming funny the other day I became lucid and said something about the Universe or something all the dream characters attacked me. Had one grab my mouth and try and rip my jaw off. Then had a quick awake with a hypnapompic imagery and poof awake.

I guess if even simple day dreaming, imagining, visualizing, thinking whatever the act of using the mind and soul to procure effects of the spiritual. This sorta creationary activity it certainly is non-existent in me in my current development.

Like I said I've quit and unquit and returned and fallen out with meditation. That I'm certainly not up for it. Even a consistent schedule like one time I went something like 3 weeks straight doing the same thing was just awful complete and utter waste of time.

I don't think spirituality is meant for a person like me. If my civilization does not do it in an appropriate way the ways of the Sanatama Dharma and the Golden age. Why should I do it? Am I gonna be kundalini risen or should I've been kundalini risen by now sure but why the hell would I if I'm the only one who has that.

At the end of the day the more I realize it the more I notice I fear and am scared of meditation and spirituality. No one does it so why should I do it and thread into unknown waters.

It seems everyone who gets into meditation either goes crazy insane or is insane or they are looking for money, quick rich schemes, control or something. I don't know seems except for a few JoS members who blend logic with spirituality either there is a group that is not well or a group that is pushing to extremes. Reminds me of a person that said there aren't enough middle aged souls in existence on Earth to balance things out.

In the end I've been here since 2016 actively on the forums reading and educating myself. And that is it, I've read, educated myself and then what?

I guess maybe I just don't like meditation maybe too many people view it as a magick pill to solve all their problems. I view it in Saturnian ways. Like I've had thoughts before if meditation works for you cool keep going but if not then what can I say maybe NS/SS/JoS isn't for you. Not everyone is meant to be here.
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dear lydia. I have a request. I cant seem to find good un-jewified kundalini yoga instructions. Even the pink lotus website is kindad sus in some parts. I was wondering if you could help share your routine or sources from where you get kundalini yoga instructions. ( For example In some places i keep seeing OHM instead of AUM for some musical chants done before Subagh Kriya for example, and im afraid other parts of the chant or any other chant might be totally wrong as well, etc. So it would be great if you could guide me to any legit sources you might have. Thank you and hail satan. )
For the Kriyas, pinklotus is the source. Some of the chants can be altered if you are uncofortable doing them in the way they are instructed, but the Kriyas themselves are basically legit.

You can for example chant Sat Nam instead of what has been instructed or do void meditation.
Aquarius said:
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D
Aquarius said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
At the end of the day I'm starting to think further that meditation was not meant for me the more I look back the more I realize I'm not meant for it. In fact funny enough reading a lot of JoS over since 2016 Prophp 2016-2017 and current A-F 2017-Currently.

The amount of crazy delusional shit I read by some people. It reminds me of the my mother who said very few people are mentally sane. People like that Thing Nact Vang Vietnamese buddhist who died or those Asians who were born to do meditation and yoga are sane they are working normal.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whereby it reminds me of a xtian friend of mine who later became more into occult stuff. In fact he studies pretty much everything for good or bad but he has a good head on his shoulders. And funny enough originally he told me Oh your organization does Yoga that''s just Hindu stuff for Hindu people, it's like meditation and whatnot that's just for Asian people. Reminds me of a meme joke from around that era that Asians are just meditators that's their stuff they are the ones that invented it.

In the end I've never had fun never had astral projection however scared I would be being alone in projecting or lucid dreaming funny the other day I became lucid and said something about the Universe or something all the dream characters attacked me. Had one grab my mouth and try and rip my jaw off. Then had a quick awake with a hypnapompic imagery and poof awake.

I guess if even simple day dreaming, imagining, visualizing, thinking whatever the act of using the mind and soul to procure effects of the spiritual. This sorta creationary activity it certainly is non-existent in me in my current development.

Like I said I've quit and unquit and returned and fallen out with meditation. That I'm certainly not up for it. Even a consistent schedule like one time I went something like 3 weeks straight doing the same thing was just awful complete and utter waste of time.

I don't think spirituality is meant for a person like me. If my civilization does not do it in an appropriate way the ways of the Sanatama Dharma and the Golden age. Why should I do it? Am I gonna be kundalini risen or should I've been kundalini risen by now sure but why the hell would I if I'm the only one who has that.

At the end of the day the more I realize it the more I notice I fear and am scared of meditation and spirituality. No one does it so why should I do it and thread into unknown waters.

It seems everyone who gets into meditation either goes crazy insane or is insane or they are looking for money, quick rich schemes, control or something. I don't know seems except for a few JoS members who blend logic with spirituality either there is a group that is not well or a group that is pushing to extremes. Reminds me of a person that said there aren't enough middle aged souls in existence on Earth to balance things out.

In the end I've been here since 2016 actively on the forums reading and educating myself. And that is it, I've read, educated myself and then what?

I guess maybe I just don't like meditation maybe too many people view it as a magick pill to solve all their problems. I view it in Saturnian ways. Like I've had thoughts before if meditation works for you cool keep going but if not then what can I say maybe NS/SS/JoS isn't for you. Not everyone is meant to be here.
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.

What the fuck ? What in the actual fuck ???? I didnt post this!!!! I dod not write this? Who the fuck wrote this shit? Omg what the hell ... please forgive me i did NOT write this am i being hacked??? I am so sorry Aquarius but i didnt write this!!!! What is going on im scared has sonebody hacked into my account ??? What the fuck ???? I didnt wrote this! Whoever did this is a fucking asshole i swear on satan i did NOT write this!!!!! What is going on??? Please help me i dont know what is going on at all what the fuck??? Did i get hacked omg wtf what should i do please somebody help
Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dear lydia. I have a request. I cant seem to find good un-jewified kundalini yoga instructions. Even the pink lotus website is kindad sus in some parts. I was wondering if you could help share your routine or sources from where you get kundalini yoga instructions. ( For example In some places i keep seeing OHM instead of AUM for some musical chants done before Subagh Kriya for example, and im afraid other parts of the chant or any other chant might be totally wrong as well, etc. So it would be great if you could guide me to any legit sources you might have. Thank you and hail satan. )
For the Kriyas, pinklotus is the source. Some of the chants can be altered if you are uncofortable doing them in the way they are instructed, but the Kriyas themselves are basically legit.

You can for example chant Sat Nam instead of what has been instructed or do void meditation.

Thank you for this. I will take this into account. But aside from that i did NOT write the other post!!!! Like what us even happening right now. Why would i even write such a long ass post completely contradicting whatever spiritual path i am on ??? Im kinda scared i think someone might have hacked into my account. I dunno realky there are a shit ton of infiltrators i really dunno. But i swear on satan. I did not write that post. Im just hoping that its merely a glitch or mishap. Because i did not write that post!!! And for some weird fucking reason i vant even find the individual post! I saw a notification of you and aquarius replying to that post... and thats it... i didnt write that post!!!! What should i do??? Should i delete this account??? Omg wtf is going on
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D
Oh gosh, I thought I was actually replying to Gear88. :lol:
Gear88 said:
Thinking vs Doing

I bet If I saw your chart it would be clear that you are heavily geared towards thinking/throat chakra activity. You should look at your Sun and Mars, as this shows where you want to put all your efforts, for example. In this way, you could easily become bored of doing something that does not come naturally.

There is a big difference between thinking and doing, and this is shown when you describe sitting down and trying to meditate. Thinking is good for reflection, but not when you are trying to focus your neurons for psychic output.

At the same time, you are being way too hard on yourself, because the active pursuit of all JOS activities will yield growth in your psychic abilities, as well as growth in your mental capacities as well. Just because something is hard at the start does not mean it will be later.

Due to the enemy's corruption of this planet, that is why humans are opposed or distant to meditation, not because there is something better to do. Living in a planet like this can lead to centuries of an imbalanced lifestyle, where it becomes harder for you to meditate since you are so unaccustomed to it.

Others in our Civilization

No offense, but you should not listen to your family's opinion on these matters, nor should you listen to regular normies or Christians. Despite your difficulties with meditations, you are still here because you know this is the truth and way forward for mankind. In other words, steel your heart against people who have not experienced the fruits of Satanism or National Socialism, and build yourself up and become an example for them.

We are like the special forces on the battlefield. We have a very specific mission and we have to operate in an individualistic mindset. Everyone here acts in complete opposition to the Jewish mainstream, and we should not be swayed by peer pressure to do otherwise.

In time, our civilization and people will become open to Satanism, as the enemy is destroyed and Satan's name is restored, which is what our rituals do. Don't be dismayed by the current state of things. You can see how awfully the average person lives; this is proof that something needs to change. You are the actor that brings about this change.

Meditation as essential, not "magic"

Some people are drawn to spirituality due to this magic pill mindset, and in their own way, they will learn to balance themselves. Having a Saturnine view is fine because it teaches you to be serious and look at the tangibility of what you are doing. However, it can be bad if you are limiting yourself from the benefits of this path, in a cynical manner.

Instead, you should view the act of improving our own soul as the basis of growth for any community. Viewing it through NatSoc lens, self-improvement of the soul serves as the most foundational method that a race improves itself, as it goes deeper than all other forms of training. In this way, it is actually critical for everyone to meditate, otherwise, our civilization will degenerate under the weight of its karma.

Future efforts: aiding your weak points

You are not alone in the idea that meditation is hard for you. There are many people who feel like this. Meditation does take a lot of energy and effort, it is certainly not easy, especially at the start.

However, if you want to change this, or change anything else in your life, then you must cultivate your spiritual power, regardless of whether it is hard or not. In a similar manner, life demands that chores need to be done, and so on.

The lower chakras and associated planets rule the idea of doing without thinking (to put it very simply). That is why I mentioned the use of black, Saturn-like energy to enhance productivity.

Going even further, you should use the associated energies specifically to permanently upgrade the ease at which you meditate. Coming from a high-air background, I too like to talk and think too much. I have spent tons of effort specifically upgrading my ability to be more productive in areas other than typing and thinking.

Specific solutions: Energy

The Sun and Mars rule your energy, motivation, and drive. You should use a Sowilo working to permanently enhance your drive to meditate. This will make you feel a healthy, even joyous urge to continue working, just as you naturally can with theorizing.

If you want a better appreciation of Sowilo, read this: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/sowilo

Saturn and Taurus rule discipline and consistency to never give up. You should use a Nauthiz working to permanently enhance your discipline and consistency with your meditations. This will make you able to remove any distractions, disregard when you may feel bad, and continue meditating no matter what (because you know you have to for success).

If you want a better appreciation of Nauthiz, read this: https://runesecrets.com/rune-meanings/nauthiz

Now, you may be thinking, this is great, but what about how I currently feel? This is where you use short-term solutions, such as invoking earth energy and programming to NOW give you a feeling of discipline with your work (such as for a few hours, or even 1 hour).

In place of Sowilo, you can breathe in white-gold and program that you NOW have the will to do your work.

Specific Solutions: Yoga

Lastly, if meditation itself is harder for you, then I highly advise you to place more of an emphasis on yoga and pranayama, which will help you develop the necessary spiritual strength to pull off a larger Sowilo or Nauthiz working.

Yoga and pranayama are much easier to do, and beyond that, give immediate physical benefits that should make you feel happy and healthy. Putting a lot of effort here can serve as a means of getting around your current obstacles.

Yoga link

Foundational Breath

Alternate Nostril (balancing)

Breath of Fire (increase fire energy and drive)

Taking everything all together, you simply need to hold out and continue meditating until you can make it more bearable for yourself.

Alternative to Sowilo and Nauthiz, you can also use Ansuz or Munka to free yourself, removing any obstacles to consistent advancement.

Hope this helps, feel free to respond if further clarifications are needed.
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D
Funnily enough, I replied to him by accident as I wanted to reply to gear88, but after reading what he wrote this may aswell apply to him too.
Aquarius said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

Henu the Great said:
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D

Caspian was mistakenly quoted here. Aquarius meant for his message to go to Gear.

Also, Aquarius is correct, even if harsh. Nonetheless, I did my best to answer some of Gear's questions, as well as point him towards solutions. So the problem should be closer to being fixed, if not yet already given a justified amount of energy.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=337372 time=1648068014 user_id=21286]
Voldschl said:
I don't really like meat, what could I put instead?

Is that due to taste or philosophical reasons, or another reason? In place of meat, you can use other dense foods such as nuts, eggs, cheese, and legumes. However, each of these is not entirely the same as meat. Depending on the status of your body or what you need, these may or may not be appropriate.

It's because of taste, I don't like it very much.
Aquarius said:
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D
Oh gosh, I thought I was actually replying to Gear88. :lol:
Lmao its alright :lol: but please dont ever scare me like that again i would never write such bullshit :lol: its just that im kinda paranoid about the way internet is monitored in my country so i jumped to the conclusion that someone had hacked my account and wrote this instead of me using my account. :lol: my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. Sorry for the cringe freakout tho. Hail satan♥️🖤💙
Aquarius said:
Henu the Great said:
Aquarius said:
You can theorize all you want, the truth is that you have no persistency and drive, and sit on your ass all day doing nothing, it's not that meditation doesn't work for you, it's that you can't make it work because you can't try and go over your mental blocks. No you're not a fanatical, you're literally useless, how are you a fanatical if you can't even do the most basic thing JoS tells you to do? which is meditation. The truth is that at this point it's clear you literally amount to nothing, correct me if I'm wrong but you're near your 40s and have no job, live with your parents and treat them shit, you couldn't meditate for 2 days straight in 2003 so you just spent the remaining 20 years theorizing about why meditation doesn't work and most of us are freaks, and trying to come up with pathetic excuses as to why you can't do shit.
Get ahold of yourself, you can't immagine how much you will suffer in the future because you just couldn't have some patience.
He writes just like Gear88. He only changed the years in his post, but everything else is just as Gear88 would have written. Quite peculiar. Your respond to him is just like you would respond to Gear88 as well. :D
Funnily enough, I replied to him by accident as I wanted to reply to gear88, but after reading what he wrote this may aswell apply to him too.
I can assure you that it doesnt. What have i written that made you think that ? True, i do procrastinate sometimes, but im always learning from others and i have been able to actually meditate frequently in the past months up until now.. doubts may arise sure.. but i know how to get hold of them... so i dunno what you mean here....but dont worry im not someone who escapes from hard work at all. You can go ahead and see that in my natal chart :lol: hail satan 💙🖤♥️
Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dear lydia. I have a request. I cant seem to find good un-jewified kundalini yoga instructions. Even the pink lotus website is kindad sus in some parts. I was wondering if you could help share your routine or sources from where you get kundalini yoga instructions. ( For example In some places i keep seeing OHM instead of AUM for some musical chants done before Subagh Kriya for example, and im afraid other parts of the chant or any other chant might be totally wrong as well, etc. So it would be great if you could guide me to any legit sources you might have. Thank you and hail satan. )
For the Kriyas, pinklotus is the source. Some of the chants can be altered if you are uncofortable doing them in the way they are instructed, but the Kriyas themselves are basically legit.

You can for example chant Sat Nam instead of what has been instructed or do void meditation.

https://youtu.be/SKoJRW-ETPI is this correct?
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Thank you for this. I will take this into account. But aside from that i did NOT write the other post!!!! Like what us even happening right now. Why would i even write such a long ass post completely contradicting whatever spiritual path i am on ??? Im kinda scared i think someone might have hacked into my account. I dunno realky there are a shit ton of infiltrators i really dunno. But i swear on satan. I did not write that post. Im just hoping that its merely a glitch or mishap. Because i did not write that post!!! And for some weird fucking reason i vant even find the individual post! I saw a notification of you and aquarius replying to that post... and thats it... i didnt write that post!!!! What should i do??? Should i delete this account??? Omg wtf is going on
No problem. There was a mistake with quoting a post, nothing bad happened.
Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Thank you for this. I will take this into account. But aside from that i did NOT write the other post!!!! Like what us even happening right now. Why would i even write such a long ass post completely contradicting whatever spiritual path i am on ??? Im kinda scared i think someone might have hacked into my account. I dunno realky there are a shit ton of infiltrators i really dunno. But i swear on satan. I did not write that post. Im just hoping that its merely a glitch or mishap. Because i did not write that post!!! And for some weird fucking reason i vant even find the individual post! I saw a notification of you and aquarius replying to that post... and thats it... i didnt write that post!!!! What should i do??? Should i delete this account??? Omg wtf is going on
No problem. There was a mistake with quoting a post, nothing bad happened.
Thank you🤍💙🖤♥️
Voldschl said:
It's because of taste, I don't like it very much.

I used to hate meat when I lived with my parents because my mother overcooked it and never used herbs and spices. There are so many ways to cook meat, so many different flavor combinations. Perhaps you just don't know how to properly cook it.
Voldschl said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=337372 time=1648068014 user_id=21286]
Voldschl said:
I don't really like meat, what could I put instead?

Is that due to taste or philosophical reasons, or another reason? In place of meat, you can use other dense foods such as nuts, eggs, cheese, and legumes. However, each of these is not entirely the same as meat. Depending on the status of your body or what you need, these may or may not be appropriate.

It's because of taste, I don't like it very much.

Try organic meats. They taste much better than commercialised rubbish. You can also try different cooking methods, as Lydia suggested. Either way, meat is necessary to human nutrition. It is not possible to have a healthy diet without meat because plant-based food doesn't contain everything you need. You need to consume both plant and animal life. Just find a way that you like.
Catalincata94 said:
can i do kundalini yoga if i'm overweight?

Hello, yes you can. The Spinal Series is easy enough to do, if you have trouble sitting on your heels for #2 then you can do it sitting on a chair, for example.

You can also program your body to lose excess fat in a healthy manner, if you want. A daily affirmation, beginning today in fact is a good planetary day (Saturday) and Moon phase and sign.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=338335 time=1648300053 user_id=57]
Catalincata94 said:
can i do kundalini yoga if i'm overweight?

Hello, yes you can. The Spinal Series is easy enough to do, if you have trouble sitting on your heels for #2 then you can do it sitting on a chair, for example.

You can also program your body to lose excess fat in a healthy manner, if you want. A daily affirmation, beginning today in fact is a good planetary day (Saturday) and Moon phase and sign.
Sorry for the late reply...
I started programing the energy from my meditations to get rid of obstacles that hinder my weight loss so i'm focusing on that for now. There is a thing that may hinder my weight loss it's an anti-psyhotic medication, i'm working on getting rid of that medication. But what exactly do you mean by programing the body? do you mean programing the subcounscious mind? i never heard of programing the body xD like can we program the cells of the body?
Well, i missed the boat this time with saturday and moon phase and sign.
I'm also doing a mudra to increase pitta humor and decreasing kapha humor and now i don't feel so hungry and eat less, i think i'm going to lose weight if this keeps up ;)
"Getting back to how yoga helps the mental side of our being. The benefits of a yoga practice on the mind cannot be acclaimed enough. Putting your physical body into a position, feeling the stillness of the mind as you concentrate your thoughts and mental effort into holding the pose, focusing on your breath while maintaining balance and posture… can you feel it? It calms, strengthens, refreshes, and nourishes the mind. Anyone suffering from anxiety, mental illness, or mental hyperactivity will benefit immensely. People who are weak-minded or anything of the sort will feel stronger in every way."
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=329563 time=1646052603 user_id=57]

It's mentioned in the example hatha yoga routine that you're to meditate on the energy for 5-15 minutes at the end but the problem is I'm feeling no energy and am actually really sleepy after the session. Is this normal at first or should I be concerned?
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
It's mentioned in the example hatha yoga routine that you're to meditate on the energy for 5-15 minutes at the end but the problem is I'm feeling no energy and am actually really sleepy after the session. Is this normal at first or should I be concerned?

Yes, this can be normal at first. Make sure you get enough sleep and enough nutrients etc in your diet, and don't do yoga when you are tired.
Catalincata94 said:
Sorry for the late reply...
I started programing the energy from my meditations to get rid of obstacles that hinder my weight loss so i'm focusing on that for now. There is a thing that may hinder my weight loss it's an anti-psyhotic medication, i'm working on getting rid of that medication. But what exactly do you mean by programing the body? do you mean programing the subcounscious mind? i never heard of programing the body xD like can we program the cells of the body?
Well, i missed the boat this time with saturday and moon phase and sign.
I'm also doing a mudra to increase pitta humor and decreasing kapha humor and now i don't feel so hungry and eat less, i think i'm going to lose weight if this keeps up ;)

The kundalini yoga is a yang exercise that should stimulate fire in the body as well. Your working sounds good, and it may possibly be working all the way through the psych meds first with that programming, so stick with it for the long term.
Sun and Mars energies also increase pitta in the body.

Yes, the mudras are good for shifting the whole body, whereas acupoints seem very specific. I have used a Vata-reducing mudra with great success, where it seemed like the acupoints weren't doing as much.

Eating less is a good sign, which likely means any stomach heat is reduced. If you are primarily yang-deficient, this can eventually lead to yin deficiency or vice versa. So it sounds like correcting your yang deficiency with the kapha-decreasing mudra restored your pitta back into balance.

Remember, the mudras aren't permanent like a 40-day working is, so you may have to rebalance yourself with them every so often, maybe every few days, based on your own experiences. Careful not to overdo them and increase your pitta too far. More is not necessarily better, you want a balance, or at least only a slight pitta exaggeration.

Fixing your natal fire placements, such as a weak Sun, will also restore pitta energy to the body. Your working may do something similar such as pulling obstacles to your Sun's power off of you.


Programming the body is the same as programming the soul. Your being is one and the same, of course, but you can focus your energies specifically where you want them. For example, you can focus the water element into your soul, or you can put it specifically into the body, like if you are trying to clear inflammation.

The process is the same, but you are just being more specific. That is all.
Manofsatan said:
Is it okay /sensible to affirm strengthening the sun in my natal chart and in the same Affirmation say that the sun is removing negative effects of saturn.
I ask this because I have seen this here for Jupiter square where it was affirmed to strengthen good luck and fortune then removal of negative influence was added.

Yes, you can do that, just keep in mind that you are now splitting the energies. It depends on how you are intending this to go. If you just want to do anything for the Sun to be empowered, then it will likely just end up mitigated Saturn anyway (as this seems to be a major hindrance).

Keep in mind that the negatives of Saturn extend to any aspects of your chart, beyond just the Sun itself. Sun energy itself is useful for removing negatives and cleaning because it is like a transformative fire. So empowering your natal Sun and removing the negatives of Saturn are two separate objectives.

Now, if you are planning to do additional working to remove Saturn influences, then splitting the energy between as mentioned above would be fine, like in a case where you still want to boost your Sun. It really depends on what you are looking for here.

As far as a Jupiter Square, generally, Jupiter rules expansion and would not be the best energy for removing negativity directly. If this is done, it may take more energy to gain the same result in the face of large obstacles, compared to using freeing mantras. The same goes for other planets.

The Sun is different because it encompasses all the wavelengths of energy and can burn away dross. Perhaps Mars can also, with its relation to Thurisaz, but I am not sure entirely. Jupiter is much less likely to do this efficiently.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=339623 time=1648599153 user_id=21286]
Catalincata94 said:
Sorry for the late reply...
I started programing the energy from my meditations to get rid of obstacles that hinder my weight loss so i'm focusing on that for now. There is a thing that may hinder my weight loss it's an anti-psyhotic medication, i'm working on getting rid of that medication. But what exactly do you mean by programing the body? do you mean programing the subcounscious mind? i never heard of programing the body xD like can we program the cells of the body?
Well, i missed the boat this time with saturday and moon phase and sign.
I'm also doing a mudra to increase pitta humor and decreasing kapha humor and now i don't feel so hungry and eat less, i think i'm going to lose weight if this keeps up ;)

The kundalini yoga is a yang exercise that should stimulate fire in the body as well. Your working sounds good, and it may possibly be working all the way through the psych meds first with that programming, so stick with it for the long term.
Sun and Mars energies also increase pitta in the body.

Yes, the mudras are good for shifting the whole body, whereas acupoints seem very specific. I have used a Vata-reducing mudra with great success, where it seemed like the acupoints weren't doing as much.

Eating less is a good sign, which likely means any stomach heat is reduced. If you are primarily yang-deficient, this can eventually lead to yin deficiency or vice versa. So it sounds like correcting your yang deficiency with the kapha-decreasing mudra restored your pitta back into balance.

Remember, the mudras aren't permanent like a 40-day working is, so you may have to rebalance yourself with them every so often, maybe every few days, based on your own experiences. Careful not to overdo them and increase your pitta too far. More is not necessarily better, you want a balance, or at least only a slight pitta exaggeration.

Fixing your natal fire placements, such as a weak Sun, will also restore pitta energy to the body. Your working may do something similar such as pulling obstacles to your Sun's power off of you.


Programming the body is the same as programming the soul. Your being is one and the same, of course, but you can focus your energies specifically where you want them. For example, you can focus the water element into your soul, or you can put it specifically into the body, like if you are trying to clear inflammation.

The process is the same, but you are just being more specific. That is all.
How do i know if i have a weak sun in my natal chart? What makes it weak? the degree in which it is? like if it is closer to 0° then is it stronger?
Catalincata94 said:
How do i know if i have a weak sun in my natal chart? What makes it weak? the degree in which it is? like if it is closer to 0° then is it stronger?

Yes, the degrees make a difference, but it is mainly the sign of the planet, and whether it is good for that planet or not. Sun energy works best under the Leo or Aries signs or "modes of operation", and worst under Aquarius and Libra.

Then, look at any aspects to the Sun. Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto will strengthen it in various ways, whereas Saturn and Neptune will block or "dissolve" it, respectively.

So if you have a major and hard Neptune aspect to your Sun, this would weaken the Sun and require a working to remove the negative influence. Also, if Saturn itself is in Leo or Aries, this will have a similar effect by blocking those energies within your soul.

How to Read Natal Chart - Overview

Importance of Degrees

Importance of Planetary Signs

Page on Sun with Additional Info
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=340267 time=1648763520 user_id=21286]
Catalincata94 said:
How do i know if i have a weak sun in my natal chart? What makes it weak? the degree in which it is? like if it is closer to 0° then is it stronger?

Yes, the degrees make a difference, but it is mainly the sign of the planet, and whether it is good for that planet or not. Sun energy works best under the Leo or Aries signs or "modes of operation", and worst under Aquarius and Libra.

Then, look at any aspects to the Sun. Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto will strengthen it in various ways, whereas Saturn and Neptune will block or "dissolve" it, respectively.

So if you have a major and hard Neptune aspect to your Sun, this would weaken the Sun and require a working to remove the negative influence. Also, if Saturn itself is in Leo or Aries, this will have a similar effect by blocking those energies within your soul.

How to Read Natal Chart - Overview

Importance of Degrees

Importance of Planetary Signs

Page on Sun with Additional Info
Well, there is none of anything weak in my birth chart, no aspect with sun-neptune or hard aspect with saturn, just a pozitive aspect no hard or major aspect. Same with the signs. But there is a thing that i saw on a astrology program, it's that i have more earth and water than air and fire...
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=329655 time=1646072160 user_id=19170]
Thanks a lot for this post. I often struggle with hatha yoga and I'm more into kundalini yoga and Qi Gong. I'll try to be doing hatha yoga more frequently. I have a lot of bioelectricity from my kundalini and honestly I wouldn't want it to get stuck. Even right now I feel like I'm burning up. I really needed this.

Hail Satan!

it's probably a good idea to be a little careful with kundalini practices. Especially if you already feel like you are burning up. Qigong is generally safer.
Catalincata94 said:
Well, there is none of anything weak in my birth chart, no aspect with sun-neptune or hard aspect with saturn, just a pozitive aspect no hard or major aspect. Same with the signs. But there is a thing that i saw on a astrology program, it's that i have more earth and water than air and fire...

The signs matter. If you have a Leo Moon and Cancer Sun, then these aren't great placements for either. Yet, a program may say "equal water and fire".

That is good that you do not have the worst signs for either Mars or Sun, but they may not be ideal either if they fall under other signs. That does not mean that having a certain placement has no benefits, just that you need to strengthen it with the appropriate energy.

Halfway into this Sun Square, I can already feel a huge boost to both my vitality, confidence, and energy. There is not really a substitute for a spiritual working, and that is coming from someone who would do acupoints all day.

Not that acupressure does not help, nor food, supplements, or other things, but having a strong Sun does so much more. I have noticed that fire-dominant people can do a lot bad for their health, then suddenly bounce back like nothing ever happened.

For example, a friend of mine with a Leo Sun who smokes weed daily, stays up all night, eats only decently, plays video games nonstop...Yet has retained developed musculature and no kidney deficencies.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=342103 time=1649230293 user_id=21286]
Catalincata94 said:
Well, there is none of anything weak in my birth chart, no aspect with sun-neptune or hard aspect with saturn, just a pozitive aspect no hard or major aspect. Same with the signs. But there is a thing that i saw on a astrology program, it's that i have more earth and water than air and fire...

The signs matter. If you have a Leo Moon and Cancer Sun, then these aren't great placements for either. Yet, a program may say "equal water and fire".

That is good that you do not have the worst signs for either Mars or Sun, but they may not be ideal either if they fall under other signs. That does not mean that having a certain placement has no benefits, just that you need to strengthen it with the appropriate energy.

Halfway into this Sun Square, I can already feel a huge boost to both my vitality, confidence, and energy. There is not really a substitute for a spiritual working, and that is coming from someone who would do acupoints all day.

Not that acupressure does not help, nor food, supplements, or other things, but having a strong Sun does so much more. I have noticed that fire-dominant people can do a lot bad for their health, then suddenly bounce back like nothing ever happened.

For example, a friend of mine with a Leo Sun who smokes weed daily, stays up all night, eats only decently, plays video games nonstop...Yet has retained developed musculature and no kidney deficencies.
What about that both my parents have vata dosha body type but not me how is that possible? I think psychiatric drugs make people fat even if they have good planetary placements, on internet people know about this and some years back i asked a psychiatrist if i can get some meds that dosen't make people fat she said there is none.

As i know the planetary squares can only be done if the respective person has all the chakras completly open? Is that correct? I would like to do the sun square but i'm not sure if i can do it now or as soon as i can... in the beginning i did the opening the soul meditations except for the 6th chakra because i was confused, then last year i strated doing the new opening the soul meditations i got till the solar chakra, i did the solar chakra opening but my mind was overstimulated and i had to stop them but i think my mind is still overstimulated, many times my mind goes in all "places" even with 15 min void meditation x2 a day. So can i do the square if i didn't do all the new chakra opening meditations? or should i wait till i'm more stable and continue with the opening meditations and finish them then i can go ahead and do the square?

Now i want to say that well i didn't got anymore fatter that last year, so i think i just worried, i checked the list where i noted my weight and date and it's stable, it's always between 86-87 kg mostly 86 kg. But yeah i still need to lose weight to be in a healthy weight range. And i also don't do much "movement" or work at home i'm mostly concentrated on meditation but i do a little walk outside everyday and 2x exercises but that's just around 10 min of exercises a day in total and another 10 min for the T5R if that's considered exercises...
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=342103 time=1649230293 user_id=21286]

Not that acupressure does not help, nor food, supplements, or other things, but having a strong Sun does so much more. I have noticed that fire-dominant people can do a lot bad for their health, then suddenly bounce back like nothing ever happened.

I can confirm this from personal experience.
Catalincata94 said:
What about that both my parents have vata dosha body type but not me how is that possible? I think psychiatric drugs make people fat even if they have good planetary placements, on internet people know about this and some years back i asked a psychiatrist if i can get some meds that dosen't make people fat she said there is none.

As i know the planetary squares can only be done if the respective person has all the chakras completly open? Is that correct? I would like to do the sun square but i'm not sure if i can do it now or as soon as i can... in the beginning i did the opening the soul meditations except for the 6th chakra because i was confused, then last year i strated doing the new opening the soul meditations i got till the solar chakra, i did the solar chakra opening but my mind was overstimulated and i had to stop them but i think my mind is still overstimulated, many times my mind goes in all "places" even with 15 min void meditation x2 a day. So can i do the square if i didn't do all the new chakra opening meditations? or should i wait till i'm more stable and continue with the opening meditations and finish them then i can go ahead and do the square?

Now i want to say that well i didn't got anymore fatter that last year, so i think i just worried, i checked the list where i noted my weight and date and it's stable, it's always between 86-87 kg mostly 86 kg. But yeah i still need to lose weight to be in a healthy weight range. And i also don't do much "movement" or work at home i'm mostly concentrated on meditation but i do a little walk outside everyday and 2x exercises but that's just around 10 min of exercises a day in total and another 10 min for the T5R if that's considered exercises...

If you are empowering your chakras on a daily basis, they should be open, despite whether you finished your chakra openings or not. Do you feel them, or feel power moving through them?

If your mind is overstimulated, then working on your base chakra will help a lot. Although the solar felt like it overstimulated you, it still helps balance the upper chakras by providing willpower and vitality to you.

If a square would help your vitality, then it would be worth doing. This would only help your mind be more stable, especially since you are using it in a healthy manner, not one that would hurt your mind. It would also help your weight and energy levels.

You can use Isa, Berkano, or Nauthiz to help calm your mind. This will help a lot, in addition to the void meditation. Also, don't think that the void isn't helping, it is just that you have underlying conditions which can make it harder to calm the mind. This is the same for anyone with yang placements on their mercury or other areas of the soul.


It may be a little confusing what you should focus on, although each of these things is a worthy goal: mind control, lower chakra/planet work/vitality work, or working on removing your need for the drugs.

If you are still feeling tired (which would make it harder to do other advancement work), then you may need to focus on your yang energy and vitality first. You could do this simultaneously to other workings, I think. Remember the mudra for reducing kapha in the body, which should help a lot, as well as St36 or St40 which will reduce dampness and phlegm.

The Tibetan 5 Rites do count as exercise, but you may need more. If you already walk around for 10 minutes, then perhaps you could jog as well. I forgot what you said about the other yoga. Was the hatha yoga too hard for you to do? What about kundalini yoga?

Don't forget that exercise helps keep you grounded, which will help any psychic disorders and expedite any healing.

And yeah, the drugs will make you fat, since I bet they have a strong yin influence on the body. As far as your parents, this is still possible, especially if your astrology differs from theirs. I am completely different from my own parents, physically, although I share some other placements with them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
