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  1. R

    Hello Everyone My name is Vaibhav borate just came to know about th

    Keep reading the JoyofSatan website, and if you end up wanting to become a Spiritual Satanist then you can dedicate your soul to Satan.Dedication ritualhttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html After you dedicate your soul to Satan, you should begin doing power meditations fromThe...
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    Satan doesn’t want his people to commit suicide. This past week, an old friend of mine committed suicide, his loved ones and friends were devastated. The thing is, if someone kills themselves, they have to remember that the soul reincarnates into another body, and they will most likely be...
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    Lucifuge Refocale

    The greys are different from reptilians, the reptilians control the greys.Yes, Lucifuge Rofocale is part grey but he still has emotions unlike greys. HP Maxine said the gods said He is a rare exception and is with the Powers of Hell. Sent from my iPhone
  4. R

    Chakras responsible for predicting future

    The 6th and 7th chakras. Maybe the pineal gland as well. Also wouldn’t hurt to empower the minor chakras for clairvoyance and clairaudience with the TH seed mantra. Sent from my iPhone
  5. R

    Dedication Ritual

    Here you will find how to open the chakras. These audios will help you along with this webpage for instructions. How fast or slow you will feel your chakras depends on if you practiced spiritually in your past life or not. If you did not, you will still feel your chakras eventually, just be...
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    I’m trying to grasp how the Rtrs work. I know the Shema prayer is recited daily, and I’m pretty sure some Jews around the world recite the 72 names and 42 letter name daily. So we are removing these energies and they are putting them back down daily or how does this work? Sent from my iPhone
  7. R

    Throat block = obsessive thoughts

    This kundalini yoga session is great for unblocking the throat chakra. Make sure you do the whole thing though, as the Kriyas toward the end seem to be very effective.  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3urc7o Maya fiennes also has videos for the other chakras. They are very effective for the...
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    answer please

    @spiritsoul because the Jews aren’t human. The jews have an alien soul and were created by the enemies of Satan: Reptilian and greys, the enemy et’s. They aren’t human, they were created to do the enemies will here on earth. Gentiles were created by Satan, Satan intended for us to be as...
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    Kabala magic

    Using the methods on the JoyofSatan site for Kabala is fine. The Jews stole the Kabbalah from Egypt and corrupted it(just as with everything else they get their hands on) and “geared” it towards their agenda. So it’s best to stay away from Jewish Cabala. However, some of the Kabbalah for...
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    Can Satan take me back in?

    If I were you I’d be more concerned about working on my soul with the power meditations and studying from the JoyofSatan and exposingchristianity as much as I could to learn the truth as it is the actual truth and if you take the time to study and develop your soul you will see for yourself and...
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    3rd Eye is not opening !

    Opening the third eyehttps://youtu.be/c3LDKRRazSI Sent from my iPhone
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    jewish dna

    Also to add to what I already said, they are definitely NOT to be trusted. Never trust a Jew. Sent from my iPhone
  13. R

    jewish dna

    Anyone with any amount of Jewish blood isn’t accepted by Satan. Some people here need to understand that “Jews” are NOT human. They might look like us but this is not the case. ANYONE can go ahead and doubt this fact^ but if they work on their soul enough and then they around a Jew, they...
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    Re: soul's brain

    This person is Full of shit ?. Don’t feed into such lies from anyone. Sent from my iPhone
  15. R

    Opening chakras

    The chakras can be opened and stimulated through kundalini yoga for the chakras. Hatha yoga also slowly unblocks the chakras. However, just know that vibration is the most effective way to unblock the chakras and you will need to do it when you can.  Kundalini yoga for the...
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    a gift for maxine

    You’re obviously a piece of shit that needs to be banned LOL. No ones worried about that shit you’re posting bro, get the fuck out of here. You’re just showing you have nothing better to do with your time then to bash a Satanic group. Fucking loser. Sent from my iPhone
  17. R

    Is a Magickal Square still valid if ... ?

    so you’re saying if someone does the wrong amount of vibrations on a square than it is still valid? Lol. Brian you may not be a Jew, but reading your answers, they are not very helpful. Keep this in mind, if you really want to make a change or whatever. Sent from my iPhone
  18. R

    Does PTSD drain the chakras?

    When you open more up, and really get the energy buzz from your chakras and soul then you will “unsee” it as a chore. The soul is a beauty, and the ability to Work on it is truly a gift from Father Satan and the gods and in time it should become something that you have a passion for, and to...
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    Is a Magickal Square still valid if ... ?

    Yeah voice of Enki is right, unfortunately you have to restart. I don’t know where you live but tomorrow is Sunday in my time area so you could restart tomorrow if not. If it already passed for you, then go on lunarium and see if next Sunday if a void moon or not and find which Sunday is...
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    Anton Lavey.

    Actually @devilsadvocate, Lavey was a Satanist, he was a gentile soul sent here from Hell to accomplish a mission for Satan which he did successfully. Obviously someone couldn’t put up a 100% legit Satanic Temple without it being viciously attacked by the enemy. They would of been destroyed. He...
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    I fear death too much

    The question is where does this fear of death come from? Is this some old Christian thinking that you have programmed into you or atheistic thinking? Debunking the Christian lie of death: Christianity is definitely false and the Jews at the top levels know reincarnation and the soul is real...
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    Looking For A Mentor/Someone To Help Answer Questions

    Oh i see. I think this is like how some say that you need a guru to practice kundalini yoga and spirituality but this is a lie. The gurus of this day and age will make sure you don’t attain serious power and development  and if you do they won’t teach you how to utilize your power. All one needs...
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    Riches and Fame

    Guys I don’t think Satan wants us to verbally harass and send away the misinformed gentiles but at least put the truth about Satan and the enemy on the table for them. Whether they take it or leave it will be their own souls fate.  Sent from my iPhone
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    Riches and Fame

    This is a group of guidance for Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism isn’t about selling your soul and getting fame and riches period. The truth about Satan is that he doesn’t grant wishes in exchange for people’s souls or whatever. The one known as “Satan”’is the creator of humanity, if...
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    Looking For A Mentor/Someone To Help Answer Questions

    There are no mentors in Satanism. The point of Satanism is to spiritually advance yourself into a spiritually perfected being or an enlightened god. We cannot do the meditations for you. However you can ask your questions here just send them. Most questions can be answered by just studying...
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    Last RTR question

    Vibrate aum one time State the affirmation one time Vibrate aum one time ^the above is one round. Repeat this for 9 rounds. I hope this makes sense let me know if not. Sent from my iPhone
  27. R

    Extreme fear and controversy... Please Help

    People read about the Jewish problem and then start freaking out that they might be Jewish. Guys it goes as deep as the soul level, Satanism is not going to feel right for a Jew. I’d say if you have real love for Satan and Satanism, and have done Satanic rituals and have felt good about it...
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    Satanas question

    You’re supposed to do exactly what it says, vibrate Satanas and then do the affirmation and vibrate Satanas again. Just like how on the other rituals we vibrate aum state the affirmation and vibrate aum again except for some of the rituals you just vibrate Satanas once state the affirmation 9x...
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    getting started

    The point is to do the power meditations from the JoyofSatan website and do the witch craft from the JoyofSatan witch craft section. People come here and expect to just have powers and manifest things in the snap of the fingers when in fact it is not like this at all. One needs to do power...
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    If you commit suicide it will fucking suck and you will just reincarnate into a worse situation than you’re already in so don’t do it. This is a slap in the face to Satan in my opinion. Satan shows us how to become spiritually perfect/immortal and free. With Satan and power meditations we heal...
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    How do I escape Christian life?

    Question:  <font>I am underage, living in a Christian home and my parents force me to go to church and participate in Christian sacraments. Can I still do the dedication? Will Satan be angry with me?  Answer:  Yes, you can still perform the ritual. Satan understands. As long as you are loyal to...
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    Re: dna test

    Exactly, also I think Satanism just doesn’t feel right for a Jewish soul. A few years ago, when I just learned about the Jews, there was this guy I used to talk to and he talked about interest in spiritual advancement and the occult so I showed him the JoS and asked what he thought about it. He...
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    If you haven’t already read everything on JoyofSatan.org and then you can dedicate your soul to Satan(it is on the homepage of the JoyofSatan website when you first go on the site just scroll down) then you need to begin doing power meditations everyday this will give you an idea what you need...
  34. R

    Looking for spell/demon related reliable references

    Read JoyofSatan.org The book of Solomon and crap is very blasphemous towards Satan and his Demons and will result in disaster. Satan and his Demons are to be treated with respect at all times. Anyone looking for magick, it is on the JoyofSatan website. The JoS provides practical and...
  35. R

    Re: For HP Hooded Cobra or Maxine Dietrich, A question concerning vi

    The point is to close off the glottis and make a hissing sound. So go ahead and google what the glottis is in the mouth if you don’t know already. A hissing s is still going to work just try to do it a little harder. Sent from my iPhone
  36. R

    Black people and Satan

    All non Jewish races have the ability to reach the godhead or the end goal of Satanism and are accepted here. It’s Jews who are not as the Jews were created by the enemies of Satan. There is even a group blacksforSatan directed by High Priestess Shannon who is a wonderful And knowledgeable...
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    Re: dna test

    DNA tests are mostly fraudshttps://www.dropbox.com/s/g0liiesuz8elh ... a.pdf?dl=1 I don’t think someone who was really Jewish would dedicate their soul to Satan and do reverse Torah rituals. I think someone who was Jewish would run into problems when trying to get involved into Satanism. I think...
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    sleep paralysis or trance state

    This is interesting on the subjectshttp://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welco ... 500.0.html Sent from my iPhone
  39. R


    Opening the third eye vibration pronounced properlyhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c3LDKRRazSI Opening the crown https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yeoqsLgya84 Opening the throat chakrahttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vv4xAS4MLY Opening the heart chakrahttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1lfdP9BwyHc Opening...
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    Hi, I have some questions

    Have you read JoyofSatan.org ? The one known as “Satan” is actually the creator of humanity .. Satan is NOT a Christian invention, he is the Sumerian god Enki who created humanity through genetic engineering and taught them the knowledge of spirituality so we can perfect our souls and become...
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    Need help

    Satan and all of the Demons are extremely busy. They don’t have time to come and visit anyone for just any little reason and this isn’t being harsh or whatever. Satan interacts one on one with his closer followers who work intensely for him so he can let them know what needs to be done. Satan...
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    dedication ritual

    ??‍♂️. The ancients had their own/different ways of initiation into the occult, the dedication ritual is a modern initiation, and they did not do RTRs because at one point in time, there was no Torah to reverse.  http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rhood.html “ There was a water hole...
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    2017-2018 weekly reverse Torah rituals/reversing the weekly Torah re

    This is actually the current schedule. I think these curses will be removed soon.Current schedule https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=454 Sent from my iPhone
  44. R

    The guilt is getting to me!

    No, actually all does not end when you die. When you “die” you’re either going to keep reincarnating until you reach the godhead or the soul can become so weak due to life times without meditation that you simply cease to exist. That’s not good thinking, life is a beauty, especially with this...
  45. R

    important of Horns..

    It’s an allegory for the fully risen kundalini. There is the male and female aspect of kundalini, Ida and pingala that both raise up the spine when sushumna has risen beforehand. Sent from my iPhone
  46. R

    The guilt is getting to me!

    You need to learn how to control your thoughts and how to block out unwanted out. So do void meditation everyday for atleast 15-20 minutes, maybe twice a day if you can. This will help you learn how to do the above.http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html You should also do the...
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    It’s all good man, just study the website thoroughly and you will know. Sent from my iPhone
  48. R


    Jews do have their own kundalini, so you’re telling me if a Jew does raise their kundalini that it’s not going to produce similar effects as a gentile raising their kundalini? It doesn’t make sense guys . I’m not trying to push any Jewish crap I’m just stating the obvious as some think that Jews...
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    Where are you getting you info from? Please provide the source put out by the high priests or high priestesses Jews do have a kundalini , just look to the Jewish Cabala. Never underestimate the Jews. Also read high priest jake Carlson’s sermon on the leviathan, which is the Jewish kundalini...
  50. R

    I'm unable to open my 3rd eye even I worked hard!

    This is how to properly do the meditation for opening the third eye chakra. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c3LDKRRazSI Sent from my iPhone
  51. R


    @shade0013 that’s corrupted knowledge, please don’t spread it here. The heart chakra is NOT the center of love and emotions nor is it the most powerful chakra. The enemy has corrupted spirituality drastically over the centuries so they can keep true occult power in their hands while they abuse...
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    I believe any and all life forms have chakras/ a soul. Don’t underestimate the Jews. Yes the Jews have chakras and a kundalini just like gentiles do and some Jews do work on raising their kundalini. They stole a lot of the gentiles knowledge throughout the centuries and kept it for themselves...
  53. R

    2017-2018 weekly reverse Torah rituals/reversing the weekly Torah re

    Hello my fellow SS, I just got off of work and finished the reverse rituals for today and sat and began thinking about Satan and the Gods and just wanted to do something for them, even if it’s simple as this to show my appreciation and gratitude to them and all of the high priest and high...
  54. R

    2017-2018 weekly reverse Torah rituals/reversing the weekly Torah re

    Hello my fellow SS, I just got off of work and finished the reverse rituals for today and sat and began thinking about Satan and the Gods and just wanted to do something for them, even if it’s simple as this to show my appreciation and gratitude to them and all of the high priest and high...
  55. R

    2017-2018 weekly reverse Torah rituals/reversing the weekly Torah re

    Hello my fellow SS, I just got off of work and finished the reverse rituals for today and sat and began thinking about Satan and the Gods and just wanted to do something for them, even if it’s simple as this to show my appreciation and gratitude to them and all of the high priest and high...
  56. R

    2017-2018 weekly reverse Torah rituals/reversing the weekly Torah re

    Hello my fellow SS, I just got off of work and finished the reverse rituals for today and sat and began thinking about Satan and the Gods and just wanted to do something for them, even if it’s simple as this to show my appreciation and gratitude to them and all of the high priest and high...
  57. R

    How to Empower my chakras?

    You claim to have looked over all of the meditations and claim to practice all of them but if you don’t know how to empower your chakras you show that this isn’t the case as empowering your chakras is very basic. In the beginner section in the satanic meditation section there is something called...
  58. R

    Mission from Satan?

    No, Satan doesn’t want us to infiltrate Mormon or Christian churches and make them Satanic, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have a purpose here. For now, Satan and the gods wants us to do the reverse Torah Rituals, and help to wake people up but in a safe, legal and concealed manner...
  59. R

    Reptiloids make kind of peace proposal. what do high priests think?

    Such a thing would never happen. The reptilians and enemy extraterrestrials lAck the ability to reason and lack some emotions. They don’t want peace with us, they never will. They want to destroy us, there is no making peace or any of that crap. Lol, it’s really as simple as that. Not trying to...
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    Hight Priest Hoodedcobra reaches the Magnum Opus?!!!

    Makes me question if that’s really him. 25 years a high priest for Satan? In this life? Sent from my iPhone
  61. R

    can the soul be black?

    Could mean that your soul is very dirty and needs to be cleaned thoroughly. Probably more than once. Sent from my iPhone
  62. R

    Sixth Chakra Mudra?

    The third eye mudra IS for the sixth chakra and you will feel your 6th chakra when you do that mudra. Because the third eye IS an extension of the 6th chakra. Every chakra has a front and back extension except the crown chakra, and the 6th chakra, the heart and the base chakra have extensions on...
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    I’d say, someone who is more sober and aware will feel your energy and thoughts before some Doped up person. Yes some sages have used crazy ass drugs to reach altered states but this is people who had knowledge of the occult and even though they didn’t have to use these drugs, they made the...
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    The size of my penis is too small, what works, methods and or nutrit

    Makes you perfect .the angelic version is the corrupted version of the meditation that connects one to Saturns vibration. This is not beneficial. Egypt depicts god men having the merkaba above the head,so I don’t think this meditation did really came from the angels but JoS didn’t have the...
  65. R

    does yoga help with waking up, or going to sleep?

    I'd say kundalini is good for the morning when you wake up and Hatha yoga is good to do before bed. Sent from my iPhone
  66. R

    Re: Selling to father Satan

    Are you talking about selling your soul? The dedication ritual on the JoyofSatan website is not selling your soul. Satan is our true creator god and gave us the formula for immortality and enlightenment and spiritual perfection. The joyofSatan website proves this. Satan does not buy anyone's...
  67. R

    Re: Dedication ritual

    Yes they're supposed to be written on the same paper. Get a clean sheet of paper, write the prayer out on it and write your name where it says to write your name in the prayer and then sign your name in blood at the bottom below the prayer. Sent from my iPhone
  68. R

    Please how to send energy to father Satan and Gods and Goddess of he

    1.Raise your energies(do physical yoga, vibrate mantras, or any way you are comfortable with raising your energies). 2. After you raise your energies and can feel your energy buzz, close your eyes focus intensely on father Satans face or sigil and ask him to send a demon to come take the energy...
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    You should write your whole name. The one on your birth certificate. Sent from my iPhone
  70. R

    Attacked, none

    The enemy mainly goes after those who are a threat to them and really doing damage to them, as these are the ones who are successfully doing damage to the enemy and their agenda. Like when high priestess Maxine freed the demons she came under attack as this was a very serious threat to the enemy...
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    I want a better life

    Nothing in life is handed for you, you have to work for it. You can better your life in the best way here in the way that you can reconnect with Satan who is our true creator god and you can start spiritual advancing your soul to eventually reach the godhead or enlightenment. This is spiritual...
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    Question about Opening the Soul & Pineal Gland

    When you're new and you're opening the chakras you should open your third eye, the meditation takes four days then you open the crown etc. ideally if you're new you should take it one at a time. Know yourself and know what you can handle. Just make sure that you open all of them in the correct...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
