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  1. L

    The poles of energy of the soul (hypothesis)

    page 60 BARELY lays anything down like what the OP said. the word "tetrapolar" does not appear in the whole High Priest Hooded Cobra 666- Sermons and Writings.so johnson, what do you mean?
  2. L

    What if everyone joined Hells Army?

    Well seeing that if someone has an opposing experience, or sees something from a different angle than what is posted on jos.... Erybody will be labeled an infiltrator. Regardless of pure intention.
  3. L


    Necklace, I think. It's easier to store energy within a crystal. There is also a rune, ING, that suits energy, but I don't know how it's used offhand. Nor do most people on here.
  4. L

    Re: Lets (attempt) to get to know eachother.

    Well there needs to be some groundwork first, how about defining what an infiltrator is in more detail. Because when someone disagrees with a minor idea, we are labeled a kike. So until people can see the HP's as teachers and not prophets there can be no unity.
  5. L

    Drug Use

  6. L

    Alleged Negative Statements About the Third Sex In "Germania"

    Very thorough. Spectacular work.
  7. L

    somebody cursing me?

    Someone betrayed me recently, it took me a while to figure out where my anxiety was coming from. Honestly you need to decide to forget her, because that's the first step to braking control. After that it's about how you want to deal with it, but after the deal is delt its done. No more thinking...
  8. L

    Reverse Torah Ritual # 1 to Prevent another War

    Funny part? Our power comes from my mother's side. Apparently one of the Cameron clan, our Scottish clan, was a druid? Not too sure on the druid part. On Dec 13, 2015 1:51 PM, lamontgreen87@... wrote:
  9. L

    Reverse Torah Ritual # 1 to Prevent another War

    Green is actually from my father's side. Our family sprang from the royal line in the 1800's and came to America. He married a Mexican woman, my grand mother, where both became naturalized citizens when Arizona became a state.
  10. L

    Reverse Torah Ritual # 1 to Prevent another War

    To prevent war? Too late sister, its happening regardless.
  11. L

    Weed effects

    You know for enlightened people, you sure lack creativity.
  12. L

    Weed effects

    No, I wouldn't recommend attacking one of your own (Gentile i mean). 2 of you already tried, beezie won't let you, but you're welcome to try. Actually he says, " tell them the one protecting you is beazbub, Talk to him". Have fuuuun :D PS, its called a search bar. Been here a little longer than...
  13. L

    Weed effects

    I wouldn't recommend it.
  14. L

    Weed effects

    Lol father AND mother told me to do this. I was hesitant because beezie takes care of infighting, but he strictly said "do not attack anyone, just reprimand them"
  15. L

    Weed effects

    And my point is: according to you people. Is it far fetched to say it might be beneficial for SOME people? Oh shit! Opposing views! My guardian laughs when I'm stoned, and my focus is sharper. so I practice large energy manipulation, hardening my aura, balancing my energy, the big stuff...
  16. L

    Weed effects

    Wonder if that was because you have an addictive personality.
  17. L

    Weed effects

    Maybe to a weak one. See that's why I tell people to ask, you are different than I. So it makes sense that I can handle things you cannot, and vice versa. On Nov 28, 2015 6:31 PM, "all me allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  18. L

    Weed effects

    First rule of fight club, don't talk about it outside. Second rule of fight club, everyone trying to nay say fight club is against fight club. Third rule of fight club, this isn't a religion, but looks and feels just like one when you're hellbent on "destroying the bad guys". Only thing...
  19. L

    Weed effects

    Let me be bleedingly clear. Maxine is a great leader, and I am greatful to her from the bottom of my heart for showing me the door to father. Power meditations, satanic witchcraft, the runes and everything having to do with empowerment is spot on, exept after that it's her opinion. She's...
  20. L

    Weed effects

    Oh that's funny, because my guardian told me the only enemy we have is "anyone taking direct council from what humans currently call, 'angels'." She also told me how they control humans with chakra blocking and manipulation. How self empowerment is supposed to be casual, and how the Gods arnt...
  21. L

    Weed effects

    Ask your guardian if it's bad for you.
  22. L


    There will be a boom, and a laser like energy fall from the sky. If you look closer at the head of the beam it looks like a white figure. RIGHT as it hits the ground a wave of energy will engulf the earth and everyone, EVERYONE will say in unison, "Hail Satan". That is when people will know...
  23. L

    Oh my fuck. Is this for real?

    I'm not sure if you know this, there is a way to fake your ip Address. Something about slipping a random one over your actual when the server asks for it. Hail Satan!
  24. L

    Strange astral "knot" in the stomach/navel region?

    Might be related, might not: about a month ago I was at work, thinking about the coming war and what needs to be prepared, when I remembered the deep emotional and total connection I have with my soul mate. It felt like something dropped out of my stomach, to which after my anxiety and...
  25. L

    Do you see what I see? NIKOLA TESLA WAS A GENIUS!

    There is a rumor that Tesla required 4 hours of alone time per day, also that he rarely slept. "Modern" RCA broadcasting equipment was designed by Tesla after the "death Ray" thing, he was forced to adapt his humanity-saving tech into a poor knock off on orders from his superior. This guy, this...
  26. L

    Half of the Warriors Were Female

    Ask the question. Don't state it, it pisses people off. I have memories of a past life during the Trojan wars, of admiring woman's legs for there defence and strong stance with a shield. Let's face it, woman have a lower center of gravity than men. Our (male) stance cannot achieve the balance of...
  27. L

    "White" race

    "Even just having a white girl friend will literally DESTROY your aura and chakras. Don't be a jewish beta fool, only date members of your own race." This, is horse shit. Gentiles don't naturally fuck with other peoples aura, we have to learn it. There is nothing about other races being "bad"...
  28. L

    "13th" sign?

    From what i know, The zodiac has 13 symbols. 12 aspects of the soul, and the whole (13th). Father, Satan, is the snake bearer. On Oct 17, 2015 1:16 PM, "ernnokstrong@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  29. L


    Yes. I can recommend doing the opening every other day. Because you need a brief period to see if it is working or if you did too much. Rule of thumb is, " if you can't feel it when you want to, its not open enough" Hail Satan!
  30. L

    Azazel's Heart Meditation Revised

    You know that feeling when you swallow a burp? Like your throat is pressurized and about to burst? That's what it feels like in my heart chakra. It doesn't stay around, again earth element works, but I found out last night that if I consciously empower other chakras with that same energy it...
  31. L

    Azazel's Heart Meditation Revised

    Then I must have been mistaken. The one I remember was ing and gebo, from what I remember its supposed to concentrate energy with ing and speed it out with gebo. I'm pretty sure it was gebo, I would have to look at the runes again to be sure. (At work). This works though, its a great feeling...
  32. L

    Transfering from Pagan.....

    My catch phrase is "...you can smell it" as in, "no he's lying I can smell it". It's a rapid change in intent and emotions. It's almost like there bioelectricity shifts within them as to brace for someone to call them out. Also they smell funny... Hail Satan! On Oct 1, 2015 12:37 AM...
  33. L

    mind eye vs visualization vs imagination

    Both, I think it's important to feel what you visualize. Like remembering the rain. Hail Satan!
  34. L

    Transfering from Pagan.....

    I'm an empath! Have you learned how to tell when people are lying yet? Hail Satan! On Sep 30, 2015 9:56 AM, "jmwical1001@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  35. L

    Azazel's Heart Meditation Revised

    THANK YOU! I've been trying to figure out what's been up with my energy level. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but the original had 2 runes, does this do just as much as the old one? Or do you think it's stronger? I'm trying to gauge what I can handle based on what I could do last night. PS, anyone...
  36. L

    JOS censorship

    Google has a cache of the website you can probly work around it that way. Plus there are alternate methods you can Google.
  37. L

    My love is not of my race

    Race only comes into play when procreation is in question. All other (exept kikes of course) "problems" with race are programmed. You can have sex, kiss, hold hands, whatever. What is important is preservation of the races, not bigotry. Do what you want, save the kids for one with your race. ...
  38. L


    Honestly I killed some new allergies in 2 days, but they were new. I don't know off hand if that means anything significant. What I did differently was after my meditations for the day, I focused the bioelectricity (or "tinglies") into my organ of choice and affirm "my allergy is cured". Worked...
  39. L

    black love?

    Race only comes into play when procreation is in question. All other (exept kikes of course) "problems" with race are programmed. You can have sex, kiss, hold hands, whatever. What is important is preservation of the races, not bigotry. Do what you want, save the kids for one with your race...
  40. L

    First encounter with a jew, need advice

    I agree with the other posts, its all fine till you see the darkness within that thing bubble up into fruition. I look for the pauses they do when they realise who you are, its like a "did I leave the oven on?!" Check. That or yell "hey kike! " in your head and see if they react. Or, if you have...
  41. L

    satanic blue flames

    I had this problem. Then I thought of a satanic blue laser. Point with your hand and visualize a laser projecting from your fingertips around the "box" of the room. Then fill it with the same energy harvested from the ambient energy around you. Hail Satan! On Jul 14, 2015 7:51 PM...
  42. L

    Re: Renounce him

    The day I "return to god" is the day the universe decides... Wait. Even then I wouldn't. Damn, never thought of that before. Hail Satan!
  43. L


    Tattoos are fine. There are some old posts about it from a year and farther back you can look up on the forums. To give you a summery: if you want a satanic tattoo you have to hide it, or hide it in plane sight. Ie, on a body part that is covered, or hide it within its own art. Like a sword with...
  44. L

    serious pc problem

    8.1 is crap honestly. You should look into disabling security certificate checks while on the jos site. Try using the chrome browser. Hail Satan!  need help for my pc if you have answer very much appreciate it . so the thing is I have windows 8.1 and when I go...
  45. L

    This is a common topic but

    Magnesium supplements. Look into it on the forums. Hail Satan!
  46. L

    The power of orgasm

    Palmala handerson On Jun 7, 2015 5:48 PM, "fibrilink@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
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    sisters of enki

    Because its stupid. Plane and simple. On Jun 9, 2015 6:20 AM, "fibrilink@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  48. L

    Energy Ripping

    DO NOT rip energy from a kike. I did this to a particular Jew I had weekly contact with. Fucked me over for a little over a month. Felt sick, drained,  and I think it attached something to my soul. It took a while before constant cleansing of my chakras made a difference. I REPEAT, DO NOT energy...
  49. L


    Money workings require 2 things. The ritual, and action. After you do the working every day, of your choosing, you have to seek ways to acquire money. Craigslist, past due tax returns, lottery tickets, and so on. Without the act of actually searching for ways to acquire money it will not work...
  50. L

    Is this a sign?

    If what you say is accurate, that is physically impossible within known classical physics. A single sheet of paper doesn't have enough energy within it to burn for an hour. That being said, one can only conclude other energy was supplied. Thus, I would personally take it as a sign. Hail Satan!
  51. L

    Restless leg syndrome?

    PS, the restless leg thing could be because your energy has pooled in your bottom half. There are breathing techniques to balance you out. Ie, the heart chakra breathing technique. On May 26, 2015 3:01 PM, "fibrilink@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  52. L

    Restless leg syndrome?

    The back and neck comfort will become better after a few weeks of kundilini yoga, I used to crack my back out of habit and don't have to anymore. Hail Satan! On May 26, 2015 3:01 PM, "fibrilink@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  53. L

    timing curse

    Saturn is in retrograde, but the moon is full. would this be a bad time to deal a douse of justice?i forgot about mars' phase offhand.Hail Satan!
  54. L

    chakras rotation in a man

    I had a theory about rotating your chakras, from the solar plexus to the right palm, outward for throwing energy, and rotating them back when not. I don't know if that is correct, and I'm not advanced enough to see if it benefits in any way, but its worth trying when you get there. Hail Satan!
  55. L

    Concerning the Soul?

    Interesting idea. I think you could go so far as to say the frequency of each chakra corresponds with ambient energy of that wavelength, Ie resonant frequency. Therefore the energy type we call, for example, Earth energy is better absorbed into the target chakra because it is of that wavelength...
  56. L


    You can create new topics from your email, I do this mostly. Write an email like you normally would and send it to [email protected]
  57. L

    Yellow energy, because best buy is too expensive.

    Actually I do this type of energy manipulation quite often. One time my fish had a bad case of ick, used white gold energy on it and it didn't have the white heads the next day. Sped up my internet once with yellow energy, small results on that one but it worked. Caused a friend to brake a...
  58. L

    Yellow energy, because best buy is too expensive.

    so I received a flat screen computer monitor for graduating high school. Its a good monitor, don't need to upgrade in the foreseeable future; until it had a power up problem.It would turn on for a second or 2, then black out. Meaning no power whatsoever. I got around it by unplugging the damn...
  59. L

    Working for Intellect

    Oi! Ignorance is the only sin. Fucking look at this post... Damn it.
  60. L

    Consecrating runes

    I wanted to compile a curse made special for one little fucker I know, but the resources I set aside were lost when I switched cell providers. I'm looking for an internet article about the proper way to consecrate runes, if memory serves me HP Vovim wrote it. He used the English alphabet, took...
  61. L

    A Dream (Please help me understand.)

    Satan's color is blue. he was "bound".(i think i remember the Emerald Tablets of Thoth saying that)for all i know it could be another demon, but father came to mind when i read your post.Hail Satan!
  62. L

    big noses

    you're right!i use a combination of things to see the filth.1, nose.2, ear size and position.3, what form the hair takes as it curls.4, eagerness to become part of conversation about religion or sex or war.5, hips, this one is more for scoping out the female kikes, most of the time they have...
  63. L

    Questions-Weird symbols & clairvoyance

    shes ignorant.it seems like she was attacked by a "slender man" type. not sure if that specific being has any allegiances, but they like to feed on fear so..... its bad.when someone claims clairvoyant i ask them, "what am i thinking?" with a smile. then a few seconds later i flip them off.then i...
  64. L

    Any good resources or books that prove Darwins theory on evolution w

    Sacred geometry.... Oh really?! On Jan 21, 2015 1:20 AM, "pyonetic@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  65. L

    news sources

    does anyone know of an unbiased news source online i can keep track of? i found http://americanfreepress.net but have no idea if its worthy of my time.there was one news article i saw that drew a connection to kikes in power using the IRS as a means of "man handling" groups or organizations into...
  66. L

    expressing joy in sex

    We do not worship the gods. They are our teachers. Say whatever you want to during sex. I just "cuss" a lot.
  67. L

    Vaccinations, any more info?

    and have polio run rampant? Shannon, sister, do your homework. HP Maxine said vaccines are necessary, and the evidence to support vaccines being bad is mostly bullshit hearsay.
  68. L


    i was siting solarsonia666@.... i do not know how to properly quote another post via email.
  69. L


    [/TD]<td class="y[/IMG]Jul 28 (2 days a[/IMG][/TD]<td class="y[/IMG][/TD]<td class="y[/IMG] [/TD][/TR]<tr class="y[/IMG]<td colspan="3">[/TD][/TR][/TABLE]  "all the present HPs can be trusted" I disagree, personally, but to each their own. I know I can at least trust Maxine out of anybody...
  70. L

    Vaccinations, any more info?

    "This controversy has been raging for some time, with government and mainstream scientists on one side, and several small but vocal advocacy groups on the other. And many parents have been left feeling confused and frightened about their children's health. The advocacy groups say that...
  71. L

    Hey, I need some help.

    Use the algiz rune in multiples of 15 and affirm "the power of algiz is protecting me from negitive energy" It sounds simple, but its effective. I was in the same rut and couldnt meditate. This rune made my mind clear and focused on the here and now.
  72. L

    Plant growing

    i did something similar recently. it was with a fish that had a bad case of "ICH" (parasites), gather electric blue energy all around you, have it penetrate your aura and 3rd chakra. then send it into the fish (in this case your plant), and affirm something like "this fish is immune to any and...
  73. L

    Homosexual "healing"

    Its not worth changing yourself based on others hate for human nature. At the turn of the century heterosexual people were seen as mental patiants. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline ... story.html Hail Satan!
  74. L

    Charging things with energy.

    I had an idea a while back I havnt put into practice yet. I was going to inlay a cristal with silver in the shape of the ING rune, and charge it over a period of 40 days to used in a destruction ritual. Sounds like a good idea, but I really dont know if there is a limit to how much you can...
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    5$ says the OP is too lazy to look it up... The sting of reality o.o Hail Satan!
  76. L

    problem with my spells

    Red also causes misshaps, "accidents", and small trouble. Green is the way to go idea say. When you make mistakes with the person you want try to think "my odd nature is making her/him want me for my uniqueness". Other than that I dont know what else to tell you. Hail Satan!
  77. L

    Hmmm water ?

    Does anyone know if "Kangen" water is good? My roommate has a filtration system with 3 pre filters and the unit. He says it puts minerals back in as well as gives it a 9.5 ph. Says there is a chloride and a floride filter but hes no SS. Hail Satan!
  78. L

    Does the strength of one's mind depend on the strength of one/s aura

    No, in short. For instance. I, personally, can curse like no one els' business, but my aura is weak compared. It takes a strong mind to curse effectively (am I right?  Someone correct me on this). I have to clean my aura and chakras 2x times after a curse to feel normal again. The curse on the...
  79. L

    Anger/directed rage

    Ive been noticing as of late when I am angry at someone, or even opposed by someone in a negitive way, my legs tingle and my hands shake like I have too much pent up energy on my bottom half. I almost want to say my soul is telling me to curse this individual in question. Anyone have some...
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    Good luck...
  81. L


    Just tell them you ate your vegies. Hail Satan!
  82. L

    Need advice!!

    To put it to a quick point, It makes you a mind slave. Mind altering drugs like antidepressants and add/adhd meds screw with you. do not, DO NOT start taking them. If you feels any of the "radical" symptoms coming on used the isis rune to calm you down. Hail Satan!
  83. L

    I came here as a last resort...

    Aquarian clown, did you just tell her to try to change a man? Let me set something straight. The BASE man, meaning a male that is without, will think in a linear fasion. If you try to change there thinking, youre gunna have a bad time. It wont go well the first months, but EVENTUALLY they will...
  84. L

    What am I seeing?

    I experience the same thing, exept they are blue and white. I remember someone mentioning its a symptom of kundilini energy cleansing the soul. Hope this helps Hail satan!
  85. L

    Sound Frequencies

    Ill just throw in my 2¢. Mp3's are digital forms of complete sound waves ( broken up into parts for compression). From what I understand after long periods of time they give you headaches, so my suggestion is to make them a .wav file format to simulate analog sound. Hail Satan!
  86. L

    What to Tell People About Your Religion

    Sounds like my father and things like "a full paid tithe gives you "fire protection" for the second coming" or "going on a mission gives you better footing for the celestial kingdom", and "...the word of wisdom..... " Mother fuck I hate that shit, but what do I do? SMILEANDKNOD. Why? He would...
  87. L

    The Battle

    Ive heard storys of nations firing nuclear weapons, and ufo's appearing, and disabling them. Makes sense honestly. Most of the human population is a powerhouse of energy for the enemy, why the fuck would they willingly wiped us out? My OPINION is that its a fear tactic the enemy feads on. And a...
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    I agree, its probly a font problems your browser does not agree with. I use chrome and have had no problems. -tech nerd Hail Satan!
  89. L

    360-degree vision??

    I see that too! Exept its my aura I see. Almost like water vapor with no color, or the heat waves you described. I can onyx see it in a trance, a light trance, but a trance none the less. Keep up the work! Hail Satan!
  90. L

    Telekinesis meditations

    O.O its been revised since I last saw it. yeeeeeeeessssssss! Hail Satan!
  91. L

    Telekinesis meditations

    Has anyone on the forums been taught a telekinesis meditation? I keep having dreams about doing it on a nightly basis. Im going to take that as a sign to look twards that field of expertise. Hail Satan!
  92. L

    How to deal???

    I personally am forced to attend "sex addiction" courses based on my probation officers will... In these classes ive "advanced" in the last 6 months (6 months being to the day I dedicated) than in 2 fucking years in the bullshit program. All I can say from my experiences is that power meditation...
  93. L

    Past lifes

    Ive never done the past life regression meditation, but, BUT I "miss" being a woman. Having orgasm as a woman. Is that normal?! I dont want a sex change, but I have visualizations of being a woman while I stimulate myself. Its tripping me out o.o
  94. L

    Yes, Ignore anything and it withers and dies.

    This might not be related, but it relates to the original statement. My cat, awesome as she is, didnt like to be held till I projected love to her. Now she cant get enough of me. Almost annoying XD Hail Satan!
  95. L

    ADD / ADHD

    Honestly I vibrated runes late. They are invaluable. I want to say more valuable than the basic chakra vibrations, just remember to program the energy raised. as for add, I too have it, its part of the "young clique" ie, indigo children. It doesnt effect my meditation because if you meditate...
  96. L

    hair color

    You guys are cute. :) Hail Satan!
  97. L

    Aura Of Empowerment 2

    If you give a nuclear physics STUDENT plutonium... Just pointing out the difference. Hail Satan!
  98. L

    Kundilini yoga.

    Today, as im doing my yoga, I got such a serge of energy in my upper body I couldnt stretch my hands into a flat palm. Is this because of the cleansing from the kundilini energy? Or something else? O.o Hail Satan!
  99. L

    Re: [Teens4Satan] Re: [JoyofSatan666] Huge question about something

    That happned the day after I opened my 2nd chakra. It was like I couldnt get enough... Hail Satan!
  100. L

    Suffering from Depression/lonliness and would really want to pray to

    Talk to him. Talk to father as if he was right next to you. I was in the same boat you are a year ago.suicide was something I considered weekly. It is NOT worth it. you need a body to become a god, thus you need to live. Use the runes nauthiz and affirm you have the will to cary on. It sounds...
  101. L

    The enemy has crossed the line

    Remember, we are law abiding..... Hail Satan!
  102. L

    Some anti religious pictures I drew.

    Attachments : <ol>1108122346.jpg</ol><ol>1108122345.jpg</ol>These ideas came to me in a flash of inspiration after doing the music meditation. Hope you like them :D
  103. L

    On the spot "battle"

    Today I came in contact with a jew. Not just any mindless kike. A jew that somehow knew I was a worthey adversary. His eyes were locked and I put up my guard. After the first quarrel he left. Then... I saw him from afar. This mother fucker had the "willard" (movie) stare on his face from 100...
  104. L

    FVcking Christians!

    Glad I live on the west coast. It must be miserable in the bible belt... Hail Satan!
  105. L

    g/f just broke up with me

    Also, a clean aura is attractive as fuck. Donte ask me why, because I couldnt tell you.but its a serious eye catcher.
  106. L

    g/f just broke up with me

    Im willing to bet shes younger than 25. Chances are shes nothing but a paracite. Honestly I was in the same position a few months ago. What you have to do is look to the future, program your aura to attract either your soul mate or every female/male. that way you get to choose who you want to be...
  107. L

    is any of this normal?

    I can relate, my great great grandfather was a bastardly child to charles ii. Hail Satan!
  108. L

    I WANT A SATANIC GIRL FRIEND ([email protected])

    NEVER post pictures of yourself...
  109. L

    Satanic Yoga Blog --> Website!

    If you want to see amime that relates to satan, gander at "full metal alchemist" that is SERIOUS satanism. Not to the T, but its as close as you get in main stream. Ps, did you read hp vovims spell to gather energy from the earth, moon/sun and orion constilations? reminds me of the "spirit bomb"...
  110. L

    Vibrating mantras help

    From what the cd "shows" that hp maxine sent with the squares book. They are vibrated one breath per word. Memorizing the whole sentence is quite a feat for me, since my short term memory is shit to begin with. But when ive done it enough times it seems to stick into my muscle memory. Whatever...
  111. L

    Idea regarding the ing rune.

  112. L

    Idea involving the ing rune

    ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Lamont Green" <lamontgreen87@... Date: Oct 17, 2012 8:25 PM Subject: Idea involving the ing rune To: "[email protected]" <[email protected] Say I want to store some of the energy raised during meditation for later use. like...
  113. L

    A miracle

    Wow... I didn't even catch that XD Hail Satan!
  114. L

    Idea involving the ing rune

    Say I want to store some of the energy raised during meditation for later use. like say I'm waiting for a moon transit I could store energy now and use it when the time comes for the spell. Could I engrave the ing rune into an ivory gemstone and store it there? (maybe even a silver inlay) Our...
  115. L

    Effects from Having a Xian Pray for You

    From personal experience, I find that I have to sever the link 5-6 times a day just because of my family praying for me.eventually when my aura of protection will become strong enough I won't need to. Hail Satan!
  116. L

    A miracle

    I want to add that the energy you put into his wounded foot/ankle was most of what healed your son. I too created a miracle, I healed a slipped dick in my back in 4 days. You know how redonkulous that is? Again, what you did was nothing short of amazing. Keep up the work. Hail Satan!
  117. L

    Cursing an object.

    I would curse him, but everyone around him is a plague as well. They all need to suffer. I thought of just summoning fire...... But this needs to be slow.
  118. L

    Cleaning the aura

    I've noticed that before cleaning my aura I'm really, really jittery. Like neck twitches and I'm on edge, a sudden bump or loud noise will startle me more so then before. But after I clean my aura and spin my chakras, everything seems to return to normal. Does anyone know if this its part of...
  119. L

    An Idea I Have

    In california, its reallllly relaxed. I can say "pagan" and not have negitive vibes from xians. They think is another "so santa clause n shit?" Type thing. I wouldnt mind making a hotel where as its main purpose is to house SS workings. Shit there would be a place for a yoga mat, an alter, a...
  120. L

    Cursing an object.

    I have a key to my uncles house. I would like to curseit or put so much pent up hate into this thing before I give it to him so when he holds it or has it in his house it works against him. let me tell you some backround. I was in need of housing, he said if I go to church with him every week he...
  121. L

    Blocked Chakras, Thurisaz Reminder

    I have a seriously high energy buzz from doing just what was said. Im in a floaty mood, and cant stop cracking jokes. Fucking love meditation! Hail Satan!
  122. L

    Problems with orgasmic energy.

    Im trying to figure out why my orgasimic energy is so weak. It was stronger when I was drinking straight vegi juice, but since ive stopped its dwindled to a small burst. Im confused. Why oh why is it so weak? Do I need to empower my 2nd chakra more?
  123. L


    So I was taking a test today, stopped at a question I didnt know and "felt around" turns oit one of the guys next to me was confident in his answer.even though I cant see his answer sheet I got the answer. Cheating? Nah. Useing what ive learned right?! :D Hail Satan!
  124. L


    I used to have social anxiety. It similar to shyness. What made me more confident is knowing that noone can make me lees of a person based on words. Words are nothing feom a non-ss perspective. Yet they try to bind you with them.
  125. L

    "mind reading"

    Also, filtering my own emotions from that of others is going to take practice. For instance, if im head to head with someone in a walk way, I get mixed up weather I want to step aside or if the other person is going to step aside, we do a "dance" almost every time.
  126. L

    "mind reading"

    Inorite? I mentioned it in a past post about reading how people felt about which item the customer felt was what they wanted, brian commented on how it was cool how I could use my abilitys with my job. I couldnt count how many times I get the comment "you read my mind" at work. Brian also said...
  127. L

    "mind reading"

    Ive noticed I have an ability to feel others emotions. Only when they are within a few yards, but it still feels like im within them. (does that make sense?) Also, if you cross reference what they are feeling with what they are doing, you can check there sincerity. Ie, if they are "mad dogging...
  128. L

    Merging The Four Minds

    You guys make me want to meditate for days... Toobad I have a schedual that does not allow it. :l
  129. L

    Who created Satan?

    Brian is alway on xD
  130. L

    Can I?

    Also, do I afirm Something like "the power of sol is empowering my ____ chakra" Or just vibrate the rune into the chakra?
  131. L

    Love Spell

    Lol firestarter
  132. L

    Can I?

    Can I use runes to improve say my shoulder chakras? Or my hand chakras?
  133. L

    Blocked Chakras, Thurisaz Reminder

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you! I was trying to figure out why my meditations were getting little to no pay out for the longest time. This even releaved my third eye ache! Hail Satan!
  134. L

    I had a first hand with a kike.

    Im on probation, and part of my.probation requires me to.attend "sex tharapy" which is reaaaaly xian. There is a kike in my group. And at first I was scepticle as to what they were about. We are assigned to "lead" the group. To have a subject that is meaningful and to the point, when this kike...
  135. L

    Aligning chakras.

    When I was starting out I had to realine them a few times before they stayed. Now I can feel which way they are pointing. Took some time (for me), which it might also for you. Hail Satan!
  136. L

    Ive noticed more o.o

    When I fully opend my throat chakra I noticed I can express my mind in a maner that people can see as positive. As in, when I speak about egypt, even though I expect they will not get the full extent of the explanation, They do. Its like magic! Fuuuuuuuuu I never thought empowering yourself...
  137. L

    Forgetting something

    Thank you mam :D Hail Satan!
  138. L

    Warfare technique in my dream

    In "old" computer virus speak, replicating "worms" would do the same to clog the cpu from doing tasks. I guess if you have a thoughtform doing the same it would accomplish the same thing. Keep them busy . Hail Satan!
  139. L

    Anyone thought of immortaliy and what you would do for fun?

    Shit if I get to that point in this lifetime, which I can feel on the tip of my tongue, imma master instruments. Guitar, violin, piano, fucking acordian, anything and everything. Ive been a neerd since I can remember (right brain) and art is "all greek" to me. When I get in touch with my left...
  140. L

    Scientist Prove DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies

    Please site your sources so I can reflect on them if I forget. Hail Satan!
  141. L

    Scientist Prove DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies

    Ive been a nerd for over 10 years, and this blew my fucking mind. I always knew it could happen, but to prove it with experiments... Thats a totally different level. Hail Satan!
  142. L

    Forgetting something

    A few months back, I think, there was a post about a "ritual" that made someone forget something. There was mention of writing down what it was and burning it. you needed to be absolved of the emotions of the said thing to forget beforehand. I remember one of our brothers mentioning they went...
  143. L

    Documentories. (sp?)

    Has anyone seen the movie "jesus camp"? This is chalk full of RHP bullshit. The documenrists (is that a word?) Are unbiast, they let the people speak for themselves. No naration. Makes me wonder how brainwashed people can be when they get so focused on something like jewsus. Sickining. They even...
  144. L


    Before I was dedicated I saw multiple videos on jewtube about the "reptiles eyes" I didnt think it was more than a lighting trick till I saw one for myself, in front of me. I work in a place close to LA california, and I see multiple figures that are reptilian. Some, nobodys, some "actors". is...
  145. L

    Another story. Yeaaaaah one of those >_>

    What I ment by mimic: like a mirror.
  146. L

    Another story. Yeaaaaah one of those >_>

    Oh no sister, I think I explained it wrong. When I mimic people its from a third party stand point. Like 2 people are having a conversation, im standing behind one of them, and mimic the one im behind, I feel there dicision as they make it. no eye contact. I see where I made the mistake of not...
  147. L

    to her defence

    Honestly I didnt see any offence. We are inquisitive, we are encouraged to question. Hail Satan!
  148. L

    Another story. Yeaaaaah one of those >_>

    So I needed to know something for myself. I needed to know what it was like to go without meditation for a while. Why? Because if I dont know how it feels to be utterly drained of energy I wont know EXACTLY how much better it is to meditate. More so on the lines of "dude, you are going to feel...
  149. L

    Something that happned.

    This is a story not everyone can relate to. But I felt I should share. Yesterday I had some down time, I went to till the soil at my parents house in the back yard (they want a large garden) I used a pickaxe because the auto-tiller is broken for the time being. As I get to a tough patch of soil...
  150. L

    Spiritual satanist but doesn't pray??

    I understand what youre saying brian, but knowing how secret we all are about who we are is another thing. Case and point "finding" an SS is easier said than done. HAIL SATAN!
  151. L

    "I read your mind"

    I work behind a counter. I serve people meat and other goodies. Since ive been empowering my soul ove realized I can "guess" what people want, when im attending to there orders. About 40% of the time I get the "how'd you know?" Question. I answer "i read your mind" little do they know its...
  152. L


    So I was trying to come up with a good reason why the myth of vampires exisisted. Something that sucked blood, does not exist in the daylight, and such. Then I remembered reading the accounts of jews sacrificing innocent victims and gentiles finding bodys drained of blood, being convicted of...
  153. L

    ritual tools.

    Any time brian! :D
  154. L

    ritual tools.

    I know that stainles steel (nickle coated) and silver are not bad for the body in almost every compound (silver and gold ions are great for the immune system!). Copper with salt is poison. Plastics have carsinogins(sp?). Glass(silica) and crystal are fine for the body even when acids are...
  155. L

    Group Ritual to Awaken Gentile Children

    This thred reminds me of "LARPING" Experience points for the win. No but in all seriousness. Honing a skillset that keeps you focused on multiple targets and using your focus is awesome. I personally try to focus on one persons mind, then 2, then 3, ect. Hail satan!
  156. L

    Group Ritual to Awaken Gentile Children

    I honestly cant wait to be able to set things on fire with my mind. Better than a gun imo. That or cause sink holes... my satanic abilitys will be my favorite weapon, I mean you cant disarm a trained satanist!
  157. L


    So I had my hand in silver handling today. In the us (or at least california) they charge sales tax on anything below a buy of 1500$ plus what they charge over spot (1.50$ in my case). I had to remind myself constantly that it didnt matter how much money I invested, but that I have the silver...
  158. L

    How long?

    How long does.it usually take for things to come to you from the jos store within the states? Its been 5 days and not even a "package tracking number" has come to my email nor have I rwcieved anyrhing tangable
  159. L

    Places for spiritual satanism in Salinas?

    If you want a pen pal that is also an SS, im here. But as far as a mentor... I will be of little to no help. It is your growth as an SS to become more that a mortal. To become a single godlike being in which you make your fate your own. I would love to hear from someone in the same state as I...
  160. L

    Are there anymore?

    Are there any other scorpios in the groups? I keep seeing leos and capercorns and others, but no scorpios. Is it rare to find a headstrong angry person in SS? HAIL SATAN!
  161. L

    Satanic rosery

    So I went to a craft store and bought plastic beads and some silver coated wire, then went to my local pagan shop. The happned to have a bohhamet, which looked cheap but works. I gotta say making hand made wire links for 108 beads was a full days work, but worth it. HAIL SATAN!
  162. L

    Is there anything wrong with "energy ripping"?

    Thank you for clearing that up. I used this method of on the spot draining and infecting there aura with dark energy. I can almost see the black hue after I do it, but from now on ill throw away what I rip.
  163. L

    Satanic rosery

    Where do you get them? Or do I need to make one? On that note does it need a bohhamet(sp?)
  164. L

    Is there anything wrong with "energy ripping"?

    I work at a store, and customers come and go by the thousands per day. I see people of all races, even rats... And when I see a kike I rip the shit out of whatever white energy they have. At first i would just draw it from them like poison from a wound. Then today I had an idea that I didnt...
  165. L

    Let me make this clear.

    Im not mad, just backing up a point. Also killing the problem of "mentors" that have been infecting the boards.
  166. L

    8th house Saturn

    DO NOT GIVE YOU'RE BANK ACCOUNT INFO TO ANYONE! I cant stress this enough. It sounds like a scam, let me brake it down for you. say the first 20 "accounts" work fine. Then out of the blue one account defalts, they take mo.ey out of your account anyways. Then the 2nd defalts... And so on, they...
  167. L

    Let me make this clear.

    To the noobies, YOU ARE YOUR OWN SAVIOR. There is no one on this group that can advance you more than self advancement. (reading for months brought me to this conclusion) Satan and his demons are guides, if you have a question... Dwell on it durring your medititations. EVENTUALLY you will get a...
  168. L

    Multiple squares at once?

    I was wondering if you would be able to do multiple kabalistic(sp?) Squares o.e right after the other, say to empower each chakra and have an individual purpose? It sounds like ALOT of energy to handle in one meditation session, but I want to be able to work up to it. eventually having 7 squares...
  169. L

    mantras for square workings

    I had,a similer effect with meditating on my third eye, "OHM" worked better for me. This,might not be a mantra working, but it kinda relates o.O
  170. L

    Just a note on food and climax

    I used to juce. Ie I used to have a juicer and extract juice from variois veggis and fruits. When this was going on my orgasim was suuuuuuuper intense, so mich so I felt it in my abs. This comming from a male who sees the differerence now after and before as to when it was going on. Here are...
  171. L

    Need some insite.

    Stupid me, I skimmed the "newbie area of the jos website on meditation. Alright time for me to make a meditation regement.
  172. L


    Losing attention quicky (on one thing), able to focuse on multiple conversations at once. ADD is an attention problem, ADHD is slightly different, which I have, tons of energy as well as add, its like a mide remote on steroids... O.O
  173. L

    Need some insite.

    Ive been dedicated for more than 3 months now and I keep getting distracted from progression in empowering my soul. For instance I meditate before work every day and im happy and strong for the first 4 hours or so, then like something out of left field I start to have major mood swings, anger...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
