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  1. I


    Hello ,   After observing the list of demons in the JoS website I didn't see any Demon that coud be related to Spiders.  Due to the lack of my Demology knowledge I'd like to ask you if you may know possibly Demons that manifest through spider forms or have a particular lover towards spiders.  ...
  2. I


    Simliar thing happened here. I had this dream once of a situation and some days later it happened, and I was like : This thing happened to me before in a dream. Feels really weird.
  3. I

    Our Creation by the gods.

    I respect what you are saying, but you missed the point, by miles. Plus, I didn't like the way you adressed the situation : " It is impossible questions that inspire the greatest minds" - This is not an impossible question, I myself answered - Creation is within the Present.  While you are...
  4. I

    Our Creation by the gods.

    The what created what questions are impossible to answer to... What created the Gods? Who created who created the Gods? Who created who created who created the Gods? You know what I'm trying to say here? Existence is within the Present.
  5. I

    Thinking of all Satan has done for me

    All I asked him came, sooner or later, if I was dedicated in my progression Father would gift me. Satan is the best. Period.
  6. I

    Spiders & Insects

    Usually I just pick a piece of paper and a cup. Put the piece of paper in the area the spider is in, and when it crawls ontop of the piece of paper you cage her with the cup. Now simply make sure you hold the piece of paper and go to the street or some other place and leave it there!
  7. I

    Ouija bored

    Always make the entity swear in the name of our Lord Satan that He/She is of Satan
  8. I

    Spiders & Insects

    Don't kill spiders, it's specifically sacred to one of the gods of Duat.
  9. I

    HELP, Relationship with a xtian

    It all comes down to how deep she is in her religion
  10. I

    HELP, Relationship with a xtian

    I don't think it can work. Xians are close-minded, and secondly, what kind of girl will be with a guy that does rituals to competely destroy her religion lol?
  11. I

    A poem for Satan

    and by the way its " It says right here ( holding the bible), that you must be a saint to go to heaven, but you only need to be yourself to go to hell"
  12. I

    A poem for Satan

    Allison, huge MM fan here. And to be honest, Marilyn literally got me into SS... It was reading his book that I googled " Necronomicon" and found the JoS webpage. He may not be a SS ( drugs like mad) but he has done a lot to demistify the devil and destroy christianity.
  13. I

    A poem for Satan

    It was good! welcome back home
  14. I

    HELP, Relationship with a xtian

    I second radzio!
  15. I

    meditation VS sleep

    if you lose 1 hour of sleep cause of meditation for example, that is ok. Don't over do it though, like radzio said, sleep is very important.
  16. I

    Talking to myself

    I do this , this is good. Helps to get  to know yourself better and increases your self-reliance. Atleast for me.
  17. I

    need advice on this

    I ripped all the pages of my old bible. It made me destressed.The reason I did it is a way to strenghten what I believe in, and to remove any subconscious things that may still be left of my christian past.
  18. I

    Void meditation

    Imagination most likely.
  19. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    keeperofstone, he meant his obsession with the girl, not the girl herself.
  20. I

    New Comer

    I did mine at 3am as well.It felt good. You probabbbly won't sleep though.
  21. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    Dude if you really feel like calling her than do it , whatever. Get this over with.
  22. I

    Third Eye

    You can do chakra breathing, spinning. You can also the empowerment meditation found in JoS. You align it , do the lunar breathing exercises, and chant NANNA or Thoth , after you concentrate on it. This exercise must be done on MONDAYS at the hours of the Moon. Download Chronos if you want to...
  23. I

    Ritual for Growth

    1,70 is pretty acceptable honestly. You could always put some high heels boots or something.Girls won't turn you down for it, believe me. If you are want to change though, there was a post somewhere I've seen, where they said that a good simple exercise is while you are walking on the street, to...
  24. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    Been there, done that. I'm not juding you. There was a time I stopped 2 WEEKS , drinking and smoking like a headless chicken.But believe me, you don't want to do that, at the end of those  2 weeks I was worse than when I was meditating. The only thing I can tell you, based off my experience, is...
  25. I


    This is one of the psychic powers I fascinate about the most - my element is FIRE. I haven't however. I think it's cool you are interested in psychic powers but remember one step at a time ;) For pyrokinesis I think that probabbly one must have his serpent arisen, since it requires alot of...
  26. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    Another thing, I'm not judging you or something but I HIGHLY doubt Satan would incentivate a son of his to stop meditating.This may be your subconscious looking for approval. Next time come forth and be open about it, we are not some fucking christian retards. You can be open about your...
  27. I

    Agnostic/Atheist wants to meditate, finde demon

    I agree with Serpentfire, and to add up, remember that our meditations are different and much knowledge came from the Gods of Duat. So indirectly you are doing SATANIC MEDITATION. The difference is that you are doing a Satanic Meditation, that by the way are very powerful, without protection.
  28. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    Hot girls are not worthy. You are better off masturbating believe me. When you get inside of them ( literally) you will want to get out.  Don't let carnal desires fuck you over. If you don't believe me go for it, and you will see. I'm not a Brad Pitt, but I have some experience. Junkies -...
  29. I

    finding my demon

    Yea.... I have experience. Alot. 2 months after dedicating I stopped meditating because I was depressed all the time. I wouldn't leave my room. I was fucking empty.However I picked up from where I left off, and restarted my meditations, even though they were very complicated to do due to my...
  30. I


    DON'T TURN THE OTHER CHEEK! Destroy him.
  31. I

    New Age

    You can't experience what we experience if you don't do what we do.
  32. I

    Taking a break from meditations and the group

    I second radioz_ss on this.
  33. I

    Question on the invocation of Satan

    Satan is all about balance. And balance is not 1 thing, it's multiple things in the same quantity.
  34. I

    Question about making commitent to Satan?

    Read http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/ and go under the "DEDICATE YOUR SOUL" category you will find the answers
  35. I

    Fulfill Desire

    Re-read the website again. You have many flaws in your knowledge.
  36. I


    There are so many different interpretations. Try to look inside of you what that image means to you. Sometimes we can learn a lot about ourselves just by honestly asking questions wich usually you think you know the answer to but infact you don't.
  37. I

    The Final Rising of Nazism.

    As usual, wise words hooded!
  38. I

    Need Help I have to learn not sure if what im doing is right

    Contrary to popular belief we don't sell our souls and become rich and powerful - that's bullshit. Hell, our life gets better but not nescessarily easier. Satanists put ALOT of work in their progress believe me. If you become powerful enough, you can do workings and ask help from the Gods to...
  39. I


    Good stuff
  40. I

    virginia beach?

    No one will answer this threads, don't bother please. Everyone here knows the dangers ( you should as well) of posting personal info.
  41. I

    Succubus questions/ insecurities

    Guys just remember one thing please : Succubus are beautiful and loving creatures but remember a life time pact is not something to take lighlity. As humans sometimes we have the need to be ( sexually as well) with people that are completely like us. I'm not trying to make you doubtful about...
  42. I

    Did I do my astral temple correctly?

    hooded - But if we believe in something that bad, and if we create it through our imagination, doesn't it come reality in the astral? Of course communication with Demons is different.
  43. I

    death and the afterlife

    If you were a DEDICATED satanist , and by dedicated I mean not only the ritual but your actions, you go to the Duat. 
  44. I

    Jos PDF question

    No. Just do the ones from the old PDF. It's not about how recent they are believe me. Those meditations date to VERY ANCIENT times.
  45. I

    a good start

    Guys I know this is completely off topic but could someone tell me EXACTLY where the throat is located? When I meditate on cleaning I always get lost at the throat chakra... I've seen it ABOVE the Adam's Apple and sometimes below. And sometimes on top of the Adam's Apple itself. Once again...
  46. I


    Been doing it for the past 5 months.  It takes a while to do everything for long enough: For example Savasana is a pain in the ass to get it right for the full 5 minutes. Takes a while to get everything right but in my opinion it's a fairly ok routine. Good luck!
  47. I

    finding my demon

    I will say what I say every time this subject pops up : You must be patient. Maybe you are not ready for it yet, maybe your GD wants to tell you who he is but you are not opened enough for a relationship to take place. Good luck. We are all individuals and there's no general rule. Just remember...
  48. I

    please help find my demon

    Your demon will contact you when YOU are ready. Keep working on your meditations. The hungrier for power you are, faster it will come eventually! It can takes years for one to find their Guardian Demon,
  49. I

    ouija board

    I second this. And in the end I'd do a standard ritual and ask for Satan's blessing upon the ouija board - So you are protected against unwanted entities and that it may serve as a enlighting instrument for your progress!
  50. I

    Can anyone tell me what this looks like?

    By turning upside-downn I could see a goat in the left of the 2nd picture lol. Just ask for a vision from your GD. If the times is nigh, he will make sure you know who he is.
  51. I


    I've never truly experienced this I believe. However, as far as I know, it's when you are not thinking about something, but something actually pops in your mind.
  52. I


    In theory you don't need to be in a western country to practice Satanism. Everything we do can be done without any material thing.You usually don't " find your Guardian Demon". Your Guardian Demon finds you and lets you know when you are READY. Study the website and  when you feel ready dedicate...
  53. I

    (no subject)

    Satanism is a lonely road. This is part of the struggle to become self-dependent.
  54. I

    greys and emotions

    hooded thanks alot for the post. A question - when faced with them how did they make you feel? Scared? Uncomfortable? Did you burn them or just tuned out?
  55. I

    History of the Gods??

    Who created Satan? No one. The Gods have always been here.If someone had created Satan, who would have created him?And who would have created the person that created Satan? You get the point here? Existence is within the present.
  56. I

    oh my!!!!!! did i just find my demon guide?

    Possibliy yes. Try communcating with her! Good Luck!
  57. I

    me at the moment

    Rather alone than with a bunch of idiots. That's my motto.
  58. I

    Confused about chakras help needed

     The base chakra is halfway through that distance between ( if you are man) your genitals and anus.
  59. I

    Third Eye

    Are you vibrating it well? Usually , at least with me, I used to concentrate a bit on my 3rd eye, and only after the vibration was finished I would feel this faint shock  there. But very quick. When my 3rd eye opened I thought I did something wrong. Only later I realized it was actually well...
  60. I

    Contacting my guardian Demon

    If you really needed him he would have already showed up to you ;)
  61. I

    how to create an astral temple

    Can be a bit confusing. The idea is to create this place in your mind you can use to do rituals. If I was you I would first try to think about it, and literally design a place. Then in trance intensify your desing. And feel it and touch it and visualize as much as possible.
  62. I

    Advice needed!!

    This is normal. Very normal. Some people believe as soon as they come they will be instantly able to set things on fire only by wishing so. I'm not saying this is particulary your case but subconsciously this might affect you. It takes a lot of time for YOU to see things. They always happen but...
  63. I

    Astral temple

    In the JoS there's the explanation
  64. I

    (no subject)

    Unfortunately / Fortunately Satanism is a lonely path.Atleast for now.
  65. I

    making your own Ouija board

    Yes. Look up in the Internet , try to find reliable sources. When you are done I would make a ritual asking for Father's blessing.
  66. I

    helps with dreams and is it unheard of...

    I will say what I say to everyone : Dreams can be subconscious manifestations. If you are interested in Satanism and feel like this is your home you subconsciously will see it. Could be a sign as well! 
  67. I

    Seeking help

    The only way you can feel what we feel is by doing what we do. If everyone had an obvious sign all the world would be in Satanism.
  68. I

    Been here for a month now! :D

    Have no fear. But remember that Begginer meditations are very important regardless of being made right in the beggining. You will have to keep doing most of them because they are ESSENTIAL. Ave Father
  69. I


    I second En Haradren Amlug.
  70. I

    Just finished the destruction ritual

    If you haven't opened all of them the alinigning won't be that powerful, because the idea is to adjust the position of ACTIVE chakras. If you have just try to be persistent, and increase your concentrarion, and try meditating on them in their strongest hours.
  71. I


  72. I

    Youtube Account For Animated Meditations

    I really liked your videos. Shame they are not getting recognition, for they are very well made.
  73. I

    Introduction and a couple quick questions

    1 - I don't know, the more you post accepted things the faster they become I believe? 2- In my MOTOROLA ( uses android) I have the GMAIL application and can answer directly from the Gmail. Ave Satanas
  74. I

    for Sorath...

    Short but powerful indeed
  75. I

    a leap of faith

    Silence is golden
  76. I

    May have had an experience with a demon

    Can be your Guardian or your subconscious. Ave Satanas
  77. I


    Treat the Gods with respect , and always have a valid reason. And like above said, if you are not opened enough don't expect great things
  78. I

    What are the signs you get?

    Depends how dedicated you are to the cause. And it changes, everyone is different.
  79. I


    I think it would be kind in vain honestly. Because you don't have the energy nescessary to make things move. You probabbly would work on concentration and energy directing while doing it, but I doubt you would get results, and this maybe will make you dissapointed.
  80. I

    Vatican's end.

    Ave Satanas. Can't wait.
  81. I

    reversing dedication ritual

    Stop with the agressive advice. If the man wants to leave he should have his right to - Responsability to the responsible . Some things here look like the kind of stuff christians would say after knowing you wanted to leave their church. After the first 2 ones I think he got the point. We are...
  82. I

    Re: I am new here-yet still feel confused-would like some responses?

    I understand you. But you must do a leap of faith. Hell, before I joined Satanism I didn't know myself, was always " lost" and had many traumas from my youth - that includes even FEAR OF THE DARK. Can you believe how hard it was for me -  A christian raised person that always had been programmed...
  83. I

    Sleep reduction?

    Isn't that unhealthy someway?
  84. I

    Found a Fox

    I would just bury it and do a little speech.
  85. I

    Consequences of suicide in Satanism? and reincarnation

    Commiting suicide is a big offense for the Gods I believe. Can you believe all the shit they had to go trough so you could live , and SPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A SATANIST, knowing that you can become as the Gods and for this you must evolve in this physical realm. Commiting suicide is a sign of...
  86. I


    I don't know.. the usual stuff : Have a valid reason ; be respectful and don't expect too much if you are not opened enough
  87. I

    Getting Back At Satanism

    I feel like that MANY FUCKING TIMES. It's part of the struggle... See things like this : If everything was so easy and Satan just showed up and said " What's up" while you were chilling in your room listening to Nirvana do you think you would progress Spiritually? It's a huge process, where many...
  88. I

    Quick question ?!?!

    Hum of course no, but I don't think you should over do it - like anything. I've seen in a kundalini yoga website that  semen after some time gets absorbed by our system and it's very beneficial, but I'm not sure.
  89. I


    I like not thinking about the past, just learning with it.
  90. I

    Mind troubles

    I guess that's the same thing that happens when you try to imagine your chakra bright but instead you get nothing?
  91. I

    Re: Ã…ter-: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Mood

    It can happen even if you are consistent, I know it for a fact.
  92. I

    Ultimate Trust - Trust in your own Soul

    Amazing words. Dark times are nigh, I think everyone can feel it. But we do not worry for he who is with Satan will always be fearless.
  93. I


    Do you think it makes any sense what I'm about to say , wich is, that I acknowledged this part of me ( being bipolar depressive) in such a deep way I actually instead of being sad when I'm depressive I actually don't care and sometimes I'm truthfully happy even when I'm depressed because I know...
  94. I


    Same thing happens to me everyday. Just embrace it. Acknowledge it as part of your Nature, so stop acting like it's a curse or something. Just embrace it as yourself, and an important part of you. You still start liking the imbalance in a weird way - What kind of value we place on joy if we...
  95. I


    Sometimes someone else's death causes more pain in you - worse than fear of death or whatever
  96. I


    Bipolarness is not fake , I think. Mental diseases exist in my honest opinion. I myself believe I'm a bipolar depressive, since after great joy I become depressive. I don't think it's fair to say it's fake, there are many people that suffer from this kind of problems. What I do believe though is...
  97. I

    Is it okay to have a "day off " sometimes

    Yea I remember once stopping completely for 1 week... Oh boy was that bad. I felt like dying , plus depressive as fuck
  98. I

    Halls of Amenti

    what a joke of a website lol
  99. I


    I don't do it on pourpose... my time schedule forces me to... 
  100. I

    Seriously Interested!

    It doesn't need to be a black candle, as long as it's a candle should be ok. Father understands limits we may have caused by our surroundings. It's ok to let them go. Some Satanists are forced to go to church for different reasons : This doesn't mean they are betraying Father. What matter is...
  101. I


    I can only do it when I'm sleepy every day but weekends, it takes a while to get it going but when you become familiar with it things get easier.
  102. I

    drugs and father

    Drugs put holes in your aura , create addictions and toxicate your body. But Father wants us to explore and live the world in a way we have fun. It's a question of responsability to the responsible. If you think you can handle doing it in a way it doesn't compromise you , or if you think it will...
  103. I


    Yes I understad, you need to look under the liners for answers, Satanism is about finding things through yourself.
  104. I

    Looking for a satanist friend/mentor

    Most of the so called satanist bands, that use subliminal messages are reversed-christians : They believe in the Devil of the bible not in our Father, the true creator of Human kind.This in the long runs helps the enemy, for it incentivates fear and it gives all the xians an exemple of how the...
  105. I


    They are reversed christians as far as I know
  106. I

    Regarded with Christians!

    Yes, Father understands
  107. I

    i wud like to share

    I never had any experience with her but hail Vapula! What she did was really cool! ;) I'm happy for you.
  108. I

    gaurdian demon

    You will know know who he/she is when you are ready to know.
  109. I

    Why do i fail ???

    Could be a pessimist attitude ; Could be lack of consistency or doing things wrong somehow. You need to specify your problem
  110. I


    " Chicks dig power" - Best quote 2013
  111. I

    Gaurdian Demon

    You will know who he is when you are ready for it
  112. I


    Your imagination perharps. I used to listen voices when I was a kid, but infact, they were nothing but me thinking I was hearing voices. 
  113. I

    What to do when you're being attacked?

    Could be prayers like happens to me... You wake always at the same time for no fucking reason, and you feel this scary and cold presence in your room, taking you alot of time to fall asleep again.
  114. I

    How old is satan?

    I think it's around 1 Million or more. Do not quote me on this though I'm not sure where I remember this from
  115. I

    Satanic Baptism

    Maybe a Standard ritual, and writting in the prayer your wish could be a good way
  116. I

    is there a way to know how strong is the aura?

    seeing it maybe? 
  117. I

    magic to gain specific info

    Pendulum could work, but this needs alot of practice
  118. I

    Obamacare an the CHIP

    "Oh YES alas, MY JEWISH MASTERS, you are deciding how me the Lowly Goyim should be controlled!!" - Not even going to bother commenting.  Not sure why are you doing a resumé to me of the chip's concept. This is very simple : As a Satanist I will do what is in my reach - Spiritual Warfare. Going...
  119. I


    Websites that follow the exact same ideology on politics and History there are non. You have other theistic websites but they don't agree with our teachings so it's not linked.
  120. I

    Weird dreams

    I dreamt about drinking the blood from a jew as well... weird stuff absolutely. It's mostly your unconscious playing some tricks on you.
  121. I


    If you want my adivce after you do your aura cleaning, imagine all your room  burning with a blue satanic fire. You can even add a phrase like " This blue satanic fire is banishing all unwated entities and negative thoughtforms" Ave Satanas
  122. I

    How can i know my gurdian demon i wish i can see him in my dreams

    We all do. But listen, when you are new you need to focus on empowering yourself thorugh Yoga and Power Meditation. Your Guardian Demons appears to you when you are spiritually awaken enough. You need patience and above anything to empower yourself. It's normal to take a while. I have some...
  123. I

    Azazel came to us through a quija board

    Did you ask him to swear for Satan's name that he was not lying about his identity?
  124. I

    Obamacare an the CHIP

    Like the user above stated, if we get chipped we get chipped.If the law says so we do it. I'm not gonna stop being who I am because I get chipped. Don't be naive we all know the NWO plan so there's no avoiding it.
  125. I

    I am a new member and I am lost; help would be greatly appreciated.

    Correction : It's normal not getting trance right at first tries.
  126. I

    I am a new member and I am lost; help would be greatly appreciated.

    Slow down cowboy you don't need guidance, guidance is a term I wouldn't put here, since in SS there's no one that serves as a link between you and spirituality. Yes, you are dedicated and as a dedicated satanist you should be aiming for Satan's plan wich is the Magnus Opum. No you don't...
  127. I

    power meditations

    I'm not really sure if I understand your question.  Power Meditations ( as a whole) need to do daily, but I personally do some from time to time, like 1 out of 3 days, for meditations that take alot of time or are harder, for example : Deep Trance [ takes me atleast 1 hour to get it right]...
  128. I


    By being promoted by Satan directly I believe. This takes years and years of dedication, but it's not impossible if you are willing to do it. Good Luck.
  129. I

    i dedicated with nose blood is that bad

    No. If you did it with honesty it's ok.
  130. I

    turning people away from us

    The answer from keeper actually made some sense in my eyes. When I came here people gave me pretty straight forward answers and instead of feeling insulted I took it the right way. If people can't even bare raw answers will they bare doing the most simple meditation? I don't know... just a...
  131. I

    Anubis (Ipos)

    I don't know anything about Anubis but Congratz on finding out and I always admired Anubis. Had this fascinating admiration for him ever since I saw his portrait.
  132. I


    I always worked them at the same time.I started opening them since my dedication as a matter of fact.4 months in I don't see anything/hear anything. But I know my points are stronger, for I can feel them harder everytime I meditate on them. I close my eyes ( they must be relaxed) and I look at...
  133. I

    questions and opinions

    About the xian question : Satan understands that somethings are not in our reach and we don't have the freedom to do as we wich sometimes.Many other theistic satanic groups trashtalk JoS and our views but you should understand that's one of the characteristics of Satanism : Individual choices...
  134. I

    Newly dedicated as of last night. Had a great experience.

    Welcome.  Please take a few things in consideration, people didn't directly tell me this so I want that new people like I was  to know this : Knowledged can't be rushed. You don't have to go aroud like crazy looking for stuff and memorizing them. You slowly will start to know things by heart as...
  135. I

    Xian Prayers

    Alright, thank you I will try that.
  136. I


    I'm a 100% straight male , I simply love women, their body curves, their face , their soft hair and delicatesse. But I have a very "feminine" attitude as some may perceive. I wear kinda thight clothes, I like to cross my legs alot, I take care of myself and I treat girls like a girl would treat...
  137. I

    loss of breath

    Hum... When you are in a deep trance it's almost like being asleep or dead, so your body doesn't use much oxygen. If you try to deeply breath you will feel this heavy weight over your stomach and lungs. What you need to do most of the time, atleast it's what I do, is inhale and exhale fast with...
  138. I


    If that's not enough signs for you, nothing will be enough then ;) But on a serious note the christian church sometimes describes Satan as a Dog ; Snake is the symbol of Satan and enlightment. ; The triangle is a symbol of power.
  139. I


    You never stop growing
  140. I

    Harry Potter?

    I see all movies/games about witchcraft as reversed psychology. They show real elements in books and games , thus people associate those things with fiction.
  141. I

    Confusion/ At a severe loss of life

    How do you feel a brainwashed christian kid like I was reacted to all this? I was a bit scared , but hey, that's all the fun of it. Not but really, I felt extremely attracted to Satan , and all the information showed how much I had been lied to. I dedicated, fearless and ready to face the...
  142. I

    how to raise the kundhali serpent?

    Yoga mostly.
  143. I

    Light balls!

    wich balls?
  144. I

    Initiation Performed

    Welcome. You should find yourself an interesting meditation program you can do everyday. You don't need to rush thought this, patience is needed. Just do as you see fit.Getting some Yoga (http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20Kundalini% ... nglish.htm) would do wonders. Atleast thats what I did. When you...
  145. I

    incubi and succubi

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... itual.html
  146. I

    Weird meditation experience.....

    Maybe you accidently did a Past-Life meditaiton? Not sure.
  147. I

    Language use in prayer,time for mediation & psychic

    Hello.  No you don't but ideally languages that come from German are the most suitable ( that includes English ofc.)You need to take it easy overdoing it messes with your nervous system and might have more bad effects than good.  SS is about patience as well. It's good you are motivated to...
  148. I

    music industry

    This is a very complicated and complex theme. I myself don't fully understand it. You have all these artists using some Pagan imagery and symbols even though they are clearly not satanists, they go AGAINST EVERYTHING we advocate. They go as far as saying that " they sold their soul to the devil"...
  149. I

    Fixing my Eyesight

    Franz Bardon wrote in his book " Initiation into hermetics" that if you fill a bowl with water and drown your head into it and open your eyes while underneath water, it gives you better eyesight and your eyes get some sort of special shine, but I do not take any responsability in the effects of...
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    Could be your  GD actually, seems like the best possibility here. Ave SATANAS
  151. I

    Skin Problems Rune

    Acne ( teenage in a nutshell). Ave Satani
  152. I

    the real key to secrecy

    Seriously, the Texas Police told you that? That's really fked up. Internet is not that safe but it's the safest we can get :/
  153. I

    Greetings. I am a lost soul looking for direction, Satanism being a

    The fact that out of billions of websites that exist in the internet you found out this one and posted on it should answer your question ;) Ave Satani
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    finger/hand chakras

    Did you try to open your hands chakras yet? I find it to be one of the easiest opening you should give it a try Ave Satani
  155. I

    My brothers and sisters of Satan

    That's sick! Good love for both of you ;) Ave Father
  156. I

    New to satanism.... Many questions....

    You start your path by reading the website www.joyofsatan.com , as soon you study it you can dedicate your soul and start meditating. Angels are our enemy so summoning Angels is deffinately something you will not see being advocated in this group lol... the idea is to stay away from them and...
  157. I

    Re: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism is hard

    Yea... the more you progress the more annoyed you get, that atleast happens to me. Sometimes I just feel like telling everyone to shut up. About the friends, I don't think you should be in a rush looking for them, otherwise you will end meeting people that do you no good. I'd rather be alone...
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    do you have to.....

    Short Answer : Yes
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    I've been there. And I'm back again.I will tell you what happens most of the time : You lose some time of meditation due to some exterior factors , you get under heavy attacks ( depression , loneliness , suicide thoughts , sadness , dettachement from physical AND spiritual world). And then you...
  160. I

    SATANISM and Likeminded Relationships

    Welcome, Hail Father
  161. I

    Dumb question perhaps

    Satanism existed way longer before Xnism. I hope this answered your question. Ave Satani
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    We Will Rise Ave SATANI
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    If I'm correct you have 3 major points, and 14 minors ( 7 on each side). How much time does it take? If there's no time indication it's mostly because there's no exact time. Just do as it's said. In the beggining you won't feel much, but after some practice you will start feeling a pressure when...
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    Yea, if something scary pops in your mind, Imagine youself  even scarier and stab it with a knife lol. Works with me. Ave Satani
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    I haven't. But remember they are gods. Maybe "Clistheret" changes day into night in your mind for example. I'm not sure. Ave Satani
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    Nice stuff, I like your couch ;) Ave Satani
  167. I

    Found Out

    My mom as hardcore protestant she is  would literally put me out of home even though I'm a minor I'm pretty sure. Ave Satani
  168. I

    New to Spiritual Satanism

    This is asked many times, don't worry with this. The most important thing is what your intentions, what you have in your heart. Many of us didn't do the dedication ritual the way we intended to. Fater is understanding. Now make you sure you get your stuff together and start meditating , for the...
  169. I

    Little story and questions, all insight welcome

    Glad you found the group ;) Well there was a post a few days ago about that question. Many people were saying they rather not say it because those words reminded them of christianity and the jews etc. But I personally do say words like OMG , Jesus Christ , Pray the Lord ; etc. Why? Because I...
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    may anyone help me?

    I second this. I don't have a bell so I use a sound to make it up for the bell. What counts is your intention. And don't worry, most of us did terribly in our dedication ritual. Ave SATANI
  171. I

    I have changed :)

    Hum... I'm not sure about this. I don't hate people, I hate the xanity, even though people are stupid to buy that shit  it's not their fault most of the time. I try to understand that not everyone can be open-minded and intelligent like us, if I didn't, I would have already killed my mother...
  172. I

    Not sure i did it right

    Usually the rituals is only doable once, but you didn't say the prayer wich is pretty much the main idea behind the ritual so I think you should yes. Ave Satani
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    A Letter to the Jews

  174. I

    past life

    Very well written and inspirational. Ave Satani
  175. I

    just finished dedication ritual

  176. I

    Difference beteween selling and dedicate

    I wonder why so many artists come out with this bullshit saying " they sold their soul to satan", many artists have used that expression, I'm not sure if someone fooled them saying it was Satan or if they sold their soul to someone else, but that was for sure not Satan. AS
  177. I

    Just Made a Commitment to Father Lucifer

    I think there are many things you can do. You can do the meditation in the JOS website called " Meditation on Satan". You can do rituals for Satan, wich are strongly recommended atleast once a week to build a relationship. You can pray to Satan. This will allow you to feel Satan's  energy and...
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    The Band Behemoth

    Hum yea, the only person I can think of that approaches throughout his entire carrer to satanism is Marilyn Manson, but his satanism is LaVeyan.
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    When I dedicated I was a mess as well, in terms of being nervous. I was so nervous I had my windows opened to hear car sounds and I had music on it was not as good and personal as I wish it had been, but don't worry, as long as you are sure that's what you want to do there's no problem. As soon...
  180. I

    Hatha Yoga

    The Plough is a pain in the ass , I can't even do it like 1 minute straight in the correct positions, it's the hardest position there, with 3 weeks I can do like maybe 30 seconds max straight in the right position, so don't get frustrated it's really hard. Music helps alot, no matter wich type...
  181. I

    The Band Behemoth

    Most of bands are posers because it attracks people with some angers issues that feel like killing everyone.
  182. I

    Last night nightmare

    If I could try to interpretate the dream, It would be something around things that are getting in the way of your main objective and straying your concentration towards your main goal - people where talking with the driver, so he failed at his main job wich is driving the bus. Could also be...
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    Post To All Those Ready For Power

  184. I

    O You Father Of The Most High (Poem)

    Very Deep and truthfull yet funny! Good job! HAIL SATAN AND THE GODS OF DUAT, THANKS SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING FATHER
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    I understand your POV but I don't think the same way. And when I say those words it's always in Enligsh, wich is not my 1st language. If whenever you say this words christiany pops in your head you might have not actually detached yourself from xanity. Everytime I say them nothing of xanity...
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    Third eye?

    I'm not sure if it's opened, but regardless, you are in the right direction :)
  187. I

    I dreamt of the Gods coming back.

    Wow, seems pretty interesting!
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    I don't think Satan really cares, WORDS only have the power we give to them. I say many many times stuff like " Jesus Christ!" to express anger/dissapointment; " Talking about the Devil" ; and we have this saying in my language wich basically means lesser of two evils , when we have 2 bad things...
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    Under Attack, My Move

    Listen up brother, Father is forgiving, he understand that sometimes some stuff might happen and we may not be able to handle things, The only thing he expects is for us to become stronger after that and advance. I myself, when I was younger had suicidal thoughts and was depressed. You can't do...
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    The Baby! *GASP!*

    He will be born with a wizard hat on! Ave Satani
  191. I

    Satanic Art

    Very interesting brother
  192. I

    Certain type of psychic attack

    Fantasy shit hitting me too, they are fucking desperate.Stay strong brothers.THE ONLY PATH IS FORWARDAVE SATANI
  193. I

    Semi-New to satanism

    Hello sister,    Take this as a lesson. Satanism is not easy, that's a fact. It's a path the ordinary men can't handle. The lesson here is very simple, and I'm really glad you decided to post this here : Let fear take control over your life and it will create a cataclysm. Listen, I'm not judging...
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
