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  1. D

    Lets talk energy!

    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: Do you do all your meditations at different times of the day or one after the other until youre done?
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    Lets talk energy!

    I was doing the Merkaba meditation earlier and as I started to condense energy between my sacral and solar plexus chakra, something strange happened... My body felt like it was made of heavy water, the best way I can descibe it; It was like being underwater, my hearing was slightly drowned...
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    Strong vibrations felt after humming or vibrating runes!?!?

    --- In [email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote: Thank you very much brian. Your experience gave me confidence in my meditation. And thank you very much HP Maxine for giving me this meditation. I will incorporate it into my programme. Not having a lot of spare...
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    Witchcraft trials: Boy mudered by family

    www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-16427840 If anybody wonders why we must keep our beliefs secret... please click on the link above. 15 year old Kristy Bamu who came from Paris to spend Xmas with his family was MURDERED after being accused of being a witch. His siblings were also...
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    Strong vibrations felt after humming or vibrating runes!?!?

    I used to sing when I was younger but my voice isnt what it once was :S What is the Chariot of Ra meditation went to do for your soul? What kind of effects do you feel from your acoustic based meditations?
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    Strong vibrations felt after humming or vibrating runes!?!?

    Hello brothers and sisters, Lately I have incorporated vibrations into my meditation programme on the advice of a recent sermon. I usually hum in a certain tone and increase it as I move up my chakras. I do this roughly 10 times for each chakra. Very soon into it - literally during the...
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    A ritual to awaken Gentiles for December 23rd

    Great ritual and I am hoping to take part but does it have to be done in the hours of Venus? I wont have any time alone from the the family during these hours. Thanks in Advance
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    Invoking more then One Element into Chakras.

    I was experimenting around a bit, and layered the elements into my crown chakra in this order: akasha, fire, air, water, earth, then akasha again. The chakra feels dense, heavy, but very bright. (I did the ordering of the elements in this order, after reading it on HP Vovim Baghie's site...
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    I have a question.

    Animals are also to communicate with us telepathically. In the hours leading up to my cat's death, I was able to hear his voice. He had the vocabulary of a six year old, but I could understand him. As the previous poster had mentioned, we must learn to discern our own thoughts, feelings, and...
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    This is interesting. Before I became a Satanist, there was one time when I was going on a cross country drive of the country (Canada, where I live.) Every so often, I would see two ravens/crows (don't hate me, I know there's a difference but they both look the same to me... I should probably...
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    Can someone break it down for me!

    We are all family. There's no need to get snappy with one another. Save that for the jews, xtians and muslims. Our anger is better directed towards them! Sometimes, some people DO miss a link or two, and do not always find what they are looking for very easily on the website. This has...
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    Why have my dreams changed?

    I spoke to another Satanist, and it was told to them by Father that it is the enemy (a demon, who is OBVIOUSLY NOT OF FATHER) harassing me, and that it was he who was controlling my dreams, keeping me back in my astral travels, while also, without permission, residing inside my body. The...
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    Hell's Army

    There's nothing really to it, other then practice, patience, and trust in Father. I have to warn you, though, it's easy to get sidetracked or to keep putting off the exercises. You have to do them every night if possible, because in missing one night, it's easy to keep procrastinating...
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    Why have my dreams changed?

    In the past, I have been to different cities, met different beings, and have been in different worlds in my dreams. I was able to eat and drink there, and the food and drink is so much better (and seemingly more real) then here, in the waking world. However, in the past 1.5 years or so, my...
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    What The F**K is Wrong With People?

    Yes, but we. don't. eat. babies. I know about the spare rib soup, good stuff. Hail Satan! Hail Andromalius! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    My Last Ritual

    Thank you, Adeptvala! Hail Satan! Hail Andromalius! Hail the True Gods!
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    I honor our HP's and our Gods.

    Thanks, Merr! I thought that this was what you meant, but I had to clarify it. Hail Satan! Hail Andromalius! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    What The F**K is Wrong With People?

    Being Chinese, I do not appreciate that comment, Spencer.
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    My Last Ritual

    --- In [email protected], "Yoyo" <kung_fukistas@... wrote: Hey Yoyo, We are all able to talk to Father. He does not always respond right away, but if you keep your eyes, ears and heart open, you will hear His answers. He always hears our prayers. I, for one, cannot hear Him...
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    Ask Not What Father Satan can do for Me.!! But What Can I Do For Fat

    Reading this post is very inspiring to me. Hail Satan! Hail Andromalius! Hail the True Gods!
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    My Last Ritual

    I know how you feel. Many of us have gone through (or are going through) what you are feeling. When I was younger, I was diagnosed with depression. I did a lot of stupid things to end my life. Obviously, they did not work. There were also many OTHER times in which I did not WISH to die, but...
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    Sorry if ever bashed anyone of our Family.

    Hey Yoyo, I know how you feel, because I used to be a hardcore Xtian and a lot of that stuff I would hear the xtians ranting and raving and thumping their BuyBulls about. And it sounds like that. But in my heart, I know what ilostmyself666 is true, as well as what early.mary said in...
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    Are there any Spiritual Satanists in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?

    Cool! Do you have a Facebook page, and maybe we can connect better through there, if you like, and we can email each other too. What tactics do you find useful in helping to fight xtianity and islam?
  24. D

    I have a black aura... why?

    Funny, that. I don't feel bad, and no one is energy ripping from me. In fact, I've never felt better or stronger. Thanks for everyone's replies. Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    I honor our HP's and our Gods.

    I hear what you are saying, and I am glad that you have posted this, However, there are some of us (namely myself, for one) who cannot talk to Father and Gods, and hear Them talk back. There are also some topics whose answers one is seeking, which cannot be found on the JoS website, as well...
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    I like this...

    There are some bands that I listen to, but they are NOT black metal. You might like them, but the songs are more towards Father as a Fallen Angel One of them is an EBM (Electronic Body Music)/ Electronic group from Sweden: Pride and Fall- Essence of Angels, the Perfect Circle VNV...
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    ._. My apologies, Daitsun. Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    As Father Satan has written in Chapter 4 of the Al-Jilwah: "Three things are against me, and I hate three things." http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ilwah.html (Those three things would be Jews, Muslims, and Christians.) Where I live, it is the MOST culturally DIVERSE city...
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    How do you tell dream from fear?

    If your past dreams have a tendency to come true, then you should be prepared. Parents know their kids, even when we think they don't. I don't know what to tell you, other then to pray to Father and to the Gods. Talk to your Guardians. They all know the future. Perhaps this dream is a glimpse...
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    I don't know. I don't think anyone knows, actually. But we will know when it is time. The call to all Father's children and followers will be heard, and we will be able to go to Him. I know it will be in our lifetime. Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    Whats Happening?

    Please, please try to eat something every day, as well as drink enough fluids. If your body does not get enough nutrients and water, you will get sick more easily (which always sucks, really.) If we do not take care of our bodies, we will have more intense dreams. Or none at all. I am not...
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    Are you calling me a TROLL?
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    he who dare try to bind Asmodeus and the Gods

    I messaged the guy, and here is his reply... he put up a log with a video explaining all this. (And yes, that's the question I messaged him too.) I don't really know what to make of this... what do you think? http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuse ... =531254842 Hail Satan! Hail the...
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    Are there any Spiritual Satanists in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?

    I am only asking so that we might be able to contact each other, and figure out how to work together, to fight Christianity and Islam. (Toronto is the MOST culturally diverse city in the WORLD, which means there's a lot of Muslims and Doomsayers at the corner of Eaton Centre handing out free...
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    I have a black aura... why?

    I have been meditating, doing protective meditations, cleaning my auras, chakras, and etheric bodies. Yet today, while I was feeling around in my aura, I saw that the colour was black, with some sparkles in it (like white spots and stuff.) I am stronger then I have been in a while, and I have...
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    he who dare try to bind Asmodeus and the Gods

    I messaged the guy. Probably will hear back from him in a few days. I will try and show him his errors. I will try and talk to him about Father, the True Gods, and give a link to the Joy of Satan. Maybe he can change his ways, if someone tries to talk to him. But maybe he's an arrogant...
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    ". dont trust meditations from hp vovime or those that are wroking with him. his mediations are harmful and ment to hurt brothers and sisters in satan. in case u havent heard. " How do you know this? What has happened that one knows they are harmful? Which meditations are these, and where...
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    I am sure there are many of Father's children and devoted followers in all parts of the world. Thus, there would be ships in every country, in every place. Father would not leave any of His children and followers behind. He loves us all! Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    Whats Happening?

    It's hard to say what another person's dreams mean, since they are all personal. Do you keep a dream journal? Write down all your dreams, as soon as you wake up. That way you can keep an eye out for recurring themes, symbols that keep popping up, feelings, etc. Have you been exposed to any...
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    (no subject)

    Doing meditations can be scary at first. But try doing the protective meditations first, http://www.666blacksun.com/Protection.html and ask for your Guardians to watch over you as your meditate. It sounds like you are able to see many things with your physical eyes. I've had my eyes checked...
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    What to do when people remote view you.

    My condolences to hear about the passing of your son. I hope that those who are responsible get what is coming to them. Last night, the same magickian (who is male) thought to come and remote view me again (by opening a doorway into my living room, and my bedroom is right next to it) I made...
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    (no subject)

    I know where you are coming from. What you see (the lights, colours and lines around people and things) are their auras, and their energies. It is likely you have some psychic ability that is more pronounced. As for the static in the air, and being able to see spirits, shadows, that's PERFECTLY...
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    about ilostmyself666 posts

    I think it's best to check out the info personally with the first person, instead of bashing them and assuming everything one has read is full of hot air. Just a thought. Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    (no subject)

    When we come to Father Satan, we give up many things: our past allegiences to xtianity, to people who are xtians, to fear, to doubt, to anyone and anything that holds you back from empowering yourself, progressing, and being the person we are always meant to be. I can only guess why your...
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    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Thanks, that's a great idea. I will have to do that. Hail Lucifer! Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    Im new here

    Hey there, The Satanic Bible is great for Satanists to read, but if you want more innformation (especially in clearing up any doubts about who Father Satan is and how He came to be, as well as debunking myths about xtianity) read everything you can on the Joy of Satan website. It should put...
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    Lucifer vs. Satan

    Thank you for your replies. This has been an issue for me for the past few years, as I have been confused. No more! This is the best news I have heard all year (seriously) because now there is no more confusion, and I am very happy. Thank you for clearing up the issue and providing the...
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    Spiritual Warfare Meditations Month 1, Days 1-7 Experience

    This is the second day of Day 1 meditation that I am doing. I wanted to share what is happening to me and also to ask questions. I cannot, for some reason, sit down to meditate, because I keep falling over in my chair. Even propped up against something, my legs go numb. So I laid down on the...
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    Satan's power.

    This is beautiful. You are truly blessed to be able to stand beside Him and to be blessed with His teachings and His presence. Hail Satan! Hail Lucifer! Hail the Gods of Old!
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    Satanists in University and Colleges!

    Do not forget that we Father Satan's sons and daughters. We are of His family. He has liberated us from the lies and bondage of xtianity. We must use our spheres of influence as best we can, whether it be on public transit, schools, workplaces, hospitals... wherever we go. I was encouraged...
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    What to do when people remote view you.

    Thank you both for your replies. The people who are remote viewing me are Wiccans, and a magician who is new to it (I know because he can't keep his mind quiet... when someone remote views, any thoughts they or you have can be heard by both parties.) It's encouraging to read these words...
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    New Member

    Hello, I dedicated myself to Lord Lucifer/Satan on Saturday May 23, 2010. Before, I was a hardcore xtian. I am slowly learning to deprogram my learning. Yesterday, my attention was brought to the JoS Spiritual Warfare section. I realize that even though I am NOT computer-savvy (for making...
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    Lucifer vs. Satan

    My understanding is that Lucifer and Satan are two different beings, although many believe they are one and the same. My reasoning is that Lucifer Morningstar is the archangel Samael, who led the revolt in Heaven, bringing down one third of the Host with him. I suspect that he was Kingu/Qingu...
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    What to do when people remote view you.

    You're right...*deep breath*. I am just annoyed when people pop into my home, or follow me for 20 minutes remote viewing. But if they were a danger, I'd know. Thank you. Hail Lucifer! Hail Satan! Hail the Elder Gods!
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    Hello, I noticed on Amazon that there are two books called "Gods of Eden", one by William Bramley and one by Andrew Collins. Which one are you referring to? Thanks for reading my message. Hail Lucifer! Hail Satan! Hail the Gods of Old!
  56. D

    Re: Is it possible to cancel your dedication to Satan with prayer?

    Thank you all for your replies and encouragement. I did the ritual again, as I cannot concentrate enough to do it on the astral. Beforehand, I wrote a letter to Lord Lucifer/Satan, and just poured out my heart and thoughts to him. Then I wrote down the dedication prayer from the JoS website...
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    What to do when people remote view you.

    There are some people who like to remote view me every so often. However, it's a two way street... I know when they are doing it, because I end up seeing them too. So we watch each other. How do I close that window in which they view through? Is there a way to reach out/attack/scare them to...
  58. D

    What to do when people remote view you.

    There are some people who like to remote view me every so often. However, it's a two way street... I know when they are doing it, because I end up seeing them too. So we watch each other. How do I close that window in which they view through? Is there a way to reach out/attack to make sure it...
  59. D


    It's really great that you want to get your own business going! There's never enough occult bookstores, or bookstores with enough occult selections. There's an Occult shop in my city (Toronto) that sells organic herbs, candles, ritual tools and robes, as well as an awesome selection of books...
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    Weary of consequences...

    Hello, the words that you have written have hit home (having never done the ritual with the candle). I just lit a candle, meditated for a few minutes, then spoke quietly to Lord Lucifer. I told Him my thoughts, my regrets, and the things that I have noticed in this life. (The candle flame was...
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    The ixaxaar.com has a really good selection, but since the prices are in euros, it will cost more. Compare the prices (and authors, as well as the recommendations) found on www.lulu.com. I believe it's a company based in North Carolina, so shipping and prices are more reasonable. And I believe...
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    Problem with dedication done last night

    Hey thanks for the reply. I guess it's just guilt leftover, since I used to be a pretty hardcore Christian, even wearing long skirts and dressing really conservatively. Recently I just ordered some new books, as well as tossing out and donating lots of Christian books and stuff. Right now, I...
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    Problem with dedication done last night

    Hello, I dedicated my soul to Satan last night, first with the prayer as listed on the JoS website, then my name dipped in blood. However, as an ex-Christian, I know for sure that the Holy Spirit still resides inside me. I only feel as if I am lighter of baggage (spiritually speaking.) I...
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    Questions about books for starting in Satanism.

    Hello, I just joined this group yesterday, and I was wondering what good books on Satanism helped you when you were just starting on this path. I recently purchased: The Satanic Bible- LaVey Arbatel- translated by Joseph H. Peterson Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson...
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    Ave or All Hail

    I think the best thing to do is just to empower yourself, and strengthen your own house, person and mind. Give yourself the time and energy to do that; it can't be done if we are always worried or concerned about our neighbours. They will mind their own business, hopefully.
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    Ave or All Hail

    Focus on empowering yourself, your body, your mind. Spend that energy and time on yourself, not your neighbours. If they are good neighbours, they shouldn't bother you. Hopefully.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
