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  1. nino

    Meditation addiction & tolerance

    I began meditating about 5 years ago. I started small, maybe 2-3 minutes a day which was followed by 10 minutes each morning. 10 minutes became 30 and 30 became an hour. I would immediately meditating upon getting out of bed, otherwise my brain was foggy and I would become irritated and angry...
  2. nino

    Can Alzheimer's be cured?

    Hey Shannon, thanks for asking. I'm currently following this diet and it's been 2 weeks since I'm off the meds. I'm now in the stage of waiting and seeing if anything has changed. My liver levels are also normal.
  3. nino

    Can Alzheimer's be cured?

    My grandmother is in the early stages of what we might call Alzheimer's disease. That's is short term memory loss, luckily she still remembers who I am. Is there a way I can do something to cure her or slow it down? Anything could help tbh. Modern medicine can't really do shit about it and it's...
  4. nino

    Manipulation Techniques

    Understand that the human mind has many resistances to outsiders influence and it’s very complex. You cannot just mind control other people to do your bidding. What you can is find way to trick them into doing so. You say you want your mother to like your gfs mother. Well I would try spreading...
  5. nino

    Manipulation Techniques

    What type of manipulation do you want exactly? I know 1-2 things on the topic and there are infinite methods for infinite different situations. Do you want to make her trust you more, do you want to change her mind on politics, do you want to make her give you money? Be more specific so I can...
  6. nino


    Funny how the whole "get any girl to love you" cult is dominated by Jewish filth. Some methods work but in return you will get an ego based, soulless relationship with a woman that doesn't give a fuck about you but is only obsessed in you. When this fades, or when she realizes who you really are...
  7. nino

    Your Brain On DMT (Ayahuasca) "Meeting God"

    Thank you for this. A huge amount of retards is trying to convince me to try this bullshit because it will help me meet "God" or some shit they see. Most of them are drug addict who won't even admit it to themselves. Gosh, society is full of morons.
  8. nino

    Are people waking up to the Jewish lies about Hitler?

    Or is me just hoping? I think the Jewish lies are growing ineffective day by day. https://streamable.com/8697ai
  9. nino

    My brain treats meditation like a drug

    I need to do like an hour from the moment I wake up. In total it sums up about 2 hours per day. The thing is I won't be able to function if this gets way out of hand since my time is limited.
  10. nino

    My brain treats meditation like a drug

    I've noticed this since I started meditating. In the beginning I was meditating for like 5-10 minutes per day. As time went by, I noticed that I needed slightly more meditation for my mind to function to it's fullest and feel the meditation effects. For instance, after 2-3 months I needed to add...
  11. nino

    People are waking up?

    I've been noticing this, especially in my town. People are looking for answers, they are growing immune to the "official narratives" and have been slowly realizing what the fuck is really happening. This has spread to the young as well since they are the heart of our nations. They are realizing...
  12. nino

    Is it over?

    Kalergi’s plan is going full speed in Europe. They get refugees inside while saying nothing in the media. Every single one is a male of military age. Kalergi’s plan was simple. In order for the Jews to enslave humanity everyone has to be a race mixed abomination while Jews remain pure and...
  13. nino

    Kalergi's plan to destroy Europe

    Kalergi's plan is the most vile, cruel and inhumane thing the jews are enforcing on us. They want a dumbed generation of africans to overtake europe via race mixing and genociding the white race. After that humanity is gone since it will be a dumbed down generation without anything in common...
  14. nino

    Is This The End For Humanity? [Spoiler: ...NOPE]

    If the Gods don't intervene we're fucked.
  15. nino

    Is This The End For Humanity? [Spoiler: ...NOPE]

    Our people are sleeping and this is indeed very serious. From the way I see it we're losing. Badly. And we're completely on deathground and surrounded by all sides.
  16. nino

    Need some specific books and reading material, mostly about mind control

    I need to know my enemy. So I can destroy him.
  17. nino

    Need some specific books and reading material, mostly about mind control

    Hello brothers. I'm doing a research and trying to understand the enemy. I want you to give me, if you have any, reading material and books that explain the methods they use to manipulate the public, the public opinion and the mind control tactics they use. Thanks.
  18. nino

    What the fuck is happening over this coronavirus

    dude this is bullshit. yea it can kill but so does the flu. the flu kills 500.000 each year. this shit has killed 6k or so. We are getting IMPRISONED. The whole world is getting imprisoned and we're saying thank you to the governments.
  19. nino

    What the fuck is happening over this coronavirus

    They have locked us all in our houses over a fucking common cold virus!!! There are a few people still going out including myself(I take precautions). Literally my city is ghost dead. Nobody has died just people panicking because they see other people panicking. This is ridiculous. We are...
  20. nino

    Kobe bryant murder?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9mehyXxBcY I've heard that he had beef with some big pharma, true?
  21. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I don't know if it has to do with it but at the time when I developed this I was in a very toxic relationship
  22. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I'm not familiar with these terms. Any guide?
  23. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    What do you mean by prominent? It's on Virgo, 7th house
  24. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    Thank you HPS Shannon. I'm gonna follow your advice.
  25. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I'm having anger issues my whole life, I can barely restrain myself from doing something I will regret when I'm angry. When I used corticosteroids to control the inflammation that went to extremes I felt like killing someone and had anger fits out of nowhere, that subsided when I dropped...
  26. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I think both...
  27. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    No herpes. Also I tested the eye fluid. Didn't find any virus or bacteria in it.
  28. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I never had any health issues tbh. Just the common viruses and bacteria we all get. But I'm very short sighted. Idk if it plays any part. During my full body tests they found that the liver was bigger than it's supposed to be. Idk the cause.
  29. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    I can afford herbs and supplements. The effects were eye pain, especially when exposed to light, redness of the eye and inflammation. Corticosteroids helped reduce inflammation but I developed serious eye pressure potentially harmful for vision so I went to immunosuppressants. It’s a hard...
  30. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    Couldn't find the cause. Did every test imaginable. It's an immune system problem but the root cannot be identified.
  31. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    Uveitis. Yea
  32. nino

    How to fix my immune system

    When I started meditating with JOS techniques, two years ago I developed a problem. After a while I slacked on my progress and barely meditated through the day. I was warned that it could be dangerous but I didn’t think much of it at the time. Then I developed a very serious auto immune disease...
  33. nino


    Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people these days.Those red pill,black pill,mgtow, incel communities seem to grow by the day and their core beliefs is that women are inferior sacks of meat and a man should only deal with them in the most masculine way(which they believe is to treat them...
  34. nino

    Question about making a girl break up with her bf

    When I was a beginner here I tried to do the aura of repulsion spell to break up a couple I knew. I used it only to make the girl hate the guy. Specifically [name of girl] is totally revolved and repulsed by [name of guy]. [guy's aura] totally repels all of [girl's name] interests attraction and...
  35. nino

    How to permanently forget everything about cocaine?

    Damn. This is the key. Probably the last one I did wasn’t even cocaine at all with shit mixed in it. Also are there any meditations in helping you deal with that? Also how to reverse the psychical effects it had on my body?
  36. nino

    How to permanently forget everything about cocaine?

    Thankfully I'm a strong willed individual and probably lack the genes that make one susceptible to addiction. I've quit smoking many years ago and I've completely healed from that shit. The thing about cocaine is that it manages to associate itself with the pleasure memories you had that night...
  37. nino

    How to permanently forget everything about cocaine?

    Not an addict, I just hate this drug. It offers a short high and a massive comedown along with shitty depressive thoughts and damage to the body. I’ve done like 5-6 times in my life most of which were shitty ass friends that offered me. Those last two were in December which I did once on New...
  38. nino

    I’m being attacked by the enemy

    I’m getting attacked by the enemy. How to protect myself and why I’m being attacked?
  39. nino

    How does attraction work on the spiritual level?

    Hello brothers and sisters. Can someone explain how attraction works on the subconscious and spiritual level? How do love spells and auras of repulsion work, why we're attracted to certain features and what role do genes and racial purity play?
  40. nino

    New age meditation vs Satanic meditation

    I forgot to mention how they use this "karma" thing to justify their bullshit. So according to them, you better love every fucking body or karma is going to get you.
  41. nino

    New age meditation vs Satanic meditation

    So, lately I've being noticing a big increase in the new age meditation thing. People opening youtube channels, talking about love, about the benefits of meditation even to the point of admiring Jesus Christ for what he preached. From my understanding their goal is to eliminate ego and desire...
  42. nino

    How to sever all ties from a past love?

    I want to permanently remove all ties from a past love obsession that can still influence my mind to this very day. I haven't tried https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html yet. Do I need a waning moon to succeed?
  43. nino

    Jewish possession

    I think a friend of mine is possessed by jewish magick or whatever. The past year he has completely snapped and all he talks about is love,love,love, Christianity and some bullshit about jesus. Yesterday I met him and after a while I received a jewish attack when back home, nightmares, illusions...
  44. nino

    Possibly dumb question concerning drugs

    This. Before meditating I enjoyed drinking a lot. I couldn't have a good time outside unless alcohol was involved. I used to smoke as well but I quit. After advancing in meditation any involvement with drugs, alcohol especially brings me down. Even a sip of alcohol is enough to destroy my mental...
  45. nino

    How fucked are you if you have a saturn in the 1st house?

    It's true. I had to more work than the average person in this house and focus my meditation there as well. Maybe Saturn helps you grow stronger in these areas after all(if you're willing to put the effort).
  46. nino

    How fucked are you if you have a saturn in the 1st house?

    I recently started delving into astrology and unfortunately I have a Saturn in the 1st house(damn). How bad of a sign is this? It also co rules my ascendant(Aquarius) along with Uranus. Is Saturn as bad as they say it is on the 1st house?
  47. nino

    Ex girlfriend used sex magic on me?

    Some more details I might add : Yes, it's true that at the time it happened I was slacking on my meditation and progress and I was weaker. She didn't know that I was visiting JoS or that I was a Satanist but she was aware that I was meditating and using magic and also seemed to believe in it...
  48. nino

    Ex girlfriend used sex magic on me?

    I'll try to make this short. I used to be with a girl in a very very emotionally intense relationship, she is/was perhaps one of the people I truly love. It kinda had to end abruptly though without much explanation from both sides. The emotions of our separation were very intense and...
  49. nino

    Anyone familiar with Wilhelm Reich's work?

    I wonder if Wilhelm Reich's work has anything to do with satanism. If anyone is familiar with his work care to elaborate?
  50. nino

    Is there a meditation to switch off emotions?

    I need them gone because of a mental disorder
  51. nino

    Is there a meditation to switch off emotions?

    Beginner here, I saw another guy talking about that. Is there a meditation to switch off your emotions completely? To stop feeling anything? If so, I'd like a detailed guide since I'm new.
  52. nino

    Unable to feel emotions

    How did you stop feelings emotions?
  53. nino

    How to start?

    I've been reading the stuff here for a while. Also I've been trying to implement meditations in real life and I've seen changes. But I'm really very beginner yet. How do I start meditating properly?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
