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Nov 28, 2017
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.
You can try becoming a better person and developing your charisma and social skills so that you may actually be able to speak with her.
Ignore any garbage pickup books. Read my replies on this thread for magick to get closer to another person. Venus retrograde is over now, so you can use direct love magick with no issues. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41244&p=166804
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

Funny how the whole "get any girl to love you" cult is dominated by Jewish filth. Some methods work but in return you will get an ego based, soulless relationship with a woman that doesn't give a fuck about you but is only obsessed in you. When this fades, or when she realizes who you really are behind the curtains, she's gone.
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

Side steps out to the door way of this post. Slides slowly out door. Close door gently.
Lol it sounds complete bullshit. I just jewgled it and WTF. "Enslave her emotionally" "mind control" "she will be subservient to your authority." Smh. This is not how hypnosis works at all. Why would anyone even want someone who doesn't like them out of their free will?

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

That's pretty impossible to control. If she's not compatible with you but you're obsessed with her there's nothing to guarantee that she will stay with you for ever. You may even be bored with her and leave her after your obsession wears off.

It's a lot easier and less disappointing to stop thinking with your penis and your hormones and try a working or a ritual to bring your perfect mate or your soulmate. It may or may not bring that same girl for sure but it will bring someone who's compatible with you.
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

Dude just be a likeable person. You're approaching relationships in a fucked up mindset. You clearly have an abandonment issue since you don't want this girl to leave you EVER. We live in modern society not some feudal warlord shit, I AM MAN THEREFORE I MUST OWN WOMAN. Women are free to choose their partner AND leave them if they choose too. Trying to force this girl to like you is not the most ethical if she isn't infatuated with you already.

Instead of doing love magic I would suggest you do a working for yourself or spend your time on developing traits she or other women find attractive. Binding someone to love you forever is like holding their soul hostage. Become a man that women want to be with because you know what attracts them. Not some guy who manipulated them in ways they're not aware of so they'll like you.

Don't act like women are some kind of alien species they're just as human as you. I wish you luck and hope you treat women as another person and not an object for you to hold at your side or for you to stick your dick in because you're lonely.
Emotionally abusing a woman is not going to make her stay with you. Interdependent relationships last... not codependent ones. The author is obviously exploiting lonely or insecure men for passive income.

No woman is going to be a "Build-a-Bitch" borg, you might as well invest in a sex doll or a flesh light if you really think these tactics are going to work.
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

I have this program already. Toh Revolution z you've asked this question on a wrong inappropriate forums here. We don't support these things. But irony is that, a male human doesn't know how the mind if a female works so he is always pussywhipped in the end buying her flowers, behaving like a good gentlemen but still the woman will chose a dick head over that gentleman. This program will tell you why this thing happens and a lot more help in dating.

This is not PUA and is not bullshit either. It deploys covert mind controlling techniques and exploits the flaws of female mind that enables you to have total control over her, as a result she will be emotionally dependent on you, she will be totally devoted to you. Much more.

It teaches you the covert mind controlling (conscious hypnosis too) techniques which can be a great help for you in dating.

If you want to have a relationship with a non satanic human female then you need to learn how the mind of a female works which this programs helps you to get an upper hand in love relationship.

Otherwise improve your spiritually, be devoted to spirituality and ask Satan for a loyal monogamous companion (Demoness Lover) later, about whom you don't have to worry then.

Shogun method in a nutshell quoted from Quora post :

Hi, Shogun Method practitioner here. I first tried it out in 2017, in addition to other info products by other dating coaches like David DeAngelo, Corey Wayne, etc. I’ve since stopped using most of the Shogun Method’s principles, but I’ll try to relate what my experience with it has been.

First of all – the Shogun Method is an info product. When you buy it, you get the Shogun Method eBook (about 200+ pages if I remember correctly) plus continuing dating advice over e-mail. There are many other products in the Shogun Method library as well, tackling specific problems like building rapport with women or revitalizing a failing marriage, but I didn’t try those.

Anyway, Shogun Method is not unlike most other info products out there right now. Most info products out there solve common life problems like losing weight, managing your retirement fund, starting a business, etc. Shogun Method happens to tackle a particular life problem for men, which is how to date and handle relationships with women. That happened to be MY problem when I first heard about it.

When I first got Shogun Method in 2017, it cost about $60, which wasn’t bad at the time – I remember a few years before when I signed up for a hot mess of a “pickup bootcamp” for $2,000. Not a good experience.

What I quickly realized with Shogun Method was that it wasn’t the usual “pickup artist” garbage you see on the ‘Net. While most “PUA” stuff out there is mostly haphazard applications of cognitive behavioral therapy and clinical psychology, Shogun Method was based on cold, hard science.

I think that’s what makes Shogun Method compelling and controversial at the same time. Virtually all its principles are grounded in proven, peer-reviewed science. And that means it’s not always politically-correct.

If I were to think of one example, it would have to be this principle: “The female mind has certain flaws, and manipulating these flaws can influence a woman’s decisions.”

Some people might see that as a claim that women are flawed. But Shogun Method goes ahead and makes the distinction that it’s not women themselves who are flawed, but the FEMALE MIND that is.

For example, Shogun Method shows that the female mind is hard-wired in certain ways, meaning it responds to certain stimuli in predictable ways.

If I remember correctly, Shogun Method teaches that ALL people (not just women) tend to be slaves to their emotions at certain times. For example, people are definitely not slaves to their emotions when times are good, or when they’re at work, or when they’re driven towards a greater goal.

On the other hand, they ARE slaves to their emotions when they’re in what Shogun Method calls “hot mode” – or when they’re daydreaming, or imagining, or in love... or when they’re upset, or scared, or insecure.

And since women are wired differently – such as with their elevated levels of oxytocin – they’re 10 times more prone to these shifts than men are.

In my opinion, I think this is where Shogun Method both shines and raises controversy. It teaches hypnotic techniques that put women in certain states of mind and feeling.

As a result, you can influence their decisions more closely, including to like you more, feel in love with you, and date you. In my experience, it’s like traditional courtship – except you use Mind Control and storytelling instead of flowers and chocolate.

Has it worked for me? The other info products (and, yes, those bootcamps too) have helped me get better in dealing with women, but I’ve always been stuck on a plateau. Women would like me and date me, but they’d never really fall in love enough to stay longer than a few months.

Shogun Method was what pushed me past plateau, I think. Last year I got into a committed relationship with a wonderful woman, and now we’re married.

Of course, now I have no need for most of what I learned in Shogun Method. But knowing how the female mind works has been a tremendous help for me personally. Keeping my wife happy is effortless for me, and it’s easy for me to spot the common pitfalls of marriage and avoid them ahead of time.

Bottom line: Do I recommend Shogun Method? Definitely NOT if you’re still “playing around” with women. I think it’s too dangerous, and you have no business making women fall in love with you if you have no intention of going the long haul.

But if you’re 100% committed to winning one woman’s heart and making her happy for the rest of her life with you (and if you can handle the controversial aspect of it), I think Shogun Method will help you. It helped me, at least.

End of quote.


Tip : don't ask these kind of questions about females here, because there will be guys around on these forums who will flood you with messages like "be a gentleman,man up ,buy her flowers,be nice,treat women with respect, agree with her, if she leaves you then it's your fault , if she cheated you then she is not your type" blah blah blah....

And there is another guy here who will flood you with magickal workings to make yourself kore masculine. Lmao. Won't name him.

Funda is simple. If you want to win in a love relationship with the women of today, then you have to know their mind flaws and how their mind works. Women already know how the mind of a man works so they Unknowingly and unconsciously and even most consciously exploit the mind flaws of men to get an upper hand in relationship and then ditch him like shit.

Go for this program. You won't regret buying it.

The author is Derek Rake. If you need help then you can ask me.

Shogun method has the capability to enable you to turn any woman on this planet into a Harley quin type of girl for you.

This is not an exaggeration or a metaphor. I mean it literally.
But remember this program does work only FACE TO FACE interactions. Online dating is complicated. Isn't worth it.

And if you are really playing around with women for sex and do not want a committed relationship then do not buy it. But if you want a committed happy relationship with a woman then go ahead and buy it.

I'll be around here to help you. You can ask Derek questions on Shogun method website after purchasing.
Remember this Shogun method program is dangerous if you are simply gonna use it to get laid. Because the woman will suffer if you are not serious with her and if you leave her then she will be psychologically damaged forever and she won't be the same person.

So use it on your own risk! There have been Shogun method practitioners that have suffered being Stalked by Women.

This is a kind of warning that, Shogun method is not something to dabble with. It is for serious men wanting to have a happy forever love relationship. Most men who have discovered this program were once just like you and me "the nice guys." Who thought so high of non SS women of modern world of today. What a fool I was.

If you experience some morality or ethical issues after purchasing and studying the material within Shogun Method then always remember and then question yourself "you want to be happy or dumped by every other woman you love and care?"

Ethics, morality has no place in Shogun Method. Remember that.

Following ethics and morals in dating world of this animal kingdom of today, is like, a noble man of ancient times is buying a woman of today animal kingdom all the treats and flowers, all of that like in ancient Satanic golden age, but the woman of today want something else not your flowers and shit.

That's why I quote here the statement of Satan *Work how the World Works*
Aquarius said:
You can try becoming a better person and developing your charisma and social skills so that you may actually be able to speak with her.

Oh yea and buy her flowers, chocolates, blah blahz man up, be a man, don't get hurt if she rejected you, if she cheated you then she is not your type.

Wake up! This is not your ancient Satanic golden age.

Why always blame a man for a failed relationship? I tell you why. Because a man doesn't know how the mind of a woman works and thus he doesn't know what a woman wants.

That's why a man really SHOULD be blamed for failed relationship with women because he doesn't have an idea of female mind workings. Period! Big PERIOD.

This is fucking common sense !!

And that is what Shogun method provides this *secret* knowledge about the mind workings of a woman.

That's it. There's nothing wrong in obtaining knowledge in order to make yourself work better in that field you lack knowledge about!!!!!!

If I'm not wrong, you are a female yourself.

This is not your Satanic golden age. You are completely going against the natural flow of things of this modern world of today where women want something not your flowers and chocolates or your abs, money, dick, or charisma, these don't make a woman fall in love with a man but only attract temporarily.

If anyone says that it's not moral to exploit the mind of a female then I'd say, a man is not doing it solely for himself but for him and her and for a overall better relationship with her and be able to make her happy after knowing what exactly the woman wants in a relationship and that is where Shogun method comes in to help.

I don't know why you guys don't understand this common sense. Get in touch with reality.
ModernMage said:
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

Dude just be a likeable person. You're approaching relationships in a fucked up mindset. You clearly have an abandonment issue since you don't want this girl to leave you EVER. We live in modern society not some feudal warlord shit, I AM MAN THEREFORE I MUST OWN WOMAN. Women are free to choose their partner AND leave them if they choose too. Trying to force this girl to like you is not the most ethical if she isn't infatuated with you already.

Instead of doing love magic I would suggest you do a working for yourself or spend your time on developing traits she or other women find attractive. Binding someone to love you forever is like holding their soul hostage. Become a man that women want to be with because you know what attracts them. Not some guy who manipulated them in ways they're not aware of so they'll like you.

Don't act like women are some kind of alien species they're just as human as you. I wish you luck and hope you treat women as another person and not an object for you to hold at your side or for you to stick your dick in because you're lonely.

Women aren't free to chose their partners. Love is also not a choice for them to make with someone specific.

Fact is, a woman doesn't know who to fall in love with. If an ugliest of the ugliest and fattest of the fattest man KNOWS how the mind of a woman works, one can be sure that she will fall in love with that useless man without even knowing why she actually love him or like him.

You like other men of this society are far from the Truth of this dating world of today.

Love has a different truest definition in the worlds of Gods , that definition doesn't apply to this current world of animals you call human society where everyone changes their mind every 2 hours.

Means which can be deemed immoral but doesn't hurt the operator can be used to get things done in this world. So long the operator knows the consequences of such.
I mean the immoral unthical means which doesn't hurt the operator and the receiver, but promotes a mutual healthy growth, is not immortal and unethical to me.
That sounds completly like something a Jew would come up with I looked it up. It might work as some of their stuff obviously does. However the end result is not happiness or actually enjoying life. Also again they interject being a total Jerk into being masculine which is dumb.

I am thinking people have to ignore any mainstream stuff if they are to have happy relationships.
sahasrarabliss said:
ModernMage said:
Does the "SHOGUN METHOD" really works on girls?

Does anyone know any books or spells regarding how to make a girl your Girlfriend..

I like a girl and want her to make my girlfriend. In general,such that she will never leave me again.

Dude just be a likeable person. You're approaching relationships in a fucked up mindset. You clearly have an abandonment issue since you don't want this girl to leave you EVER. We live in modern society not some feudal warlord shit, I AM MAN THEREFORE I MUST OWN WOMAN. Women are free to choose their partner AND leave them if they choose too. Trying to force this girl to like you is not the most ethical if she isn't infatuated with you already.

Instead of doing love magic I would suggest you do a working for yourself or spend your time on developing traits she or other women find attractive. Binding someone to love you forever is like holding their soul hostage. Become a man that women want to be with because you know what attracts them. Not some guy who manipulated them in ways they're not aware of so they'll like you.

Don't act like women are some kind of alien species they're just as human as you. I wish you luck and hope you treat women as another person and not an object for you to hold at your side or for you to stick your dick in because you're lonely.

Women aren't free to chose their partners. Love is also not a choice for them to make with someone specific.

Fact is, a woman doesn't know who to fall in love with. If an ugliest of the ugliest and fattest of the fattest man KNOWS how the mind of a woman works, one can be sure that she will fall in love with that useless man without even knowing why she actually love him or like him.

You like other men of this society are far from the Truth of this dating world of today.

Love has a different truest definition in the worlds of Gods , that definition doesn't apply to this current world of animals you call human society where everyone changes their mind every 2 hours.

Means which can be deemed immoral but doesn't hurt the operator can be used to get things done in this world. So long the operator knows the consequences of such.

Lol you must be swimming in da pusci.

Your idea of controlling women is totally fucked and by no means satanic. Guiding women into a loving relationship is completely different than manipulating their mind into believing they should love someone. Women are free to do whatever they want, how the fuck do you think it's ok to dictate the nature of one's soul?

You haven't the slightest clue how the world of the gods work when they advocate free thought, freedom of expression, and self reliance. The role of women in a relationship is to challenge men to transform themselves into a better man. Otherwise why would they wanna be with a man who isn't advancing? They wouldn't and they are free to leave these inferior men if they damn well choose too.

Disconnect from this jew thinking. You shouldn't put the pussy on the pedestal. But you also shouldn't act like women are something for you to control. All these programs are jew made to separate men and women as much as possible.

@OP you don't need any of these jew tactics to get a girl to like you. You are of Satan you already have an edge over every single guy out there. Advance yourself enough and you can attract the perfect woman for yourself. "If you ain't pimping, you're simping."
sahasrarabliss said:
Aquarius said:
You can try becoming a better person and developing your charisma and social skills so that you may actually be able to speak with her.

Oh yea and buy her flowers, chocolates, blah blahz man up, be a man, don't get hurt if she rejected you, if she cheated you then she is not your type.

Wake up! This is not your ancient Satanic golden age.

Why always blame a man for a failed relationship? I tell you why. Because a man doesn't know how the mind of a woman works and thus he doesn't know what a woman wants.

That's why a man really SHOULD be blamed for failed relationship with women because he doesn't have an idea of female mind workings. Period! Big PERIOD.

This is fucking common sense !!

And that is what Shogun method provides this *secret* knowledge about the mind workings of a woman.

That's it. There's nothing wrong in obtaining knowledge in order to make yourself work better in that field you lack knowledge about!!!!!!

If I'm not wrong, you are a female yourself.

This is not your Satanic golden age. You are completely going against the natural flow of things of this modern world of today where women want something not your flowers and chocolates or your abs, money, dick, or charisma, these don't make a woman fall in love with a man but only attract temporarily.

If anyone says that it's not moral to exploit the mind of a female then I'd say, a man is not doing it solely for himself but for him and her and for a overall better relationship with her and be able to make her happy after knowing what exactly the woman wants in a relationship and that is where Shogun method comes in to help.

I don't know why you guys don't understand this common sense. Get in touch with reality.
I'd rather buy flowers and act like a real man instead of acting like a loser who wants to get laid at all costs. I'm a guy by the way. I'm not what we italians call "Morto di figa" which means dead of pussy, if a relationship doesn't work I'm not going to use disgusting jewish tactics to make a girl stay with me because I'm scared of being alone, I'd rather be alone than with with a partner I am not happy with.
Shogun Method is based on the psychoanalytic hypnosis method of the reptile called Dr. Sigmund Freud, stolen from Satan and corrupted. They brag about their knowledge coming from Dr. Freud, Hollywood techniques and 'MK-DELTA' on the front page. The testimonials are from reptiles. One of the co-authors of the book is called Rubin and another Allman.

The original price of EACH of these books was 500 dollars. Remember, 'we' SS 'don't support these things', but ehm ahead goi toy.. you need to make the purchase to know anything.


Obviously this book touches upon the the fact men are supposed to take care of themselves and not be a total bum with zero status or drive. This is just a hook though.

Let's go through what the rest of this shit book teaches you:
- Any woman's love is never unconditional (odd, because for example men overwhelmingly leave women when they get sick opposed to the reverse)
- You can never trust or even like a woman
- Women fuck Chads and marry a provider
- Women all cheat
- Women are hypergamous (the actual data about marriages shows men are almost as hypergamous as women)
- We should idealize tribes opposed to civilization (contradicting the essence of Satanism which is to evolve humanity beyond mere apes, or shit eating reptiles, not that monogamy exists in tribes anyway)
- An entire chapter kvetching about how women only show unconditional love to their kids (just contradicted by basic observation not even worthwhile going into)

Needless to say, anyone who isn't a dumb shekel pusher and has a background in the occult would also realize how something built upon these paranoid, shaky and extremely negative premises and mindsets can fall apart in the worst way imaginable. These are essentially all designed to induce complete insecurity in someone from the get-go. This is not a good combination with witchcraft.

Then let's look at the techniques they use to seal the deal:
- Abuse by emotional conditioning (high then low over and over again)
- Pulling up someone's worst abusive experience, inserting yourself into it then manipulating it like a thoughtform to punish them
- Removing their mental identity and creating an alter
- Implanting false memories into someone and gaslighting
- Programming the subconscious mind and hypnosis to shift everything into a negative and traumatic dimension
- Demanding something is owed in perpetuity for being a worthless piece of shit
- Destroying their self-esteem
- Isolating them from everyone

This is like 'training' a dog with a shock collar. These are the techniques overwhelmingly used on the worst celebrity cases who are mainly fuckholes, drug addicts or mentally ill. The stated point of the above abusive techniques is to make a woman 'think' you are stronger, through an illusion and a thoughtform, instead of actually being strong and taking charge. This is what they have to rely on to be remotely appealing - imagine how a piece of shit like Woody Allen would get laid otherwise. Unlike the average incel retard, this type of thing that Hollyweird or $cien0 does is also backed up by massive amounts of infrastructure designed to support it.

These can go wrong in a million and one different ways. Creating a deadly stalker is the least of your worries.

I can assure you the Gods find these methods for this specific purpose to be a piece of shit, 'golden age' or not. Satan stands for truth, not illusions. SS are supposed to act as if we are in a golden age whether it exists or not. And those who trample upon our noble intentions receive our wrath. If we are attacked for doing the right thing, we get revenge. We do not enter into a hallway of reptilian mirrors that project their hangups and attempt to turn others into fuck dolls.

ROH, just find someone who is astrologically compatible with you and use spells as backup. Women's soul templates are all entirely different. But when you find someone compatible with you they will never want to leave and neither will you. You need to get yourself out there though.
Aquarius said:
sahasrarabliss said:
Aquarius said:
You can try becoming a better person and developing your charisma and social skills so that you may actually be able to speak with her.

Oh yea and buy her flowers, chocolates, blah blahz man up, be a man, don't get hurt if she rejected you, if she cheated you then she is not your type.

Wake up! This is not your ancient Satanic golden age.

Why always blame a man for a failed relationship? I tell you why. Because a man doesn't know how the mind of a woman works and thus he doesn't know what a woman wants.

That's why a man really SHOULD be blamed for failed relationship with women because he doesn't have an idea of female mind workings. Period! Big PERIOD.

This is fucking common sense !!

And that is what Shogun method provides this *secret* knowledge about the mind workings of a woman.

That's it. There's nothing wrong in obtaining knowledge in order to make yourself work better in that field you lack knowledge about!!!!!!

If I'm not wrong, you are a female yourself.

This is not your Satanic golden age. You are completely going against the natural flow of things of this modern world of today where women want something not your flowers and chocolates or your abs, money, dick, or charisma, these don't make a woman fall in love with a man but only attract temporarily.

If anyone says that it's not moral to exploit the mind of a female then I'd say, a man is not doing it solely for himself but for him and her and for a overall better relationship with her and be able to make her happy after knowing what exactly the woman wants in a relationship and that is where Shogun method comes in to help.

I don't know why you guys don't understand this common sense. Get in touch with reality.
I'd rather buy flowers and act like a real man instead of acting like a loser who wants to get laid at all costs. I'm a guy by the way. I'm not what we italians call "Morto di figa" which means dead of pussy, if a relationship doesn't work I'm not going to use disgusting jewish tactics to make a girl stay with me because I'm scared of being alone, I'd rather be alone than with with a partner I am not happy with.

You said you'd live alone if she leaves you? Ok tell me why would she leave you anyway?

Do you even know how committed a woman can be in a love relationship with a man?

On this planet, there is no woman who leaves her man without any valid reason if she is in love. And that valid reason will always be her man being incapable of keeping her in love with and interested in him. Nothing else.

Women can be very much and totally faithful lovers if you know how to make them so.

If you don't know HOW to keep your woman in love with you, then she will eventually leave you even if it was your wife. Then don't blame your woman that she wasn't your type bro, or she wasn't loyal who chose other men over you after some years of relationship. These are just used as an excuse by nice and so called gentlemen who justify their ignorance in this department and refuse to learn anything at all. Thinking they need to become a better man. Oh really? How would that help you in this department when you didn't even take any action to obtain the knowledge in this department?

I don't like these men who always BLAME Women for their failed relationship or their so called some sort of manly weaknesses which don't even matter in this case.

Just never blame a woman for your failed relationship. If a woman in relationship cheated on you, then I KNOW that you didn't know how to keep her interested and in love with you. You just didn't know how to feed her that need she craves from her man in true love.

You don't understand what I've said above. The program Shogun method isn't about helping some loser get laid. It's not its main aim.

It is for those men who want to have a long term forever happy relationship with a woman. This program has helped divorced men get their wives back, it has tremendously helped those who had been doing the same thing you would like to do "buy her flowers and hope she would like to be in a relationship with you and if she does she probably won't stay in for long enough, you have my word on this.

Merely just Buying a woman flowers is like directing energy without even programming it to tell it where it should go. It's very akin to that.

I've this program since 2-3 years and it also erases the Jewish alpha and beta and nice or macho guy mentality out of your mind and helps you to work with the world how the World works! And helps you see things how they really are in reality and provides a linear strict solution to that.

It aches to see some men over here and there telling that there are women who are cheaters by habit.

Tell you what? The cheater woman wasn't born a cheater. She developed this habit because of countless failures with men and how she was abused and used by men.

Even a cheater woman deeply desires inside her soul to have someone she can be eternally loyal to and love. But she never finds that one man. Ask me why?

Because all of you here are busy in making yourselves more manly,more better physically buy her flowers,buy her chocos, manup, be a man she desires (means changing yourself for someone) lul. These things of bettering yourself isn't bad..but it isn't going to help you in making a woman fall in LOVE.
ModernMage said:
sahasrarabliss said:
ModernMage said:
Dude just be a likeable person. You're approaching relationships in a fucked up mindset. You clearly have an abandonment issue since you don't want this girl to leave you EVER. We live in modern society not some feudal warlord shit, I AM MAN THEREFORE I MUST OWN WOMAN. Women are free to choose their partner AND leave them if they choose too. Trying to force this girl to like you is not the most ethical if she isn't infatuated with you already.

Instead of doing love magic I would suggest you do a working for yourself or spend your time on developing traits she or other women find attractive. Binding someone to love you forever is like holding their soul hostage. Become a man that women want to be with because you know what attracts them. Not some guy who manipulated them in ways they're not aware of so they'll like you.

Don't act like women are some kind of alien species they're just as human as you. I wish you luck and hope you treat women as another person and not an object for you to hold at your side or for you to stick your dick in because you're lonely.

Women aren't free to chose their partners. Love is also not a choice for them to make with someone specific.

Fact is, a woman doesn't know who to fall in love with. If an ugliest of the ugliest and fattest of the fattest man KNOWS how the mind of a woman works, one can be sure that she will fall in love with that useless man without even knowing why she actually love him or like him.

You like other men of this society are far from the Truth of this dating world of today.

Love has a different truest definition in the worlds of Gods , that definition doesn't apply to this current world of animals you call human society where everyone changes their mind every 2 hours.

Means which can be deemed immoral but doesn't hurt the operator can be used to get things done in this world. So long the operator knows the consequences of such.

Lol you must be swimming in da pusci.

Your idea of controlling women is totally fucked and by no means satanic. Guiding women into a loving relationship is completely different than manipulating their mind into believing they should love someone. Women are free to do whatever they want, how the fuck do you think it's ok to dictate the nature of one's soul?

You haven't the slightest clue how the world of the gods work when they advocate free thought, freedom of expression, and self reliance. The role of women in a relationship is to challenge men to transform themselves into a better man. Otherwise why would they wanna be with a man who isn't advancing? They wouldn't and they are free to leave these inferior men if they damn well choose too.

Disconnect from this jew thinking. You shouldn't put the pussy on the pedestal. But you also shouldn't act like women are something for you to control. All these programs are jew made to separate men and women as much as possible.

@OP you don't need any of these jew tactics to get a girl to like you. You are of Satan you already have an edge over every single guy out there. Advance yourself enough and you can attract the perfect woman for yourself. "If you ain't pimping, you're simping."

Nope. Even though I've tried this program but have never went along with it. As I always experienced someone preventing me from being with other Women. It feels like a blockage in the heart, it feels like if I'm even talking to an another woman, I feel like I'm betraying someone I don't even know who. Maybe it could be my past love life hampering present love life??

But I've used the basic technique of this program which in the first 5 seconds of conversation puts the woman in Trance state and engages the subconscious mind of a woman in a conversation. It puts her into a conscious hypnosis. This what bypass her conscious side of the brain.

Every woman on this planet is wired to REJECT YOUR DIRECT ADVANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you approaching her with flowers in your hand is only gonna REJECT you as you advanced to her in a direct manner showing your interest in her. This is how women of today are wired.

Yes, there is a conscious hypnosis. That basic technique is also leaked on the entire internet and is reviewed as dangerous as it is even by women themselves on forums.

All I wanna say that this progam isn't pickup arrtist shit or help you get laid. This is for serious men wanting to have a relationship forever with one woman you love.

Divorce rate is too high in the West and I know why..Hollywood is only an add on brainwashing women. It is something else. I can break this down into detail but men here would become so furious and give me lectures which don't apply to this current state of world and human mind of the present time.

And dude being a SS doesn't mean you can make any woman fall in love with you with magick or whatever. A relationship requires verbal communication. What you say and how you say to a woman is what matters. Nothing else.

This program isn't some Jewish tactics. Isn't some PUA or help you get laid. It is far from that shit.

@op, go for this program you won't regret. Otherwise, develop yourself spiritually and advance, then ask Satan for a Demon/ess lover. Reading what you wrote in your OP I can guess you really want a monogamous relationship.

Some guys here might have a mentality of like... If I develop myself spiritually,it would be so easy for me to keep a woman in love with me as long as I wish. So she will never leave me.


This surely helps but boy you will still need to communicate. What you gonna communicate with her? Knowing what to say to a woman is what determines how long your relationship will go with her.

This stuff isn't for those who are really serious about spirituality. As your mind will reject this material as soon as you look at it. It will also give you ethics hiccups, ethics issues mentally if you are really a sincere person from heart. But what do sincere nice guys get in the end?

But if you really want a human female lover, then you cannot go ahead with this alpha macho beta nice guy gentleman noble mentality with Human Women of the current world.
Free thought. Well.

Next time, or on this weekend. Approach a woman with flowers in your hand. Tell her you like her and love her and would like to be in a relationship with her.

Then come here and instead of you telling me what happened next, I'd tell you what actually happened there with you.

This program doesn't teach you some Jewish techniques or some plethora of techniques but actually provides you a linear solution in dating with women and making yourself do things better which promotes mutual likeness, love and harmony between two.

Without knowing what women want in a relationship, how you gonna actually build that relationship with her then huh? You can't just go ahead with a woman "oh well ya I'm a SS so she will like me. Or I have a strong aura so she won't leave me or won't reject me" these things don't help in this case but only work as a primer.

A love relationship in today's world REQUIRES 95% of VERBAL COMMUNICATION To make the bond STRONGER and BETTER.

That's it. That's all this program helps you become better and lead like a man. Far from that Alpha shit mentality. It doesn't even promote being a solely Alpha shit man or beta.
slyscorpion said:
That sounds completly like something a Jew would come up with I looked it up. It might work as some of their stuff obviously does. However the end result is not happiness or actually enjoying life. Also again they interject being a total Jerk into being masculine which is dumb.

I am thinking people have to ignore any mainstream stuff if they are to have happy relationships.

Nope. This program doesn't turn you into a total cocky macho jerk who treats woman badly. But instead helps you see the reality as it is and it also promotes to actually respect women and they are not born to be abused and treated like shit. Like other men treat them as sex objects.

This program doesn't tell you do all that macho shit. But something that is so NATURAL and it doesn't even require you to be a jerk to woman. It also tells you how to be yourself and follow your goals and have your own understanding and perception about things and life and much more.

Shogun practitioners don't insult or abuse Women. But keep a balance of respect as in a give and take balanced manner. Understand?
ModernMage said:
ModernMage said:
Lol you must be swimming in da pusci.

Your idea of controlling women is totally fucked and by no means satanic.

Don't women control their Men? :mrgreen: They control their men more than men control their women. Read on...

Your first mistake is, you'r applying this Satanic principle of *free thought to those who are not of Satan and these people don't give two flying fucks about your Satanic values, morals and ethics. Why? Because they do not understand your Satanic Definition of Love and they also change their mind every other hour. You know that?

Whatever you said applies only to Satanic Women who to some extent know what it is to be in a true love relationship.

And btw, do you even know every other woman is AWARE of the mind flaws of men and is constantly exploiting these mind flaws of men, both consciously and unconsciously??

It's like here she comes and She is exploiting your mind flaws to get your attention and get you to respond to her, and then when you didn't know what she actually wanted from you, she leaves you But...but then you are like..oh well maybe I need to make myself better, or oh well maybe she wasn't my type.

But who knows maybe Satan has something planned better for me in future?" Wtf? Seriously?

Please don't ruin yourself in this kind of stupid thinking pattern where you use tons of excuses and cover your lack of knowledge in this case and blame YOURSELF for not being better for a woman who has just left you or cheated you.

Fact is, you didn't know what a woman wants in a relationship, TODAY. Thus, she left you. It's not her fault but your lack of knowledge.

It would be hard for a man like you to digest this truth and women over here that they do exploit these mind flaws of men too.

Also, never ask dating advice from a woman either. You will fuck yourself up in the end if you do ask her.

You do not have sufficient experience with women. If you had you would have known a widely known fact that every other woman in love desires to CONTROL HER MAN and his ACTIONS.

Most women even get pissed off and upset over if her man don't call her back, or don't reply her texts and if her man spends time with his friends or his female mates.

I hope you know that common fact. Now what is that? Isn't a man free to spend as much as time with his mates even when he gives enough time and attention to his woman?

Now what do you call this kind of controlling? Aren't men free? Why don't they apply free thought to their men? Because they are not SATANIC. They are without.

So don't apply your Satanic principles such as free thought and hope that everything is going to be good with that woman who is *without*.

Come back to me when you actually get into a real love relationship, I'd describe the things she does to you without even you telling me that all.

But if you have been in a relationship and you haven't experienced this kind of controlling by women, then she wasn't truly in love with YOU. Chances are she must have kept attention seekers around and other men too.

If a woman doesn't seek to control her man and his actions, you can be sure that she is not truly in love with him and isn't really serious about him either but she is putting herself first and herself on a pedestal over his man.
What a cringe post... So you're selling us this program and never even used it. And it also smells of that red pill garbage that treats women as inferior and non-thinking beings. Only losers have something to gain from this, because instead of developing themselves and becoming suitable partners, which is more hard by the way, you start using jewish tactics to attract women, and usually these tactics work for naive and slutty ones, not good decent ones.

Much of what you said about Shogun Method is BS. You didn't read the material yourself but instead you copied this from a "nice guy's article or a furious woman against this program" who wrote her/his own review about Shogun Method without even purchasing it and reading and studying the material within.

It's simple. If you want to have a sincere love relationship then go for a Satanic female or Demoness lover.

If you want to have a happy long lasting relationship which turns into a happy marriage forever with a Female who is not a Satanist, then approach without your Satanic values and morals. Because you will be stomped over by her if you approach her like as if you are in some kind of ancient Golden age in Greece.

This is not how things work with these women of today's world.

One question for you :

Why a girlfriend and wife picks up a fight out of nowhere with their partner? Without any valid reason. Why? You probably don't know. And won't even get to find or figure out a truthful answer on your own to that.

This is the most common problem for men when they are faced with their women's emotional drama in one way or another without any reason or sometimes for petty reasons too.

This is one situation where Shogun method comes in to fix this thing for Men by providing the knowledge on how to tackle these kind of situations.

You are not supposed to act as if you are in golden age with those who are without Satan.

People like you cry in the end when your woman leaves you for other man and then you cover up your lack of knowledge about Women by pathetic excuses.

Being a SS doesn't make you invincible either.

Why shouldn't you act as if you are in golden age or not and behave like a good Satanist with these people who are without?

Answer is simple. Because they will not think twice before stomping over you for other new partner as they lack ethics in this relationship case.

And your only fault was you were just "loving ,nice , attentive like a good boyfriend or husband and caring" towards them but still they left you or divorced you.

Approaching a person (with Satanic Mentality) who changes her mind every hour and isn't a SS, will be a grave mistake.

Finding a compatible non SS partner isn't even going to help you in the long run.

I'm sorry but you guys do not even have the slightest clue about the Mind of Women of today.

You are only reading one side of the story about Men manipulating women to keep them forever in love with them. But..

I'm sure you do not even have the slightest clue about HOW WOMEN MANIPULATE MEN to get things done and EXPLOIT the Mind flaws of men for their selfish purposes.

If you are so against Manipulating women, then what do you really have to say about every single woman manipulating men and exploiting the mind flaws of men??? What would you say about that? Nothing really. You wouldn't even admit that women do exploit these mind flaws of men.

You are not a person for this stuff. Get back to meditation.

As I said, this stuff isn't for the sincere nicest Spiritual men who just want to grow and grow spiritually and do not have any need for a devoted human non SS woman partner.

Shogun method can be summarised as a knowledge which provides you a Method so you can give your Woman what she Actually wants in w relationship with You.

That's all where it helps you. Nothing immoral or Jewish about it. Because Women do manipulate their men in their everyday life to get their stuff done whether it's a coworker,a friend or a boyfriend or a husband.

Don't quote me on this that they don't. If a woman tells you they don't do that, and you believe her. Well. Then Good luck for your emotional health damnation.

One free tip for you. Asian women require a softer approach while western white women require a balls to the walls approach.

Nevertheless, regardless of race of a woman, their mind is hardwired in pretty much the similar way.
InlovewithSatan666 said:

Okay. Serious question, if you throw Satanic principles in the bin for a bunch of kabbalistic shit garbage, why are you here?

NOTHING on the site or otherwise says non-Satanists have no free will. Nor does it say they are playthings where you can swerve Satanism altogether and just use enemy programming because 'the rules of Satan don't apply to these scum, so I can use the $2000 dollar techniques of ha-shit to make them my golems!''

InlovewithSatan666 said:
Even though I've tried this program but have never went along with it.

THEN YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE OF IT OR ITS CONSEQUENCES. Why are you shilling for something you have not done?

InlovewithSatan666 said:
It aches to see some men over here and there telling that there are women who are cheaters by habit.

Tell you what? The cheater woman wasn't born a cheater. She developed this habit because of countless failures with men and how she was abused and used by men.

Straight outta the mouth of Dr. Fraud. Try telling the Venus in Gemini woman to keep it in her pants or that she can't because of abuse or 'betas'. Anything more you want to add? Did a Satanic cult abduct that type of woman and put her in a basement and make her promiscuous too?

InlovewithSatan666 said:
That's it. That's all this program helps you become better and lead like a man. Far from that Alpha shit mentality. It doesn't even promote being a solely Alpha shit man or beta.

You are lying. The entire first book is about alpha/beta, chad/provider bullshit dichotomy with tons of claims about 'all women'. These techniques are not going to help you 'lead like a man' they are designed to make someone insecure from the get-go.

InlovewithSatan666 said:
This stuff isn't for those who are really serious about spirituality. As your mind will reject this material as soon as you look at it. It will also give you ethics hiccups, ethics issues mentally if you are really a sincere person from heart. But what do sincere nice guys get in the end?

But if you really want a human female lover, then you cannot go ahead with this alpha macho beta nice guy gentleman noble mentality with Human Women of the current world.

Human compared to what? A reptile? I never thought the enemy was that prevalent on these forums, I never believed the accusations about LovingSoul or others, but I am getting VERY VERY VERY strong vibes here.

>Ehmmm, don't do this if you're serious about Satanism goi, only do it if you're blasphemous enough to convene with ha-shit and willing to abandon your ethics, after all its only for people who speak nonsense on the forums and whose shit-imprinted soul is allergic to RTRs
>Buy this 2000 dollar program now, you won't regret it! Here's a paid review!
>Satanism isn't enough. MK DELTA is better!
>Make other people into your scat golems!
>30,000 word wall of text hawking some shit product like your life depends on it
You are also defending women even when women are in majority for filing a divorce against their husbands over petty reasons. Husbands are in a minority for doing such. And such is the case in the West and even in the East now.

Majority of female actresses are divorcing their man after 15-20+ years of marriage. Did their men cheat? Most probably NOT.

This is something you will NEVER understand why they leave their husbands even after years of spending life together.

Women nowadays aren't afraid of leaving their husbands because they do easily get a second Life partner even after divorce and they do not have those traditional shackles they used to be restricted by few decades ago.

Now tell me. Why women are in the majority of filing a divorce against their husbands?

Women don't tell you the real reasons.

Ask any woman on this planet who is in love this question :. Why do you love or like your man?

Chances are every other woman will give you similar answer : "ahh he respects me, he is nice and decent to me, he actually knows how to love a woman, blah blah blah"

Their answer to this question will always be similar because they THEMSELVES do NOT know why in the hell they actually fell for this man they love in the first place.

A woman is a complete open book. Nothing too complex about what she wants.

And I mean whatever you said about This Method is true not BS , but the way you worded it in is what arises controversy against it.

This method has been very much controversial.

In this world of lies, Truth faces controversies. But lies don't.

Whenever something in this world of lies becomes controversial..you can be sure that something contains some "Truth".
sahasrarabliss said:

women are "bitches" cause on this society values are completely destroyed. Yes it sucks that 90% of women AND men! have been absorbed by this mentality.

Personally I have met only ONE girl that had values, self-respect and independence. The rest I have "dated" are just not worthy of a serious relationship if you're worried about cheating and stuff.

A girl gets mad at you, goes to a club has a few beers, cheats on you then blames alcohol and anger. This is scum behaviour but we all know men and women do it. The same way we ignore what leftards have to say, you should ignore whatever these women/men do (if cheating bothers you that much)

Or you could always do a spell and find someone that matches you, but that long ass wall of text explaining why women are natural cheaters is bs
InlovewithSatan666 said:
ModernMage said:
ModernMage said:
Lol you must be swimming in da pusci.

Your idea of controlling women is totally fucked and by no means satanic.

Don't women control their Men? :mrgreen: They control their men more than men control their women. Read on...

Your first mistake is, you'r applying this Satanic principle of *free thought to those who are not of Satan and these people don't give two flying fucks about your Satanic values, morals and ethics. Why? Because they do not understand your Satanic Definition of Love and they also change their mind every other hour. You know that?

Whatever you said applies only to Satanic Women who to some extent know what it is to be in a true love relationship.

And btw, do you even know every other woman is AWARE of the mind flaws of men and is constantly exploiting these mind flaws of men, both consciously and unconsciously??

It's like here she comes and She is exploiting your mind flaws to get your attention and get you to respond to her, and then when you didn't know what she actually wanted from you, she leaves you But...but then you are like..oh well maybe I need to make myself better, or oh well maybe she wasn't my type.

But who knows maybe Satan has something planned better for me in future?" Wtf? Seriously?

Please don't ruin yourself in this kind of stupid thinking pattern where you use tons of excuses and cover your lack of knowledge in this case and blame YOURSELF for not being better for a woman who has just left you or cheated you.

Fact is, you didn't know what a woman wants in a relationship, TODAY. Thus, she left you. It's not her fault but your lack of knowledge.

It would be hard for a man like you to digest this truth and women over here that they do exploit these mind flaws of men too.

Also, never ask dating advice from a woman either. You will fuck yourself up in the end if you do ask her.

You do not have sufficient experience with women. If you had you would have known a widely known fact that every other woman in love desires to CONTROL HER MAN and his ACTIONS.

Most women even get pissed off and upset over if her man don't call her back, or don't reply her texts and if her man spends time with his friends or his female mates.

I hope you know that common fact. Now what is that? Isn't a man free to spend as much as time with his mates even when he gives enough time and attention to his woman?

Now what do you call this kind of controlling? Aren't men free? Why don't they apply free thought to their men? Because they are not SATANIC. They are without.

So don't apply your Satanic principles such as free thought and hope that everything is going to be good with that woman who is *without*.

Come back to me when you actually get into a real love relationship, I'd describe the things she does to you without even you telling me that all.

But if you have been in a relationship and you haven't experienced this kind of controlling by women, then she wasn't truly in love with YOU. Chances are she must have kept attention seekers around and other men too.

If a woman doesn't seek to control her man and his actions, you can be sure that she is not truly in love with him and isn't really serious about him either but she is putting herself first and herself on a pedestal over his man.[/quote]

I cant believe your advocating using this kind of stuff. I as a guy am open enough to realize women are just as human as I am and just as unique as guys are. Why in the world would anyone bother with these types of techniques when secret is as a guy no matter what your doing or who you are there is some girl who shares your experiences.

The secret to this and it will work I gaurentee you.

I am so confident I could make a bet that if I wanted to I could have a woman in a month anytime I want not doing anything different than what I am doing and she would come to me in the physical and not the other way around.

My girl knows this secret too and in the past used it to attract people she didn't do anything different and had a lot of partners in the past.

I gaurentee she could do the same thing now if she wanted. But we are happy together so I dont worry too much about her doing this then leaving etc.

The secret is meditation and opening yourself up to the astral. You need to be open enough to sense things the more the better and faster this is. Many on here could do this.

Visualize in your mind what you want your perfect partner try to be as realistic as possible. Maybe say an affirmation to focus what you want on a few specific things.

In your mind as you do this will form the image of your partner it can be quite realistic. It will start to take on personality traits and be a certain way. The fantasy you had will become more specific and maybe some traits of your perfect partner will disappear or become different as you focus.

This is your woman you have connected to the energy of an actual person that exists now you will begin to feel their energy in you.

Will the person to you to contact you. Now is your time if you want this easier to try to visualize the area around your partner is it familiar where they hang out etc.

If so that is where you go to meet her. If not this will still work.

Now is your time to add in runes or a spell to attract them to you. You will probably have your perfect partner by your side in a week or two maybe more maybe less.

That's the secret.

Same with friends you can will people to you if you want. Just leave out the love and sex stuff and focus on something different you want there.

This shit actually works I did it a bunch of times as did others.
Amazing. I came here after long time, scrolling down reading topics, I opened this one and was disgusted af!

Kindly remove posts promoting Jewish filth that promotes abuse and enslavement. Posts mainly by "SahasraraBliss & InlovewithSatan666".

They/him/her openly promoting to abuse and enslave a Woman and abuse her emotionally? Please ban them or warn them if they are not trolls!
V12-POWER said:
sahasrarabliss said:

women are "bitches" cause on this society values are completely destroyed. Yes it sucks that 90% of women AND men! have been absorbed by this mentality.

Personally I have met only ONE girl that had values, self-respect and independence. The rest I have "dated" are just not worthy of a serious relationship if you're worried about cheating and stuff.

A girl gets mad at you, goes to a club has a few beers, cheats on you then blames alcohol and anger. This is scum behaviour but we all know men and women do it. The same way we ignore what leftards have to say, you should ignore whatever these women/men do (if cheating bothers you that much)

:D Atleast someone works how the World works and sees the reality objectively like you do.

Forward your this message to these Satanic men who are thinking so high of these Women.

Even a Satanic woman who is not astrally opened enough will tend to display traits these women have.

Satanic women will also not tend to leave their satanic partners... because? Ask me why??? Because...Satanists are in minority today.

Another thing is , a woman is attracted to "WHAT IS RARE" and is on constant lookup for novelty for her amusement.

Imagine a world full of Satanists... They have options then.

These men would puke if they were told the dark nature of women. They wouldn't even admit at all.

If I told these men one in a million ways of How a woman viciously EXPLOIT the Mind Flaws of Men to get her stuff done selfishly, they would become *Womanizers* then and defend women foolishly. Lmao. These men cannot just digest the UGLY Truth of Women of today.

They wouldn't even admit how a woman has a great tendency to even LIE ABOUT EVERY OTHER LITTLE THING. Yes, they do lie alot even about the pettiest things of the World.

Or you could always do a spell and find someone that matches you, but that long ass wall of text explaining why women are natural cheaters is bs

No. I didn't call all women or a woman natural cheater. But I called men the stupid men and these men should be blamed for failed relationship and also for being cheated on by their woman.

No women are not naturally bitches. They tend to act like one because their man didn't know what she wanted in a relationship with them to stay loyal to her man.

But it is true that a woman's loyatly to her man is opportunistic as she is incapable of sacrificing for her man. But it's different with a woman to her child relationship.

Tell you what? Even my own mother didn't spare her husband and she chose me over her husband and almost left him. See? Women's loyalty to her man is OPPORTUNISTIC, they are not capable of sacrificing for their Man.

If a man does not have power over her woman, and if she is not shit scared of leaving her man for other men, then she is not in LOVE with her man because?
A woman can fall in love with you today, but there's no guarantee that she will be in love with tomorrow too. And that's where men lack knowledge on how to keep their woman in love with them as long as they want to.
Karnonnos said:
InlovewithSatan666 said:

Okay. Serious question, if you throw Satanic principles in the bin for a bunch of kabbalistic shit garbage, why are you here?

NOTHING on the site or otherwise says non-Satanists have no free will. Nor does it say they are playthings where you can swerve Satanism altogether and just use enemy programming because 'the rules of Satan don't apply to these scum, so I can use the $2000 dollar techniques of ha-shit to make them my golems!''

InlovewithSatan666 said:
Even though I've tried this program but have never went along with it.

THEN YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE OF IT OR ITS CONSEQUENCES. Why are you shilling for something you have not done?

InlovewithSatan666 said:
It aches to see some men over here and there telling that there are women who are cheaters by habit.

Tell you what? The cheater woman wasn't born a cheater. She developed this habit because of countless failures with men and how she was abused and used by men.

Straight outta the mouth of Dr. Fraud. Try telling the Venus in Gemini woman to keep it in her pants or that she can't because of abuse or 'betas'. Anything more you want to add? Did a Satanic cult abduct that type of woman and put her in a basement and make her promiscuous too?

InlovewithSatan666 said:
That's it. That's all this program helps you become better and lead like a man. Far from that Alpha shit mentality. It doesn't even promote being a solely Alpha shit man or beta.

You are lying. The entire first book is about alpha/beta, chad/provider bullshit dichotomy with tons of claims about 'all women'. These techniques are not going to help you 'lead like a man' they are designed to make someone insecure from the get-go.

InlovewithSatan666 said:
This stuff isn't for those who are really serious about spirituality. As your mind will reject this material as soon as you look at it. It will also give you ethics hiccups, ethics issues mentally if you are really a sincere person from heart. But what do sincere nice guys get in the end?

But if you really want a human female lover, then you cannot go ahead with this alpha macho beta nice guy gentleman noble mentality with Human Women of the current world.

Human compared to what? A reptile? I never thought the enemy was that prevalent on these forums, I never believed the accusations about LovingSoul or others, but I am getting VERY VERY VERY strong vibes here.

>Ehmmm, don't do this if you're serious about Satanism goi, only do it if you're blasphemous enough to convene with ha-shit and willing to abandon your ethics, after all its only for people who speak nonsense on the forums and whose shit-imprinted soul is allergic to RTRs
>Buy this 2000 dollar program now, you won't regret it! Here's a paid review!
>Satanism isn't enough. MK DELTA is better!
>Make other people into your scat golems!
>30,000 word wall of text hawking some shit product like your life depends on it

I was going to reply to each of your questions, but it's not worth it.

You have a different way to look which is, you look at the world subjectively and I look at it objectively as it is.
MaryZurick said:
Amazing. I came here after long time, scrolling down reading topics, I opened this one and was disgusted af!

Kindly remove posts promoting Jewish filth that promotes abuse and enslavement. Posts mainly by "SahasraraBliss & InlovewithSatan666".

They/him/her openly promoting to abuse and enslave a Woman and abuse her emotionally? Please ban them or warn them if they are not trolls!
We should not ban them because these people legit have problems and we might as well make them understand that.

As for inlovewithSatan666, the way you speak about women is the same way a mgtow would speak about them, how somebody who was hurt and is mentally weak would speak. There's bad women, genius, but there's also bad men, the so called nice guys who act all nice and then when the woman doesn't want them they start attacking all women thinking that they are all bad, and that's how an incel/idiot is created.
Karnonnos said:


But one of the consequences I surely know which you have already mentioned is " it is responsible for creating a deadly stalker" :mrgreen:

That is the least of your worry as you said. Which is true.

And is ofcourse not a pleasant thing.

But I love Women stalking me. At the beginning it is pleasurable but then soon it becomes a pain in the ass if you have a woman stalker stalking you even in the midnight.

Whatever you said above is true about it, but you might NOT know that, this is the least ugliest and immoral unethical method as compared to the *Manipulation of Men* done by Women. And not to forget the dirtiest and unethical type of mind games they play on Men to get their stuff done!

I hope you know that every other woman is wired naturally to manipulate and exploit the mind flaws of men. I can explain how they do this and what are those flaws but anyway.

My point is, if women do these manipulation to get men's attention, and respond to them even when the man didn't even want to but he was visually and audibly manipulated and exploited by the woman...THEN...

Why do you think it is wrong for a man to exploit the flaws of female mind and build a happy love relationship with her so she never go dissatisfied with him and if she does then that man has these tools to bring her back on track with him.

So what's so immoral in this?

If you look at this rationally, this is just FAIR-FAIR and WIN-WIN Situation where both man and the woman stays happy together FOREVER.

MaryZurick said:
Amazing. I came here after long time, scrolling down reading topics, I opened this one and was disgusted af!

Kindly remove posts promoting Jewish filth that promotes abuse and enslavement. Posts mainly by "SahasraraBliss & InlovewithSatan666".

They/him/her openly promoting to abuse and enslave a Woman and abuse her emotionally? Please ban them or warn them if they are not trolls!

I completly agree not to mention these ideas are sexist for lack of a better term and see women as objects.

If anyone actually wanted to see what a Jew actually thinks in his own private life and probably what who wrote this Shogun method is thinking read this.


This is a perfect example. You very much see where this line of thinking is going and that the person who wrote that filth in actuality thinks like what is written in this article. I found that a long time ago searching for something unrelated to this after an article on here but I wanted to share it again cause it fits this to show exactly the mindset of the kind of people who wrote this.

No one should be taking dating advice from people like this.

If your not disgusted after seeing the actual truth in how these people think then this place isnt for you. I hope the people promoting this wake up it's so obviously Jewish.
Might as well make a small electronic bug that will crawl inside the ear of a woman and insert a microchip into her brain, then you can control her with your phone... fastest way to get that mind controlled pussy, boi! /sarcasm

Gods, I can't wait for the brothels in the SS world so garbage like pickup artists, pickup books and using bullshit to get laid dies off permanently.

Just do a love working and affirm you are attracting a perfect partner for you. Or if you really want a specific girl, you can affirm that you are attracting her. But if she doesn't like you, it won't work or it will backfire.
Nice strawman, bro. Working on your personality doesn't mean buying flowers or doing other normie bullshit that doesn't work. There's a middle line between a clueless normie and a manipulative psychopath, just because you refuse to be the one doesn't mean you must be the other one. There's The Way of the Superior Man book that is all about that and goes deep into female psychology but without any manipulative bullshit. Here is a free pdf of it:


sahasrarabliss said:
Oh yea and buy her flowers, chocolates, blah blahz man up, be a man, don't get hurt if she rejected you, if she cheated you then she is not your type.
You're lucky you didn't google it. It's much worse than the replies here. These are men who had bad experiences with women or have seen bad experiences other people have and think that the only way to go is manipulating them. Just like there are women who had abusive partners and use manipulative techniques to trap men into marriage, like The Rules book or any female dating best-seller in Amazon. All of them don't realize that the best is to walk the middle way, not being manipulative without being clueless either and understand what the other sex goes through before thinking they are all bad.

MaryZurick said:
Amazing. I came here after long time, scrolling down reading topics, I opened this one and was disgusted af!
You know that there are women who think this way too, right? There is an entire subreddit called Female Dating Strategy (I'm not going to link that toxic shit for obvious reasons) where women claim men are abusers and leave their partners andt hey lie in order to get sex from them so they must manipulate and enslave them to make them stay. Even recommend things like not having sex with your boyfriend at all and if you want sex to hook up with someone else. There are books like "Why Men Like Bitches" that are very popular with women. Your first reaction may be "these women might have experiences with the wrong men and they assume all men are like that". Well duh, why wouldn't it be the same with you or anyone else who supportsthis manipulative BS? Or it could be both men and women, most of them at least could be shit because of the jew-ruined system.

Women are the majority filing divorces, but the number is decreasing if you look up the stats. As a matter of fact, most marriages last over 20 years so most women don't divorce their husbands anyway. Your logic is the same as the feminists who say because the majority of pedophiles are men men are bad. Nevermind that less than 1% of men are pedophiles. Actresses don't represent the average woman either.

InlovewithSatan666 said:
You are also defending women even when women are in majority for filing a divorce against their husbands over petty reasons. Husbands are in a minority for doing such. And such is the case in the West and even in the East now.

Majority of female actresses are divorcing their man after 15-20+ years of marriage. Did their men cheat? Most probably NOT.

This is something you will NEVER understand why they leave their husbands even after years of spending life together.

Women nowadays aren't afraid of leaving their husbands because they do easily get a second Life partner even after divorce and they do not have those traditional shackles they used to be restricted by few decades ago.

Now tell me. Why women are in the majority of filing a divorce against their husbands?

Women don't tell you the real reasons.

Ask any woman on this planet who is in love this question :. Why do you love or like your man?

Chances are every other woman will give you similar answer : "ahh he respects me, he is nice and decent to me, he actually knows how to love a woman, blah blah blah"

Their answer to this question will always be similar because they THEMSELVES do NOT know why in the hell they actually fell for this man they love in the first place.

A woman is a complete open book. Nothing too complex about what she wants.

And I mean whatever you said about This Method is true not BS , but the way you worded it in is what arises controversy against it.

This method has been very much controversial.

In this world of lies, Truth faces controversies. But lies don't.

Whenever something in this world of lies becomes controversial..you can be sure that something contains some "Truth".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
