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Is there a meditation to switch off emotions?


New member
May 25, 2019
Beginner here, I saw another guy talking about that. Is there a meditation to switch off your emotions completely? To stop feeling anything? If so, I'd like a detailed guide since I'm new.
Why do you want to do that,your emotions are a good thing,your about to create big problems for yourself
We just had a member say he can't feel emotions anymore because he did that,since your new start meditating and don't go ruining yourself
Invoke Air if your advanced enough. Just be careful to remain balanced. From my experiences An abundance of Air can give a lack of emotions. Although dont confuse it with suppressing emotions as that would lead to trouble.
Read this thread: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19723

There are many reasons why you shouldn't.
Nobody here is going to teach you how to permanently damage yourself! I guess you didn't really read what they said because those people talk that it was a mistake that they wish they could reverse, and want to know how to regain the senses they shut away. Don't make stupid permanent mistakes that permanently damage you! :x If you're having problems, then fix your problems. You don't fix a problem by covering it up and dulling your senses, you fix it by actually directly fixing the cause.
Yeah, in isolation. No easy caves in modern times, but be alone, stop caring about anything at all, tell yourself because of higher aspect of reality nothing need matter so you may care or not as you wish.

Contemplate How you know all you can know and the mind that sees the mind thing about the personality yours iin mind that presives the brain and how you see. Contemplate what mind is thinking of the thoughts in your mind when you study them.

Contemplate infinity void, and concentric circles.Yogic breathing and focused mind on single mantra or image dark rooms blank walls, nothing more.

Read good instructions and be safe though. Emotions are just things like ideas, part of life as people live it. You need not react or be acted on even by yourself.

Glamorize the will, the void romanticize it and think from the back of your head without words. That will do it.
Be silent, focus image mantra a single focus nothing else a small flame in the dark of your mind push away all else.

If it feels too much say thing like:

Say I am here. I am now. I exist. I see. I see my mind and with what mind do I contemplate and change it? Think of this in quite and solitude in desolation, with no input or little.

I see my thoughts. I see emotions I see energy and life in all. See this! Wait.

All one but I retain myself.

I can know.

Nothing maters, yet I may know and see what I wish out of nothing which is everything. I am darkness. I can chose to see what I wish. All is void so nothing matters. So all is possible that means nothing I can feel.

I need not feel, why? I can feel any emotion I wish but why? Its all my imagination at play or not, in my body
relaxed I feel nothing. (Do this)

Emotions are things like my thoughts or my chair or the sky. Look or look away, all the same yet as I wish.

No data is beyond me my mind is all minds and yet my mind and personalty are my own. I am myself yet I see myself I see my emotions and my thoughts.

Like that yeah. Make it your own.
That would be extremely dangerous and anti-Natural. You are to have emotions - you just need to control them. A major importance in Spiritual Satanism is to have control and balance, balance and control. Turning off/deactivating/deleting a part of your very essence kills you in one or more ways, and that is anti-everything-positive/beneficial/Spiritual.

Check your Natal (Astrology) chart. You can use a programme called Zet9. Input your date, time and location of birth - and never share these details with just anyone! - and check what Zet9 interprets about you. You can also learn Astrology yourself, by visiting Azazel's Astrology for Satanists or you can ask HPHC and/or Lydia to do one for you, but they will charge you for the service; you can do it yourself for free, of course.

Here, you should learn about yourself and your constitution (make-up), including your Elements and the Planetary influences upon you - some of which you might be overwhelmed with, such as, as you indicated, your emotions. You must have balance - once you get on and advance properly, you should then do some Element work to balance your Elements, but start with the Aether, which contains all the Elements and can help balance them within you.

If you have trouble concentrating where your emotions might be influencing your thoughts, then you should do Void meditation (which should be done anyway if needed). Aura of Protection and Aura, Chakra and Soul cleaning at least twice per day + more when interacting with others... Generally, Spiritual meditation helps to keep you in-line altogether anyway. Always speak and think positively about yourself. When doing affirmations, speak them positively and in the present tense, i.e. saying, "I am...", instead of saying the opposite "I am not..." and don't say "I will" because the Mind doesn't understand "will" - when will "will" happen? Speak and think positively and in the present tense. It might take a bit of experimenting to get the affirmations correct.
Be in control of your emotions. You achieve that by doing void meditation. Switching off emotions will be a very serious problem as strong emotions are essential in working magick.
Its bad to suppress emotions but when you meditate you learn to control your emotions. And the best meditation to learn how to do that is void meditation and trance training.
nino said:
Beginner here, I saw another guy talking about that. Is there a meditation to switch off your emotions completely? To stop feeling anything? If so, I'd like a detailed guide since I'm new.

emotions are only natural so I'm not sure it's wise to consider switching them off completely. void meditation and using affirmations can help with controlling your emotions.
There is no guide about this. That guy also said that he feels horrible for this and he regret it. Why would SS teach people how to switch off their emotions? We are not robots.

It doesn't matter what problems you had that made you think like this. Running away won't fix nothing and also you will regret it like the other member because you will start feeling like a robot. If you want a guide, there are definitely plenty of spiritual ways about how to fix your problems, not to run away from them.
I would say dont do this. It makes you feel less alive and empty. Everything turns boring and you lose some power for spiritual things. It is possible I know this as do a lot of people on here and other places. However it is not a good thing at all.

Emotions make you feel alive. Do it and you will regret it and who knows how long it will take to get them back fully.

Do you want to not be able to laugh or smile too. This will happen. I dont think you can just shut out what you want. It will be like total dullness and nothing.

I think a combination of too much air invoking and drug abuse like I mentioned did it for me. The element air is one surefire way to do it like one person said I honestly wish they had not cause I am afraid you will do it and regret it. That will seriously unbalance your soul and be a big mistake. I wont deny this ill just say work on your problems work through them. This isnt the solution to anything.

This will be hard to undo if you do it and you wont be happy you will just feel empty and less human.
Is it important exercise, things can mess with your feelings telepathically you may one day find yourself unable to control yourself except by will and sense of order and rightness. On/off. Going on logic like a working computer on auto-pilot if the captain is impaired or cannot be trusted, until rightness is restored, because the higher instinct always feels if you know it or not anyway, seeking evolution and expression of itself. This desire is always in life to be suppressed or nurtured by creativity and desire.

Telepathically you can be given a happy drug, or have your emotions switched off and manipulated by a ordinary person consciously a small trick, and a little study and training ''with knowledge of you'' and almost anyone to degree can do this in a few months of work. You do need to sleep you know.

I agree you cant permanently lose a vital element of life, a tool, but emotions serve you not you them. You should do whats right for you no matter what you feel and be able to call and dismiss even desire at will, better and better and still act in your best interests, no mater what!
You really don't want to do that. Trust me I did that and it's not worth it. Everything will feel the same, doesn't matter if you win the lottery or if you're in the middle of a warzone. Both will feel the same. You will constantly feel the same neutral feeling 24/7. In the end, you will feel disconnected from this world and other people(i.e., feeling like a robot).

Even if it seems like a good idea now, you'll regret it later on.
nino said:
I need them gone because of a mental disorder
It's a mental disorder to want to have your emotions gone. If you ignore our advice, and continue on ignorantly, saying, "not want emoshuns!" then we should ignore you and not continue trying to tell you things which can help you. Do you want to chop your brain out, also? You need it as well as your emotions.
nino said:
I need them gone because of a mental disorder
That is not IN ANY WAY how it works! Our emotions are the source of every bit of our power in every way! Would you prefer to be one of those dead-soul numb zombie goys who just float around like they aren't even alive?

Satanism is all about controlling yourself into becoming better and stronger in every way. Directing the forces of your soul into raising yourself up. If you have so little control over yourself that you have to attack yourself instead and make yourself weaker, to remove these natural forces out from your soul forever, then you are only doing the exact opposite of nature in every way, and the exact opposite of Satanism! Fix whatever you have to fix by making yourself stronger, not weaker. Everything you do that harms yourself and makes you weaker means you're actively working for the enemy in that moment, against yourself and against all of us. All our souls are connected together and we all make each other stronger when we make ourselves stronger; it's all multiplied together.

If you felt depressed or anxious or any other thing, you aren't the only one. Most of us have felt that before. But we fix it by making our souls stronger and directly fixing the root problems. Numbing and weakening yourself down is only the way to make all your problems much worse, not better.
I hope though on this topic I didnt permanently damage my soul. If any of you fully got your emotions back then how. I am starting to feel them all again its just still blunted.
nino said:
I need them gone because of a mental disorder

So somehow your thought process lead you to decide that emotions are the problem and not the mental disorder? That's an odd way of thinking about it. And by odd i mean completely retarded. Emotions are necessary as its energy and energy is power. The stronger the emotion the more energy there is. Energy is the driving force behind any magickal working or action in general.

How about instead of trying to turn off your emotions you learn to control them instead of having them control you. This is done through void meditation as it trains you to remove unwanted thoughts and feelings from the mind at will. Then there is concentration exercises to help train more control over the mind. While you do these things do a working to heal your mental disorder.
nino said:
I need them gone because of a mental disorder
Having your emotions gone is a disorder of itself,its called emotional numbness or flatlining,trust me'' you don't want to have these...
Ol argedco luciftias said:
....Everything you do that harms yourself and makes you weaker means you're actively working for the enemy in that moment, against yourself and against all of us. All our souls are connected together and we all make each other stronger when we make ourselves stronger; it's all multiplied together....

Ive always felt this way to a certain extent, moreso that if I didnt put 666%, when lives were on the line, it was partially my own fault, for not being stronger...

Ive never really considered how my own weakness might affect my SS siblings :/ yikes, at least im reaching a point where its impossible for me to be weak :D
slyscorpion said:
I hope though on this topic I didnt permanently damage my soul. If any of you fully got your emotions back then how. I am starting to feel them all again its just still blunted.

I havent been in contact with my emotions for over 10 years maybe even 15 years, i am now mid 20s so it was most of my life. since about half a year to a year i learned how to reconnect to my feelings. i posted a reply on another post about it here is what i said:

Cro666 said:
I have had the same problem for over 10 years, but since about a year i learned how to get back in touch with them.

So i had therapy for this but it was a therapy where you were doing physical exercises, it was just me and a instructor doing things like basketbal, some form of wrestling, ball excercises, doing some very hard almost impossible little parkours and lots of talking....

here is an example: at the start i was asked how i felt and what stress lvl (1-10) i was on etc. lets say we did some basketball. in one excercise we stood 5 meters from the hoop and we would have a little match of who would score most (just about 10 throws) and afterwards the instructor would ask me where my stress lvl was at. ofc when you dont know where its at you cant really discribe or feel any change, but i learned that my body did indeed gave signs of stress. these signs where very subtle but they were there, think about some light pressure in your head/neck/chest or even talking faster or stuttering. so you will have to go with your conscious mind to different parts of your body to feel if there is any kind of pressure of pain or whatever.

By knowing what your body is telling you, you will get closer to your own body. It will take some time but slowly you will be able to understand your own feelings better because you know that your own body is telling you that there is something going on.

By the way one session took no longer than a our and was physicly not that intensive, i only had 1 session every week and as ''homework'' i had to try and apply this in every day life wich can be quite hard. 10 sessions were enough to get a grip on it.

I hope that what i have said here is somewhat understandable :lol: and i hope that i do help someone with this, if anything is unclear or if anyone has a question ask away.

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19723&p=82515#p82515 this is the post i replied on give it a read because there were more replies that might help you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
