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  1. AskSatanOperator

    #108 Should I join BJP Indian political party?

    Hello! Is it worth joining a political party like BJP in India led by Modi ? Given the amount of corruption in Indian political system, is it really worth it ? Is it also safe for me as a citizen in India and such ?
  2. AskSatanOperator

    #107 Venus Square help

    after i do 1x affirmation i visualise the imagery of my skin/hair improving, but i have a sort of dialogue in my head. will this ruin the mechanics of the square/affirmations? for example, ill say this out loud: "this energy of venus is improving my skin, hair, and physical attractiveness in...
  3. AskSatanOperator

    #106 animals

    I was wondering, did the Gods create the animals of this earth or were they already native to the planet when they came and put us here? Or did they bring certain species of animals from there home planet and put them here with us too? I know it's not a super important question but more of a...
  4. AskSatanOperator

    #104 Hedonism

    One of my friends says that pleasure is the purpose of life, I say that this is not so, what would you tell him, he is also a spiritual Satanist, mmm, here is his statement "The only essence of man is a hedonistic existence for the sake of self-indulgence, which will gradually lead to spiritual...
  5. AskSatanOperator

    #103 my skin and problems with

    How to deal with stretch marks? I've had them since I was 8 years old, so there's no way to treat them anymore. I've never been fat, much less mid size, always small and and I definitely don't have a big butt, , but I still have them and I think they're disgusting...My father always told me to...
  6. AskSatanOperator

    #102 Tattoo of Gods Sigils

    Is it okay if I tattoo sigils on myself? Or will people notice it’s from the Demons? Just a tattoo of the sigil and not the name. I know HP Maxine tattooed herself with Hail Satan on herself with Satan’s sigil. Just curious if I could do so too, of course hidden and not noticeable.
  7. AskSatanOperator

    #101 Hi i wrote about your prices

    Hi, I want to know your price.
  8. AskSatanOperator

    #100 Labyrinth

    Their is a labyrinth side ways oval and a line in the middle it's the first picture that you see when you type in in bing "pagan labyrinth symbol" can I use that labyrinth in spells
  9. AskSatanOperator

    #99 Hecate’s Wheel

    I've always worked with the great lady Hecate but was wondering about Hecate’s Wheel is it a sigil of her or just a spiritual symbol an can I use it for ss workings
  10. AskSatanOperator

    Do I have to do a freeing working to get rid of the influence of an aspect to Saturn, or can I just do Squares alone?

    While doing a planetary Square, I misspronounced the mantra. I proceeded to say it again, correctly, and went on with the the rest of the repetitions for the day. Did this cancel the incorrect repetition, or is the Square interrupted and I have to start a new one?
  11. AskSatanOperator

    #97 Freeing Sun Karma

    Do I have to do a freeing working to get rid of the influence of an aspect to Saturn, or can I just do Squares alone?
  12. AskSatanOperator

    #96 Origin of the universe, and the Gods role in it?

    In Spiritual Satanism, what is the common belief regarding the origin of the universe? Also, where did the Gods show up in this timeline of the universe?
  13. AskSatanOperator

    #95 The disguise of an alien or strange beings and one question (doubt) .

    I know it's strange, but there was a strange human in my class. his face, his eyes, his chin, his head, his body completely resembled Jews or an alien being. his movements and behaviors were not what a healthy person would do. can any such being turn into a pet? my familiar demon pet has a blue...
  14. AskSatanOperator

    Family #94 Satanic names

    Let's say I want to change my name, or I recently had a child, and I want to give him a spiritual name that will determine his life, what to focus on in the choice of name? How to choose it correctly? maybe someone has a list of satanic or pagan names?
  15. AskSatanOperator

    #92 I'm considering to join but I'm already baptized, is it to late for me?

    Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you might be. I've been reading & studying a lot about the Gods, Magic & Astrology in the Joy of Satan website, as well as delving back into politics & learning to become more racially-aware, which is mostly motivated by the current situation in Europe &...
  16. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #91 Are these indicators of a relationship in my SR chart?

    So, I’ve been single since forever, that it hurts. My SR was a couple of days ago and this year’s chart has Sun and Moon both conjunct each other as well as Venus in the 7th house. Is there a possibility for entering a relationship? As I desperately need it.
  17. AskSatanOperator

    Family #90 Question to advanced members

    Thanks for your attention I need to know if the death of loved ones stops bothering us once we become advanced Satanists Is there any way we can make sure they will be fine after death? Wont they be scared and depressed or lonely This problem has been killing me since I was 4 yearls old
  18. AskSatanOperator

    #89 Mat Auryn, is this author safe to read?

    I have a loved one interested in the occult. They are still a little too programmed to be able to accept Joy of Satan. I have tried to gently introduce them, but they get hung up on certain view points and are still too fearful of it. They are more interested in reading various books on the...
  19. AskSatanOperator

    #88 Antidepressants

    As someone who used to be a apathetic, suicidal wreck for years, it has been my experience that SSRI's (antidepressants) have been a huge help to keep me stable and I don't know if I would still be here typing this if it weren't for them. Yes, I know the jews are the ones pushing it on us, and I...
  20. AskSatanOperator

    #87 Listening to a female crying or echo during meditation practise

    Greetings can u please give me a reason why i sometime listen to a woman voice on my ear during meditation , once i saw my own reflection with black holes in place of eyes during meditation that mirror image was standing beside me just for a moment , being an insomic i often practice meditation...
  21. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #86 Satan's family tree

    I think I have seen somewhere on this forum that Satan and Baalzebul are brothers. This raises a natural question. Who is the father and mother of Satan and Baalzebul?
  22. AskSatanOperator

    #85 Altar decorations

    Greetings I'm constructing an Altar and I'm looking for images to print and put in frames to decorate the altar, can anyone source me or point me in the right direction with the following images Swastika Sigil of satan Black sun Runes Maybe a decent picture of Hitler Any recommendations will be...
  23. AskSatanOperator

    #84 Has anyone ever experienced this?

    I am a people pleaser, and this affects many things in my life, to a gigantic degree... I've spent days without sleeping because of this, has anyone else gone through this and how did you manage to get out of it?
  24. AskSatanOperator

    #83 Sacrifice

    How do I get to the point am required to offer a sacrifice for abundance.
  25. AskSatanOperator

    #82 Throat problem.

    I ended a rep of a planetary square, nama, but my throat got some problems i did nnnaaammmaa throat pop/crackle sound aaa. is it ruined?
  26. AskSatanOperator

    #81 The Race-mixing Question

    I love my race and I would never procreate with another race. However, for as long as I can remember I have always felt a sexual attraction to asian women. Occasionally, I do have intercourse with these women (with a condom of course). Why is this considered a bad thing? Why would Satan want me...
  27. AskSatanOperator

    #79 Initiation Ritual

    I like what you stand for and I agree with most of it. However, what's the deal with the initiation blood ritual? What is the purpose of this and is it really necessary? Thanks.
  28. AskSatanOperator

    #71 Venus Square timing

    Post in thread '#71 Venus Square timing' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/71-venus-square-timing.292269/post-1090546 I started it yesterday (Friday) during the hour of Venus. Day 1 .But when i did the final affirmation of Day 1, it had already transitioned to the hour of mercury
  29. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #77 How to find happiness

    How to find happiness in our darkest days?
  30. AskSatanOperator

    #76 Where i should start from ?

    Hello.Im a dead end for years. ( I can say since 2019 ) I'm dedicated since 07.04.2024 and before this i faced the worse things a teen would possibly face. ( I'm 15 ) I'm sorry im not gonna talk about my story here too im so sorry i really just want to talk but never mind. Basicly my question...
  31. AskSatanOperator

    #75 Hexagram Question

    First I want to thank ANPUMESSES999 for being brave and showing clarity about this symbol. As a Saturn person I knew deep down that this was my symbol, and at the same time there were concerns about the enemy. Today I used it, and put it on for the first time, and felt an unnatural surge of...
  32. AskSatanOperator

    #74 Attack

    I am constantly being psychically attacked and I feel it in my body. How can I get rid of it? I have been struggling with this for 1 week and it has taken so long.I need help.
  33. AskSatanOperator

    #73 Sun Square Sign's

    Can I spam Sun Square's so long as it's not in its fall/detriment?Is it still worth doing when it's not in Leo/Aries? How significant is the decrease in power.
  34. AskSatanOperator

    #72 Started dreaming again.

    Hello.I am writing this late at night (3 am) on August 30th.The main thing is that I... On the 28th? On the 27th? I don't remember... I decided to strengthen my chakras the way someone recently advised me on these forums. I didn't feel a pulse in my chakras, but I felt the growing strength, and...
  35. AskSatanOperator

    #71 Venus Square timing

    I started it in the Day and Hour of Venus, but the final affirmation was in the Hour of Mercury.Did this mess it up or weaken the Square significantly?
  36. AskSatanOperator

    #70 Void and Trance

    1. Are there any additional tips and tricks for Void and Trance? Power Void towards the end of the webpage of Void it states *FEEL* the energy breath in and expand the aura. 2. How can I do that without automatically visualizing the aura expanding and the energy coming in? 3. Isn't the entire...
  37. AskSatanOperator

    #69 How big are the chakra's?

    Does anyone know?
  38. AskSatanOperator

    #68 Directing rtr or other things to a specific thing

    In the astral or in the physical world can I direct rtr or god rituals or mantras like surya, satanama, etc. to a particular item? energy channeling. Can it be done in the astral in the same way?For example, god rituals or blessing an object with suryaFor example, in the astral (when we are very...
  39. AskSatanOperator

    #67 Gentiles actors

    hello everyone, i'm amazed at how many actors are actually jewish. i can't notice an actor and immediately discover his jewish past. that's why i'm wondering: are there any famous Gentile actors?This thing makes me very angry
  40. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #66 Various Meditation in the Routine

    As we all know, there are lots of meditations in the beginner section, which I reside in, one cannot do all of them.For certain meditations, such as directing energy ( https://joyofsatan.org/Directing_Energy.html ) , would it be alright to practice a week, and then do let's say the energy...
  41. AskSatanOperator

    #65 My mother got left side paralysis from kundalini medotation is there a cure please help as i am helpless

    Is there a cure for my mother from kundalini paralysis left side
  42. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #60 Is Adonis/Osiris Apollo?

    I was wondering if Adonis/Osiris is Apollo, this would help clear up alot of confusion.
  43. AskSatanOperator

    Family #58 Will current race mixers go extinct

    As we go back to normalisation, will those race mixing today become extinct tomorrow (in the near future) because there will not be any compatible physical bodies with their souls as race-mixing becomes less and less common?
  44. AskSatanOperator

    #57 love

    I saw a lot of people here recommending it to other mixed race people who have difficulty dating someone because they don't know which race they should go for or the physical characteristics they should look for...recommending magical work for love, to attract the best partner...but how do you...
  45. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #56 Details about the gods.

    Is there a god of Turkish or Arab origin?There are also a lot of people we don't know who have reached the new rank of “sub-demon”. What is their mission?Since it's a subject that interests me; how do gods fight in the astral? If it's important to kill reptilians spiritually and not physically...
  46. AskSatanOperator

    Family #55 Emotions and spirituality

    Hi, I want to share an experience, yesterday I was going abut my live as normal but a feeling of deep anguish struck me I felt so sad wanting to cry but I didn't understand why, latter in the evening it dawned on me I had forgotten, it was the birthday of my wife's father who had passed away a...
  47. AskSatanOperator

    Family #54 university

    I really want to go to university...I'm from Brazil and things are absurd here, but I'm going to try for a federal scholarship where I don't have to pay anything, the problem is that it's in another state, very far from where I live...and unfortunately I can't afford it and I have to go and live...
  48. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #52 FRTR question, whats wrong with me?

    Every time after the ritual, I feel the “I am a Jew” attack on me, but every time I turn to the gods with any questions, I get no response or help. Could it be that Yahweh is more interested in me than the gods, otherwise how should i do understand it?
  49. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #51 Lowering sleep threshold requirement

    I want to get by with 4-6 hours of sleep. I was wondering if there are techniques or information available on the JoS to "quickly" enter into a state of deep rest (REM sleep) or something else, such as self-hypnosis. I want to exchange quantity for quality. How can I go about doing this? I...
  50. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #50 It's not really about astrology, but it is

    Hello again, I'm the girl who asked for advice about a boy who worked in a market, I can't remember which number the question was...well, I'll update you here...I got the boy's Instagram, he started following me, liked my photo and immediately send me a message...and to be honest, a...
  51. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #49 Is it possible to do a love spell for someone else?

    Like, if they asked you to, could you make two people become attracted to each other or can you only do it on yourself?
  52. AskSatanOperator

    #48 Help with mending a mistake

    Suppose you have hurt someone really bad. So much that it likely left a mental scar... even though you have apologized, you still know that the other person is still hurt by your past action... so because of the immense guilt you feel, you take on the responsibility of healing that persons...
  53. AskSatanOperator

    Family #47 Semitic race (Pleasem it's important)

    I have Semitic blood, a little but a little, and I consider myself a pagan. The Jews also consider themselves Semitic people, and it is even possible that if I take a DNA test it will show some similarities with them (jews) . If the gods hate Jews, then they don't like Semites? I'm confused. The...
  54. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #45 Idol worshipping

    Why you guys try to degenerate Satan to a person? Satan is a form of yoga to teach self discipline. Devils are finno-ugric tribe that wrote puranas and took them to india for safekeeping. Im confused about what to think of you. Idol worshipping is for the slave religions like christianity, islam...
  55. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #44 Artwork of Minerva

    Where can I get some artwork of Minerva? Like images of original Greek paintings of her. I'm quite fascinated by the fact that she is commonly depicted as muscular Wait, isn't Marchosias muscular? Are there other muscular Godesses from our pantheon?
  56. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #43 Are you sure that was a good idea?

    You upgraded ask-satan.net during saturn retrograde, I don't think it's a good idea to try anything during saturn retrograde, I try do to as little as possible during the retrograde except what is necessary like daily meditations and rtrs, so I don't get hurt.I sure hope this upgrade was worth it.
  57. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #42 Negative train of thought

    At certain times, I non-stop "fantasize" about negative things happening to me, I don't like it because it just makes me feel very down after that.How do I stop this?
  58. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #41 Aura cleaning and frtr

    What if you don't clean your aura after rtr?
  59. AskSatanOperator

    #38 Most secure browser (moving to another browser)

    I've been thinking about making the move to another browser. Is firefox good? Been using google chrome (adrenochrome??) for a long time. If firefox is not good then what is?
  60. AskSatanOperator

    #37 Get wealth

    How can I get wealth
  61. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #34 Question about Mars in Aries

    GreetingsWhat does it mean that Mars in Aries (prominent planet) is at the same time in its decay point (DC in the natal chart)? I am confused by this as it contradicts itself.I appreciate your responses.
  62. AskSatanOperator

    Meditations #33 Newcomer

    I'm a newcomer what meditations and rituals should I start with?
  63. AskSatanOperator

    Family #32 Princess Diana

    I recently discovered that the English royal family is Jewish, although even before I was initiated into Father Satan I felt a bad vibe towards them and their behavior. That's why I asked myself: what about Princess Diana? Was she Jewish too? Or was she a Gentile and that's why they killed her...
  64. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #31 Moon & Pluto in 2nd house

    Hello, I’m kind of new to astrology and I’m wondering what does it mean when Moon and Pluto is in the 2nd house SR chart?Can it boost if I do a money spell working?
  65. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #30 Question about sigils

    Is it okay to meditate on multiple demons sigils in a day or should I only do one at a time?
  66. AskSatanOperator

    The Gods #29 How did the gods end up in bondage?

    I remember vividly HPS Maxine's sermon about freeing the demons and I am very curious as to how the enemy managed such an awful thing
  67. AskSatanOperator

    Astrology #46 Request for help. Jupiter 11th house (Leo) Jupiter square Pluto.

    Hello everyone. I have a request if someone can help me explain the following aspect in the horoscope. Jupiter is in the 11th house (Leo) and is square to Pluto. I have read many interpretations, but each one is different and I have a problem with proper understanding. Best regards
  68. AskSatanOperator

    #28 Vishnu is Zeus!

    I've noticed that Vishnu here is reffered to as Satan but I think this needs to be corrected. I have noticed many similarities between Vishnu and Indra/Zeus, The weapon of lightning they both hold, their confident, brave, and righteous character, Garuda(the eagle) being the mount of Vishnu, Zeus...
  69. AskSatanOperator

    About my future

    If I become part of the devil I will get everything I want.
  70. AskSatanOperator

    How can I cancel a square ?

    I started a venus sqaure last friday, today I accidentally made a rep more and affirmed it. I realized it after counting it later on my screen. I anyway felt uncomfortable and now I want to just cancel/stop it. What do I do ? Just stop and try again next friday ? Do I cancel it by saying that...
  71. AskSatanOperator

    Runic effects?

    I'm currently using the Runes for protection. Does the Runic effect still occur if I relegate it to protection? ex: I use Thurs for shielding does it produce the rest of the effects or only what I specify and intend to.
  72. AskSatanOperator

    Aura Cleansing and objects

    I have a question about AC. I remember reading once that it is bad for children and animals to be around when you do the aura cleansing because the dirt expelled is impregnated to them, so, does the same thing happen to the objects? It worries me.
  73. AskSatanOperator

    chart and money

    My chart says that I have a high chance of marrying someone very rich and that I could probably meet at work... I'm not rich, quite the opposite...But I've always wanted to have an extremely luxurious life... as I know it's not something exact, how do I make this actually happen? I can have...
  74. AskSatanOperator

    Race question: how to only attract aryan clientele?

    so im in the processing establish a qi gong and tcm bussiness here in the united states that i learned for free by buddhist monks from china after traveling to china (except for the tcm part that i obviously had to pay for schooling and shit). however i want only white customers and im now...
  75. AskSatanOperator

    I'm considering to join but I'm already baptized

    Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you might be. I've been reading & studying a lot about the Gods, Magic & Astrology in the joy of Satan website, as well as delving into politics & learning to become more racially-aware. I'm thinking of joining a Satanist religion like this but I do have a...
  76. AskSatanOperator

    Thoughts after affirming a sun square

    For example does thinking my life is improved seconds after affirming and finishing a square affects the working?
  77. AskSatanOperator

    I want to be wealthy

    How I can become wealthy
  78. AskSatanOperator

    Are squares affected by transits?

    I am planning to do a Venus Square soon, and I checked the transits of my natal chart: Venus will be transiting my Ascendent, which relates to one of Venus' rulerships, at the time of starting. Does this mean the energy will be amplified and/or directed more effectively to the outward...
  79. AskSatanOperator


    Is it ok and healthy to channel and redirect my anger in workings, meditations and self improvement, instead of pursuing revenge (black magic)?
  80. AskSatanOperator


    why are our memories erased
  81. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5790: How do I pray to the Gods? (URGENT)

    Title: How do I meditate on the Gods sigils? Me from question 5790, How do I meditate on their sigils? Please teach me?
  82. AskSatanOperator

    Is Vishnu Zeus?

    Shiva/Enki/Poseidon is Satan, Is Vishnu Zeus and Yama Hades?
  83. AskSatanOperator

    Started dreaming again.

    Hello.I am writing this late at night (3 am) on August 30th. But I can't report it here.The main thing is that I... On the 28th? On the 27th? I don't remember... I decided to strengthen my chakras the way someone recently advised me on these forums. I didn't feel a pulse in my chakras, but I...
  84. AskSatanOperator

    I haven\'t jerked off in a week. [Trigger Warning: Gross]

    Trigger Warning: Gross
  85. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5798: Absolutely stop being nervous

    Started having skin problems due to constant stress and worry. The mind is constantly clogged with thoughts...
  86. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5797: How to know if your friend is gay?

    I've got this thing going on. I'm gay (or bi, not sure). I got a job. One of my coworkers is a very good looking guy, I kinda fell in love..... Is there any way to find out if he's gay/bi or not... Maybe I have a chance. I can't ask him because we live in Russia....
  87. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5796: waiter's tips

    Hi everyone! I work as a waiter, how to get much more tips per shift? p.s. I am from a European country, there are no tips included in the bill like in America.
  88. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5795: Ancient knowledge and frtr, god rituals

    Did Rtrs exist in the past? Which language? According to whose recipe are God rituals performed? Ancient Spiritual libraries and knowledge, What spells were there? I think much more important and everyday spells (not ordinary will binding spells or love spells). of course destroyed.
  89. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5794: age

    How many years of age difference is acceptable? Well, if there are two adults, the age is fine, but when one is an "adult" and the other is not... for example, I'm 19, can I only be with people up to 18? Or 17? 16 years and under I find it weird
  90. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5793: Movie

    Is Rosemary's Baby coming from a good perspective or a Jewish perspective?
  91. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5792: Full raum meditation

    is it normal for things to speed up after doing this meditation? I did the 13x raum 40 io and the 40 ea and ahh, and it feela like my brain is 2x faster, even after doing workings.
  92. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5791: Meditation phenomenon

    Hi, I am a newcomer and would like to share an unpleasant experience, I tried meditating on a picture I have of Baphomet with a pentagram in hopes of being able to contact saran but it took a turn for the worst, I was focusing intensely on it and then I sort of went into a trance and something...
  93. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5790: How do I pray to the Gods? (URGENT)

    Retrograde saturn has been a bastard towards me but i feel it would've been much worse if I didn't do routine meditations. I still feel desperate, and I want some extra help. I know who my Guardian Demoness is, and I want to pray to her. But I don't know how to pray because I unlearned the...
  94. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5789: Yantras

    It's appropriate to fap to yantras? Some of these are also about the connection of male and female. Can I use the sexual energy in this way?
  95. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5788: Justice spells

    If some keep saying that your not ready to curse someone,why not just recommend a justice spell instead,well with any spell you can get backlash,but I'm sure it would not be as bad since it's a justice spell
  96. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5787: I'm not proud of it, I've never done anything about it, I just have thoughts

    One day a friend of mine was reading cards to me about past lives...from what little she could see, she said that I was a woman who liked to take other people's husbands... I was scared because I was never that kind of person, ok... a year passed and I forgot all about it...Today I find myself...
  97. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5786: An idea for Venus Square

    I have an idea for the upcoming Venus square. For example, if your friend of 20 years texts you, you can say ‘meh, I'm busy, I'll check later’, but when I'm texting with a girl, I'm constantly focused on her. I mean, I focus and obsess too much. Like, will she text me? When will she reply? Why...
  98. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5784: does it seem stupid?

    I have this friend, she's black (mixed race with a white father and a black mother) even though she's mixed race, she doesn't look half white...she's always made it clear that she only gets with white guys, his favorites are blondes with blue eyes...this always made me uncomfortable but I could...
  99. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5783: Confusion about extensions of Root Chakra

    Greetings I have been researching about extensions of chakras and found out that root chakra doesn't have extensions except hip chakras.Root chakra and Crown chakra are 2 main gates of axis mundi (spinal cord) and extensions of other chakras form gates on front of behind and front gates but...
  100. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5782: Munka

    Can munka detach us from current life traumas?
  101. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5781: Justice spells

    What rune or combination can I use in a law suit court case kinda want to know to add to my book of shadows
  102. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5780: Busy times

    Like many people my life is frantic and my time limited, do you guys have any advice on how to do meditation/rituals/spiritual practices with a limited schedule, thank you jjoym
  103. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5779: is it wrong?

    My situation at home is very complicated, they are always yelling and pointing out any small mistake of mine, letting me down... I spend a lot of time alone so I started daydreaming....just for once I have something to feel happy about and escape this house and the things that happen here, I...
  104. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5777: Do planetary mantras follow same rules as squares??

    When using planetary mantras either long or short version for a number of reps instead of a square do you have to take moon phase into consideration since the mantra ties directly into the planet like the squares do? I know to avoid void of course moon.
  105. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5776: Your belief system

    I have been searching for reconstructions of ancient European paganism but all I find I mixed teachings infected with abrahamic trash is your system free of everything abrahamic? Concepts teachings etc I really don't likes anything Jewish I heard about it your reverse Thora ritual isn't that...
  106. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5775: I need a piece of advice

    Greetings to everyone, since my employment contract will expire soon and unfortunately I need to continue working, I had the idea of asking the Gods for help since this is an urgent matter. I was reading on the JOS that Lord Volac helps in the search for a good job, but how can I contact him...
  107. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5774: Brief 6th Chakra Question

    I'm still early in my progress and I have an embarrassing question of which I hope someone may share any experience or insights regarding. So the 6th charka, located directly behind the third eye... is it connected to the pineal gland (i.e in close proximity) or is it situated directly...
  108. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5773: sun square gone wrong

    the sun in my natal chart is opposing pluto, square mars. in gemini. i used an affirmation like "positive, healthy and permanently the sun in my birth chart empowered in enormous amounts by the leo energies." then my father went crazy, so to speak, he completely destroyed my personal space on...
  109. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5772: Financial problems

    Greetings, I'm in a bit of a struggle, ever since the covid struck my finances plummeted increased mortgages taxes upon taxes and inflation, I changed Job but still only gain a bit more my wife is a nurse and therrle is a high demand for nurses in my country so she works 3 jobs while I care for...
  110. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5771: Sexual fantasies about the Gods

    Hello everybody, I want advice on this issue im having, that is causing me some shame. For the past couple of years, i have been experiencing that when i feel sexual or am masturbating or looking at porn... the names of the Gods pop into my head for some reason. it is very involuntary and it...
  111. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5770: How to talk to Satan?

    What is the easiest way to do it?
  112. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5769: Did anyone had this experience with magick?

    I posted a question about a spell having a negative manifestation and I wonder if anyone had anything like this happen before completing the spell. But then after it's completed it starts to manifest like you want? I want to try and see how it will manifest when I stop it at 80 days, but I want...
  113. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5768: Who is Narasimha/Narasimhi

    I have felt incredibly connected to this deity, I was wondering if I could get any additional uncorrupted information on Narasimha, or Narasimhi.
  114. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5767: American Social security leak

    Have any of the hps heard about the leak millions could be billions of Americans social security numbers were leaked on the muh dark web but what is happening is people are saying oh how convenient months before the election in the USA the rats getting desperate Have any hps talked about it yet
  115. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5766: Question about Athena/Minerva and the Owl symbol

    So the symbol of Athena/Minerva is the owl as is Lilith's does this mean they're the same goddess? Also I noticed Lakshmi's vamana is the owl, along with Narasimhi is there a connection here as well? Just trying to clear things up because I get many of the gods and goddesses mixed up and would...
  116. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5765: RA

    Why did Ra lose the war?
  117. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5764: How to empower chakras?

    How to empower chakras with LAUM, VAUM, RAUM, etc.?
  118. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5763: How can astrology be true?

    From an astronomical perspective it just can't be. Constellations are an illusion driven by relativity and pattern recognition. If you were to leave our solar system and go to another, you would be faced with a "different" set of constellations due to shifting your position, and even our own sun...
  119. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5762: Summoning an angel as an SS

    I feel quite drawn to Uriel, is it okay to reach out and see why? [Moderator note: Do NOT do this. Any questions can be answered by the Gods. Any perceived positivity from a certain enemy entity or energy can also be found in the highest form through the Gods.]
  120. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5761: medicine

    I want to take medicine so that if I have a vitamin deficiency I can recover it...but what if my body becomes "dependent" and as soon as I stop taking the medicine, it goes back to what it was?...
  121. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5760: Laziness with RTR

    On the one hand I realize that Jews are not the best people, but on the other hand I just don't care about them. I realize the need to do RTR, but it's hard to force myself, so suppose if I do it once a month, will the ritual be valid? It's like, if you lay one brick in the foundation each time...
  122. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5759: Best resources to learn astrology

    Best books where u can study astrology in detail ??
  123. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5758: What to do on the 02.September ?

    On the astrology calendar it says “Removing health issues” with a Virgo sign beside it, what exactly do I do on that day ? Vibrate a rune ? A mantra ?
  124. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5757: What to do about?

    A friend who doesn't understand me, gets mad at me all the time over the smallest things, and doesn't appreciate what I do for them?
  125. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5756: Directing rtrs towards myself

    I don't know how to direct rtrs towards myself, how do I?
  126. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5755: I just don't know.

    I hate myself....I focused on cleaning my solar chakra and focusing on gain confidence...the thing is, nowadays...I see myself the way I am and I realized that I'm mediocre, I'm not ugly, I'm just not anything special...I love myself but I hate the way I'm...This makes me feel empty... I would...
  127. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5754: saturn aspects asc

    Any of my friends tend to betray me if they have this aspect to my chart. Even trine does it. Any ways to counteract this? at this rate imma lose most of my friends
  128. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5753: Best upcoming date for using Venus mantra (not the square)

    If I wanted to use just the Venus mantra for a set number of reps to increase my beauty, charm, and grace would the upcoming waxing Libra moon on Friday, September 5th be the best date? Or would you recommend another date?
  129. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5752: What system of numerology is effective?

    This field can be confusing as to its many different systems. Which system would be useful to begin with?
  130. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5751: The big light in the sky

    Hello. I was thinking about something (as usual) and I had already done my meditation. And I saw something like a big sun in the sky that turned on and off like a phone flash and then disappeared. it stopped for almost 1-2 seconds. what do you think it means? my clairvoyant chakra is open and...
  131. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5750: Was I born in my past life in China?

    Hello. Due to the fact that I was playing pranks on the already annoying spammers (they must be of some use... so at least I can have fun with them), I became interested in the Chinese language. After reading a couple of phrases in it, I became more interested and gradually got more or less...
  132. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5748: An easier way?

    There is an article that says Spiritual Satanism is not for everyone. And really, I'm not going to become a God yet, I don't need superpowers. I want to worship-serve and receive protection, comfort, pleasure and closure of my desires - needs. But it turns out that this is the ONLY way...
  133. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5747: Ritual

    Could the massacre in Palestine be a ritual?
  134. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5727: God's being stern with me?

    I've been focused on my spiritual goals but have neglected my material goals. It felt neutral, but closer to being positive. And it was definitely not my own mind, cos I was conscious and could tell it came from an external source. It also had the voice of someone else. I mean yh it is, I was...
  135. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5745: What was that?

    Hello. I am not an athlete, but I once started doing amateur push-ups from the wall and I still do them sometimes. But if before nothing happened, then today, when I started doing them again, already on the second push-up I felt as if something "clicked" in my forearm (I FELT, it was like...
  136. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5744: Vipassana Meditation

    What do you think about this meditation? I know it's buddhist but some people say it works, is it really true? Or is it a hoax?
  137. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5743: My friend does this to me

    This may be a very kiddish thing .But my friend always eats my food also despite him eating his own meals also a very very lot .No matter how much I buy him excessive food,he eats that and eats mine also .He does not even think that I m also hungry and that I m also starving .I wonder why my...
  138. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5726: mosquito sound coming from nowhere

    reply to https://ancient-forums.com/threads/question-5726-mosquito-sound-coming-from-nowhere.291792/ Since than I have seen the mosquito, so I know it does physically exist. It's very small and extra fast, and it doesn't sucks my blood. But I have seen it clearly it's there but very hard to...
  139. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5741: Azazel and King Paimon are same?

    I'm confused, is it one god or two different ones? I see conflicting information on the forum on this issue, in particular NakedPluto in this thread about Paimon left a sigil of Azazel, indirectly stating that he can be meditated on as well as Paimon(?) I think it's time to put a stop to this issue
  140. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5740: A revelation from Shiva

    I recently did a meditation on the third eye and unexpectedly decided to use attributes, in particular mantras invoking Shiva based on the fact that he specializes in opening the third eye. I went into a trance and then they started pouring information into my mind about what awaits me after...
  141. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5739: Спроведливость [fairness]

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters.I work at a construction site and I was given a large object. I hired a person with a payment once a month, so I did not earn anything on this person. He just gave me the opportunity to earn money with me. The money went through me, everything was fine for three...
  142. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5738: Being a jew or not

    So my story in SS started a few years ago when I was young and a bit stupid. I don't exactly remember how I found about Spiritual Satanism, but as I read more and more on the website, I saw the truth and decided to dedicate. After dedication, I didn't spend that much time meditating, I quitted...
  143. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5737: Help with mentality for combat sports

    Hey guys, I currently compete in amateur mixed martial arts. In my past few fights, I’ve been dealing with fear and hesitation WAY more than my first couple. It’s almost like I doubt my own abilities, power, and skill, while believing that my opponent is better than they actually are. I also...
  144. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5736: Tartarus vs Hades

    Is there a difference between the two? Symbolically, spiritually or literally?
  145. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5735: Resources for to learn ancient languages and some questions

    Where can I find good resources for to learn Ancient Greek, Classical Latin and Sanskrit? What is the most precise pronunciation of Latin, at least the most similar one? I would appreciate your answers.
  146. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5734: Why do planets in our natal chart detemine our fate

    Why does life run according to the placements of the planets present in one's natal chart. Why does natal chart determine the fate of a human. Where is there any fairness in all these things?. Why is a man's life running only as per fate and destiny of these things. Why does free will never work.
  147. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5712: Negative manifestation in the 70 day of a spell??

    Question #5733: Answer to Question #5712: Negative manifestation in the 70 day of a spell?? You know I think the affirmation may be not perfect. The affirmation is this: "X now only loves me, he loves having sex with me and we always having sex whenever I want, in a positive way for me". There...
  148. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5732: Saturn karma offset with base chakra?

    Will a fast spinning base chakra offset negativity of Saturn, so I can postpone this working somewhat until later?
  149. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5731: Reason for base chakra weakness

    What is the reason for base chakra to be weak
  150. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5730: What does Mula Bandha mean?

    In the Kundalini Yoga PDF. I don't get it. I searched online and it said you "lock" the chakra? What is the purpose of doing that? Do I say anything in my mind or just intend to "lock" the chakra? Do I visualise anything?
  151. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5729: Wondering about my life

    Greetings everyone, Before I talk about myself, I'll just go straight to the reason I'm writing this. I started wondering if I'm worthy of the knowledge of JoS, as just recently I got more into this, and noticed there's a race know as "jews", and they are a different kind of species, apart...
  152. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5728: The trance

    I mean for example how much minutes I need to do breathing exrisce before trying to be able to enter to a trance stete?
  153. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5727: God's being stern with me?

    I recently opened my clairaudience points/psychic hearing and this morning I was getting "shouted at" to essentially get up off my ass and get to working for my goals. Towards the end I couldn't hear what they were saying, but that part was clear. It didn't sound malicious at all, but more like...
  154. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5726: mosquito sound coming from nowhere

    I hear a mosquito for 3 days now, but I cannot see it and have no fucking clue what the fact is this. It sounds exactly like a mosquito flying around me, changing directions, speed, elevation, and everything, and it dose this 0-24, without a fucking stop, but it isn't there physically. If this...
  155. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5725: 3 QUESTIONS.

    -Why did the enemy aliens have so much advanced technology, yet they did not give will to their own created way of thinking? Or if they are slaves of JHVH? Or not because they are using JHVH as a slave? (HORRIBLE CREATURES.) -Can I breathe some of the energy of the gods and goddesses into my...
  156. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5724: Thoth?

    Does Lord thoth in anyway have a connection to the crown chakra?
  157. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5722: How can be a rich women?

    Question #5723: How can I become rich??? I want to sucsessfull and rich....... I can do everything for that I want, Please help me....
  158. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5722: How can be a rich women?

    I need money because who haven't money the world don't respect there..... I done the all workship approx from 4 years but I can't claim my own desire... Then I decided I choose the workship of Satan....can someone help me for sell my soul to Satan....
  159. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5721: fast money

    hi everyone! how to get money fastly? are there any rituals/meditations?
  160. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5720: Holiest language

    What is the holiest language and how do I learn it? I heard it was Old High German (Vikings?), Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Old English. But what is the most demonic language one can learn?
  161. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5719: Destroyed planet

    Their was a planet in our solar system that was destroyed is their any way to use it's energys an if so what for
  162. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5718: Clairvoyance

    What runes would be best to develop this skill
  163. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5716: Pregant and itching wont stop

    Hello I cant even sleep well due to this itching all over my body, most of the time in day and night. What causes it ? What to do about it to get a relief from it :(
  164. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5715: Mercury Retrograde & Applying for a Job

    Is it a bad idea to fill out a job application and apply for a job while mercury is retrograde? Should I wait for mercury to go direct and back into Virgo before I apply for a new job? Just wanted to know.
  165. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5714: Help me with a boy

    hello everyone, i've been seeing a very handsome guy on the beach all summer. there's always an exchange of glances but nothing more. i would really like to know his name but i'm too shy to ask him. is there a way to find out through meditation or the gods. thanks if you can solve my "problem"
  166. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5713: Dismantling the Jews with their own system

    If I Join the illuminati to get the money that they took from our forefathers and secretly fund a Satanic Army and use their influence to wake people up will Enki be mad at me
  167. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5712: Negative manifestation in the 70 day of a spell??

    I've been doing this love spell, I thought everything was going good, even have sex with this person and then around the 70 day of the spell I found out he is back with his ex... why? i'm trying to not care and to complete the spell anyway but now I don't know if I should stop at the 80 day or...
  168. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5711: Doing them alone works?

    Can i only do other rituals added to FRTR and direct them specific targets?
  169. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5710: Amun Ra and Zeus parallel

    Who exactly is Amun Ra? Is he Amon or Zeus or has the term been used to mean both of the deities,,,
  170. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5709: Can I fix Triglycerides with Omega fatty acids ?

    Hello. Got blood test few days ago, cholesterol is around 190 (normal range) and triglycerides is 320. and I started taking Flax Seed oil ( omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids) soft gelatin capsules, yesterday. 1 capsule per day. Is this a good and SAFEST alternative for me in this...
  171. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5708: lightning?

    Why, when i breathe in energy, instead if colour, lightning arcs throughtout all of my body. Thanks.
  172. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5707: Candles

    When you do Rituals to Demons, do you use the same candles for all of them, or one candle for each? On one hand it's affordable to have many candles so there's no need to reuse one, but on the other hand, it takes much time for a candle to totally melt and then you'd have several "unfinished"...
  173. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5706: Giving something in return

    I read on the site that it's proper to give something in return after making a Summoning Ritual to a Demon. It makes sense to me, if one asked for love, social standing, wisdom to learn a skill etc. But if one inquires about a health problem, guidance for the soul of a deceased loved one or...
  174. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5705: Binding

    Can we bind someone from hurting themselves? If they do a Returning Curses and affirm they return bindings to the senders, does it come to us negatively?
  175. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5704: I am in Kursk, do I need to evacuate? Я в Курске, нужно ли мне эвакуироваться?

    Ситуация не очень хорошая, каждый день несколько раз в день и ночью звучит тревога из-за опасности ракет и иногда слышны взрывы, и я решил спросить.The situation is not very good, every day several times a day and at night there is an alarm due to the danger of missiles and sometimes explosions...
  176. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5703: Flying dreams.

    Hello all brothers and sisters that stand with the all father Satan!! I have lost few months print a few times about flying in my dreams, the first dream was me starting to learn how to fly is for example it was like I needed to use my arms to lift me up from the ground like in a swimming pool...
  177. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5702: Recurring dreams of a dead universe

    Hey. As the titles said I've been having dreams of a dead universe, nightly. At first I thought it was just a dream but the recurring says otherwise. In these dreams I am wandering through a lifeless universe. Through dead planets and galaxies always ending at earth with no life to be found...
  178. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5701: Cthulhu

    Is he real? I feel very drawn to him
  179. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5700: Why call Covid a hoax?

    Ive had it. It nearly killed me
  180. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5666: Are the gods stopping me? Or vice versa?

    Excuse me, please - because of my curiosity about adult content topics? I didn't say that I plan to register on this site specifically because of these topics. On the contrary, I'm not interested in them (and, by the way, I don't even get excited by them), and I register on the site only to post...
  181. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5698: Emotional swings and break outs while sun mantra

    as the title says, I am 10 days in and I notice a lot of these like anger, aggression, I also said my opinion in a harsh way to a coworker who now shuts her mouth finally, still I have days where I feel tired the whole time and experience acne breakout NO MATTER what I do or how I look after my...
  182. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5697: Natal Chart

    Who can I show my natal chart to and who can read it and explain it to me?
  183. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5696: how to increase charisma?

    how to increase charisma?
  184. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    Question #5695: please ignore my previous ask about maxine idon't remember the question number but it was a quote with hps maxine words about a brothel. I'm no longer interested in the answers
  185. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5694: What is the difference?

    Between Satan's Hell, and the Christian Hell?
  186. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5693: Why are other Satanic groups so hostile?

    Asking this because everytime I try to talk about my experiences with some one from another sect, they get hostile if I mention the Joy of Satan. I've only ever talked with those from theistic sects, I know better than to try with those from atheistic sects. How can these people who claim to be...
  187. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5692: Attacks?

    Is it a sign of advancement or if a major advancement us made, that psychic attacks occur more often?
  188. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5691: Japanese

    You guys support national socialism I understand that, what about the Japanese and the atrocities they unleashed upon the Chinese do you support that as well?
  189. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5690: Odin

    If Odin is Satan then what about the Norse ideal of dying in battle and going to Valhalla? Weren't the Norse a warrior society they needed war to justify their beliefs
  190. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5689: Significance of mankind

    Hi I'm a hard headed sceptic, and I find difficult to grasp the meaning of our existence and how could that be of any importance the observable universe is unfathomably large how can we matter at all why would so called God's care about insignificant specks of flesh and consciousness,like...
  191. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5688: Directing energy

    How do I direct energies into the ring for fame
  192. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5687: My situation.. (HELP)

    Hello. I and my family live in a one-room apartment. I have a younger sister and a younger brother. It's not so cramped, the apartment itself is big and spacious. But there is no personal space there. my family is not poor, my father earns 1000 dolars a month ( while the average salary in my...
  193. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5686: Karma astrology sign

    What are the best signs to remove karma is their any this month
  194. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5685: The story

    I don't understand in the epic of Gilgamesh a snake eating the plant to gain immortally why the serpent that is good symbol doing such a bad thing I mean he stole the plant from gelgamsh?
  195. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5684: confused by hps maxine words

    so i was looking through old post from hps Maxine and found this fragment from on porn topic "Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The...
  196. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5683: Going to church for a matrimony

    Hello everyone! My two best friends want to get married in church and she asked me to be their witness. We've been talking about it for about a year and I've always said no, but a few days ago she pointed out to me how bad she felt that I didn't accompany her. It's a friendship that has...
  197. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5682: White race, Jew And mixer

    I have a question; Let's say there's a human. White race. His ancestors were once mixed with a Jew. And it's not something he chose. Would it be accepted? And what does race-mixer mean?
  198. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5681: How to heal eating disorder and maladaptive daydreaming?

    Greetings, I'd like to know if there are any specific meditations to heal an eating disorder and maladaptive daydreaming. They're so exhausting and I can't take it anymore. p.s. I already have a healthy lifestyle, I go to the gym and I have a good diet.
  199. AskSatanOperator

    Question #5680: The story

    I don't know how people will react to this but I know in a story of epic of Gilgamesh a snake taking the plant of immortality from Gilgamesh how a serpent that is a good symbol do such bad thing?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
