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  1. K

    odd feeling in sex...

    thanks my name here is john but my name originally is kanelil, thats very interesting, so may i sahir the other part... i meditated recently after that and a surpent emerged from my baise i don't think it was made of fire or like the big one.. I've had many expeariances where i try to force or...
  2. K

    odd feeling in sex...

    i have an odd felling in my sexual chakra a lot for the last few months and a lot odd things happening to me. could someone explain as i do teach i wish to know as much as i can gather by other brother and sister satanists experaince. so please leave a thought. the end of my penis as i am male...
  3. K

    hey there a high priest in question of....

    hey i'm a high priest of satan i've learned many things. but one question is on my mind. seeing as how the islamic culture is a lie and they and the christians, not to mention those discusting filth jewish people... The thing about men having multiple wives and woman having multiple husbans is...
  4. K

    fhaving trouble with the pdf file of

    having difficluty witht he pdf file.. lost book of enki in the files section. can someone please send me a file that doesn't act up.
  5. K

    lost book of enki

    does anyone have this book in pdf format
  6. K

    Astrology for today

    i'm curious too , i'm very new to astrologey and i am confused.. I understand the instructions for meditations day and hours.. but like for example I'm confused on i'm canser and how do i know when my sign is going thew a planet and all this house stuff... it's rather confuseing to me I've read...
  7. K

    ethics and love magic

    your reply was unclear please finish the sentance.. and if you have any oppinons on this you may email me.. i'm open to new satanic contacts as i'm not a people person but if it's one of the satnist comunity i'm going to make an exception.::--- In [email protected]...
  8. K

    ethics and love magic

    I understand, I once did a ritual though about a year ago, asking Satan for a lover because i was very lonely and tired of living the so called christian life i was handed, it meant even if i was satanic during my life i've been turned on hurt fucked over and Looking for friends real ture demon...
  9. K

    ethics and love magic

    I have a relationship that just ended because of some things. she couldn 't get over, or get past, what happened in our relationship during a summer of wich I gave in to temptation and since I've been threw this I know it won't happen again. Experiance is the best teacher. However I want her...
  10. K

    Extreme dizzyness

    I only get dizzy when i use to practice a trance. now it only happens if some idiot decides to call me during my meditation. and i'm in a deep trance.
  11. K

    working with runes and justice

    hey all i need some help... My mother's program is trying to kick me out, I'm disabled and they have no legal right to remove me. they say I'm an ilegal resedent when realy I've been here for more than a month almost two or three years now. anyway what runes can i use to make them back the...
  12. K

    Diverting Christian prayers.

    yes please explain your situation
  13. K

    Sex With Demons?

    --- In [email protected], jonny davis <brigandscholar@... wrote: this fighting is pointless. children stop fighting. I've taken the time out of my day to read this thread, because it is in my interests. My personal feelings about satanism is satanism is nothing more than a...
  14. K

    Sex With Demons?

    wow!!! an eye catcher, now we're cooking. I will shair my experiances but i will not mention what deamons they are due to privecy. But, yes I agree my friend in Satanist, that Deamons are much more bbetter than a human. I don't like the term alian so much because an alian is in my mind just some...
  15. K

    hey guys

    I'm realy interested in some of your ideas for ritual workings of black magic and oppinons.. deticated warior here. any ideas pass them on. also i want to know if it is worth it yet to destroy the church in rome cuzz they have our books in there should we try to get them back or should we...
  16. K

    i'm realy pissed off!!!

    okay i am in the fucking.... mood... to do a lot of spiritual warfare as of late but every time i want to i'm not sure who to attack. tthere was a list on maxines sight in the swp section with photos and etc. i would like to find that again. does anyone know where or what happen to it and how i...
  17. K

    problem with the jos store and my...

    hello fellow satanists, i've been wanting magical books for the longest and what not. heres my problem and I know satan would never let a problem such like this get in the way. so here goes. I'm visually impaired and i want all the books in brail but I wouldn't know how to do that. anyway I...
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    odd feeling in...is why does happiness feel so odd to me. also fathe

    okay i've been meditating on and off and lately i've been happy and i feel odd... why is this... i'm mostly depressed most of the time.. well i think it's because i've been reunited with my lover not to long ago but the thing
  19. K

    THIS IS WAR!!!!

    Hello i agree its time that things start happening. I am soo sick and tired of the slowness of people joining Hell and yes there are many demons but we need more attention. I am working on a website too like maxine now. I'm having some trouble with the images and stuff i'm visually imapired so...
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    excuse me in need of help in research

    hello i am in need of some hlep i am visualy impaired and i do most of my work on the computer but i seem to be having trouble finding history on everything before egypt meaning sumeria. i need a site with correct information on the sumerian gods. and also does anyone have the pdf copy of the...
  21. K

    weird stuff happening????

    it's understandable as a child about twleve weird shit happened to me as well i started seeing and speaking or knowing how to speak a dialect of deamon. not all dialects are the same. the one i speak is some what like english and a combination of anakian. well i mean some of the words sound the...
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    my site need tips

    i want to get traphic to my site and adds i've heard i can get them for ffree but not sure. i feel father wants me to find a way to make a living benefit from me telling the truth at the same time. ave satanas
  23. K

    Serious Question

    no he just appeared and stayed in my living room i think at frist it might of been near the kitchen where the fire was. i realy didn't need to two signs were him appearing and my hand wouldn't bleed no matter what we used on it. that happned the first time damn it i realy wanted to sign my name...
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    --- In [email protected], aizinloy@... wrote: iits called power meditation work on it
  25. K

    soul splits

    i like this thery. even though my understanding of a soul split isn't necessarily genetic it does make a deal of sense. and i want to ask can't it be caused by birth another thought i seen is when the person is born not all the components are un ited causing the other half people call it. the...
  26. K

    Serious Question

    i know how u feel and there is a lot he has tought me my second time around even thoughi left the first then to luciferianism cause i felt i wasn't getting enoughh cknolege and i decided not to go christian but to drop my beliefs temparialy now since then i have been with him and he with me...
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    soul splits

    nnice, i get u i understand but i think it's nor sciance or pure magic perhaps a mixture of the two considdering magic is a type of sciance if people take the time to study it. energy and stuff. everything has some kind of explanation it's just the matter of finding the source. however i have...
  28. K

    soul splits

    i would like some of your oppinons on the soul split that some people have. some ass holes call this mkistakenly split personalities. however this can be utmost bull shit as when some people are conscious and are satanists and understand more than the average they relize it is another piece of...
  29. K


    you're realy not worth replying and a waiste but i'll tell u i am not on any fucking medication and if u have nothing posative to say then don't bother. i came here to meet smart and intelegent people not more ignorance. ave satanas
  30. K


    okay is any here from new york. i have yahoo messenger and aim my aim is wweundertaker1000 and my other screen name is vampirekane1 also i would like to know how i can help destroy the barior that is prohibbiting demons to take their physical form here and use there ultimate abilties...
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    Travelling In Astral or Ethric Body

    thanks but i know what happened and i do not have all melenia to explain every little detail no i said it was wounded. and it has been restored fully except for two layers of wich are caused by only i can fix on my own without any magic. anyway thanks again. i do apretiate your oppinonn...
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    Travelling In Astral or Ethric Body

    i am sorry i have been gone for quite some time i am suffering from depression i am scared now afraid i am going to loose everything and the one who is dear to me we are going threw a hard time enki says it will be okay but i want to believe him but i kind of don't things seem so sad and...
  33. K

    Travelling In Astral or Ethric Body

    i am sorry i have been gone for quite some time i am suffering from depression i am scared now afraid i am going to loose everything and the one who is dear to me we are going threw a hard time enki says it will be okay but i want to believe him but i kind of don't things seem so sad and...
  34. K

    the barior on the physical realm ofhumanity

    now since the rise of christian power we have a problem the essance of there jahova or whatever is going on has put a barior on this realm to use the full extent of our powers besides closing the chackeras. see there is more to things than what u see. not only we must work to open and use...
  35. K

    time for the ass kicking!!!

    greetings i am from the advanced satanist group. in jos. and i'm disusted with the human race as they have gone down so far as humans were given knolege they destroyed it. i know it's not all there fault. so basically take out the churches we get there attention we post shit on the internet...
  36. K

    time for the ass kicking!!!

    greetings i am from the advanced satanist group. in jos. and i'm disusted with the human race as they have gone down so far as humans were given knolege they destroyed it. i know it's not all there fault. so basically take out the churches we get there attention we post shit on the internet...
  37. K

    Travelling In Astral or Ethric Body

    let me help. i have been a satanist/pagan fro a long time three years now perhaps and i want to help. enki has been by my side now finally someone can help me help him. i can astral preject well and at times get into hell itself the hell that is on earth. i know much but no one will listen...
  38. K

    a question about manifest

    It is apparent to me of wich you can manifest anything within the astral realm. However this, does me no good i want the manifestation of money, food, drink, to be here as it will not help my physical body as i do use manifesting objects in the astral for entertainment but i actualy need...
  39. K

    blue light meditation odd feeling

    I see well nice talking to u Do u have a myspace perhaps we can talk more on meditation. I asked that particular one because blue light is suppose to represent demonic energy. well anyway i'll try searchin g for my guardian then. ave satanas] --- In [email protected]...
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    blue light meditation odd feeling

    --- In [email protected], "Brian" <dragorpion369@... wrote:
  41. K

    blue light meditation odd feeling

    Is it possible to use it to get to other realms of existance and i don't mean astral. I read it helps achieve in getting to other plains and also i was wondering if you knew much about what would happen if you were trying to will the body to take on the form of the soul say your soul...
  42. K

    Is it taboo or not

    It's up to you some would say it is wrong some would say nothing. If it isn't realy doing harm and you are just making him shut up or perhaps influance his mind to get the picture to show him that the world doesn't revolve around him and he can't get whatever the hell he wants then fine...
  43. K

    blue light meditation odd feeling

    hi there i have a few things on my mind but i won't bore you all with them. if u wish to know u can ask even though i would like to shair them i think this msg would be way to long if i did. so streight to the point to day, i have been doing the blue light meditation trying to find a...
  44. K

    Sermon: The Yule Season 12/05/08

    Hi Maxine it's me kanemohrra I'm rarely in here as I just got a new laptop and my old computer broke some few months ago. It isn't coincidential that this sort of thing happens it happens every June wich is annoying. I think the angelic filth is trying to keep me from the site as it is...
  45. K

    Sermon: The Yule Season 12/05/08

    Hi Maxine it's me kanemohrra I'm rarely in here as I just got a new laptop and my old computer broke some few months ago. It isn't coincidential that this sort of thing happens it happens every June wich is annoying. I think the angelic filth is trying to keep me from the site as it is...
  46. K


    that's very interestiing Scott. I never get dreams much Infact i bearly dream at all as half the time i just leave and go to the astral. I know what u mean however, the astral the mind and the third eye can be very active and crazy not to mention helpfull. It probably means something...
  47. K

    question about "puberty"

    um... okay but no i don't think so. funny though it didn't stop anything. if anything wich is odd it seems to cause me to grow a little faster. I'm noticing i'm becoming more and more hungry. I've been meditating just on the penial gland and backing off taking it one step at a time. I'm...
  48. K

    question about "puberty"

    my question is well... I'm kind of confused. I am pretty confidant within what I am but I do meditation to further advance myself. I am now starting the process of the magniopus wich it says not to do it until you are out of puberty. I'm currently 18 and about to be 19 in June. Technecaly...
  49. K

    money and hunger

    ea has been helping me as of late. however i've been looking for new ways to bring in some cash flow. a few months ago i rid myself of my weeker side. i'm now whole again. i will not go into deatail with this. however, i would l like to know if anyone knows of free softwares i an find that...
  50. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    yeah, i can astral preject and sometimes at the same time be here. um.. but i want to know how would i get to the demon realms physically. i have full power there astrally. i have a hard time with my abilities her because of the frequency. hail satan
  51. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    well i programed his aura for missfortuen and her's to keep her from having a boy friend. i know it sounds wrong but she is better off single because she is easily gullable. she changes around men a lot... well anyway i'm eighteen and the thing is here in nyc until i'm twenty one shes not...
  52. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    speaking of meditating i've been feeling odd i keep pushing myself lately and stuff when i'm upset and i feel high amounts of head coming from my body and my hands... ave satanas
  53. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    it's mpt kjust that. see i've been extensively cleaning my aura. let me make more sense. see my mom who is deaf and has usher sindrem wich developed during the vietnam war makes you go deaf and blind. she has tunnel vission and deafness and is mute. we talk threw sign. and she has this...
  54. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    glad your happy. i'm misserable. well i mean satan has blessed me ever since my ex fucked me over and i hjave a realy nmice girl friend who is into the supernatural too and shes part demon or it is rather confuseingt. we both have that going on. but i've been having a hard time with a lot of...
  55. K

    The Inquisition is NOT Over

    yeah that is horrible. and i would do some more meditation on attacking targets but i can no longer find the list of enemies that use to be in the government in the warfare section on jos. when my girl friend had told me that the fucking pope is in manhattan i felt discusted. i would like to...
  56. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    not to offend u, but anyone would know that answer. but i'll save my sarcastic nature because i know u would know the answer. see the negative energy could of made u sick or it could of brought u bad luck. depending how much. but the point is kill it get rid of it clean it and turn it into...
  57. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    no u can't just let her aurqa sit there. u need to absorb it. you've done that. now u need to clean all of your chackras and your own aura. clean the energy. turn it into whatever energy u need, good luck or something. if it sits there u are just carying around negative enetrgy... ow did u...
  58. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    ah, this is where i love being what I am. I work for my father and father alone. You've been in this group befor and seen my posts. Some would say you are crazy to take my advice. because people just believe what the hell they want... Well, Let me ask do u want 6them dead or not that's the...
  59. K

    Please Help Me, I'm In Desperate Need

    do you know what they look like? if you do then i have not a curse but a technique that i love using. and so do many demons. it's a power we naturally have because of high amounts of bio electricity. listen to me do not panic and relax take a deep breath. now imagine the person that is going...
  60. K


    No I want revenge against her because I'm not the only one she's done it to. She is a telepath. I don't understand realy, the first day I was toatly unattracted to her but then I for some reason fell for her the night befor i saw her at work. that night we had talked on the phon. wich is...
  61. K


    There very old entities but I'm guessing they only live every few hundred years. because I know how they work they switch leaders every few damned hundred years. Ibdon't know the names but I might be able to program a thought form to infulatrate. I am sick of this. It's war and if no one is...
  62. K

    stupid fucking christian!!!!

    yes very much so. it rose a few weeks ago. i think like a three weeks um, I know it was befor that day it rose. I need help with some stuff, I'm afraid to say it here but it's the only place I might find someone who will believe me and help... Let me ask You do You believe in other things...
  63. K


    okay, I understand where he's coming from. I've already replied to all of this except for the high priest. I'm replying to this now. Maybe he chose the wrong choice of wording. However What he means is ask a fellow demon to tell the offending one to back off and if not then take action...
  64. K

    meditation on the eight pointed star

    I've done this one of a few ocations. However the last time i did it it was different it was on last wednesday and that day i felt full of nergy. I went out in the cold without a coat like i always do, but the cold didn't effect me. The very same day I was on the train. My energy got higher...
  65. K

    stupid fucking christian!!!!

    yeah, i know it's not the most important thing, i just needed to get that off my chest. it makes me sick how fucking idiots can't go home and prieche i mean no one wants to hear that shit on the train. the guy was fucking rediculous. he kept saying bull shithow supposed god hhas some shit to...
  66. K

    stupid fucking christian!!!!

    the other day i was riding the train. and i got pissed off. because some idiot was prieching on the train. can't i at least get some peace and quiet on the damn train? well i guess not. well satan was sitting next to me. he possessed me and basicly showed me something. it felt weird. he...
  67. K


    --- In [email protected], Lord Lightifire <paranjay321@... wrote: our enemies(against Spiritual Satanism) without you willing to offer them something. Only few demons might offer you something. If it somebody you don't know but that person is trying to communicate with you...
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    --- In [email protected], "theophagist" <theophagist@... wrote: focused. Interesting, I feel this burning in my hands lately when I get extrememly piss3ed off. I got ticked the other night and it was odd. My hands were cold and my body was generating heat. I asked my friend...
  69. K


    I'm in need of a very strong spell, curse anything against my ex whowas teaching me but tried to brain wash me into thinking maxine was attacking me two summers ago. It wasn't maxine, it was some kind of entity. and I need a large black magic kind of thing to destroy her whole entire coben...
  70. K

    my safety

    lately i have not been feeling safe. the thing is, i know father is watching me and making sure of my safety but, i feel as if some one else is stocking my life. i think it is my ex. she was my former so called teacher but realy she was someone brain washed i feel by a counsel of entities...
  71. K

    Re: Harassment/Spam

    --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Maxine Dietrich" <maxinedietrich@... wrote: that were name of foundation of shape or have been attempts on ago, in None of Satan's anything to desperate they can e-mail, I piece have the write is to ideas as This is sense to whine as...
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    ancient symbols

    --- In [email protected], "High Priestess Pandora Arcana" <tiamat_gsa@... wrote: thanks that kind of helps can u give me links to more symbols. so i can use it for referance i am currently recording data. VISHNU okay.... that helps thank you very much. how can i get the...
  73. K

    Group Meditation: Hip Chakras

    --- In [email protected], "High Priest Jonathon Billing" <jonathon.billing@... wrote: hey i felt energy going to my kidneys. and i have problems with them. is that good?
  74. K

    ancient symbols

    i need to find a link with the original meaning of the star of david as u know many people in that juish filth stole shit from the egyptian and other relidions. so please anyone give me the link if u can find it. furthure more i'm looking for telasmans u can wear around your neck like a coin...
  75. K

    my aura programing...

    hey there, sorry I havn't been in the group for a while. I've been going threw some rough times lately. My name in this life is John hhowever, My real name is Kanemohrra Mortysmir. It's my last life's name and some of you know me from quite some time ago. I see many new faces in the...
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    physical transformation

    I need some advise on how i can transform my body physically. I've achieved some what but not the results i wanted. I feel my energy increase three times. I feel the burning in the base. I have four forms. My normal everyday state is the first the other three are levels. However I have no...
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    Spiritual Warfare Program II

    yes i would say so. the demons u call them that resume in hell, to me they are the long forgotten gods of egypt and greece. we both have different beliefs but the main objective is obvious. to gain full knolege and to rid this planet of filthy idiots like the pope and etc. i am looking...
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    waking my demon half

    excuse me, i'm having trouble with this. in last may. if any of u have read my posts. i said i was expeariancing odd things like in the middle of january i was mediting more than usual and i got a headache as soon as nightfall. My strenghth increased as it was a few months ago wich was odd...
  79. K


    I don't neccisaraly belive that the white race was the product of the demons and humans or the gods of lucifer and humans. But i do belive that there are people among us with more than just the everyday human half. Think about it... If any of u belive in the supernatural such as vamps...
  80. K


    i have a challenge for all of u. some people belive that demons and others breaded with humsans a long time ago. meaning some of u may have unkown blood in you. do any of u think this is true... if so why and no why. just want to know... ave... maxine i asked u about this.
  81. K

    New Material

    thanks hp maxine. we may not shair the same views on satanism or anything for that matter. but i do feel your speaches on how jahova wants us to stupid and slave like and conformists i've always thought that was true ever since i stumbled on your sight two junes ago. the material u put...
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    the diabolican

    yeah, when i read it it made some sense. i became what i am two last june or may in 06. i ran into maxine's sight. i was in search of a new religion anyway. brought up catholic. and i was loosing faith. when i read the jos. i said to myself why am i denying what i could be. why am i doing...
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    working with plants

    If some of you are trying to learn how to posess, shapeshift etc. I sugest trying with an element. Mainly water, because water can take any shape you want it to. For example... I noticed the plant in my living roon was not doing so well because my mother over waters it. So I went into the...
  84. K

    Learn your Crowley Kids, it's like the blood cells to the plasma of

    ok my program is working. so i'll make this short and sweet. this topic is old. in fact, fine i'll put my 2 sense in. crowley, was a human man who was exploring the secrets of the supernatural the only way he knew how. i do not think he was christian but nor do i think is any type of...
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    simple jinx lol try this

    I was upset with my mother the other day. I didn't want to do something to bad so I just jinxed her. Of course it wears off but it's funny at first. Invoke red energy in you palm send it out after program it. Like something funny but yet dangerous. Just something like a noosance. I did...
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    rituals, meditations, ...

    when it cmes to meditations that involve materials such as the ectoplasm meditation try to substitute. for example, I didn't have the black liquid so I just made some. any dark liquid would work. what i did is light a blue candle. and fill a small saucer with black cofee. it works...
  87. K


    IN august of last year after returning to meditation i gained a burning feeling in my back on the left side. i want to know what causes this. it still happens. it's worse when i'm upset. i get it in my third eye. also a few months later after november, i felt sick. i was not working out...
  88. K

    the touch of death?

    thank u u seam very knolegable. maybe we can talk about a few things. you're the first that has given me a good answer to anything. so what's your name. i'll try that.. what should i practis on i don't want to use it just yet. a plant? --- In [email protected]...
  89. K

    Learn your Crowley Kids, it's like the blood cells to the plasma of

    wtf.... my thoughts n ths ... yes he has a point n he editatins hey nly take o ar. but until i fn hat there s or. well.. that s all ave. so i' indee mpotant o ee n howevr i do not agee ih ll crowly's things. from hat i ave read he umoned one f te emonsin a way ich stotly blasphemis ad...
  90. K

    the diabolican

    if anyone has read the diabolican, please let me know so we can discuss this it's very interesting. it's writen from the demons point of view. in fact it is like a summary of most of my belifs. i know not all of our beliefs will be the same in here. but we can all agree on that the gods...
  91. K

    advice on pyro

    i did the meditation for heat. and it seems to be working. but i am having a hard time with pyro. i feel much energy in my palms. but i can't light the candle. also i've been able once or twice to creat some kind of heat between them or a spark that is not heated. i've been focusing on...
  92. K

    the touch of death?

    excuse me but i want to know the meditation to exicute this. and any other meditations involving the hands. third eye and such. i know it is possable to send energy and use it like a ray to damage some one even with the third eye. so how can i do this. i did something like it but i can't...
  93. K

    fire thought orms

    --- In [email protected], "Scott N." <scott_n15@... wrotesorry f my message was ot clea. the program i m in latly hasbeen little essed p. i am visually impaired and se a program y h naeo aws. t reds he creen. s m essages ma ot ave een oming ut heright wy. what was...
  94. K

    quick advice from someone who knows

    --- In [email protected], "friendsinhighplaces1" <friendsinhighplaces1@... wrotewell the ne hing u must do is considder if ave faith n your old religion. and if do ot. conider wy. and ow this as ome o be. and then consider do u want to ake our path. life s ull f...
  95. K

    sorry for any unclearity

    guys i am sorry for any unclearity in any of my messages. see, i am a visually impaired person wich i may or may not of mentioned befor. and the program i am using currently has been a little screwy. i'm not sur what is up with it. right now i'm using another one wich tends to be more...
  96. K

    fire thought orms

    there s ig differance etween hought orms nd actully aving solid fire n ront f . ean hught orm an actually backfire give he person who ade t fever f hey re inexpearianced etc. solid ire from ighter r omething will o ore amage ecause t s more condensed. ind t ifficult to solidify...
  97. K

    Learn your Crowley Kids, it's like the blood cells to the plasma of

    --- In [email protected], "Zir Ipol" <five17o.f23swords@... wroteutter ull hit. et me say omethingon his. he book s ot sigal. t's acred text used y he egyptians do ot now uch f t but i do have espect for he gyptians. nd as or emons, yes crowley did use summoning...
  98. K

    i need a oppinon

    HI i was meditatiing not to long ago. And i was spinning my chakras fast i did an excersize instead of speed of light i tried timing it by ten. SPEED OF LIGHT TIMES TEN... and i felt my energy increase. my body began to sweat. and my aura turned two colors. the right was red. the...
  99. K

    need help asap

    some one help i need information, i can direct energy. make it rain at will it take usuallyu two days. and i can astral preject and be here at the same time. the thing i need. i need tio know how and what if any spell is avalable for me to use on a friend. i need a clenzing spell. as...
  100. K



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
