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  1. Elite

    8th house of death

    No. You should look which sign and planets are in 8th house. For example, let's say aries in 8th house, then you simply look Mars in 8th house since its ruling sign in 8th house. And maybe there can be planets in 8th house too, e.g. Sun in 8th house. Some planets say you die early, somes say...
  2. Elite

    Being Overemotional on Things

    It is from an anime named Overlord. Character is Pandora's Actor and smashed man is a random dude. I used "reptile" and it shouldn't be problem using an anime character fanart at signature. But thanks for warning! :D
  3. Elite

    Weight Loss

    Months ago I started a diet and have loss 16 kg. But it started to slow. I take daily 1500 calorie but for like 1 week I can't loss any. I did weight loss meditation for 100+ days. I didn't count day to day but I know I did it for months, still my metabolism is slow. What should I do? At least...
  4. Elite

    Reincarnation control

    If one is not good at reading charts, it is not so good to determine weak sides on chart. I know it by myself. Looking at what you achieved on life and where you had troubles is more accurate. At least it was for me. One tight bad aspect fucks ten good aspect.
  5. Elite

    ISA for empowering focus and void?

    Thank you, I will keep going. And off subject but I remember your previous avatar. A rabbi advising to do RTR. Can you reupload that and send me please? That was so funny! :D
  6. Elite

    ISA for empowering focus and void?

    Thank you! I will start when Moon is waning.
  7. Elite

    ISA for empowering focus and void?

    I'm doing daily 15-20 mins of void but only for 2-3 minutes I can focus on SaTaNaMa or shut my mind. I want to use ISA rune for a quiet mind and empower my focus ability. Do you have any addings? And is this rune secure to use for positive goals?
  8. Elite

    Turkish air force bombed the yazidi city "sinjar".

    "Evil Turks did this! Evil Turks did that! Oy vey Armenian genocide! Oy vey innocent Kurds died!" Foreigners don't have a clue about what happens in Turkey. First, Armenian genocide didn't happen out of nowhere. Before that genocide, Armenians revolted and killed every women, children, young...
  9. Elite

    Being Overemotional on Things

    Bad word choice, sorry. Not magickal cursing, just swearing. And thank you, I had no idea that I can ask this from my GD. Thanks, I will let her know next time when I'm angry. :D Thanks. I will try what Fuchs said, if it doesn't work, I will start a working for taking control of my emotions.
  10. Elite

    Being Overemotional on Things

    I think what you say is doing RTR with that anger. Actually I do sometimes but not every time when I'm angry is convenient for RTR, e.g. I can't do RTRs when it is midnight.
  11. Elite

    Being Overemotional on Things

    Before meditating, I was hating my emotional nature. Then I did some workings and now I don't hate myself or my emotional nature. But due to some astrological aspects and placements during my born, I'm very emotional on my thoughts, ideology and so on. When I read a news about refugees or goys...
  12. Elite

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    I didn't get the difference between first and last. They sound totally same, at least for me. Also thank you HPHC, this helped me a lot.
  13. Elite

    "Honorary Aryans"

    Actually phenotype is not mostly genotype. Some White-Asian mixed people looks totally White or Asian. But that don't erase their real ancestry. Also human genes are %7 in DNA, rest of primate. And one's phenotype gets its shape with only %3. So one can be for example %4 Asian but %3 White is...
  14. Elite

    Arm Positions in Kundalini Yoga

    When I position them on my knees or some other where of my legs, I cannot properly do the movement, it's like my arms do the work, like they pull my spine. But when I position them upon chair's arms, I can properly move my spine front and back. But at instructions it says position your arms on...
  15. Elite

    They are Stocking Refugees Here in Turkey

    War erupted in Iraq, after that Turkey took Kurdish refugees. In 2011, Syria got into a civil war and now we have 5 million Syrians. Now Afghans are coming too. It seems like Jews stocking Middle Easterns in Turkey. If Iran gets fall too, that means they will come here as well as others. At that...
  16. Elite

    Please Delete My Account HPHC

    I created this account when I was new dedicated, and back then, I didn't know protonmail and opened this account with my real e-mail. Can it get deleted? Or maybe can I change its e-mail?
  17. Elite

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    If PTAH mantra is so strong, can we use it on another meditation or chakra parts? Or should it be done only in pineal gland meditation?
  18. Elite

    Number magic 101 needed

    Numerals which I know: 4: Father's number 6: For hardworking, discipline, more materialistic 7: Seven chakras 8: Eternality, lasting 9: For empower, ending (which may be a start to new beginning) 10: Destroying, ending but not a start to another thing 13: Father's number 18: For empower, much...
  19. Elite

    Akasha Question

    Could Tartaros be Shambala? So there is in underground and living gods there breathing too. Just occurred in my mind after read your theory. What do you think? Is it possible? By the way, good theory, I liked it.
  20. Elite


    I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.
  21. Elite

    Akasha Question

    As far as I know, there is no beginning and end of universe. That was what pagans believe. All mythologies say at the beginning there is only either chaos or water. Chaos = akasha (essence of everything) and water = spirituality (I think this may be a reference to akasha, at the end of the day...
  22. Elite

    Do You Still Wonder Who The Tyrants Are Now?

    Hope this vaccine madness would end soon. Great sermon, HPHC, as always.
  23. Elite

    Are My Throat and Sacral Chakras Weak?

    When doing Raum meditation, my root, solar and heart chakras are spinning fast and I can feel them strongly. At least for 6th and crown, I can see them spin fast as well as solar and others but can't feel. But for throat and sacral, as far I see, they spin slowly. Also I can't feel them. Are...
  24. Elite

    Astral Varlıklar üzerine...

    Genelleyecek olursak 2 tip var: düşünce formları ve elementaller. Düşünce formlarının bir elementi yok, elementallerse 1 ya da 2 elementten oluşuyorlar. Evet, bizim tarafımızda da lesser demon dediğimiz varlıklar var. Bes diye aratabilirsiniz internette, göreceksiniz. Bunlar da bildiğim...
  25. Elite

    For Who Doesn't Find Their GD Yet

    What you say is more accurate but definitely needs more advanced spiritual level. This is for less advanced individuals. Also most people's GDs are one of 72 demons/gods/goddesses, I think this can work most of time.
  26. Elite

    40 Günlük Program Sonrası

    Eğer enerjinin fazla gelmediğini düşünüyorsanız çok uzun zaman geçmediği için 40 günlük programı tekrarlamak yerine yoga, TÇM, RTR ve temeller ile devam etmenizi öneriyorum. Eğer enerjinin fazla geldiğini hissederseniz tekrardan baştan başlayabilirsiniz 40 günlüğe. Hatha yoga enerji bedeninizi...
  27. Elite

    For Who Doesn't Find Their GD Yet

    Well, if this written before or practiced by someone else, I don't know. Worked for me some time ago, I just wanted to open a thread and inform invidiuals who didn't found their GD yet. Main problem is people trying to find letter to letter. After some questions energy gets lower and you take...
  28. Elite

    Help with Birth Chart

    Friend, forums are not full of only SS people. There are also enemies looking here. You should not share your private informations. It is too dangerous and can end up bad for you.
  29. Elite

    Missing aspects

    It is because it is already stated in first planet link. Pluto is empty too. Let's say there is Venus/Pluto aspect. Since Venus comes first, you should check this aspect at Venus link. It is applied for all planetary aspects on JoS. If there is aspect, always check first planet.
  30. Elite

    Missing aspects

    https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/MOON.html Scroll down, there are Sun/Moon aspects with details. I suppose you missed.
  31. Elite

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    The vampires can't take a view to Sun's beauty and shine, huh? :D
  32. Elite

    Different Methods Of Doing the RTR's - Answered Question

    I can't focus my mind at affirmation step. Just saying the affirmations but it is hard to focus all the time (talking about killing tetra), my mind thinks mostly other things than finalizing* of Jews. Will it be still direct energy without much power loss? Note: I'm doing daily 4-5 mins of void...
  33. Elite

    Same Sign, Same House

    They are not chart ruler but one of them is in 10th house through its ruling sign. And both are aspecting 1st house but not chart rulers. Also I checked now but there are no Vertex aspects to those planets or any planet. And yes, Vertex is in a fixed star degree. Can you explain what these...
  34. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    I translated "Creating Elementals". Download link: https://www94.zippyshare.com/v/Hft3U2tl/file.html Original working link: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Creating_Elementals.html
  35. Elite

    help please. Career with no 10th house planets?

    It is not necessary a planet must be in 10th house, but 10th house itself is must be in a sign. Look over your chart on Astro-Seek website. In the right side of the site there are houses, 1 to 12, look 10th house. Let's say sagittarius is in 10th house, next step is to look Jupiter in 10th house...
  36. Elite

    Göklerdeki Savaş, Tufan, Yahudi Emelleri

    Esenlikler. Şahmeran konusuna girmedim, bu yüzden Satanizm ile ilişiği hakkında bir fikrim yok. Diğer mevzuya gelirsem yorum getirebilmek için SS'in genel tarihi ve sembolizmi üzerinde bilgili olmak şart. Eğer bu konular hakkında bilginiz varsa tabii ki istediğiniz miti inceleyip arada bağıntı...
  37. Elite

    Same Sign, Same House

    There is a sign in 5th house in my natal chart. I will not say which sign due to security reasons. This sign is both in 2 planets, which is in conjunction aspect to each other, that gives the house more intensity. These planets is also in 5th house. Also this sign is in Chiron and Vertex, and...
  38. Elite

    Göklerdeki Savaş, Tufan, Yahudi Emelleri

    Daha önce de belirtildiği gibi tufan, göklerdeki savaş ile alakalıdır. Ama bugün bunun üzerinden üstünkörü geçmekten ziyade detaylı bir şekilde anlatmayı planlıyorum. Öncelikle tufanın Yahudiler üzerindeki anlamına bakmak gerekirse tufanın Yahudi egemenliğini getirmek için yapıldığı açıktır...
  39. Elite

    Enerjiyi Nasıl Daha Fazla Hissedebilirim?

    Belli başlı yöntemler var. Hatha yoga, Laguz rünüyle bir çalışma, Güneş'ten enerji çekimi bunlardan bazıları. Zamanla olacak bir şey bu. Günlük temel meditasyonunuzu ve hatha yoganızı aksatmayın, zamanla hissiyatınızı oluşturacaksınızdır.
  40. Elite

    Seneye Yapılacak Olan KPSS

    Sanırım hayatınızın iyi yönde gelişmesi KPSS'ye bağlı. Bunun için 3 tane şey önereceğim. 1 - 111 günlük zekâ ve hafıza için büyü yapın. Bunu Ay, İkizler burcundayken veya Kova burcundayken yapmanızı öneriyorum. Tabii Ay büyümede olsun ve boşlukta da olmasın. 2 - Tam da şimdi, Merkür...
  41. Elite


    Bir mantra. Enerjiyi yükseltmeye yarıyor. MerKaBa meditasyonu içinde mudrasıyla birlikte nasıl yapılacağı yazıyordu. S ve T harfleri SATANAS'taki gibi. Sadece ekstradan bir mudrası var, ona bakabilirsiniz.
  42. Elite

    Şeytanın bizi ham yapması üzerine şüphe..

    Dediğiniz gibi olsaydı binlerce yıldır kimse çakmaz mıydı? Ölülerle konuşabiliyorsunuz, antik zamanlarda atalarımız bunu zaten yapıyor. Konuşamıyor olsalardı, ruhları emilseydi yani bunun farkına varılmayacak mıydı? Ayrıca kurbanın ve ölümün negatif enerji yaydığı da bir gerçek. Yani Baba neden...
  43. Elite

    Evreğen - Kundalini Yılanı

    Güzel yorumlarınız için teşekkür ederim. Bir arkadaşımın belirtmesi üzerine kendisinin forum hesabı olmadığı için onun yerine bir ekleme daha yapmak istiyorum. Türklerde yedi başlı evrenler terimi de varmış, evrenin zaten yılandan türediğini söylemiştik. Dede Korkut hikâyelerinde bile rastlanan...
  44. Elite

    The Knowledge Of The Gods: "Forbidden Knowledge"

    Beautiful sermon! It reminded me the power for progress is in my hands. Thanks for the sermon, HPHC!
  45. Elite

    Meditation On Charts, Signs and Etc.

    I think you're talking about zodiac sign mantras. Yes, every sign has mantras but they are also changing your characteristic, which is spiritually unhealthy (E.g. if you're leo predominant and extrovert, after doing scorpio mantra, that will make you more introvert.) So, HPHC warned and I'm...
  46. Elite

    Using your Mind as a Weapon in the Spiritual Warfare

    Great idea, but would not this kind of affirmations take energies from you? Because if you will or affirmate something, that will surely needs energy to become true. Therefore, I think if you're intending to do this, you should also raise your energies before affirmations or doing extra...
  47. Elite

    Evreğen - Kundalini Yılanı

    Eski Türklerdeki bir inanışta evrenin bir ejderha tarafından döndürüldüğü düşünülürdü. Bu ejderhaya da evreğen denirdi. Ayrıca bu ejderhanın yeraltı ejderhası olduğu da bilinmektedir. Günümüzdeki "evren" kelimesi de bu ejderhanın ismininden gelmektedir. Öncelikle evreğen kelimesinin anlamına...
  48. Elite

    melek taus’s creator?

    Melek Taus is not created, today's Yezidism has been corrupted by Jews. So you don't have to accept what Yezidis says as absolute truth, because it is not since Jews corrupted it.
  49. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    Sorry, late noticed second paragraph. No, I didn't. I created them in PDF Architect program, really have no idea why you couldn't open. I asked a friend now, to check if he can open or can't open, he says he can open it. Maybe it is because website I uploaded pdfs or because of your pc, have...
  50. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    Actually I use a program called PDF Architect which I installed much before this translation work, so pdfs I sent were not converted but created. It is not that hard, but thanks for your worry. :D
  51. Elite

    Harfler Nasıl Titretilir?

    Genel olarak bir harf kuralı yok. Rünlerde titreşimler farklı, gezegensel karelerde farklı, Sanskritçede farklı gibi gibi. Rünlere ait telaffuzları merak ediyorsanız bir tek bu var: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Pronunciation.html Ayrıca rünlerin ve...
  52. Elite

    Tanrılar ve Demonlar

    Sitede buna dair talimatlar vardı. Örneğin işlemden önce yıkanmak (bunu kesinlikle yapın), mum rengine dikkat etmek (kentinizde bulamazsanız internet üzerinden aynı rengi veya yakın rengi sipariş edebilirsiniz), gece veya gündüz demonuysa o vakte göre çağırmak (bu da ayrıca bir jesttir). Onun...
  53. Elite

    Evolution Question

    Thank you for your answers. I'm glad that "one human race" theory confuted.
  54. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    PDF download links as wanted: For money meditation translation: https://www111.zippyshare.com/v/lGyxJK61/file.html For Father's Peace Be Unto Him poem translation: https://www74.zippyshare.com/v/FKKUz0sB/file.html
  55. Elite

    Aklıma Takılan Birkaç Soru

    1- Evet, pil görevi görüyorlar. 2- Şeytan farklı uygarlıklarda farklı isimlerle bilinmiştir: Odin, Tengri, Dionysos, Shiva vs. Sanskritçede de "ebedi" anlamına gelir. Shiva'nın bir diğer ismi de Sanat Kumara, yani Ebedi Gençlik'tir. Bir yerlerden tanıdık geldi mi? 3- Evet, farklı uygarlıklarda...
  56. Elite

    Multilingual Joy of Satan Websites Index

    Should I send my translations as PDF? I didn't know that, I will send them as PDF in same Turkish thread.
  57. Elite

    Evolution Question

    Varg Vikernes claims Whites are coming from Neanderthals, not Sapiens. What do you think? Really all today's humanity evoluted in Africa as Homo Sapiens before Father came? Or we Whites are modern Neanderthals, not Sapiens?
  58. Elite

    Astral projeksiyon ve birkaç soru

    Evet, başka yerlere gidilebilir ancak düşüncesizce yapılırsa tehlikeli olabilir. Astral çünkü sahipsiz değil ve düşman melekleri, Griler, Reptilianlar cirit atıyor. Nereye gittiğinize dikkat edin. Geçmişe ve geleceğe gidilemez. Görüler alınabilir ancak orada bulunulması mümkün değildir, yani...
  59. Elite

    Racial Skin Colors and Availments

    I heard Asians are better than us in spirituality. But this inference may come from that fact our meditations and magick workings are mostly comes from India. Still, white color is not directly related with spirituality but balance. Here is the white color's usage: All purpose, balances the...
  60. Elite

    Racial Skin Colors and Availments

    I discovered something. There are three races: black, white, yellow. Something I discovered is these racial colors' also have spiritual meanings. Yellow: for intelligence, same as Yellow Race. Black: for endurance, same as Black Race. White: for balance, same as White Race. Also this makes our...
  61. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    I translated Peace Be Unto Him as "Esenlik Onun Üzerine Olsun":
  62. Elite

    Güvenilir Kaynaklar İçin Öneriler

    Franz Bardon'dan alıntılar var JoS sitelerinde. Kendisi SS değildi ancak hem SS'lerle, hem de düşmanla çalışmış bir majisyendi (taraf tutma anlamında demiyorum, sadece büyüsel olarak iki taraftan gruplara da mensuptu). Eğer Satanik filtreden geçirilerek okunursa fayda sağlayabilir.
  63. Elite

    Dünya'nın Sonu mu Geliyor?

    2024 yılında Plüton kovaya geçiş yapıyor. Kova, aydınlanma çağıdır. Kova, Şeytan'ın çağıdır. Eğer kastedilen günümüzdeki düzenin çöküşüyse evet, bu düzen çökecektir. Bunun için sadece astrolojiye bakmamıza gerek yok. RTR'ların getirdiği gelişmeler ve Şeytan Baba'nın da bizzat Yahudiler hakkında...
  64. Elite

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    "In a positive and healthy manner for me, my aura is eternally getting clean from all negative energies." Something like that I suggest. Feel free to change some parts except "positive, healthy and eternally" words. Energy goes at easier way unless you don't specify.
  65. Elite

    "Satanic" Jews

    Best advice can be given: Stop arguing with ignorants and much worse, fools. Nothing you can say will not be able to set them free, make their eyes open. If a man believes that a Jew ((who raised in Jewish land, with Jewish ancestry and religion)) is real White, let him keep believe. Just send...
  66. Elite

    Turkic Runes - Hidden or Extincted?

    I remember once HPHC said what we use now, Scandinavian runes and Sanskrit mantras are not real ones. Real ones are hidden by ancestors and what we using are been created for drawing original one's powers. But what happened to Turkic runes? Are Turks failed to hide their vibrations and Jews...
  67. Elite

    JoS Turkey Forums Now Open

    HAIL FATHER SATAN! HAIL GODS & GODDESSES OF DUAT! Thank you HPHC, thank you Turkish brothers & sisters. So we can finally say "we are here and fighting too!"
  68. Elite

    help with fixed star?

    You can do a working for cleanse your negative karma (from past lives and birth) with 54/108 repeats Ansuz & Uruz. Remember, 108 is a bad number but it's okay if there are two 108 and total is 216. But I am not sure about this, if you don't want to take a risk, you can simply do 55/111 repeats...
  69. Elite

    Turkish Translation Thread

    Here is the money spell I translated a while ago. Turkish: Original working link: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Money_Meditation.html
  70. Elite

    Void Meditation is not limited to meditation

    Well, what you did say is great but I have still problems with void meditation, "not thinking" is still hard to me eventhough months passed since I've started. But if you can do it for a whole day, I am sure you may have some techniques. If you have, could you share those with me?
  71. Elite

    Is Retrograde Physical or Spiritual?

    Scientific researches says retrograde is not real and just a false apperance from Earth. This is what I exactly read. But astrology says otherwise but I thought it could be regression in spiritual way. Because yesterday I was looking right time for Jupiter square and saw that Jupiter's in...
  72. Elite

    Population growth in third world are bad.

    While their population is increasing, Europe is just aging. One day they will become threat to White population, because of labour shortage in White countries. Finland have already announced country's labour shortage. Just not in European countries but also in some Asian countries like Japan...
  73. Elite

    How to cure complex trauma + dissociation

    Try to do Wunjo working for 40, 80, 90 or 111 days. Good luck.
  74. Elite

    Vovim Baghie's E-Mail?

    I am currently translating his book. But I have no idea about what he would think about this situation. I want his permission to translate and share the book. If anyone knows his e-mail can share with me?
  75. Elite


    I don't know Scandinavian mythology but I don't think Jotun and Juden are same things. Juden is plural of Jude. Yahuda, Jude, Yahudi, are the names for Jews. Its origin is not from Scandinavia. Source: https://www.etymonline.com/word/jew
  76. Elite

    Is Albert Pike Jew or Gentile?

    Thank you for your answer, brother!
  77. Elite

    Is Albert Pike Jew or Gentile?

    KKK article on JoS website says Albert Pike is a gentile SS. But when I talk with some friends they said me they read some comments on forums those says Pike is a Jew. So I've wondered, is he Jew or Gentile?
  78. Elite

    With Serpent's Rise, Does One Get His Race's Phenotype?

    First of all, I know, serpent's full rise takes long time. I am just curious, if one had a risen serpent, would his phenotype gets change to his racial features? E.g. would a White person's risen kundalini make his hair blonde and eyes blue? Thanks in advance!
  79. Elite

    Kanji Characters in Satanisgod Website

    I am using Opera. Well, if it's only for me, then there is no problem. I thought it was general error. Yet I want to know what causes this error. Here is the kanji error which I'm talking about: https://i.imgur.com/d2mZ7Lr.png
  80. Elite

    Kanji Characters in Satanisgod Website

    I was just looking how to do King & Queen meditation and I noticed there are some Kanji characters within mantras. Link: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html Just wanted to report.
  81. Elite

    How can I increase my psychic openness

    Lögr ve Sowilo rünleriyle bir çalışmaya girebilirsin. Bu senin enerjiye hassasiyetini ve onu anlamanı arttıracak, sağlayacaktır. Ay karesi de yapabilirsin tabii bu amaçta afirmeleyerek. En son olarak da üst çakralarını TÇM'de bir tık fazla tutabilirsin, yine de günün sonunda dengeleme...
  82. Elite

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    TÇM'yi dene kardeşim. Enerji fazla gelirse vücudunu enerjiye alıştırmak adına çeşitli çalışmalar yapabilirsin.
  83. Elite

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Üst çakraları daha iyi hissetmenin sebebi onların zaten psişik açıklıkla ilgisinin olması. Yani bunlar tamamen üst çakraların doğasıyla alakalı, herkeste böyle. O yüzden bunu dert etme. Diğerlerini Hermit yanıtlamış zaten.
  84. Elite

    Audio File For Gothic Vibrations?

    HPS Maxine already did for Germanic and Icelandic but I couldn't find for more powerful version, Gothic vibrations. I use these Gothic vibrations for various spiritual workings but I don't know even it's correct or not. When I look to the pronunciation article...
  85. Elite

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    In Turkish library, some workings' links are mixed up. E.g. Satanic Telepathic Communication is mixed up with invoking water. If I download telepathic communication, actullay downloaded pdf is invoking water. There is another links like that one.
  86. Elite

    What can I do extra for empower my chakras?

    Thank you for your answer. But I'm already doing these things, I've started with runes, now vibrating Sanskrit (Thaum, Maum etc). I'm doing that over 1 hour per day. A friend started with me, but he did it with higher repeats and found his GD. But I've no time for higher repeats. So I just...
  87. Elite

    What can I do extra for empower my chakras?

    Almost one year passed since I dedicated. I did nothing for advancement until 2 months ago. Since then I'm trying to empower my chakras and soul with meditation. But I couldn't find my GD yet. I'm really wondering which demon/demoness my GD is. So that gives me motivation and I'm doing my best...
  88. Elite

    Two Questions About MC and Placements

    1- None of my planets in 10th house. But when I look to my natal chart on a website (https://www.astro-seek.com) I saw MC has aspects to some planets. But they are not in 10th house. Is those aspects matter? If they are matter, how can I read them? 2- My natal chart says I have talent to...
  89. Elite

    Which Runes Associated With Which Elements?

    Thank you! :)
  90. Elite

    Which Runes Associated With Which Elements?

    I made a search on joyofsatan.org and forums but couldn't find what I searched. Anyway, can you say me a list of all runes and their associated elements? For an example: Kenaz -> Fire, Sowilo -> ... Thanks in advance.
  91. Elite

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I have two questions. One is about magic and runes' repeats, and another one is about Raum Meditation. 1- I've read a post in forum and got confused. I know there is some numerological numbers such as 6 that I'm recently using. The post I've read is saying you can add multiples of 6 (as far as...
  92. Elite

    The connection between Tengrism and Satanism

    Greetings! Before starting, I should say my English is not so good. So, there may be many word or grammar mistakes, sorry for that, just wanted to say... Whatever, regrettably I do not know my mythology so much. I am from Turkey, and I know Tengrism just a little bit. Kayra Khan (creator of...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
