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  1. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L'eredità di Melek Taus - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: Melek Taus’ Heritage L'eredità di Melek Taus https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/melek-taus-heritage/ Tradotto da: It's a Wonderful Race! https://web.archive.org/web/20160129195833/http://whitedeathofislam.weebly.com/its-a-wonderful-race.html [Nota del traduttore...
  2. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] L'eredità di Melek Taus - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: Melek Taus’ Heritage L'eredità di Melek Taus https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/melek-taus-heritage/ Tradotto da: Satan, Demons, Races and the Kingdoms of the World https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/the-kingdoms-of-the-world/ Satana, i Demoni, le...
  3. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Finito di tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Inizio a tradurre: https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/melek-taus-heritage/ L'eredità di Melek Taus
  4. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico - Parte 5

    Tradotto da: Gentile Heroes fighting for our Heritage against Islamic Jew Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Tradotto da: All-Aryan War against islamic jew – why should We stop it Now...
  5. Nimrod33

    US State Representative Calls Israel 'Apartheid-Run Thuggery Terrorist Regime'

    Unfortunately I remember him. Never bothered with his theories but he was an idiot anyway. He was the usual idiot who would attempt to promote suicide ideas of the Traditionalism of Evola and (((Guenon))) while promoting the Left vs Right idiocy and simping for Xianity. The only posts of him...
  6. Nimrod33

    Donald Trump creates his own Social Media Platform

    Wasn't Trump's own mentor a Jew named Roy Cohn?
  7. Nimrod33

    Explanation for race mixing?

    Was Sinistra a Jewess infiltrator? I remember that one of her latest post had images removed by HP Hoodedcobra because of race-baiting.
  8. Nimrod33

    US State Representative Calls Israel 'Apartheid-Run Thuggery Terrorist Regime'

    Oh, and they are the same people who will laugh at us when we say them that Ancient Middle East was white. They laugh without realizing they are the clowns.
  9. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico - Parte 4

    Tradotto da: Gentile Heroes fighting for our Heritage against Islamic Jew Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Tradotto da: Inquisition in All Jewish Programs. Inquisition in Palmyra...
  10. Nimrod33

    US State Representative Calls Israel 'Apartheid-Run Thuggery Terrorist Regime'

    Unfortunately I know very well about them, even tough I don't even use (((gabbai))). I prefer to not argue with them, as I consider it a waste of time and energy. Most of the people who attempt to separate "Ancient Israelis" with "Jews" are unaware that they are parroting Jewish propaganda that...
  11. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico - Parte 3

    Tradotto da: Gentile Heroes fighting for our Heritage against Islamic Jew Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Tradotto da: The Leader of Libya...
  12. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico - Parte 2

    Tradotto da: Gentile Heroes fighting for our Heritage against Islamic Jew Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Tradotto da: Dracula’s Origin’s in the Satanic Order of the Dragon...
  13. Nimrod33

    [Trad-WDoI] Eroi Gentili che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico - Parte 1

    Tradotto da: Gentile Heroes fighting for our Heritage against Islamic Jew Eroi Gentili che che combattono per la nostra eredità contro l'Ebreo Islamico https://whitedeathofislam.deathofcommunism.com/gentile-heroes/ Tradotto da: Queen Isabella - the Inspired Crusader...
  14. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Personally I do not care about kikes buying other kikes company. Sony buying Bungie or Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard to me is no different than Elon Musk buying Twitter, in the end nothing changes. In both cases we have two woke companies owned by Jews (one in Japan, the other in the US)...
  15. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Ok, allora io voglio iniziare a tradurre "Gentile Heroes Fighting four our heritage against Islamic Jews". La traduzione poi devo inviarla in un topic sul forum oppure tramite email?
  16. Nimrod33

    Sito White Death of Islam - RICHIESTA TRADUZIONE

    Salve, la traduzione del sito è ancora in corso? Chiedevo perché se c'è bisogno di aiuto potrei tradurre qualche articolo del sito, dato che voglio iniziare ad aiutare Padre Satana con le traduzioni.
  17. Nimrod33

    Auguri di un sereno 2023

    Lo cominciamo già bene dato che il Papa precedente ci ha finalmente lasciato le cuoia. :lol:
  18. Nimrod33

    Is this the end for the Catholic Church and Christianity in general?

    They've just announced that the pedophile Pope Benedict XVI died just a few moments ago. Considering that Francis Is also gonna resign soon for "Health problems", does this means that we are close to the days where Christianity will finally be gone forever?
  19. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Is Keanu Reeves Jewish? The fact that he is everywhere and that he is a friend of Israel makes me think so.
  20. Nimrod33

    Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft

    I don't think that he was Jewish, more likely a Gentile who attempted to promote a degenerate version of "Paganism", influenced by Theosophy. The reason why he knew about all the occult sources that he cited in his short novel was probably because his father was a Freemason. His closest...
  21. Nimrod33

    FancyMancy's Picture and Video Thread

    I was gonna listening that song even though it sounded familiar. Then I've opened the video and found out that was indeed a parody made years ago (perhaps in 2016) by the Jewess Sinead McCarthy from Renegade Broadcasting. Too bad because making fun of Jews with parodied Pop Songs is cool. I, for...
  22. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    So, in early 2021 I've decided to hurt myself by watching the first three seasons of the Netflix Castlevania "anime", and it was worse than I tough. Not only it maintained the blasphemous xian shit that was already in the games, it also added a lot of SJW shit as well, such as Feminism...
  23. Nimrod33

    Carenza di due elementi

    Ciao e grazie. Ho iniziato proprio da stamattina. Il mudra che dici tu è lo stesso che avevi postato in un altro post sulla concentrazione?
  24. Nimrod33

    Why Satan doesn't make me rich?

    In short, Satan is not the lamp genie and you need money for things you really need, not useless edonistic stuff.
  25. Nimrod33

    Carenza di due elementi

    Grazie per la risposta, purtroppo non conosco bene gli aspetti elementari dei pianeti, anche perché nell'Astrologia di Azazel vi sono le informazioni sugli elemen ti dei segni dello zodiaco ma non dei pianeti. Una domanda, funzioneranno anche se non ho ancora finito di aprire tutti i chakra e...
  26. Nimrod33

    Christiansanity: 3 Levels of Retardation

    You've 'perfectly resumed the retardation that can be caused by the enemy program of Rabbi Jeboo. I thiunk that it works similar to Islam, but it may have more levels of retardation, as there are even less Mudslims that can be tolerated than there are in Xianity. I also think that "lukewarm"...
  27. Nimrod33

    Carenza di due elementi

    Salve a tutti fratelli e sorelle Satanici e Ave Satana! Studiando il mio tema Natale, mi sono reso conto di essere carente in due elemeni (uno dei due è completamente assente) e voglio risolvere il problema perché sospetto che sia questo che impedisce ai miei lavori di liberazione di avere...
  28. Nimrod33

    Retro games

    They have some graphic style that can be fascinating, but I would be careful with the creations of George Lucas (including Star Wars) as he is influenced by Theosophy and is friend with too many Jews in Hollywood. And while the retro style of Indiana Jones has its charm, I still cannot play the...
  29. Nimrod33

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    You don't have to watch the anime adaptations of Berserk, as they are all mediocre. You need instead to read the mangas. If you cannot afford for physichal editions, I would suggest to read the translated scans online (if overprotective copyright laws didn't purged it), expecially considering...
  30. Nimrod33

    YULE Father's BirthDay ?

    It was stated by High Priestess Maxine directly in this page that Dies Natalis Solis Invicti was Azazel's Birthday: As for March 21, that is the Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, and is an holy day to Astarte.
  31. Nimrod33

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    I remember that in 2013-2014 people were praising it for being the "Japanese Game of Thrones", because they find it "cool" that the creator kills characters. Pheraps it is the same edgyness.
  32. Nimrod33

    Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft

    It could be a possibility. I mean, he was also a Freemason and most of Masonry at the time was heavily corrupted by Jews, to the point that few Masons were still Satanic. Regardless, Poe or (((someone else))) may have subverted Gothic literature, which purpose was to remind us how grim the Dark...
  33. Nimrod33

    YULE Father's BirthDay ?

    The 25 of December is Mithras/Azazel's Birthday.
  34. Nimrod33

    Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft

    I've heard that Poe was actually forced to marry his cousin and they didn't consumed the marriage, which would mean that there was no pedophilia nor incest. But I don't know if I can trust this source, as it seems no different than claiming that Lewis Carrol was not a pedophile despite his sick...
  35. Nimrod33

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    I've reread what you wrote with more attention, along with your latest post, and I have to admit that you are right, Attack of Titan is definitely one of the many Jewish subversion present in the Japanese culture, along with the Fate series and anything that has to do with battle robots (all...
  36. Nimrod33

    Attack on titan is completely jewish

    I dunno if Attack on Titan can be really classified as Jewish for the reasons you listed. Sure, the gore may be a unpleasant, but I think what other SSs, such as Jack, liked about it are the messages, which while not entirely Satanic, can be classified as "Gnostic". Among the things that I...
  37. Nimrod33

    Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft

    I used to like H. P. Lovecraft stories in my early years as an SS. However, I've lost interest in the following years when I've realized that all of his stories are always "creepy space Gods and crazy cultists". While he may look interesting because he "supported" the Third Reich, it should also...
  38. Nimrod33

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    True. I remember an old meme that compared some of our ancestors to nowadays men. The meme remembered us how Spartan, Roman and Vikings boys became warriors at the age of 12-14. Meanwhile, in "modern" society all the kids that I've seen are either too chubby or too skinny. If they are "lucky"...
  39. Nimrod33

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    This unfortunately is already a reality in some countries. In Sweden I've seen a video that showed a man doing chores. And it's the same where a woman is a Church Minister. Literally clown world.
  40. Nimrod33

    How to Migrate From Windows to Ubuntu - Extra Steps For Newbies

    Even though I've already replaced Windows with Ubuntu weeks ago, this guide might still be useful in the future. I hope more SS will stay safe both offline and online. Hail Satan!
  41. Nimrod33

    Question #47: Bifrons

    His Vedic counterpart is Ganesh. High Priest Hoodecobra confirmed it months ago.
  42. Nimrod33

    Reminder: boycott all the Made in China products if you can

    If you haven't already, read this extract from an old sermon by Maxine. Here is a short extract from it: Most Made in China products deserves to be boycotted (unfortunately we cannot boycott all of them, since some are a necessary part of our daily life). Here is a list (currently...
  43. Nimrod33

    Retro games

    I have to agree on this one, expecially since I love the idea of writing books that portrays gentile culture and Paganism as good and enemy shit as evil, while not doing it directly. I'm also fine with writing stories that at least, while not spiritual, have some NS morals. The only thing that I...
  44. Nimrod33

    Retro games

    Unfortunately it will take a lot of time before literature returns to a gentile-friendly state again. Many of you may don't know it, but it is the most SJW infested media in the current days. In fact there is not a single modern novel that is not about either "muh feminism", "muh GBLTQWERTY+"...
  45. Nimrod33

    Question On Angels

    Thanks for this info. I've always knew that the Menorah was stolen from Paganism. As for the word "angel" I've already knew it. However, I don't think that it is a problem if we refer to the enemy entities as angels. After all, the Hewbrew word for it (Malachim) was also stolen from Syriac...
  46. Nimrod33

    When the church tried to ban our holidays (...still going on behind the scenes)

    Didn't the HPs said that Anglicanism was actually created in order to protect the English people from the Kiketholic Church and the kippah-wearing Papacy? I believe that Puritanism was created in order to attempt to subject the Anglo-Saxons to another version of the enemy program of Xianity. In...
  47. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    I'm against blaspheming of Our Gods via media with the only purpose of entertainment. Example that irritates me includes the "Quetzalcoatl" from Miss Kobayashi, the "Beelzebub" baby from the same 2000 anime and "Satanachia" girl from an anime that I don't know. It is barely any different from...
  48. Nimrod33

    Is the Sicilian God Adranus Mulciber or Andras?

    I'm asking this question because I'm trying to figure out who the supposed Father of the Sicilian people was. I'm more oriented to believe that he is Andras (Ares/Mars) because of the name and his characteristic. However, some sources suggests that he is Mulciber (Hephaistos/Vulcanus) because of...
  49. Nimrod33

    On Eating: Sustenance comes first

    Sugars can be completely discarded from a diet. I, for example, try to eliminate all of them from my daily food as i don't want cavities or seeing the dentist. As for bread, the only good one is the one made at home with the rolling pin and natural ingredients (preferibily flour that does not...
  50. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Is Tim Burton Jewish? I have some suspect that he is: He ripped of teeth of his own mouth just "for fun" The composer of most of his movies is (((Danny Elfman))) His Corpse Bride is based on a Jewish folk tale What he looked like when he was younger
  51. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    I personally think that having the same name of a God does not necessarly mean that the character is supposed to represent that God. It is like the character Byleth from one of the latest Fire Emblem who, for example, is named after our Goddess and that's all. It is pretty common in Japanese and...
  52. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Speaking of Fundie Xians, is the hysterical Pastor Steven Anderson Jewish? He has been exposed as a Freemason and his behavior is definitely not sane.
  53. Nimrod33

    Caduta del governo ebreo draghi

    Ribadisco quello che ha detto Quel tizio, aggiungendo anche che votare politici nazionalisti non fa si che con la bacchetta magica fanno sparire tutti problemi di una nazione. Spetta anche al popolo svegliarsi e fare la sua parte.
  54. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Well, your interpretation may be right if the game idea is purely gentile. Current Buddhism is after-all an enemy program that, along with (((Zorostrianism))) influenced Christianity. Therefore, having Siddharta Gautama as villain is no different than having any other of the characters from...
  55. Nimrod33

    God of War

    Ho avuto la sfortuna di conoscere questo franchise il decennio scorso nonostante non ci ebbi mai giocato e mi rifiuto categoricamente di metterci mano. Come ha già scritto Corvo, il gioco è propaganda ebraica ideata proprio dall'ebreo David Jaffe. Da quel che vedo, tutti i giochi sono basati...
  56. Nimrod33

    Un aiuto per comprare Criptovalute anonimamente?

    Salve a tutti fratelli e sorelle ed Ave Satana! Dato che il prezzo delle criptovalute è temporaneamente sceso ne volevo approfittare per acquistarle, sempre se è l'occasione giusta. In ogni caso, ho letto informazioni, guardato video e letto dei libri sulle criptovalute ma non ho ancora...
  57. Nimrod33

    Occult "Sources" & "Citations" - Is It All Real?

    It also pisses me off when someone claims to "debunk" our statements because he quotes forged "historical" documents and and "historians" who all happen to either be Jews or Communists.
  58. Nimrod33

    Is the Shahnameh (Persian Book of Kings) Pagan or Jewish?

    I would like to know if it is "Satanic" because I've read more than one time on JoS that Persian Culture (in particular Zoroastrianism) has been infested by Jews.
  59. Nimrod33

    What is your opinion on Anonymous

    As far as I know, weren't them supposed to be a controlled opposition? I remember back in 2015 they were supposed to launch an attack on ISIS but they didnt't.
  60. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    How many Westboro Baptist Church members are actually Jewish? I have listened their songs various times and found them more enjoyable than the elite singers they parody. However, I suspect that some of their members may be Jewish because in various moment they tell "good" Jews to "repent". If...
  61. Nimrod33

    Why did Anton Lavey used Ayn Rand's Objectivism for his own philosphy?

    Was it as a strategic measure?
  62. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Isn't Asura's Wrath like the blasphemous (((God of War))), where one of our Gods "murders" the other Gods because they are "evil"? I know very few things about it (mostly info read from the web), but I wouldn't be surprised if I were right, since the company who pubblished it is the same behind...
  63. Nimrod33

    Sex, Rape And Murder In Mythology

    Great Sermon HP, as usual. Unfortunately some Neopagans as well have been buying these lies about literal "animal sacrifice" or "Gods vs Gods" and have the nerve to slander the JoS. We are not Abrahamic anyway, if a degenerate book talks about talking donkey/ants, walking trees, reversed...
  64. Nimrod33

    Fiacchezza causata da un oggetto nemico?

    Salve fratelli e sorelle Satanici e Ave Satana! Due settimane fa mi hanno portato dalla Turchia, come regalo, una Hamsa, ovvero la Mano di Fatima Islamica. So che la Hamsa è di origini Pagane proveniente dall'India e dal Medio Oriente antichi, ma quella che ho ricevuto è piena di scritte in...
  65. Nimrod33

    Mel Gibson the 2nd, Jim Caviezel - Hollywood Elites are Trafficking Children for Adrenochrome

    Neither of them can be trusted, they are both Freemasons. I've posted months ago some photos on the forums where they did the Masonic Hidden Hand.
  66. Nimrod33

    If gun violence is real, then why does Iceland has guns and no violence?

    I remember reading years ago an article that said that Iceland has gun rights and almost no gun violence case. Despite this, however, many normies falsely believes that gun causes violence because of what some criminals does in the US. How can the anti-gun "agument" can be a fact when it is...
  67. Nimrod33

    Are these Winter characters also Pagan and Satanic like Santa Claus?

    I want to give this post a second chance, since we are close to Yule again.
  68. Nimrod33

    Zeus, Hades and Poseidon staffs

    I already now that Poseidon and Zeus are respectively Father Satan and Lord Baal Zebul and that Hades is also one of our demons. But the question is related about the staffs that they hold in their Greek depictions (which are also shared by their Roman counterpart depiction). I mean, Zeus wields...
  69. Nimrod33

    Gods related to bees

    Does that mean that Baal Zebul is also the Mayan God Ah-Muzen-Cab? Also are there Bee Goddesses as well? This stele seems to prove so.
  70. Nimrod33

    Leaving And Returning To Spiritual Satanism - A Reply

    I can relate to this as, because of a moronic fake SS kike that pretended to be on my side, I've left the JoS in the period between 2020-2021. Now I'm still struggling to ride the "bike", but I'm still doing my best to create a balance. Unfortunately, I can't escape my return of Saturn, so I'll...
  71. Nimrod33

    Spiritual Satanism For Dungeons & Dragons?

    I would be careful with D&D, as the creator (Gary Gygax) was an Evangelical Xian.
  72. Nimrod33

    Native Americans are NOT Hebrews/jews! Exposing the Native Hebrew theory LIES!

    I may be wrong, but I thought that some Native American Tribes from the modern day USA and Canada were monotheistic because to me they seemed to worship only Manitou. Pheraps it could also be from enemy infiltration in the Pagan Pantheons, like it happened with the Aztec (there was an old sermon...
  73. Nimrod33

    Native Americans are NOT Hebrews/jews! Exposing the Native Hebrew theory LIES!

    Aren't some of the Native American religions Monotheistic?
  74. Nimrod33

    "Bruciare per te" di Elisa

    Probabilmente la seconda che hai detto. Ci sono diverse celebrità e politici gentili che hanno indossato anche loro la kippah, ma ciò non li rende ebrei. Mi sembra che nei primi anni 2000 di Internet gli ebrei abbiano usato lui e l'autrice dei libri sui "vampiri mormoni" per distrarci dai veri...
  75. Nimrod33

    Cyberattacks Against The Forum: Password Change Necessitated

    Changed the password. We absolutely need to teach them more than a lesson.
  76. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Star Wars is Theosophical propaganda, that's why it looks "Satanic", because Theosophy is a corrupted from of Satanism which mixes Pagan magick and enemy programs. In fact, the plagiarist creator is friend with many Hollywood jews (one of them being Stephen Spielberg) and is the same person...
  77. Nimrod33

    Right rises in Brazil, RTR at work

    Bolsonaro lost, and it was Father Satan's Day. Did the Jews used a Kabbalist spell to stop him?
  78. Nimrod33

    Uso del timer o contare manualmente il tempo

    Salve a tutti ed Ave Satana! Per diverso tempo ho usato il timer del cellulare per contare il tempo durante le routine di meditazione, principalmente le meditazioni sul vuoto. In tempi recenti però ho notato che sul sito non viene menzionato l'uso del timer, perciò ho provato a contare il tempo...
  79. Nimrod33

    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    Of course you can, I have no problem with it as I've also "stolen" it as well. :lol:
  80. Nimrod33

    La Destra Italiana sta finalmente ammettendo di essere Comunista come la Sinistra?

    Salve a tutti ed Hail Satana! Solitamente non faccio spesso domande politiche qui, ma di recente mi sono accorto che la parte più radicale della Destra sta diventando sempre più Stalinista, in contrapposizione alla Sinistra radicale che è anch'essa Comunista ma ad un altro livello. Me ne sto...
  81. Nimrod33

    Is 2026 at risk of becoming like the "Metropolis" movie?

    I'm asking this because Metropolis is set in 2026. Although I didn't read the book I have watched the movie. In the movie mankind is divided between the Capitalist Jews who lives in a big city in the surface and worker goyim who lives in the subterrans like slaves. Considering that 2022 is the...
  82. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    Was Christopher Lee Jewish? He claimed to descent from Charlemagne, who, according to JoS, was a Jew.
  83. Nimrod33

    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    At least he isn't part of the Black Hebrew Israelite cult. I love also when not just Whites, but people of other races points the finger to the Jews. By the way, I've noticed that you changed your profile picture. I guess a new God's ritual will be scheduled. :D
  84. Nimrod33

    Is the "100 gender identities" the secular version of the Flat Earth?

    I mean, hypocrite SJWs who are also race-deniers also believe that there are "more" than two genders and like Flat Earthers they can be very delusional if you reject their retarded theory.
  85. Nimrod33

    Quali sono i vostri pareri su Putin e Zelensky?

    Nessuno dei due è nel giusto, sopratutto considerando che sono entrambi ebrei. Si è già discusso più volte sia sui siti della GdS (specialmente in La Morte del Comunismo) che sui forum del fatto che Putin è ebreo dalla parte della madre (Shelomova). La Russia è ancora sotto il Comunismo, ma...
  86. Nimrod33

    For those who still don't get it: The Reality of China

    I agree with what you've said. The fact that you mentioned /pol/ and other idiots with similar ideas exposes them as right wing communists. In fact, many people of today who are part of Neo-Nazi groups are inflenced at least at 10% by Communism and other Jewish shit. It is impossible to count...
  87. Nimrod33

    Tiktok "self-proclaimed private chef" sells "magic pink sauce" Is this how intelligent we've become?

    Ah yes, Tik Tok, the same platform which also had Wiccans attempting to "hex" the moon and a woman claiming that the Roman Empire never existed.
  88. Nimrod33

    Do satanists like getting into more then one religion at once?

    Nope, Universalism is a false god invented by New Ager Jews.
  89. Nimrod33


    I know this because my parents, who own a shop, recieved an Electricity Bill of 800 €. Things are looking pretty bad and we must act. Is there any specific prayer to call my Guardian Demon, or I can even call him with a short prayer? For cleaning before the ritual should I do the regular...
  90. Nimrod33

    Europe and US politics in a nutshell? Are There Politics Anymore?

    Politics is divided in two circus. On the left circus we have: - The Feminist who sees everything as "sexist" and part of the "rape culture" - The Tumblr retard, who has no specialization in science, that believes that there are more than 100 genders and sexual orientations - The "Communism has...
  91. Nimrod33

    Finally! A VERY accurate Wikia article on HWHY!

    Uncyclopedia is no longer part of Wikia (nowdays FANDOM) since the platform forced them to leave when they embrace wokeness. But some arcticles on it are very truthful. Speaking of Wikia/FANDOM, I have seen some SS making a Wiki there and I would reccomend against using it, considering that...
  92. Nimrod33

    A summary of Japan's medieval history

    While searchin "joyofsatan.org" on Qwant I found a Japanese blog who supposedly was counterpart of JoS of that language, who now claims that JOS has been overtaken by the Jews. The blog also contains this same article that was posted here. This post is therefore enemy propaganda.
  93. Nimrod33

    Peron, Argentinian Dictator?

    I was also wondering what were his relations with the current Pope, as I've heard he was supported by him.
  94. Nimrod33

    How to Find Your Guardian Demon - Guide

    Is the guide legit? I know the person who made this post was an infiltrator, but he used a post from someone else. P. S. I've been following the forums since 2017 and I didn't notice that there were many infiltrators. Of them I just remember Zola and her shitty artworks.
  95. Nimrod33

    Luna calante?

    Salve a tutti, fratelli SS e Hail Satana. Ho intenzione di iniziare un lavoro per rimuovere la Letargia e l'Indolenza dalla mia anima usando Uruz, come indicato da un post del Forum Internazionale. Il post dice di farlo quando la Luna è calante in Pesci, Scorpione o Capricorno. Il problema è...
  96. Nimrod33

    Overview of the "Manosphere"

    MGTards claims to be against Communism, yet they follow Libertarianism, an ideology that has been unmasked by many as Cultural Marxism. The worst thing is that some morons at 4Chan /pol/ are Libertarian MGTOW and posted cringe memes that claims that Jews are "scared" of "manly" single men who...
  97. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Thanks for the clarification, I was asking because I loved most of the anime.
  98. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Sonic.exe is a creepypasta and I'm sure the rest of the forum agrees with me that these stuff are not good for an SS. As for the character of Sonic itself, I think that he can be considered Satanic, since he is blue (a color that represents some of our Gods in India) and fights transhumanism...
  99. Nimrod33

    Pornography is a Drug

    Its been years since I've knew about porn being a type of drug. And I consider it the worst type of drug ever. Its true that a single quantity of porn does less damage than other drugs, but considering that most of the porn is "free" and on internet you are very likely to take it in big doses...
  100. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    A question related to this topic: are Roleplaying Games (expecially JRPGs) very popular in Japan because of racial reasons?
  101. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Actually it does. It also has a movie with two different protagonists. I know it because I've seen some trailers from Crunchyroll Channel.
  102. Nimrod33

    New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED

    Sorry, I've forgot to quote you earlier.
  103. Nimrod33

    The Divine Mother & Divine Father: Our Gods

    Thanks for the sermon. Although I'm still struggling to advance I will keep trying to make my Spritual Parents Proud! :D Hail Satan and All the Gods!
  104. Nimrod33

    New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED

    While I was searching the Joy of Satan on Qwant, I've found this "Satanic Aryan" website who claims that we are "cucked". Notice how it has only one article and has written nothing else since 2020. https://satanicaryanhardcore.com/the-joy-of-satan-is-cucked/ Although is a dead website, it...
  105. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    A question related to the Ancient Magus Bride anime: is the sequel any good? I'm asking this since I was convinced to watch it back in late 2017 by this post.
  106. Nimrod33

    US pastor called congregation 'broke, busted and disgusted' for not buying him luxury watch

    You're not wrong, as Family Guy and American Dad are both made by (((Seth McFarlane))). CN is very Jewish, since from the Beginning (it had figures such as (((Genny Tartakowski))), who made Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack) to this day (the person behind Steven Universe is (((Rebecca Sugar))), who...
  107. Nimrod33

    Salman Rushdi Attacked

    Knew the character since 2016. I don't know what to say about him. From one side, I would feel bad because he is yet another victim of the so-called "religion of peace". From another, however, he wrote a blasphemous book with a blasphemous title. But I'm leaning more on the first than the...
  108. Nimrod33

    Is Abrahamism an "Effemminate Patriarchy"?

    Also true. Most Feminists are indeed Jewish who want to create a society with castrated men. I feel like that Jews are Patriarchal only when it comes to their religion. Biologically they seems Matriarchal.
  109. Nimrod33

    Is Abrahamism an "Effemminate Patriarchy"?

    I know about Muslims who looks strong and as you specified its not because of the religion, but because of a particular situation. Their child abuse is no different than how they threat women, which HP Cobra explained in the "How to be a man" sermon that it comes from both a lack of control of...
  110. Nimrod33

    About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups

    Something that I notice with the people who creates sites in order to "expose" JoS is the fact that they lather abandon it within 1-2 years. I mean, the Gods knows how many anti-JoS sites existed and failed to destroy the Ministry.
  111. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    "B-b-but C-c-communism is better and it has never been tried!"
  112. Nimrod33

    Is Abrahamism an "Effemminate Patriarchy"?

    This is a follow up of a previous post were I've asked if there is a correlation between Muslims and Soyboys. I know that the question may sound absurd for the least redpilled, but the more you look at them, the more you realize that this might be true. I mean, we have the Catholic Clergy who...
  113. Nimrod33

    Ho un Tema Natale da sistemare...

    Per lavoro di liberazione intendi un lavoro ideato da me con Munka e le Rune? Anche perché nel PDF che ho salvato della raccolta di lavori magici di Academic Scholar non ho trovato nulla che richieda la Luna Piena, solo Luna Crescente o Calante. Dovrei anche farlo più di una volta, considerando...
  114. Nimrod33

    Is the Owl an holy animal of Astarte or Lilith?

    Thanks to both for your answers. I thought that Owls were sacred to Astarte as well because they were associated to her Roman alias Minerva.
  115. Nimrod33

    DuckDuckGo is sharing tracking data

    A short question: I know how to clean my own pet's aura, but how I do the AoP on them? I know that I shouldn't breath in their presence, so how I build their Aura of Protection? The thing applies to other family members as well.
  116. Nimrod33

    Is the Owl an holy animal of Astarte or Lilith?

    I'm asking this because in some of their iconography in the Ancient Pagan World they were depicted with owls, but their JoS pages seems to state otherwise.
  117. Nimrod33

    Ho un Tema Natale da sistemare...

    Ah, ed una domanda per gli utenti più esperti: tendo ad ammalarmi facilmente in molti casi, specialmente se prendo freddo (recentemente ho preso il maldigola mentre tentavo di fare docce fredde per un mese). Non ho trovato informazioni al riguardo nel mio Tema Natale, ma è dovuto ad esso oppure...
  118. Nimrod33

    Ho un Tema Natale da sistemare...

    Grazie a tutti per le risposte. Farò quanto mi è possibile. L'astrologia la sto studiando proprio usando il PDF dell'Astrologia di Azazel presente negli archivi zip di JoS ed il sito Jos-Astro. Cercherò di fare quanto mi è consigliato anche per il malditesta. Sto avendo difficoltà a proseguire...
  119. Nimrod33

    About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups

    As a person who was a longtime fan of the AVGN I can agree. He has became repetitive and unfunny and nowdays I find his humor annoying. I don't think that James Rofle is a Jew, but he may be influenced by them. The Nostalgia Critic on the other hand, is very worse and acts more Jewish nowadays...
  120. Nimrod33

    Ho un Tema Natale da sistemare...

    Salve a tutti. In queste ultime settimane ho cercato di fare più ricerche possibili sul mio Tema Natale ed ho trovato numerosi problemi presenti nella mia vita legati proprio ad esso (tra cui la tendenza alle emicranie) che mi impediscono di avanzare. Ovviamente non tutti i problemi della mia...
  121. Nimrod33

    About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups

    Unfortunately yes, they still exist and alongside them other degenerate fandoms as well. I cannot stand them for their idiotic behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if the furry fandom originated from Jews, considering that their scriptures such as the Talmud calls us "animals". As I said in another...
  122. Nimrod33

    Is the Fugu Plan an hoax?

    Can you give me some info about the Fugu Plan?
  123. Nimrod33

    Is the Fugu Plan an hoax?

    Can you give me some info about the Fugu Plan?
  124. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Dan Brown was a kike troll, don't waste your time with him.
  125. Nimrod33

    About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups

    Thanks for the explanation. This is nothing new to me, as I already knew most of the tactics you described, which belongs to the bullshit of idiots such as the groups of Vovim and Kai and Mageson and Zola. It also describes morons such as the group of transgendered furries of DeviantART who...
  126. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    There are 50+ more slanders that could be added.
  127. Nimrod33

    Cuscino Yoga

    Grazie per il consiglio. Il telefono durante le meditazioni lo uso per mettere un Timer e assicurarmi che metidi a lungo e contare il tempo.
  128. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Sorry for the late answer. According to Wikipedia, the author was influenced by (((Ariosophy))), therefore he was not an SS.
  129. Nimrod33

    Cuscino Yoga

    Salve fratelli e sorelle Satanici ed Hail Satan. Dall'anno utilizzo un cuscino Yoga per fare la meditazione sul vuoto e lo Yoga Hatha in un postura corretta e mantenerla finché non mi sarò abituato completamente alla postura. Me lo consigliate o dovrei cambiare metodo?
  130. Nimrod33

    Caduta del governo ebreo draghi

    Mi pare di ricordare che però la Meloni indossò una volta un hijab e prese parte all'inaugurazione di una Moschea (ne avevo parlato anni fa).
  131. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Thanks for the reply, but the subject of the question was not about the war crimes that are falsely attributed to the Japs by (((Commies))) and (((Allies))).
  132. Nimrod33

    Be very careful from September/October on. Super Shemitah coming.

    Unfortunately I've failed to buy Crypto when it was possible, so I'll have a really hard time since I'm still stuck at the bottom because of my own problems. I'll do my best to survive, then.
  133. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Thanks for the reply. What I really don't like of Disney's Hercules is the fact that it looks like a xianized version of the original myth, mixed with Superman's cliches, other than the fact that they took too much liberty on changing the entire story. But I find it more tolerable than anything...
  134. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    I was wondering, what do you think of Koichi Sugiyama, the deceased Japanese VGM composer, known mainly for Dragon Quest? I've read that he was a Nationalist and a denier of the hoax of the "Nanking Massacre".
  135. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    I have it in the folder that contains the archived memes of SATchives. Unfortunately, I don't know how much is accurate, since it seems to be repeating what the Zeitgeist movie said, which explains how the Nazarene was stolen from Our Gods in a very wrong way.
  136. Nimrod33

    Turing Test, AI, Robotic "Intelligence", Robots/AI Being "Alive", etc.

    Would an example be (((The Foundation Cycle))) vs Dune?
  137. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    If time machines were real I would go much further down in history, in order to kill the first jew (Abraham) and prevent their race to be born! :twisted:
  138. Nimrod33

    Martin Luther - the xian reason?

    Funny thing, while I ended up in a discussion about wherever the Bible tells to kill people, a xian showed his ignorance by claiming that we had the Renaissance because of the Reformation. Honestly, how stupid you have to be to believe that we have to "thank" Xianity for Pagan art?
  139. Nimrod33

    Martin Luther - the xian reason?

    I've already knew this about Luther. After all, like Satan told Maxine, he was a controlled opposition of the Jesuits. But I think that there is someone worse than him: John Cohen aka John Calvin.
  140. Nimrod33

    Why do many Muslims looks like soyboys?

    If you put some glasses on them they definitely look like soyboys. Is it because Islam being a "masculine" religion is just a myth?
  141. Nimrod33

    Bahai faith

    Don't know alot about it, but it is Abrahamic Shit and would keep away from it anyway.
  142. Nimrod33

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    The head says it all. Definitely jewish. He doesn't look like jewsh, even tough his face suggest drug-addiction. Aubrey Ankrum: Wikipedia has very little info about him. The few photos that I saw of him suggest a Reptilian face. Rhode Montijo: Very little info about this guy as well, other...
  143. Nimrod33

    How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

    It makes me sad that you have to put disclaimers because we live in a society where people gets offended so easily in both sides. Be it because "NOOOOOOO YOU ARE PRAISING TOXIC MASCULINITY" or "NOOOOOOOO YOU ARE DEMONIZING MACHISM". But what you said at the bottom is definitely true: not all...
  144. Nimrod33

    MUST SEE:Freemasons in israel have a CHRISTIAN CROSS in their emblem!

    Funny thing, that's not the only "Masonic" Cross. There is also the Latin Cross with the Crown.
  145. Nimrod33


    Oh wait, I've checked your channel and I recognize you! You are the same "Warriors of Lucifer" of Bitchute and YouTube who makes cringe and blasphemous videos attempting to portray yourself as "one of us". GTFO! :evil:
  146. Nimrod33


    Excuse me, but why you have that insult to the Third Reich as an avatar? And the way you write makes me think of a Christard on /pol/ who claimed that Japanese media are Jewish.
  147. Nimrod33

    Spotting an afflicted or debilitated mercury

    Thank you very much sister. I'm still struggling with various problems in my own life, hoping to solve them all. Your astrological posts are very helpful.
  148. Nimrod33

    Chess Lessons from Thoth

    Thanks bro, I've asked months ago a question on this subject and i found the correct answer in this thread. Hail Thoth, Hail Satan!
  149. Nimrod33

    Did (((CERN))) change the timeline that we live in?

    The multiple timeline theory exists only in Hollywood movies such as Back to the Future. Unless you watched too much Steins; Gate then there is no reason to believe that they can change our future.
  150. Nimrod33

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    Unfortunately, many Neopagans are being involved in blood sacrifice, desacrating therefore Our Gods. It is revolting what the Jews did.
  151. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    Lol, I have that screen on my Meme Folder as well :lol:
  152. Nimrod33

    Kali Yuga, Satya Yuga, The "Demon" Kali and Goddess Kaali

    Thank you for clarifying some misconceptions about Goddess Kali (Mother Lilith). It honestly hurts me that some would think that Kali is an "evil" Goddess because she represents "destruction". But of course when you have a mind who interprets the myths in a Abrahamic/Atheistic way you will...
  153. Nimrod33

    Beware of Esoterist Jews

    Unfortunately, being Italian myself, I know very well what are you talking about. In the past I visited some websites about Esoterism, and most of them were infected by enemy ideas such as Theosophy, Ariosophy and Traditionalism all together at once. On of the most famous of these website was...
  154. Nimrod33

    Is Netflix collapsing because of our RTRs?

    In the recent news I found out that Wokeflix has lost a big stock in the last month along with many subscribers. Are they losing shekels because we are bombing the (((enemy))) with the RTRs? If that so, nothing of value could go lost (cough... Cuties).
  155. Nimrod33


    If there was one think that Lovecraft did right was to make the Necronomicon popular with his own tales. Anyway, what you said is correct, Nyarlathotep is one of the Gods of the Cthulhu Myths. Since Cthulhu is supposed to represent the Kundalini, i suppose that Nyarlathotep may be an allegory...
  156. Nimrod33

    About The Most Common Enemy Attacks - Important Information For Newcomers

    Great and very informative post! By the way, i would like to add about this: All the horror stuff is rooted in Xianity. In fact, I've wrote in High Priest Cobra's sermon about the Gods living in children, that most of these horror movies and novels are inspired by tales that were meant to...
  157. Nimrod33

    Reminder: There Are Still People That Want To Kill You For Practicing Yoga - Protect Yourself

    Abrahamists are so disgusting. Yet, when you counterattack they will do the persecution complex despite being still a privileged majority in the world.
  158. Nimrod33


    Salve, non so se è il post inadatto, ma vorrei segnalare un errore nel PDF del rituale per invertire le maledizioni inviate al caprone: a differenza di quello originale in Inglese non dice di ripetere le affermazioni 9 volte. https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.html
  159. Nimrod33

    Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

    A question related to this post is: why do Trannies chose Mercury's gliph to represent themselves?
  160. Nimrod33


    I knew it we were gonna do the Azazel's Ritual after the Baal Zebulon's one! Hail Azazel! Hail Satan!
  161. Nimrod33

    Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

    Well, you cannot expect much from an idiot influenced by both Buddhism and the jew Guenon and that sucks Kikestianity circumcised cock wherever he can.
  162. Nimrod33

    Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

    It honestly pisses me off the fact that many people would associate this, or the fact that some of Our Gods are portrayed as Anthropomorphic Animals, a "proof" of furries being accepted in Ancient societies. Just because a Viking Warrior wore a bear fur, it doesn't make him someone who has a...
  163. Nimrod33

    Are Janus and Ganesh the same God? Which of our Demons are they supposed to be?

    Thanks, I've always suspected that Janus was Bifrons, since one of his names in Ancient Rome was "Janus Bifrons".
  164. Nimrod33

    Mental Suggestions, Black Magic And The Decline Of A Special Man - The Story Of Salem Burke

    Putting yourself at risk by sharing personal information is something that should be taken seriously. It is similar to how Vovim Baghie and Kai Purr owns a "Satanist" Telegram Channel, despite the fact that this platform has been unmasked as a not-so-safer alternative to WhatsApp. They are one...
  165. Nimrod33

    White Death of Islam PDF?

    Unfortunately, the version of Word that I'm currently using is a cheap 2007 version that doesn't work too bad, but it won't allow me to save files as PDF. As for the background, although it look likes the one of WDOI, it is actually the pages that are manually colored black. I did that because I...
  166. Nimrod33

    White Death of Islam PDF?

    https://www.mediafire.com/file/tt1zq9sglbcl2zj/White_Death_of_Islam.zip/file Ok, I've managed somehow to save most of the website as word documents (unfortunately, I couldn't turn them into PDF via an online converter). You can download it as a zip file.
  167. Nimrod33

    are arabs related to jews ?

    The "Arabs descend from Ishmael" is a Myth that has been debunked many times, but jews keep promoting it in order to push false identities on the Arabs. More on this myth (warning: some christian bias): https://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-myths-arabs-descendants-of-ishmael.htm
  168. Nimrod33

    Are Janus and Ganesh the same God? Which of our Demons are they supposed to be?

    I have read many sources, both from Western Orientalists and Hindus Anthropologists that claimed that the Roman God Janus is the Hindu God Ganesh and that they share many similarities, such as being both "remover of obstacles". Is it true? Also, which of the Goetic Demons is their identity?
  169. Nimrod33


    Dang, that explains why yesterday, while I was saving White Death of Islam, Tor told me that some pages were suspended. Damn you Vladimir Jewtin.
  170. Nimrod33

    SERMON: The Alchemical Tarot

    No need to reupload the pictures of the Tarots, I have saved this sermon as a PDF. https://www.mediafire.com/file/fnv39tj0gi9ax0u/The_Alchemical_Tarot.pdf/file
  171. Nimrod33

    Is Satan Really To Blame? - A Common Misconception: Christian Calumnies

    "Satan" is usually used by Abrahamists, along with their false god, to explain everything that happens. Something good happened to me and I am a Christian? It was YHVH that decided to award you. Something bad happened to me and I am a Christian? It's all Satan's fault despite the fact he...
  172. Nimrod33

    What To Do When You Make A Big Mistake As A Satanist?

    As a person who is still struggling with various addition i can relate very much to this sermon. Thanks HP!
  173. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni video e documentari della Gioia di Satana

    Se può aiutare ho recuperato dei video che appartenevano al mio canale YouTube l'intervista con Yuri Bezmenov in cui parla di idioti utili e del vero volto del Comunismo (il video originale è linkato nella versione inglese della Biblioteca di Satana).
  174. Nimrod33

    Exposing Islam

    You can find the PDF version here on the Satan's Library: https://www.satanslibrary.org/English/Exposing_Islam.pdf
  175. Nimrod33


    Thanks bro. The Table Talks is an argument that false Nazi Christards love to try to "debunk".
  176. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    As far as i know, the series is also jewish, Wikipedia listed various jews working on it.
  177. Nimrod33

    Exposure of the enemy invasion into Russian JoS

    I forgot to mention that the idiot was also on YouTube, and his Bitchute name is "The Canadian Satanist". Stay away from his blasphemous channel.
  178. Nimrod33

    A Brief History of "Christianity" And The Notion Of "Christ"

    This reminds me how my mother and some other people keep insisting in "believing in Jebus" despite not believing in The Babble. My mom told me more than a time: "Why can't you just ignore Augustine, Aquinas or the Bible and appreciate Jesus?" She is basically telling me to invent a "god" of my...
  179. Nimrod33

    What movies and cartoons would you recommend I watch?

    If you like Jurassic Park, instead of the (((Spielberg)))'s movies you should read Michael Chrichton books.
  180. Nimrod33

    Robert Sepehr

    Are you sure about that? Khan is a common surname among Turkish people and other populations that were influenced, even partially, by Islam.
  181. Nimrod33

    Asimmetria durante lo Yoga

    Non ci avevo mai fatto caso come dici tu. E si, ho alcuni problemi di schiena.
  182. Nimrod33

    Confucianism = enemy program?

    Hello. Other than India and Nepal I thinks that perhaps Taiwan and Japan when it comes to culturally Pagan. If we are talking spiritually, I'd agree that it would be Hindus.
  183. Nimrod33

    Asimmetria durante lo Yoga

    E' da diverso tempo che mi sono accorto una certa mancanza di simmetria ogni volta che sono alla fine dello Yoga. Ogni volta che poggio i dorsi delle braccia sul pavimento da sdraiato mi succede che solo quello destro poggia completamente. Il braccio sinistro invece rimane solo parzialmente...
  184. Nimrod33

    Requested thread for library additions

    Is the website White Death of Islam part of the JoS library? If not, I would recommend the clergy to add it as sooner as they can.
  185. Nimrod33

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    The website has been shut down and it doesn't have enough archived pages...
  186. Nimrod33

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    They've already did many times before. An example is via Alex Jones.
  187. Nimrod33

    Everyone Is A Jew?

    Jews repeating the lies of British Israelism and Christian Identity, nothing new.
  188. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    I love editing Communist memes too and turning them into NS. :lol:
  189. Nimrod33

    It's just me or search engines are all pro-Abrahmism?

    Every time I use a search engine, it always show me idiotic results from enemy websites, no matter what I write in the Search bar. It feels like being shoved-up with enemy propaganda. So much for the "Persecuted minority". Anyone else experience the same?
  190. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

  191. Nimrod33

    Movies, games, series

    Well, I was a bit expecting the fact that since the Movie was made by Hollywood, some enemy misinfo would end up in the movie. I've also read somewhere that one of the actors has jewish origins.
  192. Nimrod33


    Lovecraft era influenzato dalla Teosofia, un programma del nemico creato dall'ebrea Helena Blavastky. Odiava gli ebrei e supportò per un periodo il Terzo Reich, ma il suo odio era un odio economico che negli ultimi anni di vita svanì, tanto che per un periodo fu anche sposato con una ebrea...
  193. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    No offense to Americans, but I absolutely despise when Hollywood and similar cultures portrays our Gods as means to make money.
  194. Nimrod33

    The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

    I'm a bit confused, should i give priority to money working instead of other workings? Because I have many problems that I'm trying to fix.
  195. Nimrod33

    Ritagliare spazio per fare gli RTR

    Ok, quindi devo fare un rituale di invocazione oppure basta che lo chieda mentalmente usando un sigillo?
  196. Nimrod33

    Chess in spirituality?

    Greetings. This idea came to my mind recently, and I wanted to ask this question to an SS who is an expert in symbolism. I've seen in many photos of Masonic Lodges a photo of a Checkered Floor, like the one in the photo: And, doing some research, I've read somewhere that the checker floor is...
  197. Nimrod33

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=71517 Ciò che c'è scritto in questo post è stato aggiunto alla versione inglese del sito Death of Communism. Se nessuno lo sta traducendo, potrei tradurlo io.
  198. Nimrod33

    Ritagliare spazio per fare gli RTR

    Salve a tutti fratelli satanici. Dagli ultimi giorni di Gennaio ho avuto molta difficoltà nel fare gli RTR. Non posso andare molto in profondità sui dettagli, poiché equivarebbe a rivelare troppe informazioni personali. Vi dico solo che sto avendo difficoltà nel trovare l'orario giusto per fare...
  199. Nimrod33

    The death rune?

    The rune you're referring it is the "Yr" rune, who looks like an upside down Algiz. There exist a modified version that is used for Pacifism. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=310108#p310108
  200. Nimrod33

    Meme warfare

    I've wanted to post these memes for a very long time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
