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Spotting an afflicted or debilitated mercury


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.

To quickly proofread anything you type, I would recommend the Grammarly (or equivalent) browser extension. I have used it for a while now, and it has basically spoiled me in the sense that I can type gibberish and it will fix it. Link: https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000091552-How-to-install-the-Grammarly-browser-extension

The only downside, perhaps, is that it is possible that it may log what you type.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=372390 time=1657078624 user_id=21286]
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.

To quickly proofread anything you type, I would recommend the Grammarly (or equivalent) browser extension. I have used it for a while now, and it has basically spoiled me in the sense that I can type gibberish and it will fix it. Link: https://support.grammarly.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000091552-How-to-install-the-Grammarly-browser-extension

The only downside, perhaps, is that it is possible that it may log what you type.

I remember Blackonyx8 suggested it to me also when working on the other editorial project. I tried working with it and it didn't function right. However i also saw input from Soaringeagle666 and others that it would pick up errors when there was none and could have a tendency to be too heavy handed. I'll give it one more go and see if it cooperates with me :lol:
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.

Don't worry about grammar, I will clean these up for you. Just focus on the informative contents of these articles and I'll do the rest.
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.
Hey since I was starting to translate your posts, I wanted to ask you if I should wait for the final edits first or not.
As the translations I will make will be "official" these will end up in the Italian version of the library.

It also depends on what kind of edits we are talking about, if they are minor then I can simply update them. But it is also true that if there will be better versions from a grammatical point of view, these will facilitate my work by making it more fluent and more comprehensible.
((to put it in simple terms, if they are just small changes I simply update them, if there are big changes I'd better wait so as not to do double work by throwing away possible rough translations))

For now I have only done a small part of the Mars post as I had an important commitment until yesterday, but in the days to come I will have more time and will be able to translate more.

Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.
Hey since I was starting to translate your posts, I wanted to ask you if I should wait for the final edits first or not.
As the translations I will make will be "official" these will end up in the Italian version of the library.

It also depends on what kind of edits we are talking about, if they are minor then I can simply update them. But it is also true that if there will be better versions from a grammatical point of view, these will facilitate my work by making it more fluent and more comprehensible.
((to put it in simple terms, if they are just small changes I simply update them, if there are big changes I'd better wait so as not to do double work by throwing away possible rough translations))

For now I have only done a small part of the Mars post as I had an important commitment until yesterday, but in the days to come I will have more time and will be able to translate more.

Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.

there are some things I would like to have added in that I should have pointed out in some of the articles so far, and those are already in the comment section from me. you can translate all of that as is at the moment or you can wait for the final edits.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
Henu the Great said:
Very good effort with the series as it builds very nicely on top of what JoS has already to offer. However, you need to improve your output. Too many grammatical errors and those take points off from otherwise good package. This should eventually find its place in the library of JoS.

Thank you Henu for your critique. Please do not worry as final edits will be done also before it would go into the library. Also, i've tried doing most of the editing on my own, but what I can pick up are mostly spellcheck and some commas. I'll try to pick up more from my end to make it easier on the proofreaders though. Glad y'all like the series. Posts for the angles will come after also :3.
Hey since I was starting to translate your posts, I wanted to ask you if I should wait for the final edits first or not.
As the translations I will make will be "official" these will end up in the Italian version of the library.

It also depends on what kind of edits we are talking about, if they are minor then I can simply update them. But it is also true that if there will be better versions from a grammatical point of view, these will facilitate my work by making it more fluent and more comprehensible.
((to put it in simple terms, if they are just small changes I simply update them, if there are big changes I'd better wait so as not to do double work by throwing away possible rough translations))

For now I have only done a small part of the Mars post as I had an important commitment until yesterday, but in the days to come I will have more time and will be able to translate more.

Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.

Please do not begin translating Shadowcat's debilitated planet series of posts until after the final version is completed. You can e-mail me and I'll give you the finished product for translation if you'd like.

There may be just small edits, and there may also be large corrections needed in the finished document, so please wait for this to be completed before you translate.
TheAbyss said:
Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.

Please wait for the finished version of this to be completed before you translate it. This will become more than just a small series of posts. If you'd like to translate finished versions of posts you can e-mail me for these.
Shadowcat said:
there are some things I would like to have added in that I should have pointed out in some of the articles so far, and those are already in the comment section from me. you can translate all of that as is at the moment or you can wait for the final edits.
Dahaarkan said:
Please do not begin translating Shadowcat's debilitated planet series of posts until after the final version is completed. You can e-mail me and I'll give you the finished product for translation if you'd like.

There may be just small edits, and there may also be large corrections needed in the finished document, so please wait for this to be completed before you translate.
Please wait for the finished version of this to be completed before you translate it. This will become more than just a small series of posts. If you'd like to translate finished versions of posts you can e-mail me for these.
Well, then maybe I'd better wait.
What is your e-mail? If you want my protonmail here: [email protected]

So this applies to all Shadowcat's posts? Even for this one...

Astrological safety tidbits for our hands on SS, with some other advice
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70979&p=366509#p366509 ?

Since I had some free time I wanted to translate something.
Dahaarkan said:
I just saw your last comment here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=372723#p372723
Then I guess I'll just wait.
I had asked if I should wait or not precisely because I wanted the Italian versions to be the same as the original ones.
Dahaarkan said:
TheAbyss said:
Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.

Please wait for the finished version of this to be completed before you translate it. This will become more than just a small series of posts. If you'd like to translate finished versions of posts you can e-mail me for these.

Ok, I'm interested in translating them into Spanish, in fact I had already started translating the Mars one.
Awesome! Please do all the planets if you can!! I learnt a lot after reading this. So much makes sense now, I have two hard/strong aspects with both Mars and Uranus, and a medium aspect with Pluto. I am often scatterbrained, mentally disorganized, and lack concentration. I love reading but I can't finish a book, yet I will keep buying them LOL.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
there are some things I would like to have added in that I should have pointed out in some of the articles so far, and those are already in the comment section from me. you can translate all of that as is at the moment or you can wait for the final edits.
Dahaarkan said:
Please do not begin translating Shadowcat's debilitated planet series of posts until after the final version is completed. You can e-mail me and I'll give you the finished product for translation if you'd like.

There may be just small edits, and there may also be large corrections needed in the finished document, so please wait for this to be completed before you translate.
Please wait for the finished version of this to be completed before you translate it. This will become more than just a small series of posts. If you'd like to translate finished versions of posts you can e-mail me for these.
Well, then maybe I'd better wait.
What is your e-mail? If you want my protonmail here: [email protected]

So this applies to all Shadowcat's posts? Even for this one...

Astrological safety tidbits for our hands on SS, with some other advice
https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70979&p=366509#p366509 ?

Since I had some free time I wanted to translate something.

Yes please, this is the better option actually. Wait for the final versions since this will make it easier also on all involved in editing. It will be tidier also :p. Please mail Dahaarkan, He has left his mail in the post for library collections https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=72047.

When I have completed my posts, it will be after the article for transcendental planets as well as all 4 of the angles of the chart. I am hoping to get some info on the Lunar nodes, although Blackdragon has given me some info so far from Maxines notes.
Wotanwarrior said:
Dahaarkan said:
TheAbyss said:
Please let me know if I should wait or if I can start translating now.

Please wait for the finished version of this to be completed before you translate it. This will become more than just a small series of posts. If you'd like to translate finished versions of posts you can e-mail me for these.

Ok, I'm interested in translating them into Spanish, in fact I had already started translating the Mars one.

PLease wait till all are finished :). i also might revise the mars one. I am going to try to finish up the jupiter one tonight, and go back to editing. i will post the revision when I finish also.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Awesome! Please do all the planets if you can!! I learnt a lot after reading this. So much makes sense now, I have two hard/strong aspects with both Mars and Uranus, and a medium aspect with Pluto. I am often scatterbrained, mentally disorganized, and lack concentration. I love reading but I can't finish a book, yet I will keep buying them LOL.

You can use Nauthiz or Isa to help control this. Mars will accelerate your thoughts, Uranus makes them fly off in "random" directions, and Pluto can bring intensity or fears to your thoughts. Of course, harmonious aspects will bring better results.

Having Uranus aspects is in line with what Mercury "likes" (since Mercury is exalted in Aquarius). In a good situation, this would promote sparks of genius, as the logical side of the mind connects to the feminine aspect, resulting in a "true" understanding.
Shadowcat said:
Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

I think issues with lack of confidence come mostly from afflicted fire, such as through the Sun or Mars, and less from aspects to Mercury itself. The reason I say this is because we all know idiots (afflicted Mercury) who still yell and screech their opinions.

Perhaps someone who has an afflicted Mercury would be less willing to speak if they are already sensitive, but I think it is primarily their sources of fire that determine this expression. Mercury, being air, can give a friendly, light-hearted disposition, which promotes communication in its own way, but this is distinct from raw confidence.

Although it is useful to talk about potential negatives of Mercury's home/exalted signs, I wouldn't want people to get too bad of an impression of them. Some of these issues you mention come from people having these signs where they aren't supposed to be (like the Sun), or in negative aspects.

When looking at Mercury's detrimental signs of Sagittarius, Pisces, and Leo (opposite Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius), we can see what Mercury doesn't want to be.
In this case, although this is just my basic interpretation, I believe Sagittarius and Pisces are too expansive (Mercury wants to be short like a nerve transmission). Leo is fixed fire, and can also be self-centered. Pisces is ungrounded and therefore cannot make sense of details like a Virgo Mercury wants.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=372944 time=1657262658 user_id=21286]
Shadowcat said:
Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

I think issues with lack of confidence come mostly from afflicted fire, such as through the Sun or Mars, and less from aspects to Mercury itself. The reason I say this is because we all know idiots (afflicted Mercury) who still yell and screech their opinions.

Perhaps someone who has an afflicted Mercury would be less willing to speak if they are already sensitive, but I think it is primarily their sources of fire that determine this expression. Mercury, being air, can give a friendly, light-hearted disposition, which promotes communication in its own way, but this is distinct from raw confidence.

Although it is useful to talk about potential negatives of Mercury's home/exalted signs, I wouldn't want people to get too bad of an impression of them. Some of these issues you mention come from people having these signs where they aren't supposed to be (like the Sun), or in negative aspects.

When looking at Mercury's detrimental signs of Sagittarius, Pisces, and Leo (opposite Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius), we can see what Mercury doesn't want to be.
In this case, although this is just my basic interpretation, I believe Sagittarius and Pisces are too expansive (Mercury wants to be short like a nerve transmission). Leo is fixed fire, and can also be self-centered. Pisces is ungrounded and therefore cannot make sense of details like a Virgo Mercury wants.

I do agree that fire is a big thing in self-expression, and does not always have to directly be a thing with mercury. but more like how something is being expressed also and it factors into the confidence of expression etc. It has to do with the affairs indirectly, but maybe with weak fire specifically in this case, working with solar energies or invoking fire can help also.
[email protected]

Anybody is of course free to translate anything and repost these into their language's subforum, but you'll save everybody's time if you just work on the finished versions, which can then be used for your language's library.

If you translate before the finished version, this just means someone else will have to then translate the finished version and render your translation obsolete. This is just so you don't end up wasting your own time and work by translating something, and then having that translation become obsolete or outdated.
Shadowcat said:
Yes please, this is the better option actually. Wait for the final versions since this will make it easier also on all involved in editing. It will be tidier also :p. Please mail Dahaarkan, He has left his mail in the post for library collections https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=72047.

When I have completed my posts, it will be after the article for transcendental planets as well as all 4 of the angles of the chart. I am hoping to get some info on the Lunar nodes, although Blackdragon has given me some info so far from Maxines notes.

All right, thank you!

I hope Blackdragon is doing well, he also used to post interesting information on astrology.
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

This is a very good read. What about having Mercury as a Co-Ruler in the 1st house?
Nimrod33 said:

Thank you very much sister. I'm still struggling with various problems in my own life, hoping to solve them all. Your astrological posts are very helpful.

I am very glad to hear this. Don't hesitate to ask if a question pops up
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

This is a very good read. What about having Mercury as a Co-Ruler in the 1st house?

This still places Mercury in a strong position on its own. If it is aspected by Saturn or Neptune this will weaken it. Aspects to Uranus can produce extreme intelligence, but also scatterbrained thoughts. Pluto intensifies concentration and can promote snooping and investigation.
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

I love these! They are really helping me understand myself.
Black Sun Light said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

I love these! They are really helping me understand myself.

Then I am doing my job ^^ Glad to be of help.
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

This is a very good read. What about having Mercury as a Co-Ruler in the 1st house?

This still places Mercury in a strong position on its own. If it is aspected by Saturn or Neptune this will weaken it. Aspects to Uranus can produce extreme intelligence, but also scatterbrained thoughts. Pluto intensifies concentration and can promote snooping and investigation.

Even the soft aspects to Saturn, mars and Uranus can be problematic?
Quel_tizio said:
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
This is a very good read. What about having Mercury as a Co-Ruler in the 1st house?

This still places Mercury in a strong position on its own. If it is aspected by Saturn or Neptune this will weaken it. Aspects to Uranus can produce extreme intelligence, but also scatterbrained thoughts. Pluto intensifies concentration and can promote snooping and investigation.

Even the soft aspects to Saturn, mars and Uranus can be problematic?

Yes, they can be especially with Saturn and Mars but usually with a looser orb the effect will be less intense, but this also depends on other factors. There are positives and negatives to every aspect and placement, and soft aspects aren't always beneficial just as hard aspects aren't always detrimental.
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?
Hypatia666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

Hey :).

No you can never do a planetary square when the planet is retrograde even if the planet is in it's home or exalted sign at that given time. You must wait untill the planet goes direct again.

If the planet is still in it's home or exalted sign when it does go direct again you may then proceed with the planetary square but not before.
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

Is not at all advisable to make a magic square when a planet is retrograde because it will have unexpected effects that can be negative, the only exception is Jupiter.
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

On November 24th, Jupiter will no longer be retrograde and it will be in its home sign Pisces.
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?
You can do Mercury square when other planets are retrograde. Same with other planets.
Henu the Great said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?
You can do Mercury square when other planets are retrograde. Same with other planets.

Thank you very much :D
Charlotte61903 said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

On November 24th, Jupiter will no longer be retrograde and it will be in its home sign Pisces.

Thank you very much :D
Shadowcat said:
Hypatia666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration!

Mercury is the planet of communication, our manual dexterity and our intellectual capacity. It rules our concentration, our siblings and neighbors, as well as anything having to do with writing, technology and electronics. It rules anything having to do with the media, cars, short distance travel, writing, education, young people and youth, coordination, balance and manner of speech.

Mercury rules the 3rd house and is debilitated in Sagittarius and Leo, and at its worst as such in Pisces.
Out of its home signs of Gemini and Virgo, Virgo gives better concentration and mental consistency. Mercury rules the throat chakra.

If someone's Saturn aspects mercury as your chart ruler, they may be a neighbor that causes significant trouble for your or your family. They could be someone who causes big problems for one of your siblings or younger friends that are close to you like family and can also screw you over very badly when it comes to paperwork, even accidentally. Take for example someone doing your taxes for you. If the conditions are right and their Saturn aspects your Mercury, especially as your chart ruler, you could be in deep shit financially if the paperwork is done wrong. This might be a person who badmouths you to the media or any news source to smear your name, or could be somebody who vandalizes or wrecks your car. These people can also ruin travel plans or your electronics. They may prove to be a hindrance to your education in some way, or very badly grate with you intellectually in a way that causes deep animosity.

General sings of debilitation and affliction:

Mercury in the above fire signs however can help with public speaking, and voicing opinions, where as Pisces can leave someone's mercury to allow them to have poor boundaries, an inability to say no, as well as not speaking up when it is required.

A weakened or afflicted mercury can leave someone without friends or means of communication with others, or make it hard to want to communicate, or even make communication awkward. One can find it hard to make friends, especially if Saturn is in the 11th house or aspects mercury at all. There may always be trouble with paperwork and ones neighbors. Paperwork, schedules and other important documents can often get lost or are in disarray, which can be a big stress factor. If there is otherwise sun or Leo emphasis with a problematic mercury, this may also manifest in being pestered by the media. Malefics in the 7th or 11th house affect the affairs of mercury indirectly in terms of relations to others and communication not for the better. Neptune aspects can cause pathological lying especially if a planet or mercury itself is conjunct Algol or a bad degree. General issues for mercury in its respective house, as well as houses with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp will often have issues. There may be bad relations with siblings or younger people or outright animosity. The Sibling may die early or suffer disease, if mercury is in the 8th house or if there is a harsh aspect from Mercury to Pluto. This aspect can also cause problematic snooping or curiosity that is too much for ones own good.

There maybe problematic behavior at school or trouble with teachers when young. There maybe trouble with absorbing information or reading comprehension or learning disabilities, especially if mercury is retrograde, or if mercury is in Aries at 6 degrees. In extreme cases there can be low functioning autism or mental retardation. Natal retrograde mercury can also cause everyday annoyances with electronics, vehicles, and other things throughout life. On the flip side retrograde mercury gives less problems during the transit itself for people with this placement. It may even give a sense of relief in terms of a problematic mercury altogether during the entire transit. Forgetfulness can be a problem with an afflicted or debilitated mercury especially with a naturally overactive mind.

Physical manifestations of debilitation/weakness of mercury or affliction:
Problems with coordination can occur, such as general clumsiness, weather with manual dexterity, balance ect. Problems with motor skills such as writing, typing, and speech. Ruling the throat chakra, a weak mercury can also manifest as a weak and unsure sounding shaky voice. Stuttering can be an issue, as well as the words being slurred, or talking too fast, especially in the case of brain damage or disease, which are also other issues common if mercury is ill placed or afflicted. Epilepsy and seizures can debilitate ones life, as well as spinal cord problems, or problems with the nerves, such as numbness, muscle spasms, or chronic burning and tingling. In extreme cases, There can be muscular distrophy or sclerosis, genetic problems with or injury to the spinal chord, hands or brain, brain tumors or cysts. Especially if mercury is the chart ruler or is otherwise prominent but afflicted, by either a 6th degree in a sign, or conjunct a bad fixed star or other bad degree, these physical ailments can manifest and seriously ruin someones life, or at least make it difficult. One example was someone who was epileptic and had their ruling mercury conjunct Zosma, along with Saturn in Gemini placed on the ASC.
Lack of air with other concurring placements, can also make one mute, such as what Maxine noted with Hellen Keller, born blind and deaf with no air with Leo at the 6th degree. The sight and hearing can be greatly hindered or completely absent. The lungs may be/become weak and diseased, and the reflexes poor and clumsy.

Mercury aspects to the malefics, mars and Saturn can cause accidents or trauma to the hands, throat, nerves, brain or spinal chord, especially if mercury and/or mars is in Taurus, Gemini or Virgo, as well as mars/ Saturn aspects in general in the chart. Aspects to Neptune can give general weakness weather in the hands or nerves in general or attention span. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also be an issue. Strong air emphasis with mercury on a bad degree, especially with Gemini emphasis can give nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia and ADHD like symptoms, such as physical or mental hyperactivity. This can make the motor functions rushed and clumsy, causing many mistakes or even accidents, as well as missing details often or “careless mistakes.” Aspects to Uranus amplify this.

Psychological and behavioral manifestations of debilitation or affliction:
Mercury is often debilitated or afflicted when being aspected by Saturn or Neptune, and also mars and/or also being in the 12th house. Mars can bring out someone who is loudmouthed, much like Aries Mercury, with a tendency to be very argumentative, confrontational or verbally mean spirited, especially if there is a Gemini emphasis in the chart. An afflicted Virgo mercury, despite being in one of its home signs, can come off as cruelly critical, and intellectually snobbish and arrogant, especially if mercury is the chart ruler, in Leo or Sagittarius, especially with Leo or Sagittarius otherwise prominent. Mercury in Aquarius can also give these traits, with a tendency to feel like they have to make a point to rebel against a norm of communication or way of doing things just for the sake of it. Smart mouth or smart-ass is often a coin-term some of these people earn, as even if information is presented as factual, it is done in ways to show how stupid they think one is, or how so much better they think they are some how, which looses them a lot of friends, and is not actually done for the sake of exchanging information in of itself as much as it simply being for their own ego. If other factors support, this is often the worst manifestation of these aforementioned placements.

These people often are very opinionated and don't care how others think about it. I once knew one who often used humble bragging a lot and would say “I hate when I am right.” This person not only had an Aquarius mercury, but mercury was their ruler with his ascendant in Virgo. The arrogant chuckle they would make after thinking he ever so perfectly trashed someone with his point, or scoffing at theirs could really make one want to punch them in the face. An Aries Jupiter, the planet ruling higher education, only amplified the arrogance. Talking over others and dominating conversations can be common with all of the aforementioned placements, coming off as callous and selfish as to others feelings and opinions. It can make a good public speaker, but make one often personally unrelatable.

Mercury in cancer can make it hard to understand a difference of opinion without seeing it as a personal attack and can give problems with detaching from personal beliefs emotionally. This can also come from being unsure in the first place about ones beliefs and views that they are very attached to and dread finding fault with. Criticism is often not taken well, nor is cognitive dissonance, which greatly inhibits ones growth and closes the mind off to important intellectual stimulation and self betterment, due to being too heavily attached emotionally to ones opinion, especially with cancer, moon or water emphasis. Aspects to Neptune and Saturn or prominence of these planets, can amplify this, perceiving irrational interpretations of someones words, or paranoia as to some underlying meaning that does not really exist, or always expecting negative news, especially if there is Capricorn emphasis in the chart as well. In extreme cases one can even lie just to win an argument or get a point across, or even to get out of something.

Gemini emphasis as well as Uranus emphasis or aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained, give problems with concentration and organization. When it comes to social problems, it can make these people flaky, inconsistent, or even undescisive about how they should communicate with or judge others.

Debilitation that manifests in not wanting to speak up or being unable to for any reason can cause a variety of issues with miscommunication, work and family life. These people may have poor social boundaries and find it hard to turn someone down, especially if mercury is in pisces. These people often put up with a lot of social humiliation or disrespect, and end up getting walked all over. They may stay silent also during bouts of verbal abuse or prefer to retreat into themselves, especially if mars is in Cancer or Pisces, with fire otherwise weak or absent in the chart.

A mercury square can strengthen the throat chakra for people who are afraid to speak up or have trouble communicating and connecting with others, and with an overall weakened mercury. A square can also help with motor skills and speech and refining overall manual dexterity. If it is prominent but afflicted, it might be better to use runes, as well as void meditation with cleaning to still and sharpen the mind. Isa Is good for void meditation as well as mental stillness, (not to be overused or it will induce underproduction and depression) raidho can be used if one's mercury often causes problems with travel, as well as more energy for an aura of protection during travel as far as calamities. Best when combined with Algiz or any other protective rune. Wunjo and ehwaz can also be used as well as Venus energy to help with social relations and forging healthy mutual friendships. Mannaz is useful for strengthening the intellect, concentration, as well as the ability to absorb information and comprehension, and helps with self awareness. Apatite and blue lace agate are connected to the throat chakra and are good for use with the Ehwaz, and mannaz runes. Wunjo works well with rose quartz, while raidho works well with sodalite, isa with obsidian, and algiz with black tourmaline.

Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

Hey :).

No you can never do a planetary square when the planet is retrograde even if the planet is in it's home or exalted sign at that given time. You must wait untill the planet goes direct again.

If the planet is still in it's home or exalted sign when it does go direct again you may then proceed with the planetary square but not before.

Thank you very much :D
Wotanwarrior said:
Hypatia666 said:
Hi, Can you help me with a question, please.

It looks like Mercury will be going into Virgo soon, but Mercury is and will continue to be retrograde as are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Can I make a square of Mercury in those conditions?

Is not at all advisable to make a magic square when a planet is retrograde because it will have unexpected effects that can be negative, the only exception is Jupiter.

Thank you very much :D
Hiw does one goes about fixing the debiliated mercury? This gotta be the shittiest placment ever, how to go about fixing this, and have it better in the next life?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
